BU understands the Barbados Police Force ‘raided’ the area known as the ‘Red Sea’ in Deacons Road on Saturday 22nd January 2011. During the ‘raid’ five persons were arrested. Among those arrested  were photo journalists Sandy Keisha Pitt, 32 years of Bush Hall, St. Michael, for the offence of assaulting a police officer in the execution of his duty and Cheri Alisa Pitt, also of Bush Hall, St. Michael, was arrested and charged for, failing to move and keep moving, armed with a weapon adapted to cause injury, assaulting a police officer in the execution of his duty and resisting a police officer.

BU now publishes an alleged account of an incident which occurred. The account does not reflect the opinion of Barbados Underground.

I can’t believe how the police in Barbados brutalise human beings and after they arrest people and turn around the story. Saturday jan 22 around 430 when the police just got to Deacons rd… I happened to be passing when I witnessed the beating of sandy and cherie pitt from a POLICE officer unmercifully. I had to ask myself do they have mothers, sisters or children , I could not believe it when I saw how bad he unfaired these two girls and BEAT them like they were hardened criminals. The officer pushed cherie pitt for absolutely no reason then she told her sister to get his badge number and when she said so he locked off her neck and throw her to the ground and gun butt her and when  sandy came to get his number he hit Sandy in her head so hard with that BIG GUN she fell to the ground in pain and the gun dropped from him the same time. He then dragged Cherie on her knees across the road can u believe a man could actually do this to a woman in front of other people and children.

This incident made me cry cause I honestly felt for them. I think we Barbadians need to speak out about this incident and all those who saw what happened on saturday should speak out this is not fair. POLICE BRUTALITY needs to come to an end. Now these girls got charged wrongfully. I beg u Barbadians please come forward and speak about what u saw the same way I did it is unfair.Women come out too because no man should be allowed to beat women so and get away with it. Right now cherie’s toe is broken n Sandy has soft tissue damage to her head!!!! please pass it on!!!

The pictures inserted in the blog are provided for your viewing.

103 responses to “Police ‘Raids’ Red Sea In Deacons, Alleged Police Brutality”

  1. At the letter writer ” I can’t believe how the police in Barbados brutalise human beings and after they arrest people and turn around the story…I can’t believe how the police in Barbados brutalise human beings and after they arrest people and turn around the story.”

  2. Maybe the police knew something that is only now coming to public knowleded,

  3. This letter was posted in The Nation. The Author was called Larsen Parris:

    I know that I will be dragged over the coals for my comments here but that is fine. Bajans are such a double standard and hypocritical group. All professions come out of their society, like policemen, politicians, pastors, teachers, etc etc, so don’t expect one profession to be more ethical than its society. There is no perfect society. We will always have that percentage of people who are willing to break the law. Anyhow, from the mid 70’s, we all were aware of the rich business people, the politicians, the affluent people living in the parks, heights and terraces who were involved in and the high ranking police who turned a blind eye to this drug activity on the island. I always remember one rapper in the movie, New jack city, with the very true lyrics that no poor man could import a container of drugs. We have the same in Barbados. How come you Bajans do not try to hold these rich people accountable for their actions or decry their activities?

    All policemen go into the academy with this concept of utopia, where they can make a meaningful contribution doing the right thing and enforcing the law, anyhow they quickly get to realize that they live in a PRACTICAL society in Barbados. They see the people who should be the role models in society are the major culprits breaking the law. They see the rich street thugs who are protected and who they cannot touch. So what are they to do? All you people here with your sanctimonious and pious attitude, are you telling me that you never broke the law or It’s just that you never got caught. The drug laws in Barbados and the Caribbean remind me of prohibition in the USA, where it’s main purpose is to make the rich and influential richer and to deter the poor man from meddling in my activity. We would save the millions of dollars we put into resources to stem the drug trade when actually the powers that be don’t want to stop it because it serves their purpose. My only problem here is that these people got caught. Thank you.

  4. Barbados is truly an incestuous pit and the longer we continue to ignore selecting quality people supported by strong governance structure the well ordered society Barbados has become reknown will fade, quickly.


  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    Four threads Easily

    (i) Problem: Drug dealers who are terrorizing Bulbados and got we ole mens cant walk no where after 5pm till 6.45 am.

    Solution: Police who need to do their jobs and brek up dese groups uh vagabonds instead of tekking de Suzukis and driving dem around wid de skanks and de leggo beasts when de day/night comes.

    (ii) Problem: Policemens who are descendants from the “big. black and ugly” generation of the dark days of the force who are criminals with badges, who are overly enthusiastic in their duties e.g. Baygon Spray in Plastic Bags while interrogating asthmatics who subsequently die in police custody and who a coverup by pathologist does not have them incarcerated.

    Solution: Working Investigative Committees and Ombudsman agencies tasked with these responsibilities. For example when young policemens get caught selling gunds to known criminals they need to get locked up and not be free for 3 years pending a court case

    (iii) Problem: A section of the population that believes that they can obstruct, taunt, disrespect, fight with, chop up, lick down and be illegally aggressive against police (not to be confused with representing yourself against rogue cops and non proportionate force to apprehend transgressors and law breakers)

    Solution wunna (WC Pitt sisters) and wunna crew of steadily burgeoning vandagers need to keep wunna mout shut and wunna hands off the RBPF like wunna does do when wunna see de fellas in Boots and More Boots Pun De Feet uh Dem Trigger-happy Recruits. For de Rogue cops use wunna cell phone cameras.

    Sweet Chocolate (whom I have not seen for a while, how you dear) said it best when she too was incredulous that two so called “female journalists” (which in Bulbados mean dat dem is womens wid a note pad and a big botsie) would not, in the face of previous encounters with police and allegations of Police Brutality, would not have gone armed with a camera or cell phone at least.

    (iv) The Breakdown in our Society – where selling drugs and robbing people is now a career path!! I seriously think that one of these days, during career day and one of the Career Day functions that the Minister of Eddy Kashun hosts, there is going to be a desk manned by Lord Evil-like representatives with lines of cocaine and hundred dollar bills rolled to inhale the stuff under their “On the Road” internship program. (Yes it is going to be a Government of Bulbados sponsored event because with the ingrunce that DEM is doing, both the current Criminals and the BLP idjits, you can expect there involvement. I can see it even extending to UWI with a seminar and the EWB Hall titled “How to Get Rich Quick” with pictures of notable Lord Evil or Goose etc. Guest Speaker will be Michael Carrington)

    Solution: God Knows, cause with all the money wasted on the DARE programme and the National Council for Substance Abuse (which by the way was rumoured to be a sponsor of de Guiness Half Hour with Mighty Dog Chinchilla)

  6. Good!

    NY Prosecutors Clear Immigrant From Barbados in ’86 Burglary

    NEW YORK — Jan 29, 2015, 4:51 PM ET

    By JAKE PEARSON Associated Press

    A New York City judge on Thursday vacated the 1987 conviction of an immigrant from Barbados who prosecutors said was wrongfully convicted of burglarizing a woman’s apartment, serving more than a year in prison for a crime that never took place.

    Accompanied by his fiancee, sister and son, a beaming Michael Waithe told reporters after his appearance in state Supreme Court in Brooklyn that he had endured many sleepless nights but was looking forward to a new life.

    "New dawn, new day, new beginning for me," said Waithe, 52. He is to be married next week.

    Prosecutors moved to vacate Waithe’s conviction after the union organizer contacted his office last fall, asking them to review his case. The father of three was convicted based largely on the testimony of one witness, and there was no physical evidence in the case.

    Mark Hale, who heads the conviction review unit for Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson, said in court that a probe revealed the complainant, who now lives in Georgia, told investigators that she had fabricated her testimony. He said the woman admitted disliking Waithe and suspected he’d stolen her car.

    "This hardworking and innocent man came to our country for a better life and ended up being framed and went to prison for a crime that he didn’t commit," Thompson said in a statement. A judge has vacated convictions in 12 cases that his unit has reviewed since its formation last year. Waithe’s is the first one that didn’t involve a homicide, his office said.

    Waithe emigrated from Barbados as a 22-year-old in 1984, working initially as a security guard at the Brooklyn building where the complainant resided. He served a year and a half in prison.

    Waithe, who has a green card, had also faced possible deportation from the U.S. based on the conviction. In June, his case will be heard before an immigration judge, his attorney said.


  7. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David [BU]

    I read that article bout Griffith vs the Commissioner of Police case (de ole man up as usual hiding from death)

    It is disturbing at so many levels.

    It reminds me of a Bajan adaptation of an Al Capone, Bugsy Siegel, Lucky Luciano or, to be socially correct, a Stephen Seagal or Johnny Depp movie aptly named “Above the Law”

    Here we have a police officer, investigating another policeman, the latter who is purported to be part of a car racket, being first verbally abused, then chucked and then, through a seemingly “supporting mechanism” unfaired by a faceless administrative and legal systems.

    Griffith is not only thwarted in conducting his duties “to protect and serve” but suspended unilaterally and maliciously.

    Early 1992. How 23 years of time flies yet the more things change the more they remain the same.

  8. @PUDRYR

    We have to thank family member Enuff for reminding us of this old matter. Less than 10 years ago the Comptroller of Customs promised Barbadians to investigate how several reconditioned cars sitting on a lot in the Port went missing. Still waiting.

  9. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ David [BU]

    Institutional Memory.

    In ten years we have had 3 Comptrollers of Customs and each fellow got his “priorities”

    Remember one of them is purported to have killed the reconditioned car 2nd hand market/industry and another fellow he got a Brand New Toyota late one evening.

    But de ole man got a question

    Doesn’t you got to give a VIN and Chassis number to the Licensing Authority and the Insurance company to get Road Tax and Insurance?

    Now effing de ole man unnerstand whu you hinting at and cars get teif from de port, is it reasonable to believe that our Royal Bulbados Police Force cud get de numbers from de invoices AND go to de Licensing Authority AS WELL AS DE INSURANCE PEEPLES (send dem a letter dat is) AND find out who gots dese cars from 10 years ago??

    But den agin David [BU] de ole man watching too much movies en ting and I see dat de fellows does file off de serial numbers en ting.

    But dat does be pun de guns banner. I going gots to get de doctor change dis batch uh Insulin causing de ole man talking a beriffle uh foolishness, even doah he jes get a shot!!

    I feel de madam stiking me too hard wid dem needles doah.

    By de way, you ent say ef you cumming by for food today at Lord Nelson.

    Now dat I study me’self you bettah doan come cause DEM fellows in de House uh Parliament might see you deah and send de RBPF to come and unfair you like dese WC Pitt girls and I ent able to see you exposing bruises pun you belly heah pun BU.

    I gots to go and lift dem pans dem in de sextant car…we going have to mek a nex arrangement fuh de food den

  10. @PUDRYR

    You are on the right track.

  11. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ pieceuhderockyeahright January 30, 2015 at 5:56 AM #
    “… .de ole man up as usual hiding from death”

    PUDRYR, you really know how to bring a beam of laughter and a feeling of joy to a person’s face and heart.
    The above wit to lighten the stress and lift the spirit is better for the human wellbeing than any medicine.

    Hiding from death, LOL!! Something we do all day and (night); hiding from that thief of time who stalks up every minute. Even Michael [Carrion-a-ton] can’t rob him of the debt due to Samael.

    Would make good title for another book in which the giant Morpheus slays the fiery dragon Azrael to grant mankind eternal life so that we humans would all become gods.

  12. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ The Sage

    Are you a traveling man?

    Your are a man steeped in a deep mysticism and knowledge beyond the normal ken of the mediocre Bajan.

    How many people even know of Azrael?

    Coupled that with your recent covert comment of the 33rd (degree)?

    Hmmmm….you are among the few who it would be a great pleasure to know in the real world

    Oh Sage, of late the ole man, in addition to running fast from the Harbinger at nights (and from Sister Headley at the Church ** during the day) I find myself wondering why man/men should seek to have such a monopoly on Deity and would wage wars and destroy people who choose to follow another deity and even call him be another name.

    I came, by chance, upon “God and Many Gods” tucked away nicely in The Wanderer by Kahlil Gibran, a book of equal mystery and titillating insights.

    I would not do BU another disservice to paste that story in its entirety here but would ask you, if time permits, to read this gem at http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks05/0500631h.html#38

    Certainly gives one a different perspective on this issue of man killing other men for these centuries whether we be zealots or Jihadists doesn’t it?

    But I got tired being in the hot sun, Feeding the Sheep, and came to sit here in the airconditioning of this van, took out the Ipad from the grans to type this

    I will go back to the topic at hand of “alleged Police Brutality” when I get home later

  13. They release a Barbadian from a NY jail and his biggest fear, not being raped, not being killed, it was being deported back to Barbados. It has got to make you think

  14. @Lawson

    Why would a national of a country want to be labelled a deportee with all of the scorn and shame it brings with it?

  15. David the days of shame are long gone, I remember when the thought of taking social assistance would make people sick, there was pride in your city meaning you picked up your garbage you didn’t spit on the ground you cared for your elderly and your neighbours, work was not a four letter word. No shame is gone for most . I would be happy as you say if that is the case because it shows even behind bars some people can keep their dignity. However if it is because there are no jobs on the island, no opportunity, corruption at certain levels etc that is the reason of not wanting to be deported ….it gives you pause to think.

  16. @lawson


  17. @ David

    is the matter below in reference to the Acting COP or a different officer?


  18. @Anthony

    The same.

  19. wow wow wow

  20. David
    I am confused.I read the documents re Griffith,Greaves and two Scotland Yard detectives.I have the opinion that Griffith cussed Greaves,shouted at him and the two detectives,ordering them out of his office.
    Griffith was subsequently suspended from duty,challenged his suspension and lost.What am I missing other than that Whittaker was accused of bias etc and now turn around and sent Dottin on leave and put the same Griffith to act COP.
    Was Griffith proved innocent of the charge against him that he was apparently involved in a car racket and was driving one such vehicle.
    What am I missing here?.

  21. @Gabriel

    This is an old matter BU has not had the time to investigate updates which must have occurred, MUST!

  22. David
    Got ya.Must have been resolved favorably otherwise he would hardly be an example of the proverbial fox in the chicken coop

  23. Smooth Chocolate Avatar
    Smooth Chocolate

    why is it that people seem to want to say, know what is really going on and yet say nothing. i was informed only today that Sandi Pitt is the girlfriend of Ross, who lives in the Red Sea area. when the blog was written in 2011, nothing was said about that, but it is obvious reading it now that the Pitt girls were trying in hinder the police in some way from doing the duties? now we see that the guy Ross is in the news, it is not mentioned here but yet this article from 2011. if u people have news to share then share it for us innocent by standers, stop the pussy footing, please

  24. @Smooth Chocolate

    The fact the blog was posted as a sticky explains it all.

  25. @Gabriel January 31, 2015 at 8:24 PM #…Must have been resolved favorably otherwise he would hardly be an example of the proverbial fox in the chicken coop———————–

    So assuming the officer was never involved in any wrong doing and had simply just bought a car without any knowledge of anything being out of the ordinary, how do you behave in such a undisciplined way in a uniformed, disciplined military styled outfit.

    And then now be the man in charge. That is amazing.

    This is a shocking story to me but I more realize that there is so much razzledazzle stuff taking place the length and breadth of the little rock that it’s impossible to really know who is the fox and who is the chicken far less to ensure they properly separated.

    That legal filing doc was simply amazing to read.

    Clearly the officer described there as “…misconducted yourself in that you assaulted Station Sergeant … when he came into your office in the course of his duties, by pushing him and shouting at him ‘get from my office’…” would not appear at first blush to be suitable for a command position.

    But the fact that he has maintained his seniority to become COP (acting) over these years suggest that either he was completely innocent and that outburst was brushed off as totally out of character, we are really a banana republic or he got the goods on some people to maintain his power base.

  26. David January 31, 2015 at 8:40 AM #


    Why would a national of a country want to be labelled a deportee with all of the scorn and shame it brings with it?
    And its not too comfortable for those whom we call Returning Nationals.

  27. @ DeeWord,

    Griffith reacted out of provocation and probably embarrassment.

    Just because you are accompanied by 2 Scotland yard detectives does not give the Inspector the right to walk into an acting superintendent’s office and start questioning him about criminal involvement in an alleged importation racket.

    Were charges brought for this alleged crime?

  28. @Smooth Chocolate January 31, 2015 at 9:00 PM “why is it that people seem to want to say, know what is really going on and yet say nothing. i was informed only today that Sandi Pitt is the girlfriend of Ross, who lives in the Red Sea area. when the blog was written in 2011, nothing was said about that”

    Dear Smooth Chocolate on January 29, 2011 at 1:35 AM Random Thoughts wrote “Isn’t one of the Pitt WOMEN (they are not girls, they are hard backed middle-aged women who should know better) the girfriend and child mother of a Red Sea drug dealer?…Maybe what was happening was not so much in defense of press freedom, but was in defense of making the way clear for drug traffickers.
    My Bajans does really make me laugh.”

    You really need to:

    Keep your ears close to the ground
    Read the blogs more carefully

    What you are hearing now is old, old news. At least 4 years old. Maybe more than a decade old.

  29. @Smooth Chocolate January 31, 2015 at 9:00 PM “why is it that people seem to want to say, know what is really going on and yet say nothing. i was informed only today that Sandi Pitt is the girlfriend of Ross, who lives in the Red Sea”

    CORRECTION: One of the 4 or more girlfriends/child mothers. Rossi may not be much in the looks/legitimate job/independence from his mommy departments, but he evidently makes up for it in other ways.


  30. Can’t explain why some blogs go viral.

  31. Back to the Griffith/Greaves interface.Griffith is Greaves’s superior officer.I submit that Griffith should have been called in by his(Griffith)superior and the matter dealt with at that level.
    Fast forward to 2012 or thereabout and we read that Griffith did not apply for a vacant post.One was left with the impression that he and the COP were not seeing eye to eye.There are some matters that are withheld from the public.What kind of democracy are we boasting about in Barbados.Should we be surprised that discipline appears to have gone thru the eddoes.There is too much political interference in the civil and militery services in Barbados.Prime Ministers have too much power…unbridled power… and it is bad for this country,small as it is.These 2×3 islands need a more sane system of governance.One day the Monroe people will come and wunna ass gine be grass.I won’t be around to say ‘I told you so’.

  32. This man I have written about before he uses the name Jersey Jersey (Ace of Diamonds) on his facebook page https://www.facebook.com/jersey.jersey.712?fref=ufi Jersey Jersey (facebook)

    See below: a few Posts taken from his Facebook Page

    We at Ace of Diamonds are looking for the sexiest dancers in the Caribbean to come dance.No scallywag pop down chicks please. Hit me up on Whatsapp 12462649962 or hit up Junior Carrington of face book

    January 21 at 6:13pm
    Every one scared now. you hoes need to go to fuck home. People sick of you all doing cunt over and over again.Place need purging

    Rossi of Red Sea Deacons is also one of his boys. It doesn’t surprise he is defending Rossi on Naked Departure blog facebook page, himself being a drug dealer and working with local police also.

    Jersey, FREDDY Hill, BOPPER (Rehab) AND ROSSI ARE MORE THAN FRIENDS. He also need to stop about black people pulling down each other as he setup his past business Trini partner of formerly Tastee Treats strip club who has been in Dodds for over 5 years for 26 kilos of cocaine.

    Jersey Jersey is not his real name, give us your real name so that all can see you are a criminal drug deportee from the US who spent 8 – 9 years in prison for selling drugs and other crimes in the US.

    All these guys are mixed up with a number of local police in a major criminal conspiracy.


  33. If ordinary citizens know how these characters are moving why not the police? The honest ones!

  34. Lots of money and sex involved and close to the top of the chain

  35. We all know these Jamaican, Guyanese and DR girls are being brought in to work Rehab and gigs private circuit but we all turn the other way in the name of regional travel BS.

  36. One correction to above should be 36 kilos of cocaine not 26 kilos

  37. When Barbadians can’t trust the politicians, the police and the judiciary what next?

    Is this Barbados we are discussing?

  38. Welcome to the real world, the underworld.

  39. Is this what Shanique had to look forward to?

  40. correct

  41. The Police Officers are reading, those of you with info post it, let us take back our little island from these dark forces.

  42. @ David,

    It is clear that the powers that be have decided that the Barbados needs more variety in its population.

    Jamaican, Guyanese and DR girls.

    CSME in action. Not sure how DR fits in.

  43. Forgot to add alias ‘Bounty’ to this group of names

  44. Update: Nigel Pinder is alias ‘Bounty’.

  45. @Hants

    The DR girls are cheap and pretty.

  46. @ David,

    the DR is not part of CSME / Caricom so they are working up illegally in Barbados. lol

  47. @Hants

    We have many working girls in Barbados on a visitor visas.

  48. @David February 1, 2015 at 10:36 PM “The DR girls are cheap and pretty.”

    Dear David: Please define pretty for me. Thanks.

  49. @SS – If David has to define “Pretty” for you it means you could be out with an “Ugly” girl and you wouldn’t know it. Oh dear me.

  50. Red Sea as the name suggest harbors alot of criminals. No one talks about the crimes they commit against innocent law-abiding citizens. The Police have to be constantly hunting down criminals who are hidden away in that housing scheme. Police need to do something to keep those hooligans in check.
    Sorry it happen to the Pitt family but a tough stance need to be taken against that unruly vote buying criminal minded community.

    Operation Take Back must continue. Police get my support.

    Cant use baby tantics against a lion.

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