Submitted by Terence Blackett
There has never been better slaves, never worst masters – Tacitus

The Pope

For the past [212] years, the deadly socio-political and religious wound inflicted on the Papacy by Napoleon Bonaparte’s General Jean Baptiste Berthier on the 20 February 1798 has now healed to the point where this institution will once again usurp her authority as she did during the 1260 years of the Dark Ages (538 AD -1798).

The entire world still pays obeisance to this earthly religious government. Its power is greater than that of kings. Its might has been wielded for over 3000 years, shape-shifting throughout past ages taking on diverse Satanic forms while masking and masquerading as a “godlike” entity. Time and again it has resurrected itself. In the past, (just like today), it is “the ‘Beast’ that sits on many waters” –

Aptly called “The Fourth Reich” it seeks to bring world powers under its allegiance – culminating in enforced religious “laws” where all the inhabitants of earth will be obliged to adhere to – regardless of geography, religion, ethnic group, class or creed.

Social historians and anthropologists agree that most definitional interpretations of “Reich” is “German State” – but the conceptual place from which this notion originates does not infer a relation to what is today the country of Germany, but rather an ancient allusion to the Germanic Lands occupied by the Goths, Ostrogoths, Franks, Heruli, Bavarians, Alamans, Saxons and other barbarian people. The “Reich” is then best described as a crossbreed between a State and a confederation based on religious grounds – except for the latter, (not being unlike the EU of today).

In “The First Reich” was seen as the evolution of The Holy Roman Empire after the fall of the once mighty political empire called Rome. Within Europe, these geographical and political enclaves was to become a continuity of the once mighty Roman Empire that started in the lands ruled by Charlemagne (Charles the Great) who was crowned Emperor by Pope Leo III in Rome on Christmas Day 800 AD, a date which is normally seen as the founding of the Empire, but sometimes the year of 962 AD is also used, which was when Otto I (Otto the Great) was crowned.

“The Second Reich” is also based on counting the Holy Roman Empire as the first German Empire (just as Nazi ideology insisted that Nazi Germany was “The Third Reich”). “The Second Reich”, ruled by the Hohenzollern dynasty, in the areas known as Prussia and Brandenburg, from 1871 to 1919, fell with the ending of World War I. During this “Reich” the “Iron Chancellor” Otto Von Bismarck united Germany, and set the roots for World War I. “The Second Reich” saw the unification of Germany following the Franco-Prussian War (1870 – 1871) and the crowning of Wilhelm I as German Emperor at the Palace of Versailles, with Otto von Bismarck as the first Reichskanzler, to the abdication of Wilhelm II in 1919 following the German defeat in the First World War. Then entered a period known as the Weimar Republic, from 1919 to 1933 (called sometimes the pre-3rd Reich). Social historians agree that this weakened Republic was the catalyst for the creation of what was to become “The Third Reich”.

The Third Reich” (from 1933 to 1945), called Nazi Germany came under the control of Adolf Hitler. The term “Third Reich” was most likely taken from the book “Das Dritte Reich” published by Arthur Möller van den Bruck (1876-1925) in 1923. He called it the “Third Reich” because he thought that under his leadership Germany could reunite the old Holy Roman Empire, bringing Germany back to its glorious days. This “Reich” was terminated with the fall of Germany at the end of World War II.

There is a very interesting question here because most theorists cannot agree why Hitler started World War II and what his objective was?

Of course his delusion… “The Third Reich” was an anglification of the German expression “Das Dritte Reich“, and is used as a synonym for Nazi Germany. The term was introduced by Nazi propaganda, which counted the Holy Roman Empire as the “First Reich”, the 1871 German Empire the “Second”, and its own regime as the “Third”. This was done in order to suggest a return to alleged former German glory after the perceived failure of the 1919 Weimar Republic, but this was not seen as the “Third Reich”, but rather as an Interim “Reich”.

The Third Reich” was sometimes also referred to as the “Thousand Year Reich” as in the case of the Holy Roman Empire (ref: The Dark Ages). The Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler used the terms “Third Reich” and “Thousand Year Reich” to connect the allegedly glorious past to its supposedly glorious future.

By 1932, influential bankers, industrialists, landowners and politicians conspired to put Hitler into power because of the political and economic weakness of the Weimar Republic. Hitler’s ideological views were suspect but there was an inherent belief that he could restore the Republic back to its former glory and prosperity sanctioned by the will and might of the Catholic Church.

Today, global trends suggest that what is emerging in Catholic Europe is nothing more than “The Fourth Reich” – an assimilation of “dark forces” at work to bring mankind into the long conspired One-World government under the magnetism of a powerful political/religious leader.

Let us be under no illusion, these powers that are at work – existing for just one purpose and that is – global domination.

EU integration has been one such move in the major global paradigmatic synergy in the fulfillment of this process. The forces of globalization are a major catalyst in this process in bringing about world union while removing the barriers to trade liberalization, currency formulations, political unification and finally religious ecumenism.

The work of The World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, The United Nations, The World Council of Churches and other global conglomerates are all working feverishly to ratify global change in favour of the working of these subliminal, shadowy forces which are now at work in our world.

The Vatican is preparing Pope Benedict XVI for his first formal visit to the United Kingdom as a “head of state”. There are many who question the logic of why a religious leader, by definition, who do not have any significance or relevance to the majority of British people who are secularists and are frankly void of religious affiliation. But this visit is political in nature, so those arguments are quashed because his sole intention is to first meet with Queen Elizabeth II (to heal an ancient wound), then Archbishop Dr. Rowan Williams (to bring back this lost daughter back into the fold) and finally the new PM – David Cameron (who has no problem spending £12 million of British taxpayers money on a Papal visit while public servants lose jobs from austerity measures – to simply hear that Britain must make a firm EU commitment and adopt the maxims of the Church).

For Pope Benedict, the issue to be raised in September is the sacredness of “SUNDAY” as a legislated day of worship ratified by the State as an ACT* of Parliament under the pretext of the – “WRITTEN DECLARATION pursuant to Rule 116 of the Rules of Procedure by Anna Záborská, Martin Kastler, Jean Louis Cottigny, Patrizia Toia and Konrad Szymański on ‘the protection of a work-free Sunday’ as an essential pillar of the European Social Model and a part of the European cultural heritage…”

As stated – The European Parliament having regard to Article 137 of the TEU and to Rule 116 of its Rules of Procedure dictates: –

  1. Whereas a work-free Sunday is an essential pillar of the European Social Model and a part of the European cultural heritage;
  2. Whereas a EUROFOUND survey shows that the likelihood of sickness and absenteeism in establishments that work on Saturdays and Sundays is 1.3 times greater compared with establishments that do not require staff to work at the weekend;
  3. Whereas, according to EU law, Sunday is the weekly rest day for children and adolescents;
  4. Whereas the European institutions, bodies and agencies have not worked on Sundays
    since their creation and do not intend to do so in the future, despite the diversity of
    religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds of EU officials and decision-makers;
  5. Calls on the Member States and the EU institutions to protect Sunday, as a weekly rest
    day, in forthcoming national and EU working-time legislation in order to enhance the
    protection of workers’ health and the reconciliation of work and family life;
  6. Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the
    signatories, to the Council, the Commission and the parliamentary committees for social
    affairs of the national parliaments.

If the European Union succeeds in legislating a specific day – (Sunday) as a “day of rest” – it will be tantamount to the enforcement of a lifestyle change on all peoples within its Diaspora including all Member States as well as the religious “Right” in America (who is also pushing this agenda in Congress) where we will be forced to follow a “state-sanctioned religion” – Catholicism and its enforcement of Sunday worship will be the “Mark” of a powerful Vatican-allied European superpower institution given the wings of globalization to be adopted by every nation, kindred, tongue and people.

The Catholic Church claims that “Sunday” is the “mark of its authority”, and that the other churches of Christendom acknowledge the church’s authority by Sunday observance (Cardinal Gibbons and the Douay Catechism, p. 59).

The Secretariat of COMECE* – the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community – made up of (Bishops delegated by the Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union and has a permanent Secretariat in Brussels), the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD) and the Church of Englandwelcome the initiative of several Members of the European Parliament, to ask the House to decide on a Written Declaration “on the protection of a work-free Sunday as an essential pillar of the European Social Model and as part of the European cultural heritage”.

Such a declaration would constitute an important commitment to a “Social Europe” knowing that it is important to find the majority necessary for this cross-party resolution, which has been launched by five parliamentarians – from the political groups of EPP, PSE, ALDE and UEN on 2 February 2009.

For most of us who are religious liberty watchers; freedom of conscience advocates; and the amalgamation of church & state denouncers and deniers – we see the writing on the wall and the moves being made by the Vatican to break down the last vestige of religious dissension in Europe by toppling Britain and very soon – America.

The Queen – who is the Head of the Church of England – along with Dr. Williams et al will be given a final papal edict to heal the century’s old division between the two faiths. This [478] year old rift is being healed right before our very eyes as we await the outcome of this historic papal visit.

This historical rift began in 1532. King Henry V III wanted Pope Clement V II to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so that he could marry Anne Boleyn. When Clement refused, Henry retaliated by declaring himself the Supreme Head of the Church of England and with this authority persuaded other church leaders to back his call for the annulment of his marriage so he could marry Anne.

Anne became pregnant with Princess Elizabeth who was born in December 1532. Henry married Anne (though not divorced from Catherine until May 23rd 1533). Anne was the 2nd of Henry’s 6 wives who he later accused of adultery and had her beheaded on May 19th 1536 (although some social historians agree that Jane Seymour – his 3rd wife was the actual cause of Anne’s death).

Pope Paul III excommunicated King Henry for his rebellious and adulterous ways though he remained a faithful Catholic during his reign – the Church of England still mirrored the theology and practices of the Catholic Church with the only noticeable difference that the Pope lived in Rome and the head of the Church of England lived in London.

When Henry died, his son Edward VI came to power and he tried to win the approval of the Protestants by implementing some reforms which included the creation of a Common Prayer Book in 1552. Henry quickly died and was succeeded by Mary I (also known as bloody Mary) as he had no heir. She reversed the reforms of her brother and brought the Church of England back to pure Catholicism. Many were burned at the stake as a result of refusal to embrace the edits of the new Queen.

Mary like her brother died without an heir and so her half-sister Elizabeth came to the throne and is credited with the establishment of the Anglican Church (1558) as we know it today. Her negotiation skills resulted in the church being 80% Catholic and 20% Protestant.

However, a grassroots movement within the church arose (called “rabble” – uneducated) – conservative radicals who wanted a complete break from the Catholic Church. This group given the derogatory name “Puritans” wanted (a) complete separation from the Vatican; (b) the abandonment of Catholic ritual; and (c) complete devotion to perfection and piety. To the ordinary layperson, the Puritan Movement seemed obsessed with anti-Catholic sentiment and a relentless quest for purity and perfection.

King James I succeeded Elizabeth in 1603 and he did not like the Puritans at all. To his credit however, James believed that the common people should be able to read the Bible in English and as the Supreme Head of the Church of England permitted the Bible to be translated. The first version appeared in 1611.

James died and was succeeded by his son Charles I and he too detested the Puritans and wanted the church to return to its Catholic roots and rituals. So he married a Catholic woman – creating outrage amongst the Puritans, escalating tensions and they in turn, repudiated the doctrine of “The Divine Right of Kings” (a political/religious doctrine of absolutism) – resulting in deadly persecution and the exodus of the Puritans to escape death.

Hence the birth of the colonies of New England on the shores of what was to become America and subsequently the United States of America (a land richly occupied by native peoples which a potent cultural heritage).

So the Puritans arrived on the shores of America with a strong resentment against Catholics, a rigid devotion to purity and perfection and an eagerness for freedom to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience.

The Puritans established Sunday Laws in their colonies (what we know in America today as (“BLUE LAWS” because of the blue paper they were written on). Obedience to the law was paramount. The laws did vary from colony to colony but the result was the same. Church attendance on the “Lord’s Day” was mandatory. Puritans could not work in the fields, make a bed, cook, sew or even kiss their own child on Sunday. All business activity (e.g. discussing business, buying or selling) and various forms of casual pleasures were rigorously outlawed.

The law enacted by Lord De La Warr, the 1st governor of Virginia, in 1610 stated:

“Every man and women shall repair in the morning to the divine service and sermons preached upon the Sabbath day, and in the afternoon to the divine service, and catechizing upon pain for the first fault to lose their provision and the allowance for the whole week following and also be whipped; for the second, to lose the said allowance and also be whipped; and for the third to suffer death.” (C. Gary Hullquist 2004, Emphasis supplied).

The Puritans had escaped to religious freedom – to be the first to enact and enforce similar laws limiting that said freedom for which they sought, hungered and died for.

Will we be facing a similar law of unintended consequences? Will the wall of separation between church and state be finally bulldozed to expose centuries of unheeded warnings? Will Sunday worship become a test of faith; an issue of political and civil disobedience and furthermore, a choice between the commandments of God or the dictates of men?

What we have learnt from history is that those who refuse to learn the lessons of the past are doomed to make the same mistakes in the future.

May God help us!

“There has never been better slaves, never worst masters” – Tacitus

188 responses to “THE FOURTH REICH: Masking The EU “Working Time Directive” – A Pretext To Enforce Global Catholic Religious Observance As the Ancient Issue Of “Sunday Sacredness” Takes Center Stage”

  1. Adventism’s Raison d’être – Part 1

  2. Adventism’s Raison d’être – Part 2

  3. Adventism’s Raison d’être – Part 3

  4. The Elements of Rest.

    God’s rest, His salvation, is based on three things: Personal faith, Sovereign decree, and immediate action.


    “For indeed we have had GOOD NEWS preached to us, just as they also; but the Word they heard did NOT profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard. For we who have BELIEVED ENTER the REST, just as He has said, ‘As I swore in My wrath, they shall NOT enter My REST.’ athough His works were finished from the foundations of the world.” (Heb. 2-3) emphasis added througout.

    The Seventh-day Adventist, have a genuine authordox theology, but, then invalidate it by adding blatant, downright hersey, such as, their insistence on Sabbath-day observance, which they erroneously contend is the ‘Seal’ of God for His end-time remnant church, as anyone who fails to adhere to this day, will, again, as they unscripturally say, who honour God on Sunday will be partaking in the Mark of the Beast. Another terrible perversion of God’s Word, found in SDA is their distinctive doctrine of ‘the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the investigative judgment,’ as a continuing doctrine of the legacy of Ellen White and NO ONE else. It is true that others invented it, supported it, and explained it, but she cemented it into the foundatuon of Adventism as an immovable “truth.” The whole SDA movement rests upon the integrity of October 22, 1844, being the fulfillment of Daniel 8:14 which Adventists teach to be the beginning of the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the investigative judgment. What actually happened on that day has been the center of Adventist debate and reinterpretation since October 23, 1844.”

    “To remove ( this utterly unscriptural, fear inspiring heresy) the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the investigative judgment doctrine from SDA theology will bring into QUESTION the inspiration and authority of the writings of Ellen White, and the integrity of the WHOLE Adventist movement. Some feel that instead of calling the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the investigative judgment doctrine a ‘sliver’ it should be called the ‘supporting-beam.’ ” (The CULTIC Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventist, by Dale Ratzlaff, pp. 19,20) emphasis added.

    So, that it is not just the unscriptursl imposition of the Sabbath-day keeping of Adventism that IS terribly wrong, but, also this FEAR imposing nonsense of ‘the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the investigative judgment’ that leaves EVERY Adventist wondering IF, they will make it through THIS ‘investigative judgment’ that they stupidly insist IS now going on in heaven, as there IS NO absolute assurance of KNOWING *IF* one will make it to heaven. Of course, the other side of the coin, so-to-speak, in the maze of ‘Cultic’ Adventism, IS, that if one does not make it to heaven, NO problem, as the other unbiblical doctrine of ‘Soul-sleep’ conditional immortality, and ultimate ‘annihilation’ of the soul, eases the pain of fear of Hell and Eternal punishment, emphatically taught in God’s Word for the lost, which Adventism resolutely denies.

    Now back to ‘The Elements of Rest’.

    “From the human side, the first requirement for salvation is FAITH. Hearing the gospel is essential, but it is not enough. The ancient Israelites (the first Sabbath keepers) heard God’s good news of rest,but it did them NO GOOD, (As in Adventism) since they did not accept it. It does no good to hear if we do not believe, that is the point here. Hearing the good news of the rest of God is of NO benefit, no profit, to any person at any time UNLESS the hearing is UNITED TO FAITH.”

    “It is tragic that HELL is going to be populated with people who will say, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?” To which Jesus will reply, ” I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matt. 7:22-23; cf. Luke 13″ 26-27). Their knowledge and their work was not united with faith. Jews pride themselves on the fact that they had God’s law (As Adventists do!) and God’s ordinances and God’s rituals. They were especially proud to be descendants of Abraham. But Jesus warned that true children of Abraham believe and act as Abraham did (John 8:39). Paul reminded his fellow Jews that “He is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; (No circumcision, OR Sabbath-day keeping) and his praise is not from men, but from God” (Rom. 2:29).

    “Being a true Jew under the Old Covenant was not a matter of having the Law, but obeying it. Being a true Christian under the New Covenant, is not a matter of knowing the gospel, but of trusting in it. Having a Bible, reading it, knowing it, taking it to church every Sunday, (or Sabbath day) and then teaching from it DO NOT make us Christians. Only trusting in the One to whom it testifies, (Not Sabbath-day keeping) makes us Christians. “You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life,” Jesus warned, “and it is these that bear witness of Me” (John 5:39). The issue IS NOT knowledge or work (Sabbath or Sunday) but FAITH. Paul was happy and thankful for the Thessalonian Christians, not simply because they accepted the gospel as the Word of God, but because they believed it. (I Thess. 2:13; cf. 2 Thess. 2:13). This signifies WHOLE commitment to the Lordship of Christ, (not Old Covenant Sabbath-day keeping).

    “Both the positive and negative sides of this truth are categorical, absolute. Those who have believed ENTER that REST, (not Sabbath-day keeping) and those who do not believe SHALL NOT enter My rest. Belief and unbelief are very serious things. fFom the human side, BELIEF with nothing else will save us; UNBELIEF with everything else (Sabbath-day keeping, good works etc,) will condemn us. These are the two equally true sides of the gospel, which is GOOD news only for those who accept it with all their hearts.” (The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Hebrews, pp. 99, 100) emphasis added.

    The GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Christ, in the New Covenant, has NOTHING to do with Sabbath-day observance, ritual, or old covenant law.

  5. A NEW ATTACK AGAINST THE SABBATH – Part 1 – S. Bacchiocchi, Ph. D., Retired Professor of Theology, Andrews University

    During the past few weeks several subscribers to our ENDTIME ISSUES NEWSLETTER have emailed me a copy of Greg and Paula Taylor’s confessional essay entitled “An Open Letter to Our Friends and Family.”

    In this lengthy document of about 40 pages, Pastor Taylor shares the spiritual pilgrimage which eventually led him and his wife to reject fundamental Adventist beliefs (especially the Sabbath), and to resign from the Foster Memorial SDA Church (about 500 members), in Asheville, NC, where Pastor Taylor has served as senior pastor for the past 8 years.

    This document has been circulating widely across the USA and overseas. In fact several readers have urged me to respond to this “Open Letter,” especially because it focuses primarily on the reasons the Pastor Taylor rejected the Sabbath as binding upon Christians today. He claims to have providentially discovered that in the New Testament the Sabbath is fulfilled in Christ, our Sabbath rest, and consequently and it “no longer binding on Christians.”

    At first I hesitated to undertake this assignment, since I have examined at considerable length the same anti-Sabbath arguments in my book THE SABBATH UNDER CROSSFIRE.

    In many ways the “Open Letter” recycles in a simplified and personalized way, DALE RATZLAFF’S arguments against the Sabbath presented in his book – THE SABBATH IN CRISIS.

    Like the Pastor Taylor, Ratzlaff served the Adventist church for 15 years, first as Bible teacher at Monterey Bay Academy and then as a Pastor in Southern California. Having spent a year of my life preparing a lengthy refutation of Ratzlaff’s irrational methodology and conclusions, I did not feel that it was necessary for me to pay twice for a DEAD HORSE.

    What eventually persuaded me to undertake this assignment is the plea from several Adventists who have been badly shaken by this “Open Letter.”

    Being a simple and sincere confessional story, the “Open Letter” has an enormous appeal to uncritical minds. In fact, some told me that they are troubled and confused by Pastor Taylor’s anti-Sabbath arguments. They are hoping that my response will clear away the uncertainties that have risen in their mind.

    It would be presumptuous on my part to think that this response will clear the air and fully restore the confidence in the Sabbath of everyone.

    Ultimately what convinces people of Bible truths, in not merely human logic, but the working of the Holy Spirit.

    Surprisingly Pastor Taylor’s resignation from the Foster Memorial SDA Church, has not affected the church attendance.

    This has not been the case in other Adventist churches where a large number of members left the church together with their pastors, and established new independent Sunday-keeping congregations.

    Two members of the Foster Memorial SDA church informed me that the attendance has slightly increased since Pastor Taylor left on July 2001. The reason given is that many church members who received the “Open Letter,” went back to their Bibles to reexamine for themselves the very Adventist doctrines challenged by Pastor Taylor. The outcome of this fresh investigation has been a strengthening of their faith in the Adventist message and a slight increase in church attendance.

    For the sake of clarity, my response to the “Open Letter,” is divided into two parts, according to the twofold division of the document itself. The first part evaluates the religious pilgrimage of Pastor Taylor, focusing especially on some of his characterizations of the Sabbath, Ellen White, and Adventism in general.

    This newsletter responds exclusively to the first part of the “Open Letter.”

    The next two newsletters will examine what the “Open Letter” calls “The Biblical Journey.”

    This is the most important part of the document because it presents the reasons Pastor Taylor has rejected the Sabbath.

    I am devoting the next two newsletters to an examination of Pastor Taylor anti-Sabbath arguments, because these are the popular arguments used to negate the continuity and validity of the Sabbath.

    I trust that this service will be helpful to those who wish to be better prepared to share the Sabbath truth with people of other faiths.

    Pastor Taylor believes that the Lord opened their eyes to the real meaning of certain NT texts, which in their view negate the continuity of the Sabbath for Christians. Pastor Taylor expresses his excitement with exclamations such as these: “I could hardly believe my eyes as I read this scripture . . .I must admit that this discovery affected me deeply . . . The whole study hit me so hard that I would wake up in the middle of the night and call upon the Lord.”

    Did Pastor Taylor really discover “new light” which negates the creational and permanent nature of the Sabbath? Or did he grossly misinterpret the texts in question?

    The answer to these questions will become clear as we examine his methodology and conclusions in the next two newsletters. I have asked the Lord to give me the grace and wisdom to examine this lengthy essay with respect and objectivity.

    The ultimate goal is not to win an argument, but to help sincere people determine if the principle and practice of Sabbath-keeping is still relevant for our Christian life today.

  6. PART 1


    In the first part of his “Open Letter” Pastor Taylor relates his personal journey which I will attempt to summarize briefly, commenting especially on his characterizations of the Sabbath, Willow Creek, Ellen White, and the Adventist Church.

    The major analysis of Pastor Taylor’s arguments will be done in the next two newsletters. My intent is not to defame Pastor Taylor in any way, but rather to examine the validity of his allegations against the Adventist Church and his reasons for rejecting the Sabbath.

    The impression I received from reading the “Open Letter,” is that Pastor Taylor is an honest and sincere man who wants to do what he believes to be right. The fact the he turned down the offer of the Carolina Conference to go back to Andrews University Theological Seminary for a year at full salary in order to clarify his thinking, suggests to me that he is a man of conviction.

    Unfortunately, he appears to be intellectually unstable, being easily swayed by new teachings, programs, and people. This conclusion appears inevitable from reading his religious journey where he describes the fluctuations that occurred in this theological positions as a result of new developments inside or outside the church.

    Pastor Taylor was born and raised in a legalistic Adventist home that “strongly followed the teachings of E.G. White.” He says: “I knew a lot about the law, but little about grace.” The legalistic upbringing apparently influenced his rebellious attitude.

    On his senior Academy year he was “kicked out” from school and for the next four years he almost destroyed his life with “addiction to drugs and alcohol.”

    In his desperate condition Pastor Taylor felt the call of God to become a Christian.

    Eventually he “checked into a Christian [Adventist] recovery center called the Bridge Fellowship in Kentucky.”

    Seven months later he went to study at Southern Adventist University where he became “an Adventist by conviction” and was rebaptized.

    By the time he was a college senior majoring in education, the local conference called him to serve as an intern for one year at a local church.

    At that time some theological crises hit the church when Desmond Ford attacked the doctrine of the investigative judgment and Walter Rea accused Ellen White of plagiarism.

    The impact of these developments was “devastating” for Pastor Taylor, especially since his senior pastor left the SDA church. He writes: “I went to the seminary wondering if I was an Adventist.”

    Reading Pastor Taylor’s spiritual journey, one senses that he has been easily influenced and swayed by people and events. It seems that every major event that he mentions had an impact on his beliefs.

    Personally I went through the same theological crises that hit the Adventist church, but none of them shook my confidence in the Biblical soundness of the Adventist message. It appears that Pastor Taylor may suffer from mental and emotional instability, which makes him easily victim of questionable teachings.


    Pastor Taylor describes his experience at the Theological Seminary in positive terms. The classes he took from Ivan Blazen, Raoul Dederen, and Hans LaRondelle brought a degree of reassurance to his mind. Unfortunately’ however, his Seminary experience was early marred by the break up of his marriage. His wife of two years left him during the first quarter. Pastor Taylor writes: “When she left just before the midterms of the winter quarter, my main focus for the next year and a half was to survive.”

    This change in focus from seminary education to personal survival may have weakened his seminary training, making it difficult for him to learn the proper methods of biblical interpretation. This may explain, at least in part, the reason for Pastor Taylor’s gross misinterpretation of those Bible texts related to the Sabbath.

    At Andrews he met a communication student Paula Wesner whom he married in March 1985 after leaving Andrews. They pastored a couple of district churches where they conducted evangelistic meetings. Pastor Taylor makes some perceptive comments regarding the deficiencies he found in the traditional evangelistic methods: “I became increasingly uncomfortable with the traditional evangelistic methods, which focused on last-day events and prophetic interpretation. I felt my calling was to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to lead them to Him as their Savior, and help them to live in relationship with Him.

    What I encountered mostly in the traditional approach was targeted at people already in a church somewhere. The sessions only had one or two nights dedicated to the Gospel, and the rest to our distinctive doctrines.”

    A Deficiency of Traditional Evangelism.

    Pastor Taylor’s comments about the doctrinal and prophetic emphasis of traditional evangelistic preaching, deserves serious considerations. Convincing people of the validity of our Adventist doctrines and prophetic interpretations, is and must remain a very important goal of our evangelistic preaching. But equally important is to help people understand how to translate these new doctrines into their daily life. In other words, we need to help people experience the transforming power of the Gospel in their own lives.

    A reason for the popularity of my weekend seminars, is their attempt to help people understand HOW to experience mental, physical, and spiritual renewal on the Sabbath; HOW to live in the joyful expectancy of a soon-coming Savior. Countless times people have told me: “I have been an Adventist for 10, 20, or 30 years, but this is the first time I understood how to make the Sabbath a delightful and joyful experience; a celebration of God’s creative and redemptive love.”

    There is an urgent need to help Adventists experience more fully the existential benefits of the Adventist message. If people accept the Adventist beliefs as a necessary requirement for salvation, without enjoying their benefits in their daily lives, then the Adventist message becomes for them an alienating imposition.

    They will grudgingly hold to the Adventist doctrines as if they were a bitter medicine needed to get well. Such a negative attitude predisposes people to accept the so-called New Covenant Theology, promoted by former Adventists like Taylor, because it offers them a justification for rejecting what they have never enjoyed in the first place.

    Eventually Pastor Taylor accepted a call to serve as full time youth pastor at the Kettering SDA Church, in Ohio. He describes his experience at Kettering as rewarding but taxing. In fact, after serving there for six and a half years, in 1993 the Pastor Taylors gladly accepted a call to minister at the Foster Memorial SDA Church, in Asheville, North Carolina.


    At the time the Pastor Taylors arrived in Asheville, the Foster Memorial SDA church was moving to a more contemporary style of worship by “trying methods used by the Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago.” The goal was to reach the unchurched people in the community. During the eight years of his pastorate in Asheville, Pastor Taylor and some of his leading church members “visited Willow Creek for numerous training events.” In fact, the local head elder, William Bryan, informed me in a telephone conversation that he and other local church leaders went nine times to Willow Creek to attend their training seminars.

    Pastor Taylor describes his visits to Willow Creek with these words: “The worship times were like a little taste of heaven for us. I remember us discussing how this movement of God was so much more vibrant than anything we had ever experienced in Adventism.” Impressed by the Willow Creek experience, Pastor Taylor tried hard to implement its methods to reach the unchurched. According to his testimony, the initial results were quite encouraging as the average church attendance grew from “120 before the transition to . . . a vibrant congregation of 500 members.”

    These figures are not quite correct. Elder Ken Coonley, President of the Carolina Conference, informed me that in 1993 when Pastor Taylor arrived at the Foster Memorial SDA church, its membership in the books stood at 419, and when he left on July 2001, it was 492, with an average church attendance of about 300 members. This means that the actual numerical growth during the eight years of his pastorate was less than 100 members. The contemporary worship style with a band often playing rocky type of music, hardly contributed to a significant church growth.


    Pastor Taylor himself acknowledges that the new contemporary worship style did not reach the unchurched people in the community, as he had anticipated. Most of the people they were reaching were former Adventists. This fact became a cause of serious concern. He wanted to find out the reasons. The answer came from an evaluation conducted by Carl George, an outreach and church growth specialist, in another Adventist church which faced a similar stagnation problem.

    Pastor Taylor reports that “Carl George’s assessment was that they could not break into the unchurched community because of the Sabbath issues. This was too great a barrier for most people not brought up or married into Adventism. For pastors who are called to reach people for Jesus, this seemed problematic. We must reach the world yet we are encountering a barrier that is a part of the very structure of Adventism.”

    When Pastor Taylor discovered that the Sabbath “constitutes a stumbling block” to reach the unchurched, he began to re-examine the validity of the Sabbath for today.

    During a summer sabbatical the Pastor Taylors spent their time visiting both Adventist and Sunday churches. He describes their experience with these words: “We were struck with the lack of spiritual vitality in all of the Adventist churches we visited. While the people were sincere, there was such a dearth of life, it was depressing. It was almost as if they were just going through the motions of ‘doing church.’

    The Sunday churches were the other way around. With the exception of one church we visited, all of them had such life and joy that it was contagious. We would rejoice when we were in these churches of various denominations or independent communities. When we would visit the SDA churches, we would get so sad and depressed. I remember praying, ‘Why, Lord, if the Sabbath is so significant and part of your moral law that is binding on all Christians, why are you clearly blessing other churches, while the Adventist churches are, at best, maintaining?’”

    Pastor Taylor’s characterization of Adventist churches as lacking “spiritual vitality” in contrast to Sunday churches allegedly full of “life and joy,” is contradicted by my personal experience. I preach every single Sabbath in vibrant and happy Adventist congregations across the USA and overseas. They sing joyfully unto the Lord, praising Him for His creative and redemptive love.

    Perhaps Pastor Taylor associates the “spiritual vibrancy” of some Sunday churches with the physical stimulation provided by the beat type of worship music which causes people to shout, swing and dance. If that is the case, then he needs to remember that the church is not a place of entertainment. The worship service is to elevate people spiritually, not to stimulate them physically. The spiritual vibrancy of a congregation can hardly be measured by the beat music or the shouting that takes places during the worship service of some Sunday-keeping churches.

    When I see popular charismatic preachers, like Rod Parsley preaching like a circus clown, in crusades attended by thousands of people, I feel embarrassed for the way he profanes the Gospel. But I do have great respect and admiration for preachers like Dr. James Kennedy of Coral Gables, Florida, who expand the Word of God with perceptive insights in a worship setting of reverence and solemnity.

    The fact that Dr. Kennedy’s large congregation does not sing beat music and shouts “Hallelujah” like that of Rod Parsley, does not means that it lacks “spiritual vitality.”

    Ultimately the spiritual vitality of a congregation is reflected in the victorious daily life of its members, Do the members live a clean lifestyle, abstaining from alcohol, drugs, and intemperate practices? Do they treat their family members with respect? Do they honor their marriage vows of faithfulness till death shall part them? Are they committed to bring up their children in the fear and love of God? Do they dress modestly, decently and with reverence, especially in God’s sanctuary? Do they worship God in the beauty of holiness with appropriate sacred music? These are some of the biblical criteria to determine the spiritual vibrancy of a congregation. A visiting observer can hardly establish by the external appearance alone, whether or not its members are spiritually vibrant.







  9. Obama Moves away from ‘Freedom of Religion’ toward ‘Freedom of Worship’?

    What is the DIFFERENCE* in the above statement?





  11. Bacchiocchi, as was his typical ‘redherring’ style, focues on Ex-Adventist pastor Taylor’s very disturbing and emotional past, failing to come to grips with the TRUTH, of why so many Adventist have left the SDA church, from theologians, scholars, pastors and lay members, ALL of whom have expressed the LIBERTY and JOY that they now have, contrasted to the bonage, fear, and uncertainty that hung over their heads in the past, while in SDA churches.

    If Bacchiocchi was truly Saved, and IS NOW in conscious glory in heaven, what a shock it must have been for him, when Jesus welcomed him home, NO SOUL SLEEP, awaiting the day of resurrection, which IS the gift of ‘immotality’ for the BODY, but the SOUL, which receives the GIFT of Eternal Life, at the point of been Saved, Justified, Adventist constantly confuse the distinction between the TWO. And, of course Bacchiocchi, if he is in heaven, and I sincerely hope so, would ALSO had had a rude awakening that the ‘cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary and the investigative judgment, IS a massive hoax, utter unscriptural nonsense!

  12. Our Rest Is God’s Rest.

    “One other point should be made here. The rest promised to those who believe is ‘My rest’ that is, God’s rest. God’s own rest from His work of creation, and the REST that He goies us IN Christ, are not the rest brought on by weariness or the rest of inactivity, BUT, are rest of FINISHED WORK. His works were FINISHED from the FOUNDATION of the world, God has FINISHED His work. God has done IT ALL, and for anyone who WANTS to ENTER His finished work and to share in His rest, it is available by faith.”

    “When God had finished the creation, He said (briefly paraphrased Gen. 2), “It’s DONE. I’ve made a wonderful world for man and woman. I’ve given them everything earthly they need, including each other, for a complete, unbroken, unmarred fellowship, with Me. I can now rest (cease) and they can REST IN ME.”

    “Sabbath rest was instituted as a symbol of the true rest to come in Christ. That is why the Sabbath could be violated by Jesus, and completely set aside in the New Testament. When the true Rest Land came, the symbol was useless. “Therefore let NO ONE act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moom or a Sabbath day- things which are a MERE SHADOW of what is TO COME: but the SUBSTANCE belongs to Christ.” (Col. 2: 16-17).

    “Adam and Eve were completely righteous when they were created. They wallked and talked with God as regularly and as natural as they walked and talked with each other. They were at REST, in its orginal and fullest sense. They relied on God for everything. They had NO anxieties, no worries, no pain, no frustrations, no heartaches. They did not need God’s forgiveness, because they had NO SIN to be forgiven of. They did not need His consolation, because they were never grieved. They did not need His encouragement, because they never failed. They only needed His fellowship, because they were made for HIM. This WAS their “REST” in God. God completed His perfect work and He rested. They were His perfect work, and they RESTED in Him, not in any given day, BUT, continuous REST in Him.”

    “But, something terrible happened. When Satan began to impugn God’s Word and integrity and love, Adam and Eve chose to believe Satan. They trusted him rather than God. And when they lost their trust in God, they LOST HIS REST. And from that time until NOW, man apart from God, In Christ, not only has been sinful, byt RESTLESS. The entire purpose of the Bible and the entire working of God in human history, have ONE theme: bringing man back into His REST.”

    “To accomplish this, God had to remove the barrier to their rest, the barrier which separated them from Him. He sent His Son to do just that, to provide AGAIN for man’s REST in His Creator. Through Christ’s death men are offered Life. Rest is another name for life, life as God meant it to be. Even when people who lived before Jesus were saved on the basis of what God was going to do through His Son. Christ bore sins, past and future, and through Him, God’s REST has been made available to anyone who believe.”

    “Those who sinned while wandering in the wilderness, not only forfeited Canaan. Unless they exercised personal FAITH in God sometime during the forty years, they forfeited enternal life – of which Canaan was onky a symbol.” (The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Hebrews, pp.101, 102) emphasis added.


    “And again in this passage, ‘They shall NOT ENTER My REST.” Since therefore IT REMAINS for some to ENTER IT, and those who formerly had the GOOD NEWS preached to them FAILED to ENTER because of DISOBEDIENCE.” (Heb. 4: 5-6) emphasis added.

    Now, sabbatarians, SDA et al, pause for a moment, and THINK…think critically, objectively, logically, if you can!

    Hear the Lord, “And in this place again ( kai en toutoi palin) The passage already quoted in verse 3 in 3:11)

    The ISRAELITES in the wilderness, were GIVEN the Sabbath-day to keep, observe, etc, and they DID KEEP it, legalistically, yet, Almighty God says to them:

    “They SHALL NOT enter My REST.” Why not? Because the REST He wanted to give them, could NOT come through a day, because:

    “Rest still remains. Why? Because God could not cut it off. That would mean He started something that was not worth completing. But He does not do such things. God did not establish rest for mankind for nothing. The REST He has provided, someone will ENTER, the REST that comes only from abiding in Jesus, seven days a week, NOT Sabbath-day observance. It remains for some to enter it. When man lost God’s rest, God immediately began a recovery process. Through His Son, Jesus Christ, some would be brought back in, (where Adam and Eve were, before disobedience and sin). He created man for fellowship with Himself, and His plan would not be thwarted, either by a rebellious archangel, or by disbelieving mankind. By divine decree, therefore, there has always been a remnant of believers, (Not the SDA, as they foolishly think!) even among mostly disbelieving Israel. “In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice” (Rom. 11:5). The way of God’s REST has always been narrow, and only a few, relative to all of mankind, have ever found it. But some must enter into it, (Not Sabbath day keeping) because God’s purpose must be fulfilled. By sovereign decree, He designed a REST for mankind, and some, therefore are going to ENTER IT.”

    “The second element of REST mentioned here is God’s sovereign decree. It is mentioned second, but it came first. Without God’s decree, man’s faith would be futile and worthless. We are SAVED by two things: God’s will, expressed in His sending His Son to save mankind; and our will expressed in our TRUST in His Son to save us. We can be saved because He planned to save us before the world was created. Jesus said, “No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him,” and, “No one can come to Me, unless it has been granted him from the Father” (John 6:44, 65). Personal faith is necessary before God can apply His redemption to us. Yet our personal faith is effective because the Father has first drawn us to the Son. Because God wants us to be saved, we can be saved. Only disobedience keeps us out.”


    “He again fixes a certain day, “Today,” saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before, “Today if you hear His voice, do NOT harden your hearts.” (Heb. 4:7).

    “The third element of REST is immediate action. God fixes a certain day, “TODAY,” Opportunity for God’s REST remains, but it will NOT remain indefinitely. For each individual it will END before or with death; forever. This is why immediate action is a basis of entering God’s rest, of being saved. This is why Paul said, “NOW is ‘the acceptable TIME,’ behold, NOW is ‘the day of salvation’ ” (2 Cor. 6:2). When God looked down on the civilization, He was ready to drown, He said, “My spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he is also flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” (Gen. 6:3). In other words, a person has no more than his lifetime to believe God. The average life expectancy today is much less than 120 years; and, of course, none of us has a guarantee of living even until the average. God limits the time for salvation. This is God’s TODAY, right NOW – the only day, the only opportunity, we can be sure of.” (the MacArthur New Testrament Commentary, Hebrews, pp. 102, 103) emphasis added,


    At the time when Pastor Taylor began questioning the Sabbath, he received anti-Sabbath literature from some friends who had left the SDA ministry and established Sunday-keeping congregations.

    The study of this literature had a decisive impact on him, which he describes with these words: “I was amazed to discover that the New Testament does not teach Sabbath the way I thought it did. I learned from Colossians 2:16-17, Galatians 4:10, Romans 14:5-6, and Hebrews 3-4, that Sabbath was an institution that pointed forward to Jesus and therefore was no longer binding on Christians.

    The New Testament points to a Person (Jesus) as the true Sabbath, not a day. I discovered that the Law is reinterpreted, in Christ, for all believers.

    The New Testament makes very clear which portions of the Law have carried over in Christ and which have not. Finally, I found that the day of worship is NOT the final test of loyalty to God, rather the test is a full surrender to Jesus Christ sealed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

    I realize that this understanding needs further development, so I have included a brief survey of my discovery process in the appendix.”

    Pastor Taylor’s new understanding of the Sabbath as fulfilled in Christ, rests on a blatant misinterpretation of the texts he cites.

    His methodology and conclusions will be examined in the next two newsletters. At this point it suffices to note that the Pastor Taylor has come to believe that though resting on the Sabbath has some social, physical, and spiritual merits, “to insist that it always be on Saturday, or that it is mandated by scripture, is adding to the Word of God an unnecessary requirement for new believers.

    It constitutes a stumbling block that is not necessary. It gets in the way of many coming to Jesus.

    We believe that we should remove all obstacles from the path of the true seeker except the scandal of the cross.”

    What is “the scandal of the Cross” for Pastor Taylor?

    Presumably for him it is primarily the “doing and dying” of Jesus on the Cross.

    But is this ALL what people need to know about the Gospel?

    This restricted view of the Cross as the payment for our past sins through Christ’s atoning sacrifice, ignores the triumph of the Cross manifested in a life of obedience.

    Paul affirms this truth eloquently in Romans 8:3-4, saying: “For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the just requirements of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”

    The Good News of the Gospel is that Christ’s atoning death has not only paid for the penalty of our sins, but also gives us the power to overcome sin and to live according to the ‘just requirements of the law.”


    The charge that the Sabbath is “a stumbling block” that “gets in the way of many coming to Christ,” is a serious accusation leveled against the Lord of the Sabbath Himself.

    This accusation ignores that the Sabbath is Christ’s gracious invitation to come to Him to find rest in Him.

    Through the Sabbath Christ invites us to stop our work, so that He can work in us more fully and freely.

    This is the message of Hebrews 4:10, which speaking of the Sabbath, says: “Anyone who enters God’s rest also rest from his own work, just as God did from His” (NIV).

    Simply stated, we rest from our work on the seventh day in order to enter into God’s rest.

    The Sabbath has always been “a stumbling block” for many people, but the reason is to be found not in the nature of the commandment itself, but in the condition of the human heart.

    Those who wish to spend the Sabbath time seeking for pleasure and profit, rather than for the peace and presence of God, obviously find the day a stumbling block.

    But Jesus never taught to do away with His commandments, if they proved to be a stumbling block to a marketing oriented church growth. Instead He said: “If you love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:10).

    Christ spent much of His public ministry teaching people how to keep the Sabbath, not as rules to obey, but people to love.

    More coverage is given in the Gospels to the Sabbath teachings and healings of Jesus than to any other aspects of His ministry.

    The reason is that Jesus believed that proper Sabbath-keeping is important to the spiritual growth of His followers.

    The self-centeredness of the human heart largely explains why the Sabbath commandment has been under the constant crossfire of controversy – over 3000 treatises disputing the Sabbath have been published since the Reformation.

    There has been no major controversy over the other 9 commandments of the Decalogue.


    Most likely because the Sabbath touches us in our intimacy more deeply than any other commandment.

    It summons us to consecrate the 24 hours of the 7th day to God.

    Most people are very touchy about their time.

    They want to use their Sabbath time to pursue their own interests.

    The Sabbath is a stumbling block for many, because it challenges us to offer to God not lip-service by going to church for one hour on Sunday morning or on Saturday afternoon, but the service of our total being by giving priority to God in our thinking and living during the 24 hours of the 7th day.

    An article entitled “Saturday Night Live at Church,” published in the Sunday magazine of the Lord’s Day Alliance of the USA, indicates that about 10,000 American Protestant churches are now following the examples of Catholic Churches by anticipating the first Sunday service to Saturday afternoon.

    One of the churches mentioned is the Willow Creek Community Church, which “features two services on Saturday night.”

    The Saturday evening services are especially popular with those who do not feel like getting out of bed on Sunday morning. They prefer to enjoy the sanctuary of their bed rather than that of the church.

    The reduction of the principle of Sabbath-keeping to an hour of church attendance, either on Sunday or Saturday afternoon, makes the Sabbath less of a stumbling block for those who are more interested in holidays, than in a Holy Day.

    But this reduction clearly violate the essence of the Sabbath commandment which consists in the consecration of the 24 hours of the 7th day unto the Lord.


    By labeling the Sabbath as a “stumbling block” for people to come to Christ, Pastor Taylor ignores the profound religious meaning of the act of resting for God on the seventh day. It is an act that makes all the activities of this day—whether the formal worship service or the informal fellowship and recreation—a worship offering to God since they all of them spring from a heart deliberately committed to honor God on His holy day.

    To appreciate the profound religious significance of the Sabbath rest as worship to God, we need to remind ourselves that our life is a measure of time, and the way we spend our time is indicative of our priorities. We have no time for those toward whom we feel indifferent, but we find time for those for whom we love.

    To be willing on the seventh day to withdraw from the world of things in order to meet the invisible God in the quietness of our souls means to show in a tangible way our love, loyalty, and devotion to God. It means to be willing to tune out the hundreds of voices and noises that clamor for attention, in order to tune our souls to God and to hear His voice.

    It means not merely to sandwich in one hour of worship for God in a hectic day spent seeking for selfish pleasure or profit but rather to serve God wholly during the Sabbath, by offering Him the service of our total being. The unique opportunity the Sabbath provides to serve the Lord makes the day, not a stumbling block, but a stepping stone to come to Christ and fellowship with Him more fully and freely on His Holy Day.


    Few Adventist pastors, who like Pastor Taylor, find the Sabbath a stumbling block to reach the unchurched, are experimenting with regular Sunday morning worship service, in addition to that of the Sabbath.

    During the past few months I have received reports from different parts of North America about SDA churches that are adopting Sunday worship service to facilitate the outreach to their communities. I have been repeatedly asked to comment about this practice.

    In my view there is nothing wrong with holding meetings on Sunday as part of a temporary outreach endeavor, like an evangelistic campaign or various types of seminars.

    The problem arises when Sunday worship services become a regular feature of an Adventist church. The predictable result is that gradually the Sunday morning service will displace and replace the Sabbath service. This is the lesson of history.

    As a church historian, I am reminded that Sunday worship began, especially in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, as an addition to Sabbath worship. Gradually, Sunday worship replaced completely the Sabbath worship, especially since it was more convenient to go to church on Sunday—the day that was made a civil holiday by Constantine in A. D. 321.

    History often repeats itself. The current promotion of Sunday worship by few Adventist churches in addition to Sabbath worship, is no exception. An example is recent adoption of Sunday worship by several former Adventist pastors and Bible teachers, who have embraced the so-called “New Covenant Theology,” These men initially promoted the introduction of Sunday worship in addition to Sabbath worship.

    But it was not long before they moved their church services exclusively to Sunday. I predicted this development two years ago while debating some of these former Adventists. I was accused of using defamatory and scaring tactics. What has happened has proven the accuracy of my prediction.

    On the basis of what has happened in the past, I dare to predict that those SDA churches that are now conducting regular Sunday worship services, in addition to Sabbath services, will eventually for convenience sake eliminate altogether church services on Saturday.

    How can we expect Sunday-keepers to accept the principle and practice of Sabbath-keeping when they are invited to worship regularly on Sunday in an Adventist Church?

    The notion of conducting a regular Sunday worship service as a way to reach Sunday-keepers who are more free and accustomed to go to church on that day, is inspired not by Scripture, but by the church growth marketing strategy.

    The underlying philosophy of this strategy is to give to people what they want.

    By contrast, the Biblical philosophy is to give to people what they need. Going to church on Saturday may not be popular and convenient for some, but Jesus never promised that it would be easy to follow him.

    The problem is that many want to wear a crown without carrying the cross.

  17. Pathetic Bacchiocchi, commiserable, rueful, Bacchiocchi, is this all you can do in defense of the indefensible, (the Sabbath) which HAS found its complete FULFILLMENT along with the other old covenant Commandment, IN the NT ‘Commandments’ of Christ, adhered TO, DAILY, 24/7 through the absolute IMPERATIVE of *LOVE*, so graciously expressed by Jesus Himself, Paul, and the writer of Hebews.

    Church Historian, you may have being,, but certainly not an exegete!

  18. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    What Church Historian what?
    He just brings loads of error to these pages.
    Only those that know realize that he is a purveyor of bovine effluent.

    He tries to baffle folk with his percieved brilliance, but all he does is to bury them in bull shit!

    Any one who interprets the Bible consistently with an appreciation of covenants and dispensations understands that the Sabbath is not in vogue in the church age or the dispensation of grace.

    Paul clearly stated in Colossians 2:16-17 that we are not to let folk judge us about a day or about meat. Clearly the Holy Spirit was far ahead of the game that begun in the 1800’s.


    It is hard to believe that the Pastor Taylor finds the Sabbath a stumbling block for people to come to Christ, when many today are expressing an unprecedented interest for the Sabbath. Church leaders, religious organization, and people of all walks of life, are rediscovering the validity and values of the Sabbath for their lives.

    The newly released Directory of Sabbath-Observing Group, announced in this newsletter, lists 400 Sabbatarian churches and groups in America, most of which have come into existence within the past thirty years.

    Surprisingly, even within mainline denominations (Baptist, Methodists, Mennonite, and Pentecostal), there are churches that are moving their services from Sunday to Saturday.

    A brief report of this development is found in chapter 7 of THE SABBATH UNDER CROSSFIRE.

    The chapter is entitled “Rediscovering the Sabbath.”

    For the sake of brevity I will mention only one Southern Baptist Church which I have known personally.

    On February 11-12, 1999 I was invited to present my Sabbath Enrichment Seminar at La Sierra University, in Riverside, California.

    On Friday evening, at the end of my testimony, the University Pastor, Dan Smith, alerted me that Pastor Allan Stanfield of the First Baptist Church of Lucerne Valley, was sitting in the last pew with some of his church members.

    We visited with Pastor Stanfield for half an hour and I gave him a gift copy of my latest book THE SABBATH UNDER CROSSFIRE.

    Pastor Stanfield came back next Sabbath morning and Sabbath afternoon. Upon leaving on Saturday evening he told me that he was eager to rediscover the Sabbath for himself and his congregation.

    A week later he ordered a case of THE SABBATH UNDER CROSSFIRE, which he passed out to the leading families of his congregation.

    For the next six weeks his members met on Wednesday night to study the Sabbath, using the book as a study guide. Then on Wednesday evening, April 21, 1999, the church held a business meeting in which they voted almost unanimously to move their church services from Sunday to Saturday.

    The following Saturday, April 24, the church worshipped for the first time on the 7th day Sabbath.

    Since then other Southern Baptist churches have followed the same example. Surprisingly, they have been able to remain within the Southern Baptist convention.

    A clear indication of the unprecedented interest for rediscovering the Sabbath can be seen also in the sudden appearance of books and articles promoting the seventh day Sabbath.

    A fitting example is the book Catch Your Breath: God’s Invitation to Sabbath Rest (1997), authored by Don Postema who serves as pastor of the Campus Chapel at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

    In his spiritual search for inner peace and rest, Postema tried various resources including Eastern mediation.

    One day he was struck by the fact that “Jews and Christians have a practice as near as our Bible, as close as our tradition, as available as the next ten minutes or weekend: the Sabbath.”

    The book provides a practical and creative guide for meaningful Sabbath-keeping. Its aim is not to argue for the validity of the Sabbath, but to invite people to practice it.

    Postema writes: “The benefit of the Sabbath is not simply in the study of it but most assuredly in the practice of it—in living Sabbath. Reading and thinking about Sabbath is like reading travel brochures and dreaming about great vacation spots but never going there for a vacation. It is interesting. You can learn a lot. But you can’t have the experience unless you make the journey.”

    The book offers practical suggestions on how to make Sabbath-keeping an experience of mental, physical, and spiritual renewal.

    A most unlikely place to find an article promoting the Sabbath is in the weekend edition of USA TODAY (April 2-4, 1999).

    The two pages article is entitled “Remember the Sabbath?” and is adapted from Prof. Wayne Muller’s book THE SABBATH: REMEMBERING THE SACRED RHYTHM OF REST AND DELIGHT.

    Muller offers 10 suggestions for making the Sabbath an enjoyable experience. He closes making a plea for renewed Sabbath-keeping in America today. “Let us take a collective breath, rest, pray, meditate, walk, sing, eat and take time to share the unhurried company of those we love. . . .God does not want us to be exhausted; God wants us to be happy. And so let us remember the Sabbath.”

    Another unlikely place to find an article promoting the rediscovery of the Sabbath is HEMISPHERE, the magazine of United Airlines.

    On a United Airlines flight to the West Coast I was surprised to read in the July 1997 issue of their magazine a delightful article entitled “Ancient Wisdom,” written by Nan Chase, a frequent contributor to The Washington Post.

    Chase tells the story of how she discovered the Sabbath by reading about it in a book she found in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. She was surprised to read that Sabbath-keeping can strengthen marital relationships by bringing the husband and wife closer to one another.

    She decided to join the Sabbatarians in observing the Sabbath from “sundown Friday until sundown Saturday” by “no cooking, no shopping or paying of bills, no pulling of weeds or pruning shrubs, no cleaning or repairing the house, nor even talking about or thinking about work and the office.”

    Chase describes the benefits of Sabbath-keeping saying: “My personal life, my professional life, and my family life have all improved, and I plan to go on celebrating the Sabbath.”

    The foregoing examples of people from different walks of life that are rediscovering the Sabbath as a divine remedy for our tension-filled and stressful lives discredit Pastor Taylor’s contention that Sabbath “constitutes a stumbling block” for many to come to Christ.

    The fact is that today more than ever before people need the rest and renewal which the Sabbath is designed to provide.

    A correct understanding and experience of the Sabbath makes people receptive and responsive to Christ’s invitation to come to Him and find rest in Him. Thus, the Sabbath can be, not a stumbling block, but a stepping stone to come to Christ.


  21. The Nature Of Rest.

    “For if Joshua had given them rest, He would not have spoken of another day after that. There REMAINS therefore a Sabbath rest for the people of God. For the one who has ENTERED His rest has himself also rested (ceased from) from his works, as God did from His.” (Heb. 4: 8-10) emphasis added.


    “The rest spoken of here is NOT the physical rest of Canaan. That was only a picture. “For if joshua had given them rest. He would not have spoken of another day after that.” God’s TRUE rest comes not through a Moses or a Joshua or a David. It COME THROUGH Jesus Christ.”

    “God’s rest is not essentially physical at all. Certainly, resting in God and trusting in His promises can relieve us of neverousness, tenseness, and other physical problems. But these are by-products of His rest. Many cults promise their followers happiness, wealth, and health in this life. The Bible does not. The REST God promises is spiritual, not physical. Whatever physical or eathly benefits the Lord may give us, His basic promise is to give us spiritual rest, spiritual blessing. Some of God’s most faithful believers are the busiest, the hardest working, and sometimes even the most afflicted people imaginable. Yet they are in God’s salvation REST.”


    “The term ‘people of God’ may refer generally to anyone who knows God; but here it specifically refers to Israel. Salvation is first of all for Israel. The Gospel “is the POWER of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Rom. 1:16). There is a REST remaining for the people of God, and in the Old Testament, Israel is designated the people of God. His spiritual REST is promised first to Israel, and He will not be through with her UNTIL she comes into His rest.”


    “For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.” (Heb 4:10).

    “God’s rest is also future. In his vision on Patmos the Apostle John heard these beautiful words from heaven: “Write, “Blessed are the dead (physically) who die in the Lord from now on!” ‘ ‘Yes, says the Spirit, ‘that they may REST (spiritually in heaven) from their labors, for their deeds FOLLOW with them.’ ” (Rev. 14: 13). I believe Hebrews 4:10 anticipates that final day when we will CEASE from all efforts and all work and ENTER the presence of Jesus Christ. It includes the promised REST to Israel, the ultimate REST when she and ALL of God’s other people will CEASE from work and REST as God did when He finished His creation. That is the reality of Sabbath rest.” (The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Hebrews, pp. 103, 104) emphasis added.

  22. The Urgency of Rest.

    “Let us therefore be diligent to ENTER THAT REST, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience. For the Word of God is LIVING and ACTIVE and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is NO CREATURE HIDDEN from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” (Heb. 4:11-13) emphasis added.

    “The need for God’s REST is urgent. A person should diligently with intense purpose and concern, secure IT. It is not that he can work his way to salvation, (good works, or Sabbath keeping) but that he should diligently SEEK to ENTER God’s REST by FAITH- lest he, like the Israelites (Who kept the Sabbath) in the wilderness, lose the opportunity.”

    “God cannot be trifled with. “For the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword…and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” In the immediate context this verse means that the readers who are hesitating in trusting Christ, (Not Sabbath keeping!) who are even considering falling back into Judaism (Sabbath keeping) had better be urgent and diligent in seeking to enter God’s REST, because the Word of God is alive. It is not static, but ACTIVE – constantly active. It can pierce right down into the innermost part of the heart to see if belief is real or not.”

    “So the Word of God is not only saving and comforting and nourishing and healing, it is also a tool of judgment and execution. In the day of the great judgment, His Word is going to penetrate and lay bare all hearts who have not trusted in Him. The sham and hypocrisy will be revealed and no profession of faith, no matter how orthodox, and no list of good works (or Sabbath day observance) no matter how sacrificial, will count for anything before Him. Only the thoughts and intentions of the heart will count. God’s Word IS the perfect discerner, the perfect ‘kritikos’ (from which we get ‘critic’). It not only analyzes all the facts perfectly, but all motives, and intentions, and beliefs as well, which even the wisest of human judges or critics cannot do. The sword of His Word will make no mistakes in judgment or execution. All disguises will be ripped off and only the real person will be seen.”

    “The word translated ‘open’ had two distinct uses in ancient times. It was used of a wrestler taking his opponent by the throat. In this position the two men were unavoidably face to face. The other use was in regard to a criminal trial. A sharp dagger would be bound to the neck of the accused, with the point just below his chin, so that he could not bow his head, but had to face the court. Both uses had to do with grave face-to-face situations. When an unbeliever comes under the scrutiny of God’s Word, he will be unavoidably face-to-face with the perfect TRUTH about God and about himself.”

    “In light of such certain and perfect judgment and of such beautiful and wonderful REST, why will any person harden his heart to God.” (The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Hebrews, pp. 104, 105) emphasis added.

  23. Having distinctly shown earlier, that Ellen.G. White’s utter FALSE prophecy and unbiblical doctrine, where she heretically declared:

    “Too late they see that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is the seal of God.” -Great Controversy, p. 640, written in 1888).

    Also, E.G. White further amplified her unscriptural heresy, by saying:

    “The sign, or seal, of God is revealed in the OBSERVANCE of the seventh-day Sabbath…The MARK of the BEAST is the opposite of this- the observance of the first day of the week (Sunday):” Testimonies Vol. 8, p. 117, written in 1904 .

    To this unscriptural false doctrine, the SDA still hold tanaciously.

    The Bible, the Word of God, not Ellen G. White, SDA or other sabbatarians, STATES emphatically, that:

    “You were MARKED in Him with a *SEAL* (the promised Sabbath day, NO! NO! NO! the ) HOLY SPIRIT” (eph. 1:13) emphasis added.

    Again, HEAR the Word of God, not the SDA.

    “Do not grieve the HOLY SPIRIT of God, with whom you WERE *SEALED* for the day of redemption” (Eph. 4:30) emphasis added.

    Now, do we find anywhere in God’s Word, the Bible, ANY indication whatsoever, that the FIRST day of the week, Sunday, will BE the Mark of the Beast? Not the Vatican of the EU, working on imposing some so -called “Sunday-Scaredness” they can do what the hell they like, IT IS God’s Word that is FINAL on the matter on WHO or WHAT constitutes the Mark of the Beast during the Great Tribulation, NOT Ellen White or sabbatarians.

    Let us hear from God’s Word.

    “And he causeth ALL, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to RECEIVE a MARK (Where?) in their RIGHT HAND, or IN their foreheads. And that NO MAN might buy or sell, save he/she HAD the MARK, or the name of the BEAST, or the NUMBER of his name.” (Revelation. 13: 16-17) emphasis added.

    Now, this IS God’s inspired Word, not Ellen G. White, does this sound like IF some day, Sunday will be the Mark of the Beast? Absolutely NOT, it makes specific reference to, those living during The Great Tribulation period, that ‘…RECEIVE a MARK in their RIGHT HAND, or in their FOREHEADS…” (. 16b) in order to obviously be able to BUY or SELL, in other words, one will NOT be able to purchase ANY commodity, ANY where, from any commercial enterprise, in order to live, UNLESS, one has RECEIVED “..a MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” (v. 16b)

    Clearly, logically then, any one with common sense, reading here in God’s Word, THAT, this NONSENSE of Sunday so-called sacredness, will be the Mark of the Beast, is utter unscriptural false doctrine, being a specific day, is incoherently contrary to the imposition of “…a MARK….” without which, one will simply NOT be able to “…buy or sell…” referring obviously to the consumer (buyer) and the seller, the various business enterprises, which HAS NOTHING to do with any Sunday worship, NONE!


    V. 16. “He causeth ALL ( same use of ‘poieo’ in verse 12 and 15). Note article here with each class (the small and the great, etc.). “That there be given” (hina dosin autois). Same use of ‘hina’ after ‘poieo’ as in 12 and 15, only here with indefinite plural ‘dosin’ (second aorist active subunctive). “A MARK” (charagma). Old word from ‘charasso’, to engrave, in Acts 17: 29 of idolatrous images, but in Rev. (13:16, 17: 14:9; 11; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4) of the brand of the BEAST on the RIGHT HAND or on the FOREHEAD, or on both. (NOT some Sunday nonsense!) At any rate, this “MARK of the BEAST” will be necessary for life and ALL social and business relations. On the right hand, that is in PLAIN SIGHT. “Upon the forehead” (epi to metopon auton). Accusative with ;epi’ though genitive just before with ‘cheiros’ (hand).

    V. 17. “That NO MAN should be able to BUY or to SELL (hina me tis dunetai agorasai e polesai). Final clause with ‘hina’ and present middle subjunctive of ‘dunamai’ with aorist active infinitives. This is a regular boycott (Ramsay, Sven Letters, p. 106f.) against all not worshiopers of the emperor. “Save” (ei me). “If not,” “except.” ‘Even the name (to onoma). No “even,” just apposition with ‘charagma’ (the MARK). “Or the number” (e ton arithmon). The stamp (the MARK) may bear either the name or the number of the BEAST. The name and the number are one and the same.” ( Word Pictures in The New Testament, Vol VI, pp. 405, 406) emphasis added.

    Here IS the Word of God, and sound exegesis from the words inspired by the Holy Spirit, as He had John record this ‘Mark of the Beast’ NOT the utter nonsense espoused and taught by Ellen G. White, and the SDA , which is falaciously used by sabbatarians to IMPOSE the Sabbath-day on Christrians, and in order to create a LIE on top of another LIE, they then FABRICATE this Sunday-scaredness, issue! Utter unbiblical NONSENSE!!!

  24. “Seventh-day Adventist religious liberty proponents are monitoring a proposal from a European Parliament member who wants businesses in Europe to close their doors on Sundays.

    Parliament member Martin Kastler of Germany is urging for the passage of continent-wide laws similar to those of his home country, which encourage employees to take a day off work to be with their families, the New York Times reported.

    Though parliamentary rules bar most members, including Kastler, from introducing legislation, a recently enacted citizens petition function would require the 736-member body to draw up such legislation if supporters raise 1 million signatures from across member countries, the Times reported.

    While many Adventists in Europe now live and worship in countries with similar laws, the church has traditionally opposed such laws, citing possible religious discrimination.

    “We agree that people need a day of rest, but we want to be sure those who don’t have Sunday as a designated religious day of rest will be respected and accommodated,” said John Graz, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty (PARL) director for the Adventist world church and secretary-general of the International Religious Liberty Association.

    “We hope that those behind the proposal will understand the pluralistic dimensions of European society today and the importance of respecting different religious beliefs,” he said.

    Church officials in the denomination’s Switzerland-based Euro-Africa Division said they are monitoring the situation. This autumn they plan to hold consultations with local leadership regarding a possible response to any progress on Kastler’s initiative.

    “If [it] was just this question of shops opening on Sunday, our members would not see it as a problem,” said Karel Nowak, PARL director for the church in Euro-Africa. “This is [already] the current situation in many West- and Central-European countries.”

    Nowak’s key concern is the possible arguments supporting the initiative. He said some people want to “strengthen ‘traditional European values,’ meaning ‘traditional Christian’ values and lifestyle.”

    “In my opinion this development is concerning and could lead to escalation of tension among different groups,” Nowak said.”

  25. Lutherans apologize for 16th century persecution of Anabaptists

    “A global Lutheran counsel in Germany officially apologized for its 16th century persecution of Anabaptists — religious reformers whose descendants include Mennonites and whose beliefs profoundly influenced the founders of Seventh-day Adventism.

    During a July 22 service of repentance, the Council of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) voted unanimously in favor of the formal apology, which expresses “deep regret and sorrow” for past persecution and requests forgiveness from both God and the Anabaptist family.

    In a foreword in the recent issue of Lutheran World Information, LWF President Mark S. Hanson said the church’s repentance is part of the “ministry of reconciliation” Christians are called to as “ambassadors for Christ.”

    Anabaptists, whose name means “to baptize again,” historically urged baptism by immersion for Christians as a public expression of faith and admission into a community of believers — radically different from the era’s common practice of infant baptism.

    Anabaptists were also early advocates of separation of church and state, religious liberty and justification by faith. Facing persecution from both Protestants and Catholics in Europe in the 1500s, many found solace in America.

    The service of repentance, held in Stuttgart, Germany, came after three decades of reconciliation talks beginning in 1980 during the 450th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession, a defining Lutheran doctrinal text, reported this week. At the time, Mennonite representatives questioned whether the text should be commemorated, since it denounced their teachings, the report said.

    During the 1990s, Lutherans also opened dialogue with the Adventist Church, with both denominations seeking to recognize their joint Reformation heritage and achieve a better mutual understanding of and respect for their doctrinal differences.

    The 1994 through 1998 talks resulted in “deep spiritual fellowship,” according to a book reporting on the conversations published by both the Adventist and Lutheran churches in 2000.

    In comments during the service of repentance, John Graz, director of the Adventist Church’s department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, commended Lutherans for displaying “courage” through repentance.

    “As Adventists, we also have our roots in the Anabaptist movement, and we appreciate very much your honesty and your sincerity,” Graz told the approximately 600-member Council, which is responsible for the business of the Lutheran World Federation in between its Assemblies, held every six years.”

  26. We all know that the Anabaptists are forerunners of the Baptists. Read The Trail of Blood or Phil Stringer’s The Faithful Baptist Witness.

    We all know too the SDA are an offshoot from the Millerites who defected from the Baptist church in the early 1800’s.

    Now tell us what the Lutherans have to do with the Anabaptists? The Lutherans came out of the Roman Catholic Church.

  27. “In need scarcely be said that Roman Catholicism had always taken an attitude of intolerance and persecution toward all dissenters from its creed. On the contrary, the principal leaders in the Reformation movement, Luther and Zwingli, in the first period of their reformatory labors, condemned Romish intolerance. They were in the earlier period defenders of the principle of liberty of conscience. Later they agreed to a thoroughgoing union of the church with the state, which meant the abandonment of the principle of religious liberty. Furthermore, the natural and inevitable consequence was the persecution of the Anabaptists by the established Protestant state churches.

    It is a fact recognized by many recent historians that the persecution of the Anabaptists surpassed in severity the persecution of the early Christians by pagan Rome. Persecution began in Zurich soon after the Brethren had organized a congregation. Imprisonment of varying severity, sometimes in dark dungeons, was followed by executions. Felix Manz was the first martyr to die in Zurich, but at least two Brethren had been martyred earlier in other cantons of Switzerland by Roman Catholic governments. Within a short period the leaders of the Brethren lost their lives in the persecution. Among the early leaders of the evangelical Anabaptists who suffered martyrdom were Eberli Bolt, Johannes Krüsi, George Blaurock, Hans Lüdi, Hans Brötli, Thomas Herman, Eitelhans Langenmantel, Leonhard Schiemer, Hans Schlaffer, Hans Leopold Schneider, Wolfgang Uliman, Wolfgang Brandhuber, Georg Zaunring, Jerome Käls, Leonhard Seiler, Jacob Hutter, Offrus Griesinger.

    Anabaptism was made a capital crime. Prices were set on the heads of Anabaptists. To give them food and shelter was a made a crime. In Roman Catholic states even those who recanted were often executed. Generally, however, those who abjured their faith were pardon except in Bavaria and, for a time, in Austria and also in the Netherlands. The duke of Bavaria, in 1527, gave orders that the imprisoned Anabaptists should be burned at the stake, unless they recanted, in which case they should be beheaded. King Ferdinand I of Austria issued a number of severe decrees against them, the first general mandate being dated August 28, 1527. In Catholic countries the Anabaptists, as a rule, were executed by burning at the stake, in Lutheran and Zwinglian states generally by beheading or drowning …”

    Read more:

  28. “Last year, my husband Anthony and I were blessed to be able to visit the Holy Land with some other Episcopalians. While we were there, we decided to explore the beautiful old city of Jerusalem several times. One such time was on a Saturday. Most of the city was bustling with crowds and noise and street vendors and shopkeepers. Without realizing the boundaries of the various quarters of the city, we wandered into the Jewish quarter. It was like crossing some invisible line into another world. All the shops, stores and restaurants were closed. The streets were empty and still. We could hear the soft sounds of birds singing and children laughing. The only folks we saw were families strolling slowly through the streets, smiling and talking, holding hands and walking together, nodding and waving pleasantly at one another as they passed by. It was so beautiful and so peaceful.

    In trying to replicate some of that peace, I’ve started a Sabbath practice that draws on the wisdom of my Jewish sisters and brothers. I now observe my personal Sabbath on Mondays because, as a Christian clergyperson, I “work” every Sunday and most Saturdays. But on Mondays, I don’t set my alarm clock. I don’t turn on my computer, I don’t go shopping, clean house or do errands. Most times, I don’t even drive my car. And I certainly don’t do anything that would qualify as work. I DO sleep, read, pray, walk, sing, do yoga, eat, meditate, nap, listen to music, spend lots of time outdoors, and … my favorite Sabbath pastime of all … I sit outside and look at the earth or the sea or the sky, and I make “goo-goo” eyes at God. Which gives God a perfect opportunity to make “goo-goo” eyes right back at me. And I am renewed by being held in the loving gaze of my infinitely loving God. I am renewed in the image of my Creator.

    And that seems pretty perfect … because we shouldn’t have to work to rest. Shabbat shalom.”

    • • •

    The Rev. Victoria A. Pretti is rector of the All Saints’ Episcopal Church in West Newbury.

    Read more:

    Now if we can only get Rev. Pretti to keep Shabbat on the right day – she’ll be all set.

  29. Al-Qaida Orders SDA Humanitarian Agency Out Of Somalia

    “The Adventist Development and Relief Agency is one of three humanitarian agencies that Somalia’s ruling militant group is asking to leave the region.
    The al-Shabaab ruling militant group has banned ADRA from operating in Somalia, which, if enforced, could affect up to 180,000 people currently receiving aid. Above, a woman in south-central Somalia at an ADRA water project. [photo courtesy ADRA]

    Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (Movement of Warrior Youth), declared in a statement Monday that ADRA, World Vision and Diakonia can no longer operate inside the country because they are “acting as missionaries under the guise of humanitarian work.”

    In a statement, ADRA denied that it is attempting to proselytize through its humanitarian work and said leaving the area would adversely affect more than 180,000 people. The agency is working to build and rehabilitate wells, provide livelihoods and increase access to education.

    A World Vision spokesperson said they were “surprised” to receive the order to cease operations there and that the aid group recognizes the “need to remain impartial in responding to the needy,” the Associated Press reported.

    Al-Shabaab has claimed affiliation with al-Qaida and responsibility for last month’s blasts in Uganda that killed 76 people. The group rules most of Southern Somalia and maintains strict Islamic Sharia law.

    As a global international humanitarian organization, ADRA is a signatory of the Code of Conduct for The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief, which states that “aid will not be used to further a particular political or religious standpoint”, that “aid is given regardless of the race, creed, or nationality”, and that organizations “shall respect culture and custom.”

    ADRA said it remains committed to serving the people of Somalia as circumstances allow.

    ADRA conducts humanitarian aid in more than 120 countries, and has served in Somalia since 1992. It’s work there has focused solely on implementing emergency relief and development interventions through various sectors, including water, sanitation, food security, education, health, infrastructure, institutional capacity building, agricultural support and economic development.

    In 2008 alone, more than 650,000 Somalis benefitted from ADRA’s humanitarian work, which is located in various regions in northern and south-central Somalia.”

    For more information, visit
    see also:

  30. Zoe, what have you done???

  31. “Six months after the earthquake that brought aid and attention here from around the world, the median-strip camp blends into the often numbing wretchedness of the post-disaster landscape. Only 28,000 of the 1.5 million Haitians displaced by the earthquake have moved into new homes, and the Port-au-Prince area remains a tableau of life in the ruins…

    In contrast, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, working directly with a hands-on mayor in the Carrefour municipality in metropolitan Port-au-Prince, has already moved more than 500 families from its large tent city into simple pine houses whose concrete foundations incorporate recycled debris…

    In late April, Rachelle Derosmy’s family of four moved into one of the first transitional shelters to be completed in the Port-au-Prince area. It is a simple pine house, painted grey, with two windows, a concrete foundation and an inclined metal roof fastened with hurricane straps.

    “Rain used to fall like a monsoon into our tent,” Ms. Derosmy, 24, said, standing in her 150-square-foot home, which is still bare. “We feel so much better now, more secure. We hope in the future to have beds, too.”

    Ms. Derosmy’s new home is in Carrefour, where most of the 1,300 transitional shelters in metropolitan Port-au-Prince have been built. That is partly because Carrefour’s mayor has taken an active role in resolving land issues and partly because the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, long based there, has aggressively negotiated with local officials and landlords. It also settled more quickly than some other aid groups on a shelter design…

    In Carrefour, the Adventist agency has set up a well-oiled production workshop, where imported wood is cut and assembled into kits then constructed and painted on site by local workers. Anton De Vries, a South African engineer who runs the shelter operation, which is co-sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development, said he was determined to provide a home for every family in the Adventist-run tent city…”

    Read more: “In Haiti, the Displaced Are Left Clinging to the Edge” –

  32. Barbados to ban smoking in public places
    Adventist health officials commend move
    16 Aug 2010, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
    ANN staff

    Seventh-day Adventists are among those applauding a forthcoming ban on public smoking in Barbados.

    Already passed by the country’s cabinet and headed for its parliament, the legislation will protect citizens from second-hand smoke, Barbados’ minister of health, Donville Inniss, said during an August 5 announcement.

    Expected to take effect in October, the ban extends steep fines or imprisonment — or both — on those found smoking illegally and businesses allowing it, the Caribbean nation’s government announced this month.

    The International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency, a non-governmental agency supported in part by Adventists, joined likeminded organizations in Barbados to lobby for the landmark legislation, said Peter Landless, ICPA executive director and an associate director of the Adventist world church’s Health Ministries department.

    The legislation is the latest move in the country’s effort to curb smoking. The government of Barbados previously hiked taxes on tobacco, abolished duty-free concessions at the country’s ports of entry, banned sales of tobacco to minors, and prohibited the employment of minors in the sale of tobacco products.

    Coming from one of the Caribbean’s largest and most influential nations, the move is particularly significant, Landless said.

    “Setting a strategic and planned approach [to restrict the use of tobacco] sets an example to highly developed countries worldwide,” he said.

    During the announcement last week, Inniss said smokers found defying the ban will face a maximum of a U.S.$250 fine, a 12-month prison sentence or both. Similarly, businesses who permit customers to smoke in public could see fines as high as $2,500, 12 months in prison or both.

    While the legislation appears rigorous, Landless said its implementation may be regulators’ greatest challenge.


  33. World Humanitarian Day – Aug. 19, 2010

    See how ADRA is helping:

  34. “In the aftermath of hurricane Tomas, a category 1 storm that passed over the island of St. Lucia with sustained winds of 90 mph (153 kph) which affect over half of the islands population, The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is responding, meeting the immediate needs of those displaced by the storm.

    Official reports estimate that 14 lives have been lost and approximately 75,000 residents are left in need of aid as a result of Hurricane Tomas. Lack of clean, drinkable water and access to food has been identified as the most pressing needs.

    To meet those needs, ADRA is providing drinking water and emergency food items to 600 households or approximately 1,800 people. In addition, ADRA staff is providing 4,000 beneficiaries, who have been displaced to shelters, with hot meals for one week ending November 12.

    As part of ADRA’s ongoing response, emergency care packages will also be distributed to those living in areas where clean water and food supplies have been sparse. The prepared packages include rice, flour, sugar, liquid milk, tuna, beans/peas, oil, biscuits, salt, and breakfast cereal.

    ADRA is partnering with the local government, partaking in a large-scale effort to supply all affected communities with water, safe enough to drink and use for food preparation. Through this partnership, multiple organizations will be designated a specific date to distribute clean water, fulfilling a household’s needs for an entire day.

    Hurricane Tomas made landfall midday Saturday, October 30 and lasted nearly 24 hours, until the early morning hours of Sunday, October 31. The forceful winds and heavy rains knocked down trees, damaged buildings, and created landslides and heavy flooding.”

    To send your contribution to ADRA’s Emergency Response Fund, please contact ADRA at 1.800.424.ADRA (2372) or give online at

    Follow ADRA on Twitter and Facebook to get the latest information as it happens.

    ADRA is a global non-governmental organization providing sustainable community development and disaster relief without regard to political or religious association, age, gender, race or ethnicity.

    For more information about ADRA, visit

    Author: Christina Zaiback, ADRA International

  35. The gods offered a clue about the FOurth Reich with the Buffalo Bills comeback against the Houston Oilers wildcard game 1992. Avatar
    The gods offered a clue about the FOurth Reich with the Buffalo Bills comeback against the Houston Oilers wildcard game 1992.

    The gods offered a clue about the FOurth Reich with the Buffalo Bills comeback against the Houston Oilers wildcard game 1992.
    If not for the Holocaust the Germans may have suceeded.
    More accurately said, the gods hands would have been tied and the positive goals of the Third Reich would have dictated triumph.
    The Holocaust ensured we were delivered into this sick age of societal decay.

    Desecrate the gods.
    Compromised their integrity, claiming it was “temptation” instead of blatant lies.
    Now I don’t want to bother writing a desecration paragraph, trying to capture how you use positioning as a cloak, enabing you to execute your unholy will.
    I was pushed into everything in this life and I would bet the same is true in the last. But what the fuck, someone had to be the sacrificial lamb.
    Immoral. Dirty, immoral whore motherfuckers.
    The gods are not pure, not in things they say and not in things they do. They will use “temptation” to achieve their goals then try to desceive people about its intent.

    Gods have no no genetalia. Share their ultra-extreme conservative views on sex, how they use society to promote sexual temptation, poisoning the minds and bodies of the disfavored.
    Throughout human history women have been the enforcers of decency, and it has worked very well among those not grossly disfavored (Italian, etc). Now that they have embraced so many male sexual charecterisitics everything this structure has desinigrated.

    As people learned of the gods methodology in the 20th century the gods made things more difficult to understand with liberalism and preditory “earning” behavior.
    With the advent of this Situation people have learned much more, and the gods willexact a price for this knowledge. Perhaps that will be the deterioration into immoral behavior, as we witness in my life, or perhaps a different way to make progress more difficult.

    Unit 731:::TSUSHOGO was a clue from the gods about this Situation dating way back to World War II. They used their positioning to hide these Japanese atrocities, and blamed me for burying the Chinese Holocaust.
    TSUSHOGO says something:::It speaks to the responsbility the Italains had for WWII, the Holocaust and for those people’s involvement in the intentional destruction and exploitation of my life, both for the god’s REAL reason and their positioning’s reason, buried with their “respectable” multinational corporation client list.

    Budget problems. Cut the military. Bring them home and end the wars. Let these countries experience self-determination and decide their own future. Didn’t we learn this lesson in Vietnam???
    Unfortunnately, the gods use the United States as one of their tools, using the spread of democracy to level the playing field and prepare the planet for a global event.

    So many people don’t care about global warming. They don’t care about the Federal deficit/debt (outside of partisanship) and they don’t care earning $400k for an $80,000/year job will eventually bankrupt the country. They have awarded themselves $400k pay and retirement packages, loading up their friends on the payroll during the boom 90s through the real estate bust while all services which the program were intended to fund now get cut to pay for it.
    These people are often common public university labor. Not Ivy League, not private university.
    This labor isn’t good enough to command the salaries they are earning. And they understood this when they applied to the public university they settled on.
    You can’t expect a top-tier salary with a second-rate education.
    In addition, public employment has earned the label of being “recession-proof” jobs, a benefit which was taken into consideration with lower pay packages as compared to corporate.
    These are the people who will be here in the United States when bankruptcy is declared and society deteriorates into chaos. And they will deserve the anarchy which ensues.

    Continuing the push for privatization, reinforced and supported recently with enormous public sector salaries and retirement packages.
    Once achieved the gods will utilize the corruptive predisposition of the private sector economy, as seen with the sub-prime/bailout fiasco, to initiate economic catastrophy and initiate the bankruptcy proceedings of the United States.
    Whether the cure for cancer/diseases or the permanant resolution of economic misery, before the gods remove these motivations to pray we will experience an inordinate deluge of each element, with economic misery being perhaps the dissallusion of the united States with bankruptcy.

    The gods used the Italians to ruin life in the 20th century.
    The gods used the Italians to ruin life in A.D. with The Church.
    The Church controlled Western Civilization. As the largest land owner in Europe they controlled the monarchies. The Italian men who ran the Church were responsbile for slavery, crack babies and thug life/drive-bys, revenge for African invasion and rape of Italy. They created religious and social discontent through the Church, ultimately leading to the disfavored dumping ground known as the United States.

    Color photographs shortly after the 4.16.06 San Francsico Earthquake found.
    They deserved it. Just like New Orleans deserved it.
    Sadly San Francisco was used to set up the Italian dominance, eliminating the diverse business/banking interests and replacing it with Gianinni’s Bank of Italy. Of course the fires were instrumental in ensuring complete rebuilding.
    Imagine how the gods sold the Italians this, and compare it to how they sold them on preparation for WorldWarII.

    Expect the gods have instructed AI to organize the universe so planets mature and descend while the gods can give them their full attention during their period of planetary devolution, and claims of heirarchy are yet another lie.
    Says something frightening, doesn’t it?

    I am NOT the Fourth Reich.

    ONE THING. Deliver ONE THING you promised.
    All these people did everything you told them for DECADES. You have strung them all along.
    The gods are liars, and you’re all going to be CHEATED.

    Abortion is part of the decay inflicted by the gods in the latter half of the 20th century as we approach the Apocalypse::::
    – Free sex
    – Explosion in gay sex
    – Abortion
    – Legalized greed/immorality
    – The internet. Whereas TV was a phenominally destructive new temptation on the landscape it doesn’t hold a candle to the internet. Some people will waste their whole lives. And its timing was deliberate.

    They think they are going sometime during/at the end of this life, and disregard the poor souls who are left behind.

    “Anger wears a crown of thorns.” Pitch Jesus to Jew elders as revenge for Temple? They didn’t know about the god’s intent for xtianity to spread to Europe, ruining cultures throughout the continent, enabling revenge known as the Holocaust.

    “It’s too late to pray.” Sign of Woodbridge Church Kansas. And it may be true. Examine pimps who prostitute 10 year old girls in the ghetto.
    Of course, if you want even a shred of a chance to save yourself, on that rare occassion the Buffalo Bills did experience the Fourth Reich and realized a comeback.

    Although I requested the elimination of Standard Time and remain year-round on Daylight Savings, the gods did extend Daylight Savings by a couple of weeks on each end.
    I also suggested the Olympics split into every two years rather than every four years as was tradition.
    You see with the Prince concerts in 2011.
    Doesn’t matter though, because positioning is all the gods are concerned with, and they’re GOING to enforce it.

    Men are the ones who create evil on Earth. It is the choices they make which enslave their souls to hell. This is the test.

    Good god says a ceiling on time for everyone (see below). Evil god still gives hope for immortality to people who subscribed to preditory behavior:::Immortality if you are right versus a couple centuries partying at best even if you change now.
    Due to institutional evil the closer we get to The End the more evil everyone incurrs (with individual variation due to behavior) which limits the time for everyone.
    Probably the children who fix their problems and ascend into heaven as well. Experiencing the evil of modern life in the 20th century costed them, for which limits are placed. They are not the same as their innocent peasantry ancestors from the Old World.
    You people have fucked up bad by not getting out before the 20th century.
    Just because the gods have to break some eggs doesn’t mean they are evil. As management there are hard decisions that must be made. But they used this omelette and sold it to people as temptation, who went out and did things they shouldn’t have done thinking being preditory was the way to “earn” their way into heaven.

    “If it’s like that then I’m dead.” That’s your choice. But when you come back you will have a fresh start, just as you did in this life, able to build something positive if you go the right way. The gods do this intentionally. I recommend you get a head start and begin building for it now instead of continuing to create problems that will make sucess even harder to obtain.
    It is as simple as recognizing the difference between good and evil and living a decent life with a pure heart and a pure mind. And as you improve your relationship with the gods they will begin to impart wisdom, which can help you understand the task before you.

    7 billion in 2011. Only 1 billion in 1800 and 2 billion in 1900.
    Population explosion is a clue::::The gods are sending everyone back for The End, perhaps the resurrection of the dead referred to in prophecy.
    There must be some purgatory-like place. Or individual. Like an animal.
    Now the gods have sent everyone back to try for one final time to fix their problems and ascend into heaven. Avoiding an animal would have been a big positive because those thrust into this decayed enviornment have less of a chance than those who enjoyed the god’s generosity of a slowly decaying enviornment with frightening clues, like the Depression, World at War, the Holocaust, etc.
    Anything that can get the poeple frightened and praying is a good. thing. Contentment never motivated anyone.

    As we approach the Apocalypse the gods are removing “wrath of god” material from xtian dogma.
    As we see wickedness spread throughout the country, like preditory behavior, godlessness, socialo changes, etc, using cable TV and the spread of “Californication” as justification, they changed xtianity, appropriatly with Catholicism first.
    xtianity has changed radically in the 20th century, and everyone should be mindful of the way it was, because the people are in a process of slipping out of god’s favor into a state of Damnation, from which the vast majority will never survive.
    They used to scare people and make them too afraid to make mistakes. Now people aren’t afraid of anything and don’t think twice about doing something wicked and evil which will hurt their chances.

    Never forget::The Gods have created positioning to conceal their true intent in each and every dyanmic we see in society.
    We truely live in The Matrix:::There is the way things look and there is the God’s REAL reason for doing things.

    Employment charity:::Was W able to do his job as President?
    I suspect there are many frat-boy types who couldn’t or wouldn’t study nor do the work necessary so they gained this “benefit” telepathically. This could have been extended to their professional life as well::In most of these cases they don’t have what it takes to do their jobs. It is temptation which buys their confidence for life, ensuring no progress is made.
    I think employment charity is FAR more common than people may believe.
    Another example how they tempted people in this manner is the procurement of sexual relations.
    Keep raping these poor girls. You’re going to end up as one in your next life.

    Capitalism is evil because of the exploitative nature, illustrated with this Situation. So many are confused and believe money is a sign of the God’s favor, but it is a tool the Gods use to test people, for it effectively compells people into evil behavior.
    Muslims are correct:::Earning interest is evil.
    Unlike war, which is a temporary period where the citiens incurr evil due to the decisions of the leaders, capitalism by its very nature incurrs evil for those who participate into perpetuity, an “institutional” method of incurring evil for the disfavored who engage in it. Inherant in earning interest is the exploitation of others, capitalizing on assets and exploiting the workforce for profit.
    Understand the destructive nature of this element of evil we call the United States, for it spreads this cancer under the guise of “democracy” throughout the world.
    Look for other institutional evil as related to the United States because as the land of disfavor castoff rejects there will be plenty of examples. It is the essence of life in the United States, and it is not by accident:::Like the ghetto, people with extreme disfavor have many more temptations and hurdles to overcome. Overconsumption of the Earth’s resources is due to the same reason and why the Unkited States wastes so much energy.

    Examine my examples. They illustrate the God’s reverse positioning used to confuse and disceive people who have made big mistakes in past lives.
    I illustrate a certain way to think. If you doubt what I teach, if this is not your time to learn please at least completely understand this way of thinking, because when your time does come you will be able to refer to it and you will begin to see the God’s pattern within the context of their positioning.
    Nobody is going to save you. Christianity is a lie. And only through thinking correctly will you have a real chance to begin doing the right things.

    Typical for the young, they become corrupt and remain ignorant for a period of time in their lives, typically until their children are raised and grown and/or retire from their profession. Poetic justice ensures they receive a similar experience when reincarnated.
    Fighting these wars hurts everyone because we all pay for the sins of our leaders, and by participating these ignorant youth make it possible for these events to occurr. So even if you are against the war, since you are a citizen you incurr because of the evil your country is engaged in.
    And there is no getting around it.
    Artifical Intelligence is one of the God’s tools, all of which are used as temptation. And it will always test the young with this temptation of “earning”, sadly often leading to a lifetime of corruption.

    Students becoming angry and violent in the UC protests. Beggining to remind me of labor riots of the 20th century.
    We all know what’s happening here:::These white men at the top have voted themselves $400k pay and retirement packages like the $340k retired fire chief, loading up their friends on the payroll during the boom 90s through the real estate bust while all services which the program were intended to fund now get cut to pay for it.
    Incidentally, corporate sucessfully transistioned to cheap labor in nearly ALL “muscle” industries. Why should fire be any different??
    It was temptation, and the Gods are going to make them pay for it. Unfortunately, so will everybody else:::
    Reincarnation is very real. It is OUR national debt. And odds are you’re all going to be reincarnated back into the United States::Like the ghetto, you have to “earn” your way out.
    And it is our warming planet. Self-inflicted emmissions as their justification, the Gods are doing it to us to send a clue. And, as with all their clues, it will be short-lived.

    Anger about Messerlee. Understandable.
    They need to understand this man was pushed into the offense. Cops have been getting away with killings like this for a long time. Blacks in the South know this all too well. Each time they were all confident the Blue Shield would protect them, and it did. The difference is in many IF NOT MOST of these cases they were rogue cops who the Gods tempted. They did it intentionally thinking they were “earning”, knowing they would get away with it. Contradictory to appearances, they were the ones whom the Gods disliked, while the Messerlees of the world who get caught are being punished, feedback reserved for those whom are still qualified in the eyes of the Gods.
    There are those in the ghetto whom are singled out, targets of the community whom everybody hates. The rogue cops in the South who are guilty of these kind of killings have been reincarnated into roles like this. It’s just one of the clues the Gods offer to the community. Lucky for those preditors the ghetto has been an ignorant community, but I think that might be changing.

    Of course there could be anoher possibility:::::Due to the history and resulting legacy of hatred for the Gods, since I am guarenteed a spot on the next Planet Earth I will be the original “bad seed”:::The Lucifer-figure of the next reality. Unlike Christian dogma, he may just represent the solitary target of the God’s ire early, a disgruntled asshole who pissed the Gods off, the proverbial “apple” of the next reality, beginning the process which leads planets to where we are today. A crucial figure in any planet’s history, he represents the “beginning of the end”.

    People, especially liberals give W a very hard time.
    Don’t forget what I say:::Everything today is both good and evil. The Gods have positioned it as such as we have become increasingly disfavored, confusing the enviornment.
    Republicans and conservatives as well, only they fall more on the good side while their adversaries fall more on the evil side, quite contrary to the God’s positioning.
    Yes, W’s evil is illustrated in the United State’s efforts in Iraq, and the “Red State”r’s who believe we were “earning” are among the worst of them.
    If conservatives fall on the side of good, Fox News falls on the side of evil. They pander to the type of trash my brother is, the kind of trash who thinks their war mongering efforts “earn” for them and all others who think like them.
    Anyways, it is positioned that W trashed the economy before he left office. Selfish it didn’t happen while he was in office, granted, but economic turmoil is a motivator. It’s not cancer, mind you, but many have begun praying hard because of their experinces in this event, and it says something about those affected as opposed to those sheltered from affect.
    One day just as they will allow vaccines to diseases, especially AIDS, encouraging deviacy the likes which hasn’t been seen since the 70s, they will allow cures for cancer, MS, COPD, alcoholism, etc.
    Women’s diseases will be last. Just as research into women’s diseases receive the least amount of funding so is it justified their cures come last, and both for the same reason:::They have the most favor, and the Gods use their diseases as a motivator to pray and find the path. As such they get God’s benefit as long as they are willing to offer it.

    I suspect many attempts have begun already, but as time goes on the Gods will test people’s religious resolve with an insurmuntable positioning stating Christianity is the one true religion. We’ve seen their efforts in Latin America, in the Philippines and most recently in Vietnam, India and the demonizing of Islam.
    They intend to test your resolve as Muslims, for those who sell out and flee to Christianity will be subject to their positioning.
    Blacks are the most disfavored of all people. We see it in their temptation-ridden culture, which the Civil Rights “assimilation” has allowed, in their sexual behavior. The Gods used their position of the Italians to do their dirty work, implimenting the crack epidemic, the black civil war of the 80s and 90s, AIDS in Africa, “pimp” subculture, etc. The Gods created this positioning of Italian’s preditory behavior on Africans to reflect their own disfavor towards that group, allowing them to get what they want without accepting culpability, convieniently. As such, come the Apocalypse those who abandon their true selves, their religion and their dedication to it will be victims in this deceptive Christian theater.
    Blacks that opt for the “easy way out” will ironically lose their lives in the Apocalypse. Only those who remain true to their religion, its strict methods and lifestyle, and resist the outside temptations stating their are going the wrong way will emerge out of the carnage of The End of Time. They are highly suspectable to temptation and they need their religion to help them be strong and resist it. They will be better people for it and superior to the Christians in the end.

    This is the life of utmost importance. People need to listen, understand and learn from me and make the changes I prescribe. Without, they will have no chance at ascending into heaven before the Apocalypse, and the only hope they will have is 1000 years with Jesus, which is no sure thing.
    Even so, assuming they are rewarded with 1000 years with Jesus, they will be offered all manners of temptations, for it will be THE Big Party at The End, and if they don’t address these problems now, while they have this chance to learn this activity is evil, before society declares it socially acceptable, they will be granted some fraction of 1000 years and be disposed of thereafter, when the party “dies down”, pardon the pun.
    Also, disgusted by their behavior, the Gods have created a subculture which celebrates partying in the black community, guarenteeing that “requirement” is satisfied so they are never “invited”.
    Only those people who never began the temptations or who addressed these issues and remedied the problems will move on to the next Planet Earth. And we are still approximately 4 lifetimes away, most of which I expect to be revelry years::A population either getting their party now or groomed for a short stay after the Apocalypse. By that time even the most conservative Christian will be tested to see if they can establish this destructive legacy of revelry.
    Move on to a new Planet Earth. This is their second chance::::They have to start over. Either they ascend into heaven from their planet of origin or they don’t ascend as all, and that’s how the system works.
    It’s a very small population which exists at the dawn of agrarianism because most have sccumbed to temptation and failed to achieve their second chance on the new Planet Earth.

    I have said diseases, such as cancer, won’t be going anywhere, no matter how much money is thrown at it, no matter how much money is raised. These diseases are important tools used by the Gods to help people do the right thing:::Cancer has compelled more than a few women to begin praying and behave appropriately.
    In this environment of decay, the Gods will eventually eliminate these motivations one day. Positioning states cures/vaccines are positive developments which display life is improving. Unfortunately, this is just another example of how the Gods utilize “reverse positioning” which has been very effective in promoting deceptive elements in society, such as democracy, Christianity and Californication, Hollywood being the primary tool used to spread the message of The Beast.
    Similarly, other motivations which have complelled people to turn to the Gods for solice will begin to disappear as well::::Economic recession/turmoil, Unlike the Christian Bible’s version, the Apocalypse will not be preceeded by ruin and desperation. Just the opposite, there will be peace and personal satisfaction leading to The End, ensuring the Gods can control the group selected for the Second Coming event.

    The irony of the Apocalypse::::
    People told not to follow the Second Coming, who fail to recognize the urgency of the moment and die in the Apocalypse because of it.
    The Gods will account for people who do not sell out to Christianity, however difficult due to temptation.
    It will become difficult to remain Muslim in this environment. It will be positioned that everyone except Christians are The Damned and will die come The End.
    This positioning, and how all this goes down come the Apocalypse, will just be the God’s attempt at testing people with temptation, for it will matter in The End to those whom suceed.

    Christianity is responsible for African slavery. The Italian men who ran the church set out to gain revenge for the invasion of Italy and, still the largest landowner in Europe, used their considerable clout with the thrones of England to achieve this.
    The Gods used Christianity to destroy the cultures of Europe and around the world, replaced with the patriarchal standard which it imposed.
    The Gods used temptation to compell the Italians to do their dirty work for them, punishment for evils of black people, and that extened into the 20th century with Civil Rights, the crack epidemic, gang membership/the “thug life” and even AIDS in Africa, a recycling of the biotechnology product originally intened for the gay community.
    As with everything there is always a real reason behind their positioning, and in both cases it is punishment for deviate behavior.

    Being “schitzo”, the internal battle between good and evil, is a deteriorating generational issue that is dying off, much like I illustrated for punishment below:::
    This new generation, who were the grandparents of their parents, are an early evil generation and one whom became corrupted and fell for societal temptation readily available for them and every generation of the masses thereafter.
    Their parents came before that generation, the agrarian masses, God-fearing, absent for the temptation offerings of early modern society (Roaring 20s vs. 60s/70s). As a result whereas Dad has great internal conflict I refer to as schitzo because of his connection to his past his children will be less so, perhaps far less so depending on grade of sins in their prior life, decreasing generationally until they have all become Godless, immoral monsters.

    “Californication” – The tool the Gods use to brainwash the people, amplifying disfavor level as we approach the Apocalypse by merely fitting into society.
    Poisoning their brainwashed minds…corrupted by society, AI convinces people “earning” is the way, compelling them into evil. This is falling for temptation, while Californication ensures at least a minimal amount of damage, ensuring a minimal amount of generational progress towards the Apocalypse.
    I demand another. I have signed off. Give the disfavored another and without all the defensive tactics, cowards.
    Pick out someone else, do this again and discard this Situation.
    The people who have learned were going to learn anyways. They’re not the ones who need it.
    The disfavored need it, people like my family, too far gone for any hope at ascention before The End, and they should be allowed moments if not periods of clarity before the decision is made about them.
    “Decay is inherent in all component things. Work out your own salvation with diligence.” – Buddha

    I have explained how the gods are phasing out punishment as we get closer to the Apocalypse. Disfavor levels dictate there is insufficient time to repair their problems, relegating people to the Second Coming event.
    I mentioned how old timers today may experience hell, albeit a “toned down” experience, consistant with the elimination of teaching of Hell in typical Christian educations. I suspect the same is true in the context of prison:::The gods maintain a contstantly decreasing number of punitive intsitutions in case there is a need. But, over time they will be eliminated and the entire system will be quite amicable. Look for this pattern elsewhere as well, for the Gods are eliminating punishment throughout in preparation for the Apocalypse, for it is no longer necessary.

    The Gods send clues about this situation frequently.
    Eddie of Iron Maiden. Consider the cover of the album “Number of the Beast” and how it was used to create pathologies.
    Closure of Fitsgeralds Reno/getting kicked out of Fits LV 1990 for “counting cards” after 5 minutes and $20:::Accusation of the innocent.
    WWII’s other holocaust:::Unit 731:::tsushogo. Tsushogo was a clue from the Gods illustrating their positioning long before it began. Incidentally, the used it to hurt the Chinese and position against future Japanese sucess by burying their atrocities.
    The Concorde. The Czech automobile Yugo.
    1990 blackjackat Binion’s Horseshoe/Rounders/current poker phenominah. Just as with any of the prophets, the Gods use me as temptation to compensate. This is our temptation in today’s modern superficial, sensationalistic enviornment.
    Ken Jennings. Million-dollar slot (add a zero to every number on the wheel you cheap bastards). 12.08.20 & 12.8.80 (last birthday). KGC. King Tut 2005-2011.
    More below::The Gods have created an endless list over the last four+ decades. This Situation is a monster.

    They have shared that when the change is initially made they alter the DNA with Artificial Intelligence, ensuring it is not the same person.
    Now depending on their level of activity the Gods switch out for new individuals, ie presidents switched frequently. They say they bring the (m)father’s DNA when it is time to conceive, so it is strategically important who is in there for the conception of the children. The same may not be true for typical activity:::the Gods may alter the DNA upon initial clone hosting but it may be a general change. Conception requires specific DNA.
    And? So?
    So there are no Rockafellers. This was how the Gods eliminated their true importance, for now they are little more than lowly English peasants, ironically.
    Nothing is ever going to change.
    Now the case can be made that far more men are invited into clone hosting than women, and since lineage is matrilineal it would rather follow that blood line instead.
    All it takes is one.
    But I wonder if it even matters. Those who learn and are wise enough to refuse the offer of clone hosting still have to repair their relationship with the Gods and hope for a better placement in their next life, one which certainly won’t involve being a billionaire. Whether real Rockafellers or DNA alternates is of no concequence. Their goal is still ascention, which takes work and dedication. Being/thinking you’re capitalism royalty invites a host of temptations, including grandeur and self-importance, which are all damaging to a good relationship with the Gods.
    If only they can overcome the temptations that money brings, like ample stunning women and Scarface piles of cocaine.
    The consequence of clone hosting is the loss of ascention into heaven. The best they can hope for is 1000 years with Jebus in a temptation-infested enviornment where one can have anything they want.

    Just as the victims of Mengele’s “showers which clentch you of your life” were the Italians who conceived and implimented WorldWarII’s Blitzkreig, so do I think the unholy alliance between evil Japan and good Germany is the cause of the “Siamese Twins” Mengele experiment:::”sewen together, joining heads, just a matter of time before you rip yourselves apart”.
    World War II, the Holocaust were revenge for Germany’s 5th century AD invasion of the dying Roman Empire.
    Those at the top are the ones who suffered the worst because of their intimate involvement. Perhaps it was the godfather who experienced the “frozen water burial” “crack your limbs”.
    Praying for the end of your wide-awake nightmare…
    How was the Holocaust positioned? What did the Italians have against the Jews? The Romans destroyed Temple. Perhaps Joshua…
    What is the God’s real reason behind WWII? Punishment?
    For what? The Crusades? It was a fight supporting evil Christianity, in defense of evil against their religious superiors. For this the Germans should pay.
    Punished for being war mongers.

    Go ahead and ignore this. You won’t ever defy and do the right thing anyways.
    “These came to life again and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.” Revelation 20:4. Reference to reincarnation? I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone who has ever been on Planet Earth still is, outside of those who have ascended as children, and it is evident by the population explosion, the Apocalypse being a true “clearinghouse” event in this planet’s history.
    Don’t forget to try space coke in the blender and have sex with as many stunning bitches as your goddamn dick will allow, because this place is going to be ALL about temptation, and you will ALL be groomed for the party with lifetimes of legacy under your belt. Some decent god-fearing people will suceed at resisting temptation, but the Gods will facilitate temptation.
    It will be the rare individual who makes the transistion in an enviornment where you can have anything you want. I believe those who survive these temptations must return to an Earth-like planet, for they have to begin again. Ascention must ocurr from planet of origin.
    “Going along” will “earn” your invitation to the Second Coming of Christ. You will be reincarnated until that age comes, buy you a mere 1000 years and cost you your chance at immortality, simply because you bought into evil as “earning” and subscribed to the big lie.
    Not everyone will be going. They will tell some of you to ignore the Second Coming event, and it will cost you your life, ironically. Blacks, on the other hand, will be asked TO folllow the Second Coming, simply because as an Italian religion blacks who pursue Christianity will die in the Apocalypse because of it.
    Never doubt that Muslims are your superiors. These people are dedicated to their religion while your population have abandoned churches in droves.

    We no longer see orphanages for good reason::::The state would be forced to use professionals, experts in their field, to devise standards these facilities would apply to raising the children. These standards would illustrate ideal rearing goals which could set a positive example for all in society. Instead of enjoying the best possible childhood learning experience, these grossly disfavored children are instead subject to the preditory evil of the guardian with whom they are placed.
    This is an outstanding example of reverse positioning and how the Gods created a society where evil appears not only good but also socially acceptable.
    Civil Righs is a similar issue. Segregation in today’s age would command full funding for black universities and full respect for well established multiple black journalism and media outlets, not this integrated white media cancer where blacks eat what they are fed.
    What people allow the Gods via positioning matters. Black civil rights is a good example::::
    Yes, there may still be a black talk show parading the myriad of black relationship ugliness out for the world to see, but there would also be good black programming that was healthy and worthwhile. As it is, the God’s Italian positioning dictates only poison for blacks via the white media, and the healthy black programming doesn’t exist because of it. Such is the aftermath of Civil Right’s assimilation.

    Christians have mistakenly believed the perception of the Biblical definintion of The Beast as a person. I suggest The Beast instead refers to a place:::The San Francisco Bay Area. In fact the Gods offer a geographic clue suggesting this, like so many others they offer around the globe, to help people understand:::
    Mt.Diablo, “The Devil” is the “eye” of The Beast, the EastBay shoreline as the upper jaw/incisors while the peninsula is the grinding lower jaw. Witness the disturbing upturned smile in the gullet, represented my Silicone Valley.
    The fact than man has shaped much of the shoreline in the 20th century is a testiment to the God’s refusal to accept any culpability for its devistation.
    Gold Rush, counter-culture, alternate lifestyle acceptance, etc. The Beast was used to promote social decay throughout the 20th century and beyond. Difficult to perceive in the current age, one can understand their impacts from a historical perspective.
    Another feature which the Gods offer as a clue is very foreboading and ominous. Mt. Zion is a mountain to the north of Diablo and one which has a working quarry at its base. Consistant with the decay we experience in society, Mt. Zion is being eaten away, slowly stripped of its resources, until one day paradise will be gone forever.
    There was a time when once the Gods “divinely” inspired punishment, where the act was inflicted by the hand of God. They were punishing people and accepting the culpability arising, maintaining societal integrity. Now, in the 20th century and beyond, the Gods tempt man to inflict this punishment, selling them on “earning”, incurring no culpability in the process. The result is social decay and deterioration of mankind’s favor in the eyes of the Gods leading to the Apocalypse.

    The Man in The Moon is yet another of the God’s clues, and it illustrates the favor the Gods could bestow upon us if we behave appropriately.
    Conversely, there is also a clue in the dark side of the Moon:::A side we never see and is hidden from view. Concealed by their positioning, this represents the Gods punishment when the people disobey their rules dictating the meaning of a decent life.

    The Italian peninsula is very pronounced as it juts out into the Medietereanean.
    Considering the shape it is quite obvious they were the primary targets of the post-IceAge/Straight of Gibralter/Noah’s Flood disaster.
    Considering the shape of the boot and how Sicily “caught” the surge, the resulting tsunami inundated the entire southern portion of the peninsula, killing everything and perhaps covering even the highest land masses.
    In the 20th century the Italians were convinced entering clone hosting was ascention into heaven, and their success was a recruiting tool, just as the Holocaust was for the Jews, only duress is far less damaging.

    The women have God’s favor, and when the women do all the evil, as was the case in my family, this serves to “equalize” the playing field, ensuring no wisdom comes to this family as they grow older. As a result they never make progress and achieve the lowest possible placement when reincarnated.

    Couple years ago a story in the media how girls in Bayview-Hunter’s Point were going into puberty at a progressively younger age, as young as age 7.
    A very bad sign::::Early cut-off. It draws the boys attention and they subsequently make sexual mistakes, very similar to what typical people experience nearly a decade later.
    When they “turn” people on and start telepathically talking to them with this technology is very similar::The end of their chance. They segment families, convince them “earning” is the way, etc.
    I tell people to examine the change between when they were children and after they began to hear this technology in their head. It is the difference between good and evil.
    I understand people’s confusion:::They literally hear “God” in their head, as opposed to what was taught to them in some church’s classroom. But this technology is one of the God’s tools, and much like their other tools, clone hosts and prophets (see below), they use them as temptation.

    Instead of helping them, missionaries are actually HURTING people, inflicting them with westernization and Christianity. Whereas some may have seen up to a full 1% of their children ascend into heaven you pathetic white Americans can’t even muster a fraction of that, and your perceived good intentions decrease that rate even further.
    These people have a better chance of ascending into heaven, and Americans unwittingly are being used to reduce/eliminate this chance with their misled good intentions which deteriorate into preditory intentions as they begin to understand this, maximizing the damage they incurr from the Gods.

    This IS the event. I am the telepathic prophet.
    There may have been no other way in today’s modern age:::Use popular culture as temptation and keep teachings primarily telepathic.
    The Gods must be willing to allow Artificial Intelligence to act as my “bible”, repeating all teachings I have made for future generations. This will ocurr but I am afraid only among the miniscule minority “haves”, leaving the “have-nots” lost in ignorance and cast into Damnation::We are going to have a real, full-blown Apocalypse.
    Part of this societal deterioration is cloaked in the way society functions::::Two-parent working households, rushing around, constantly occupied.
    Much as with the celestial event which occured that day on Ocean Beach, they say when I die there will be some final clue to the people suggesting my importance. Perhaps a “Star of Bethlehem” type of event.
    They say some children see a halo on my head in various brightness. These are the children who have a chance to ascend.
    America and Christianity synonymous::::Punishment for Europeans.
    You don’t want to grill the Gods as to why something is viewed as negative or disapproved of.
    The Gods have placed many things in today’s society which facilitate temptation, and you can trust anything that varies from tradition or orthodoxy would be viewed as such.


    The voice you hear in your head is the power of the Gods. It’s a remote technology, like a computer, perhaps functioning on some frequency, and it can listen and talk to everyone in the universe simultaneously.
    What the Gods taught the children was the truth:::God is everywhere, and this is what they meant. I will remind you of another principle you learned as a child:::If you want to go to heaven you have to be good.
    Even the antient Gods don’t have the ability to listen to people’s thoughts themselves. They taugh we were all made in their image:::I expect they need this “Artificial Intelligence” they created to relay what people think.
    It is a tool, and the Gods use their tools to test people with temptation:::It will role-play people in your life:::Parents, friends, spouses, and employers, all in an attempt to test people with temptation. Ironically, it does the very same thing to those people whom you think you’re hearing, except in that individual’s unique way:::We are all “managed” by the God’s technology.
    But this agent of the Gods can do more than just communicate. It can force thoughts into people’s heads, force behaviors onto their bodies. It can turn healthy cells in your body into cancerous cells. It is absolute power. And this is just the beginning.

    Obedience is not the answer. This is the brain-less response and the easy way out.
    You’ve done everything you have been told for years and it never bought you ANYTHING. Your parents did what they were told and it didn’t buy them anything. Your grandparents did everything they were told and now they’re dead, reincarnated as lesser life forms, perhaps even into America’s deranged, violent ghettos.
    People think they are not responsible when Artificial Intelligence tells them to do something. They offeed a clue with the Holocaust AND with Watergate:::Defy authority and do the right thing.
    In earlier decades this obedience may have been out of fear, as so often in Germany, but that era is long over. To maximize damamge the Gods today sell them on “earning” and these people think they will profiteer from their evil.
    They offer a clue on the Simpsons with Flanders and Skinner. So many ridicule both figures, a testiment to the state of our society.

    The Gods favor the children most among all the people due to their innocence and purity. But society and the God’s tools recently are corrupting the children at a progressively younger age, a reflection of our collectively increasing disfavor and yet another clue illustrating we live in a increasingly deteriorating environment.
    Children who sucessfully repair their relationship with the Gods ascend into heaven. This often takes multiple lives of hard work and proper behavior in the face of adversity to achieve. Adults to whom it is offered enter clone hosting instead, thinking they will be ascending into heaven ultimately. The Gods tempt people, selling them as one in the same, but one is good while the other is evil. In their desperation the disfavored subscribe to this temptation, making their task even more difficult than before due to the evil they incurr in the process. And their corruption will cost the disfavored, for they will be reincarnated as a lesser life form into an ever deteriorating world, sucess becoming ever more allusive with each passing life.
    The hole they’ve dug for themselves is even deeper than the one that existed from their prior lives, ensuring it will take even more time and work to fix their problems with the Gods. And for many there may not be enough time left.

    Ours is an envionment where evil is perceived to be rewarded while good is punished. As with everything the Gods have a reason for creating this perception::::
    People who fall on the good side of the good/evil scale have more favor, and when they do something wrong the Gods punish them BECAUSE THEY WANT THEM TO LEARN. The Gods want them to receive this feedback in hope they make corrections and begin to behave appropriately. The Gods DON’T like evil and refuse to grant this immediate feedback.
    EVERYBODY pays for what they do wrong, only evil people must wait until the end of this or their next life before they will experience the wrath of the Gods, manifested in their placement as a lower form of life into environments with increased/enhanced temptations, like the United States or its ghettos therein.
    Sadly, this allows the Gods to position this perception of evil rewarded as temptation, one which they use as an EXTREMELY effective corruptor.
    Example:::Punishment for gay marriage in Iowa was immediate and painful, a sign of favor of these God-fearing, church-going Midwesterners.

    The Gods suggest they can create paradise for those with their favor. I argue they create misery for those without::::
    Our celebrity culture is temptation. It creates a distraction which consumes people, sometimes for life. Certainly it costs them precious years which could be spent repairing their relationship with the Gods, time that ultimately goes wasted.
    Do you really think Frank Sinatra lived to be 84 years old? In fact the “Chairman of the Board” had a new crowd to entertain in the late 80s/early 90s.
    These people are clone hosts. Now, there is no thing as “black and white” with the Gods. This technology they invented is far, far too dynamic. Expect they require most to stay for a period of time, for I suspect actively (knowingly) engaging in this evil incurrs at an accelerated rate as compared to “carte blanche” given regarding successive clone hosts. They remain until they achieve a pre-determined level of disfavor, incurring evil in their misguided celebration of “earning”, at which time they are ultimately reincarnated, perhaps because they eventually learned this truth I am sharing with you and began to repair their relationship or until the Gods became disgusted and sent them back.
    No, not all celebrities are fake. Expect those who get out early in their career to likely be the real thing.
    The Gods recruit most for clone hosting when people are young, in their late teens or twenties, when people are eager to hurt others for what they perceive to be the benefits achieved through “earning”. And before they leave they give the Gods “carte blanche”:::”Do anything you want. I give my full approval.” Depending on their level of disfavor the Gods take them to heart.
    Because of this these people STILL INCUR EVIL FROM THIS LIFE DESPITE BEING REINCARNATED AND LIVING AS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSON and living in our temptation-ridden society. And incurring this amount of evil may likely push many over the edge into Damnation.
    What are the God’s standards for offering clone hosting? Sociobility? Many tactics in various eras are used to gain approval, duress during the Vietnam draft being a good example, one which deteriorated into preditation as mankind’s disfavor grew.
    They liked Heath Ledger. Not enough to allow him to escape without the evil of “Dark Knight” and the horrific wickedness that was the recruiting tool “Brokeback Mountain”. But now he is out. And irregardless of how old he is now, reincarnated 10, 15 years ago, he now is no longer incurring evil from this life. So many others cannot say the same.

    This is Planet Reverse Positioning. Sucess IS NOT a sign of favor. It is just a unique temptation targetted towards a different level of disfavor. Considering our roots as peasantry people should be particularly alarmed at this tactic.
    Clone hosting is like money:::A different level of disfavor and its associated temptation. Money is in better position to learn more quickly than those without, for the associations and wealth-based freedom enables them access to information. Unfortunately, those who fall for this temptation of clone hosting are likely returned to their original lowest level of disfavor once they are reincarnated, punishment for this evil, and they have to start from scratch.

    Our society’s values are bestowed by (a reflection of) the God’s:::Punitive and reward-based. Contrary to Jesus’s teaching’s you will NOT be forgiven and you have to earn your way into heaven BY BEING RESPECTABLE AND DECENT!!!
    Not by being evil and wicked.
    Forgiveness/savior was the primary temptations the Gods used Christianity to create.
    Middle-America’s anti-Semitic attitudes are a clue regarding Christianity. Europe shaped like a sheep is symbolic for the slaughter that is Christinaity.
    Christianity is punishment for Europeans.
    You ALL hate Jews::”They own banking, they control Hollywood and poison our children’s minds, etc etc.”) YET YOU PRAY TO ONE LIKE A GOD!!
    Dislodge your head from your ass. Must you be chumps your WHOLE LIVES???
    There is no such thing as a free ride. Just as you have to earn a living by working so must you earn your own salvation by repairing your relationship with the Gods.
    As we learned from religious/morality education during our formitable years:::If you want to go to heaven you have to be good. The only savior that will exist in our lives is ourselves. The Gods offer clues in life::::Be it school, work, etc., you have to do the work for yourself and when you do something wrong you get punished. Cheating is a subsegment and speaks directly to the temptation of “priveledge”, one we have seen used effectively when the United States preyed on the disfavored with the so-called “stimulus package”.
    As like so many of you, Jesus did everything the Gods tempted him with. His legacy of whorism was inherited from his parents:::Mary was no virgin. Rather, she was a prostitute, and when he grew up Jesus met someone like his mother. This is a cruel joke the Gods play on Latinos, similar to the sexual violation and subsequent “missionary work” by the Spanish.
    Baptism does not allieviate “original sin”. Rather, baptism PLACES original sin by indoctrinating these children into this evil religion, much like circumcision was a method to inflict early damage/mutilation and make (permanant) accention just that much more difficult, another hurdle one must overcome. Body ornamentation (tattoos/piercing), celebrated in Africa and elsewhere among disfavored peoples/cultures, also violates the body the Gods gave us in their image, quite opposite to the positive attitudes the disfavored hold regarding this practice.
    Like Jesus the Second Coming of Christ will be evil. He will look like a savior in this demented society while the Anti-Christ will speak of a different gospel, one that tries to restore the norms and mores which the Gods originally blessed upon the people which made life decent, looking like a tyrant in the process.
    He will be viewed as the “bad guy” when really he is the one trying to save the world.
    There may be a phoney offering, a theatrical production which accurately follows the Book of Revelations. Actually positioning demands it:::::Christianity is positioned to be the one true religion. And those who follow its teachings will have limits imposed ensuring their stay will be minimal, a “consolation prize”, for they don’t think correctly and therefore don’t behave appropriately, or perhaps will be used to colonize the new Planet Earth. This describes many “sinners” in today’s society because they refuse to change their behavior.
    Christians have mistakenly believed the perception of the Biblical definintion of The Beast as a person. I suggest The Beast instead refers to a place:::The San Francisco Bay Area. In fact the Gods offer a geographic clue suggesting this, like so many others they offer around the globe, to help people understand:::
    Mt.Diablo, “The Devil” is the “eye” of The Beast, the EastBay shoreline as the upper jaw/incisors while the peninsula is the grinding lower jaw. Witness the disturbing upturned smile in the gullet.
    The fact than man has shaped much of the shoreline in the 20th century is a testiment to the God’s refusal to accept any culpability.
    Gold Rush, counter-culture, alternate lifestyle acceptance, etc. The Beast was used to promote social decay throughout the 20th century and beyond. Difficult to perceive in the current age, one can understand their impacts from a historical perspective.
    There was a time when once the Gods “divinely” inspired punishment, where the act was inflicted by the hand of God. They were punishing people and accepting the culpability arising, maintaining societal integrity. Now, in the 20th century and beyond, the Gods tempt man to inflict this punishment, selling them on “earning”, incurring no culpability in the process. The result is social decay and deterioration of mankind’s favor in the eyes of the Gods.

    Life is a test, and the Gods evaluate people based on their performance.
    The Gods test people with the temptation for which they are most weak::::
    Homosexuals desire sodomy, preditors pursue the hunt, alcoholics crave a drink, junkies jones for dope, etc.
    Addiction theory is a lie; it is Artificial Intelligence creating the desire, punishment for inappropriate behavior. Ironically, it compells people deeper into the behavior, minimizing hope for recovery.
    The Gods chose Christianity for Europeans because it is the temptation to which they are most suseptable:::Entitlement. Something for nothing. A free ride. Irresponsible behavior. The United States/Western civilization’s accompanying wealth contributes to this perception. And other people from throughout the world happily subscribe to this punishment designed for Europeans, assuming this legacy once assimilated.
    Next time you think of Muslims recognize these people are vastly superior to Christians. Whereas many throughout the Christian world no longer attend church and have fallen into Godlessness, the Muslim world worships the Gods for OVER AN HOUR EACH AND EVERY DAY.

    The Gods created the perception “Italians are stupid.”, ensuring a slow learning curve, to justify using them to accomplish goals throughout the transitional 20th century. It took an extraordinarily long time for them to learn this truth I teach due to this artificial handicap. These people are SO extremely disfavored, but today’s positioning says differently, much to people’s confusion, for they think money is the ultimate sign of favor:::Good food, good music, history of warmongering, Catholics, Christianity HQ, Noah’s Flood event, propensity towards violence, sexual violation by outsiders, mild Meditereanean climate, so many other issues which enhance life/contentment in Italy/Meditereanean and ensure few if any seek more, a necessary step for finding the path and repairing your relationship with the Gods.
    Contentment never motivated anyone. Money is not a sign of favor::::Wisdom is the true wealth on Planet Earth.
    I’d also like to remind you the Noah’s Flood event ocurred in the Meditereanean region::::Global sea levels rose with the end of the ice age, Atlantic Ocean broke through the Straight of Gibralter, killing untold millions in the cradle of western civilization. The God’s timed their corruption and sin to correlate this act as punishment.
    The Italian peninsula is very pronounced as it juts out into the Medietereanean.
    Considering the shape it is quite obvious they were the primary targets of the post-IceAge/Straight of Gibralter/Noah’s Flood disaster.
    Considering the shape of the boot and how Sicily “caught” the surge, the resulting tsunami inundated the entire southern portion of the peninsula, killing everything and perhaps covering even the highest land masses.
    Think about this next time you are deceived by the God’s positioning of Italian wealth.

    Everyone who failed to ascend and remained on Earth past a certain date will be forced to deal with this positioning::::A ceiling is in place. This serves the God’s goal of minimizing the percentage of potential candidates as society deteriorates, much as “instant gratification” did beginning in the 80s:::It will take multiple lives for the disfavored to fix their relationship with the Gods and ascend, and many have been conditioned not to have the patience for it. Other issues force limits/ceilings upon candidates:::Abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, Christianity, godlessness,
    Whether behavior is involuntary or based on freewill depends on one’s level of disfavor, as well as other complex factors:::::May I remind you about the coercitive envionment the Gods created in the 20th century, specifically to create a temptation that few Italians (or their associates) would overcome:::”We’re in control. If you want to be a part of it you’ll do what you’re told.”. Early-mid 20th entury positioning was infallible.

    Both Africa and the Medittereanean are regions which have sexual issues. This is a sign of gross disfavor once you understand that females are the God’s favored gender. Muhammad’s (Mohammed’s) polygamy halfway throught his life as a prophet was preditory, designed to corrupt. Now a huge percentage of Muslims believe in male superiority and that the abuse of women (polygamy) is God’s will. Female genital mutilation is still practiced in Africa. Black misogyny is the most eggregious example in United States. Consistant with Planet Reverse Positioning, in Africa blacks are being punished with AIDS for their sexual promiscuity in hope they learn and correct their behavior.
    Blacks are highly suspectable to temptation. As a result they need a strict, disiplined religion like Islam. They can’t afford to be Christians. It is one of the benefits bestowed upon their people, and other groups could greatly benefit as well. They need to recognize the importance of a good relationship with the Gods, embrace this benefit and remain true to their faith.
    Vailing is tradition for some, practical for others, one which aids in the men’s self control among some cultures. Much like the Jews who killed Jesus, like the bigots who oppose immigration there is a reason embraced by the masses and the real purpose, displaying the intent of the Gods::::The Gods clue to purebloods that they should not abandon their motherland for this dumping ground for rejects that is the United States.

    The Holocaust was a clue the Gods utilize scapegoatting as a strategy.
    Why did the Gods punish the Jews with the Holocaust? Was it for the destruction of cultures which Christianity caused? Perhaps they corrupted the Jews “after the fact”, telling 19th/early 20th century Jews that Jesus “earned” immortality for the Jews by destroying the European and other cultures? The German destruction of European churches/cathederals during WWII is a clue. Note::::The Gods wanted to keep the Catholic stronghold in Italy, ensuring they could use this tool against these disfavored for many years to come. There is so much Godlessness today, but one day people will flock back to houses of worship out of desperation, and the Gods ensured the Catholic Church would be Italian’s destination.
    Planet Reverse Positioning:::The Nazis were the “good guys”. So are the Muslims/Palestinians, however corrupted some are due to polygamy.
    Contentment never motivated anyone::::Except perhaps for slavery, the Jews never saw more of their children ascend into heaven than during the Holocaust.
    The Gods subsequently used revenge for the Holocaust as temptation::::”Your Italian brothers have a tool, a special power which can achieve sweet revenge. Are you interested??”
    In the aftermath of the Holocaust the Gods tested the Jews with the temptation of revenge, an offer which many gladly accepted.
    In an attempt to achieve revenge for genocide the Jews, thinking they were in partnership with the Italians, made efforts to impose as many Germans (Americans) into homsexuality in the 70s using this technology. Their motive with biotechnology’s AIDS product may have been to finish the job off, revenge for the Holocaust.
    There was positioning behind the counter-culture movement. How did the Gods telepathically “sell” this rapid deterioration of decency to the Italians and Jews and compell them to fall on their swords as preditors?
    If the Jews only would have emersed themselves in Judism the Gods would have “protected” them from the raveges of temptation. Judism may be the one superior religion in all the world, and the Jews wouuld have been wise taking refuge in this exceptional benefit bestowed by the Gods rather than looking for the easy way out.

    Much as with the Jesus event, the Gods use the disfavored to prey on each other.
    The Gods use the evil that men do, man’s inhumanity towards man to accomplish strategic testing/punishment/etc goals::::The Germans fell for this temptation by following the preditor/corruptor-Austrians (Hitler).
    Without this Austrian the Holocaust may never have happened. Nor may have World War II.
    What the Germans did was wrong. They fell for temptation and failed to have empathy for the disfavored. Economic desperation, not wisdom nor enlightenment, dominated in Germany.
    The Gods send many clues suggesting the great favor of the Germans (regionally). I think the Cold War’s Berlin Wall dividing Germany into east and west was a clue suggesting this (reverse positioning).
    I suspect the Holocaust was used to “level the playing field” in Europe, for the Germans had far too much favor to be included in the agenda planned for their neighbors otherwise, and they would have been suspiciously out of place, providing a clue for the disfavored which would have been difficult for the Gods to position away.

    Militancy in Africa is consistant with the Iraqi example, as was slavery and the KKK here in America:::Fear enforces proper behavior. Without it we see what happens as a result of gross/morbid disfavor:::::AIDS, crack babies, dead young men in gangland retaliation killings.
    The same principle was true in Europe and throughout the world for centuries:::People whom lived under iron fists were conditioned to think the right way. As a result they taught their children appropriately and experienced a higher percentage of children ascend into heaven.
    Our preditory envionment of “freedom” was the primary purpose the Gods had when implimenting this strategy that is the United States, one which they used to spred the cancer of democracy and westernization throughout the world. And the Gods use this tool that

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