Submitted by George C. Brathwaite

Notwithstanding my personal sentiments of praise for Mr. Arthur’s leadership especially in respect of CARICOM, or my respect for the current Prime Minister, I am from St. John (born, lived, and schooled there). I am also a member of the BLP and a friend of the late Prime Minister David Thompson.

I do not take kindly to any ridiculing of the people of St. John, regardless of the architects of such fumbling comments, as have been reported in the press.

Barbados has too many issues that have potential to wreck the livelihoods of many. It is folly and an insensitive approach for politicians of whatever persuasion (i.e. both political parties) to be wasting time discussing personalities and origins rather than economy and society.

Let us deal with the issues and show, in my opinion, why the BLP deserves a look in as potentially better representatives of the people. No Hutson or Mara bashing! It is unnecessary and definitely not what the good people of St. John need as they grapple with rising unemployment, increasing crime, meteoric rises in goods and services inclusive of food, and with too many conflicting statements arising from stakeholders in relation to the overall state of Barbados’ economy.

There is way too much at stake for politicians to be spewing so much venom at each other and those that are not deserving of the mud-slinging. Those things can only cast the reputation of Barbadians in a bad light across CARICOM.

Always remember, I am in no one’s hip-pocket and I shall call a spade a spade.

  1. Truthman Burton Avatar

    I am just enjoying this particular thread started by George Brathwaite. The contributions by Checkit-Out, Scout, George himself, “Yet Another Thompson St. John Development Plan” , Hants to a lesser extent, and of course, with the fires being constantly stoked by BU’s David, make this blog the most enlightening, analytical, provocative, and real funny too!

    And the funny part is serious business too, because look at what heavy Vodka drinking probably did … the reverberations from that excessive exercise have delivered a pot pouri of interesting and unique circumstances, never before seen on the political landscape of this country!

    MR. Checkit-Out, Regarding your question ….. “Freundel – Could you tell us what is his favourite drink?”

    I will hazard a guess that it is BUSH TEA! “Cause the man real BITTER! Attacking everybody vicious then …… even calling Right Honourable Owen a RAT and accusing the man of being “LONELY” even though Mr. Arthur has a young, beautiful, and clearly loving wife, plus children at home.

    So, as SCOUT OPINED, the place where LONLINESS really pervading would be up at ILARO during these cold cold nights and that RING ON THE MARRIED FINGER don’t mean a pang ….. cause the speculated wifey seems non-existent! Could that be the REAL cause of the BITTERNESS, and not the bush tea? Serious.

    By the way, so many serious economic and social issues facing the country, and the DEMS decide to hold ANOTHER FETE , I think designed to blindside the young people!

  2. Mr.Brathwaite
    Children all under twelve years do not know anything about this great leader with vision you are talking about .It is what they are seeing on a screen in their living room. This is not about perception.
    Now you are on this visionary leader tell us what vision you are talking about. Are you talking about selling land to the highest bidder? Are you talking about borrowing money for a rainy day? Those are the policy that has in this mess today.
    The great inflow of foreign direct investment dried up when the world economy when belly up. The money for the rainy day was already spent on cost overruns.
    His policy of a car in every garage was never visionary because it led to grid lock roads all over the place.
    A graduate in every home was laudable but it came with a cost of the educational budget way over our heads. Hilary Beckles lowered the standards by letting in school children with five CXCs to help him achieve his goals.

  3. Charlie
    It is not the car in every household that has the road gridlock. It is the household that has five and six vehicles parked out front and the occupants can come out and decide which vehicle they feel like driving today. Are you suggesting that ordinary bajans should not be driving a vehicle? Are you suggesting that artisans and gravediggers, etc should not be driving a vehicle? There is a lot of foreign exchange wasted daily in barbados by vehicles on the road and it ids not by the ordinary person, it is by the “big boys” who driving their big expensive vehicles with the powerful engines that waste the petrol. It is their children that drive recklessly on the roads and if reported they know who to call.

  4. Truthman Burton Avatar

    In my list above showing plaudits handed to others for making this Blog the place to come, I forgot ‘PRODIGAL SON” and “KISSMYA” (although I don’t really like the latter name). Apologies for the omission my friends, and I appreciate your contributions.

  5. I was trying my utmost best to avoid discussion pertaining to a fantastic lady who now finds herself feeding along side with the wolves. Knowing the protectionism of the late Prime Minister and the way he believed in Family First and the love he portrait to those three lovely ladies, I find difficulty in the aledged pronouncement to Hartley Henry in having the apple of his eyes involved with the heartless power play of politics. I am saying without prejudice that David would not have given permission to anyone for his wife to be involved in politics, knowing the lies, hatred, prejudice, past injustices, the denigrated behaviour by politicians and certain electorate and most of all the way bajans react to anyone that is “NOT BAJAN”.
    David loved his family too much to leave them on a lonely road without him being at their side.

    What say you Hartley?

  6. Scout
    We always shift the arguments to the big boys. Well drive through the Government housing areas and see what you are talking about. Do you know that some of those people pay$ 45 a week to NHC and have two and three cars park outside.
    A country like Singapore has strong leadership because they put a cap on cars in the country. Who get one get one. I know they would have a reliable public transport system which would be run under strict discipline.
    Barbadians are seeing the BLP hypocrisy and that is why they are not getting traction on anything they say on the economy.
    For example after fourteen years in office Mia Mottley is calling for an increase in the minimum wage. When money was flowing in for businesses and they could afford to pay an increase in minimum wage not a word from Mia and the BLP. The girls at the gas station were getting foolish money for all the BLP rule and DLP too.

  7. Tell me Why @ January 15, 2011 at 6:33 PM;


  8. Following up on Tell-me-why’s post above that I interpreted as beautifully tongue-in-cheek but which also encapsulated a fact that should have been obvious earlier. If HH’s recollection of how DT proposed Mara as succeeding him is true there can be little doubt that DT would have been proposing a dynasty. It makes no sense for Mara to have been cast to the wolves merely for the sake of an MP position. To have her working towards setting up a dynasty is the only thing that makes sense.

    Therefore, it seems to me that the PM can prove fairly conclusively that the Dynasty talk is pure conjecture if he does not offer Mara a Ministerial post. She would therefore be just an ordinary MP and who ever heard of a common MP being part of a dynasty. Unfortunately, the DLP would also have to stop referring to her as their “queen” as with 2 DLP ladies in the house, it would seem somewhat incongruous to continue to refer to the obviously junior one as their “queen”.

    The lie would therefore be given to the HH generated rumours of David wanting his wife to take on the rigours of real Political life and HH mobilising the St John folk to put that rumour into effect. The Dynasty talk would die a natural death as an ordinary MP could not a dynasty make.

    On the other hand, if she were given a Ministry the rumours might possibly escalate and we might even see her replacing Freundel as leader in a coming general election in 2 or 7 years time.

    This could be the conspiracy theory to end conspiracy theories. Would Freundel collaborate so extensively in his own putative removal from office?

    Could the BLP be complicit in such moves? Could they be trying to trick Freundel into refusing to go to the next step of anointing Mara as a Minister? or are they seeing it more strategically.

    Could the BLP Mara attack campaign have been designed to ensure that Freundel, in a petulant move, makes a Minister of Queen Mara fairly soon. Wouldn’t this be exactly what the BLP should want as they need a sitting target in the Cabinet to wilt under their attacks on David’s record on CLICO and other matters, for them to have a chance of winning the next general elections.

    There are a number of signposts (built from my Conspiracy Theory bricks) that could signal if the dynasty talk has any validity. They could also give us some idea of the strategy being used towards implementing that putative dynasty.

    1. Watch for HH being reinstated as Mara’s advisor and assistant for constituency matters in St John.
    2. Watch for Mara being offered a Ministerial Post.
    3. Watch for Mara accepting that Ministerial Post in a reshuffle that will see Freundel taking on greater Ministerial responsibility.
    4. Watch for Chris Sinckler being reshuffled to a less prestigious Ministry.
    5. Watch for Freundel ultimately stepping down from the PM post.
    6. Watch for leaks of signs of mutiny in the DLP.

  9. Watch for deposit money being lost .Watch for expulsions or resignations from a party soon . What not to expect anytime soon is the emergence of de undercover supporter from the B.L.P. closet. Check that out .I maybe onto something here.

  10. This is the appropriate heading in which I would like to express the way I feel about two people who the electorate was looking up for an alternative to the economic crisis that prevail this nation.
    These two people are Owen and Mia and I am mad, bursting with madness. Why should two grown people allow forces to destroy the work done by the opposition. Why should these two political gurus be in opposition with each other.
    Owen, you are to blame, knowing your leadership capabilities you could have had dialogue with Mia and deal with any leadership problems. You could have brought Mia into your confidence and inform her that due to your age, you would use your ability to lead the pary and if by God’s grace the party wins the election, you would have pass on the mantle to her. That is political diplomacy. Now Mia, I ain’t done. I would have continued with the election for chairman of the party and stamp your authority. I would have worked with the political leader and show everyone that you are a professional. If Owen prefer to distance himself from you knowing that you hold the chairmanship of the party, the onus would be in his corner to explain to Bajans why he remain a stubborn politician.
    Anyway, I must hand it to Mia for her stance to appear on the opposition’s platform and speak from the heart. What Bajans need now is these two powerhouse to hold hands and embrace each other and deal with issues. I hope that Barbados’ politics would never experience such callous political behaviour. The loser will definitely be the electorate.

  11. @ Truthman Burton our hands became detached as we took our strool down memory lane . Since then I’ve searched and searched and finally here you are in a town where as evidenced by your posting timed at 5.51pm , the sign post reads the SUBJECTIVE — the GRATUITOUS . I gine back home .Holla at mah wen ya get back.

  12. Checkit-out
    I agree with your statement of “stop referring to her as their “queen” as with 2 DLP ladies in the house,”
    If you keep referring someone as “Queen” it will remain on the lips of all members of the party. However, the the other ladies will react after the elections and this can bring problems. Was Dr Suckoo dethroned? Suppose Irene wins the St. Andrew’s seat. Will she be installed as the new “Queen”? Stop the foolish talk of political Queen. My Queen is my wife and my daughters are my princesses. That’s my prerogative and no one can fault me for saying so.

  13. I am still waiting for comments about the Queen of the “political class” and the Head of the Mottley Dynasty.

    How about the Bradshaw dynasty with Princess Santia.

    Then there was the Adams Dynasty (Grantley an Tom represent) but Rawdon let down the side an gone long bout he business.

    You all realise this whole Queen/Dynasty bs is just political rhetoric.

  14. Re. HAMILTON HILL @ January 15, 2011 at 8:37 PM and 8:52 PM;
    I like the 2 watch-fors but the reference to THE Undercover supporter of the BLP has me scratching my head. When I’ve figured it out I’ll let you know.

    Re. the parable in the second post. I’m completely mistified. But it seems that you have some very interesting IT skills worthy of a Christopher Halsall unless you are a BU insider. Is Truthman Burton the Undercover One?

  15. Hants | January 15, 2011 at 10:13 PM |

    You said “I am still waiting for comments about the Queen of the “political class” and the Head of the Mottley Dynasty.
    How about the Bradshaw dynasty with Princess Santia.
    Then there was the Adams Dynasty (Grantley an Tom represent) but Rawdon let down the side an gone long bout he business.
    You all realise this whole Queen/Dynasty bs is just political rhetoric.”

    AS I understand it, and I might be wrong, dynasties refer to First families, not also-rans or deputies. i.e., in the Barbados situation only a PM and his offspring could constitute a dynasty. e.g. The Jagans in Guyana had a short lived dynasty and in India there was the Ghandi Family dynasty

    Thus the Mottley’s and the Bradshaws, by definition, could not have a dynasty at this time. They might be part of the Upper Class political crust but they are not dynastic material.

    In a country that has dynasties there is usually a long and usually unbroken line of family members who, almost by fiat, assume the leadership of the country when it is their turn to do so. The population merely goes through the process of a system that is designed to return only members of the dynasty, and assents. It is the right of the dynastic family to rule.

    The Adams family in Barbados, Grantley and Tom, could arguably constitute a mini-dynasty but one that arose purely by chance as far as I know. The Adams family have none of the main identifying characteristics of a true dynastic family.

    The HH disclosure of DT wishing Mara to succeed him and the rumour of Mara then holding the seat for Oya, is the first hint of a contrived, strategic plan for the setting up of a faux-Dynasty in Barbados. If the rumour turns out to be true the Thompson family (starting with David) would be in the process of building a dynasty of sorts headed first by David, then Mara, then Oya.

    Of course our system of representative government, which practically ensures changing from one party to another after a few terms in office, would make the development of a true dynasty very unlikely.

    The hint however that suggested that the DLP might indeed try to set up a Thompson Dynasty was the way in which the party went about almost deifying DT when he died and then set about to ensure that Mara became qualified to become PM at some time by ensuring her as safe a seat as has ever existed in Barbados.

    Yes. I realise that the whole Queen / Dynasty thing is political BS and has little chance of succeeding but the DLP hierarchy seems to be treating it seriously. If they are really doing so bajans should scoff at it at our peril.

  16. Hamilton Hill;
    Coming out of one of your watch-fors above. Perhaps the best indicator of success in this election might be whether or not the BLP candidate loses his deposit. Percentages or pluralities may not tell the full story. The loss of the deposit, even in St John, might.

  17. Since I am told that she recently became a converted fan and big supporter of BU , I say this to Mia . Dignity abounded as you strooled to the podium to make your first appearance. Your booming voice brought reverence to once lost workers and opportunistic drones alike. Having given the assurance that the Queen had returned to the hive , if not to the throne ,while calling on the experience of your legal teachings , Barbados was treated to a marvellous display of semantics . Now please tell us what your true feelings are.

  18. BU understands there was a reasonable crowd at the last BLP meeting due mainly to Mottley being on the platform. We also understand several people left after she delivered. What can we read into it? A case of people expecting fireworks or…

    What about Sylvan Greenidge, Henderson Bovell, Royal Rumble, Bajan Panday? Are to to conclude the Arthur regime does not intend to make use of the Internet to get their message out there? They have a website and a blog.

  19. Yeah Mia came out as a woman with integrity and she spoke from the heart! I applauded her for not having a breadfruit mentality as others seem to be willing to feast on .instead she briught home of the bread and butter issues that affects everyday barbadians. OAS can learn alot from MIA miserable old soul!

  20. Hamilton Hill; You said “Barbados was treated to a marvellous display of semantics.” Having seen the web extract posted here. I tend to agree with you. But might they not have been her true feelings?

    I am looking forward to seeing the clips of the speeches of the next few days on BU. primarily Freundel, Mia and Owen. The candidates’ speeches, even Mara’s, are of lesser importance re. gauging the future of politics in Barbados.

  21. At the first D meeting in St JOhn Hartley Henry introduced Mara a the daughter of and I quote exactly “one of the most FEARED political opertives in St. Lucia”

    Is Henry trying to tell us that we Bajans should FEAR?

    And is so fear whom?

    Hartley Henry?

    Mara THompson?

    The DLP?

    Freundel Stuart?

    But does Hartley realize that Bajans are not St. Lucians?


    And there is no reason why Bajans should be guided by the (prescription) drug induced ramblings of a dying David Thompson.

    Bajans, including the people of St. John are too sensible for this.

  22. Hamilton Hill;

    You’ve provided some interesting clues as to the identity of the BLP person who you suggest is lurking on this blog. Is it that you suspect that Truthman Burton is really one of the very top persons in the BLP?

  23. I would like to see the day in Barbados, where politicians raise the level of politics. These mass neetings, where a lot of slander and non-issues are like a comic encounter, was around from back in the 50’s as far as I know. I would like to see more debates and structure discussions between competing candidates, more house to house canvassing and more politicians called to account for their representation or lack of. The days of the oldtime politics are pass and if we really want to attract a new breed of politician we need to change our method of operation.

  24. “The Scout”
    Visit the Rumshops,fish markets, Swan street. Walk bout in Speightstown on Saturday morning.

    Then you will understand why the mass meetings will continue to be comedic entertainment.

    We like it so.

  25. @ Checkit-out . To your question the answer is no .Why would a very top person choose to respond to the nonsense I sometimes submit ? That profile fits perfectly the one whose savvy directs them to carefully pick their spots , respond always in measured tones, always mindful of the fact that in politics that side of the fence , stealth has more value than wealth . Truthman Burton like yours truly loves his party ,and defends its positions when he is at home . Again T.B holla at mah wen ya get back.

  26. Mr.Arthur has a valid point, that elections and positions should be based on merit.

    Maybe he said it wrong, but it is true. That said, I personally think that Mara Thompson has it in aces over the BLP candidate for St.John.

    As I said, the BLP needs to carefully assess its candidate slate for the next election to be a viable choice.

    I mean that with the best of intentions.

  27. If we understand correctly the BLP has taken a decision not to use artists who are better able to communicate and or attract the youth to the campaign. The DLP on the other hand has been doing it with good results it seems. Another competitive advantage which the DLP has been building is in the use of the Internet, streaming, blogging etc. What will happen is that the DLP will learn more about using the different strategies and possibly make their campaign communications more effective in future campaigns.

    Also note the full DLP team has mapped out a high powered strategy for St.John although it is a safe seat. It will serve them well in 2013.

  28. @David, What was the VAT a year ago and what is it now?

  29. @ David

    Rubbish is rubbish however you present it. What will serve the DLP well is improving the Barbados economy by now and the 2013 elections.

  30. @enuff

    If you have been exposed to political science you should know it is never always about rationality. The political party that can conjure up a perception and sell it as the real mccoy wins.

  31. They are showing reruns of “The secret caribbean” on TVO in Ontario.I am watching an episode right now.

    Those with access might find it interesting. The episode featuring COW Williams was to say the least interesting.

  32. @ David

    But i thought your aim was to promote the real rather than the perceived?

  33. @enuff

    The conversation is about how political parties in Barbados could manipulate public perception to their benefit, it is not about BU.

  34. David, that is what the Nation and Advocate would say stupse

  35. Enuff
    You are attacking BU for not taking your side of the argument .I find BU to be very balance in their approach. He asked that BLP writers post their views on the site. You and check it out who seems to be a great contortionist can write articles showing why the BLP should be put back in office at the next election.
    The BLP is now running a national campaign because on my newspaper every day is a yellow sticker pinpointing the DLP shortcomings.
    The World Bank said that the Latin American and the Caribbean countries feared better than most other countries during this period of recession. Yet the BLP doom and gloomers want us to believe that they who help put us in this trouble want back the trouble. No it is about your greed to get back in the public purse for contracts and travel; and under hand dealings.
    I know we could have been worst had not for the good job the government and the social partnership did. Mr Stuart please pass the Integrity Legislation and FOI bills and the people of Barbados would give the DLP another chance in 2013 to continue the good work that they have been doing.
    The BLP would get back two seats and lose 2 they now have.
    As David said the DLP is practicing on you in St.John. Their campaign has been leap years ahead of yours. You see Mia and Henderson Bovell know about the technology not Owen. He now has to hire a young IT person to help him get the website looking like one again.

  36. @Charlie: “Mr Stuart please pass the Integrity Legislation and FOI bills

    Hear hear!!!

    After all, The Honourable David Thompson promised these to his electorate (the People of Barbados) as a condition of his election.

    Should not his wishes be honoured and obeyed?

    And should they not, therefore, be enacted?

  37. Mara Thompson will win the seat handsomely, however, I was expecting more fight from the BLP. There are too many serious issues that are left untouched, Mia Mottley has touched on a few of them but alas it is too little too late. Congrats Mara in anticipation.
    My friend David is probably looking on and smiling , his Dynasty will live on.

  38. @ Charlie

    FYI I really don’t care whether or not the Dems win the next election. Furthermore, I don’t write anything to justify why the BLP should be returned to power, I simply highlight the non-performance of the DLP and the FACTS are there to support my view: cost of living, unemployment, taxes, deficit, ABC highway, indecision on QEH. Now you tell me what policies the government implemented that worked/ing?

    I am not blaming BU, because like the traditional media, BU also performs a justificatory function and supported Mara from the outset. Why elevate a campaign of “manipulation” and “perception” simply because it is streaming and using other internet-based strategy?

  39. Enuff
    Exactly, I’m often accused of being a supporter of the BLP, truth is I don’t want to see them back in power again unless there is a drastic change in the whole administration of the party. However, I will continue to highlight the many serious problems the DLP has and needs to be resolved. Right now, I think Barbados is ripe for another party of genuine politicians ( if there is such), who will look to turn the tide and stop barbados from drifting aimlessly into disaster. According to the old folks, when we catch we self it would be too late.

  40. Enuff. Your post above encapsulates most of what I might have written in response to Charlie’s latest post. I would have happily endorsed Mara’s nomination and coming victory if it did not appear, quite persuasively, to come with the baggage of DT’s willing the seat to her and his family. When one adds to that the lack of accomplishments in the last three years by the present administration it would really have been contortionist behaviour to put on blinkers as Charlie seems to have done and support the DLP campaign.

    Re. the BLP I have plainly stated that I admired Owen Arthur and his contribution to this country but that I was very disappointed in the manner in which he evidently conspired to remove Mia Mottley from the office of Leader of the Opposition. But that does not mean that I can’t point out on this blog what to me seems to have been contrived outrage against him for speaking the truth about Mara and the DLP’s campaign to elect her in St John.

    I still think Mia Mottley is now the best politician in this country, followed closely by Chris Sinckler, but that shouldn’t stop me from pointing out that She needed to stop what seemed to be a scorched earth policy re. the BLP party.

    As I pointed out in an earlier post, I eagerly await developments in the coming weeks and months arising out of this election and Mara’s handling of her new throne.

  41. @checkit-out

    Given your adoration for Sinckler politics it would be interesting to get your view on the criticism which he has been under today on facebook regarding his decision to attack former Minister Lynette Eastmond’s husband on the platform. BU takes this opportunity to condemn such behaviour as reported.

  42. David

    Point me to the facebook information and any clips on Chris Sinckler’s alleged attack.

    However, without having seen the background information, it would seem uncalled for that Chris would attack Lynette Eastmond’s husband. He isn’t a candidate as far as I know. So bringing him into the platform discussion must be ineluctably beyond the pale. But as I stated elsewhere on BU, imho Chris is an uncut diamond with several rough edges that needs to be cut and polished. Yet he has the potential to be one of our great leaders. Mia is almost there in that regard with lots of experience under her belt. Owen is waning despite an apparent invigoration perhaps arising out of the R &R of his reported recent cruise. Freundel is not in any of the aboves’ class re. leadership potential or otherwise. Only my humble opinion. I might be wrong.

  43. David
    Chris said that Lynette Eastmond was so out place to criticize where Mara was born and he would behave like that he had a husband name CHEESE too. That is the nick name of Lynette’s husband. That is not cursing anybody. In fact Chris Sinckler is devastating on the platform using words and not cursing
    I check Lynette’s wall and she is trying to create mischief by saying Chris curse her husband.
    He never curses on platforms

  44. Charlie re. your post of Jan 18, 2011 at 8:47 AM;
    I haven’t seen what Chris Sinckler said about Lynette Eastmond’s but your version above has a ring of truth about it. So I would accept that Chris did not curse “Cheese” and then say that it was customary political banter, no more. No attacking “cheese”. From your account, Lynette Eastmond is spinning what Chris Sinckler said. That is also par for the course. I posted a link where everyone could see exactly what Owen Arthur had said about “queen” Mara and conclude, if honest, that the general negative response to that statement was also spin.

    AS a partisan DLP supporter you can see where Lynnette Eastmond is distorting facts but you can’t see where your party is also distorting the facts re. Owen Arthur’s platform address at College Bottom. You are definitely not a contortionist.

  45. Cheese dawn bread. wunna bajans like nicknames

  46. There has always been the practice of not mentioning the family of the combatants on the political platforms. Even if Lynette is milking this issue in reaction to ‘Cheese’ the point remains.

  47. David;
    What practice what. Do you recall the attacks and lies told on Stella St John, the wife of Bree St John?

  48. Someone told me that there was a news item on Radio this morning that Mara said on the platform that it was a deathbed wish of her late husband that she succeeded him in St John. Anyone on the blog heard it?

  49. Wasn’t that what HH said in one of the rallies.

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