Augusto Pinochet (l) Leroy Parris (r)

If we are to judge from the back and forth in recent days there is the suggestion that a window of opportunity supported by the Pinochet Case (I,II) favours Leroy Parris. Is the claim that Leroy Parris and company had full knowledge of Patrick Toppin’s role as Receiver for Plantations Holdings – a subsidiary of CL Financial – and failed to challenge when along with Oliver Jordan they were appointed Judicial Managers to unravel The CLICO Mess? Did the onus of such disclosure rest with Patrick Toppin as a professional bonded to uphold the ethics of the accounting profession?  Bear in mind lawyers for Toppin have subsequently confirmed he disclosed his role to the Supervisor of Insurance and Minister of Finance. It is unclear if similar disclosure was made to the Courts which have jurisdiction in the matter.

For the benefit of  BU family who have demonstrated a healthily interest in the legal component of the argument.  Here is the Pinochet Case dissected:

Pinochet time lines:

  • In October 1998, Pinochet arrived in the UK for medical treatment.
  • In October and November 1998, Spain issued international warrants for his arrest and extradition to Spain.
  • On 16 and 23 October 1998 Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrates issued two provisional warrants for his arrest under section 8(1)(b) of the Extradition Act 1989. Pinochet was arrested.
  • Pinochet immediately applied to the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court to quash the warrants.
  • The warrant of 16 October was quashed and nothing further turns on that warrant.
  • The second warrant of 23 October 1998 was quashed by an order of the Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Division (Lord Bingham of Cornhill C.J., Collins and Richards JJ.)
  • Note however, the quashing of the second warrant was stayed to enable an appeal to be taken to the House of Lords on the question certified by the Divisional Court as to “the proper interpretation and scope of the immunity enjoyed by a former Head of State from arrest and extradition proceedings in the United Kingdom in respect of acts committed while he was Head of State.”
  • It was heard on 4, 5 and 9-12 November 1998 by a committee consisting of Lord Slynn of Hadley, Lord Lloyd of Berwick, Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead, Lord Steyn and Lord Hoffmann.

However, AFTER the committee had been named and before the main hearing of the appeal, there was an interlocutory decision and Amnesty International (“AI”), two other human rights bodies and three individuals petitioned for leave to intervene in the appeal. Such leave was granted by a committee consisting of Lord Slynn, Lord Nicholls and Lord Steyn (notice that Lord Hoffmann was NOT a part of this committee) subject to any protest being made by other parties at the start of the main hearing.

  • Judgment of the House of Lords was given on 25 November 1998. The appeal was allowed the second warrant of 23 October 1998 was restored.
  • Pinochet was therefore required to remain in the UK to await the decision of the Home Secretary whether to authorise the continuation of the proceedings for his extradition under section 7(1) of the Extradition Act 1989. The Home Secretary had until the 11 December 1998 to make that decision, but required anyone wishing to make representations on the point to do so by the 30 November 1998.
  • On 30 November Lady Hoffmann’s position as having an interest in AI was raised and contained a detailed consideration of the relevant law of bias.
  • It subsequently turned out that Lord Hoffmann was himself a director of AI for the purposes of fundraising.
  • On 10 December 1998, Senator Pinochet lodged a petition asking that the order of 25 November 1998 should either be set aside completely or the opinion of Lord Hoffmann should be declared to be of no effect. The sole ground relied upon was that Lord Hoffmann’s links with AI were such as to give the appearance of possible bias. It is important to stress that Senator Pinochet makes no allegation of actual bias against Lord Hoffmann; his claim is based on the requirement that justice should be seen to be done as well as actually being done.
  • On 17 December 1998, Lord Browne-Wilkinson appeared before the House of Lords in session and vacated the decision. The written reasons were provided on 15 January 1999.

We have a case that started on 16 October 1998. On 04 November 1998, the House of Lords empanelled its committee, which gave its decision on 25 November 1998 and not say 2008 as would be the case with the Barbados courts. On 10 December 1998, a mere 2 weeks after the judgment and just over a month after the committee had been empanelled, Pinochet objected to Lord Hoffmann. On 17 December 1998, the decision was vacated.

At no time did Pinochet “sleep on his rights” the technical term to read: Vigilantibus non dormientibus æquitas subvenit).

Accordingly, there is no application of the Pinochet case to that of CLICO and Leroy Parris – as suggested by An Observer –  in which, as separate and distinct from the Pinochet case, CLICO and Leroy Parris are estopped in law from claiming bias. The state of play is that Leroy Parris and co were aware of the composition of the judicial management team and given their active interest in the matter could have objected. Indeed, by their delay, they must be deemed to have acquiesced in the composition of the committee. Although, whether the principals of equitable estoppel have even been heard of by the Barbados judiciary is highly questionable.

193 responses to “The CLICO Mess: Pinochet Case Vs Leroy Parris”

  1. Brilliant , lucid ,clear. to a non legal, but enquirng mind like mind, I feel educated on this point of conflict of interest and I say if we go on from hre there should be no hudles in the way of geting a judgment in this case. I say let justice be done even if the heavens must fall. I say let the queen pay ,let the queen pay , let the queen pay. The estate cannot be absolved. The poor people of St John and elsewhere are waiting.

  2. Excellent piece,,living abroad even if a stone throw away, this online news provides me with information and insightful commentary which I don’t get from the other Bajan Media Houses. We (Barbadian) still have a beautiful country despite all the local/international challenges and we must do more to keep our youth gainfully busy, not settle for the wave of foreign negative influences (Regional & International), demand accountability at all levels and last but not least maintain some of our traditional values..Nil Desperandum

  3. If Toppin/Deloitte did indeed inform the court, Supervisor and Minister of Finance of past interest, I’m at a loss to see how the duty/error falls on him adn his “findings” be deemed null and void. I also agree that by not opposing Toppin’s involvement at any time, (and of course by working with the JDM over the past few months) Parris et. al. would not have an argument for overturning the findings

    Now, to the real heart of the matter…. Peter Gilkes flew a kite..the question is for who and with what agenda since clearly it is not a well constructed kite that can withstand any high wind at all.

  4. Peter Gilkes should be removed as a Senator.

  5. Peter Gilkes was indeed flying a kite in my opinion. He aided and abetted David Thompson’s love of Vodka. I saw him one night keeping the drinks flowing to DT at a place I was where a lot of Dems were. Months later, we heard of DT’s pancreatic cancer. What is his role in the Senate? What contribution does he make?

    This is why FS has to take a lot of blame for what is going on in this country. All of the DT henchmen and hangers on, he should have gotten the rid of when he became PM, putting his stamp on the party. He did not and he will take them all down with him.

  6. I dont care about the Pinochet case
    Leroy Parris beniftted from large sums of money over the years
    Private jet -David Thompson and Parris like that kind of foolish life because that they felt that they were more than other people while other Barbadians struggled to make ends meet, they were living large and drawing large sums of money.

    Vampires sucking the blood of the sufferers
    Man to man is so unjust , you dont know who to trust
    –Bob Marley

    Money grabbing materialistic jerkers who feel that they own people and dont care about nobody is bad for the siociety but these people continue to perpetuate the idea that they are more than other people and they can live in the biggest house drive about in luxury because somebody owe them something and that they deserve tons of money and possessions while others scramble to make ends meet. The mentality is no different from the capatilistic mentality of the slave masters.

    Pinochet case what !

  7. @Rambling Rose

    You have a right to be emotional and to ramble but you should forget this matter is sub judice and whether we like it or not will be fought by the men in silks and wigs.

  8. In some of the hearings coming out of Trinidad, it seems as if these top executives in all of the CLICO set up could determine their own salaries. The corporate lawyer there said she determined what her salary and bonus should be. It seems as if Leroy Parris did the same thing here. How else would a man of so little intelligence been able to collect $80,000 per month. Tell me what on earth he did to collect that?

    I could partially understand, though I totally disagree with the hefty sums the Wall Street and Fannie Mae & Mac executives collected in the US……partially understand because these people are highly qualified and claim they have to be paid for their knowledge, but what knowledge LP has?

    You know, LP and the dead king have/had so much and one is dead and cannot enjoy any of the ill gotten gains and the other is miserable today. Was all this worth it? All LP has, he is “suffering” just like the policyholders, he has to continually look over his shoulders and they are poor. He better pray that the DLP retains power because I want the BLP to pursue LP relentlessly one, for the havoc he wrecked on the policyholders in the way he squandered their monies and two for the brazen way he teamed up with the dead king to destroy Owen Arthur.

    But LP’s ass is grass as neither he or DT could have ever thought that within two years of the DLP rule, DT would have been taken away by the grim reaper.

  9. Prodigal Son “How else would a man of so little intelligence been able to collect $80,000 per month. Tell me what on earth he did to collect that?”

    He was the CEO.

    Did the Lawyers, Doctors and other University educated Bajans worry about his level of intelligence whe they were Investing in and buying policies from Clico?

  10. Could the late David Thompson estate become embroiled in The Clico Mess?

    If so is there a potential conflict given that Mara Thompson is a member of the parliamentary group?

  11. @ David who wrote “Could the late David Thompson estate become embroiled in The Clico Mess?”

    The Lawyers are hoping so.

    The Legal profession in Barbados is salivating at the thought of the upcoming feeding frenzy.

    Saw a Jaguar hk ad in the Nationnews last week. McEnearney gine be busy.

  12. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @Hants | February 25, 2012 at 4:42 PM |
    “Did the Lawyers, Doctors and other University educated Bajans worry about his level of intelligence whe they were Investing in and buying policies from Clico?”

    Agree with you here! Only goes to show what a lot of “educated’ asses we have in positions of authority, trust and prominence in this country. But greed, graft, corruption and kickbacks are more powerful than the ability to regurgitate lines from text books.
    Greenverbs and his minions would have stood a better chance of selling ice to an Eskimo than to trick a person with commonsense and only a 7th Standard education into buying EFPA’s (emphasis on Executive).

    Mara should resign if only out of decency to the aggrieved policyholders who are residents of St. John.

    BIPA need to act fast and get the best possible advice regarding the possibility of bringing a charge or encumbrance against the estate of DJHT.

  13. Quoting Hants “Did the Lawyers, Doctors and other University educated Bajans worry about his level of intelligence whe they were Investing in and buying policies from Clico?”

    Good question Hants.

    A CLICO insider told me years ago “I am working her until I find something better to do but I don’t buy anything from this company and I’d advise you not to buy anything from this company either”.

    When I get good advice from a trusted source I do as advised.

    A female friend also told me years ago “Allen Stanford doesn’t live here (Antigua), the man is a fraud.”

    It took the authorites another 5 or 6 years before they came to the same conclusion or maybe they were carefully collecting evedence.

  14. because it was free money and that created a feeding frenzy because never in their dreams did they think money would come so easy and the deprived as they really were saw opportunities to suck and pull, pull and suck the well dry. They lost control and their deeds were not pure and they offended the spirits and that is why they will pay for their iniquities for the wicked man flourishes for a time and his last state will be more badder than his first state after karma runs its course sometimes faster and quicker than other times and while some meet their fate quickly others are made to suffer and that which brought short term joy turns into long term misery and their last state is more badder than their first state .I have written it and so it will be that Leroy Parris and David Thompson who comalutated to trick the people of this country for short term glory will face the long term scudipulations.

  15. @Random thoughts

    To be clear, Thompson was Prime Minister when the 3.3 mil cheque was written no?

  16. Dear David:

    Yes David and his wife was office manager and they slept on one pillow every night. Would you call that an “arm’s length” relationship?

  17. @Random

    Could be wrong but always thought she was the PE teacher at Combermere.

  18. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    I don’t understand why people would have expected Parris to object to Toppin or anyone else being appointed to investigate CLICO. At that point Parris was not accused of anything. You don’t defend yourself unless you are accused. Part of his defence would now be an allegation of bias on Toppin’s part.

  19. @Caswell
    They weren’t appointed to investigate. They were appointed to supervise operations, “rehabilitate” the company and find “suitable” alternatives to the benefit of its policy holders. This is just the worms coming out of the woodwork.

  20. @ David
    Mara left Combermere as PE teacher long time.

  21. Come on, when a jury is chosen, there can be objections, however, it will be a waste of time if the accused waited until the judgement is given to indicate one of the panel is well known to him and are not on speaking terms. Parris and company are fishing in a dry pond, the truth HAS to come out and when it does many many bajans are going to be shocked.

  22. Observing and Caswell;

    Could either or both of you enlighten us as to what is the role of the Judicial Managers as distinct from the role of a Commission of Enquiry?

  23. What is a Judicial Managment:

  24. The role of a commission of inquiry can be different based on the purpose of set up.

    On 26 February 2012 00:56, David wrote: > What is a Judicial Managment: > > >

  25. @enuff

    How long is long ago?

    According to Wikipedia she joined the law firm in 2007.

    Which means it would have been a short overlap before her husband became PM.

  26. Is there agreement that Leroy Parris, Thornhill and others given the nature of the job of judicial managers would have had a fiduciary responsibility to protest the appointment of Toppin?

  27. Thank you Caswell ! Amid all the fluff and the illogical comment , you have at least made the cardinal point which I have been trying WITHOUT SUCCESS to get across to ” AMUSED ” et al . Neither Parris nor CLICO was involved in a court action so neither of them had any obligation to challenge anything. The claim that they would be estopped is therefore nonsense .Of course the zeal which persons have been expressing in this anti Parris crusade is a ready barrier to objective reasoning.
    What this case establishes is that there is no requirement to prove ACTUAL BIAS ; the mere possibility of bias is sufficient to invalidate a decision.

  28. I hope that “Clicogate” will serve as a warning to Bajans to carefully analyze Life insurance policies and Investments in companies you don’t own.

    The lust to live like the rich and famous in retirement would have made the EFPAs very attractive but you have to take responsible for yourself and your decisions.

    I am not concerned about the big shots. It is ordinary policy holders who were depending on Clico to help supplement their old age pensions.
    These people paid their premiums in good faith and now stand to lose all.

  29. An Observer

    Do you agree, your informed opinion considered, the matter will have to be tested in court?

  30. Has anyone considered that Judges,Lawyers,Policemen and Prosecutors and opposition politicians might have Clico Insurance policies?

  31. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hants | February 25, 2012 at 9:47 PM |

    Even the PM might have!
    Losing their investments might be a small price to pay when compared to the circa $34 million contributions in bringing a party to power.

    Can’t have that kind of national exposure and disgrace, can we smug Bajans, can we now!

  32. Hants; Re. your 9.47 post

    Beautiful! So perhaps injunctions could be brought against anyone who has or had a clico policy or has a relationship with anyone who has or had a clico policy to estop (I love that word) the involvement of that juror, auditor, secretary, typist, chauffeur, etc. etc. from participating in any action.

    btw; Wasn’t an earlier injunction brought by the Clico executives re. a case being brought against them by the SOI until after the results of the Audit or some other aspect of the judicial management? Wasn’t that an excellent opportunity for Parris and Thornhill to have protested the involvement of Toppin at that stage?

    Or is this a Freun Stage 2 action? Result a very long delaying action?

  33. In the interim couldn’t the new FSC continue the necessary digging while the lawyers deplete the CLICO reserves in the stage 2 actions?

  34. @ David
    I do so agree ; the matter will have to be tested in court . I however wish that the poisoned chalice that has so corrupted the thinking of many contributors to this blog would be set aside for a brief moment so that rational thought may be allowed to prevail.

  35. An Observer;

    What poisoned chalice what?
    What rational thought what? Is any thought on this matter other than yours and Caswell’s irrational?

    The only poisoned chalice I see might have been the figurative one that DT and LP might have drunk from to celebrate the transfer of the 3.333 million before the whole house of cards fell down. The poison being the potential it now has to create escalating problems for lots of people down the road, including the architects of what might have seemed like a great plan at the time.

  36. Since when is it a defence to claim bias against an investigating officer? Are not ALL really effective investigating officials generally biased towards a presumption of guilt on the accused part?

    if Toppin was a judge or juror THEN the Bushman could understand a defence of bias…..

    Bushie always thought that our whole judicial system operated on a system of bias – except notably for the Judge and Jury.
    The prosecution and police iare biased against the accused – while the defence is biased FOR the accused.

    LOL …. Your honour I move that my cliant’s case be dismissed ’cause constable Jones have arrested the poor man previously and they came to high words. Jones therefore should not have investigated my client’s case this time around – he may be biased….LOLOL

  37. Bush Tea;

    Thanks for so eloquently expressing what I have been unsuccessfully trying to express in my posts on this matter so far. I really cannot see how a claim of bias could be relevant in this matter.

  38. The evil that men do lives after them.

  39. “Could the late David Thompson estate become embroiled in The Clico Mess?

    If so is there a potential conflict given that Mara Thompson is a member of the parliamentary group?”

    Do you see now why it was so stupid and dumb for Fruendel to allow her to run. And to top it off, the Dems had the audacity to call her “queen”. Well, well, well! Is FS going to say that he did not know what DT was doing with CLICO and LP. Did she run to try to conver up what DT did or that if she is in the House, the long arm of the law cannot touch her?

    This boggles the mind and is beyond comprehension.

  40. From Wikipedia: She worked as a paralegal at her husband’s law firm, Thompson & Associates, after receiving her paralegal certificate in 2007.[5]

    From the Nation of Fri, January 07, 2011 Mara also studied at the Barbados Community College from 2005 to 2007 and obtained a certificate in paralegal education. As a paralegal, she has worked at her late husband’s law firm, Thompson & Associates.

  41. CLICO cash cow
    ‘Voice’ of Duprey rings out in CL Financial Commission of Enquiry:

    CLICO cash cow
    ‘Voice’ of Duprey rings out in CL Financial Commission of Enquiry. The business model was well established. Parris just followed the model

  43. The last time a St. John man was missing Red Plastic Bag searched every hall in Barbados including church halls, Kingdom Halls, Rock Hall, Arch Hall, Bank hall, Haggatt Hall, Drax Hall, Checker Hall, Eagle Hall, Bush Hall, Greame Hall, Boarded Hall, Welchman Hall, and Vauxhall, and still he couldn’t find he brother at all.

    Until the police found the brother in Mayreau, and later in Trinidad and lastly in in a backyard in St. John (dead)

  44. Were CIL's statements audited Avatar
    Were CIL’s statements audited

    Were CIL’s financial statements audited and, if so, by which audit firm and did the audit firm issue clean audit opinions on the financial stetements?

  45. How could the financials be clean when it has been reported there is a asset deficit?

  46. @David. It is extremely unlikely that the estate of the late David Thompson could be embroiled. As I recall, CLICO and Parris had many lawyers, one of them was our friend Leslie Haynes who is definitely on the other side of the political divide from Thompson and whose fees paid by CLICO would have been just as high as those of Thompson. And frankly, Thompson’s fees, in the circumstances, were by no means excessive. And the fact that it was paid to his FORMER law firm after he was PM is not in any way relevant – or that Mara was office manager. And I am equally sure that his FORMER law firm paid him for work done as a member of that firm BEFORE he was PM, AFTER he was PM. I see no case for Mara Thompson (or David Thompson’s estate) to answer.

    I could be wrong, although I doubt that I am, but it seems to me that there is a determined effort to embroil the DLP with CLICO and the CLICO mess simply because David Thompson QC was one of the lawyers who worked for CLICO and Parris. However, CLICO’s main lawyer is and was Leslie Haynes QC, whose father was one of the main supporters and friends of Owen Arthur, to whom Leslie totally owes his appointment as a QC, unlike David Thompson whose QC was earned on superior merit as a lawyer. What shocks me is that this transparent tactic to blame the DLP for a situation that arose and thrived under the BLP seems to be working and I cannot understand how that can be, given the clearly superior intellects of the BU family, irrespective of their political affiliations.

    BTW, @David, excellent exposition. Hats off. @An Observer – you clearly have some smattering of law and it has greatly amused me to see that a layman (David) has a better grasp of the Pinochet case and the principals of equitable estoppel and laches than you do. Maybe it is time to stop trying to use the blogs to argue and influence a decision that YOU say is going to be adjudicated in Court.

    @Bushie and @ The Scout | February 25, 2012 at 8:27 PM. Excellent. All this discussion and then you two come along and sum it up in just a few common sense words. An Observer, take note – observe and LEARN – and take that refresher course.

  47. well said amused clear and percise understanding of the politics that is driving the debate.

  48. @ Amused

    wtf, and I thought you were impartial….lmao

  49. @checkit-out 2:47PM

    Would the FSC have the expertise onboard to deliver?

    Bear in mind Deloitte International has supported the local chapter. Does not matter how you slice it this transaction will be a legal mess to untangle.

  50. @Amused.
    You were brilliant in your analysis in respect of the conspiracy theory to link Mr Parris / CLICO with the DLP through Mr David Thompson in his capacity as a LAWYER. But I must say you fell down with your snide dig at me ; I shall take it in good humour . You still have not demonstrated that you have REREAD the Pinochet Case otherwise you would be FORCED TO AGREE that the main thrust of the finding of BIAS was directed at LORD HOFFMAN himself as a member of the panel that HEARD THE CASE. I will nevertheless desist from making any similarly snide attacks but will simply repeat my earlier request to you : READ THE CASE AGAIN !!!
    In the event you think we are taking up too much of the blog space with this intellectual rant I suggest that we PRIVATELY disclose our identity and meet at a place appointed by US to continue our peroration. LOL . LOL.
    In the meantime.. Peace my brother.

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