A few months ago the blogmaster relented to a request from two post-grad students and shared a few insights. The result in the paper attached – CASE STUDY REPORTWhat are the motivating factors for news blogging? The Case of Barbados Underground.

Unfortunately the information sharing from Barbados Underground was not as free flowing as should have been ideal but the paper is a fair effort. The reason the blogmaster agreed to share – there is an urgent need for more bloggers to setup on platforms like WordPress to secure more control of the content and therefore be protected from the tentacles of the establishment. Posters to Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms are beginning to battle with interference from the publishers AND we know how easy it is to report a post on those platforms.

The blogmaster takes this opportunity to express deep appreciation to all contributors and commenters to Barbados Underground from the inception (est 2007).

See paper attached:

<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="https://barbadosunderground.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/case-study-report-motivating-factors-for-news-blogging.pdf&quot; type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="Embed of <br><strong>The case of Barbados Underground.
The case of Barbados Underground.

266 responses to “The Case of Barbados Underground”

  1. @ David
    Walter, who has returned to talk radio( Brasstacks), made a very positive statement regarding BU , on radio, two or so days ago. He actually said that BU should or could be made into a national voice.

  2. “there is an urgent need for more bloggers to setup on platforms like WordPress to secure more control of the content and therefore be protected from the tentacles of the establishment.”

    maybe more people will be more inclined when they see how mine is set up…BU does have it’s function, but we all have to evolve and branch off to reach everyone…and protect content..

  3. “maybe more people will be more inclined when they see how mine is set up”

    How can we see?
    I would have bought a book, but no title was given.

  4. David

    Weeeeeee will be forever grateful for your efforts. Weeeeeeeeee understand that yours is a lonely endeavor as slings and arrows are often aimed in your direction. This writer pleads guilty!

    However, and there must have been a however coming. Weeeeeee must admit that there will always be a problem with anybody referring to themselves as master of blog.

    For us that idea has never sat comfortably within circumstances where a cooperative effort by all and sundry has made BU what it has been and will be. For us this furthers the dictatorial impulses central to all the systems around us which this blog purports to find unacceptable, in the main.

    So whether it is you or William Skinner this internal contradiction makes this blog and His precisely like the very structures we purport to be resisting.

    Should weeereeeeeee avoid confronting this irrational distribution of power make us no different than the rest.

    We’ll have a substantive comment after a study of your attachment.

  5. @ Pacha
    “So whether it is you or William Skinner this internal contradiction makes this blog and His precisely like the very structures we purport to be resisting.”

    You need to substantiate what you’re saying , with at least some evidence , as far as the blog , with which I am associated is concerned.
    Please explain further. Thank you.

  6. Skinner

    Our argument is not new. You know full well that this has been enduring. You know full well the structures and behaviours of the two blogs concerned.

    Maybe, it’s better for you to tell us how can such fledgling blogs continue to believe that cooperative efforts are central but ownership and control must be dictatorial.

    Weeeeeeeeee recognize that this tactic about evidence is your go to response as a way of kicking things in the tall grass.

    But It is for you whit whom the burden of proof lies.. You bring the evidence, since yours is a place of dictatorial control, to prove us wrong.

  7. @Pacha

    Your opinion is noted. If Barbados Underground is a blog and the administrator is conferred the title of blogmaster…LOL

  8. @ Pacha
    We have nothing to prove. The Mahogany Coconut Blog is really dedicated to the realization of one Caribbean Nation.
    Anybody can submit articles . The blog has been out there for thirteen years. There is no dictatorial policy at all.
    However, we seriously did not expect you to bring any evidence of such because non exist.

  9. @ Pacha
    As far as BU is concerned, I personally have no opinions to offer. I have long accepted that BU is being developed as the owners see fit.
    The last time I ventured to get into that, I was told in no uncertain terms that if I didn’t like what was going on, I should look for another blog. I made the decision, that would be the last time I swam in such waters.

  10. Barbados Underground cannot be called the Underground anymore,
    2007-2021 is equal to 14 years of an insidious waste of time mind rot and myopic damage to your eyes
    which is clearly an unnatural way of life to live a life

  11. “maybe more people will be more inclined when they see how mine is set up”

    How can we see?
    I would have bought a book, but no title was given.”

    Theo…patience, i do present sometimes as ROBOTIC, but i assure you am not, and still finishing off three presentations, re website, book and magazine, it’s no easy journey, Blogmaster can tell us how easy it’s not and he only had the website to launch and maintain..

    however. per your request…


    may i remind both the government, their minority criminals and their little illegal hackers who believe that everyone is afraid of themthat i am not Angela Cole or Naked Departure and i will go after them if they believe am a target….they are yet to see me TRIPLE DOWN.

  12. Theo and others….feel free to let me know what you think.

  13. The only reason i removed the blog option from my website is because it’s too time consuming and I do have other ventures that demands more time. However. others a free to create various blogs to their specs.

  14. William Skinner

    This writer would be the first to agree that David is as dictatorial as can be. While pretending democratic leanings.

    What could be more democratic than living it right here, daily. We cite a recent posting and support for mandatory vaccination to show his dictatorial proclivities editorialized.

    But Skinns, we are also minded that you are, even while slightly less so, cut from the same cultural cloth as evidenced historically at your other place. LOL

    Even David’s way of saying “noted” is a prime example that as final arbiter foreign ideas will be duly located in file 13 – the garbage.

    As dictators the collective wisdom , insights, of bloggers are now the personal property of the masters of blogs. How much more dictatorial can one be?

  15. @Pacha

    Yet the comments remain visible for the www to view on demand? What fuzzy arguments are you up to today?

  16. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    We can’t speak for @David. However, we do not edit, withhold or hijack anybody’s articles at Mahogany Coconut. We own no property and there’s no hierarchical structure.
    We understand your position on avoiding unnecessary leadership structures . It is a position that Comrade Cumberbatch was very strong on, so we are very familiar with it.
    However, we all have a lot of work to do but it cannot be done undercover; it’s contradictory to call for transparency and accountability and then operate incognito.

  17. David

    Try this. One, you have sole control. And yes we know that everything on the web is copied daily by those whose job it is to store it in massive farms.

    Two, as chief editors and bottle washers the masters of blogs overwhelming determine what are the preferred areas of discussion. Skinner has admitted his editorial bias earlier.

    The problem with your dictatorship is that blogging is replacing the oral tradition which researchers have long relied upon to reconstruct histories.

    Your dictatorial thumb on the scales of history 100 years from now will serve to misinform interpretations.

    Whether all ideas can contend or not is a very different issue than ownership and control.

  18. “Theo and others….feel free to let me know what you think.”

    Not sure if I was invited to do a book review

    they say you can’t judge a book by it’s cover

    but my intuitive review based on prior online exchanges with author

    An explosive deconstruction of Power Politics in Barbados set for an untimely release prior to breaking away

    but is nice to see a face behind the anonymous posts

    best of luck with your side hustle hope you don’t step on too many big toes

  19. William Skinner

    Wow! Yuh try tuh bun down muh barley field twice. LOL

    Firstly, this writer has publicly admitted that the Great John Cumberbatch was a mentor. That efforts are made to live up to what he would have expected.

    Secondly, not all soldiers must form the cadres at the front. For there are multiple battles to be waged at the same time.

    If the Great John Cumberbatch taught us anything it was to find our own critical minds and fight on those terms. Therefore your perception of what is right and wrong might not necessarily be ours, like “progressives”, and sometimes dictators, are want to presume.

    Now that is John 3:16. Do we hear an AmonRa!

  20. “Not sure if I was invited to do a book review”

    i did say others…and aim to please…

    if that is how they are going to feel about it…they better start buying up..bandages…they sell them for toes too…..small island, small toes..

  21. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    Ours was not a question of right or wrong; we simply expressed a preference. Now, why would we want to burn down the same barley field that we are all depending on for sustenance my Comrade.
    BTW, how are we going to raise @David without some good old fashioned barley. Lol.

  22. @Pacha

    You getting fuzzier.

  23. @David et al.

    Personally, I can only compliment you on the efforts behind, and the results that are, Barbados Underground. You are not beholden to advertisers, nor appear to be affiliated with any extreme position. A rarity in this day and age.

    There is a lot of noise here. But, sometimes, there’s /some/ signal that manages to get through.

    Well done, Sir!

  24. David
    How so

  25. David
    We see you have the support of a fellow traveler. A conservator of the realm

  26. Anything which questions Halsall”s views is noise
    Don’t keep nuh noise another massa cometh.

  27. So what has BU done since its inception to help improve the ordinary life of the Bajan
    The blog is saturated with yardfowl politics
    When differing point of views are place on the table the Blogmaster steps in throws his iron fist on the table and loudly bellows ” This must stop”
    Been around here long enough to know of what I speak

  28. @Pachamama: “Anything which questions Halsall”s views is noise

    You clearly misunderstand me sir.

    I welcome serious questions. It’s how we get to the truth.

    Scientific Method. Perhaps you’ve heard of it.

  29. What a simpleton.
    What truth?
    Whose truth?

    For a White man to presuppose that there is a singular truth reminds us of a sordid past.

  30. @Pach: “For a White man to presuppose that there is a singular truth reminds us of a sordid past.

    I understand there is some energy there, This results in you and others yelling at the “fourth wall” (or whoever will listen).

    ROK and I talked about this a lot. Disagreed about just about everything, and then formed a cohesive team to argue at the various FTC Hearings.

    I sincerely miss ROK. He would have already had teams in place. The man died at his desk.

  31. Are there not energies, yelling, for the erection of more of the same walls which you seem never to be ill at ease with.

    You are well adjusted to injustice. And if you are again signalling that your dearly departed friend, ROK, was of popular hue we’re not buying.

    These matters have nothing to do with a rate hearing whose outcome is predetermined. Let’s look past that. Or are these your sole basis for diving into arcane notions to establish a sense of self importance.

  32. @Pach: “Let’s look past that.

    Let’s. Please!

    What (exactly) do you want?

    Like, seriously… Please define exactly what you seek. We can then work with that knowledge to determine if any of it is possible.

    I hope that makes sense. Please acknowledge receipt of this message.

  33. Is this an intervention now?

    Seems to us that you have no ability to focus on anything for any length of time.

    Or do you presume that somebody like you hold insights no one else has.

    This is a blog. Not a forum for your misplaced, misdirected condescension.

    The total destruction of people like you. That’s your answer. Await notions of it’s impossibly.

    You are getting boring!

  34. With “condescension” – that is precisely how Christopher Halsall first entered my space over a year ago.

    Man, it oozed out of every pore!

    Idiot thought it his place to tell me how I should view the attitude of the Royal Barbados Police Force.

    In a country which seeks to police only black people.

  35. @Chris

    Thanks for your support offer the years. The blogmaster also is sorry ROK has passed on. They dont make civic minded citizens like him these days.

  36. David

    So the battle lines are well defined.
    Is this Chris the only belligerent who has given support.

  37. @Pacha

    Playing the role of provocateur fits you well.

  38. @Donna: “Idiot thought it his place to tell me how I should view the attitude of the Royal Barbados Police Force.

    I thought we had come to terms between us. Clearly not.

    BTW, my asking you if you had stopped beating your husband was a joke! It’s a standard technique using by those who wish to get to the truth; I assumed you would understand this. And yet, years later, you’re still taking offense.

    Donna… Seriously… What, exactly, do I have to do to prove to you that I’m actually on your side?

  39. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    Black people talking it’s : emotionalism, chips on shoulder ; living in the past; promoting racism; lazy don’t want to do anything for ourselves…………..
    White people talking: they are just expressing themselves

    The struggle is far from over

  40. David

    Not “no” provocateur. Yours is escapism because our argument is that you are a proven dictator pretending to be a democrat.

  41. Noted Pacha.

  42. Skinner

    Yes, yes!

    The language his ilk uses is pregnant with meanings for the discerning.

  43. @David: “The blogmaster also is sorry ROK has passed on. They dont make civic minded citizens like him these days.

    No. They don’t. Everyone is too busy to step foward. People talk, but few actually work.

    ROK always stepped forward. Knowing he would have very competent support behind him.

  44. Which god?
    Not a lesser god?
    Is there even a god, some will posit?
    Has history not adequately shown these trite memes to be pure propaganda, nonsense, bullshite.
    Certainly, the Hindus don’t make such irrational claims. They, like Whitey, have they racism built in.
    All of you MLKs could continue to wax lyrical about foolishness until the “final solution”

  45. Who is Mike Jones?

    Still tippin’ on fo’ fo’s wrapped in fo’ vogues
    Tippin’ on fo’ fo’s wrapped in fo’ vogues
    Tippin’ on fo’ fo’s wrapped in fo’ vogues
    Pimpin’ fo’ hoes and I’m packin’ fo’ fo’s
    Still tippin’ on four fours wrapped in fo’ vogues
    Tippin’ on fo’ fo’s wrapped in fo’ vogues
    Tippin’ on fo’ fo’s wrapped in fo’ vogues
    Pimpin’ fo’ hoes and I’m packin’ fo’ fo’s

    Now look who creepin’, look who crawlin’ still ballin’ in the mix


  46. Thug Life Throwbacks

  47. One of the places on earth I would never spend my money is in the filthy, poverty-stricken, racist dominican republic….bunch of ignorant evil subhumans. I always say the island want wiping off the map..

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