Skeete’s Bay

The Late Prime Minister David Thompson promised Barbadians before he died that his government would not allow the East Coast of Barbados to mirror its West Coast. In the Barbados Physical Development Plan the Eastern corridor of Barbados cannot be commercially developed. Now that the West Coast has been dotted with concrete structures with few windows to the sea and limited access to beachfront for locals, attention has turned to the South East of Barbados. There is a ‘catfight’ which is currently playing out to develop the South Eastern area of Barbados which includes Ragged Point, Eastbourne and Skeetes Bay.

Paul Doyle, the owner of the Crane Hotel, finds himself at logger heads with residents of Bayfield and the surrounding communities. He proposes to develop 88 beach houses on 44 acres of land (each equipped with a swimming pool) he bought four years ago at Skeetes Bay and Culpepper in St. Philip. He unveiled his plans to residents of the area at a town hall meeting at the St. Catherine’s Sports Club where there was standing room only. Residents of the area are concerned that the way of life they know and love will be interrupted by the proposed Culpepper Beach Houses Development.

The opportunity for residents to vent concerns about the project was made possible by well known Barbadian Mac Fingall who lives in the area.  Fuelling concerns for the residents of the close-knit Bayfield area is the proposal by Doyle to develop Skeetes Bay by adding a restaurant to provide alternate dining for guests staying at the Crane Hotel. Despite his many reassurances that locals would be encouraged to continue fishing, exercising and all the other activities they currently are involved, locals remained apprehensive. What makes the proposal by Doyle interesting is that Skeetes Bay is currently owned by the government of Barbados. No wonder the residents smell a rat!

The issue which Doyle faces if he wants to move forward with the development is that he needs to persuade Mac Fingall or one other local to sell their property which he needs to access his development. Both have flatly refused to sell. Fingall in an emotional delivery stated some things simply can’t be bought meaning that way of life the community as enjoyed since Adam was a lad. His plea was supported by another local Red Plastic Bag. The fact that the developer started to prepare access to the property and encroached on Fingal’s property has not helped Doyle Fingal Bayfield residents relations. It is evident Mac Fingall is accepted as a leader in the community and Doyle will have his work cut out to get this project off the ground..  Coming out of the exchanges, if Doyle is not able to persuade Fingall or one other to sell to get the required access to satisfy Town Planning that leaves Skeetes Bay.

BU congratulates Mac Fingall’s ;leadership and the residents of Bayfield and the surrounding area. Usually developers will schedule the mandatory two public meeting to discuss the Environmental Impact Study. The St. Philip residents led by Fingall have forced Doyle to come to them even before a submission has been made to Town Planning.

Minister of Housing Michael Lashley – who is a local boy – attended the stormy meeting and informed that his ministry has received proposals to support developments at Eastbourne and Ragged Point. Given the track record of politicians in Barbados when it comes to physical development and a land use policy, it is hard to imagine some of the proposals will not be approved. Is the selling of our finite resource worth it?

121 responses to “Mac Fingall and St. Philip Residents ‘Fighting Back’ to Protect their Way of Life at Skeete’s Bay”

  1. Caswell Franklyn Avatar


    Could you please find out if the proposed development will be done on the beach. I am not sure from this post. In Barbados “beach” is defined as:
    The entire area associated with the shoreline, composed of unconsolidated materials, typically sand and beachrock, that that extends landwards from the high water mark to the area where there is a marked change in material or natural physiographic form or to a distance of 500 metres landward from the mean high water mark, whichever is the lesser distance.

    I don’t know if that is helpful but the land that Mr. Doyle bought four years ago would not include any area that fits into that description, even if the previous owners exercised control over that area.

  2. While I lived in Skeete’s Bay for a period of 6 years, up until last year. It was known that this project was going ahead for 2 years ago…. I am 100% sure the development will happen – if the restaurant doesn’t at Skeete’s Bay. One of the most quietest and lovely beaches on the island will soon have rows of beach chairs and umbrellas because of the changes made by Government (which one, I don’t care). Say goodbye to Culpepper because time will come that you will not see it again.

    “The National Park” stretches from Consett Bay, St.
    John to Archer’s Bay, St. Lucy, thus excluding the undeveloped area South of Consett to approx Bottom Bay. This is why developments at Merricks, East Point and Culpepper have come about. in 3008 when this hit the news it was brushed over by Barbadians not realising that the National Park should have protected the South East corner of barbados also.

    And furthermore, the Dlp government has shut down the fish market late last year …… perhaps facilitating Doyle’s plans.

    At previous comment – the area is cliffs – the only beach is at Skeete’s Bay and a small rocky area in front of Culpepper.

  3. they would sell their mothers if they had the chance.
    time for a revolt.selling all our beachfront land to foreign crooks and day bombings will start happening in Barbados
    that is what they going to be looking at..

  4. @Caswell

    The government owns the area of land which is located between Doyle’s property and the beach.

    Minister Lashley was careful to advise that Skeetes Bay is crown land and therefore any sale would have to be debated in parliament.

  5. there we go again injecting emotion into the debate; but are we some of the commentators who were just on this blog supporting the injection of nis pension funds into a doubtful four seasons project because it is expected to provide jobs and bring in foreign exchange from a tourism market which is becoming more and more volatile.and to the blogger who quotes mr thompson- does he not know that mr thompson et al has a huge ugly beach house on the shores of the popular Martins bay. stop swallowing the froth of politicians and hold them to account.

  6. @balance

    Where is your comprehension skill?

    The reference to what Thompson said was to illustrate that politicians say what the electorate wants to hear.

    It is up to the electorate to do what Mac Fingall and his neighbours have done.

    Take a stand!

  7. Quite a bit of testing was done within the last two years on the land from Culpepper to Skeete’s Bay. Does any one know the results? I suspect most of this area is clay beneath the surface.

  8. A requirement of the Town Planning application is that a geotechnical study has to be completed.

    What Mac suggested at the meeting is that development on the same property was rejected a couple years ago.

  9. People should realise certain things:
    When Doyle was building his hotel & he formed his own construction Co, Crane Construction Co., he treated the workers worse than in slavery. Those guys had to take their lunch up into the buolding with them when they ascended on mornings, because they were not allowed to come down for lunch, at lunch time – too much productivity would have been lost, you see.
    Many of those block holes were filled with human urine & faeces because the guys were not allowed to even have bathroom breaks. The B’dian public did not side with the Union sufficiently, even though it won many battles there on workers’ behalf. Barbadians need to understand that when people flout Workers’ rights, they are flouting HUMAN Rights.

  10. @balance

    You mentioned being emotional like it is the plague.

    Were you there when Mac reminded those present how sharing a breadfruit is still the practice?

    Were you there when Red Plastic Bag with a pointed finger told Doyle he will stop him from fishing at Skeetes Bay at night?

    Were you there when Mac said his family land is not for sale and the emotional state with which he said it?

    This is obviously not about money but a group of people in St. Philip who place value on something more than money.

    No Sir, Bajans need to demonstrate some passion and emotion from time to time.

  11. “Minister of Housing Michael Lashley – who is a local boy – attended the stormy meeting and informed that his ministry has received proposals to support developments at Eastbourne and Ragged Point.” Was the Minister there to educate, be educated or to referee? He knows precious little about the social and economic history of the area and cares less. Has it ever entered his thoughts that as the MP for the area that he should have a visionary, inclusively developed plan for the area given the “conflict” that keeps popping up over the Three Houses, Ragged Point, Skeete’s Bay triangle

  12. Who is this NancyGrancy now and where they come from with all this fancy talk
    Ah wonder who the body is
    Can you show yourself Nancy

  13. To be fair to the minister and government, it appears there is a court matter ongoing to extinguish he rights of the matter at Ragged Point.

  14. “Many of those block holes were filled with human urine & faeces because the guys were not allowed to even have bathroom breaks.”

    Giselle have you got any proof of this? No bajan crew will work under those conditions so stop spinning yarn. If that were the case the press would have heard of this and they would do the dog. Stupse

  15. IslandGal 246
    Not to let you getaway with a low blow on another blog>>>
    @ islan gal 696
    LMAO As de mighty Sparrow does sing… saaaaalt fish Sparrow was de greatest lover
    I just was doing some Back Reading and could not allow you to taint the good name of this true son on the beach.

    Dear Island gal
    I say to you 69 old granny you>> u2worthless and need the Laud.
    You need to go retire that “mud pump” and stop hallucination on what used to be. As my friend Mr. Hoad wood say “accept the ole age wid goats milk” and live out the last sunsets.Try not to be a young yam in a ole pram.While you at it kindly pick those low hanging fruits at your back door
    I await your sentiments my old friend.

    With kind regards,
    Youthful onions (poop..excuse me)

  16. Ole onion bag….. yuh ole son of a beech. Ah doan got nuh low hanging fruits ay muh back door ah ent like yuh who got two coconuts down by yuh knees. My fruits are firm to de touch! Yuh like yuh is bad wine in a bottle. Yuh acid an stink tah boot. Leff muh out and stop fouling de air rong hey!

  17. @Islan
    Ha ha..a like um…firm afa all dem ears…dem musse plastic
    Ha ha coconuts nah at least dey still fa drinkin and not to put in coconut bread.

  18. I hope this will open the bajan people eyes to see that barbados do not belongs to bajans, the ones that are trying to keep what little they have is being taken away & government is doing not a damn thing about. how many people in government are just in it for the $$$$, not to help they own people. st.philip people stand up for what is yours. do nt sell your birthright, like some bajans are doing. DLP & BLP need to stop selling them souls to the devil & help the people of BARBADOS the REAL BAJANS. MAC FINGALL GIVE THEM HELL & BAJAN PEOPLE BACK FINGALL FOR STANDING UP TO THESE WHITE ASS UNETHICAL PEOPLE THAT TRY TO TAKE OVER THE ISLAND. THE NON-NATIONALS THAT LIVE IN BARBADOS DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE BAJAN PEOPLE ONLY ABOUT THEMSELVES AND HOW TO ROB THE BAJANS THAT WILL SELL THEM SOUL TO THE DEVIL. WAKE UP BARBADOS IF THIS ISSUE IS NOT A WAKE UP CALL WONDER WHAT WILL BE. EVERY WERE U TURN IN BIM YOU CAN NOT SEE THE SEA, ALL THE BIG HOUSES BLOCKING THE VIEW, ALWAYS REMEMBER THE SEA HAVE NO BACK DOOR, SO WHENEVER THE ROUGH SEAS START TO COME I HOPE THE MANSIONS COULD WITHSTANDING THE BEATING.

  19. If we continue to allow all of our coastal land to be developed with these condos and beach house where will our future generations have to go to fish or to pick welts. These things as small as they seem are what the bajan culture is made of . We have to stand up for our way of life . otherwise we will wake one day and wonder what country is this and we will seem like immigrants in our own country.

  20. These developers don’t care about employment or GDP or any of these things that our politician tout around in the political debates ,They care about putting money in there offshore account and living like they are invincible . Shouting at our people, bad mouthing our public sector and running us from our lands. Will we allow this to continue because they are some people who got money and can buy what they want . ,

  21. Picture this GUYs
    Hey let us do like Robert Maugabe….butter them on a boat and pack they ole lumpy arses home…. take over the Crane and drink rum punch and martinis all day…Rickey and Nice go and sharpen wanna CUTLASSES…I dun got on my wampa,,always ready fa action. (joke -joke-joke).

    We got to handle this one guys, with diplomacy.It seems like Doyle got away with stupidness far too many times in St.Philip.

  22. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ rickey | February 9, 2012 at 11:34 AM |
    “We have to stand up for our way of life . otherwise we will wake one day and wonder what country is this and we will seem like immigrants in our own country.”

    The late great EWB was surely a man of vision. This is what he predicted and it has come true as expected.
    Bajans have sold their birthright. The whites have sold the land and businesses. The blacks have misused their education and have lost their dignity and pride. Blacks are just glorified servants with mortgages (debts for life) and stupid fascination with overpriced vehicles.
    “Where there is no vision the people perish”! Sounds familiar? Will come true just like the Skipper’s prediction.

  23. Ok we gave up the North,west and south coast land to “its best uses”.

    Now we will start the continuous concretization of the East coast.

    A ring of white concrete with the local service providers in the middle.

    Those of you who live in Barbados will have to decide how much you are willing to sacrifice.

  24. The carrot dangled by Doyle and other investors is that we need to approve projects that will generate forex. A valid argument given where the policies of successive governments have landed us.

    The question is, how sustainable a strategy it is given the size of our landmast? How will it decimate our brand?

  25. Hey a digression here people

    For those who want to live FOREVER>>>>chk this link

  26. Some people will argue that the “development” of Skeet Bay is good for the area and that it will bring employment to residents and some will argue that the “adverse” effects will out-weigh that good. What, however, is certain is that Barbados is becoming an Island within an Island. The Rich people (who are the few) seem to always have a monopoly on decisions and opportunities regardless to what the masses want.

    There was a time in our history when the land was needed for SLAVE LABOUR and the people could live on the beach (If necessary) but now that dynamics of economics has changed and there’s now money in Tourism for those same type of exploiters; they are now forcing the people “inwards” while they “develop” the coastline to make more money under such schemes “DEVELOPMENT” but if a mini Tsunami or some monsters from the sea visit the selfsame COASTLINE and threaten lives those same developers with their monopoly on money and influence…and everything else would shovel the people up and place them on the coastline and take the inner-land. Needless-to-say NOT unlike the greedy money grabbing few in South Africa who raked-up the people like garbage and dump them elsewhere so they could “DEVELOP” the land for MONEY.

    My support goes with the people of Bayfield and all such places that are under threat from these so-called DEVELOPERS.

  27. “Bajans have sold their birthright. The whites have sold the land and businesses. The blacks have misused their education and have lost their dignity and pride.”

    It is MisEducation…and since it is misEducation it therefore is used appropriately. That is: in the interest of the educators; for that type of ‘education’ produces a mind that does not rebel against abuse inflicted upon the ‘self’ and it does NOT work in the interest of the ‘self’ but in the interest of others.

  28. the above: February 9, 2012 at 4:01 PM is @ millertheanunnaki

  29. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ FrankTalk | February 9, 2012 at 3:42 PM |
    “My support goes with the people of Bayfield and all such places that are under threat from these so-called DEVELOPERS.”

    Mine also! But let us look to see what really is going on. The current political “decision-makers” are the epitome or true representation of the Africans who were enslaved to make the whites comfortable and rich. You could not want a more vivid physical depiction of Africans in Bim than those in the seat of political authority. Many of them were born and raised in St. Philip and educated at the expense of hardworking poor blacks.
    Now look and see what these so-called sons of the black soil are doing to their own people just for a fleeting dollar that would not last as long as an ice cube in the mid-day sun on the road to Bayfield. Now that is what you would describe as Mis-Educated field slaves still working for “Massa”.
    The Sun certainly did not shine on this lot; only burnt their skins even more and addled their brains.

  30. Interesting observation: Ministers Lashley, Brathwaite, Estwick and Inniss who originates from Bayfield are high powered members of Cabinet.

  31. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David | February 9, 2012 at 4:42 PM |
    Estwick is a Brereton boy. Stuart is from the Marchfield area. Ince is also from the East. But all St. Philip reared. Jones is a true African.

  32. I am not saying that I support the project BUT to say “some things simply can’t be bought meaning that way of life the community has enjoyed since Adam was a lad” sounds very NIMBY to me. After all many places that Fingall now enjoy were to some the “way of life the community has enjoyed since Adam was a lad” too.
    Time to be less emotional and more pragmatic.

  33. @enuff

    The comment should be taken in context of the argument playing out. Where does one draw the line given how much of the coastline of Barbados has been decimated and recognizing that the S.Eastern area is the last relatively undeveloped coastline of Barbados. Again BU throws its support behind the Bayfield posse.

  34. A well developed coastline could be as, or even more, aesthetic than one that is undeveloped.

  35. The Owen Arthur administration was criticised by David Thompson of the DLP for selling off the country’s land to foreigners for these kinds of developments. It looks like the rest of the DLP were not of that view, if they wish to now allow a similar exercise to take place on the South East coast, when (and I stand under correction) there are still condos etc on the South and West Coast waiting to be sold.

  36. @enuff

    What are you smoking?

    You give no consideration to how economic development of the coastline must impact the social and cultural lifes of people.

  37. the question is if mac fingall capable of supplying jobs to thousands of unemployed youth in St. Phillip.
    people say Fingall is a overpaid buffoon who wears pink tights and blows a horn at cricket.
    we the youth of st.phillip want jobs not jokes.

  38. What is it about nature and the inability of some to appreciate its value to the human psyche?

  39. Are willing to get money and development at any cost , Remember Gabby song Jack does this song have any relevance here in this case . Just wondering

  40. At the end of the day remember once we start to change our coastal line and natural habitation we will affect the whole landscape .If this what tourist want why don’t they do this in their own country .Just wondering

  41. @ juvenile
    If you really want work a snow cone cart… the end it will be more beneficial to your country, than under Doyle’s plan..which he promotes as an angel but his past speaks of a devil.

    Hear the man just now on CBC 7.00pm News condescendingly….”Oh if you all don’t want ..we don’t have to develop a fishing village”….now he sending this imposter in hay under the guise of a lil boy talking bout jobs.>>>.lil boy u mudda kno you pun D blog? You do u homework yet lil boy ? Tell Doyle fa me… u don’t want to be a waiter all ya life..

  42. We have surrendered the south and west coast are we going to give them the east coast too.

  43. Where do Bajans go on Bank holidays?

    Anybody remember Church excursions?

    West coast people would travel to east coast beaches and east coast people to west coast beaches.

  44. I second that Hants…Cockspur and macaroni pie, bake pork n lamb.sweet bred and puddin..onions belly growlin now boi.
    Boy them was D days. Don’t let no white moushan’ come bout hay an stop dem.

  45. There are 280,000 people living on 166 square miles. Barbados is an Island.

    It makes no sense to continuously surround the Island with concrete.

    @old onion bags Dem them was truly D days. I have glorious memories of River Bay, Maycocks bay, Foul Bay, Bathsheba and Bath beach that I cherish.

  46. I am 100 % in support of the St.Philip posse.
    The East coast of Barbados should be kept in his present natural state. Leaving the concrete jungles of the south and west coast only leaves the east coast to bring some level of relaxation to the average bajan. Looking from Cherry Tree Hill to Ragged point is one of the beautiful sights of Barbados

  47. FYI: Construction has started; That so called meeting was a ploy. Its a done deal and you all are too late. The developers promised to fix the fishing complex and the GoB swallowed it hook, line, sinker and rod. We have been sold out to the highest bidder again. The more things change, the more they remain the same. This fool hardy approach of selling our land in the name of development and forex earning potential is a pie in the sky dream. A lot of the condos on the west and south coast remain unsold; Paul Doyle’s Crane hotel re-development remains unfinished, four seasons is in disarray, merricks is a false start and oceans 2 is largely unsold. Why add another white elephant to our beautiful east coast landscape. I visited the area last year when I was on holiday and it is so serene, peaceful and ruggedly unique, I am at a lost as to why someone would want to spoil it with concrete. Tsk Tsk, I grieve for my land.

  48. Come on Snipes, you must have figured out by now that there is something seriously wrong with the mentality of these right people…!!

    They are driven to own everything that they see….and to destroy everything that they can’t own…..Either own it or bomb it…

    it is not deliberate…it is a curse.


  49. Caswell Franklyn Avatar

    Some time ago the Crane dismissed a cashier for eating a fish finger. The facts of the case revealed that the cashier had been employed for eight years, with a very good record. On the day in question she was the only cashier on duty and was therefore unable to take lunch; she started to feel ill because of hunger, and took a FISH FINGER. She was dismissed. The matter went to court and eventually the cashier was awarded damages for wrongful dismissal.

    I don’t care how much money anybody has: he should not be welcomed in Barbados if he treats workers in this manner. This development would allow Crane to employ more workers to treat like slaves.

  50. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    Caswell Franklyn | February 9, 2012 at 11:22 PM |
    “I don’t care how much money anybody has: he should not be welcomed in Barbados if he treats workers in this manner. This development would allow Crane to employ more workers to treat like slaves.”

    But the black educated servants are in charge, not so?
    “These fields and hills beyond recall are now our very own” . Rings bell in your ears?

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