Submitted by Grenville Phillips II

For the second time in my lifetime, masses of Cuban people publicly protested against the Government – in Cuba.  The first time in 1994, protestors called for the freedom to leave Cuba.  Castro allowed them.  This time, they are calling for freedom from dictatorship.  The Cuban Government’s response was disturbingly violent.

The demonstrations have been blamed on the US trade embargo.  This is likely true.  I join with the member countries of the United Nations, in supporting the end of the US trade embargo against Cuba.

The question is, whose responsibility is it to end the embargo?  To answer that question, it is important to understand why the US trade embargo was imposed.


During World War 2, Fulgencio Batista was the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944.  He established a constitution that guaranteed the right to private property, which resulted in massive US investment.

In 1952, Batista led a military coup when he realised that he would not likely get re-elected.  He became a US-supported dictator who led a corrupt and unpopular administration.  He also repealed the 1940 Constitution.

Castro revolted against Batista in 1953, supporting the peoples’ will to restore the 1940 Constitution.  The revolt lasted about six years.  In 1959, the popular Castro became the leader of Cuba – which by that time had approximately US$1B of US investments.


Castro replaced the Constitution with the Fundamental Law.  Article 24 of this Law prevented the general confiscation of private property.  Where the state had to take specific properties, it required the property owners to receive prior cash payments in compensation.  US investors were confident enough to invest a further US$63M in Castro-led Cuba in 1959.

In 1960, Castro essentially: confiscated the properties of US citizens, refused to compensate them, and amended the Fundamental Law to make the theft legal – in Cuba.


The US citizens, whose property was confiscated, appealed to their political representatives in the US Congress.  In response, a complete trade embargo was imposed on Cuba in 1961.  The trade embargo, despite being amended several times, remains active to this day.

Relevant questions follow.  Should the trade embargo end without any compensation paid to the confiscated properties’ owners?  Should countries be encouraged, by not attracting consequences, to confiscate the private property of individuals and businesses without compensation?  Is confiscating private property without any compensation fair, morally right, and just?


The US Congress is unlikely to end the trade embargo, unless Cuba compensates the US investors.  Cuba’s ill-advised actions started the US trade embargo.  An opposite action may end it.

Cuba should consider compensating the US property owners.  The amount has already been quantified – a present value of approximately US$9B.  The Cuban economy (Gross Domestic Product) is approximately $100B.  Therefore, Cuba can pay the amount in full, or negotiate easily affordable instalments, but the proverbial ‘ball’ is entirely in Cuba’s court.


Studying history allows an informed presentation of options in many situations, and an analysis of likely consequences.  The Cuban Government’s unnecessarily violent response to the demonstrations, has opened the door to the option of a US military response.

US military intervention was not previously an option in Cuba, because it required the violent repression of mass protests by Cubans in Cuba against their Government.  The mass protests started in Cuba on 11 July 2021.  Following the violent repression, the protestors in Cuba passed the baton to protestors in the US, who have already marched on Washington.  US President Biden has responded by declaring Cuba a failed state.


The Cuban authorities should remember that the Libyan government’s violent response to protestors, opened the door for US President Obama to intervene in Libya.

Cuba should also be aware that it took the US less than one week of planning to liberate Grenada in 1983.  This was six days after there were mass-protests against the Government, and the repressive reaction of the military.  The main persons surprised at the swiftness of the intervention, were those advocating that the mass-murder of Grenadian protestors be treated as an internal matter.


Whenever there is a violent Government response to public demonstrators, the leaders of some countries pledge their support for the oppressors, rather than the oppressed.  While this is concerning, it briefly removes the public-relations mask, so that the public can assess what they would do if they had absolute power.

The US may not let this one-in-a-61-year opportunity go to waste.  If the Cuban government wants to claim the moral high-ground, ir should pay the US investors for confiscating their property immediately – otherwise, they risk bringing a swift end to their revolution.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at

282 responses to “Viva La Revolucion”

  1. Wishing everyone a great day.

    Have a great day Barbados

  2. There is no racism in Cuba.

    Comrade Fidel ‘s affirmed “La Revolucion” eliminated it.

    All are equal.

  3. Maybe you could relocate there and enjoy its absence.

  4. Jackass Johnnie,

    Racism is everywhere. As I said before, no perfect place on earth, especially for black people.

    But here is as good a place as any.

  5. Not in Cuba.

    If it were so Comrade Fidel would have said so.

    Everybody is equal.

  6. Both Barbados and Cuba have the absolutely worse types of racism…that’s why Mia is not to spread that nasty shit that they are so WELL TRAINED IN to the continent into unsuspecting African lives…

  7. The problem for people on the island, they may NEVER come to terms with the FACT that for the last 60 YEARS, they have been merely an EXPERIMENT…as many have been warning on BU FOR YEARS…..but people don’t pay attention and definitely don’t heed warnings, they just type and post shite…compliant and pliable.

  8. Spain’s experiments, including the enslavement of Africans started at least 100 years before UK, just like Portugal, they have had a headstart of over a century….all the information is availbale.


    Life after
    The Donald

    MKKKGA Making Ku Klux Klan Great Again
    As the Grand master of KKK Donald J Trump has been banned from social media for being anti-social the 2 Trump Lovers and Bum Chums John and GP could contact the Don and tell him to post on the Barbados Underground David would make a fortune

    F.E.A.R. False Evidence Appearing Real
    The first movie ever made was called the Birth of a Nation detailing the birth of the Ku Klux Klan when America was proud of it’s racism spreading like white supremacy slavery colonialism genocide and was used to recruit people for the Ku Klux Klan. Black faced white actors played negroes as rapists and murderers and the movie had a glowing review from 28th PotUS Woodrow Wilson.
    In February 1915, upon viewing The Birth of a Nation at a special White House screening, President Woodrow Wilson reportedly remarked, “It’s like writing history with lightning. My only regret is that it is all so terribly true.”

  10. Prior to the collapse of St. Domingue, Spain was never interested in sugar or turning a profit from anything agricultural.

    Compared to Portugal it took far fewer slaves from Africa.

    It had the gold of the Aztecs and Incas.

    What slaves it took from Africa ended up in Potosi, extracting silver.

    That was all that mattered for Spain, gold, silver and riches. When they were used up, Spain’s empire shrunk.

    Agriculture was for food.

    Cuba was the hub where the treasure fleets assembled from Peru and Mexico to sail to Spain centuries before it produced sugar on any significant scale.

    Spain invested heavily in Cuba’s defense.

    England concentrated on trade and settlement and the driving force was religious persecution and the need to make a new life. England’s empire grew.

    Kind of like the Cubans and persecution of Castro and the communists.

    The Cubans who picked up and left at the time of Castro did extremely well in the USA and contributed to the flourishing economy they found.

    The Puritans and Quakers found nothing when they arrived and had to build an economy based on trade through the islands of the lesser Antilles with America which fed on the creation of new wealth and the inventiveness of people.

  11. Spain did not need African slaves when it first reached the New World.

    It got all the slave labour it wanted from the people it found.

    Read your history!!

  12. That is probably why the census data shows Cuba to be minority black.

    Slaves from Africa only start to become more numerous after 1800 so not much mixing for the 300 years prior.

  13. Er…..Steupse!

  14. Your average Cuban will have ancestral links to Cuba that predate Columbus.

  15. … which is more reason for Comrade Ralph to intervene and seek reparations for the Cubans who were forced to flee the Cuban holocaust or lost family members in it.

  16. @ John July 24, 2021 12:05 PM
    Spain did not need African slaves when it first reached the New World.

    It got all the slave labour it wanted from the people it found.

    Read your history!! (Unquote).

    @ John July 24, 2021 12:22 PM
    That is probably why the census data shows Cuba to be minority black.

    Slaves from Africa only start to become more numerous after 1800 so not much mixing for the 300 years prior. (Unquote).

    You have left us more than a ‘bit’ confused over the gist of your argument(s).
    Aren’t you the one who really has to [re]read New World history”?

    Isn’t it ‘an’ historical fact that Cuba (like Santo Domingo) was a major destination of African slaves to the New World, and indeed the Greater Antilles, going back to the 16th Century?

    If all the early slave labour was ‘exploited’ from Cuba’s indigenous peoples; that is, the Tainos aka Arawaks, why would Spain sully its holy Roman Catholic hands by engaging in such Satan-inspired activity as the Trans-Atlantic slave trade after the god-fearing British themselves had stopped such an awfully unchristian act of inhumanity as a direct result of the over 200 years of opposition by your favourite society of friends called the Quakers who themselves were major slave owners?

    Why would the Spanish plantation owners go all the way to Africa during the 19th Century when they could have simply looked across the southern Caribbean sea and take all they wanted from Barbados and the other small Islands where there were excesses of very cheap labour and sugar production was the most unprofitable business or channel of trade in your estimation?

    Why not tell us, Dear Quaker John, why is there such a high percentage of people who are described as of ‘Mixed Racial’ Heritage in Cuba? Who raped and sexuality exploited whom?

    Who, then, are most deserving of your brand of Reparations?

    The Florida-bound ship-laden mainly poor-white burnt-skin refugees you describe as victims of Castro’s holocaust with less than 100 sea miles to cross over to paradise or the descendants of those surviving ‘chained’ captives who were packed like sardines on sail boats for weeks on end to cross the dangerous Atlantic Ocean from West Africa involving thousands of nautical miles?

  17. The correct answer is – STEUPSE!

  18. British Slavers and Colonialists started and all white supremacy racist crap in their colonies

    Spanish and French used to interbreed with the negroes much more

    John makes up shit instead of speaking truths of history as he is a cunt

  19. walk with John the cunt then you will be GP a cunt hole..

    walk with the fool
    then you will be cooler

    walk with the wise
    then you will be wiser

    walk with the proud
    then you shall be scornful

    walk with the meek
    and you shall inherit this earth

    so wipe your weeping eyes

  20. you got to wipe your weeping eyes
    and consider your ways

  21. MillerJuly 24, 2021 3:01 PM

    @ John July 24, 2021 12:05 PM

    Isn’t it ‘an’ historical fact that Cuba (like Santo Domingo) was a major destination of African slaves to the New World, and indeed the Greater Antilles, going back to the 16th Century?


    This is rubbish and makes no Geographical sense.

    First of all, Spain was not a major user of African slave labour.

    The vast majority of African slaves ended up in Brazil.

    It would make no sense taking them first to Havana and Santo Domingo and then on the Brazil.

    Go and look at a World Atlas and read up on the Atlantic Gyres.

    No way in the days of sail would a ship travel first to Havana and Santo Domingo and then to Brazil.

  22. If you look at the video you should be able to understand why Trade was the major plank of the economy in Barbados in the days of sail.

    Also tells you why trade grew with time and was not capped as sugar capacity was at a low level.

  23. john

  24. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Miller…you really feel to engage idiot John, Portugal and Spain had a robust trade ongoing for 4 generations before the enslaved entered US and before UK entered Africa, they were running around kidnapping Africans long before that..of course there were always Africans in the Americas…they lied about that..

  25. How much exercise did John and GP do today
    none zip zero nada nothing

    John made up some of his upside down twisted fantasy like a nazi false christian white supremacist racist history revisionist tripe

    GP went fishing for some rubbish about Biden who licked and fucked Trump like a cunt and gave him pain and became the PotUS in a legal stylee officially

  26. when it come to right wing poo john and gp are ooligans

    only the extremists are still infatuated with trump tits

  27. WURA-War-on-UJuly 24, 2021 6:13 PM

    Miller…you really feel to engage idiot John, Portugal and Spain had a robust trade ongoing for 4 generations before the enslaved entered US and before UK entered Africa, they were running around kidnapping Africans long before that..of course there were always Africans in the Americas…they lied about that..


    The first large scale slave trading the Portuguese did was short circuiting the Trans Saharan Route for their Muslim employers delivering their consignment of slaves from sub Saharan Africa, via the Mediterranean, to ports in North Africa.

    In time, they would purchase their cargo for shipment to the New World as well from the same chiefs who had been in the business for years.

  28. @ John July 24, 2021 12:05 PM
    This is rubbish and makes no Geographical sense.

    First of all, Spain was not a major user of African slave labour. (Unquote).

    But, according to you, Spain was a major user of African slaves in the 19th Century after Britain abolished her trade in African slaves.

    So how did Africans get to the Central and South America lands (other than the Olmecs) after Spain conquered them ‘vi-et-armis’ and European-exported diseases like syphilis and the plague?

    Using the same “Atlantic Gyres” hypothesis did it make geographical sense to ‘transport’ enslaved Africans to North America 100 miles away from Cuba?

    Why did Africans find themselves transported to places like Argentina or even Mexico?

    Did it make similar “geographical sense” when the Puritans and your Quaker settlers brought African slaves to the southern colonies of the growing (dis)united States of America when they could have easily enslaved the native/indigenous people of North America?

    BTW, Brazil was colonized by Portugal and not Spain.
    Barbados was once a Portuguese outpost for collecting ‘fresh’ water and meat from ‘imported’ wild pigs.

    It was turned into a tobacco and sugarcane producing outcrop by the Portuguese Jews looking to make money from the very African slave trade; hence the name Os barbudos or its original Spanish equivalent los barbudos.

    Any trade which made Barbados a name on the maritime map had its raison d’être in the Atlantic Triangle trade with African slaves at its core.

    No African slaves, no economic prosperity for the English penal colony called Barbadoes.

  29. I don’t suppose John will be interested in this.

    My go to whenever I need a hearty laugh. It never gets old.

    And there’s plenty more where that came from.


  30. De Miller too hard ears doah!

    The correct answer is – STEUPSE!

  31. Asshole Nathan Green gone, Rasshole Grenville Phillips gone.

    All two shit dispensers disappearing in a hurry, with their tails between their legs…

    and Miller is still here trying to flush Jackass Johnnie’s stinking shit.

    Why do you bother??? Nobody is swallowing it anyhow.

  32. “Asshole Nathan Green gone, Rasshole Grenville Phillips gone.

    All two shit dispensers disappearing in a hurry, with their tails between their legs…”

    we get it

    the right wing trash want to trash talk cuba / socialism / communism

    and then think they have license to talk white trash talk like conservative republicans populism

    but nobody cares to talk about defending cuba / socialism / communism or get involved in american white trash talk

    the fun they got over trump is done and he is history discarded in the trash bin of world culture

    a blip and a blot and a stain in the bigger scheme of things in life

  33. “Any trade which made Barbados a name on the maritime map had its raison d’être in the Atlantic Triangle trade with African slaves at its core.”

    global trade capitalism came from industrialisation of the african slave trade by british and slave trade triangle led to them building their empire that spanned the world, these were initial steps to vast ill gotten profits and world domination

    world territories were divided into regions carved and hacked up on maps as per legacies of the languages english spanish french etc
    used across continents

    germans were starving and africa was fully taken so hitler invaded poland targeting whites instead of non-whites which kicked of world war

  34. MillerJuly 24, 2021 8:11 PM

    Using the same “Atlantic Gyres” hypothesis did it make geographical sense to ‘transport’ enslaved Africans to North America 100 miles away from Cuba?


    You ever heard about the Gulfstream?

    … and no prizes for guessing why the TRADE winds were called the TRADE winds!!

    I figured the Gyre word would throw you a curve.

    The problem you have is you do not understand how beneficial ocean currents and wind directions were in the days of sail otherwise you would not be asking these questions.

    Donna is trying to tell you that you are only getting yourself beat up.

  35. 555dubstreetJuly 24, 2021 10:49 PM

    “Any trade which made Barbados a name on the maritime map had its raison d’être in the Atlantic Triangle trade with African slaves at its core.”


    So why was there trade after the Slave Trade was abolished in 1807?

    Trade happened irrespective of slaves.

    Slaves were one more commodity that also happened to fit in well to the Trade route.

    But the market, the whole raison d’être of the trade was in America in the 17th and first half of the 18th centuries, then there was India and later Australia.

    As I’ve pointed out more about twice as many Cubans were forced to flee Castro in a few decades when compared with the total number of slaves transported to America between 1619 and 1808 when America followed Britain and abolished the slave trade.

    Some breaches of the law did occur after 1808 as from 1795 to the Civil War the South needed slaves.

    Still, that was a small number when compared with the 12 or so million taken out of Africa over the centuries when the slave trade existed.

    More than half of the 12 million or so slaves ended up in Brazil over those centuries.

    The Dutch in Suriname probably accounted for a sizeable number because Suriname, like Brazil is a sizeable country.

    The French in St. Domingue, Cayenne and to a lesser extent Martinique and Guadeloupe were other major consumers.

    When England ended slavery in 1833/4, it freed about 800,000 slaves in all of its colonial dependencies a small number by comparison.

    The British Maritime economy did not depend on slaves but Trade and way stations like Barbados which facilitated trade.

    I’ll put up a couple of pretty pictures to explain the point.

    Remember, the Brits did not only operate in the Atlantic but also in the Indian and Pacific Oceans,

    The Slave Trade was a minor part of their maritime economy.

    Look at the pretty pictures and you will see.

    The Dutch had far more trade in slaves between Africa and South America using the South Atlantic Gyre.

    The Dutch also supplied Brazil.

  36. A picture is worth a thousand words.

    Here are not one but two!!

  37. Britain’s maritime economy was way too diverse to claim it depended on slaves.

    Such a claim belies the ability of the claimant to comprehend just how large Britain’s maritime economy became ….

    … and why Nelson’s victories were so important to Britain and its colonies, Barbados included!!!

  38. Brazil received numbers of slaves that were orders of magnitude (x10) larger than the numbers America received.

    America is light years ahead of Brazil.

    Clearly slavery did not do it otherwise Brazil would be way ahead of America.

    Slavery was never the economic force it was made out to be.

    Can anyone figure out why and what was the driving force that separates America and Brazil?

    No prizes just want to see if my understanding can be challenged.

  39. The day when your stinking self could speak for Donna would be the same day that pigs grow wings and fly! YOU AND I DON’T SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE!

    SO… Donna is trying to tell him that by even entertaining your “alternative facts” he lends you more credibility than you deserve. He should find better things to do than answer you because nobody is listening to you until the Kraken comes.

    Until such time, the answer you deserve is one big dismissive –


    Or some putrid puerile poetry when I’m bored.

  40. “So why was there trade after the Slave Trade was abolished in 1807?

    Trade happened irrespective of slaves.”

    Your logic is well short bent biased
    your thinking and hypotheses are deluded
    you crave attention talking nonsense

    your initial premise is wrong from the get go so there is no point listening any further
    14,000,000 imported african slaves were bred to make a working slave population hence the trade was no longer needed

  41. @Rabbit
    “It got all the slave labour it wanted from the people it found.”

    What makes you dangerous is that you engage in half lies.

    Your history omits Las Casas. This would destroy your major hypothesis.

    In your reply don’t try to minimize the role of Las Casas or point out his location in the West Indies. He had the ear of the crown.

  42. Caribbean Islands were the holding depots for the underclass of black African slave workers

    they were shipped around the world but the in other colonies they were deliberately kept as minorities and segregated from whites

    When the Empire expanded Locals were subjugated to work under the Brits.

    Indians were also shipped around the world as indentured workers in British colonies

    British and Whites never built anything the underclass of slaves and indentured workers and prisoners did the work and died for their efforts. Whites in their pith helmets whipped them to ensure they did not stop.

  43. “Answer
    your initial premise is wrong from the get go so there is no point listening any further
    14,000,000 imported african slaves were bred to make a working slave population hence the trade was no longer needed”

    Great answer
    You could have also added that agricultural products and other raw material still had to move across the ocean.

    The horrible movement of slaves from Africa to the Americas was just one part of a vicious triangle (a three sided figure). Minerals, rum, sugar, and other raw material still had to be taken back to Europe.

    In case the concept is too hard to grasp.. think of it this way… Though Covid-19 slowed down the movement of people, goods were still travelling the seas and the air as all trade did not stop.

  44. That was a really long STEUPSE!

  45. And here I am trying NOT to go to the supermarket!

    Life does not require supermarkets really.

  46. John is a danger only to those who don’t know where he is coming from.

    He has only one agenda, and it spells no good for black people.

  47. Worth a listen!!

  48. TheOGazertsJuly 25, 2021 10:08 AM

    “It got all the slave labour it wanted from the people it found.”

    What makes you dangerous is that you engage in half lies.

    Your history omits Las Casas. This would destroy your major hypothesis.

    In your reply don’t try to minimize the role of Las Casas or point out his location in the West Indies. He had the ear of the crown.


    The Spanish Maritime Economy came to be based on Potosi in Bolivia.

    If you look at a school Atlas, you will see that Bolivia is quite a ways from Hispaniola and Las Casas!!

    You need to get past the West Indies and understand that like the British Maritime Economy the Spanish Maritime Economy was HUGE in its day … until the silver ran out!!

    The silver mines of Potosi even fed the Chinese Economy across the Pacific.

    So you will see the “Manila Galleons” using the Pacific Ocean Gyre from the time it was discovered by the Spanish in the 1500’s.

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