Augusto Pinochet (l) Leroy Parris (r)

If we are to judge from the back and forth in recent days there is the suggestion that a window of opportunity supported by the Pinochet Case (I,II) favours Leroy Parris. Is the claim that Leroy Parris and company had full knowledge of Patrick Toppin’s role as Receiver for Plantations Holdings – a subsidiary of CL Financial – and failed to challenge when along with Oliver Jordan they were appointed Judicial Managers to unravel The CLICO Mess? Did the onus of such disclosure rest with Patrick Toppin as a professional bonded to uphold the ethics of the accounting profession?  Bear in mind lawyers for Toppin have subsequently confirmed he disclosed his role to the Supervisor of Insurance and Minister of Finance. It is unclear if similar disclosure was made to the Courts which have jurisdiction in the matter.

For the benefit of  BU family who have demonstrated a healthily interest in the legal component of the argument.  Here is the Pinochet Case dissected:

Pinochet time lines:

  • In October 1998, Pinochet arrived in the UK for medical treatment.
  • In October and November 1998, Spain issued international warrants for his arrest and extradition to Spain.
  • On 16 and 23 October 1998 Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrates issued two provisional warrants for his arrest under section 8(1)(b) of the Extradition Act 1989. Pinochet was arrested.
  • Pinochet immediately applied to the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court to quash the warrants.
  • The warrant of 16 October was quashed and nothing further turns on that warrant.
  • The second warrant of 23 October 1998 was quashed by an order of the Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Division (Lord Bingham of Cornhill C.J., Collins and Richards JJ.)
  • Note however, the quashing of the second warrant was stayed to enable an appeal to be taken to the House of Lords on the question certified by the Divisional Court as to “the proper interpretation and scope of the immunity enjoyed by a former Head of State from arrest and extradition proceedings in the United Kingdom in respect of acts committed while he was Head of State.”
  • It was heard on 4, 5 and 9-12 November 1998 by a committee consisting of Lord Slynn of Hadley, Lord Lloyd of Berwick, Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Steyn and Lord Hoffmann.

However, AFTER the committee had been named and before the main hearing of the appeal, there was an interlocutory decision and Amnesty International (“AI”), two other human rights bodies and three individuals petitioned for leave to intervene in the appeal. Such leave was granted by a committee consisting of Lord Slynn, Lord Nicholls and Lord Steyn (notice that Lord Hoffmann was NOT a part of this committee) subject to any protest being made by other parties at the start of the main hearing.

  • Judgment of the House of Lords was given on 25 November 1998. The appeal was allowed the second warrant of 23 October 1998 was restored.
  • Pinochet was therefore required to remain in the UK to await the decision of the Home Secretary whether to authorise the continuation of the proceedings for his extradition under section 7(1) of the Extradition Act 1989. The Home Secretary had until the 11 December 1998 to make that decision, but required anyone wishing to make representations on the point to do so by the 30 November 1998.
  • On 30 November Lady Hoffmann’s position as having an interest in AI was raised and contained a detailed consideration of the relevant law of bias.
  • It subsequently turned out that Lord Hoffmann was himself a director of AI for the purposes of fundraising.
  • On 10 December 1998, Senator Pinochet lodged a petition asking that the order of 25 November 1998 should either be set aside completely or the opinion of Lord Hoffmann should be declared to be of no effect. The sole ground relied upon was that Lord Hoffmann’s links with AI were such as to give the appearance of possible bias. It is important to stress that Senator Pinochet makes no allegation of actual bias against Lord Hoffmann; his claim is based on the requirement that justice should be seen to be done as well as actually being done.
  • On 17 December 1998, Lord Browne-Wilkinson appeared before the House of Lords in session and vacated the decision. The written reasons were provided on 15 January 1999.

We have a case that started on 16 October 1998. On 04 November 1998, the House of Lords empanelled its committee, which gave its decision on 25 November 1998 and not say 2008 as would be the case with the Barbados courts. On 10 December 1998, a mere 2 weeks after the judgment and just over a month after the committee had been empanelled, Pinochet objected to Lord Hoffmann. On 17 December 1998, the decision was vacated.

At no time did Pinochet “sleep on his rights” the technical term to read: Vigilantibus non dormientibus æquitas subvenit).

Accordingly, there is no application of the Pinochet case to that of CLICO and Leroy Parris – as suggested by An Observer –  in which, as separate and distinct from the Pinochet case, CLICO and Leroy Parris are estopped in law from claiming bias. The state of play is that Leroy Parris and co were aware of the composition of the judicial management team and given their active interest in the matter could have objected. Indeed, by their delay, they must be deemed to have acquiesced in the composition of the committee. Although, whether the principals of equitable estoppel have even been heard of by the Barbados judiciary is highly questionable.

193 responses to “The CLICO Mess: Pinochet Case Vs Leroy Parris”

  1. @ Amused
    In spite of my last posting , I must also DEMAND that you be rather more circumspect in your representing of my PUBLISHED comments. My only reference to the principle of laches was to say that it USUALLY crops up DURING THE COURSE OF A COURT ACTION…NOT BEFORE . Secondly I never at anytime ventured into any discussion about any of the principles or BRANCHES of estoppel . Thirdly I never said OR IMPLIED that there is going to be court action; what I did suggest to DAVID in response to his query to me was that I agree that the issues would have to be resolved by court action . I am sure David would be flattered , modest as he is , that you consider him to have such high understanding of the technical legal PRINCIPLES ( be careful with your spelling; I am sure you know better ) of laches and estoppel . Many lawyers dont. All of this not wihstanding , my earlier suggestion to resolve this matter STILL , LOL.
    Peace brother

  2. @ Amused

  3. @ An Observer

    “You were brilliant in your analysis in respect of the conspiracy theory to link Mr Parris / CLICO with the DLP through Mr David Thompson in his capacity as a LAWYER.”

    If I were you, I would remain silent on this matter. Do you recall the many on BU that railed repeatedly about the $75,000 cheque to OSA now are quiet on the revelation that David Thompson received cheques too, some 3 times greater?
    Did the Thompson & Associates lawyer recused him/herself from the Central Bank Board meeting when the decision was made to give $10m to CLICO?

  4. Mar’s best bet is to resign party and parliament , pay over the $3.3 millions take her children and her self esteem and GO TO St.Lucia and use the parachute $10 Mil… Dravid & Co..provided in case THIS HAPPENED….make a clean DIRTY break..(Hartley entry)

  5. Oh and by the way who prepared, signed and witnessed that ‘fraudulent’ $10m bonus contract?

  6. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Amused | February 26, 2012 at 5:41 AM |

    So David Thompson “got his silk” from fighting in the legal trenches to bravely uphold the hallowed principles of Justice?
    He made many appearances in the High Court where he displayed his excellent debating skills and sound knowledge of the law to argue cases on behalf of his clients that immensely impressed the juries, clients, legal fraternity and the on-looking public.
    Amused, when was David Thompson made a QC?

    Amused wrote: “What shocks me is that this transparent tactic to blame the DLP for a situation that arose and thrived under the BLP seems to be working and I cannot understand how that can be, given the clearly superior intellects of the BU family, irrespective of their political affiliations.”

    Your “mercurial” mind never ceases to amaze. So you want us to absolve David Thompson, and by extension, the DLP from this scandalous CLICO mess that is going to have serious ramifications for the integrity and image of this country as a “clean’ jurisdiction to do business? What better way of rewarding a money godfather to your successful political campaign than by giving a ringing endorsement of exceptional business acumen to the management of CLICO and soundness and long-term viability of the CLICO Barbados operations untainted and untouched by the unraveling fiasco and scandal with its parent in T&T. What better way to top it all off than by giving the policyholders an “iron-clad” guarantee of the DLP administration’s confidence in the business with a $10 million injection as “consideration” of that guarantee and promised that if any thing untoward were to happen, policyholders will get their investments back. This commitment of “having the policyholders’ financial back” and continuous display of confidence in the man-friend and his business was also reinforced by the successor in office in no higher a Court than Parliament.

    Yes, Amused, it was the BLP (not the DLP) administration that put $10 million of taxpayers or Central Bank money down the CLICO sinkhole and made these commitments to policyholders. That is what you want us to take away from your most “amusing” statement quoted above. Yes go ahead and say “Arthur and the BLP made us do it. Just like they made the DLP not pay Barrack-it’s all their fault for causing the debt to rise from approx. $40 million to a whopping approx. $70 million; an astronomical increase of approx. $30 million in interest alone and almost as much as the quantum of damages originally awarded by the Courts of Barbados (not the Cabinet).

  7. Enuff;
    Amused’s post is another in a series of; “on the one hand, but on the other hand” that appears to be impartial but actually isn’t, given some of the positions given and political meat thrown out, eg. What has Leslie Haynes really to do with the current mess? How is it that he is now being promoted as the BLP poster boy for equalisation of blame in the CLICO matter with the dead king?

    David; I think what Amused and others have amptly demonstrated is that this matter has so many question marks that it is likely to take many years of very expensive legal argument to unravel it. Therein lies my suggestion of the FSC doing something worthwhile in the interim, if there is not enough bias on some members’ part to ensure that the matter does not go forward.

    Would it be impossible, if the FSC is so minded, for them to set up another slightly differently focused audit that builds on the data already gathered by the Deloitte audit in the interim?

    The issue of linking DT and his estate with the revelations so far, may be as Amused hinted, a non starter. But imho that is just a matter of opinion at this time as there has been a clear suggestion that such a link exists, given the unequivocal refererence to CLICO cheques made out to the Thompson Law firm as well as to David Thompson himself in the Deloitte audit report. There seems to me to be the possibility that the Deloitte audit found some meat there that might negate Amused’s point on that matter. Perhaps the linkage was not as well hidden as one would have expected an eminent QC, who was not made such by Owen Arthur, to have designed.

  8. @checkit-out

    As usual your interventions give reason to pause and consider. CLICO is a messy matter, no silver bullet for the investors unfortunately. BU’s position was for investors to take a haircut while the authorities go after the assets where ever they can be found. Your suggestion the FSC makes its presence felt is worthy. It is the oversight body responsible although in its nascent stage of operation it is armed within the law to do what is required, make a decision but you must remember the matter is under the purview of the court and therein lies the weave.

  9. On the subject of the 3.3. million paid to Thompson Associates, we should be fair and state that Thompson was PM at the time and the law firm was being managed by associates. It is like saying the George Walton Payne and Dale Marshall continued to practice while ministers in government. Is this what we are saying?

  10. @Amused

    Nonsense, Thompson would still have been a shareholder and director of his firm. He was still the friend, godfather of Parris child and playmate of Leroy Parris and would have well been aware of the transaction as would Mara Thompson. Did she have a sudden urge after being a PE teacher to become the office manager and paralegal; or she was their to protect the family’s interest first in that oh so lucrative legal firm, if David was successful in the next election? It would form part of ordinary conversation between shareholders sharing a pillow unless the laundering of money is a regular occurence for the firm and therefore not worthy of note. Whether they can legally retrieve it from his estate is another matter. But David Thompson is up to his ears and eyeballs in this, representing & facilitating a firm that is guilty of gross mismanagement and misconduct in the use policyholders monies if the audit report is accurate. When those ‘loans’ were made from Clico life to Clico holdings did he not do the legal work. When Clico was selling policies illegally, did Parris not claim he spoke to Thompson and was given the go ahead to continue? Nobody made him lawyer for Parris, no one made him Parris friend, no one made his firm launder this money. You think he did not know? In fact some may conclude, he managed to do this all by himself. How is this a BLP conspiracy?

  11. Interesting slant in today’s Sunday Sun..”If David were Alive today”.
    Wow….were he alive today …

  12. @ David

    D you have a copy of the JM’s forensic audit report? If so, kindly post it on BU. I’d be happy if anyone who has a copy would do the same.

    The Nation was able to get a copy, you should be able to do the same.

  13. @Amazed

    Unfortunately BU has not been fortunate to date.

  14. David; Yes. Evidence to such exists.

  15. @Amused, it is too early for April 1, jokes, you must think people are fools. All Thomspon’s has to do is use on behalf of her husband. All that is required is an audit of Thompson’s and Parris financials to show what is what and follow the trails here and over there. Did the JM question actions of Leslie Haynes or Thompson associates? 4% legal fees is way above the scale of fees for this type of work so wheel and come again. You are a sick bastard, policyholders suffering and Thompson was not worng, the effort to delay prevent, retard, judicial management, no action while Parris cashed out? Thompson din cash out too? and you talking about a blasted conspiracy, it was a conspiracy to defraud and mismanage policyholder’s money? JM call Thompson Assocaites and Parris name in relation to ‘irregularities’. Jordan is a dem or a bee? Toppin is a dem or a bee? Stupse…

  16. I am a CLICO policy holder with a significant normal life insurance policy. That policy is used a part of the loan agreement for the property where my family lives. If I drop dead tomorrow want my wife and kids to get the money, I need them to get the money. Thats my interest here. I have already decided I am not voting in the next election so all the politics is meaningless to me.
    I am interested in a financial solution. I have come to the view that the only solution for people like me is a combination of a sale of the company to an interested buyer and some government assistance. In fact that has been the solution the world over.

    1. What do I care about legal fees to Thompson and Associates for the sale of a bank before CLICO’s solvency became an issue? How does that help me or any other policy holder? Should the law firm not have been paid? How does that revelation help Me? How is that part of a financial solution to the problem? It might sell papers and fuel the rumour and political mill but the poor p[olicyholder how does it help him.

    2. What do I care about payments made to Thompson and associates in january 2009 on behalf of Leroy Parris? As a policy holder I have followed this closely and calmly as my sole interest is my money. If the story in the press is correct this transaction would have pre-dated the explosion of any crisis in CL financial in T&T and certainly any crisis in CLICO bds. How does this payment of 3.3ml and its revelation help me? Even if I were interested in the politics the laws of barbados are very clear on this, within six months of becoming PM, all private interests, medical, legal or otherwise must be closed. Thompson is dead over a year and the firm still bears his name, should I link him because of the name of the firm. But again, how does this help me with my money.

    3. I want my judicial managers focused on a sale of the company, and working with the government to get a solution. The fact that the papers have a copy of the report before the government bothers me and makes me question the professionalism of the judicial managers.

    The nation has money invested in EFPA’s and they seem to be fuelled by anger as well as the urge to sell papers. But they have deep pockets I don’t. Thompson is dead and his folks have money. I am alive and I need access to my money. If the nation and others want to help me they should be focusing their reporting and investigation on solutions and the way forward. I hope with all this mess, and speculation they are stirring up they do not make it harder to sell the company to any interested buyer.

  17. @Floyd

    3. I want my judicial managers focused on a sale of the company, and working with the government to get a solution. The fact that the papers have a copy of the report before the government bothers me and makes me question the professionalism of the judicial managers.

    Where is it fact that the FSC/government does not have a copy of the JM report?

  18. Are you kidding all the talk coming from the BLPities about “poor people losing money” is only secondary to what their real agenda is . that is winning by any means necessary. it would have been more credible if they had followed the lead of MIA Mottley when she brought up the subject in the beginning. Now only that DT thompson law firm is linked that the subject has become of real importance to them. I wonder who they think they are fooling

  19. The only person who has any real credibly to speak on this subject in an unbiased way is MIA Mottley and the BLP was afraid of the trail which it might led to and only showed half face support for her efforts . After OSA took on the lead not much was said about the CLICO debacle from him a lot of campaign financing was funneled to the BLP via CLICO and it also financed several of their projects that why OSA keep silent knowing full well that some of the sh..t might spill into his lap!

  20. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Floyd | February 26, 2012 at 9:13 AM |

    Your namesake was a boxer who had a wonderful way of bobbing and weaving from punches until he came face to face with a flatfooted mauler named Liston.
    Let’s you something, Floyd, you can duck as much as you like but the fact remains that the DLP administration (even with its Thompson lackeys still shakily placed in the broken cabinet) is still in power in this Country.
    So you focus your pleas and biased inflections to them and not the BLP, the BU family or the general public. We can’t help you. Only those who gave you stupid lot the assurances that everything is fine and your investments were safe. Remember the phrase often used by the dead king after watching Corporal Jones from the Dad’s Army comedy series: Don’t panic, don’t panic Cpt. Mainwaring (aka DT, QC) is here! You stupid boy or girl, Floyd! Imagine such a smart ass like you investing in CLICO with Greenverbs as head of the class in grammar and brains! We are sure you had alternatives to turn to for your insurance needs! It reflects rather badly on you, one must say, old boy or girl!

  21. @ac

    Does it matter what motivates BLPites?

    The substantive matter remains, The Clico Mess.

  22. @DAVID


  23. @ Floyd

    Here is why it should matter to you. You need to find who has the money and where it is all 300m of the unaccounted for money. Only an audit can do that, or you prefer to payback yourself, as a taxpayer, and pay higher taxes. iI you not interested, fine, here is how it helps me. Those of us looking at poverty, high medical bills, dreams down the tubes,need to have a resolution so follow the trails. I need to know who are the criminals we need to avoid in future. It will help us by insisting on laws being put in place to prevent it happening again. If somebody break your house and runoff with your things, you don’t want the police to find who it is and recover your property. If they kill or rape your daughter you don’t want them serving time. So if Parris and friends consign your children’s future to the dustbin, you don;t want somebody to pay for it, or you would suffer it gladly because it is David Thompson, because he is more important to you than your child. I now see why a Royboy Parris feel a stunt like this can be pulled off and get away with it. Get his money, leave you with none, because you excuse the behaviour and do nothing about it. The next foxes round the corner looking for idiots like you again, because left to you, no accountbaility required. You Dems feel you can mamguy people this morning with this bull. Retribution coming.

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ ac | February 26, 2012 at 9:42 AM |
    You have my limited support here!
    But why did the squeaky clean DLP continue the cover up and protect the fraudulent ponzi scheme and its head honcho in Bim? Remember the call by MIA for the immediate appointment of the judicial mangers to stop the financial haemorrhaging of the business and help protect policyholders? Remember the “sweetheart” contracts witnessed by DT & Associates?

    What was the response: Delay, more delays, inertia, obfuscation, “Mia’s concerns and cries should be “punished with laughter”, PS Layne paper tooth tiger oversight committee whose terms of reference and short-lived existence provided windows and opportunities for the further pillaging of the company’s assets.
    Are you going to blame the BLP for that too?

  25. @ac

    Perhaps it is naïve on your part to believe that the BLP would ignore the opportunity to win favour with the electorate over this issue. If the DLP had grasp the opportunity to call an election after Thompson’s death they would have secured a mandate. That is what politics is all about sometimes, how to win the favour of the electorate.

  26. @Bajan Truth

    What has to be done is simple. The regulators must do their job. We must have Integrity and anti-corruption legislation enacted. We must FOI …

    You get the drift?

  27. @DAVID

    Political Opportunist by any means necessary when unwarranted does not win votes or influence friends.This in fact when all is revealed can further the strain and indifference left over from the last election by the electorate. READ today what EASTMOND SAYS about his indifference towards the BLP.

  28. Floyd
    Even if I were interested in the politics the laws of barbados are very clear on this, within six months of becoming PM, all private interests, medical, legal or otherwise must be closed. Thompson is dead over a year and the firm still bears his name, should I link him because of the name of the firm.

    NICE ATTEMPT….thouDLP…Floyd or what ever name you cloak behind…..that is really another poor attempt to help the dead king ….but it is just like a Jeff Broomes See Thru Rum or a Hartley Henry….sudden appearance on the Rock…or a Mara Thompson…so subdued Mona Lisa face during all this THIEF_ERY….. Din work…

  29. What is evident from the Deloitte report is Parris’s bonus payments were funded by CIL. If such occurred there is merit in questioning on what basis would Parris be paid the salary and bonus agreed. Remuneration is not only based on knowledge expertise but a companies capacity to pay.

  30. Ah love ac ..boy SHE gone back …to Rawle Eastmond….lol

  31. @ Floyd again
    Does…”Is he a leper ?” …fit in any where on your Dead Sea Scroll ?

  32. IS millertheanunnaki Peter Miller or Billie Miller ??
    Which Miller is millertheanunnaki ???


  33. Its interesting that persons on this blog are so arrogant as to tell me what I should care about. I went to school long and often and I can think for myself. I am not some emotial machine to be wound up and down by a shallow, sensational nation newspaper, nor some political partisan viewing every issue thorugh the lens of poltiical gain or loss. I know my interests and I care about a solution. The folks seeking to attack me have conveniently ignored the issue of how these revelations about transactions that preceded liquidity problems at CLICO Barbados help in a solution to the issue that actually helps policy holders.

    While I think its good to know the full facts, my own sense as a financially interested party, is that this serves as another distraction away from the hard, boring work that is involved in finding a solution. The juicy, salicious story is great for many, especially given the kind of nation newspaper we now have (maybe always had, just seems worse under the current editorial and management team), but it really is useless to people like me.

    The immediate cause of liquidity problems at CLICO barbados was not the kinds of transactions the media seems so fixated on, but the fact that the bigups who had the funds invested in EFPAs (speculate), because of who they are, were able to go and demand thier money back immediately, once the news of problems in Trinidad broke. I am not blaming those people, I would have done the same, but people like me with normal life insurance policies did not have that option. The government may have been trying to protect its cronies, but their attempts to save the company and now find solutions are people like me only hope, and the media and a number of the bloggers here really are oblivious to the needs of the many ordinary bajans like me.

    Where david is the lord will deal with him, the law will deal with the others, but I need a solution to the problem not a stream of salicious stories.

  34. DONT you know that the DLP IS GONE ; OUT , DONE ????

    DONT you know that the electorate have made up their minds already and it is DEMS nil (:–:) BLP = ALL ??

    DONT you know that when all is revealed , the one sure seat in St. John WILL BE –GONE ???

    GRIFFITH (BLP candidate St. John) where are you boy ??
    DONT you know it is your time to shine ??
    WHY dont you get into St. John and make some waves bigger than the Soup Bowl or at Bath ???

  35. ac ….I am tying your foot to that of the imposter Floyd the mauler duck foot…..IT WON”T WORK……the wounds are too deep….people EVERYDAY are looking for their MONEY …and not like FLOYD willing to let this party get a Pardon….because HE IS WORSE THAN A LEPER…..and should be so treated,…. up in DODDS where he belongs….

    If the DLP wants this nightmare to go away there MUST REPAY EVERY CLICO & BAICO EVERY CENT….EVERY SINGLE CENT….and those policyholder who lapsed their polices because of this foolishness AS WELL.
    Never in the HISTORY OF BIM was there ever such a scandal…Do we realize what this does for our financial image ?.

    Remember our No.2 source of REVENUE is the International Business Sector.. TRUST is of Utmost importance to investor…….and blasted Greenverb monkey like he will be putting a spanner in our works …SHIT MAN…

  36. GRIFFITH (BLP candidate St. John) where are you boy ??
    DONT you know it is your time to shine ??

    Were I Griffith This morning …I would be canvassing …Hartley ain’t nuttin to beat…..nor a Highway Robber Ghost….unless ya get sum too

  37. If any Barbadian, White, Black, Yellow, Cream or any colour in-between thinks anyone will be held accountable, charged or otherwise disciplined over the CLICO affair is STUPID. The country is too deep in corruption by politicians, judiciary etc. that there is no possibility of anyone begin held accountable other than the poor CLICO investors.

  38. @onions

    That is a hint for you tofeast on!

  39. Its official Old Onion bags is an idiot. But then again thats no crime.

  40. The promise by BLP Dale Marshall that the BLP would establish a Commission of Inquiry created a feeling of deja vu, St. Joseph Hospital or Hardwood anyone. Our politics is enough to make a person puke.

  41. Yo Floyd ,that is as sure as you are a BLP……comprende ?

  42. @ac
    You remind of the late PM–a stranger to the truth!! I remember a no confidence debate in Parliament brought by Mia and supported by ALL members of the BLP. In fact Dale Marshall, surprisingly, destroyed the DLP. Do you remember the exchange he had with the likes of Stephen Lashley, Freundel etc? Furthermore, outside of that debate Mascoll, Arthur, Cynthia, Keri Symmonds and more were all constantly talking about CLICO.

    @ David
    Yes David Thompson was no longer working at the office but his wife and now sitting MP was the Office Manager. What were the job functions of the Office Manager? And what about the cheques written to DAVID THOMPSON.

    And I don’t recall Leslie Haynes being an MP or Senator furthermore PM.

  43. @Floyd
    The vitriolic and downright nasty responses to your pleas as a policyholder by Rotten onions and the other BLP yardfowls is expected because your agenda is not theirs.
    Policyholders want their monies and the BLP yardfowls want political mileage.Plain and simple!
    Hear Dale Marshall talking about a phony commission of inquiry instead of a serious analysis of transactions and strengthening our regulatory framework. You getting the point.
    As I predicted Albert Brandford and the other BLP PR machine Patsy Hoyos were shedding crocodile tears for the policyholders today and I am sure that ,true to form, Sanka Price will join the Chorus on Wednesday coming.

    The BLP opportunists do not give a damn about policyholders getting their monies or the way forward. Policyholders should and will not be fooled by these political trojan horses.
    Now , I have no problem with analysis and balanced investigation, Floyd but if policyholders are looking to get back their money, forget about Affa and the BLP- your wants and needs are secondary.
    They will beat the innuendo until election day despite any facts that might arise to the contrary.SAD but true.

  44. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Floyd | February 26, 2012 at 10:39 AM |
    “Its interesting that persons on this blog are so arrogant as to tell me what I should care about. I went to school long and often and I can think for myself. ”

    Yes we agree you went to school long and often but possessing the ability to think for yourself is woefully debatable. If you can think for yourself why did you let a boy who did not go to school long, or even often, trick you into a ponzi scheme?

    It’s not arrogance but commonsense that allows us to see you are what Bajans call an” educated idiot”.

    Make your representations for redress to the present administration. Or are you waiing for someone else to do it, Floyd?

    OK I’ll do you a favour. Mr. PM FS, here are Floyd’s pleas and supplications:
    Help Floyd in his or her time of need. Whisper in Mara’s ears to return the $10 million or more to the CLICO dwindling pot and make sure Floyd and the likes get their hair-cut share of the bony calf instead of the people in business suits called lawyers and accountants or judicial managers/administrators/liquidators (aka corporate undertakers).

    Help Floyd oh, DLP God, please help! Seen!

  45. When all is said and done recent CLICO revelations do not paint a pretty picture for the DLP given Thompson’s and kin intimate involvement.

    Out of curiosity it would be interesting to her how the BLP would sole the problem today if they were in office. This is against the background many are suffering.

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Floyd | February 26, 2012 at 11:12 AM |
    “Its official Old Onion bags is an idiot. But then again that’s no crime.”

    Why are you going after Old onion bags? Why not me? Come on Floyd, I am not a Sonny or Ali?
    Come man, come! The only weapon I have is the ‘Truth’. You can take such a punch on the cheek, can’t you? Even your new found tag can revive you with smelling salts.

  47. @ I
    Why the F_ you don’t pay the people they blasted money…and stop comin in hay wid rhetoric. You could send who ya like I O or U…dumm ass is go be the same, pay the people they F__in money or reap the sweets.
    Shame on all ya ….SHAME…Barrow turn in he grave. Tom too

  48. Where is the government going to get 190 million from to pay Onions?

  49. @An Observer.. | February 26, 2012 at 7:42 AM. “DEMAND”?????!!!!! This is not the Barbados courts, you know. This is the court of public opinion. The obfuscation that applies to the Barbados courts and the hiding behind tactics and red herrings and the tricking of easily-trickable judges (depending on who is doing the tricking) has no place here. You need to adapt to your court and the rules of that court. So demand away. Satisfaction will you not get.

    As for your comment on my being careful about my spelling, well lots of comments (from myself and others) have mis-spelled words and I take the view that, in this medium, as long as the meaning of what people have to say is clear, hauling them up on matters of either grammar or spelling, is prissy and pedantic and makes those who do it look like…….well…….maiden aunts. This, of course, is not to suggest that you are a maiden aunt, it is merely an observation from me, an amused observer. You will, of course, govern yourself as you see fit.

    Next, dear An Observer, I am fully prepared to specify that the PART of the Pinochet case that so exercises your mind (but the rest of us know that it is irrelevant in connection to Mr Parris) as you rightly say, is the objection of bias against Lord Hoffmann as a member of the panel. But, if YOU read the case, you will find that Pinochet discovered the conflict on or about 25 November 1998. They filed the necessary objection 15 days later on 10 December 1998.

    So, how long did Parris know about Toppin being one of the court-appointed managers? And please don’t give me no nonsense about Parris not being involved……he could have intervened. By not doing so, he acquiesced to the appointment of Toppin and now, many months later, is in no position to object. He closed his eyes, he went to sleep, he missed the boat. And unlike Pinochet, who had at least the excuse that he did not know of the connection of Lord Hoffmann with AI, Parris not only knew of Toppin’s prior involvement with CLICO, he would also have known (if that information was correct) that he (Parris) had fired him (Toppin).

    By the way, anyone can read the details of the Pinochet case. . There you go.

    Finally, brother An Observer, I am perfectly happy to engage you in this medium on this subject right here on BU. I do not share your view that we are taking up too much time and space. Nor do I share your view that the BU family is unable or not sufficiently bright or educated to follow our arguments. But, just in case I am wrong, I now ask David if HE, on behalf of BU, would prefer that we take our differing views elsewhere. OR, whether he would prefer that we carry this on where we first started it. Right here on BU. David, over to you on that one.

    You see, I think it would be cowardly, not to mention, unfair to you, to engage you in private in a matter that started here. After all, just in case you manage to persuade me to your view (and hell might freeze over) I believe that the BU family ought to be allowed to follow the argument and see for themselves by what means you prevailed. Ain’t transparency a wonderful thing??? After all, Victory (like Justice) must not only be done, but must be seen to have been done (Source: House of Lords, Pinochet case).

  50. Where is the government going to get 190 million from to pay Onions?

    Already public debt:gdp is climbing and CDB et al have warned of the impact Clico can have on the economy. Let us here suggestion and lower the vitriol.

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