The CLICO mess thickens

The following has been delivered from a usual reliable BU source. BU has taken the decision to publish in the interest of pursuing transparency  and truth in what can be labelled The CLICO Mess.

It has become public knowledge that the Judicial Management team has compiled its Report on the CLICO matter. However, BU has been alerted that this Report might not see the light of day because of a very fundamental legal obstacle. It has become known to Mr Parris’ legal advisers that one of the Managers charged with the production of the said said Report pursuant to the work it has been doing is MR PATRICK TOPPIN .

This is a very significant fact. Mr Toppin was a former employee of CLICO  until he was DISMISSED  by the Company then under the management of Mr Parris . It has also become known that there was a subsequent legal battle between the two. The informed view now being expressed is that against this background, Mr Toppin should have recused himself from acting as an official in ANYTHING to do with CLICO far more to act as a member of a judicial management team which could possibly pass judgment on the company . We have been advised that at the heart of the matter is the requirement for any such body like the Judicial Management team to observe the RULES OF NATURAL JUSTICE ; the particular rule being the RULE AGAINST BIAS .

Coming at this stage of the CLICO investigations, this revelation is of immense significance ; we have been advised that Mr Parris is instructing a team of competent lawyers who are well capable of exploiting this obvious oversight . Maybe the Judicial Manager Toppin in his zeal to get back at Parris , with whom we are told he had a very bitter relationship , did not instruct his legal advisers properly , because they could not possibly have slipped up on such a basic point to the extent that  would have allowed them to sanction his participation as a judicial manager . However, it does appear now that the work of the Management team will come up against a major legal hurdle . The public is advised to keep a close watch for further developments .

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