aff-rude-boy-the-jamaican-donDuring the recent press conference held by Prime Minister David Thompson he was asked by a member of the studio audience what he intends to do about the PSV sector. The person who asked the question expressed the concern that despite the effort to clean-up the PSV sector, it continues to be a law unto itself. An example to show that the ZR culture is alive and well is the lewd and sexually explicit lyrics which they continue to play on their illegal audio systems.

Prime Minister David Thompson in his response to the member of the studio audience promised that he will be addressing the vexing issues which continue to emanate from the PSV sector in the upcoming budget scheduled for May 18, 2009.

The perennial lawlessness which has been displayed by the PSV sector, specifically ZR’s, has been the bane of successive government’s regulatory and social policies. The inability of the PSV sector to self-regulate combined with the lack of political will by successive governments to ‘calm’ the sector has created a monster which now threatens to destabilize our society. John Public has known for a long time that a major contribution to the problem in the PSV sector has been the concentration of ownership by politicians, lawyers, prominent businessmen etc.

This group of owners have become very influential which has led to wide spread corruption by officials responsible for regulating the sector.

The policy by the current government to allow free bus rides on the public transportation system for school children has been heralded by most Barbadians. Besides the economic benefit to families many (BU included) believe that the social good to be derived will be the winner. By encouraging (extracting) our young minds from under the unruly influence of the ZR culture, some Barbadians are hoping it is not too late.  Ironically, the Jamaican government has recently initiated changes to laws to crack down on its own rude boy culture specifically targeted at the smutty lyrical content of the music played on the airwaves and elsewhere. This is relevant to what is happening in Barbados because the music which underpins the ZR culture and played with gay abandon on our airwaves of Barbados is mainly derived from the smutty Jamaican music.

The time has finally come to fix the PSV sector at this juncture in our history. Barbados is fortunate to be able to use the Jamaican experience as a crystal ball to foresee what will develop if we continue on our current path. It is not enough to remove our children from the PSVs and pat ourselves on the back that the problem has been solved. The ZR culture permeates our culture in many ways, to retrieve our society from this ban of misfits who can be compared to the Taliban in Afghanistan where a few people are allowed to terrorize the majority of the population, enough is enough!

The PSV sector plays and important part in the transportation system of Barbados. It employs hundreds of people. It is a source of significant taxes to government. We are aware that the government proposes to role out a Transport Authority which has a mandate to offer solutions to the problem, one of which is to integrate the PSVs and public transport. We support the initiative in theory for what it can deliver but remain sceptical and a cynic to what it will actually accomplish.

Mr. Prime Minister the country is at the crossroads. Those who want to see can observe the cracks which are widening by the day in the social landscape of Barbados. The country needs LEADERSHIP now more than ever. Hopefully if we get the LEADERSHIP from the political directorate the non governmental stakeholders will follow.

  1. There won’t be a resolutin of this problem until Barbados ceases its sheep-like, infatuation will all things Jamaican. Until then, you will pay the price of this folly! Some sections of our economy, such as this one, must also be made ‘no-go areas’ in which our politicians can invest, or, at least, not without wide and public declaration of their interest in the subject/area! All of which sounds very much like components of the ITAL legislation which both BFP and BU have been calling for for so long! I know that in the Caribbean things move at a slower pace but, cadeer!! Thompy, it’s time you got your finger out, bro!!

    You must realise that certain people won’t mind in the least if Bim is reduced to another JA, as long as they can make a quick buck!!

  2. Of course, many of our people have now inter-mixed with Jamaicans, so, due to our lack of foresight, the battle’s already lost!!

  3. I took a PSV about a month ago to go a distance of about 3 mls because I left my car to be serviced and I only made it about half the journey. The music on board was loud and not lude but stinking, the language was un-acceptible. I thought it best to walk the rest of the journey , so as to clear my head by the time I got for my meeting. God help those who have to take this form of transportation on a regular basis. It is time this behaviour is stopped

  4. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    I think that we are trying to close the gate after the horse has gotten out.

  5. Kenny Best, Deputy Speaker of House of Assembly and big time ZR vans owner.

  6. Let look at the big picture. The buck stops with the minister. All of Barbados knows that permits have been issues with ‘impunity’ to friend, family and highest bidder by Ministers of the Crown. Which civil servant is willing to serve country and spill the beans?


    Didn’t think so!

  7. But the question is, should we blame the PSV operators?

    I mean seriously, are we to believe that the reason society is on a downward spiral is because some “Maxi-Taxis” were playing nasty lyrics on loud sound systems?

    I’m not saying that they are squeeky clean and yes, they do perpetuate it but I’m sure that they are not the primary cause.

    We need to pull our heads from beneath the sand and realise that this apparently lost generation stems from a good set of parents not doing their job!

    Full stop.

  8. A lot of the ZR and Mini bus owners are indians from the muslim community – but their children and family don’t travel on these buses so they don’t care if children of afro barbadian morals are corrupted.

    Another set of the mini buses are owned by policemaen – and they are not going to haul their drivers before the courts.

    Kenny best M.P and lawyer – also owner of mini buses – so would he be in favour of penalising owners of mini buses for the driver’s bad behaviour? – don’t know,buut don’t think so.

    So where are we heading?

  9. So where are we heading?


    That’s easy!! Abolish the ZR and institue a policy of a properly run bus service as pertains in most civilised countries!!

  10. @Tourism Monkey

    We accept that there is parental delinquency so are you saying society should not try to curtail those areas in society where obvious lawlessness exist?

  11. Tourism Monkey Avatar

    David, on the contrary; what I am saying is that, yes, these PSVs should be dealt with but let’s not all take up and act as if they are the cause.

    I firmly believe that they are closer to an end-result than most people will care to think.

  12. Have to agree with CCC here.

    The ZR problem was created by Government.
    When it was a few (Z) taxis breaking the law and going on bus routes, charging a fare, the powers did nothing. It then got to the point where it was so rampant, that the authorities decided to create a ZR, which is a taxi (Z) on a route (R) .
    It was never organised from the beginning….if you start wrong…..
    This was a chance for politicians to make easy money with permits and boy did they ever.
    Along with the lack of organisation came the lack of everything else and now we are seeing the product.

  13. Whilst the “rude boy culture” may have originated with the ZRs and minibuses, it was nurtured and promoted by certain individuals and businesses, including some radio stations, in their quest to attract the youth.

    The treatment meted out to the PSVs and their customers over the years by the powers that be, have created a bond between the operators and their regular customers (we’re outlaws and we’re in this together).

    The “ZR culture” is simply glorified lawlessness that has been made attractive to misguided youths. The PSVs could have been easily controlled if there really was a will to do so.

  14. Since the ZR culture came out of an effort to control those guys from breaking the law, and may I say I agree, what are we going to do with the new culture of other lawless guys who ply the route s in Clifton Hill and other areas of Barbados without permits?

  15. Breakdown of morals/discipline in the home= Breakdown of morals/discipline in the Community in all aspects. ZR culture is only a by-product of such.

    Do fuh do
    I still trying to connect de dots bout Kenny Best and his ZRs.
    By de by, I luv ya name.

    I catch a ZR years ago and the driver was driving soooooooooooo reckless and I ask he ta slow down and he totally ignore me. I mean reckless. Well, when Bonny reach she destination, I refuse ta pay he and he start ta harass me. I tell he when I was telling you ’bout you drivin you ignore me, well de $1.oo drop out de winda. Some fellas pun de block come to my assistance and he tek off. I cudda handle he myself, but I did still glad fa de lil help from de block-crew.

  16. What would the people who live in Bibby’s Lane, Proute, Clifton Hill etc. do, if there were no pirates operating on that route?

    People take the pirate vans out of desperation, as most of us who are fortunate to have our own transportation, leave them stranded at the bus stops every morning as we pass in our fancy cars and SUVs.

    We know that there is only one bus on a particular route and that when it reaches a certain area on its way to Bridgetown, it is more often than not filled to capacity, yet we are comfortable driving pass these people, trying to get to work like us, with our empty cars.

    Is it any wonder then that some commuters believe that the ZR men are the only ones looking out for them and this is why they get so much support in spite of everything said about them?

    We create the environment for the lawlessness to flourish and then complain when it does.

  17. The Scout // March 12, 2009 at 4:38 pm

    Since the ZR culture came out of an effort to control those guys from breaking the law, and may I say I agree, what are we going to do with the new culture of other lawless guys who ply the route s in Clifton Hill and other areas of Barbados without permits?

    You see Scout…it is this sort of hypocrisy that has this country where it is today.
    What nonsense is this..’Since the ZR culture came out of an effort to control those guys from breaking the law, and may I say I agree, ,,,,,,,

    Had we prosecuted them to the fullest extent of the law then …this would not even be a topic for discussion.
    As for the other pirates, they will continue until there is a serious accident and then you will hear from the insurances companies (who by the way knows the pirates but still insures the vehicles), the Police and everyone else speaking out.
    So Scout dont ask what are we going to do about them…..look at the ones before, that is exactly how this will turn out.

  18. The “ZR culture” is simply glorified lawlessness that has been made attractive to misguided youths. The PSVs could have been easily controlled if there really was a will to do so.

    The only will, was the will to make as much money from the permits as possible.

  19. Whenever we can point to societal ills and we make an attempt to focus on fixing we then get a flood of opinions which point to other ills. So what are we to do? Nothing?

  20. I will admit that the PSV sector is a cash cow for the GOB.

    The amount of fees, taxes and fines collected from them in the present scheme makes regulation unattractive, as continued chaos can be used to justify the punitive taxes they are forced to pay.

  21. @General Lee

    What is the social cost?

  22. The PSV men are not from Mars.
    They are just easy targets for those who choose to ignore the roots and continued growth of this sub-culture.

    How would you explain the fact that not all youth are caught up in the sub-culture?
    What makes the children who used to catch PSVs but no longer do, different from the ones who continue to catch them daily?
    Are the PSVs the only places where the youth can hear the smutty lyrics?
    Where do the children obtain their values?

    Blaming the PSVs operators only is simply allowing the other culprits, to continue making money, as they slowly destroy Barbados via its young people.

  23. It is like a pesky vine in your garden David…….trimming the leaves and spraying will not help, just slow it down, we need to get to the root(s).

  24. Tourism Monkey Avatar

    If we are going to blame the PSV people then we can blame the others that deserve it.

    Let’s start:
    1) Parents and grandparents for not doing their jobs.

    2)GoB for not having an efficient public transport system.

    3)Local musicians for producing trash during the times which the dub music took root.

    4)Toyota for making such an effective people mover and also for putting radios in them.

    5)The cinemas for showing us movies that glorify violence.

    (Ok, ok! The first two are real. I made up the last three. But I’m sure that someone else has probably seriously said them.)

  25. The “powers that be” in pursuing the current PSV policy see any societal cost as negligible, as the majority of children do not catch the PSVs or are caught up in the culture and the minority that do, were probably delinquent before and will hopefully grow out of it.
    Those that do not; “Hospital, Cemetery or Jail”

  26. General Lee I agree with you but how do we stop it….

    I will admit I have lots of friends who work the ZR but something MUST BE DONE! It doesn’t mean that bread will be taken out of a person’s mouth BUT one has to control this nasty snake which has poisoned our society it truly has ……..

    I myself was an avid ZR and Minivan freak I grew out of that shit longggg ago, but what about the few that General Lee mentioned who will end up in Hosp. or cemetry or jail (that is a reggae song you know) we cant let them be smittened by this culture. I don’t like it at all!

  27. I’ve already indicated the solution to this problem!!

  28. The fact is that, since I left Bim, hooliganistic behaviour has become the norm as opposed to the very civilised (at least in public) people which Barbadians USED to be when I was there!! A lowering of morals and standards and importation of undesirable genes to the Barbadian-genepool are all exacting their vengance on the Barbadians of today!!

  29. The fact is that, since I left Bim, hooliganistic behaviour has become the norm as opposed to the very civilised (at least in public) people which Barbadians USED to be when I was there!! A lowering of morals and standards and importation of undesirable genes to the Barbadian-genepool are all exacting their vengance on the Barbadians of today!!
    You know what’s the first thing I thought of when I read this?

    How often people of this country were referred to as “sheep”.

    Maybe that’s what the “problem” is. Maybe there’s a younger generation that questioned the previous meek and mild status quo.

    Maybe there are people that refuse to let things be (just because their foreparents did).

    Maybe people are now doing what they feel like they want to do rather than what they should…

    Everyone that reads or writes on the local blogs are also guilty of this because not so long ago, we were all sheep taking in what the media gave us and not questioning it.

  30. When the rude boy culture is defeated what are you gonna replace it with? Christianity? The white man way of life? Or are you gonna teach the young people of the true greatness of our ancestors, that which is still etched in their DNA. There is a dearth that goes to the very depth of the Black man’s soul. He is hungry for something to identify with, something to give him a reason to be, all he he has to look to is the lies, corruption, and deceit of judeo-christian- socio-political, economic shitstem that leaves him empty to the core at the end of the day. We’ve lived this way for over 500 yrs and look where we at today-pleading to get rid of a rude-boy culture. What we need to do first is to get rid of all sewers that brought us the rude-boy culture. ‘For a lack of self-knowledge my people perish.’

  31. I grew up in the mini-bus sub-culture of the 1980’s.I enjoyed the dub music played on those mini-buses then and as a young man was critical of the older people complaints about the music on those mini-buses and I wonder why those older people at that time did not catch the Transport Buses.

    I really do not have any problem with music being play on ZR vans for the young people who use those vans for transport.We older people must always remembered that we were young at some period of time and we did things to annoy our parents.I believe young people must enjoy their youth.

    My concern with the music being play on the ZR vans is the slack,rude,offensive,lewd expressions that are passed as lyrics.The lyrics from many of those songs are disgusting to say the least.I believe if the lyrics were of a higher quality and uplifting the controversy surrounding the ZR van culture will not be there.

    I wonder if “nice” christian music was the norm on those buses or oldie goldies or music from past generations were played if the controversy and the outcry will be there.

    The corruption of our children does not start with the ZR van sub-culture but it is nurture by the hyprocrisy,double standards,deceit,wickedness that are a everyday occurrence in this society.The church,our political leaders,many of our institutions are the major conspirators in the corruption of our children

    Check the lifestyle of many of the leaders in the church.The homosexual church leaders,the fornicators,the drug pushers,the corrupt senior civil servants,our bribe taking leaders,These are the ones who are sowing the seeds of discord in our children not the dub music that are play on ZR vans.

    This society has a bunch of hyprocrites and moral decay individuals.

  32. the Government could solve the ZR problem if they wanted to. they do not want to. it’s all about ‘votes’ … can’t you understand?

  33. What really is ZR culture??

  34. I guess it encompasses all the negatives associated with this section of Barbadian society:

    The blatant flouting of laws.
    The playing of music glamorizing illegal drugs, guns, violence and promiscuity or containing lewd, vulgar or obscene lyrics.
    The obstruction of the free flow of traffic.
    Providing an environment that enables the exploitation and corruption of young people etc.

    The thing is , these are not peculiar to the PSVs.

  35. I’ve taken the ZR’s everyday (including Sunday) for more than 10 years.

    I can’t say that I am a worse person than I was 10 years ago.

    The Zr’s are a wonderful place to read.

    Since Christmas I’ve completed reading both of Obama’s biographies.

    I also read both newspapers everyday while going to work and on my errands on the ZR’s

    Because I read on teh ZR’s over the past 10 years I have not learned the words of any rude songs.

    If you read you do not hear the music. However the Ministry of Transport should insist that better lights are installed inside the ZR’s so that customers can read even at night.

    Instead of complaining why don’t you give your Little Johnnie and Susie a book to read on the ZR? You the parent should read the same book and then hold a book discussion with your children on the weekends at home.

    Now that it what I would call creative thinking and leading/reading by example.

    Just my way of looking at the “ZR problem’

  36. J although I get your point please remember that children are easily distracted. And some of these ZR men hot hot hot!

    Therefore, children’s concentration will be easily broken. Dont forget too J that some of the children will not catch the vans you catch they will catch the ones which are BASHMENT!

    As negroman said nothing isn’t wrong with the reggae music Peter Tosh is my man and other great reggae singers but some of the lyrics are crude and the children tend to enjoy those ones better.

    I will be honest, I remember when I was going to school (Tech help me out here) and loving the song she she she got a gun in she panty ………… ask wha she got in she panty go to doctor doctor cant cure she (oh those days) and I dont think that I am the worst person in Barbados. when you say A you must say B.

    Proper rules ……. I think that will help immensely. As I said there are many irie persons on the ZRs but the minority give the rest a bad name.

  37. JC I always catch the first van which shows up, bashment or not, except for one driver who attempted to put me off once. I done doing business with him. He regularly asks me to board his van, and I regularly smile sweetly and tell him “no thanks”

  38. Help me out here.

    We all agree that our children need to read more.

    Find a way to bring the children and the books (and good music too) together.

    Why don’t we get the library service to put book mobiles in the bus-stands every morning from 6:30 to 9:30 and again every evening from 2:30 to 5:30

    Some children like to read, some do not, (I have some of both kinds) but we know that children are “follow pattern” so the ones who like to read will influence the ones who don’t like to. A few years ago there was a very good book written by Barbara a Barbadian librarian. I gave it to my little susie to read, it was so good that almost every child in little susie’s class ended up reading it. And my little susie is one of those children who does NOT like to read

    We have to meet our children more than half way. We need to catch them where they are.

    But at present the library service has only one book mobile? Why? If one was adequate when I was a little thing at St. Silas school in 1962 surely we need 6 book mobiles by now, or 10, or 12.

    We collect $12,000 in taxes per year from each van owner. Where is that money going? Why can’t some of it go to fund books and reading for our children?

    Our children deserve better. We the adults have to provide better.

    Let’s call it “Books in the Bus-Stands”

    And let the book mobiles provide and lend CD’s etc. also.

    Anyone can take this idea and run with it. We will need about $5 million for vehicles, about $1 million or so for overtime payments for the librarians, or the librarians can do shift work, maybe there are early risers who would love to work the 6:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. shift. $1 million for new books and CD’s each year. We can get this thing up and running for less than $10 initially and keep it going for about $2 million a year.

    How much again is it that we collect in taxes from the public service vehicle owners?

    This of course is not instead of a new library. A new library has to be built.

    We should also find a way to encourage new writing, especially writing for children and young people. How about sabbaticals for librarians? On condition that before going on the sabbatical a publisher has seen the first 2 chapters and is willing to publish, and on condition that the book is ready for publishing at the end of the sabbatical.

    Let us stop thinking punishment for a while, that is soooooooooo slave society. Let us start think good choices for our children

    Our children deserve some help in making good choices. Let us give our children some good choices. They deserve it.

  39. Man.. first we got to get rid of the double standards in society before we take another step.

  40. No tech. Take the steps first and the double standards will fall.

  41. could someone please define PSV for the non-bajan audience

  42. Real Real Bajan Avatar
    Real Real Bajan

    Refers to all privately owned vehicles used to transport passenger on a specific route.
    There are two catergories of PSVs,
    “ZRs” and Minibuses
    In other places “ZRs”are called maxi-taxis.

  43. Public service vehicles (privately owned and operated)

    as distinct from

    public service vehicles (state owned)

    and does not include taxi’s

  44. I hear most of you all saying “ZR culture” and majority of the ZR drivers are also driving Trnasport Board buses…….the only difference is they have no music…..but the driving is just as reckless….I am even more scared to get in a transport board bus…..that God for my little transpee that I dont have to use any…..and as long as my eyes are opened my children would not be using it either….free or of charge….lol

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