The wonderful sight of teacher and pupil reunited at the Alexandra School – Photo credit Barbados Advocate

It was evident to the most discerning when the Alexandra School issue reared its head – Alexandra School Dispute – Who Shall Lead The Children? – that the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU) had reached the end of its tether fuelled by how past grievances were managed by the ministry of education. Many Barbadians became outraged that the ministry of education would have allowed the Alexandra dispute to become so protracted, six years and counting. Caswell Franklyn, Head of Unity Trade Union who possesses an above average knowledge of the workings of the public service posited that the – Alexandra School Impasse: [was] A Massive Failure Of Public Service Administration. He produced the PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 2007 – 41 with Amendment to support his view.

In fact when the BSTU departed from the heavily trodden path of grievance procedure and withheld labour which resulted in 30 Alexandra teachers on the picket line, acute discernment was unnecessary as to what was required. When the BSTU mobilized around a cry for the separation of Principal Broomes from the school it was obvious Houston had a problem. If that was not enough to spur all concerned into action, information revealed last week that the ministry of education was in possession of an inspection document for several months only served to confirm the lethargy and incompetence with which the fractured industrial relations climate at Alexandra Secondary School was allowed to descend.

Finally when a ministerial committee was constituted chaired by Minister of Education Ronald Jones, BU commentators knew it would have been in vain – “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”. The BSTU had travelled that road before and  was known to have lost confidence in Minister Ronald Jones. The Prime Minister would have to intervene which is consonant with how IR disputes are resolved in Barbados anyway.

After 20 days of strike action Prime Minister Fruendel Stuart finally intervened on the weekend. The objective was to get the striking teachers teachers back to work. He achieved the objective a result complimented by Caswell Franklyn.  It was obvious from early in the impasse – confirmed by Sir Roy Trotman after the Barbados Workers Union (BWU) gave its support to the BSTU – that there would be no perfect solution to the Alexandra dispute. Prime Minister Stuart got the teachers to return to work and more than hinted that the job of righting the wrongs at the school had to be started. It is regrettable that many Barbadians have not seen Stuart’s action for what it is i.e. getting the teachers back to the classroom.

BU agrees 100% with the Prime Minister that we live in a barbecue pig tail era where form too often seems to trump substance. Imagine BU’s surprise to hear President Walter Maloney expressing concern about the students being roped into the dispute. Why the hell did he not come out when it was happening and condemn it at that time? Why did Winston Crichlow, the head of the principals association feel constrain to comment after the Prime Minister got the teachers to return to the classroom, a prerequisite to moving the matter forward? Why did the Alexandra Parents Teachers feel they had to issue a statement to the press and demand that teachers and the ministry of education make an action plan available to them about making up the lost hours?

They all need to shut the hell up and allow Prime Minister to deliver what he has promised!

394 responses to “Alexandra School – The Way Forward”

  1. @John

    Havnt u heard about teacher having sex with students in Barbados? Isnt that harming the students who have placed in their care?

  2. Scout; Your post of 9.14 pm last night gets to the very heart of the issue and shows a bias and methodology that is really frightening.

    No wonder the Eager 11 had an issue. The PM did not in any way thank his cabinet colleagues for what they did with the meagre tools they had for their attempts to do what was his job in the first place (CPO is under him). He tried to place blame for the impasse onto them instead.

    Also, as you’ve pointed, out the first group he should have thanked for keeping the Alexandra ship afloat while the 30 were on strike (neglecting the children whom he figuratively shed crocodile tears for) would have been the 22 who stayed put and taught while their colleagues were out.

    He should also have thanked the Principal for his efforts there, looking after the children, as well during the strike. Instead he went overboard in praising the BSTU and by extension the 30 striking teachers.

    There is something very important being revealed there about the PM.

  3. checkit out are you joking or what talking about casting a wide net.why should the PMJ thank Jeff Brroomes? Have you been following the events and the cause of this mayhem over the past three weeks . it is like thanking the thief for breaking the lock on the door and letting me in my house after he stole every thing. thank Jeff Broomes for what.!

  4. AC; The PM is on record as saying that his prime (and perhaps only) concern was the welfare of the Students and getting the Teachers back on the job asap. When HE solved the issue (as he was very clear in pointing out) and was giving his victory lap Press Conference, it seems to me that the only proper thing to have done would have been to thank (even as an aside) those who had contributed to the teaching and care of the students while the 30 striking teachers were doing their civic duty of staying away from school in support of their colleague and their Union. Jeff Broomes did not stay away during that period. He must have been involved in the care of the students during the strike. IMHO he was deserving of thanks for that. Instead, as far as I remember, the entity that got the thanks was BSTU, the only entity that was responsible for keeping the 30 teachers from providing their duty of care of the students during the strike and which was demonstrably inimical to his expressed main concern of getting the teachers back to work.

    Surely there is something wrong here.

    All it required was one sentence. something like. “I would like to thank all those who took care of the students during the strike, particularly the teachers who stayed on” But of course he couldn’t say such as it would have diluted his main thrust, praising the BSTU and demonizing its opposition.

  5. Objectivity..please Avatar

    @ Scout
    ” I’ve been listening….”
    If you have been you were surely not hearing or reasoning. The Prime Minister’s announced agenda was first of all, TO GET THE CHILDREN BACK IN THE CLASSROOM. Did the 22 teachers who were not on strike do anything to assist the PM in achieving this objective ? If you are able to think on this question you should see how stupid your comment is.
    @ VOB
    Why has VOB continued to highlight that enraged parent who persisted in misquoting the Prime Minister? The PM never said that the parents brought their children kicking and screaming…. He was raising his objection to the fact that children were drawn into a matter that had to do with adults and were brought kicking and screaming…
    This parent said she is a teacher…well just another person who does not listen and THINK before trying to engage the mouth.

  6. @ John
    Get yourself checked… You are rambling and incoherent.

    @ Checkit-out
    You too. You have been so logical and consistent that you are becoming scary.

    The PM is clearly out of his depths. Leadership is not cut out for every Tom Dick and Freundel. Here was an opportunity to show decisive leadership

    An issue with a mock union and with other Unions opposing

    90% of the public on the side of the Principal

    The victims are INNOCENT children

    The strikers are ‘Teachers’ (the easiest people to replace)

    The main supporter of the strike being one ‘ac’ who has never made two consecutive rational points in her life. LOL

    ….and what does he do….?
    Hold a secret meeting with the minority Union that has failed to present a logical case so far; has embarrassed the country; messed us the children’s chances at CXC; Dissed HIS MOE; and ran around the place causing confusion.

    – PRAISED the BSTU who so far has caused all the problems
    – Embarrassed HIS OWN government officials (who he has not fired)
    – Praised and Paid the teachers for not working
    – ….and set everything back as it was in the beginning of the issue..


    @ John again
    ..,are you Freundel?

  7. Watching Carefully and Listening. Avatar
    Watching Carefully and Listening.

    The ease with which Prime Minister Stuart brought an end to the impasse has so totally flummoxed his detractors that they continue , like Don Quixote , to tilt at windmills. Scout , Observing et al should take comfort in the fact that BARBADOS at present has a Prime Minister who is not given to knee-jerk reaction but believes in carefully thought out response as a means of problem solving.
    My watch is continuing.

  8. Bush Tea | January 26, 2012 at 7:13 AM |

    @ John
    Get yourself checked… You are rambling and incoherent.

    I have been told worse things in my life but somehow I live through it all. I’ll take your admonitions as a compliment.

    ……… and no, I am not Freundel ……. nor his twin brother!! You didn’t know he had a twin brother, …… did you!!?


    That happens all over the world. Teachers are humans too and very fallible. But they got this mess right and dealt with it through their collective wisdom.

    Taught us a lesson too ….. if we are smart enough to learn

  9. @ Bushie

    Yo Dawg…see you still at it ..90% that is all ? But this aint no publicity contest…you see the Ax school girl lovingly hugging up the Teacher (at top of this blog ).( I want ta hug she too ya,,)
    Children should love their head masters and teachers ( unless they like me and ? .wild boys from yung)

    I wish you would stop wasting the Blog ink writing Shiite (Iran) not N0.2 (make that clear early) and good space..that could be used by the nxt Blindman Scout..trying to do damage control for MADMAN Broomes..

    Tek my advice ….>>>HE GONE thru D Eddoes.

    (How I know …he taking $$$)


  10. I see Owen talking up a storm these days.

    The games afoot.

  11. @ Scout Bushie Checkit out

    You fighting a losing battle……things went well yesterday @ AX..with the exception of one ignorant DLP yardfowl..( Bushie wife)

  12. @ David
    YOUR OPENING REMARKS ( at top)…a Daniel a second Daniel.

    Boss ya spot on …ya spot on…I luv it.


    doan mind some jokers..Bushie Blooger Checkit..Observing et al retardmente lux

  13. I sending out a plea to ALL TEACHERS>>>>

    To join the BSTU….Come out the NUPW , BSTU..

    This impasse should have open your eyes.

  14. Of interest…PM Stuart and other heads of government are due to meet with Liat’s trade union representatives. The representatives said via electronic media that they are not happy with the way information was distributed and may not attend the meeting with the shareholders and heads of state. Parallels anyone?? Let’s see how this one plays out, if it does.

  15. Goodmorning ole onion the suporrters of Jones going to be in this for the long haul pushing and shoving there way to the top of the line “hoping” that the PM would let this issue ran into next election. Hoping that the DLP would lose so that the BLP would continue the politicsof elitism therefore giving BROOMES a free pass to ram buck shot again through the halls of AX but i got news for THEM.stop wasting your it is DONE .BROOMES gone.i heard he starting to clean out his desk.LOL

  16. @ ac
    Morning my gf
    I hear Jeff has made certain promises to those who willing to aid a
    “LETS SAVE BROOMES OLE ASS” Committee. but I could not believe five seemingly sensible men could fall prey to such a fallacy.But we know they also pledged to the brotherhood ……
    Yesterday, I heard that he tried to put on his best appearances to all and sundry knowing he had an excellent photo.op.
    He kept farrrrrrrr though, from the 30 I hear. I also heard that he was seen making exit plans and his secretary was tearful.
    The PLOT thickens…

    I also hear the fisherfolk says his Dad’s moses getting a fresh paint job by Donga and a re-corking…we don’t want Jeffrey going out there and drowning we

  17. Part of phase one which everybody has overlooked is the teachers getting paid.that too was part of the Bargaining there you have The BSTU a force to be reckoned with.

  18. @ ac
    Hi there Daniel……like its ON .Broomes leaving for truth. I was also so advised. PM like he is also on a LIAT crusade .The Yr 2012 the man just get active….could this be a sign of elections or maybe a vexation with Barney’s comments on nomination?

  19. Another part of phase one is for all the teachers Brooomes hired in that interim period to present necessary qualifications to the MOE forthwith and for Broomes to show proof of and record of the qualifcatiobns of said teachers. the problems keep piling on for broomes check it out you have your work cut out for you

  20. AC; You have proved the accuracy of your insider information re. the PM on this blog. I deal only with the facts and inferences therefrom in the public domain. If broomes is indeed making a deal to secure his future as you’ve indicated, what’s wrong with that? I think it would be understandable although I was under the impression that, based on all the views and disclosures on this blog, he was made of stronger stuff than that. An early capitulation by Broome would be very interesting.

    But the damage to IR caused by the PM’s total capitulation to the BSTU is already done. also the damage to the collegial fabric of the DLP. There can be no pulling back from those. We will see what transpires in the future on both these fronts.

  21. AC; I should have explained above what I meant above re. damage to the collegial fabric of the DLP.

    It is clear that the eager 11 episode would have left some bad feelings amongst a significant number of DLP parliamentarians. The cat and mouse manner of dealing with that matter by the PM would not have helped heal any wounds. The manner in which the PM treated some of his Cabinet colleagues in the Alexandra matter also has the potential to rub salt in already smarting wounds, a continuance of the cat and mouse approach.

    Cornered mice can be very dangerous and unpredictable.

    Think on those things.

  22. To Check it out:
    As was told to me, he is a former president of the DLP branch of the constituency which Mia Mottley represents.

  23. To Check it out:
    I meant jeff broomes.

  24. @check it out
    “We will see what transpires in the future on both these fronts”

    Indeed there are a lot of fronts (no pun intended) which need to be watched carefully in the coming weeks.

  25. Quoting check-it-out “Cornered mice can be very dangerous and unpredictable.”


    Cornered mice dangerous what.

    Anybody bigger than a toddler can deal with a cornerd mouse.


  26. Randomthoughts; You ever heard about leptospirosis? It can take from toddlers to giants.

    Lemuel; Thanks for the info re. Broomes and the presidency of a DLP constituency branch. The plot thickens. That info. might explain several formerly strange happenings as well as the strange ones yet to come.


    Bush Tea | January 26, 2012 at 7:13 AM |

  28. The “Phatom ” Principal Jeff Broomes would not be in anyway involved in implementing plans which are primarily to do with the daily workings of AX staff or students. It is understood that there are areas of discussion which are looking into possible replacement for Jeff Broomes just in case he decides to resigns abruptly..

  29. A gentle request to those using multiple usernames.

    Please have a little consideration.


  30. The Prime Minister has done a good or should I say a great job in getting the teachers back to school. After taking a look at the report on the school there was no need to talk to the principal of the school, actually he is lucky if he is there at the end of the term. I guess Mr Clarke should put in the order for the wheelbarrows, )I think Mrs. Ram has the best price). As for the other players (or should I say circus clowns (PTA, NCPTA and Prayer Warriors, I think you all got some PR be thankful for that. I think the next time the PTA president considers going on tv he should desist from doing it. He was the greatest disappointment in the entire circus. He is a real clown and he dresses like one. As for the president of the all she needed were a couple of balls to juggle, she really had nothing to contribute, (remember it is better to keep one’s mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt) . I will not even waste time to talk about the Pastors who have 2 members in their churches and walking around calling themselves Rev.

    Mr Prime Minister you made Barbados proud.

  31. @ check it
    Cornered mice can be very dangerous and unpredictable.

    Mice will always be mice..cornered or NOT…..they do best what they know when threatened RUN…especially these (the letter)….they lack a rouge fadda mouse to lead them….instead they got a walrus..(blowin hard)

    Fruendel going make them jump hoops…..cuz if they try something he go use the secret WEAPON …..
    they frighten fa dat lol lol

  32. Parents and Teachers will make this thing work and see their children get the best education they can give them.

    Its back to basics time.

    The Ministry needs to have a presence but it should mainly listen and let things take their course. Intervene when and if it is necessary but don’t waste time doing it if it needs to be done.

    The Union will I am sure be available for consultation.

    The main players in the operation of a successful school know what to do and have something to prove.

    In time the right Head will be found, the procedures will be reviewed and the principles of operation with the full management hierarchy will be re established.

    My gut is that Alexandra will bloom.

    The teachers and management at all schools need to sit down together and frankly re-examine their adherence to basics … if they don’t do it already.

    See where improvements can be made.

    I guess none are perfect ……. but in any endeavour excellence is attainable.

    All of us can learn from this experience.


  33. @DM
    I agree with you -with the execption that you said Mr Clarke —you were specking of the circus, so you should have said clown Clarke and clown maloney .
    @ckeckit out
    Clown jONES had a jod to do , he refused to do such since he had- confict of interest —in earlier times he spoke of DEMONS in the schools but he did not want to move the chief one -drinking partner ,lodge brother ,and former BUT executive member -so he holds the report -froms a jones committee (PM said not his committee-or was it a sub-committee of the STUART removal committee)and the complain when the Red Mary out smart he —hear Demon jones thats not the way we in Barbados do Indurtrial Relations –clown jones one of the first things is to use tha saving clause -in a conflict of Interest remove yourself -the Permanant Secretary could has done that job -its his /her job not the minister-as soon as one walks in to Parliament it seems that they overnight be comes an expert on all things .
    JONES ,Harry Husbands ,clowns(DENIS CLAKE,WALTER MALONEY and ROSLYN SMITH )has been a disgrace to the Labour movement and also you mr .Chief Labour officer ( vincent you are Denis and Walter friend but Duty should come before friends ,but the again you have no loyaty to you country and the west Indies ,so you will have none at all .
    I am happy that the Prime Minister did what he had to do —by the way can any one tell me who were the members of the NUPW friday CABINET that used to meet on fridays before the last GENERAL ELECTIONS–(may be mia can help me with the names ,for she once cuss them)–Mr P.M you need to know that ,then you will see why CLOWN maloney ran to clown jones ,why clown BRATHWAITE was there ,and who are the other members -all are members of the remove STUART committee .
    Let move on with the AX issue and finish it once and for all .-BROOME say good bye to them -when and if you wish to drop in you will be welcome -the guard will not have instructions to keep you out – we will be kind to you .

    I am awaiting to see the out come of that NUPW council meeting that was held last nite –there are twenty five of us who shall withdraw depending on the decision —BWU here we come

  34. Old Onion Bags; A note on mice. If you (toddler or giant) corner them with no exit but through you, they use you as the exit and their teeth as weapons. Many of them in Barbados carry leptospirosis, a killer disease. I don’t know much about Barbados Parliamentary mice. Perhaps they have no teeth and carry no venom except for the very top ones.

    Ian Burke; I have no quarrel with much of your analysis. The NUPW meeting should be very interesting.

  35. Random Thoughts Avatar

    Look check it out. We only too happy to MASH that MICEY. Ok. MASH it. With out bare feet if necessary, Lepto or not. The we wash we feet.

    You really expect to frighten we wid a micey.

    We made of tougher stuff than that.

  36. But Random Thoughts; Yuh certain yuh feet don have cracks that the lepto agents cud get in before yuh wash them?

  37. @checkit out

    Random….woman have always been frightened of mice so am.. check-it.

    Mice like dogs sense when you scared of them.. ever watch Looney Toons..

    Beside we talking bout 2 legged hard ass mice that living off tax payers money and can’t find not one solution to our problems other than send up the price of gas every month and tax every business out of existence with no remorse whatsoever but to open their faces EVERYTIME saying…”Ah boy well ya know the WORLD RECESSION”.

    Tis poor excuse for a Govt days are numbered as sure as I am here warning them.But knowing how laid back and doing nothing (lethargic) these mice have been rolling “gettin FAMILY food FIRST” i don’t think they give 2 hoops…or for that matter …believe that we foolish bajans will one day wake up and take note of all these foulups, bleeps and blunders.

    Be it as it may……take heed cuz IT’S ON (with dispatch)

  38. Visionary; If I read you correctly, all the mice might have a surprise when the pied piper (the electorate) comes a calling, including the top mouse now masquerading as a true-true leader, but methinks the analogy has reached its limit.

  39. Foul up Bleeps and Blunders…….I dare some one to itemize all starting from January 2008…(in chronological order)… the interest of readers
    to show what we readers have been thru from THEN up until NOW
    I dare all……….
    January 24, 2008……..(who going first)?

  40. Can anyone guess who BC Pires features in his article in the NATION today.

    On the exchange between Gollop and Babb today it explains why our media practitioners are falling way short.

  41. David
    I think Babb just wanted to engage Gollop…trying to look good.
    And now he side winding….He said he was going to play the extract..
    He like he just listened to it and understood that Gollop was right..rather than concede…he say some more side winding.
    Stick to your word Babb play the damm extract…. Let the listeners decide..crying shame

  42. Life sure is funny.

    I see the embattled Minister, Mr. Jones, wearing his football cap, is looking to employ a certain Mr. J. Broomes as a technical director of football in Barbados.

    He is also announcing a 100% increase in prize money!

  43. … just quoting the facts carried in the Nation as I understand them

  44. Ok let us apply logic 101.

    Babb listens to the recording and he confirmed that the PM did not ascribe blame to anyone regarding who brought the children kicking and screaming to the debate.

    A parent in a news clip ascribes blame to the PM which VOB plays 3 times on the news.

    Now here is the rub, the statement by the PM on its own makes sense i.e no need to ascribe blame at all. the nature of the dispute brought the children into the dispute.

  45. David; Is it possible to get a transcript of the PM’s Alexandra victory statement and put it on BU? There are several things that should be in an exact transcript that I suspect should be available to ensure free and fair comment on the PM’s words which may become most important in the future as this matter unwinds.

    If not a transcript, at least an audio file that could be linked here.

  46. David
    Mr.Babb is Manager of News @ Starcom…he should know better..

    Babb was made to apologies on air..he should apologies to the PM and Mr.Gollop as well… This is what happens when you take sides in the Ax issue ..every sense Babb was on the principals side from his stances on air..
    it goes to show sometimes your bias can get you into trouble.

    Congrat Mr.Gollop and the BSTU posse

  47. This is really madness. the PM speaks and blames no one as you say. He must therefore mean the men in Mars He blames them for bringing the children screaming and kicking into the circus. He himself bhaved like the ring master. This is why we do comprhension in school. The PM cannot get away from this on flimsy excuse that he blamed no one. If the cap fits let them wear it. The PTA was part of the persons who had a lot to say and did on behalf of their children and some children spoke at various forums and the teacher was right to feel offended by the comments if she felt offence was meant. We must not bury our head in the sand and then ascribe innocence to something which we can put down to any opinion by the PM. The PM is right when he said the students were brought into the impasse and the lady was right to take offence,. Think on these things

  48. @ David
    If possible, could you print the PM’s statement for the benefit of those who seems to misconstrue its meaning. To the best of my knowledge, the phrase was so open ended that…anyone of a possible infinite persons reasons things could have caused the students to be drawn into this impasse… was a bit presumptuous for that parent (and now Mr.Babb) to contend that it (the statement)seems to suggest that it was the parents who drew the students into the impasse…it could even have been the headmaster. or even the head boy or the janitors or…hmmm

    Get the drift…

  49. Is it not correct to say that the impasse on its own which saw 30 teachers off the job for 20 days brought the children into the melee? Why the semantics?

  50. @ David
    I would beg to differ….children are like sheep ..easily led and inquisitive,
    although there is merit ….(in wanting to be in the action)..I think for them to be so the hall …shouting in conjunction with certain adults..took more than that …. what the average child would do.

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