Suspects alleged to have committed the heinous act at Campus Trendz location are in police custody.

NOW Confirmed!

Commissioner Darwin Dottin

BU listened to the Press Conference delivered by Commissioner Darwin Dottin today (7/09/2010) with heightened interest.  Needless to say the recent robbery and torching of a business located on Tudor Street has placed the Royal Barbados Police Force under the microscope.

Commissioner Darwin Dottin would have been under pressure to quell a rising public perception that crime  has been trending upwards in recent times. BU expected Dottin to use the tired comparison of comparing Barbados’ criminal statistics to those of the neighbouring Caribbean islands. We were not disappointed. To be expected Barbados continues to stack up well in the regional comparison. Why is it BU senses that Barbadians on the ground don’t share Commissioner Dottin’s enthusiasm?

Many would have been surprise to hear Dottin take a swipe at the social media. BU suspects he meant the blogs because social media includes Facebook, Twitter etc. He protested with all the indignation he could muster. He referred to a story of a rape of a tourist which is currently being reported on another blog. He confirmed that police investigations could not confirm the story to be true yet it was being reported by social media.

BU should clarify that we received information about the alleged rape of a tourist in the Maxwell area but decided to cross check the information given the national import. To date we have not been able to substantiate the story published elsewhere. In fact the person who started the story has since issued a retraction which was circulated today. BU posted the retraction below to provide balance to this matter.

BU joins with  Barbadians everywhere to wish the Royal Barbados Police Force success in quickly apprehending two suspects linked to the heinous criminal act committed last Friday. Frankly we are surprised that local business houses have not collaborated to place an attractive bounty on the heads of the two suspects.

We hope  the current tension which exist within the hierarchy of the local constabulary gets resolved very soon. The local criminal chapter must be grinning from ear to ear at the apparent rift between the Commissioner and his Deputy. BU is aware that the rife goes even deeper. We urge the Attorney General to move quickly to resolve this matter. If he is not averse to multitasking he should also resolve the issues in Probyn Street as well.

From: “Gordon Seale”

Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2010 09:45:32 -0400


Subject: Horrendous Crime

I had been told a few days before that an awful crime had occurred. I was incensed and tracked down the person to verify. I have known her for about 50 years. She told me that it was true and that she had spoken to her daughter who had been in touch with the family who did not want their information known, so no names etc.

I sent out an email to some influential people and some friends and this e mail has been widely – I mean very widely circulated.

Yesterday I was in touch with the Police at a senior level and they put detectives to investigate the matter. No one has been able to confirm any aspect of this having taken place.  I had contacts with the Air Ambulance people etc. They have no record. Nothing was reported to the Police and they had heard nothing, so obviously had not been able to investigate. The QEH which one would expect would have been called have no record according to Peter Gilkes.

I can also say that the Senator Peter Gilkes was on this immediately and has been inundated with e mails and phone calls.

The long and short of this is that this rumored incident cannot be verified and seems to be inaccurate at best.

I should have carried out further investigations prior to sending this e mail out, one fails to realize the speed at which e mails can mushroom, it is truly astounding.

It is a relief to report that unless further verifiable evidence is presented then we must assume this matter was at best an exaggeration.

It would be quite important that you take the trouble to circulate this e mail to all those who you sent the original e mail to and ask them to do likewise.

Gordon Seale

PS No one has asked me to write this nor applied ANY pressure for me to do so.

172 responses to “Commissioner Darwin Dottin Seeks To Reassure The Public”

  1. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar


    “And it is also true to say dat dese same mothas frighten as shoite fa de same sons dat dem rais”

    I agree with that too.

  2. Anonymous | September 13, 2010 at 4:00 PM |

    How curious life is. The neighbor of one of the accused was charged some weeks ago with possession of an illegal firearm. The boyfriend of the sister of the same accused is a drug pusher. The same accused is part of a group that may have been involved in the recent stabbing of a taxi driver and the theft of his vehicle. The leader of the group was charged with possession of weed which was discovered at his home at the time the police were searching the home looking for guns. These men are all under 25 years of age. Life is full of strange coincidences.

    I have said for some time that there is organised crime in Barbados, it is okay to arrest these boys for the murders – of course they committed the murders and other criminal acts.

    But what about the crime bosses, who goes after them. Other countries go after the crime bosses. Instead of getting the tree at the root we always only lopping off the limbs and thing still looming up in your yard.

    Should I congratulate the police, maybe I should so as not to seem ungrateful but Lord have His mercies, could they at least begin to systematically target the big crime bosses in this nation and the cartel and don’t mind who is big up and whether they are of a different, colour, religion or creed. Dig up the blasted tree by the roots. stuspe.

  3. warrior
    man mek a call ta de police hotline n report dese crime-bosses dat you kno nah. de police would be glad fa dat info. makes no sense airing it pun BU. de numba is 4298787 and ya could call from a cell fone or fone-boof. call n come back n tell we wah respons ya get, hear? Bless U.

  4. I’m so relieved that two suspects were apprehended and since been charged with the murder of the six young women in Campus Trendz store. I must congratulate the Barbados Police Force on the speed in which they were able to make these arrests. However, I cannot help but wonder why the Police were not able to find the culprit that committed the Chicken Galore crime a few weeks back, although they’re now saying that these guys, or at least one, was also responsible for that incident. One of these guys lived in Bank Hall where the Chicken Galore shop is located. Is it because there were no deaths in that particular incident, no outcry from the public for revenge, that cause them to drag their feet or just not put much effort into that exercise. All of a sudden, 6 young women die, the public gone wild and lo and behold, within 9 days they arrested two persons. WOW…I’m really impressed Mr. Dottin. We have to start becoming PRO-ACTIVE instead of always REACTING to things that have already gone bad. Things will only get from BAD to WORSE with this attitude.

  5. @ Bonny Peppa | September 14, 2010 at 4:25 PM

    @ Bonny Peppa | September 14, 2010 at 4:25 PM

    Who do you think are the crime bosses? I hope you aint thinking the bosses are the youths/teenagers.

    I would not be surprise, and it may be more likely than not, that these bosses are the upputty people with all types of titles and so forth. Lil do we know the person we least think of and some people in the upper class are the ones who go behind the scene and help to cause havoc.

    And yes, they should be exposed but hold not your breath with the expectations that penalties would be applied. The leaders from every which way in Bim too slick.

  6. To my fellow bloggers out in BU land…..give me some feedback please!!!!

    What do you think the reason(s) were for the police not being able to find the criminals in the Chicken Galore incident 3 weeks ago, keeping in mind that one of them lives in Bank Hall where the shop is located?

    Do you think that if they were caught, then the six young ladies who perished in the Campus Trenz store would be alive today?

  7. @Cat Woman: “What do you think the reason(s) were for the police not being able to find the criminals in the Chicken Galore incident 3 weeks ago, keeping in mind that one of them lives in Bank Hall where the shop is located?

    Lack of recorded CCTV.

    This isn’t being talked about, but I would bet a dollar that CCTV is a large part of the evidence being used in the case in Bridgetown.

    @Cat Woman: “Do you think that if they were caught, then the six young ladies who perished in the Campus Trenz store would be alive today?

    Well, daaaaaaaaaa….

    So then, from the above…

    Are Bajans comfortable being video recorded every moment they are outside their homes?

  8. You know, people berate the Police, when things happen and citizens want results, yesterday.

    But, when a ZR man driving bout reckless, cursing other drivers, or when fights happen in the bus stand, who cares, who raises hell?

    When the teacher took it upon himself to literally, raise cane last year for latecomers, everyone was up in arms.

    But, how in the blazes can you plant sour apples and expect to reap mangoes?

    If tomorrow, the Attorney General raised Police pay, or raised some sort of ‘danger pay’ for night and street cops, people would say ‘buh whuh bout me’?

    Get real, how can eight hundred cops Police three hundred thousand people, without assistance?

    Then, if a cop happen to put a little lash cross a man head who fighting arrest, people cryout bout ‘Police brutality’ and ‘how he cud hit he so?’.


  9. @Halsall’Are Bajans comfortable being video recorded every moment they are outside their homes?’

    Who cares? Put in the cameras, record every last street. Make sure the infrared working for nighttime.

    Everything but electronic tagging.

    Then we could also enforce littering laws.

  10. @ Christopher Halsall | September 14, 2010 at 7:14 PM |
    “Are Bajans comfortable being video recorded every moment they are outside their homes?

    I would say that they would not be; the answer is NO! However the device should be installed in all businesses especially where there are customers going back and forth.

  11. @Crusoe: “Everything but electronic tagging.

    What about cellphones?

    With only a little bit of computation and a little bit of data, a cellphone”s position can be determined within only a few meters at any point in time….

  12. @EyeSpy: “I would say that they would not be; the answer is NO!

    Sorry. You don’t have a choice.

    You *are* being recorded.

    Deal with it….

  13. @CH,

    Correct. Is THAT one of the methods of pinpointing location in the case recently???

    Which is why if you have something ‘different’ to do, leave the cellphone home (as I am sure you know)! Lol

    No problem. Anything but electronic tagging.

  14. Christopher I guess you don’t have any thoughts on this subject except for daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! Questions are one of the things that start debates. So it looks like Yes from you to the second question but I’m still waiting for your thoughts on the first question.

  15. @Cat Woman…

    I answered both of your questions. Please try to keep up.

    If you don’t agree that I’ve answered your questions, please restate them.

  16. I’ve seen comments by others about you on this Blog which lead me to believe that you’re just a waste of time. Go play your head games with another fool like yourself.

  17. Bonny Peppa I don’t want Black Cow near our wedding or we might divorce before we even get marry.I want that clown to remain tied out in the pasture with his mash & grass from the white man.

    Carson Cadogan I agree that women in general are doing a piss poor job in raising their children.However,where are the fathers to offer the support that is so vital in the life of our children.
    Carson do you know that we have children raising children in Barbados? Many of the parents both male & female are nothing less than children themselves.I know of cases where fathers & sons & in some cases mothers & sons & daughters are on the block together smoking herb,drinking alcohol & gambling.Those things happen on many of the so-called blocks in Barbados and that is why I am saying that the blame for our delinquent children must be shared by us the adults who are calling for the demise of the two criminals.
    Eye Spy the drug situation in Barbados is very complex & very sophisticated and our police are practically powerless in the whole scheme of things.Asking the police to look after drug s is like asking a cat to look after the milk. Both the drugs & milk will disappear.
    Our police force is compromised & incapable of effectively dealing with the drug situation in Barbados.The illegal drug situation in Barbados is practically out of control & because the big rich business people in Barbados are the the ones controlling that activity and those business people are the financiers of our political parties,it is almost impossible to bring any big drug pusher in Barbados to face justice Illegal drugs are being push in Black communities in Barbados by other ethnic groups and those ethnic groups are making sure that their families do not get caught up in using illegal drugs.It is one of the many methods that is in place to curtail & ultimately reduce the Black population of Barbados.That is why I have no respect,sympathy for any drug pusher.It is the death sentence of the Black community.

  18. @Cat Woman: “I’ve seen comments by others about you on this Blog which lead me to believe that you’re just a waste of time. Go play your head games with another fool like yourself.

    So you topple your King, and accept defeat, unable to make another play?

    Thanks. I’ve enjoyed the game.


  19. @ Christopher Halsall | September 14, 2010 at 7:50 PM |

    I am truly taken back with your, what seems to be an aggressive tone lately. If that is the way you think that your point/s would be well taken, so be it.

    I was simply responding to the question you pose. Maybe I should have added, that they (the people) have no control. So to tell me to deal with it is uncalled for.

    Good evening or good night wherever you are.

  20. Negroman,

    You? Planning tuh marrid tuh Bonny Peppa?

    You sure bout dah?

    I hope you know dat dis cow got HORNS.

  21. Black Cow
    You got horns? Well my Negro gun get some too, cause nutton in stoppin dis weddin?

    My hero, (whisperin in ya earz) ‘I wantz a biggggg weddin, hear? I kno you cud afford um so na holdin-back. smooch, smoochhhhhh.

    Cat Woman
    You like you sorry dat de police hold dese two fellas ya. It is quite obvious dat when de police hold dem, dat de police gun interrogate dem lil asses bout crime dat commit even befoe dem born man. And because Chicken Galore was de same modus operandi, de police need look na furtha. dem ass is grass.
    Would de six girls be still alive today had they been caught, is to cast blame on de police. but de fact dat dese two criminals have been caught albeit at de cost of innocent lives is suffice to me and now they will be tried, found guilty on all 6 counts of murder and sentenced to death by hanging. All’s well dat ends well. To God be de glory. Dust to dust……………… Amen.

    Eye Spy
    doan mind Chris Halsall, he’s an egotistic son-of-a bitch. And he corny as shoite too. stupseeeeeeeeeeee.sickeninnn

  22. Verily I say unto you’

    @ JOKER | September 8, 2010 at 3:48 AM |

    Is this not the funniest comment ever made on BU…..? ha ha ha

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