Submitted by Bentley

I’m sure you must have seen this article from GIS (see below).

While I totally agree with the need to address food security by regional leaders much more is needed to be done if we are to ever come close to satisfying the food requirements of the region from regional sources. With specific reference to Barbados there are several areas that we need to urgently address. These include:

  1. Getting an effective praedial larceny act in place,
  2. Giving meaningful incentives to small farmers,
  3. Work towards removing the stigma associated with farming and agricultural work,
  4. Allow would be small food crop farmers to have a real stake in the sector (provision of unused parcels of government land at viable concessions, revive the agricultural seed store with a wide variety of viable seeds),
  5. Put conditions in place to control crop pests especially monkeys. I’m sure there are several other factors you can think of.

Food security and food crop farming must be seen as important by every member of society and government must do all it can to ensure this is achieved. 

I remember the late Dr Keith Laurie saying that during the second world war Barbados was able to feed itself since no food was coming in from outside. There is no good reason why we can’t achieve this on a Caricom wide basis.

See GIS article referred to by Bentley

It’s Time To Secure Region’s Food Security


Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley addressing the the opening ceremony of the three-day Agri-Investment Forum and Exhibition in Guyana, while regional leaders and officials look on. (PMO)

Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has used the platform of a major agriculture conference to make a strident call for regional heads to join together to ensure the region’s food security.

She made the call yesterday during the opening ceremony of the three-day Agri-Investment Forum and Exhibition in Guyana, as she spoke on the topic: Pursuing CSME and Removing Barriers to Enhancing Agri-Trade Within the Region.

Ms. Mottley told the large gathering that the ongoing crisis with Russia and Ukraine had reinforced the vulnerabilities of the millions of people living in the Caribbean, based on the effect of wheat and other food restrictions in place by some overseas countries which export wheat and its by-products.

The Prime Minister shared that Russia, the Ukraine and India had stopped sending important food and grocery items outside its borders, and warned of more restrictions to follow by governments to safeguard their food supplies in the face of soaring inflation.

She articulated the view that the entire Caribbean region had to be viewed not just in the context of the population in CARICOM of 18 million people, but also the visitors received on an annual basis, whose “responsibility is ours to feed”.

Ms. Mottley affirmed: “We are at that moment in time when it is up to us to stand up to the challenge or to recognise that the consequences of it will indeed be difficult and potentially devastating for our people. While we await the global initiatives to be announced by the UN Secretary General and the global crisis response team he has established on food, energy and financing with the expectation that what the world faces will be more challenging than what we faced in 2008 to 2010. We have a responsibility to take preemptive action in this region to protect our people.”

The Prime Minister and other regional heads also made a case for more regular transportation of goods across the region with the suggestion that a new solution be found to move the cargo.

“In this moment, when maritime transport is at its greatest challenge, we have to recognise that the bridge to resuscitating Caribbean tourism air transport may well be having regional air cargo moving to help offset the investment to move our people,” she emphasised. 

Ms. Mottley continued: “We may need to look at different planes and we may need to look at more regular traffic. The regularity of movement may well be the solution for us rather than these large aircrafts that move once or twice a day.”

The three-day event was held under the themeInvesting in Vision 25 by 2025, which represents the goal to lower the region’s US $6 billion food import bill by 25 per cent within the next three years.

172 responses to “What Can be More Important than…”

  1. Not Burnham, not Barrow. Only Guyanese Indians like Jagan and Jadeo think like that.

    Foolish Black people get off on irrational notions about one people. While Indians laugh at them.

  2. @ GP
    It is not that Bush Tea is ‘correct’, it seems that the default is to be illogical ..and Bushie is yet to learn how to conform…

    So we ALL now know that some HARD times are coming …and that MANY asses are headed for the grass.
    This is now COMMON knowledge – no longer ‘bible prophecy or teachings’ as some of us have been warning – it is now CNN and BBC
    So ALL brass bowls have naturally begun PANIC preparations for the hard times…

    So what does Bajan Brass Bowls do to prepare???
    … They send their BEST farmers, and black belly stock to Guyana to help THEM to prepare for the coming chaos – and hopefully, to keep us in mind when the shit hits the fan…. HELLO!!??
    This is BRILLIANT strategy ain’t it??, This way we can get the guyanese to do the hard work, and then they will send us the produce.
    After all Auntie Mia is in the ‘world top 100., and too-besides, Bajans youth CANNOT be expected to go out in the hot ass sun doing ‘agriculture’. …NOT after all the money we spent on ‘education’.
    What the Hell….!!

    GP. Please explain to Bushie how ANYONE, (even brass bowls,) can be so NAIVE.
    Ali must get belly hurt from the lotta laughing when he by herself…..
    Wuh Ali would gotta be a REAL Jack donkey if, when the jobby hits, he ships foodstuff to Barbados …when his people hungry as shiite too…
    But of course he HAS to send it, ….otherwise Mia would give a big speech at CARICOM – SHIITE!!! or even at the UN…
    Or perhaps we could send the BDF for the stuff…
    What a bunch of brass…!!!

    Foolish Bushie would have taken those gangs of ‘bush cutters’ currently being paid to cut down bush (that will grow back twice as high AS SOON AS THE RAINS COME), to prepare some FIELDS for potatoes, okras, beans etc …and would offer a bounty on all monkey tails… (with a bonus for ‘donna monkey’)…. and finally teach about ten praedial larceny ‘regulars’ a lesson that NO ONE will ever forget… Starting with ‘Doctor’ Agriculture….

    Looka… Bushie out do!!!…
    When yuh CURSED….yuh cursed!

  3. Interesting

  4. Unless old habits change, ‘food catastrophe’ will hit Caribbean – Pres. Ali – News Room Guyana

  5. In 2018 the PM in one of her photo op press conferences told barbadians that Surinam and the govt of Barbados had coopted a plan as an offer by Surinam to give barbadians farmers agricultural land in Surinam
    Four years later and nothing more has been said
    The PM revels self in long winded political speeches and photo ops nothing more nothing less
    Everything she has done in the last four years has not borne fruit in favour of the Bajan household
    Outside interest has been the sole beneficiaries

  6. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Have you been following that historic Catholic mess in Canada, and all Christian’s are Catholics, which continues to this day. As an example of the criminal nature of all Western Christian’s, without

    yes Pacha…it earned a whole chapter in my second book….because we know it will be glossed over (mirages weaved) and a new book of evil presented to the gullible..

    “Foolish Black people get off on irrational notions about one people. While Indians laugh at them.”

    they deserve that, bunch of asses.

    “Looka… Bushie out do!!!…
    When yuh CURSED….yuh cursed!”

    The Black vendors in the market who have been there generationally are already complaining that Indian vendors from Guyana were brought in and they are being pushed out…..the ignorant parliament negros are walking curses…

  7. The same ole long.winded speeches and photo ops

    Barbados Excited About Brokopondo Agreement

    Suriname’s Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Rabindre Parmessar, presents a token of appreciation to Barbados’ Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Indar Weir, for Suriname’s participation in Agrofest 2020 in Queen’s Park. (S.Maughan/BGIS)
    Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Indar Weir, is “very excited” about the prospects which the Brokopondo Agreement with Suriname holds for Barbados.

    He expressed this sentiment today during talks with a Surinamese delegation, led by Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Rabindre Parmessar, at his office at Graeme Hall, Christ Church.

    Noting that this sector really needs the energy in order to be as transformational as it is supposed to be, Minister Weir said this also came against the backdrop that Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley was targeting agriculture as the one sector that should contribute growth to the economy.

    While acknowledging that Barbados was heavily dependent on tourism, he noted that a country could be placed in a very vulnerable position given the many challenges that may be encountered, including diseases like the novel coronavirus.

    Stressing that this was why agriculture was so important now, he said: “We are targeting this Brokopondo Agreement solely because we recognize the importance of having agriculture as one of the leading sectors.”

    The Minister also expressed his satisfaction with Suriname’s negotiations for the movement of goods between the two countries, stating that the partnership towards developing the Blackbelly Sheep population with Suriname was welcomed.

    Stressing that Barbados wanted to augment this animal’s reproduction by some 1,000,000, he said there was also the value chain aspect of it.

    “You can use the meat in the culinary industry, but then what you do after that is critical to the value that we can get from the Blackbelly Sheep. So, what we are going to do is continue the relationship with The University of the West Indies and the private developers in Barbados to have the skins to get leather from the Blackbelly Sheep.

    Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Indar Weir, greets Suriname’s Minister of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Rabindre Parmessar, prior to the start of talks at the Ministry of Agriculture at Graeme Hall, Christ Church. (S.Maughan/BGIS)
    “This is why Suriname is so important because you have the capacity. We don’t have the scale currently, but you can give it to us under the Brokopondo Agreement …. We are talking about a tremendous opportunity here, if between Suriname and Barbados we can build this industry,” Minister Weir said.

    Mr. Parmessar, in his response, expressed gratitude to both his President Desiré Bouterse and Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, saying: “I thank both leaders for their spirit and vision that we must be an example within the Caribbean Community, setting up these activities and enterprises for our people. I am happy that we have an agenda whereby we can meet the captains of the business industries, where our delegation of the business community can have one-to-one contact with them.”

    The Surinamese Minister, who, along with his delegation, will be at Barbados’ premier agricultural event, Agrofest, in Queen’s Park this evening, said: “I thank you for the opportunity and the invitation to be able to present a little glimpse of our products here and for facilitating us. It is in line with what our leaders want, that we have more active relationships with each other.”

    Discussion also centred around Barbadian farmers taking up opportunities in Suriname; enhancing this island’s sanitary and phytosanitary measures; and boosting fish farming in Barbados.

    The Brokopondo Programme, under its agricultural component, has the potential to strengthen regional cooperation, especially in the area of food security.

    It has three components, namely trading in agricultural produce; utilization of lands in Suriname for farming by Barbadians and providing scientific assistance/collaboration.

    Barbados and Suriname established diplomatic relations in March 1978.

    Tags: Brokopondo Agreement, Indar Weir, Minister of Agriculture and Food Securi
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  8. Donna got she own whacker, whack down she grass long time and got she place plant up with all the goodies of which you spoke and much more. Donna just ate from the bounty with which she has been BLESSED. NO CURSES HERE!

    And the last monkey Donna saw here, ate a few mangoes and left with two long “hands” because Donna DOLITTLE spoke his language and we had a pleasant conversation – “Some for you and some for me.”

    Donna monkey is up here promoting and facilitating agriculture among her family, friends and neighbours. Some neighbours have admired my garden and requested my garden helper’s services to start their own.

    What this government is doing with Guyana, as far as I can tell, is not all situated in Guyana. We are ramping up our local efforts as well.

    But yes, I would too have engaged the youngsters to put down the whackers and grow some stuff wherever possible. Some young men have done so of their own accord.

    I will at some point take the few steps to River and see if the problems there have been addressed, if not in whole, at least in part. These problems have been around for more than a decade.

    With respect to Bajan vendors crying foul – had not for some Guyanese Indians growing some produce in Barbados, many vendors would not have one bit of produce to sell. I have a farmer cousin whose worker died in suspicious circumstances a few years ago and there he was in the paper lamenting, wondering where he would find another worker.

    I remember about 15 years ago when the Irrigation Engineer at the BADMC told me that his team went down to Springhall Land Lease Project, announced that they were from the Irrigation Department and quick so there was not a worker in sight.

    Poor fellows thought he was from the IMMIGRATION Department.

    Our attitudes towards agriculture are changing but not quickly enough to save us in this crisis. I would think twice about knocking the Guyanese again.

    I have no problem with the Guyanese Indians. I saw one young man take my teeny son’s heavy cricket bag on his own shoulder and walk the long road from Hilda Skeene School to King George V Park while BLACK fellow camp councillors hemmed and hawed about who should take the short drive to pick him up.

    I was still in therapy for a serious injury and was unable to drive or to carry the bag.

    NEVER did I ask any of them a favour again.

    But I never forgot that young Guyanese Indian immigrant who could not bear to see my son struggle.

    I take people as they come.

  9. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “In 2018 the PM in one of her photo op press conferences told barbadians that Surinam and the govt of Barbados had coopted a plan as an offer by Surinam to give barbadians farmers agricultural land in Surinam”

    people should stay away from that scam…those who went in the 70s etc, ended up as paupers, no pension and returned to Barbados with nothing, just suitable for the alms house, all their lives wasted listening to nasty, lying politicians.., never got any status, could not marry…did not speak Dutch, never assimilated..because of cultural and language barriers….. plans to remove Black people to replace them without whomever they are now sucking up to..

    …leave on your own terms and by your own choice….

  10. Waru

    We’ve seen and know that Guyanese Indians are no different to the Hindu-fascists Modi in India.

    That while Black people are forever in search of some misbegotten unity of all mankind. Guyanese Indians don’t take that shiiiite seriously, look to Indian instead as their spiritual home. Watch Guyanese or Trinidadian TV and you’ll think you are in India.

    Our Afrikan identification should recognized no such boundaries.

    Any. Afro-Guyanese will tell you how racist Guyanese Indians have always been. This present Indian government which Mottley and Arthur, backed by empire, helped to install is firing Black people and replacing them with Indians and not a word from the Americans, a dead OSA or the near dead Mia Mottley.


    What is your personal experience of white people
    are they friends who have your best interest at heart
    or parasites vampires bloodsuckers who cannot be trusted

  12. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “That while Black people are forever in search of some misbegotten unity of all mankind. Guyanese Indians don’t take that shiiiite seriously, look to Indian instead as their spiritual home. Watch Guyanese or Trinidadian TV and you’ll think you are in India.”

    let the forever idiots believe this is some game, these people take their ANCESTRY seriously…unlike the black wannabe whites and everything else except Afrikans….i spent quite some time in Trinidad, so well understand the South East Asian mentality…..the Caribbean is merely an economic means to an end for them, they see much more and better than house negros..

    they will pay to learn..dummies can’t even agree on simple things between themselves, but want to pretend they can integrate parasites who are socialized to hate Afrikans…

  13. “pretend they can integrate parasites who are socialized to hate Afrikans…

    blacks who hate asians are backwards too
    which seems like the trend in barbados

    people are people

  14. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    watch plans to remove Black people to replace them with whomever they are now sucking up to..

    the RACE HATE crimes committed against Afrikans particularly in Guyana are numerous and well documented….still under international investigation….Black people would do well not be swayed into complacency….

  15. Doing a fly-by
    Mention K K or ‘Asians’ and 555 gets rattled.

    (The above should not be counted as my regular musical poke)

  16. “Mention K K or ‘Asians’ and 555 gets rattled.”

    I have had black friends my whole life

    white and black scum are scum who are ditched along the way

    I later hear stories from others when they realise they are scum too

    God hates ugly people look into the mirror and what do you see

    pure ugh! screw face know who fe frighten

    we know The O is a bitch and Waru has not been blessed with a pretty face

    Screwface know-a who fi frighten! Screwface know-a who fi frighten! Like I told, they say, “Coward, man”. Gonna keep some bones And all violent man gonna weep and moan. He that exalted him say, “Yeah!” Shall be obeyed. Remember Jah – Jah children deh! Don’t dread no pain. Fear do we go now To the rivers of ungodly waters, we’ll fear no foe (Fear no foe, fear no foe). Wherever I go, Not even the pestilence That crawl at I’n’I Can’t do – wo-wo-wo – me no wrong (just can’t do me no wrong). Oh, now! I tell you what red is! I tell you what I know: (Screwface know-a who fi frighten!) Screwface know-a who fi frighten! Screwface know-a who fi frighten! Wo, now! (Screwface know-a who fi frighten!) Screwface will frighten Screwface! (Screwface know-a who fi frighten!) Long time gone, y’all! (Screwface know-a who fi frighten!) Screwface will frighten Screwface! Wo, yeah! Now! (Screwface know-a who fi frighten!)

  17. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    When I retired and started gardening seriously I did not know how to lay down drip lines. A middle aged Guyanese Indian came and did it for a fee, but he also said to this old woman “I will show you how to do it” He did, and now I lay down my drip lines myself.

  18. I never accused you of not having black friends. I do not think of you as racist or accuse you of being racist. However, I know that certain words pushes all your buttons.

    I do believe that you have close black friends but ‘I have black friends’ is not a good counter argument.

    Most things are complicated than the binary frame we want to put them in.

  19. I may comment on KK and my comment may not be outright positive, but it would be foolish to think I do not wish him well.

    I may not agree with his politics, but I wish him success in his personal life and that he achieved his dreams.

    At this time, I see the young man and his politics as two different beasts.

  20. Cuhdear Bajan,

    And I have a Guyanese Indian neighbour who gives me gardening tips and plenty of encouragement when he passes by.

    Last week he told me that it is time I put down some drip irrigation. I went to buy some several months ago and they had no connectors. I haven’t been back to look. There is an online video that demonstrates how to do it yourself using pvc pipes, which allows you to drill holes to suit yourself. I was thinking of doing that instead. The pipes would last longer too, I think. Much easier to buy the ready done lines though and have somebody set it up, timer and all.

    Don’t the others rot and need replacing often?

    My cousin helper also has a Guyanese Indian who gives him tips, suckers and whatever else to help him grow his garden.

    I take people as they come.

  21. St Philip farmers happy with catchment pond

    Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley watched years of pain turn into tears of joy for scores of St Philip farmers yesterday.
    Mottley had been Opposition Leader more than four years ago when she visited River Plantation and heard the cries of pain from the farmers who remained unable to tend their crops due to a lack of a proper irrigation system for more than 200 acres of agricultural land. At the time, many had tears in their eyes as they spoke of their plight.
    But that all changed yesterday with the completion of the River Plantation Catchment project at Browne’s Pond, a joint venture between the Barbados Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (BADMC) and C.O. Williams Construction Company.
    The state-of-the-art catchment pond, already filling with rain water, will at full capacity provide a little over six million gallons of water for the farmers, mainly for harvesting crops, but also to facilitate dairy, sheep and poultry farmers in their endeavours.
    Almost 200 farmers
    In total, almost 200 farmers would have access to the catchment pond.
    Accompanying Mottley yesterday for the launch of the project, was President of Guyana, Irfaan Ali, who is in Barbados to help forge deeper trade and agricultural links with Barbados, along with being part of a Guyana delegation here for AgroFest, which started on Friday and ends today.
    “When we first visited here a few years ago it was water, but it wasn’t water in a pond, it was water on your faces,” Mottley reminded the farmers yesterday. “But now I am happy. To see big men cry at the prospect of losing the fruits of their labour simply because of the elements of nature and nothing they had caused and confronted with the reality that it would mean their families would not be able to eat is what we saw,” she added.
    For the second time in as many weeks, the Prime Minister said Barbados’ food security was of prime importance to her administration, especially with all that is happening internationally. “The country must feed itself,” she asserted, while noting Government had been forced to spend more than $30 million per year for water provision the last two financial years, taking
    that money directly from the Consolidated Fund.
    Praises for Weir
    The Prime Minister also heaped praise on Minister of Agriculture Indar Weir insistently lobbying for the farmers to be placed in a position to feed their families and by extension ensure local produce remained available for Barbadians. “In Indar Weir, you the farmers have a friend, because his voice competed against other interests in Cabinet as to why this should be a priority,” she said.
    In calling the project a historic one, Weir noted that the idea to ensure proper irrigation at River Plantation had come out of a rubbing shoulders project when the Barbados Labour Party was in opposition.
    He noted, however, that the new Catchment Pond project was for all farmers in St Philip and not just from his St Philip South constituency.
    Mottley revealed that a larger pond would also be constructed in Lears, St Michael in the coming months, which would bring significant agricultural production back to lands in urban Barbados. She said the original thought had been to bring housing to the area, but she felt it more important that agricultural production got the nod. (BA)

    Source: Nation

  22. “I never accused you of not having black friends. I do not think of you as racist or accuse you of being racist. However, I know that certain words pushes all your buttons.

    I do believe that you have close black friends but ‘I have black friends’ is not a good counter argument.”

    blah blah blah
    Yeah but…

    You sound as sincere as white scum
    but as a black you should now better
    shame on you bag a boo

  23. “I do believe that you have close black friends “

    they are best friends
    conscious dreads
    not bald head bitches

    question for the black faced haters
    how many paki friends do they know
    when they talk their pure ignorance

    I await your response TheO

  24. Title: Blackheart Man
    Artist: Bunny Wailer
    Album: Blackheart Man

    Tikya the Blackheart Man, children
    I say, don’t go near him
    Tikya the Blackheart Man children
    For even lions fear him

    Tikya the Blackheart Man, children
    I say, don’t go near him
    Tikya the Blackheart Man children
    For even lions fear him

    Growing in a neighbourhood for such along time
    That is filled with fear
    I can’t go here, can’t go there
    And I ain’t supposed to go anywhere
    When I ask my Mom if she could let me go out and play
    She said be careful of the stranger
    Giving candies to children
    And then take them away

    He lives in the gullies of the city
    He’s the Blackheart Man (The blackheart Man)

    Even in the lonely parts of the country
    He’s the Blackheart Man, Blackheart Man
    Got no friend, no home, no family
    He’s the Blackheart ‘Man, The Blackheart Man
    He is famed to live just like the Gypsy
    He’s the Blackheart ‘Man, The Blackheart Man

    Growing and learning and gathering, for myself a little more
    Experience jumping over the fence
    Curiousity has brought me yes it’s brought me, a little common-sense
    Trodding the road of life, I’ve come to this one conclusion
    That everything is equal under the sun, all that is createdby JAH mighty hand
    And he said knock and it shall be opened
    Seek and Ye shall find that wisdom is found in the simplest of places,
    In the nick of time, knock and it shall be opened
    Seek and ye shall find that wisdom is found in the simplest of places, in the nick of
    Time and now I trod the same road of aflictions just like the
    Blackheart Man, just like the Blackheart Man
    Getting my share of humiliation just like the Blackheart Man
    Just like the Blackheart Man
    You’ll find me even in the prison of the dungeons
    Just like the Blackheart Man, just like the the Blackheart Man
    I even get blamed without a reason just like the Blackheart Man
    Just like the Blackheart man yau

    No cross, no crown, no sorrow, no trial and crosses In-a-I way
    But the hotter the battle is the sweeter JAH JAH victory
    Ancient children use to say if you want good
    Your nose got to run run run
    How could the world go free, and let JAH bear the cross alone
    And them that drink of the old wine hath no place for the new
    For the new and the stones that are head of the corner are the
    Same one that the builders refused
    Now, it’s the Blackheart Man, children
    Who’ve become the wonder of the city (rep).
    For the new and the stones that are head of the corner are the
    Same ones that the builders refused
    Now hear me when I say
    It’s the Blackheart Man, children
    Who’ve become the wonder of the city

  25. Oh dear.. I don’t want to get into a personal exchange.

    Before I reply, let me ask you this.. Should I count ‘paki’ differently than East Indian? What about someone from China or even from Japan, and the numerous European colleagues that I interact and became friends with?
    Do my friends from various countries in Africa count or do they carry no weight in your opinion.

    I grow tired. No other reply is forthcoming. Have a great day.

  26. Should I count ‘paki’ differently than East Indian?

    paki is the white name for east indians

    I shall assume you got none and waru has got none and you do not know any of these so called I don’t know what you call them families who are your personal friends and have watched their children grow from when they are born to adulthood. Tell me if I am wrong.

  27. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “I shall assume you got none and waru has got none and you do not know any of these so called”

    then you make an Ass U Me…..

    even if found in bloodlines and as close friends, both of which i can own….will still call out racism, race hate and anti-Black crimes committed by those who are the dregs of societies…and can be found in minority groupings…

  28. Racism is in you love it oozes of your pores like a slimy creep

  29. Whenever, the world starts to beat me up, I retreat to the poetry of Maya Angelou Cox.

    “In 2018 the PM in one of her photo op press conferences told barbadians that Surinam and the govt of Barbados had coopted a plan as an offer by Surinam to give barbadians farmers agricultural land in Surinam”

    Can you see it.. the poetry
    —The grand scam–
    In 1982 we hear the grand plan
    Of forging an alliance with Surinam
    We watched with hope and confidence
    As Mia thrilled us with her press conference
    But now it is the year 2022
    An old plan is brushed of and again made new

    Now not one but two Guyana’s
    Black belly sheep, tourism and bananas
    We are grabbing phrases out of the air
    Plans are made and then disappear
    Policies developed by a leading magician
    Now you see them and then they are gone

    Aza Kazan we got an election
    Aza kazan, oops, no new constitution
    To some it is the same old game, deja Vu
    But my good friend Lorenzo acts as if it all new
    When will he realize it’s a scam and a sham
    When he lose confidence in flim-flam MAM

    Inspired by MAC (Maya Angelou Clarke)

  30. “REALITY” is when you and The-Zero are challenged about your ignorance and asked a specific question about life long friends you chat about something else

    The-Zero talks about colleagues Chinese Japanese Eastern Europeans
    War on you talks about bloodlines

    They can’t help being ignorant it just the way they are and the way it is same as it ever was

  31. “people should stay away from that scam…those who went in the 70s etc, ended up as paupers, no pension and returned to Barbados with nothing, just suitable for the alms house, all their lives wasted listening to nasty, lying politicians.., never got any status, could not marry…did not speak Dutch, never assimilated..because of cultural and language barriers…..”

    But Suriname only got their independence from the Netherlands in 1975 and joined Caricom in 1975. Anyone can enlighten me on this 1970’s Surinam scam? I know of the immediate post-emancipation movement but 1970s?😒

  32. @555
    We did our 1/1 already.
    You asked me a specific question.
    I replied.
    Now you claim it is something that I do ‘every day’.

    But we have reached out daily limit
    See you tomorrow

  33. “I replied.”

    so how many is “Should I count ‘paki’ differently than East Indian? What about someone from China or even from Japan, and the numerous European colleagues that I interact and became friends with?
    Do my friends from various countries in Africa count or do they carry no weight in your opinion.”
    in real numbers

    =< 1 or >1

    you did not answer shit

  34. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @Enuff May 29, 2022 1:37 PM “But Suriname only got their independence from the Netherlands in 1975 and joined Caricom in 1975. Anyone can enlighten me on this 1970’s Surinam scam? I know of the immediate post-emancipation movement but 1970s?😒”

    WARU has admitted to making up things to keep things “interesting.”

    I was an adult for all of the 1970’s and I don’t recall any 1970’s migration to Surinam

  35. Gang Starr – Who’s Gonna Take The Weight?

    was raised like a Muslim
    Prayin’ to the East
    Nature of my life relates rhymes I release
    Like a cannon
    Cuz I been plannin’ to be rammin’ what I wrote
    Straight on a plate down your throat
    So digest as I suggest we take a good look
    At who’s who while I’m readin’ from my good book
    And let’s dig into every nook and every cranny
    Set your mind free as I slam these thoughts
    And just like a jammy goes pow
    You’re gonna see what I’m sayin’ now
    You can’t be sleepin’
    ‘Cause things are gettin’ crazy
    You better stop being lazy
    There’s many people frontin’
    And many brothers droppin’
    All because of dumb things, let me tell you somethin’
    I’ve been through so much that I’m such
    A maniac, but I still act out of faith
    That we can get the shit together so I break
    On fools with no rhymes skills messin’ up the flow
    And people with no sense who be movin’ much too slow
    And so, you will know the meaning of the Gang Starr
    Guru with the mic and Premier raise the anchor
    Swiftly, as we embark on a journey
    I had to get an attorney
    I needed someone to defend my position
    Decisions I made, cuz now it’s time to get paid
    And ladies, these rhymes are like the keys to a dope car
    Maybe a Lexus or a Jaguar
    Still, all of that is just material
    So won’t you dig the scenario
    And just imagine if each one is teachin’ one
    We’ll come together so that we become
    A strong force, then we can stay on course
    Find your direction through introspection
    And for my people out there I got a question
    Can we be the sole controllers of our fate?
    Now who’s gonna take the weight?

    The weight of the world is heavy on my mind
    So as my feelings unwind I find
    That some try to be down just ’cause it’s trendy
    Others fall victim to envy
    But I’ll take the road less travelled
    So I can see all my hopes and my dreams unravel
    Relievin’ your stress, expressin’ my interest
    In the situation that you’re facin’
    That’s why I’m down with the Nation
    Spirituality supports reality
    We gotta fight with the right mentality
    So we can gain what is rightfully ours
    This is the meaning of the chain and the star
    Land is power, so gimme forty acres
    Let’s see how far I can take ya
    Original invincible
    That’s how I’m lookin’ at it
    I use my rhymes like a Glock automatic
    Any means necessary, I’m goin’ all out
    Before the rains bring the nuclear fallout
    So let me ask you, is it too late?
    Ayo, who’s gonna take the weight?

  36. This is related to agriculture…

    The US led the war on drugs. However, the US seem more able to pivot away from the war on marijuana and to create marijuana businesses instead.

    Cannabis tourism and the welcome stamp would have been strong planks in a new economy.

    — I believe that those who were adversely affected by the ‘war on marjuana’ should be made whole before governments make a buck – expunge records, set some people free… compensate them …

  37. “Rattled and triggered” said the bitch assed joker

    “Neither” I said “Calling out bitches cunt scum is a daily operation..ladies and gentlment”

    the jazzy intro is sampled from Motherlode’s Black cat

  38. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Anyone can enlighten me on this 1970’s Surinam scam?”

    yall too love to push ya scams to other people….no it was the Barbados SCAM sending their people unprepared into a land where there is a language barrier, at least let them take some Dutch courses first….a different culture, at least familiarize them with the culture….FIRST….make sure the governments accept these people with a view to them eventually getting Surinamese status instead of left in social and cultural limbo…

    and no, because you went to the RED LIGHT DISTRICT in Holland that you boasted about….that does not count as an assimilation into Dutch culture and language…

  39. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “I believe that those who were adversely affected by the ‘war on marjuana’ should be made whole before governments make a buck – expunge records, set some people free… compensate them …”

    That’s what ALL GOVERNMENTS are doing, making these people whole… them first preference to engage and use the industry to turn around their lives, it’s phenomenal the things that are happening with forward-thinking governments…

    all except the self – righteous pretenders/predators in Barbados now under investigation by who knows how many countries…

  40. Cuhdear Bajan,

    I too was alive in the 70s and though only a child, aware enough, I thought, to know of this Suriname scam. I was wondering how I missed it.

    Seems like something I should have heard about.

  41. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    That’s the problem with BU commenters….they know and hear everything, but, this information about those elderly Bajans sent back from Suriname was in the BARBADOS newspapers…..just about a year and half ago, not even 2… and i commented about it back then…check the archives…

  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    actually…this Covid rah rah…took so long to play out and time went so fast…, it might even be 3 years….1 1/2 – 3 years, but not more than that…yall live on the island and don’t know A QUARTER of what ya dishonest deceitful governments do….those who live in the diaspora KNOW MORE THAN YOU…

  43. Oh shite! Uh gettin’ old in trut’.

    Now I am mixing up “councillor” with “counselor”.

    Oh dear!

  44. Looks like Mia digs into the Parliament archives digs up all the ole scams that never got of the ground or worked
    Bundle them together in a Christmas paper
    Toss them upward and hope enough stick for the people to get all excited
    The Guyanese proposal is another throw back from past administration
    This is the talk on social media how Guyana some time back had promised Barbados farmers land
    Nuff long talk short of quality and performance

  45. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    And to think Mia went into Suriname…came back gushing about all the farming to be done there….but never ONCE mentioned the PLIGHT of those who went before…until what they experienced HIT THE NEWS….

    those people are a burden to the taxpayers because their government did not make the best deal for them in Suriname…so they returned to the island old, sick and penniless…

    Suriname is not the easiest place to get citizenship…Surinamese with children born outside the country, get a very hard time…,most fail to get status…their immigration laws are very rigid…but ya won’t hear that from the parliament..they will encourage you to go but don’t give any details…

  46. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    Angela…although Bajan farmers would have to be careful still…at least they are more familiar with Guyanese culture, norms and Guyanese English is the dominant language spoken…although, given the government structure, i won’t encourage a fella to go anywhere..

    ..look to your own continent, ancestral lands, there are many and better opportunities available, once you do your research and due diligence..

  47. Let me add that the great Mighty Angelou Cox (mAC) did not mention scam in her emotive poetry. I used it but I was not the person who introduced it.
    That’s like having a full plate placed in front of a hungry man.

  48. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    This happened a mere three weeks ago, so how come the BU see it all, hear it, and know it all, did not post it to the blog….what’s more important right along with food security….PROTECTING OUR BLACK CHILDREN two legged animals/predators…


    By Maria Bradshaw

    Police and the Ministry of Education are conducting investigations into a report made by a five-year-old boy that he was removed by a man from the primary school which he attends and sexually assaulted.

    The incident allegedly occurred three weeks ago at a St Michael primary school.

    When contacted Chief Education Officer Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw said: “Investigations into the matter have begun and are continuing.”

    Inspector Victor Forde, head of the Criminal Investigation Department likewise said investigations were also ongoing from their end.

    “A report was made on behalf of a five-year-old boy where there was an allegation of a sexual assault involving him near the compound of a school. The little boy in question was seen by the police and a first interview conducted in the presence of a person considered to be appropriate. Further investigations are being conducted in respect of that matter,” he stated.

    The Sunday Sun spoke to the father and grandmother of the child and both said that he complained that a man had held him by his hand while he was playing near the front of the school, took him to an area behind the school, put his hand to his mouth and sexually assaulted him.

    The upset father said the child revealed that the man was a “tall red man with glasses.”

    “I have been walking around asking people if they have seen anyone who fit that description hanging out around the school,” he pointed out.

    The child’s grandmother said the situation had traumatised the boy and his six-year-old sister, who also attends the school and who was the first person the child complained to, while their 28-year-old mother “had tripped out’ and was now hospitalised at the Psychiatric Hospital.

    She recalled that the incident happened on a day when the school closed early and parents were contacted to pick up their children.

    ‘Freaking out’ “My daughter went to the school to pick them up and the boy and he sister run to her and told her what happened. The little boy was freaking out,” she said, adding that her daughter took the child to a polyclinic and then to the police station.

    However, she lamented that the mother of three had a mental breakdown four days later.

    The grandmother also accused the school of not taking the report seriously.

    “I went to the school and the principal say the gate does be closed at all times after the children come into school and the guard does be there 24/7.

    “So I went back to the school, walk through the school and back out and the guard ain’t see me yet. I walk back into the school gate again and went to the bottom of the school and the guard only see me when he peep out looking for parents. The gate don’t be locked,” she cried, adding: “I had a witness in a car with me but them saying how it could not happen on the school grounds.”

    She said the next week she went to the Ministry of Education to discuss the transfer of the boy and his sister

    Continued on Page 4A.

    From Page 1A.

    from the school and that was when she was informed by an officer that the school had not reported the incident to the ministry.

    “The school is not taking responsibility,” the grandmother cried, as she called for cameras to be installed at all schools.

    She said she had also conducted her own investigations around the school and had received reports that children had been complaining about a man lingering around and interfering with them.

    “I don’t feel as if we are getting any satisfaction,” she said, as she revealed that for several days after the incident people were combing the area around the school “hunting all through the tracks looking for that man. We have to find him somehow by the hook or the crook.”

    The grandmother said the incident had left the family in turmoil.

    “This thing put a nail through my heart. We are in a state because we don’t even know if the man was watching our movements when we does take the children to school and when we does pick them up. I don’t even know how to explain how this little boy getting on now,” she said, adding that the child was receiving the relevant counselling.”

    Chief Education Officer Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw told the Sunday Sun that the matter was being investigated by the ministry.


  49. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    PROTECTING OUR BLACK CHILDREN FROM two legged animals/predators…

  50. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    no name, no lock up, but it’s well known that a certain former government ministers has a brother that’s famous for that…but then plenty lowlife child sex predators/pedophiles are well known for stalking children at the primary and secondary schools, so it could be anyone…

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