Submitted by Observing

First the strategy was smoke and mirrors, then it was detract and deflect now it is “nothing to see here” (NTSH)

The Prime Minister announces a willingness to pay $48 for vaccines which cost $12. NTSH

A permanent secretary signs off on a $10 million dollar agreement without their own Minister’s knowledge. NTSH

The biggest Cabinet of ministers and Ministers of State most of which we hardly hear or see, along with consultants, committees and advisers left, right, center and underneath. NTSH

20 months of Covid, millions spent, a depressed economy, extra salaries and largesse for a few but no budget or expense reporting to inform us. NTSH

Marches up and down about sewage tax and NSRL, but, cost of living is now the highest in decades with purchasing power at its lowest. NTSH

An entire law created to get TWO Deputy Commissioners of Police, yet finding ONE who was NOT a Deputy was akin to pulling teeth. NTSH

Houses imported from China, contractors left in the dark, only a “promised few” will be able to install and erect them. NTSH

A Republic is being forced down throats at break neck speed but yet we promote the gospel of consulting and engaging stakeholders. NTSH

Four sitting MPs retire, two sitting MPs castigate their boss in parliament and gag orders seem to be the order of the day. NTSH

A Minister and a Chief says online learning is going well. A million Frenchmen know otherwise. NTSH

On Moe minister takes 8 months off with full pay and no repercussions. NTSH

In December we said tourists must come, in January we said one death is too much, in October it’s we have to live with it. NTSH

Visitor protocols changed overnight without consultation. BAMP in the dark. 300+ cases and deaths continue daily. NTSH

The best candidate to market a Barbadian product is actually a German-Canadian. NTSH

Once upon a time MAM proclaimed MM as horrible, corrupt and deserving of jail. My how things change. NTSH

A candidate is publicly chosen and endorsed, then the branch is told you now have to decide if it is O-Kay. NTSH

We should all get a dollar when a Minister lies to our faces and says “I am not aware of that, I will have to look into it, I don’t know what you are talking about.” NTSH

Oh and before I forget….the decades old Kingsland Estates matter is adjudicated with half billion dollars going to the plaintiff while implicating local “power players” in fraud, deceit and corruption over many many years. But hey! Clearly, there’s nothing to see here.

Anyhow, don’t think about it too long folks. Pretend you didn’t read this because after all…no matter how bad it gets, how many lies are told, how many mistakes are made, and how much we are made to look like fools…THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE!

230 responses to “Nothing to See Here (NTSH)”

  1. Didn’t that happen last summer…steupps

    yep..heard everything flipped…

  2. Milluh
    “Ms Grant never tried to impress the BU readers with imaginary claims of living in some North American metropolis and in charge of US$ billion dollar projects but still having to live hand-to-mouth during the reign of the last DLP administration.”

    Oh dear, even after all these months this project still got your panties in a twist. Now you’re claiming I was hand-to-mout during the DLP reign. 🤣🤣
    Again I say, if I am liar prove me wrong and place the bet nuh. The Salemite is a first class liar. I said what I said.

  3. There is a way to stop the hijacking of the blog. Do not encourage those who start it!

    Miller too should stop the embellishment. His tale is growing quite inexplicably. I have never seen Enuff complain of being hand to mout’ during the last DLP administration. This is a new addition. As for the rest, I can’t remember what Enuff said because it did not interest me.

    I maintain that If we are going to have meaningful discussions, we must proceed with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I cannot understand what is so difficult about that.

    What is the point of all this lying?????? What does it achieve????

  4. Why stop it? Are commenters so immature to be consumed with their online egos that they will ignore the opportunity BU provides to make a difference? Let the ignorance be exposed for what it is. It allows readers to deduce for themselves…

  5. What some of you are too blind to understand is that by hijacking the blogs every single time with the nonsense back and forth, it plays into the hands of the politicians who are on the sidelines laughing.

  6. A non-contributing
    Here is my example of filtering.

    I have never thought of enuff as hand to mouth. Kool-aid guzzling? Yeah… but never hand to mouth..

    So though I do not believe it, the thought of the woman/man involved in ‘ billion’ dollar deals being hand-to-mouth is highly amusing. a billion jus isn’t what it used to be.

  7. What is disappointing – this blog has gone viral and although didn’t hit the numbers of Miss Ram blog is has been widely read on social media, to think readers have to wade through some of the nonsense posted today. The blogmaster could have deleted or close the blog but decided to allow to see how long the back and forth it will continue.

  8. @AC
    Is that fantasy or a reality?
    If true, I am sending a one-term.

  9. @ Enuff November 1, 2021 6:17 PM

    Which ‘project’ you are speaking about this time around?

    The Hyatt hotel scam of the vaccine hocus pocus?

    There is No need to prove you wrong for Karma is one gambling bitch called ‘Truth’ which is all recorded in the BU archives proving that:
    ‘the faintest ink is powerful than the quickest tongue of a proven liar’.

    Aren’t you that same jumped-up runt who is still stored in the big red Bag of tricks and ‘lies’, reminiscent of David Thompson?

    And you can certainly see what became of him!

    In your attacks against your witch called Waru you ought to be mindful of your biblical injunction:
    ‘He / She that is without sin among you, let him/her first cast a stone at her’.

    For Yoland(e) has done nothing worse than what MAM did and indeed is just regurgitating what the likes of Afra Raymond along with the BU ‘masters’ like Bush Tea, Pachamama, Piece de Prophet and William Skinner have been preaching over the years.

  10. The blog is a medium for me to taunt the egofowls and counteract the lies.and misinformation. The barbs don’t bother me. Can’t win on the message, the barb throwers seek to berate the messenger. The story about me and billion dollar projects changes every blogpost, much to my amusement. But not a fella dare put dem money where dem mout is.🤣🤣🤣

  11. Milluh
    You better go take your meds. 🤣🤣

  12. @ Enuff November 1, 2021 7:34 PM
    “The barbs don’t bother me. Can’t win on the message, the barb throwers seek to berate the messenger.”

    No, yard-boy! We are shooting at the Bigger Red Bag of lies. You just happened to be in the way.
    A simple case of collateral damage, Capiche!

  13. David,

    I posted the truth. The truth is never nonsense. My persona is not online. I am a real person who is quite identifiable. I know of NO-ONE who is not a thief who does not get riled up when called a thief. Those are fighting words! It has nothing to do with any ego on my part. It has to do with TRUTH!

    It is your blog, so you can delete whatever you please. I make no apologies for defending myself from constant bloody lies! Quite frankly, I am getting tired of all the lies. Tired, tired, tired! What’s the damn point???

    Liars cannot shame any politician for being liars. That has always been my point. I stand by it.

    When we lie, politicians can dismiss us for being just like them. It is counter-productive.

    This cannot be refuted.

    So says Damaged Goods Donna. Let THAT go viral! I sincerely hope that people catch that virus.

  14. Milluh
    Whenever you are asked to put your money where your mouth is you retreat. You boldly declared me a liar and hand-to-mouth now running. It just proves that you’re all hot air. Ask David of BU if I hand-to-mout and is a liar.🤣🤣

  15. @ Enuff

    I read a contribution from March 2014, in which your friend, ‘Abigail the Salemite,’ REVEALED to a particular individual that her REAL NAME was DANIELA GOMEZ.

    I think it’s Lorenzo who calls her MRS. MITCHELL.

    Now, Miller is referring to her as YOLANDE GRANT.


  16. David
    The blog has gone viral says what though? On one hand you trumpet Barrow-Giles’ poll that only 10% of the population understands a Republic; but here promoting a blog post that seeks to mamaguy 90% of the public? Antway, who laughs last laughs best.

  17. @enuff

    There is always the opportunity to rebut. The blogmaster has always posted blogs from contributors representing views from both sides of the fence.

  18. Miller…you still pay atttention to Foul Enuff….who was so hot to link my name to lying….he TOTALLY forgot who he was talking about the BUDGET WITH…..and now look foolish….and trying to explain it away..

    what’s in a name, show ya face.

    wish some of you were as articulate to PROTECT EACH OTHER’S CIVIL RIGHTS..and stop the parliament criminals and the private sector criminals from violating them…and abusing every generation…

  19. TLSN…was too exhausted and DISGUSTED to talk about this yesterday..

    the hypocrisy and DISTASTEFUL deceitfulness, this is the SAME one who claimed the BLM re George Floyd killing was a “trend” and eventually we heard nearly a YEAR LATER….that a young 21 year old man was MURDERED in the same way as Floyd A WHOLE MONTH before the public killing in the US…..and not one word from her about that..,,now using the same Floyd MURDER for POLITICAL MILEAGE…and the dirty little fowl shit lineage would encouage that..

    .and not one person on BU would CALL HER OUT FOR HER DISGUSTING DISPLAY of OPENLY that….no one was waiting for her to break any silence….since then statues and monuments to RACISM toppled WORLDWIDE including the nelson curse that they WERE FORCED to remove…and LIED to try to keep it unitl i posted documents SHOWING THE LIES…….her opinions are not important and NOT NEEDED…..

  20. WARU-War-on-U

    Go back a read Enuff contribution and you will see that he did not mean you, he98j meant Angela Cox.

  21. DANIELA GOMEZ is a Hispanic moniker

    ABIGAIL MITCHELL is a White/Slave moniker

    YOLANDE GRANT is a Black moniker

    I hope that clears up all the confusion

    Now lets pause for the cause

    This is a Hastag #

    If the Prime Minister of Binga Bonga want to talk about #BLACKLIVESMATTER it is wholly copacetic

  22. Another day and the idiocy continues.

  23. Another day and the idiocy continues.

    Good Morning King David

    I know Barbados is a different zone in space and time to United Queendom
    but there was an article in yesterday’s news about new internet laws
    against misinformation like anti-vaxers bullying and other stuff
    which also raise issues about free speech liability and anonymity

    As a backstory Babylonian Spies in GCHQ NSA Mossad want more power for hacking book of faces etc

  24. The PM is on global stage preaching to world leaders on how to manage the world
    While here in her back yard she takes the taxpayers money and feed the big belly business owners while the most vulnerable are asked to hold strain
    Even the small projects that are to help the small business man ply there trade is taking years to finish
    Pray tell how can she tell world leaders to lead when her own backyard is cover in economic weeds which affect the daily lives of many

  25. So who is Wuraolaoya…..slave masters name yall asses what they want, anytime they want ….label ya as they like, i just saw cousin Boris calling yall the new British Afrikan or some such nonsense and not one of you complained, or asked him WHAT HE BEEN SMOKING…….and ya got no problem with that….i call ,myself what i want and ya got a problem…

    ….yall need to post ya REAL NAMES and ya REAL FACES……

    i know mine is out and has been FOR A VERY LONG TIME, other sites require it…….and my real name was posted to BU YEARS AGO….and if ya weren’t so full of shit would have noticed it..

  26. Don’t know why i would want to go and reread anything Fowl Shit Lineage Enuff posted when it was VERY CLEAR TO WHOM HE WAS REFERRING when he was trying to stoke the flames using Donna….but he had HIS LIE MIXED UP…

  27. Hey! Enuff!!! Yes me over here!!

    I’m a little late to my own party but nevertheless will ask….

    Which part of the blog is inaccurate? Let’s have a go at it.

    Just Observing

  28. ….yall need to post ya REAL NAMES and ya REAL FACES……

    I AM I AM

  29. Wuss…the day posting your real names and faces becomes a requirement to be able to comment on BU like on other sites….ALL OF YOU big mouth know nothings bellowing all over the blog WILL DISAPPEAR….

  30. It has been PROVEN on SEVERAL OCCASIONS that you’re a LIAR, FRAUD and attention seeker, who does not have a meaningful life beyond social media.

    If you did, you wouldn’t be on BU regurgitating the same shiite, from as early as 2 AM until the wee hours of the next morning, EVERY DAY, for the past eight years, making yourself a nuisance in the process.

    You need to GROW UP and GET A LIFE!!!

  31. The BLP party is in much disarray
    Reason being leadership is missing
    A leader built on self interest and entitlement cannot expect respect from those they lead
    The brass bowls are quitting not because they prefer to but seeing a design orchestrated by a leaders with goals that count them count
    The PM gets on the world stage and laments on the troubles of the world that impact small countries
    However her leadership pales and is far removed from what she is saying and demonstrating at home
    Nor even a stimulus pkg she could not implement to help boast the economy
    However cant help but remember when in opposition she had all the right answers to correct the economic woes of Barbadians

  32. So who is Wuraolaoya
    Is that your porn name in the pornhub video “lick the spit off my balls you bitch”

    Real names are Bank Identifier know your client data and can be used for fraud

    When I was a DJ on the Radio Station in my pob my name was Jah Lion

    This a remix EP from the sexy little Miss Omega of Afro Omega

  33. Here’s a moral question which I would like to pose to the BU family. In a country where freedom of speech is curtailed. Where an individual or a member of the press is not free to publish a story of corruption in high places as they risk being sued by a system that is controlled and owned by the corruped.
    Such an environment is not conducive to reporting corruption and explains why Barbados has gone backwards at every level, these last 15 years, when compared to nearly every country in the world bar those afflicted by wars.

    This is why many from the BU family would not be prepared to jettison contributers such as Waru. It is easy to dismiss such types as liars. These “liars” over the years have successfully exposed corruption over the years in Barbados and fill in the blank spaces which our local media are unable to fill simply because they practise their profession in fear.

    Should BU bar the “liar” or should it accept that the “liar” remains a beacon of hope in an environment tainted by corruption by those with a Devilish mindset who are at the centre of all that is bad and evil in Barbados.

  34. Studio Rockers
    My radio show was called The London Undergound and played Strictly Black Strictly the Best Underground Music

  35. TLSN, man, you is a real foolish bitch.

    The most negative idiot on BU.

  36. Speaking of Racist Faces in Racist Places who some need some mace in their faces

    TLSN loves the Jib of War on U ? abigail ? yolande ? Daniela? when she spouts repugnant racist shit etnic race hate on the regular

    and they are both living in multiculti places in foreign and are hippo bitches nasty pieces of work poor specimens of human race

    shame on them

  37. “Such an environment is not conducive to reporting corruption and explains why Barbados has gone backwards at every level, these last 15 years, when compared to nearly every country in the world bar those afflicted by wars.”

    and it will STAY BA CKWARD until all the CRIMINALS associated with keeping the island in the dark ages TO ROB IT and the POPULATION are REMOVED ONE WAY OR THE OTHER..

    “Should BU bar the “liar”
    these anonymous clowns have been acting for years like they can stop something that has COMPETENTLY GROWN from strength to strengh while the bellowers are STILL UNABLE TO CONTRIBUTE something to make significant changes to ANYTHING….lol…now it’s dawning on them how useless they HAVE ALWAYS BEEN and how STALE AND RANCID they have become…

    “Real names are Bank Identifier know your client data and can be used for fraud”

    LIAR..i have been using my REAL NAME FOR YEARS…

  38. “Is that your porn name in the pornhub video “lick the spit off my balls you bitch””

    i carry SHARP KNIVES….bring it on …will have you singing SOPRANO in no time..

  39. Scarface
    Game Face
    You Wanna Go To War? Okay!
    Fuck them all! I’ll bury those cockroaches!

    OK! I’m a cheerleader now!

    You ain’t got no alibi you ugly! Eh! Hey! You ugly [X4]

    I saw you walking down the street just the other day
    [C] I didn’t see your damage from that far away
    [C] I should have got a clue when the kids started screaming
    [C] You walked up to me with your buck teeth a gleaming
    [C] Your hair is all frizzy and your face is a mess
    [C] I thought it was a sack but it’s your favorite dress
    [C] You hurt the trees feelings and the birds all flew
    [C] I don’t mean to insult you
    [C] Oh wait! Yes I do.

    Your teeth are yellow, they’re covered in mould
    [D] You’re only fourteen you look a hundred years old
    [C] When looks were handed out you were last in line
    [C] Your face looks like where the sun don’t shine
    [D] Did you fall off a building and land on your head?
    [D) Or did a truck run over your face instead?
    [C] There ain’t no pill, cause you ain’t ill
    [D&C] You’re ugly!

    You ain’t got no alibi you ugly eh! Hey! You ugly [X2]
    [D] What you really need is to wear a mask
    [D] And book that plastic surgeon fast – (Girl)
    [C] You’re scary – You’re hairy I heard about you
    [C] You’re the main attraction at the city zoo
    [D] You’re so fat and ugly with a belly full of flab
    [D] When you wear a yellow coat people shout out cab
    [C] (Heh You’r funny)
    [D] (I Know)

    You got eyes like a pig and your nose is big
    [D] And with hair like that you should be wearin’ a wig
    [C] Uncle Fester remember him? I never knew that you had a twin!
    [D] You can’t disguise your googly eyes
    [D] In the Miss Ugly pageant you win first prize
    [C] Yo mama say you ugly
    [D&C] You ugly!

    You ain’t got no alibi you ugly! Eh! Hey! You ugly [X2]

    U.G.L.Y [X7]
    [D]Get busy [X9]
    [C] Yo mama says your ugly
    [D] Get busy
    [C] Yo mama says your ugly
    [D] Get busy
    [C] Yo mama says your ugly
    [D] Get busy
    [D&C] Your ugly!

    [D] Now I feel like blondie

    You ain’t got no alibi you ugly! Eh! Hey! You ugly [X2]

    [C] Camel breath
    [D] Squarehead
    [D&C] Ugly!

    Chicken legs
    [D] Pig face
    [C] Chin like bubba
    [D&C] Ugly!

    Fish lips
    [C] Toad licker
    [D] Poindexter
    [D&C] Ugly!

    Spaghetti arms
    [D] Limp butt
    [D&C] Freak show… ugly!

    You ain’t got no alibi you ugly!
    Eh! Hey! You ugly [X1]

    [C] You could make an onion cry

    [D] Like an alien chased by the F.B.I.

    U.G.L.Y [X7]
    U ain’t got no alibi


  40. The following link scribed by then Cave Hill lecturer and now Justice of the Court Jeff Cumberbatch about our defamation law is eye opening, also the comments.

  41. WAR / No More Trouble
    “Real names are Bank Identifier know your client data and can be used for fraud”

    LIAR..i have been using my REAL NAME FOR YEARS…

    who’s lying
    who’s flying

    I AM

    Who the cap fits let them wear it

    Dusting off my S.M.E. subject matter expert credentials
    and putting on my Banking specialist hat
    and anti money laundering hat
    and income reporting hat


    are all Client Standing Data fields
    Key Banking Identifiers

    and should be protected
    to prevent financial fraud

    in case you did not know

    You’re Welcome
    Have a Nice Day
    Next Customer Please

  42. BU Common Entrance Exam
    Basic Comprehension

    Question 1 (15 marks)

    “As for Theogas, nothing but a hypocrite. This is a man that loves to call me, Lorenzo etc yardfowls but obviously takes communion with ac/mariposa/angelacox in George Street, even admitting to being her biggest stan. A woman who repeatedly posts half-truths, lies and plenty misinformation, which he supports. The lady recently claimed that the government had not laid the constitutionally required Budget, an exercise completed since March.”

    From the above, who is the lady/woman referred to by the writer? Though obvious, please fully explain your answer.

  43. Observing
    You clearly need comprehension classes too.

  44. Just for the record, the “moral question” would not be should we ban a liar from BU. The moral question is – should one be a liar in the first place?

    Whether we should accept a liar because of what other good you think they have done is a question of pragmatism..

    Just saying.

  45. Thanks for the link Blogmaster…will make sure certain content is part of my next book.

  46. Enuff uh eating too many prunes
    Lay off the prunes yuh hear

  47. @ Enuff November 1, 2021 8:44 PM
    Whenever you are asked to put your money where your mouth is you retreat. You boldly declared me a liar and hand-to-mouth now running. It just proves that you’re all hot air. Ask David of BU if I hand-to-mout and is a liar… (Unquote)

    O.K. O.K., the miller apologizes for referring to you as “hand-to-mouth” instead of a plain politically unrepentant red-painted yardfowl.

    But you still remain a liar in the same league as your nemesis.
    And that, beyond a shadow of doubt, can be proven!

    Since you made the claim of being a highflying PR project manager why not prove to the BU family that you are indeed a man in charge of US$ billion projects?

    No one is interested in your outlandish claims of career embellishments; just a show of honesty and less sycophancy.

    Up to now you still argue about the legality of appointing a ‘second’ deputy of CoP without the need for Parliamentary approval even though the relevant Act has been amended subsequently to correct this gross oversight by your red administration which, in your blind eyes, can do no wrong either on earth or in heaven.

    Don’t you think Caswell Franklyn is entitled to an apology?
    What does that say about you with your intellectual oafishness?

    The miller has no intentions of making any bet with you unless it involves a game of pitching marbles with your bare butt and knuckles exposed on the Hyatt hotel casino table.
    Guess we will have to wait until the 12th of Never!

  48. I don’t know who you ANONYMOUS LIARS on BU beleive ya are, you who LIE EVERY DAMN DAY…..and only on one blog ya entire life, know nothing else and INCAPABLE of producing anything new…….because no one else will have ya with ya TWISTED, degraded MENTALITIES….

  49. i posted a new social forum to this blog….am sure only certain progressive minds would consider signing up….everyone KNOWS the ones WHO CAN’T…and just to prove my point…

  50. @ Miller November 2, 2021 9:29 AM

    The not-so-honourable senator does not deserve any apology. Like many other indigenous men, he is sabotaging the vaccination campaign, thus enforcing a new holocaust against the black masses.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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