Submitted by George C. Brathwaite

Notwithstanding my personal sentiments of praise for Mr. Arthur’s leadership especially in respect of CARICOM, or my respect for the current Prime Minister, I am from St. John (born, lived, and schooled there). I am also a member of the BLP and a friend of the late Prime Minister David Thompson.

I do not take kindly to any ridiculing of the people of St. John, regardless of the architects of such fumbling comments, as have been reported in the press.

Barbados has too many issues that have potential to wreck the livelihoods of many. It is folly and an insensitive approach for politicians of whatever persuasion (i.e. both political parties) to be wasting time discussing personalities and origins rather than economy and society.

Let us deal with the issues and show, in my opinion, why the BLP deserves a look in as potentially better representatives of the people. No Hutson or Mara bashing! It is unnecessary and definitely not what the good people of St. John need as they grapple with rising unemployment, increasing crime, meteoric rises in goods and services inclusive of food, and with too many conflicting statements arising from stakeholders in relation to the overall state of Barbados’ economy.

There is way too much at stake for politicians to be spewing so much venom at each other and those that are not deserving of the mud-slinging. Those things can only cast the reputation of Barbadians in a bad light across CARICOM.

Always remember, I am in no one’s hip-pocket and I shall call a spade a spade.

  1. Charles S.Cadogan Sr Avatar
    Charles S.Cadogan Sr

    I do agree with you 100% Mr. Brathwaite. To gain the people’s votes you should present an outline of what you have in mind to help give them a better quality of life; What who did, or didn’t do isn’t what’s going to make anything better. I feel that all people who are seeking office needs to understand, that they will be working for the people, and should keep the people in the forefront when it comes to making choices that they the people will have to live with even when that person, or persons are no longer in office; Barbadians let’s be first to show the other islands that we can get things done the right way without all the other mess and BS. Time for change is **NOW**; Let the world see that we know what we are doing;

  2. While I too agree that enough serious matters are not being discussed, still the integrity of the candidates MUST be discussed. One has to know the quality of person that is seeking to represent the constituency. I can see this campaign getting pretty nasty coming towards the end .

  3. It is indeed disappointing to listen to the campaigns of both political parties. This is at a time when the economy of Barbados is experiencing challenges like never before in our history. What does this say? The irony is that both parties are being led by ‘elder’ politician.Congrats to David Commisong for going public by voicing his criticism.

  4. ha ha ha It seems like we need “a born-in-Barbados”, political party. LOL! Really though Arthur is a real disappointment. Does anyone still view him as a strewed politician? uh ask before, who is advising the BLP? has Mia made her platform debut in St.John as yet?

  5. This has been one of the most unpleasant by-election campaigns I can recall. It is my prayer that the candidates and others speaking on their behalf on the platforms get away from cussing out each other, stay focused on doing what’s best for the people of St. John and keep their word. It’s time for us to move from the era of “gutter politics”.

  6. AH,

    What in God’s name is a “strewed” politician?

  7. I agree with you George.

    Isn’t Mara wonderful?

    See her here:

  8. I would like to see these two candidates in a debate or responding to questions regarding the future of St John without written statement prepared by the Henry guy or John Boyce or some BLP person!!!

    The way this election is structured or being carried out, there is no way of determining what these candidates know , why, when, where etc.

    I can say that I’m not a supporter of either one.

    The occasions I’ve seen Mara on TV responding to a question without a prepared statement, the thought came to mind that bajans would be out of their minds to vote for this lady!!

    This has nothing to do with where she was born…..her late husband wasn’t born here either!!

    I just do not think she would have any independent thoughts to offer the people of St. John or the Island of Barbados!!

    ……and I do not think being the former PM’s wife is enough!

    On the BLP candidate, he has not shown me enough either…..but i’m not a voter!

  9. Time is running and passing and I need to establish my legacy. It is a right, not a privilege and I don’t care if it is achieved for the wrong reasons. Furthermore, I will deport all Guyanese, Caribbean, English, American and other foreigners even if they are married or cohabiting with Bajans.
    My ears are closed to arguments that these people contribute to all aspects of the island’s economy and constitutionally can sit in Parliament.
    I will cleanse this island of all things foreign – stop tourism, curtail the importation of food, goods and services from beyond our shores. We are self sufficient and even though the world and his wife would like to be our friend we don’t want to have anything to do with them.
    In the unlikely event that electors give our son of the soil the nod on Thursday, I will introduce this edict on the morning of 21 January 2011.
    Mind you, if a major disaster should hit Barbados remember to hold hands and jump in the Atlantic Ocean for that will be our only ally or saviour. With a literacy rate of 98 per cent, these foreigners – the scourge of our lives – must be regaling in the fact that we have systematically excluded the voices of sanity from rational thought.

  10. George you should know that the press like the juicy bits. It is not fair to pass judgement before having all the facts. The economy and all the ills of the DLP are being discussed by the BLP, but they don’t make big news. The Dems are doing more bashing and cursing than the Bees. And by the way in a political game the background of the candidate is important. If Mara calls St. Lucia her home while Hudson calls Barbados his that presents an issue as to how committed the one with the home in St. Lucia would be to Barbados if there is a conflict between the two countries. Don’t fall for the proaganda, this is a relevant issue in this context. You should also listen to the full text of Owen’s speech.

  11. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @Jenny M
    You wrote: “The Dems are doing more bashing and cursing than the Bees.”
    That is exactly my point. There are so many issues to be discussed that relate to the economy and society; too many issues that barbadians need elucidation on for the politicians from both sides to bamboozle the people with bullsh**.
    In any event, you do not have to defend Owen or the BLP. I remain a member but I will not accede to what I think is not progressive.
    Finally, I remain more engaged with what occurs, is said or written in Barbados, than you may think. Nonetheless, I do take your point that the full text of anything may change the context. May I remind you that at the end of the day, perception is very much part and parcel of politics.

  12. Hello Mr. Brathwaite,

    I would love to meet you some day. I keep hearing your name in good terms from various people around campus. St. John is obviously very dear to you. I am a little daunted by the extracts from Mr. Hudson Griffith which seem to paint a mental image of the people in a way that is not very dignified. What do you think?

  13. Jenny M re. your post of January 13, 2011 at 7:52 PM;

    That is the fairest comment I’ve seen so far on the BLP campaign. I’ve only just listened to Owen’s College Bottom speech that is producing all the negative comments and you are dead on target. The speech was a good one that only tangentially mentioned Mara and dwelt on the issues. It did’nt even mention the Polyclinic.

    I think all of us should listen to the whole speeches, on both sides, before commenting. WE might find that we are being taken in by the spinners on both sides.

  14. @checkit-out

    Owen Arthur is reported in the news that he will focus on national issues and drop the attacks on the DLP candidate Mara Thompson. Do you think this is in response to a groundswell of opinion from Barbadians who have made it known in no uncertain way that it disproves of the platform tactics of the opposition? It does not matter that Arthur ‘dwelled’ for a short time on the issue of Mara Thompson’s St. Lucia lineage, the point is he did so in a way that has not resonated well with Bajans from both sides of the fence. Perhaps it has taken on more currency because of Arthur’s lead role in CSME when he was PM. The fact that the government platform has reacted badly to the BLP strategy has only served to deepen the disillusionment which young Barbadians have with politics in Barbados.

  15. From what I have seen Mr. Arthur is overshadowing his candidate. Does he even spend 5 mins endorsing him in his speeches? But that is not my point. I can’t remember hearing Hudson Griffith attacking Mara Thompson’s St. Lucian origins. Generally the BLP camp has taken us from the polyclinic, to representation, to Mrs. Thompson’s origins, to breadfruit and cow heel soup, to national issues. This is the same lack of focus that caused them the government in 2008. I suspect it is due to Mr. Arthur not sticking to the script of the campaign manager and team. Just a guess because it could actually be a plan to appear unfocused until the last minute.

  16. Well Honestly. It could be or it be an election ploy. He as well as most if not all of the country realise that chances of wining in st john are slim to none. What it does offer is prime media access and television coverage. Now by attacking mara he bring attention to himself maybe with scorn too and people ask what in world is he thinking or some people might think he right. With the gather attention to him he can then bring national issue which affect us to forefront which he doesn’t get much media time to push. He could just be planning for the next general elections one time.

  17. So anybody knows who the gov’t official that the article in today’s Nation refers to. Apparently the official’s 10-year-old child took to school a bullet and it was reported to the police. Now certain police records pertaining to that incident is missing.

  18. @The Gatekeeper: “Now certain police records pertaining to that incident is missing.

    Drilling down past the partisan politics…

    Would not a serious military organization (like a sovereign police force) keep the information contained in each day’s diary very well protected?

    Like, for example, scanning each day’s notes, backing them up to at least three different physical locations, and placing the “paper copy” of each day’s diary into a secure safe?

    Or is that simply not how things are done here?…

  19. @Chris

    I suppose that is how things are done in a professionally run law enforcement dept., but bout here is a different story. Even at the courthouse and immigration office they lose and misplace important files and documentation whether deliberate or accidental.

  20. @Chris

    I suppose that is how things are done in a professionally run law enforcement dept., but bout here is a different story. Even at the courthouse and immigration office they lose and misplace important files and documentation whether deliberate or inadvertently.

  21. @BU.David…

    Your “studs” just came on me because I posted on another topic.

    BU.David: Is there any chance you might keep your studs from coming on me?

  22. David re. your post of January 14, 2011 at 1:22 AM;

    I see that you and most commenters seem to be avoiding the fact that the purported attacks on Mara Thompson’s birthplace by Owen Arthur have been contrived spin in the main. Look at Owen Arthur’s speech again. It certainly did not say what most commenters are saying that he said, and Mara and her origins was not the area of focus of the speech. The groundswell was contrived by a superior machiavellian operative but it is somewhat disingenuous for those who know better, to continue to try to promote Arthur’s speech as an attack on regionalism, etc. etc. as they know that few average readers or listeners are willing to go to the original sources and really see what was actually said.

    I agree with you that the bajan public has swallowed the spin and it is quite likely that in response to this that Arthur has changed his tactics. He should have known better in the first place. But it does leave a bad taste in the mouth where spinning wins out once again and the objective truth has to take a back seat.

    My beef is with the expert commentators etc., who allow the spin to be further promulgated. Politicians are and will be politicians. The youth will not analyse and look closely at the facts. They will do like practically everyone else and accept the commentaries of the persons they trust, whether BLP or DLP or PEP.

    Look at and listen to Owen Arthur’s speech at College Bottom again and tell me if it merited the national consensus that he attacked Mara’s origins with malice and that in so doing he damaged Barbados’ relations with its neighbours. The consensus is also that the main plank of Arthur’s speech was Mara. Tell me if that is your considered view after looking at the video clips.

    Richie Haynes was quoted as saying that in politics it is only the impression that counts. This campaign is an absolute confirmation of the truth of that comment. But the Media can do something about it. Blame them, in addition to the politicians themselves, for the youth’s dissillusionment.

  23. I think a lot of people missed the point on this whole nationality issue.

    From what I gleaned from the BLP platform, they took issue with the DLP and their St John supporters declaring Mara as the queen. Maybe, for the Dems, it was a silly thing to do knowing how raw Bajans’ nerves are when it comes to those from outside.

    But wait, weren’t these Dems, the same Dems who now declare Mara to be their queen, the same ones who demonised the Guyanese and whom Mara’s husband kicked most of them out of Barbados? Where was the compassion and CSME love when the Guyanese were singled out to be bundled out of Barbados at 2 and 3 o’clock in the morning having to leave all their possessions behind?

    You know the Dems can get away with anything in Barbados, I dont know why the Bajan public holds them to a different standard than the Bees.

    The more the Dems focus on this issue, the less time they have to defend their stewardship. I want to hear the Dems account for:
    1. The Clico mess
    2. The mess at the QEH
    3. The confusion with the UWI
    4. The high cost of living and dont insult my intelligence by highlighting 3 or 4 items, the cost of living did not start to go up in Dec and if the DLP knew this, why increase the VAT? Dont make sense.
    5. Tell the people how much money is being spent on the highway, where are the contracts and who is getting them? The higgest bidders?
    6. Explain why Freundel only has a ministry a dying PM held, what does he do all day long?
    7. Explain the Coverley land give away.

    Barbados seems to be on hold, one cannot point to any thing that is going on. There are some ministers you don’t hear from like George Hutson, what does he do?

    Each night if I were the BLP, I would highlight the mess this country is in and let the Dems keep noise. But wait, how in all good conscience could David Estwick defend Mara after the cussing he put down on DT even on DT’s dying bed? He should know that Mara is just like her husband.

  24. @checkit-out

    Let’s accept your position that Arthur has been taken out of context which is a reasonable position given his lead role and public pronouncements on CSME matters, the question which follows is whether you listened to Barney Lynch on the BLP platform addressing the same issue?

    Who is in charge of the BLP platform? Doesn’t the buck stop with Arthur?

  25. @check-it-out,

    we know that the spin doctor is the sane one who fell short of saying he had a heart attack and on pun the platform every night jumping bout like a chicken.

    My problem with Mara is, will we see her speaking from speeches prepared for her all the time, or does she have an independent thought.

    as for Griffith, his inflections are a too bit low- keyed for me

  26. correction,

    was that suppose to be insane or same , h….mmmmm

  27. Sent by DLP people obviously:


    Next stop on the Mara Thompson campaign trail – a relaxing cultural extravaganza on the Bay, Martin’s Bay. Bring out the family for this entertaining and informative event. Relax to the sound of the breaking waves and the and enjoy some of Barbados’ best entertainers.
    Saturday, 15th January 2011

    While you are there, enjoy the Laff it off Promo compliments the other candidate and clown in the election.

    How Hudson Griffith Views The St. John People –

    Owens Rage 2 –

    Mr. Impolite Owen Arthur –

  28. Don’t forget distasteful Lynette Eastmond –

  29. Mr.Brathwaite
    As a friend of Owen Arthur could you please speak to him about how he is perceived by Barbadian school children? Since he is on television and now on YouTube so regular because of the bye election they are saying he always behaving like he is drunk.

  30. @ David

    The issue of nationality was constantly used against media personnel (Vic Fernandes, Rickey Singh, Roxanne Gibbs); yet it is WRONG for it to be mentioned in questioning the candidacy of a woman seeking to become the representative for the safest, and one of the most historically significant, seats in Barbados.
    One would think that a parliamentary seat would be of more concern…….I guess it is a case of’who the cat like he lick’; rather than consistency and fairness.

  31. David re. your post of Jan 14, 2011 at 4:20 PM;

    I have’nt been to any political meetings over the last 2 campaigns and I haven’t seen Barney Lynch’s speech on the web. Grateful if you could point me (us) to where I (we) can see it on the web.

  32. @Enuff

    The references to foreigners in Barbados were made by some to demonstrate they had a biase/pushing an agenda given the open door immigration debate which was being discussed.


    There was a ‘snatch’ of his delivery on VOB.

  33. David;
    I found this one by Noel Lynch on Bajan Reporter

    This probably wasn’t the one you were referring to.

  34. @ David
    So is there no concern over what biases Mara may/will have towards stlucians/stlucia? This again highlights the gist of my argument, which is that we obviously seem to view CEO positions as more threatening to our ‘democracy’ than that of an MP.

  35. @checkit-out

    That was not the clip but have you noticed how turned-off many have become at the political campaigns being mounted by both parties? BU as an example has not felt inclined to blog about the St. John by-election to any great degree.

  36. @Enuff

    BU is on record that we should have a national conversation about it and let the chips fall where they may.

  37. @ david

    Be naive not!!! There will never be a discussion, as one person noted above–the DavidLP got Bajans in a trance. How many people are willing to admit that this government has been poor so far? Apart from telling us how many forex we have, what other positive stats the governor of central bank announces? Imagine if the Bees did really leave a mess, our ass would be grass by now!!!

  38. Hey !
    where is Bonny
    the most popular commenter on this Blog
    the real “queen ” of this blog is missing and it is not like her.
    Is Bonny pulling a Mia ?

    Is Bonny well ? She had complained about not feeling well sometime ago.

  39. This DLP Government is NOT A GOOD GOVERNMENT
    Ask the Question and you would get an answer from all right thinking BJs (Bajans) that is similar to the one below.
    What Is A Good Government?

    The DLP is the worse (WORST) Government in the history of BARBADOS.

    THERE IS NO GOOD IN THE DLP that we can see.

    The DLP has always operated on lies LIES lies LIES–however you look at it
    LIES and liitle substance. One of the bad things about when one man dominates an institution to extent that the Right Excellent Errol Walton Barrow dominated the DLP is that in his absence, the institution loses its soul. The DLP lost its soul in 1987 and subsequent events confirmed this..

    The demise of Richie Haynes and the fragmentation in the DLP since that time has rendered the DLP illegitimate in refernce to the ideals of the founding fathers and the legacy of its dominant figure head. Richie’s demise ? (this is where and when the rot really started)

    Every thing since then has suggested that the DLP should really in all fairness disband.
    The lastest act of running Mara Thompson in St.John smells bad; it smells stink. (That is my way of putting it)

    Inasmuch as it might please Hartley Henry and his crowd , one can sense a similar feeling to what has transpired before with regards to the former representative for St. John and his clamour for the position he eventually attained.

    KISSMYA predicted what eventually happened to that representative and I am saying now without trying to explain what it means that the situation here with Mara Thompson running in St.John smells “STINK”

    It smells “STINK”
    It smells “STINK”
    It smells “STINK”
    and I really dont know what that means

  40. Do any of you remember Mia Mottley speaking these words and the context, “Political class”?

  41. David, You said at 10.21 a.m.
    ” have you noticed how turned-off many have become at the political campaigns being mounted by both parties?”

    Yes! and I think it is a sorry state of affairs. Not from the standpoint of the gutter type attacks by the parties on each other, as I think that is merely traditional politics dating from cave man days, but because it allows the party with the best spin machine, more attractive campaign, more money to spend, and perhaps speakers with the best delivery, to win irrespective of whether or not the “facts” spouted can stand up to in depth scrutiny (The Americans would say fact checked) or the preferred party is objectively the best to lead at any particular juncture. This is true for every country that practices any variant of westminster politics, including the USA.

    So yes, I think there are several people turned off of politics because of the general nature of politics and a few more turned off because of the specific nature of the current campaign as publicised and spun, primarily by HH, but with other media practitioners being involved in the dirt and misrepresentations as well.

    Do you really think that it matters to many people outside of St John, if the BLP speakers say ill or are inputed to say ill about Mara. In St John it matters but there willprobably be other concerns that matter to them that have not been spun significantly yet and that may have some impact on the election.

    The result of this is that we may reach the sorry stage where only the yardfowl on either side bother to vote, supplemented by a few people in the middle who try to get a valid, balanced picture of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the protagonists.

    The portents of this bye election do not seem to be good for the BLP at this juncture (based on the relative severity of the expected loss). I think they will have to revise their strategies to stand a chance of being competitive when the General elections are called.

  42. ‘Check it out’

    Your last post seem contradictory.

  43. If David Thompson had a so-called St. John Development Plan, and given that the DLP’s candidate wants to be elected simply to continue his legacy – then why is that candidate said to be bringing yet another ‘Thompson Development Plan?’ What happened to the first one!
    Secondly! Why new plans for the youth of St. John when there is already a ‘DLP Youth Manifesto?’

    And if this candidate now has a new ‘Thompson St. John Development Plan’ for the same St. John Constituency, when the first one is yet to be implement, does this new ‘Thompson St. John Development Plan’ mean that the old ‘Thompson St. John Development Plan’ was pure crap? How then can anyone justify the allegation that there could be a David Thompson legacy?

    Is that so-called legacy in St. John, which shows no signs of development or is it at the national level? And how could it be nationally when the manufacture economic crisis within the Barbados economy started under David Thompson’s watch with his 77% increase in the price of diesel and other inflationary fiscal polices, which were compounded by bad decision and poor judgment that have resulted in a $538 million deficit and over 10,300 being placed on the breadline by the DLP since 2007, which is far more than the 4,000 the DLP caused to lose their jobs between 1991-1994?

    Since the first ‘Thompson St. John Development Plan’ did not work, even after 23 years, what guarantees are there that this one could, especially given that David Thompson was Leader of the Opposition, Prime Minister of Barbados and Minister of Finance? Already the DLP is borrowing to pay bills (domestic consumption and not to build productive capacity) with things getting worse daily and will continue to do so because Barbados is saddled with this government it cannot afford?

  44. George C. Brathwaite Avatar
    George C. Brathwaite

    @ Charlie
    You wrote: “Mr.Brathwaite
    As a friend of Owen Arthur could you please speak to him about how he is perceived by Barbadian school children? ”

    Please sir/madam, never make assumptions. I have never anywhere suggested that Owen Arthur is a friend. Indeed, he is my political leader since I am a member of the BLP. He was one of the outstanding Prime Minister’s of Barbados. His leadership record, though not perfect, speaks volumes about his capacity to outline a vision, set goals, and achieve those goals. If I want to impress anything on the minds of children, it is those positives that I would choose to shape the perceptions of those who may want to be future leaders. The crap talk about drunken appearances may appeal to you and those whose minds are so myopic that they neither have the capacity to be discerning or to go beyond the obvious. Should I encourage children to go beyond the obvious, I would let them know that one should never judge the book by its cover. Now please, would you tell BU what lessons are there that you can teach the school children that Owen Arthur, George Brathwaite, or others are missing? Be an example!

  45. It is known that Owen like his “see-through” but few people knew that David was a strong Vodka drinker. These little things means little to me, I judge persons by their tenure of office,

  46. The St.John people have smashed the xenophobic theory of which Peter Wickham, Rickey Singh, Norman Girvan et al have been wicked proponents. Then again the nomination of Mara and her soon to be ‘coronation’ maybe considered an outlier by some.

  47. Enuff re. your post of Jan 15, 2011 at 2:32 PM;

    Reading back the post, which was a hurried one as I had to drop someone to an appointment, I agree with you that the arguments in the main body of the post do not entirely mesh with what I wrote in the final paragraph.

    Essentially, what I was trying to get across was that I feel that the mouthings by both BLP and DLP in this bye election campaign are par for the course and no more egregious than various things said in previous campaigns. What makes them seem so bad is the current wellspring of sympathy for the late David Thompson, the vigour of the pushback by the DLP to hide a number of inadequacies in the DT legacy, an attempt to mask the moves being made for the development of a dynasty and an inability to show any real developmental progress in the last 3 years or reliable promise of such (outside tourism) in the next 2.

    On the BLP side I sense a frustration because of an apparent inability to connect with the electorate on several matters that should be of concern to the country and a realisation that the aspect of their strategy that targeted Mara’s ascendancy to the “throne” does not appear to be working well at this time.

    The Mara issue, at the present time, is merely a parochial one, but it has the distinct potential to take on significant national importance if other moves towards a dynasty, such as an early ministerial appointment and provision of a seat for Mara to oversee everything the Cabinet is doing in detail, and thereby to put into flesh the feeling that DT is still ruling the DLP and Barbados from the grave by not allowing the current cabinet to make decisions in the absence of e.g. someone involved in the CLICO situation. Indeed, Mara has to be given a cabinet position to ensure that the Thompson legacy lives on. A mere seat in the House of Assembly will not cut it.

    Given the above, if Mara wins with an increased plurality, the BLP will have to modify their strategy to more frontally, but delicately attack Mara and the so called Thompson legacy in the general election campaign whenever one is called.

  48. Re. The Scout ( January 15, 2011 at 4:04 PM )
    Interesting post!
    David – Vodka, the regal drink of the upper class

    Owen – See Through, the drink of the professional rum drinkers, of the Ordinary Class as the Mighty Charmer would say.

    Freundel – Could you tell us what is his favourite drink?

  49. Checkit=out
    I know nothing about Stuart except that he was dropped by the voters in St Philip because of his aloft appearance and behaviour. I see he, now wearing a ring on his “marriage” finger, just hope this is for real and that he’s not sleeping in Illaro Court alone. Campaigning is such sport, i heard he referred to Owen as a lonely man. Is it that we have two lonely leaders facing off against each other? ” lonely, I’m Mr lonely, I have nobody to call my own”, I’m just a lonely man, lonely a blue, I’m all alone with nothing to do”, I don’t like to sleep alone, our leaders in trouble, when you’re lonely you can’t think straight.

  50. Checkit-out ” the so called Thompson legacy”.

    All this tells me is that David Thompson wanted his wife to continue doing what she was prepared for over 20 years of campaigning with him.
    Here you have an Educated woman running for office and it is a problem fuh some uh wunna.
    Her daughters are likely to get a good education and if one of them chooses to become a politician like mummy an daddy what is wrong with that?

    Besides, elections in Barbados are free and fair and politicians are not “appointed”. They still have to campaign and win an election.

    It is the voters who will decide who gets elected.

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