The promised Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) was legally constituted today. Acting President of Barbados Reverend Jeffrey Gibson administered the oath in the absence of President Sandra Mason. Some will say it is better late then never. Prime Minister Mottley promised before the last general election that a review of the Barbados Constitution was high on the agenda should her political party be returned to office. The former government attracted criticism in some quarters by moving the country to a republic in November last year without substantive change to the Constitution.

The country awaits the opportunity to submit feedback to the CRC. We live in hope the opportunity will be grasped by ordinary Barbadians who have shown themselves to be increasingly apathetic and cynical to governance issues.

The blogmaster is disappointed the decision was not made for members of the CRC to come from a non political background. It is also unfortunate the calibre of some members appointed to the CRC do not command this blogmaster’s support. How ecstatic some of us would have been if Judge Jefferson Cumberbatch was seconded to the CRC.

See Related Link:

214 responses to “Constitutional Review Commission Established”

  1. “The country awaits the opportunity to submit feedback to the CRC.”

    Should’ve been done BEFORE hastily moving Barbados to Republic status.

    Barbadians should’ve been given the opportunity to EXPRESS their views as to the future direction of the island, rather than having the decision FORCED upon us…… and subsequently asking for our opinions.

    ‘Cart before the 🐎 horse.’

  2. @ Artax,

    PMMIA. The Legacy. Prime Minister that made Barbados a Republic.

  3. Before reading the comment, I, too, thought it was 🛒 before the 🐎.

    It would be interesting to see who the blogmaster would drop from the list “It is also unfortunate the calibre of some members appointed to the CRC do not command this blogmaster’s support.”

    In a country of 300000 people, it seems as if only JC and KK are the go to guys.

    I did it again.

  4. More meaningless work and a joke really.

    Basically a good example of administration versus executing a strategic vision. Will add no value to Barbados whatsoever, and do nothing to save the citizenry from rough times ahead.

    Distractions pure distractions

  5. Conspiracy theory madness
    Even though the fatted calf has been slimmed-down, the current administration has been creative in putting money in the pockets of a faithful few.

    Nothing of the magnitude of the cahill scam, but the $25M US scam seem to be still doable.. we had the port scammers (scanners), the vaccine scam and White Hoax (to name a few).

    On the burner are Chinese housing and EWSB. Keeping my eyes open for those.

    These nee commissions are lower level scams; elevation of the no-show job. Here people will be paid to show-up and publish a document. Show but very little work.

    One can live well off a slimmed-down calf. Portions that are sized properly are justifiable and just as tasty as the Cahill-sized portions.

  6. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Brathwaite, Sinckler declared failures by the BLP being resurrected. Comedy Central. Doesn’t Brathwaite has a case against government pending at the Court of Appeal. Circus.

  7. Every man has his price. For some it’s money, for some it’s women, for others glory. But the honest man you don’t have to buy – he winds up costing you nothing.
    Harold Robbins,

    I still believe that at heart he is an honest man, but like it or not he is bought and paid for.

    Mia studies what a person wants and gives it to them. Money would have been rejected. That pawn is off the table.

  8. “Brathwaite, Sinckler declared failures by the BLP being resurrected.”

    @ Mr. Skinner

    Cannot be “Comedy Central.”

    Isn’t this what’s expected of the ‘duopoly?’

    In 2008 Thompson talked about corruption and ‘locking up BLP Ministers,’ and ‘not a boy’ investigated and incarcerated.
    Mottley made similar comments…… supported by the ‘red bag of evidence,’…… ‘not a boy get locked up.’

    Remember, COVID-19 restrictions lifted…… socializing and karaoke 🎤 ‘start back.’

  9. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, as an unschooled layman it would seem a bit Bajany ‘infradig’ to me that a SITTING Justice would be appointed to a Constitution Review commission …

    Think it through, brother that would NOT be a wise choice.

    Now if he was still Dean J Cumberbatch then he would br a solid selection.

    Just saying.

  10. ” Muslim activist Sulieman Bulbulia, youth activist Khaleel Kothdiwala,…… and president of the Barbados Secondary Teachers Union, Mary-Ann Redman; all took an Oath of Allegiance.”

  11. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Artax
    Well, like you said it’s expected. But the Duopoly is so boldfaced. I guess it’s the norm and as Sparrow say: We like it so.

  12. Did an unconstitutional Parliament just constitute a Constitutional Commission?

    My goodness gracious me!!

  13. As an aspiring politician, maybe Nahtalee should have been named!!

  14. I was wondering if that’s Adriel Brathwaite.

    Remember, Brathwaite issued a statement in which he stated, “The Constitution is our supreme law. It is a body of the core laws and principles that describe the general organisation and operation of the sovereign state of Barbados,” ……which was essentially a preamble to making his intentions known he was filing a constitutional motion seeking the Supreme Court’s intervention to make a determination on whether or not the Senate was properly constituted.

  15. @Dee Word

    You obviously missed the subtlety of the blogmaster’s meaning about being ecstatic at JCumberbatch being seconded when contextualized with concern expressed regarding the calibre of some members and others coming from a political background appointed to the CRC.

  16. The more things change the more they remain the same mankind puke
    Some friggin nerve

  17. Babylon Mistry History
    Who wants a date
    1620 English Slave Laboratory
    1661 An Act for Better Ordering and Governing of Negroes Slave Code
    30 November 1966 Independence
    30 November 2021 Republic

    Precedence of Presidents
    1787 US Constitution
    USA treats its Founding Fathers as Gods and its Constitution as its Bible
    But, they were Illuminati Gray Lizards of the New World Order of White Supremacy Racism, and people of Colour were just black polka dots on a white background like Apartheid South Africa formed in 1948 which legalised institutional Segregation

  18. Time Travelers
    It seems Time Travelers can only go back in time to visit their past
    rarely do they go forward in time to see their future

  19. Spirituality of yoga
    Yoga gives the gift of a calm mind, even in the midst of chaos, by teaching you to let go and bring awareness to every moment.
    The spiritual aspect of yoga can help yogis develop integration of the inner being as well as oneness with the Supreme Consciousness.
    Yoga practice may improve various aspects of spiritual well-being and spiritual intelligence. Yoga practice may also be associated with increased levels of spiritual health, a more positive outlook on life, happiness within, and lower levels of existential anxieties.

    Hieroglyphics Yoga
    People in West associate yoga with the East originating in India, but evidence discoveries now show African origins.
    T​​​​​​he Fierce Creative with Healing Tendencies. Nurturing Peaceful Warrior Spirits & Bodies.

    10 Minute Yoga For Beginners | Yoga With Adriene

  20. “Committee installed

    Stories by Randy Bennett
    By the end of 2024 Barbados’ new Constitution should be complete.
    This was revealed by Attorney General Dale Marshall following the establishment of a 10-member Constitutional Reform Commission, which he said has been given 18 months to reform the island’s aging Constitution.
    However, it will be a costly initiative with the entire process expected to cost in the region of $1 million.
    The committee will be chaired by retired High Court judge Christopher Blackman and comprises persons from a wide cross section of Barbados.
    The other members are Suleiman Bulbulia, Reverend Senator Dr John Rogers, Senator Gregory Nicholls, former Attorney General Adriel Brathwaite, trade unionist Mary-Ann Redman, businessman Christopher de Caires, attorney-at-law Sade Jemmott, president of the Barbados Council for the Disabled Kerryann Ifill and youth advocate Khaleel Kothdiwala.
    They were sworn in by Acting President Jeffrey Gibson during a brief ceremony at State House this morning.
    Speaking to members of the media moments later, Marshall said while the two previous constitutional review commissions needed extensions, he expected work would be completed within the 18-month timeline.
    He maintained that the commission had not been given any directives from Government and had free reign to draft a new Constitution, however they saw fit.
    “Interestingly enough in each of the two previous instances, the commissions had set timelines as this one does, but on each occasion because of the volume of work involved, each one had to seek extensions. The remit of this commission is 18 months and I believe that they have a very ambitious work plan and we expect that they will come in, in that 18-month period,” the Attorney General stated.
    “…We’ve given them a template of the Constitution but this is a Constitution reform so they are not to feel bound by anything that we give them, what we gave them is an aide memoir. We’re providing drafting services so at the end of that process I expect that they will be able to deliver to Barbados a Constitutional document, but then that document still then has to go through the Parliamentary processes and so on.”
    Marshall said with the use of technological platforms, issues such as transcribing and recording which previous commissions experienced, would be eliminated.
    He acknowledged, though, that if an extension was required it would be given.
    The Attorney General admitted that the road to establishing a new Constitution would be costly.
    He said Prime Minister Mia Mottley had made it clear money would not be a deterrent.
    “The Commission is going to be going out to meetings at night generally but they will engage the public as and when they see fit, but we’ve asked them to have in-depth consultations all across Barbados. So there are obviously going to be costs of setting up those meetings and every location that we have a meeting at we’re going to stream and therefore that’s a cost as well. There are research issues that will have to be addressed and the Commission has already indicated there are a number of papers they want to have research done on and there is going to be a cost attached to that. So there are a lot of little things that get added to the exercise,”
    Marshall explained.
    “I can’t give you a full breakdown now but we’ve set some large budgets and I think the kind of budget that we’re looking at at this point in time is certainly a little bit under $1 million. We’re hopeful it will come in under that. If it’s necessary to seek more funding we will just have to do that but this is an important exercise and the Prime Minister has assured me that we will not let funding be an impediment in terms of having this commission getting its work done.”
    The Attorney General appealed to Barbadians to take part in the process and to contribute to the reform of the Constitution.

  21. Within 24hours of the legend catching covid-19 we get this announcement. This Prime Minister is taking the people for fools.

    Surely the time has arrived to take this entitled Prime Minister and her government out of their comfort zone. It beggars believe that Barbadians should continue to tolerate this duplicitous government.

  22. Officially Spliffically Heartically Collie Collie
    Dreads will be having a Nyabinghi Drum and Chanting Dub Conference Session up in a Rastaman Camp to chase the wicked vibes away and bless these proceedings

    Move out a Babylon

    Move Out Of Babylon Dub

  23. This Dub on my Mind
    London Underground to
    Barbados Underground
    Down In Babylon
    We got to be Strong

  24. I 100% agree with the Blogmaster that Jeff Cumberbatch should have been appointed to the committee … and dare I say, also a person from the scientific community, a logical thinker, to add some variety???

  25. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu
    What is the remit of the CRC?

  26. 555dub

    You’re quite right about yoga. As s practitioner and a traveller to Kemet the evidence is clear. More generally our presumption should be that all the foundations of modern “civilization” have ancient Afrikan origins. Again this is established thought if not always acknowledge.

    But be careful when you revere your ancient Afrikan ancestors people like David may refer to you as being “nostalgic”. But it’s all well and good for them to deity their European ones who never existed.

  27. @Vincent

    We should know more on Friday.

    The 11th member, University of the West Indies lecturer, Cynthia Barrow-Giles, who will serve as Secretary, will be sworn-in tomorrow.

  28. Mother Earth Pachamama
    What is your take on the helicopter hieroglyphs carving from the Temple of Seti I at Abydos.
    where they derived from:
    1) Ancient cultures passed down to Egypt
    2) Time Travelers
    3) Prophecies
    4) Aliens

  29. Circa 1300 BC 𓂀
    “He who repulses the nine [enemies of Egypt]”.
    “He who protects Egypt and overthrows the foreign countries”.

  30. But be careful when you revere your ancient Afrikan ancestors

    Lol 🤣🤣
    You mean Indian ancestors?

  31. Interracial Dialogue in Rap Music–Call-and-Response in a Multicultural Style
    Pop culture functions as a form of interracial communication – often acting as a crossroads for the symbolic interaction of various sociocultural groups. Rap music is a particularly volatile site for this kind of electronically mediated’ interracial dialogue. The “concscious rap” of the 1990s was adapted by various ethnic subculture in order to develop ‘imagined communities’ that transcend racial and national boundaries. Here I will focus on the way in which Latino, ‘white’ and Asian rappers have inserted themselves into this discourse. My broader aim is to examine the implications that multi-ethnic use of the African-derived call-and-response process has for the development of more inclusive and responsive forms of democracy.

    Poor Righteous Teachers – Rock Dis Funky Joint

    time to get funky-new-radical hip as I get to the point
    Rock this funky joint
    Wait a sec, the teacher’s got to check the intellect

    Plus I must stepped in, then give you it but
    But give you what?
    The P the R the T for often come to teach the top but
    Plus I be just enough? (Uh-huh) to manifest
    The fabric mathematics black be that of Asiatic
    Rock the teship track the static
    And that you’re rocking to my concept
    Now guys I stand for this
    For this wise, civilized in hip hop rhyme, from a black mind
    To kicking it to you all the time
    As-salam, you like a more a peace sign
    Represents my way life and this be that of Islam (Islam)
    I take my time
    Just before I manifest the rhyme
    Sharp and act your witness stop the music on a dime
    Knowledge me a cappella wisdom G I’m manifesting
    Understanding understood so there’s no need
    For keep you guessing, follow me now, see
    See I be rocking
    The second hand is ticking still the posse don’t be clocking
    Controllers of the track we take it closer to the point
    Rock this funky joint (yeah)

    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint

    It’s time to step
    The style that I use with with also rather rapidly
    Prt posse backing me, easy now, star
    You know exactly who we are
    Poor Righteous Teachers child we PRT for short now
    Now don’t want more, hm?
    Or am I too much for the mental?
    Proceed teacher please, just keep it sorta simple
    Like Hip Hop, yeah complicatedly I place it
    According to the moods of my intellect
    Step for step
    I step a little closer to the point
    Rock this funky joint
    But, but I’m your teacher, I teach you
    Rocker when I rock you
    The king I will find muse of different style of hip hop
    Smooth like a wise words spoken from a prophet
    Rough like a slave trying to get away
    See I combine, with two kinds of rhyme, trying to reach you
    The knowledge of myself makes me a poor righteous teacher
    Stop to flip the topic, Islamically I drop it
    My duty be to teach so keep your pistol in your pocket
    I self, Lord and master
    Travelling faster
    As I get closer to the point
    Rock this funky joint, yeah

    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint

    Stammer, step yeah, yeah, I’m on top of it
    I, I have to get
    The styles that you be seeking and the words that I be speaking
    Poor Righteous Teachers posse teaching
    Anyone that lacks this style that I be styling
    Mentally profiling, should I say I’m
    Smooth with the roughness
    Just serving justice
    Suckers try to suck this
    But, but I be scoping
    Never I’m not sleeping
    Because it’s Culture Freedom, G
    Whose posse rolling? Prt
    Word, B, it’s sort of simple, see
    Now look at me
    The holy intellectual type when I write
    The spirit always keep me something hype
    I pimp the mic, yo
    ‘Cause it’s my whole life like, like I’m creating
    Man I be festating, can I say I’m great when
    There’s not another brother greater?
    Turn to Culture Freedom for support
    G, manifest the point
    Rock this funky joint

    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint

    But no excuses, losers never rock this
    Snakes try to stop this
    Purify the holy hip-hopness
    Listen to the concept, swept tech-technique
    Peace be the Lord I feel this war when I speak
    Alaykum my salaam
    A universal greeting from the people of our kind
    Step into the realm of my cypher
    Feel the different type of
    Commas coming, slipping, stepping technique
    Twelve hundreds master by the Shah
    He’s asking me to rock
    So now I’m giving him the spot

    Style be the lyrics I be kicking
    Intelligence be ticking
    So what’s symbolic to a bomb?
    Many brothers roll and fell a victim
    I’m not living with them
    Because they didn’t know the time
    Turn to Culture Freedom for support
    G, manifest the point
    Rock this funky joint

    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint
    Rock this funky joint

    Check it out right
    To our righteous teachers B.I.c
    In the house, I got my road manager chuck
    And our wonderful brother, Power
    Always in the house, you know what I’m sayin’?
    And ay, yo Marsden, just keep being scary
    And you in here, you know what I’m sayin’?
    Must say, peace to the Queen
    Love elevation and one must say peace to the queen Shanara
    And one must say peace to a lot of other queens
    But I just can’t recall their names right now
    And yo it’s smooth with the roughness
    ‘Cause we’re just some of them, trust it
    See yeah (true indeed)
    Black men, boys, black girls

  32. Slurs Libel and Slander
    They dish it out but they can’t take it
    Double removal by the Muderator must mean a gold star ⭐

    Keep the Customer Satisfied / Simon & Garfunkel
    Gee but it’s great to be back home
    Home is where I want to be.
    I’ve been on the road so long my friend,
    And if you came along
    I know you couldn’t disagree.

    It’s the same old story, yeah
    Everywhere I go,
    I get slandered, libeled,
    I hear words I never heard in the Bible
    And I’m one step ahead of the shoe shine
    Two steps away from the county line
    Just trying to keep my customers satisfied,

    Deputy Sheriff said to me
    Tell me what you come here for, boy.
    You better get your bags and flee.
    You’re in trouble boy,
    And you’re heading into more.

    It’s the same old story,
    Everywhere I go,
    I get slandered, libeled,
    I hear words I never heard in the Bible
    And I’m one step ahead of the shoe shine
    Two steps away from the county line
    Just trying to keep my customers satisfied,

    Woah woah woah woah

    It’s the same old story,
    Everywhere I go,
    I get slandered, libeled,
    I hear words I never heard in the Bible
    And I’m so tired, so tired
    But I’m trying to keep my customers satisfied,

  33. Tourism Hospitality Manners
    The Customer Is Always Right
    Keep the Customer Satisfied Reggae
    Ain’t Nothing Like The Real Thing

  34. We already know that 1 million dollar price tag is attached
    What inquiring minds want to know how and where that money would be allocated
    Transparency and accountability is at the root of good governance

  35. @ kiki:

    In the same depiction there is also a submarine. but according to the white man, blacks created nothing, contributed nothing. there are lots of black fools who believe the white lies.

  36. Rights and Wrongs
    Will Bajans in the Diaspora be Stakeholders in the CRC process
    Will they be given Rights to Vote
    or snot

  37. Transparency and accountability is at the root of good governance..
    So now you know where the 0-nought came from, and why Bajans will eventually kick this cruise ass out.

  38. Hieroglyphs Or “helicopter, submarine, plane and stealth fighter”
    One hypothesis is that it is due to overlapping images

  39. You have former DLP AG Brathwaite appointed to the CRC therefore you should have no worries.

  40. I suspect that Randy Bennett of Barbados Today, like every local media house writer, would like to be respected as a member of the journalistic profession. It therefore beggars belief that one short paragraph after identifyng the Reverend Senator Dr. John Rogers as a member of this Constitutional Review Committee, Bennett identifies Rogers’ senior colleague and the acting Head of State as Jeffrey Gibson. I am forced to conclude that Bennett is ignorant of the fact that the Very Reverend Dr. Jeffrey Gibson has earned his doctoral degree and is the Most senior anglican clergy person outside the episcopate.

  41. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Would appear the group is diverse. The obvious missing representative is the medical/public health community.

  42. Why do we need a third report?

    We had one in 1979 and one in 1998!!!

  43. “We had one in 1979 and one in 1998!!!”

    So, which report do you suggest should be used?

    The report that was prepared forty-three (43) years ago in 1979?

    Or one that was prepared twenty-four (24) years ago in 1998?

  44. DavidJune 21, 2022 11:04 AM

    You have former DLP AG Brathwaite appointed to the CRC therefore you should have no worries
    What does Brathwaite input have to do with taxpayers 1 million dollar price tag attached to the CRC
    U David ought to be ashamed of pushing such political poop
    Did not this govt promised accountability and transparency

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “But it’s all well and good for them to deity their European ones who never existed.”

    a running joke on the continent….especially when they and their fakery and fairytales runs COUNTER to Kemet, Kush and Timbuktu’s centuries of real scholarship..

    “However, it will be a costly initiative with the entire process expected to cost in the region of $1 million.”

    with all the TEMPLATES for republic constitutions out there…and all those EAGER YOUNG AND more experienced legal minds like Jeff…..wuh dey need 1 MILLION DOLLARS FUH AGAIN…steupppss…

    “Distractions pure distractions”

    nothing but…

    “It beggars believe that Barbadians should continue to tolerate this duplicitous government.”

    careful the Fowls don’t jump on you…

  46. Believe it or not
    The Constitution will be non-political

  47. Bajan Madness

    Perhaps it is time to draw a line under the Bajan Madness condition to step forward
    forwards ever backwards never, stop moaning about last 56 years ie your whole life

  48. Same boring shit daily.

  49. We can’t know whether the new constitution will deal with matters of war and peace.

    However, and as the media whores and their pedantic assholes appear to lose interest, Putin continues to drive home de big deckie in duh crotch.

    Even with the braindead idiots in the State Department and the Pentagon continuing to invest into a lost cause. This war was lost from the beginning. The constitution of Barbados, under the principle of extra-territorial jurisdiction should bring idiots and war criminals to the bar.😅

  50. ArtaxJune 21, 2022 12:08 PM

    “We had one in 1979 and one in 1998!!!”

    So, which report do you suggest should be used?

    The report that was prepared forty-three (43) years ago in 1979?

    Or one that was prepared twenty-four (24) years ago in 1998?


    All three will gather dust!!

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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