The Honourable Prime Minister Mia Mottley

Prime Minister Mia Mottley delivered a budget yesterday anchored to a transformation theme. The blogmaster agrees with Professor Justin Robinson’s summary of the budget with one addition. There was no serious mention of the plan to address the recapitalization of NIS.

See summary of Robinson’s budget review.

Robinson: Domestic market the target 

GOVERNMENT IS SEEKING to woo the confidence of domestic investors once again, five years after the country underwent its debt restructuring exercise.

This was the takeaway of economics professor Dr Justin Robinson in his analysis of the 2023 Financial Statement And Budgetary Proposals delivered by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley in the House of Assembly yesterday.

Robinson, who was a panellist on the NATION’s State Of Our Nation’s post-Budget analysis, said Government’s announced $74.8 million partial repayment to 5 407 holders of Series B bonds, was in an effort to restore confidence in the domestic investment market.

During her four-hour presentation, Mottley said Series B bond holders who are on the register at March 31 will each receive $17 500 while 2 627 are being repaid in full.

Noting that the Prime Minister had not introduced new taxes to bridge the near $1 billion deficit, Robinson said it was evident that the plan is to finance the deficit through domestic investment and growth.

“Clearly the Government is deciding that it is going to go for growth and a lot of the initiatives seem focused along growth. Alongside growth, there were some measures and language that seem intended to encourage and entice domestic investors to provide the financing to close the gap.

“So there was no attempt to close the gap by new revenueraising measures or expenditure cuts. Instead, the Government has decided to financethe gap in this way by enticing the local investorsto come back because that’s where the uncertainty

in the financing is,” he said.

Robinson, the pro-vice chancellor of The University of the West Indies’ Board of Undergraduate Studies, said it is left to be seen whether the incentive will work.

“There was a whole section about reviving the domestic capital market. The repayment of the Series B bonds is one measure, and it is certainly feasible for the Government to make the payout. However, the unknown is whether that would be sufficient to induce investors to come back into the market in the quantity that they need in financing for the next financial year,” he said.

However, as it relates to Government’s growth strategy, he said it was lacking quite a bit of details.

“I was expecting some details on the reforms of the stateowned enterprises (SOEs), which was a central feature of the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT II) programme. In many ways those details were sadly lacking. We are not really significantly wiser about how that will play out. Additionally, because of the uncertainty with the domestic financing, I expected details on how Government was going to address this “The other issue was growth. How do we create some new growth catalyst to take the economy to a higher level? To her credit, the Prime Minister highlighted a number of possible areas that are new – stimulating a film industry, positioning Barbados as a logistics hub. The challenge I had is that they were quite short on details, they appear futuristic and we have to wait to hear the details,” he added.

Also expressing disappointment on the lack of details on the reform of the SOEs was general secretary of the National Union

of Public Workers Richard Green, who was also a panellist.

He said there was some indication that job losses were on the horizon.

“The Budget did not provide any specificities about the reform of those SOEs. Moving forward, it would be interesting from our end to see how that goes. Obviously, there is an indication in this Budget that there is high likelihood of some retrenchment in the SOEs. So there is more in this Budget that we need to see coming out within the new financial year,” Green said.

Nation Newspaper

186 responses to “2023 Budget Talk”

  1. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WURA
    Correct. It’s now a clear environmental threat.
    I think Antigua has been shipping it to Finland to be used in some project. I think the last shipment of 20 000 kegs.was shipped sometime last year.
    Keep up the good work.

  2. A few days ago on this very thread weeee contended that there is nothing called international law under American imperialism. That sovereignty is a fiction.

    That the IAEA, the UN, the World Bank, the IMF and all other socalled multilateral agencies, NGOs, institutions, have always been factotums of empire.

    Today, the socalled International Criminal Court, ICC, has issued a meaningless arrest warrant for Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin.

    An ICC which has made it’s bones by prosecuting Afrikan leaders, and one other, deemed as enemies to the West. A court deployed to serve the purposes of American empire.

    A court located in the Hague which has no jurisdiction over Russia as the RF is not a signatory to it. But a court which when threatened by the USA, based on the fears that American soldiers from the Wikileaks disclosed “collateral murder” video, with illegal American sanctions of the court’s judges or the invasion of the Hague as responses, proved themselves to be toothless tigers.

    It’s a court unable be approach justice in the case of the illegal Iraq invasion by Tony Blair and George Bush, up until now! Nor the hundreds of war crimes, crimes against humanity, aggressive wars, committed by the Americans, NATO and the West. But a man seen as nonWhite, Vladimir Putin, is again its target.

    This court is therefore being used for propaganda purposes. For the propaganda war is the only facet of this conflict which the West can win, given the feckless populations, broad based acceptance of Whiteness and the total control of most media by their intelligence services.

    Such a stunt is unsurprising given their economic vulnerabilities, the pending collapse of Ukranian defences in the Donbass, the meetings this coming week in Moscow between Presidents Xi and Putin, China’s exertion of influence in the Iran-Saudi detente, the ejection of the French from Afrika, and on and on.

    What we’re witnessing are two things. One the death throes of White power. And two, the birth pangs of a multipolarity. For the White powers this is an existential crisis We warn again the the fascists in Washington, Whitehall and elsewhere will never surrender global leadership under any circumstances.

    Sin embargo! Nevertheless, this writer remains unconvinced, even in circumstances where the Chinese and the Russians, even the Iranians, have deployed maximum diplomatic efforts to support multipolarity, with strategic patience, amongst other devices, that their skillfulness will enable the world to avoid the “active measures” this writer has previously deemed appropriate.

    Today’s operation of this kangaroo court in the Hague clearly demonstrates the magnitude of the crisis at hand. It should remove the veil from the eyes of those toooooo blind to see the reality of our existence. But we’re not to be that hopeful!

  3. Music Shall Live Avatar
    Music Shall Live

    Naked Greed of Capitalism is the problem
    All they want is more
    Banks are failing due to reckless driving / gambling
    Regulation is just like traffic cops after a car crash
    Warmongers and Allies suffer Bad Karma over and over
    They deserve to fail as they are morally spiritually bankrupt.

    Believe it or not everything in the Universe is connected and consequences are the result of previous actions good and bad right and wrong politically correct or incorrect.

    For example
    Take a look at the timeline between 2000-2008 for a simple example and also events and the players which preceded it.

    George HW Bush
    The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (sponsored by Republicans)
    Relaxed Regulations
    S&L Scandal
    Iraq War
    Iran Contra

    George Bush, Tony Blair
    War and Global Banking Shenanigans
    911 Failed Trades (Black Eagle Trust / CIA Black Ops Funds)
    Afghanistan Iraq
    Patriot Act (Client facing Banking regulations, KYC, AML, PoC, SAR)
    Cheap Global Credit
    Toxic Debt Instruments
    Credit Crunch
    Global Financial Crisis

    To be honest Banking never recovered from GFR Insolvencies, Bankruptcies, Crash in property markets, Banks, Businesses, High Streets. Savings, Pensions and individuals personal financial failures

    As soon as Fed and bank of England raised interest rates again in last year Banking System started failing again

  4. @wargeneral

    Some will say that the debt to gdp 120 number was achieved because of the 2018 debt restructure and not through organic growth. What say you?

  5. When did a ‘Budget’ (in any application), cease being an exercise where projections of realistic income were matched with projected expenses, with the objective of taking proactive decisions to protect sustainability of the organization /country / family?
    lotta bull jobby!!

    This involves simple issues like..
    1 – How much INCOME can we project for the financial year?
    2 – What expenses are we set to incur?
    3 – How will any differences be financed? is this sustainable?
    4 – And how can we creatively adjust our operations for sustainability.

    ‘Sustainability’ means that we leave the damn place better than we found it – for OUR CHILDREN’S sake.

    Instead, we get a lotta shiite talk about how great the Party is, and all the great things that they ‘intend to do’…. while borrowing on our children’s heads, and selling assets (their heritage) like damn Parros.

    The ridiculous loudmouth ‘Greenland waist builder’ was on brass tacks defending the ‘rights’ of owners of assets to sell them to anyone they choose – rather than reserve ownership of such limited heritage for citizens…. and leasing to visitors where justified.

    Who else but brassbados sells its land. beach and hills to strangers… leaving the rab land and tenantries for its ‘loyal sons and daughters’?

    Women have been agents of death for brass bowls from Adam, and Samson, to King David and even for the wise Solomon.
    No doubt the trend continues….

  6. @ Pacha
    Don’t you get it yet?
    Let Bushie repeat for you…
    “Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat”
    Whom the gods will destroy, they first make mad as shiite.

    That is the most ridiculous case of grabbing at straws imaginable.
    The West clearly sees now that their plan to halt the BRICS initiative has failed, and we can expect even more stupidity from that source in coming weeks and months…
    Imagine that of all the possible ‘charges’ they could bring, they have chosen to charge Putin with effectively moving some Ukrainian children from an active war zone, into the safety of Russia.
    Shiite man!!
    …they could have AT LEAST charged him with a sensible crime…

    But, just like the idiotic decision to frustrate all attempts at peaceful solutions and provoke Russia’s actions in Ukraine, this stupid charge is another example of the irrationality that proceeds the reparations that are due to be paid ‘for all the innocent blood that they have shed over the last four centuries….”
    Bob Marley did not know how … but we are about to find out.
    It ah go be dread ina Babylon.

    We and Dem
    “We no know how we and dem a-go work it out.
    But someone will have to pay.
    For the innocent blood.
    That they shed every day….”

  7. Bushie
    Putin is a lawyer. And he has fastidiously conducted this war, like everything else he does, strictly following “international law” as enshrined within the UN Charter, treaty obligations, etc

    The ICC could have found more substantial cases for war and international law violations against admitted criminals Angela Merkel, Francois Hallonde and Peroshinco. Who all openly admitted of purposefully and constructively violating the UN Charter and a UNSC Resolution as sponsors thereof.

    He’s much maligned by his detractors for being so careful. He took nine years to respond to the constant pleadings of the people of the Donbass.During which time a careful case was built. Like Russia will convene a war crines tribunal against fascists captured. As a result he left the West with no room to launch a substantial case. The kind we’ll normally expect – crimes of conducting aggressive war, war crimes, crimes against humanity etc.

    So those ICC kangaroo court judges were then left with no choice but trumping-up a specious charge of giving shelter to children from a war zone, given the pressure from their curators in Washington. Maybe after being threatened with American illegal sanctions themselves by the gangsters in Waskington.

  8. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    No one can fault me for disliking politics after reading the above comments..

    “.But a man seen as nonWhite, Vladimir Putin, is again its target.”

    This still confuses me because i dont have the whole history on these deepseated hatreds.


    By Shamar Blunt

    Prime Minister Mia Mottley says details on the planned reform of the state-owned enterprises (SOE) is not yet ready for dissemination.
    Defending her decision not to reveal the details behind the plan Mottley said, “There is no doubt that there has to be reform, and we have not hidden what must happen with respect to it. We have been in discussions, some more advanced than others, some just starting with the unions.”
    In her wrap-up of the 2023 Budget debate the Prime Minister also added, “I am not for the sake of politics, or a positive comment, going to come in here and disrespect our partners in labour in the social partnership, and tell you and the country things that are not ripe. Things that are not yet completed,” she said on Thursday evening.
    Mottley was responding to the criticism from some quarters that not enough information was revealed on the current state of SOE reform being planned.
    Earlier in the day during a Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s post-Budget panel discussion at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, Economist Professor Justin Robinson expressed his concern with the lack of detail shared in the Budgetary Statement last Tuesday given that the state of SOEs on the island has been a recurring point of concern for many years.
    “I applaud the movement towards new sectors, new catalysts for growth, but I found they were sadly lacking in terms of detail. One of the other immediate challenges is [that] we are well into BERT 2, the second phase of our IMF programme… it has two central planks really, growth and the reform of the state-owned enterprises.
    “Again I found the details on that quite disappointing, given that that has been a live issue for several years, and there is a degree of immediacy around that. That is not futuristic, that is something that needs to be tackled more towards the short, rather than the medium-term,” he explained.
    Mottley however called on Barbadians to be patient, stressing that the present administration was seeking to allow the process of discussions between trade unions and government to play out smoothly without premature comments.
    “I ask the country for the opportunity to allow us to address you, in a way that will not disrupt the process, because Barbados cannot afford to get this issue of state-owned enterprises wrong.”

  10. Waru
    It’s a big subject, covering many thousands of years.

    However, the emergence of Whiteness, as a political construction, gave a dominant Anglo-Saxon group the option to decide who was in and who was out.

    The Japanese, for instance, are White. The Mexicans used to be also. So were the modern Egyptians. At this level determinations are made based on politics, economy, history, alliances etc as phenotypes take a secondary role.

    Russians have almost always been an out grouping. First of all they are a people largely Mongoloid derived. Look at Putin. See his facial characteristics. Could a dominant Mongolian genotype be disputed within his characteristics? Or look at the wider make up of the Russian population for scaled manifestations of this.

    The people he’s fighting in Ukraine hold the similar genes to Putin. However, international Whiteness has been excellent at dividing and ruling. Is this not what currently happens everywhere Whitey has been?

    Of course, these are generalizations across a large geography to make a point.

  11. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    It’s a big subject, covering many thousands of years. However, the emergence of Whiteness, as a political construction, ….

    Ahhhh!! where everything is rooted.

  12. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved

    Found an article by “author John Man Oxford alumnus and Mongolia specialist on the True Origins of the Mongols, debating an ancient historical puzzle with a modern ring.”

    Should at least give me a timeline/geographical area and general idea of events.

  13. David Bu i lostened yo the budget and was reasonably satisfied with the direction it is trying to take the country in.The cap on fuel will help people in genersl especially motorist.The building of seven stadiums across the country will benefit the youth in general.The coming building of hotels etc will help with jobs etc.However, heard the opposition leader Obama Yearwood speaking before the budget of more taxes snd masdive layoffs.As usual he was way off base and rsther than admit he got iy wrong tried to boob and weave unsucesdfully afterwards eith egg all over his face.I heard Mr Wilkinson who appears to be a friend of Dr Yearwood tslking about how weak some of the speeches were because some MP s took Dr Yearwood to task gor misleading the country.Mr Wilkinson then proceeded to let his dem operatives to talk at length as usual including Ms Decided to call for an apology.Really an apology for what? Dr Yearwood is always preacbing doom and gloom and hence is a target for critcism.This is what tall boy told to Mr Wilkinson and had him boobing and weaving.Imagine Mr Wilkinson callong Tall boy a blp operative but does not csll out Ms devided , Alvin, Straker,s, Rawle,or Mr Bascombe as dlp operatives.It is time these anti government moderators in Dr Jinds, Mr Ellis, Mr Wilkinson , Mr Blackman, and Ms Jemmott, s feet sre held to the fire for not seeking balance on the brasstacks programme.Yesterday was a stsrt with Mr Wilkinson and tall boy.I gone.

  14. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved

    Pacha….trouble in gay pariee…the .people are having none of the nonsense…ah oui!!!

  15. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    Men in dresses pretending to be holy, colonized our earth through horrific crimes then calling their victims sinners still today…frauds….could not hide it forever.

    “Were some territories of present-day Russia part of the Roman Empire?

    Yes, they were, albeit briefly. From 63 to 68 A.D. under Emperor Nero, Crimea was under the rule of the ‘Eternal City’. In antiquity, this peninsula was called Taurica and the Bosporan Kingdom, founded by Greek colonists, was located there.

    The Roman emperors (with the exception of Nero) did not seek to make this place part of their vast state, although they had a lot of political influence over it. It was much more important for them to simply keep their military contingents there and use the peninsula as a shield against the barbarians encroaching from the east.

    Even after the fall of the ‘Eternal City’ in the 5th century, the Roman presence in Crimea survived. The Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) held the southern tip of the peninsula along with Chersonesos (now part of Sevastopol) until the beginning of the 13th century. “

  16. How does an enterprise qualify as being a State Owned Enterprise (SOE)?

    Is there some threshold of shareholding by Government or its agencies that automatically marks an enterprise as being state owned?

  17. A lesson in soft and hard economics

    Last week, Barbadians experienced one of the ultimate manifestations of the fiscal constitution: the Second Reading of the Estimates.
    Under the Constitution, Section 108, the Minister of Finance, charged with responsibility for the country’s inflows and outflows, must propose to Parliament, the controller of the national purse, the fiscal plans for the next financial year. Similarly, Section 109 says the minister must seek the House of Assembly’s explicit approval of proposed expenditure.
    This constitutional mandate is an “auxiliary precaution”. As we noted in Checks And Balances, November 27, 2022, these mechanisms subject the power of one Government institution to the authority of another. Here, our elected representatives, though not managing our money, scrutinise its management. This “check” balances the Executive’s power over our financial lives, thereby protecting us from potential abuses to our financial well-being.
    Here is a “make-or-break” moment for our country. It can bring us to new frontiers or our knees. Commentary, therefore, is unavoidable.
    The actual “Budget” is contained within the legal and financial instrument called the Appropriation Bill. The speech, called the Budget, merely communicates the vision undergirding the measures of expenditure, cost reduction and growth contained in the People’s Bill.
    Regarding public confidence in general and market confidence in particular, the speech is often more important than the bill itself. Here, perception, or the outlay of vision, is the groundwork of reality. After all, a map is only accurate at the time it is drawn.
    Consequently, what becomes important here, in real terms, is the political capital and the resulting market confidence gained from what is communicated to the public. Focus, therefore, turns to the criticism that the Budget was more “social” than “economic”, predominantly focusing on providing incentives for youth and culture with everything else, including crime prevention, seemingly revolving around them.
    Any person steeped in hard-nosed economics, having experienced Budget presentations from this Minister of Finance, past ministers and others around the world, may experience difficulty in accepting what appears to be a “soft” Budget. However, when one considers the fact that “culture” is the psychological cocoon of society and “youth” the emerging butterflies or moths, one may find greater utility in this more nurturing approach to macroeconomic policy.
    That does not mean that the administration “forgot” the “hardness” of public affairs. In fact, after the Estimates were laid
    in Parliament, every minister, with technical staff, detailed expenditure plans for their respective ministries to the House of Assembly. This new practice, which should become law, gave the country the full playbook in advance so it is very unreasonable to say detail was lacking.
    The administration, through the minister, needed only explain to us how those plans, which we surely scrutinised over the previous two weeks, form an overarching “national success infrastructure”. Said scrutiny, therefore, allows us to identify the “hardness” in the seemingly “soft” policy, por ejemplo, of novel funding for designers to “scale up” their work.
    To paraphrase my mother, “people underestimate the power of cottage industries and small businesses to drive economic growth”. In the American context, the de facto global context, their Small Business Administration posits that “small businesses are the lifeblood of the United States economy: they create two-thirds of net new jobs and are the driving force behind US innovation and competitiveness”.
    Daily, many a Barbadian designer, industrial artist and craftsperson travels to the post office to send overseas customers their purchases. These are exports! They are not imaginary things. That is foreign exchange. This industry, with considerably more help, can earn foreign exchange rivalling tourism, financial services and the planned pharmaceuticals industry.
    Herein, I recall Niall Ferguson’s Civilization: The West And The Rest examining the commercial value of Isaac Singer’s “love” for women which produced the 1850 Singer sewing machine: “The revolutionary nature of this breakthrough is easily overlooked by a generation that has never sewn on more than a couple of buttons . . . . Thanks to Singer, the painstaking hours that had previously been needed to stitch the hem of a skirt became mere minutes – and then seconds. The history of the Singer sewing machine perfectly illustrates the evolutionary character of the Industrial Revolution, as one efficiency gain gave way to another.

    Dr William M. A. Chandler is a published political economist, legal scholar and business consultant.

    Source: Nation

  18. BARP still awaiting licence promise

    The Barbados Association of Retired Persons (BARP) says it is still awaiting Government’s promised enactment of legislation to make it easier for people over 70 years old to renew their driver’s licences.
    It was back in 2021 that then Minister of Transport and Works Ian Gooding-Edghill, at a media conference, stated that “approval from Cabinet had already been received varying the age for which a medical certificate is required from 70 to 75 years old”. He also shared that the renewal period for those aged 75 to 85 with a medical certificate would be moved to two years, with a medical certificate being required every two years, while at age 85 the renewal period would be one year with an annual medical certificate. He added that these changes would take effect when the Road Traffic Act was amended.
    This move followed a submission from BARP which noted that the yearly cost was a challenge for seniors on a fixed pension.
    Age barrier
    In a release, BARP president Marilyn Rice-Bowen said: “We were delighted that the Government had taken up on our proposal to remove the age discrimination barrier for seniors and varying the age for which a medical certificate is required from 70 years to 75 years old.
    “BARP noted with interest that the
    Road Traffic Act was amended in December 2022 to accommodate licences for those persons age 18 or older to drive heavy goods vehicles and motor tractors. Whereas we support that move in the interest of progress, we are still awaiting accommodation for seniors as promised by the then minister.”
    She also raised another concern of the group.
    “The association is equally concerned and draws attention to the well-being of seniors on our nation’s roads, specifically the proliferation of ‘daylight’ headlights, which is causing significant discomfort and danger to seniors on our roads. The use of these excessively bright headlights hinders visibility and makes it difficult for seniors to navigate oncoming traffic,” Rice-Bowen said.
    She appealed to motorists to dim their lights at night and for the “authorities to take appropriate action and regulate the use of these bright lights”.
    “These changes will enable seniors to maintain their independence and continue to be active members of society.
    These are highpriority issues for our membership, and we therefore appeal to the authorities to take the necessary action.” (PR)

    Source: Nation

  19. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    Pacha…..dont know what to tell them, they can rush around trying to clean up THEIR MESS with more long talk and falsehoods…but the decades worth of widespread damage is already WELL DONE…all their own doing. Much evidence abounds.

    We can only witness and record.

  20. The issue of the elderly driving is a complicated one.
    I can understand the thinking behind the laws, but the questions must be asked “Is there any science behind these laws? Are these laws the product of the perception and prejudices of others”.

    Without any basis in science and without statistical evidence, then these laws may very well be discriminatory. Some may argue that they are the product of common sense, but human history is full of common sense positions that have been found to be wrong as these positions have often deprived people of their rights.

    GoRoB needs to be sensitive with positions it takes on the elderly, poor, children and the weak. On this matter, driver license and the elderly, GoRoB should have a second thought. Don’t be weighed and found wanting.

  21. Waru
    There is a presumption which is oft seen being inacted.

    The assumption that there is some right to exist. For there has never been and shall never be.

    The histories of civilizations, cultures, peoples and nations have repeatedly proved this. Afrikan people performed a monumental task in avoiding the extinction imposed by hundreds of years of war by Europeans with all the concomitant events. And yet we continue to deity the ancestors of these same people, as lived reality.

    So no amount of grabbing the petticoat of empire will save us even as the “Collective West” , as it is come to be known, is itself fighting a losing battle for its own survival. Some however would require to see giant mushrooms clouds as proof positive.

    Did we not notice the haste in which it left Afghanistan? Almost overnight, did not inform their local sellouts, did not turn off the lights, etc. But yet idiots continue to talk their language – foolishness about democracy and capitalism when the deceit of both is clear.

  22. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Clpyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Clpyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    We definitely need a brave new world Pacha…a shift from what currently obtains, the direct opposite in varying degrees, so we all can survive….there is no saving face here, it’s our responsibility.

  23. @TheO

    You think the government will change a law like this before consulting with insurance companies? The government does not have to manage the business of insurance. One has to believe a change to the law must necessitate dialogue with the insurance companies and their actuaries.

  24. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    What will more likely happen, those who created those words will introduce new words sometime in the future, and the sheep will all go Baaaaaa, chew their cuds and regurgitate something new as they are prone to do and pretend they are experts…not an original thought or idea in their heads, always gotta wait for someone else’s…

    It’s very clear they have no clue where the present words came from.

  25. Some old folks should not drive and some young folks should be banned from driving forever!!

    Check this 109 year old driver in the US.

  26. In view of the disastrous state finances, we have no choice but to hope for handouts called reparations. It’s hilarious that these demands for reparations only came up AFTER it was clear that we were permanently broke … LOL. We are as beggars now as we were after the abolition of physical slavery almost 200 years ago.

    But don’t rejoice too soon! The High White Power from the North will offset the reparations debt with the default on government bonds in USD and EUR.

    It’s as simple as that, even if our naive Aborigines don’t want to admit it. They actually believe there is a privilege on ONE-SIDED reparations. Wasn’t the suspension of payments on government bonds a grave injustice?

    Just asking …


  27. Tron on March 19, 2023 at 2:24 PM said:
    Rate This

    In view of the disastrous state finances, we have no choice but to hope for handouts called reparations. It’s hilarious that these demands for reparations only came up AFTER it was clear that we were permanently broke … LOL. We are as beggars now as we were after the abolition of physical slavery almost 200 years ago.


    Anyone remember this one?

    No truer words were ever spoken!!

  28. Yolande Grant - African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. Avatar
    Yolande Grant – African Online Publishing Copyright (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved.

    “In view of the disastrous state finances, we have no choice but to hope for handouts called reparations. It’s hilarious that these demands for reparations only came up AFTER it was clear that we were permanently broke … LOL. We are as beggars now as we were after the abolition of physical slavery almost 200 years ago.”

    Tron….again i ask, is that you?

  29. Yes. Long live our Supreme Leader!


  30. “The fear is that if Mr. Barrow leads the country into immediate independence, he will also make it a republic with himself as life Presidents that there will be no more elections and that parliamentary democracy will cease to exist.”

  31. many or much reparations Avatar
    many or much reparations

    Slave Owners got beaucoup reparations
    Enslaved men, women and children received nothing and were forced to work a further eight years unpaid as “apprentices”

    Proverb. the house always wins

  32. Mr Ralph Jemmott on the “2023 budget ” is mandatory reading.


    First it was 70,000 and many of us tried to identify how this would change Barbados. We spoke of traffic, water resources, the possible change to our society as we know it ….

    Then t it was 70,000 and many of us tried to identify how this would change Barbados. We spoke of traffic, water resources, the possible change to our society as we know it ….

    Now we have a Monday’s National Population Commission Town Hall Meeting speaking on the impact on Barbados and we see the ‘big heads’ beginning to mention out concerns.
    From BT
    Questioned about whether Barbados’ infrastructure had the capacity to support a larger population, chartered town planner Yolanda Alleyne acknowledged that any increase would have an impact on water, transport, and sewage systems.
    Speaking in particular about the implications for the housing sector, the commission member stated that one of the policy recommendations is a mix of residential and commercial buildings.
    “The aim in the future is to suggest a framework that is far more integrated, where we see rather than dormitory settlements of several houses with no kind of services, you see housing developments that actually integrate places of work, and basic services, like your shopping, your daycare, your medical facilities, and things like that, and then that starts to have a very different look on the landscape,” Alleyne said

    From BT
    Suddenly they realize that “Inflexible working arrangements, a lack of access to affordable daycare facilities, and expensive fertility treatments were identified as some of the main hindrances faced by people who want to have children.”

    ** It is amusing how they gloss over the real issues and continue with their pie in the sky fairy tales. I wonder who will make money off of the daycare facilities and fertility treatments.

    Theo thoughts, a word of advice, prediction
    Thought: A new scam in the making.

    Advice: Ignore those who have beautiful words and high sounding ideas and look for the possible scam. The problem needs to be addressed. Find a working and sensible solution to the problem

    Prediction: 185,000? This variation of the citizen by investment scheme will have about 2,000 investors (new citizens) and then it dies off. In 2033, some joker will announce we need 182,000 new Bajans and make a bucketful of cash.

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