Submitted by Steven Kaszab

I could not sleep last night. Watching the news casts about the war in Ukraine and Putin’s orders placed to put Russian Nuclear Weapons on high alert just took my breath away.  It’s like a time warp where we have returned to the 1960’s cold war. 

Have you noticed that we are desensitized to what is happening right now on the other side of the planet?

I will go to work later this morning worrying about things that really do not mean anything when you think about it, compared to the threat we are reliving. Possible nuclear war. Nuclear war. Mind blowing. We have not thought about nuclear weapons for decades, believing that those who control them are sane and wise stewards of the most demanding responsible job on the planet. Several nations have these devises of mass destruction including Russia, America, Pakistan, India, China and Israel who believes in Gods mercy but just in case got themselves a bomb too. Sure we worried about rouge nations like North Korea and possible terrorists attacks using these devises, but possible all out world war.

Humans have the ability to disassociate themselves from reality and create their own, satisfying their needs and beliefs. I have been interested in how a outwardly good family man can do all the things you and I would do in our associations with the family and community, and then go to a concentrations camp or prison camp in the gulag and torture and murder innocent people. This method of doing ones job and also being socially normal is particularly had to understand. Our need as human beings to survive and live our lives safely, mentally protects us allowing thoughts and beliefs that can be contrary to logic and reality to fool us into believing we are doing what’s personally and socially right. 

Today, some lunatic or nationalistic fanatic in the military could launch a nuclear missile at the NATO Nations, followed by a response that will assuredly wipe humanity out of existence. How about nuclear powered climate change. Horrible thought, and I am going to work today. Instead of joining many thousands who are protesting Russian aggression, militarism, the existence of horrid dictatorships through out this world I will go to an office and do my job. Am I so set in my routine and my disbelief that others will protect us no matter what? Can we put our trust in our elected officials to observe, assess and then act in the most logical way? Should I gather my family together and live a week of happiness, a vacation that will surely be transformed by what is happening, by what will happen in the present and future?

I am a man of self control, but honestly I am frightened for my family, children, community and really the whole world. Driving to do groceries yesterday I had to pull over because I began to weep at the wheel for some reason. Well with all the stresses we have all felt these past few years and now this to can make us quake in our winter boots. I wish I were in the Ukraine with a sniper rifle defending a people I truly know, a people who wish to live like us in a peaceful democratic nation, far away from Russian Oligarchy’s and nationalistic opportunism. 

I do not like how I feel right now. Helpless, fearful for others I love and people I don’t even know.  

Hear I was worried the Russians would hack into our power grid and make life truly difficult. What Putin has done is far more sinister, THREATENING POSSIBLE NUCLEAR WAR. He also said he had the talent and means to punish those who oppose him using new technologies we have never seen. Surprising that the great powers spend their wealth not on helping humanity, but developing horrible destructive weapons of mass destruction. The dictator of Iraqi was destroyed because of imaginary W.O.M.Destruction. Why are the evil nationalists of the world holding all the cards? Will the Free Worlds embargo of Russia be enough to calm the Russian Bear ? Questions galore with no answers. Anther thing to worry about. Guess we will all have to wait and see. 

Huge your loved ones and appreciate every day.

295 responses to “A People Insensitive to War”

  1. Black Power Fights for Rights
    The civil rights black revolutions of the 60s + 70s went over Knox’s head
    America knew liberation and unity for the poor went against their racism

  2. I Shall Be Released

  3. Chalice of Consciousness
    There are eight aspects in which God can be experienced: as Light, Sound, Peace, Calmness, Love, Joy, Wisdom, and Power.

  4. You never admit that you are wrong.
    Second person that I have seen here who can take a dead horse and ride it like the devil was behind you.
    I suspect you may like this.

  5. Here I am….
    A man without an army, tanks or fighter planes and I did not read the letter.
    I suspect Putin did the same.

    Hopefully he sent it by mail. There always a shortage of TP (typing paper) in Russia.

  6. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    UNITED NATIONS, March 2 (Reuters) – The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to reprimand Russia for invading Ukraine and demanded that Moscow stop fighting and withdraw its military forces…The resolution, supported by 141 of the assembly’s 193 members, passed in a rare emergency session called by the U.N. Security Council…Russia was joined by Belarus…Eritrea, North Korea and Syria in voting against the resolution.

  7. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @John Fellow, for the sake of blog clarity let it be noted that all who follow the flow of ur distillations are aware of ur ability to define smoothly 1+1=3.

    It’s seen in the ubiquity of your Quaker divine persona across history; well chronicled in ur explanations of why Trump would be returned as President based on the actions of his ‘election rigged’ legal team and superbly calculated with ur covid-flooding links. You are defiant in the face of basic reason!

    I would add that based on the various commentaries of you and PLT about those wondrous days of ‘our collective’ school time it would be fair to assess that PLT was actually quite ‘brain aware’ … those of us who didn’t question the hypocrises perputated by the adored Tanks, Bumpy Moores, Joe Physics, Heads Marshall, Pilgrims,, Paynes et al of the era were the ones suitably brainwashed!

  8. Grasshopper

    Because my positions have been deeply thought through if not long before then during the interactions cross referencing them to what I know.

    There are just a few truths I use over and over again, just that many don’t realise it and keep coming back at me with what may appear to them to be different approaches but which really just need the application by me of one or more of those simple truths.

    I remember leading hikes over the 15 or more years that I did, I often passed through places which many hikers exclaimed they had never seen before and they found simply beautiful.

    I gave up after a while trying to explain I had led the hike through there but from a different direction a few weeks before and just enjoyed their enjoyment with them.

    I realized people often see the same thing but at different times or when they were talking and not paying attention so miss the realization of where they are.

    My duty as a hike leader was to get everyone back safely so I poured over maps for ages plotting routes to ensure I missed any beehives or particularly dangerous places and knew where there were landowners who did not like the intrusion on their lands.

    But back to the 1+1 =3 anomaly.

    I could have used the squares way of doing it that I was shown in 5th form at HC but reckoned you would have known the trick having trod the same path so I came up with a couple of others to show you there are always more than one way to skin a cat, including the last one with my offer for services as the new GG!!

    Remember, besides hiking and knowing most of Barbados like the back of my hand I have also been through 30 odd years of reading and responding to affidavits from legal minds determined to trick me so I have just developed the knack of knowing what to say to either prove my point or just for fun to unsettle those who would seek to trick me!!

    i have never knowingly lied and I don’t know everything, just a few immutable truths one of which I used for example on the links between Quakers and Russia.

  9. TheOGazertsMarch 2, 2022 6:03 PM

    Here I am….
    A man without an army, tanks or fighter planes and I did not read the letter.
    I suspect Putin did the same.

    Hopefully he sent it by mail. There always a shortage of TP (typing paper) in Russia.



    Normally, I would look to see how if in any way it differed from the response given by CARICOM!!

    But I haven’t because we both realize that neither is worth the paper on which they are written.

  10. Propaganda Wars

    1 weeks war by Russia versus 20 years wars by Yanks and Brits

    Anglo-American crimes to humanity are so big they get normalised

  11. Cuhdear BajanMarch 2, 2022 6:06 PM

    UNITED NATIONS, March 2 (Reuters) – The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to reprimand Russia for invading Ukraine and demanded that Moscow stop fighting and withdraw its military forces…The resolution, supported by 141 of the assembly’s 193 members, passed in a rare emergency session called by the U.N. Security Council…Russia was joined by Belarus…Eritrea, North Korea and Syria in voting against the resolution.


    Like the CARICOM and Ralph Gonzalves letters, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what the UN Security Council says because it can order a military response.

    But China has the power of Veto and used it!!

    That is the really significant takeout.

  12. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    These countries abstained:
    Central African Republic
    Equatorial Guinea
    Lao People’s Democratic Republic
    South Africa
    South Sudan
    Sri Lanka

  13. 555dubstreetMarch 2, 2022 5:16 PM

    Black Power Fights for Rights
    The civil rights black revolutions of the 60s + 70s went over Knox’s head
    America knew liberation and unity for the poor went against their racism


    The Black Panthers for example were in their 20’s or 30’s back then.

    What you need to look at is what was happening in the 1930’s and 40’s because that experience would have shaped their parents and by extension them.

    Take Stokely Carmichael for example, born in Trinidad in 1941 or Ann Cools, born in 1943 also in Trinidad.

    Their parents would have been influenced by the export of the Communist idea of world Revolution in the 20’s and 30’s.

    I only have to point to the best known communist agitator from Trinidad, Clement Payne, to show you how they all tie back to the communist ideal of a workers rebellion world wide.

    Clement Payne was born in 1904.

    He would have become a man in the 1920’s under the influence of the October Revolution of 1917 and like PLT in the 60’s and 70’s would have become enthralled and brainwashed by the propaganda.

    What many people do not realize that in the 1920’s both Hitler and Mussolini were emerging similarly influenced by the revolutionary zeal of the communists.

    They all fit together and are tied right back to the 1917 October Revolution and its sequel.

    Go to any country and you will see the same process developing through the 20’s and 30’s.

    They are all also fascists!!


    Surprise: Mussolini Was Not the First Fascist
    By L.K. Samuels
    Charges of fascism are often flung around like paper confetti, sometimes to cover for actual fascism. Almost every political faction has been subjected to such claims, especially ones that are polar opposites of historical Italian fascism and German National Socialism. Even Canadian truckers seeking an end to COVID-19 lockdowns have been savagely attacked as Nazis, along with freedom-based organizations that supplied the intellectual ammunition to oppose Hitler’s and Mussolini’s ideologues.

    So the question becomes this: what is fascism, and where did it originate? Consensus often points to post–World War I Italy. However, that old belief is starting to crumble. Fascism and its state-oriented mixed economy appear to have an earlier starting date. Some scholars are now pointing at Soviet Russia.

    Benito Mussolini may be the world’s most notorious fascist, but he was not the first to introduce socioeconomic and political fascism to the world. In actuality, this Italian Marxist intellectual simply popularized the word. The socioeconomic mechanics behind Fascism came from another Marxist, one deep inside Russia. He was a Russian revolutionary whom Mussolini lionized: Vladimir Lenin.

    After Lenin secured control of Russia in 1921, his unrelenting nationalization of the Soviet economy finally collapsed. Moscow and other Russian cities transformed into walking-dead hellscapes. Most factories and mills closed. Most Russians were starving. Workers fled to the countryside to find food. Hundreds of violent riots spread across the land. Lenin and the communists were almost overthrown. Karl Marx’s dreams of a socialist worker’s paradise had failed.

    Under these dire conditions, Lenin had to change direction. He reluctantly rolled back the communist economic system and established a mixed economy: the state still owned the big industries but allowed small companies, farmers, and individuals to exist and engage in open commerce. At this point, Lenin embraced Marxist-lite Fascism by supporting an alternative “third way” between socialism and capitalism, a concept Lenin and Mussolini called “state capitalism.” The political sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset concurred, arguing that Fascism is “extremism of the center,” referring to its reliance on a mixed economy. He contended that Fascism is not right-wing because Mussolini did not plan to restore monarchical or aristocratic privilege.

    In 1921, Lenin dubbed his revised economic policies the New Economic Policy (NEP), which introduced a form of “market socialism,” “crony capitalism,” or what he approvingly termed “state capitalism.” Lenin described this change as the “development of capitalism under the control and regulation of the proletarian state.” This meant that fascism was not the “last stage of capitalism” as Marxist historians have maintained, but the first stage of a pullback from the economic and political failures of Marxism-Leninism. Lenin’s policies to mitigate the defects of absolute nationalization and communism spawned the NEP and produced a fascist economy.

    Under his NEP policies, Lenin said he would allow “a free market and capitalism, both subject to state control,” while socialized state enterprises would operate on “a profit basis.” His policy even allowed the ownership of small companies, which were privatized from former state-owned enterprises. And by initiating a mixed economy in 1921 and early 1922, Lenin became the world’s first fascist dictator, over a year before Mussolini was appointed Italy’s prime minister in late 1922.

    Who makes such a bold claim? It was Peter Drucker, the famous professor of politics, philosophy, and management, who lived in Germany in the early 1930s. He asserted that fascism came out of communism in his 1939 The End of Economic Man. He wrote, “Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion. … Communism in anything but name was abandoned in Russia when the Five-Year Plan was substituted for the New Economic Policy (NEP).”

    Since Mussolini, Lenin, and Trotsky were Marxist chums in Switzerland, it is not surprising that Mussolini closely watched Lenin and his regime with keen interest. Considering himself a disciple of Lenin, Mussolini proposed that Italy should officially recognize the Soviet Union in 1923. According to Stanley G. Payne in his History of Fascism, 1914–1945, “[n]ot only was Italy the first Western country to recognize the Soviet Union in 1924, but the new Soviet art first appeared in the West that year at the Venice Biennale, Italy’s premiere art show.” In the Italian elections of 1919, as the leader of the Fascist Revolutionary Party, Mussolini publicly compared himself to Lenin, bragging that he was the “Lenin of Italy.”

    When Lenin ushered in the NEP, Mussolini felt compelled to imitate Lenin’s market-oriented economic policies. The prime minister of Italy, Francesco Saverio Nitti (1919–1920), noted this coziness, writing, “In Italy today one finds that greater tolerance is shown toward Communists affiliated with Moscow than to Liberals, democrats, and Socialists.” He also remarked, “Fascism and Bolshevism are the same.”

  15. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @John March 2, 2022 4:06 PM “The Gravitas lady does not understand Geography or History!!”

    My response: You don’t understand Geography or history. I would bet anything that you did not study geography or history beyond 5th form, and perhaps not beyond third form.

    @John March 2, 2022 4:06 PM “When I was at school in the 60’s and 70’s, I never had any time for all that, I just did my work to the best of my ability and was not diverted.”

    You probably had no time to study geography or history either.

  16. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @John “Go to any country and you will see the same process developing through the 20’s and 30’s. They are all also fascists!!”

    This includes your boyfriend Trump too?

  17. Cuhdear BajanMarch 2, 2022 7:19 PM

    @John March 2, 2022 4:06 PM “The Gravitas lady does not understand Geography or History!!”

    My response: You don’t understand Geography or history. I would bet anything that you did not study geography or history beyond 5th form, and perhaps not beyond third form.


    Every single hike was a study in history and geography!!!

  18. Communism is a dirty word for Capitalists, but so what

    White Supremacy Racism is pure Evil manifested

    John turns a blind eye to his white masters

  19. Cuhdear BajanMarch 2, 2022 7:33 PM

    @John “Go to any country and you will see the same process developing through the 20’s and 30’s. They are all also fascists!!”

    This includes your boyfriend Trump too?


    Fascism/Communism also came to America as well, by peeps coming from the West Indies and also from Europe.

    It was promoted by such papers as the New York Times whose correspondent in Russia sympathized Germany.

    After the war and the proven crimes of Hitler, the Communists/Fascists had to shed the Fascist link and did so by blaming it on the right.

    Here is the famous clip of a Fascist/Communist meeting at Madison Square Gardens, New York in 1939!!

  20. Look up Walter Duranty and the New York Times.

  21. There are still Nazis in USA
    They are part of the far right
    All of them are Trump Boys
    Just like the Usual Suspects / Bu cunts

  22. Some Ukrainians considered Hitler as a liberator from the terrors of Stalin who had committed the genocide against Ukrainians in the 20’s and 30’s. They quickly realized their folly!

  23. The codified racism of the white man
    right wing don’t like critical race theory
    or civil rights equal rights human rights truth and rights

  24. You see Grasshopper

    If you know a few basic truths Google works wonders.

  25. Check out this guy and you will see the level to which the Press/Media is infiltrated … and for how long!!

    Just got worser and worser with time.

    How did I get his name and link to the New York Times?

    Listening late at night to Mark Levin!!

    He has a good book out ironically, #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List for weeks!!

    Once you are willing to learn there aren’t many subjects that you cannot understand … and even master!!!

    I keep away from Biology and medicine.

  26. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    @John “Here is the famous clip of a Fascist/Communist meeting at Madison Square Gardens, New York in 1939!!”

    No John. Please don’t lie again.

    It was a fascist nazi meeting NOT a communist one,

  27. You don’t know your history!!

    As weird as it may appear, Fascism = Communism = Nazism!!

    However, Marx was Jew and Lenin was a Jew … as far as Hitler was concerned.

    “The son of Jewish parents, Marx was baptized at the age of six. While he had no Jewish education and embraced atheism, he continues to be identified as a Jew, and his Jewish ancestry influenced his thinking. Marx’s writings about Jews and Judaism, which identify Judaism with capitalism, are nearly all hostile.”

    You see the atheist origins of Marxism/Communism.

    “According to historian Petrovsky-Shtern, it is likely that Lenin was unaware of his mother’s half-Jewish ancestry, which was only discovered by his sister Anna after his death.”

    The Duma had members who were Jewish.

    To Hitler, that was a red rag to a bull!!

    In Hitler’s mind Communism was Jewish.

    Besides wanting Lebensraum, Hitler had a problem with the Jews who he aimed to exterminate from early.

    As far as he was concerned, they were an inferior race.

    So by my definition of a racist Hitler was one.

    He also considered the Slavic population to be an inferior race.

    Meets my criteria for racist again.

    So not only is the Madison Square Garden one of Fascists and by extension Communists, it is also one of Nazis … and of course racists as well.

    All three, Communism, Fascism and Nazism have common roots, pelt in the Jewish links to the Communist Party in the Soviet Union and you can see the Nazis as racists would have a problem.

    BTW, did you know that Nazi was short for National Socialist?

    Just helping you with your history.

  28. “The number of Jewish party members swelled after the Bolshevik takeover in October 1917, especially in the first decade of Bolshevik rule, when, among others, the left wing of the Bund (the Komfarband) and that of Po‘ale Tsiyon (the EKP; Evreiskaia Kommunisticheskaia Partiia) joined the RCP(b), in 1921 and 1922 respectively. Indeed, it was from among these socialist factions and parties that had traditionally worked in the Jewish street and knew Yiddish that the Evsektsiia (the Communist Party’s Jewish section) drew its personnel, including its senior echelons.”


    You see the word BUND used with the Nazis/Fascists/Communists in America meeting at Madison Square Garden in 1939, and also with the Communist Party in the Soviet Union from 1917!!


  29. After the crimes of the Nazis became apparent after WWII they were labeled with the description of Fascists (media) correctly and Fascism was completely divorced from Communism, incorrectly, even though they were all the same.

    People who don’t question and who don’t try to be constantly learning remain ignorant and unfortunately show it every time the speak or write.

    Just got to be careful of information overload!!

  30. Leon Trotsky, Lev Davidovich Bronstein, was also of Jewish origins.

    Trotsky organised the Red Army in the battles against the White Russians (watch Dr. Zhivago) in the Russian Civil War, … there were no Black Russians at the time..

    “From March 1918 to January 1925, Trotsky headed the Red Army as People’s Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and played a vital role in the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War of 1917–1922. He became one of the seven members of the first Bolshevik Politburo in 1919.”

  31. Background
    On August 18, 1917, the top Bolshevik leader, Vladimir Lenin, set up a political bureau—known first as Narrow composition, and after October 23, 1917, as Political bureau—specifically to direct the October Revolution, with only seven members (Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Joseph Stalin, Grigori Sokolnikov, and Andrei Bubnov), but this precursor did not outlast the event; the Central Committee continued with the political functions. However, due to practical reasons, usually fewer than half of the members attended the regular Central Committee meetings during this time, even though they decided all key questions.

    The 8th Party Congress in 1919 formalized this reality and re-established what would later on become the true center of political power in the Soviet Union. It ordered the Central Committee to appoint a five-member Politburo to decide on questions too urgent to await full Central Committee deliberation. The original members of the Politburo were Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Kamenev, and Nikolai Krestinsky.

    Three of the five members in 1919 were of Jewish Origins.

  32. Below link worth a look.

    You can understand why economically Quakers and Jews were very close, trade, finance and insurance.

    There was also the role of the Hebrew Nation in the last days that drew the two together as first Puritans and then Quakers sought to have Jews allowed back in to England in 1655 after expulsion in 1290.

    The Reformation made the Bible available to all and sundry in their respective languages and saw the growth in the population of Puritans, many non conformist sects and finally, c. 1648, Quakers.

  33. So the question to the intelligentsia on BU is how come Jews are instrumental in both Communism and Capitalism?

  34. Discuss for 10 marks!!

  35. This may help.

  36. Can you see from this map what Putin’s goal may be?

    For me it looks like he wants to divide Ukraine in two at the Dnieper.

    That secures his water needs.

    Looks like he wants the whole Dnieper, both sides.

  37. Problem-Reaction-Solution
    John the Troll and his analysis of white people and politics uses the propaganda of white people and far right.
    Which supports his prejudiced belief system. White people and far right are responsible for world’s inequalities
    They are the problem and not the solution.


    Labrinth & Zendaya – I’m Tired from Euphoria

    Hey Lord, You know I’m tired
    Hey Lord, You know I’m tired
    Hey Lord, You know I’m tired of tears
    Hey Lord, just cut me loose

    Hey Lord, You know I’m fighting
    Hey Lord, You know I’m fighting
    I’m sure this world is done with me
    Hey Lord, You know it’s true

    Now the tide is rolling in
    I don’t wanna win
    Let it take me, let it take me
    I’ll be on my way
    How long can I stay?
    In the place that can’t contain me

    Hey Lord, You know I’m tired
    Hey Lord, You know I’m tired

    Ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh

    Hey Lord, You know I’m trying
    Hey Lord, You know I’m trying
    It’s all I got, is this enough?
    Hey Lord, I wanna stay
    Hey Lord, You know I’m fighting
    Hey Lord, You know I’ll find it
    I don’t know when or how today
    Hey Lord, I’m on my way

  39. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “tough times ahead” huh….yall raided the treasury and pension fund for OVER QUARTER CENTURY…putting the Black/Afrikan population AT A DISTINCT DISADVANTAGE economically, always deliberately KEEPING THEM at the very bottom of the socio-economic ladder….now ya crying, i won’t pay attention to either of you OR TRUST ANY YOU…..your are the cause of poverty and lack of financial stability in Afrikan populations…

    now ya want to jump into something, that while impacting EVERYONE WORLD, is NONE of your concern…..maybe, maybe ya will finally see that it’s time to take care of the BLACK POPULATIONS….they are the ones WITH NO MONEY and NO SECURITY……because of yall and ya wannabe passions and dreams…which has all suddenly turned into A REAL NIGHTMARE…now you will see in the mirror that YOU ARE THE REAL… PROBLEM..

    small time eggs have no place at any rock stone dance..

    TLSN…tnese have screwed up so colossally despite years and years of warnings….i don’t even want to see any of them and their pretend concern now…their concerns are only for themselves and what they will definitely lose out on now…they have NO CONTROL over anything except for their little CORRUPT SPACES…let them keep it.

  40. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    This is not the time to ever trust Caricom misleaders ever again, you are being told this for YOUR OWN GOOD…listen or not…i could care less…this is a public servive……everyone is on their own and have to PROTECT THEMSELVES AND THEIR FAMILIES…

    Caricom misleaders CANNOT BE TRUSTED…

  41. A People Insensitive to War … and the Western Military Industrial Complex propaganda subliminal brainwashing false flags and False Leaders

    Waru-War-On-U blames blacks for the past and give whites a pass in the time continuum as a coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements varying by minute degrees “good” and “bad”

  42. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    this is a public SERVICE WARNING………

    now ya want to jump into something, that while impacting EVERYONE WORLDWIDE, is NONE of your concern, simply because YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER ANY OF IT……

    they thought they were big up world leaders, now they can SENSE without knowing shit that they ain’t even shit under anyone’s shoe….steupppss…

    told yall for years to STOP looking up to and respecting these clowns….yall weaklings can continue to do so at ya OWN RISK…

  43. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “Waru-War-On-U blames blacks for the past and give whites a pass in the time continuum as a coherent whole characterized as a collection, sequence, or progression of values or elements varying by minute degrees “good” and “bad”

    you are even worse than the Caricom misleaders, cause you don’t now shit either on an even grander scale….your biggest claim to fame on BU is consistently trying to promote a bunch of tiefing, immoral, unethical minoriites of the brown hue that no one wants around because of their parasitic nature….you and them should all stay in Europe or South East Asia and leave Black/Afrikan lives alone.

  44. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    cause you DON’T KNOW shit either on an even grander scale.

  45. #BLACKLIVESMATTER Mix tape Continuum (measurement), theories or models that explain gradual transitions from one condition to another without abrupt changes …
    Mathematics · Science · Arts and entertainment · Music

  46. Cuhdear Bajan Avatar

    “The House Committee investigating the US Capitol insurrection said Wednesday night that its evidence shows former president Donald Trump and his associates engaged in a “criminal conspiracy” to prevent Congress from certifying the results of the presidential election, spread false information about it, and pressured state officials to overturn the results.”
    Source: Boston Globe

  47. @ John March 3, 2022 3:59 AM
    So the question to the intelligentsia on BU is how come Jews are instrumental in both Communism and Capitalism?

    The answer to your question is as straightforward as John 3:16.

    Because Jews are your Yahweh’s chosen people who have been able to fool people like you for the past 1500 years that the European Jews were enslaved by Egyptians for 400 solar years and that the bull and ram in the heavens still rule the cycles of life.

    So that, ipso facto, makes both you and your god a communist and capitalist all in one with Georgie Porgie the Devil incarnate to complete the Unholy Trinity.

  48. African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved Avatar
    African Online Publishing Copyright ⓒ 2022. All Rights Reserved

    “So that, ipso facto, makes both you and your god a communist and capitalist all in one with Georgie Porgie the Devil incarnate to complete the Unholy Trinity.”

    they are ALL neo-nazis and that was even BEFORE hitler and his mad self…

  49. “….your biggest claim to fame on BU is consistently trying to promote a bunch of tiefing, immoral, unethical minoriites of the brown hue that no one wants around because of their parasitic nature”

    lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere: Her excuse was rather disingenuous.

    One Love

    when I called you a black faced paki hater
    you disingenuously said you don’t know pakis
    so I said you were a filthy dag ghundi hater

    I intuitively read peoples faces to see their hearts energies
    I see you
    pure ugh!

    you should chop off your locks as you no rasta
    my brethrens locks grow and touch them toes
    them a heavyweight
    they are the rasta leaders
    the generals in jah army

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