Submitted by Grenville Phillips II

For the second time in my lifetime, masses of Cuban people publicly protested against the Government – in Cuba.  The first time in 1994, protestors called for the freedom to leave Cuba.  Castro allowed them.  This time, they are calling for freedom from dictatorship.  The Cuban Government’s response was disturbingly violent.

The demonstrations have been blamed on the US trade embargo.  This is likely true.  I join with the member countries of the United Nations, in supporting the end of the US trade embargo against Cuba.

The question is, whose responsibility is it to end the embargo?  To answer that question, it is important to understand why the US trade embargo was imposed.


During World War 2, Fulgencio Batista was the elected president of Cuba from 1940 to 1944.  He established a constitution that guaranteed the right to private property, which resulted in massive US investment.

In 1952, Batista led a military coup when he realised that he would not likely get re-elected.  He became a US-supported dictator who led a corrupt and unpopular administration.  He also repealed the 1940 Constitution.

Castro revolted against Batista in 1953, supporting the peoples’ will to restore the 1940 Constitution.  The revolt lasted about six years.  In 1959, the popular Castro became the leader of Cuba – which by that time had approximately US$1B of US investments.


Castro replaced the Constitution with the Fundamental Law.  Article 24 of this Law prevented the general confiscation of private property.  Where the state had to take specific properties, it required the property owners to receive prior cash payments in compensation.  US investors were confident enough to invest a further US$63M in Castro-led Cuba in 1959.

In 1960, Castro essentially: confiscated the properties of US citizens, refused to compensate them, and amended the Fundamental Law to make the theft legal – in Cuba.


The US citizens, whose property was confiscated, appealed to their political representatives in the US Congress.  In response, a complete trade embargo was imposed on Cuba in 1961.  The trade embargo, despite being amended several times, remains active to this day.

Relevant questions follow.  Should the trade embargo end without any compensation paid to the confiscated properties’ owners?  Should countries be encouraged, by not attracting consequences, to confiscate the private property of individuals and businesses without compensation?  Is confiscating private property without any compensation fair, morally right, and just?


The US Congress is unlikely to end the trade embargo, unless Cuba compensates the US investors.  Cuba’s ill-advised actions started the US trade embargo.  An opposite action may end it.

Cuba should consider compensating the US property owners.  The amount has already been quantified – a present value of approximately US$9B.  The Cuban economy (Gross Domestic Product) is approximately $100B.  Therefore, Cuba can pay the amount in full, or negotiate easily affordable instalments, but the proverbial ‘ball’ is entirely in Cuba’s court.


Studying history allows an informed presentation of options in many situations, and an analysis of likely consequences.  The Cuban Government’s unnecessarily violent response to the demonstrations, has opened the door to the option of a US military response.

US military intervention was not previously an option in Cuba, because it required the violent repression of mass protests by Cubans in Cuba against their Government.  The mass protests started in Cuba on 11 July 2021.  Following the violent repression, the protestors in Cuba passed the baton to protestors in the US, who have already marched on Washington.  US President Biden has responded by declaring Cuba a failed state.


The Cuban authorities should remember that the Libyan government’s violent response to protestors, opened the door for US President Obama to intervene in Libya.

Cuba should also be aware that it took the US less than one week of planning to liberate Grenada in 1983.  This was six days after there were mass-protests against the Government, and the repressive reaction of the military.  The main persons surprised at the swiftness of the intervention, were those advocating that the mass-murder of Grenadian protestors be treated as an internal matter.


Whenever there is a violent Government response to public demonstrators, the leaders of some countries pledge their support for the oppressors, rather than the oppressed.  While this is concerning, it briefly removes the public-relations mask, so that the public can assess what they would do if they had absolute power.

The US may not let this one-in-a-61-year opportunity go to waste.  If the Cuban government wants to claim the moral high-ground, ir should pay the US investors for confiscating their property immediately – otherwise, they risk bringing a swift end to their revolution.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer. He can be reached at

282 responses to “Viva La Revolucion”

  1. Grenville

    You know nothing about Cuba, before, during or after Fidel Castro.

    This simplistic frame which regurgitates the propaganda of the West about Cuba as inspired by their zeal to make it again a servant of empire with the Mafia bringing what you called high foreign investment along with rampant prostitution and gambling..

    This same argument is always used to dominate countries using the trick of what you call foreign investments to transform the economic culture has been tried and has not worked in Barbados, Iraq, Afghanistan nor anywhere else. Indeed the reversed is alway true, disinvestment, negative capital flows..

    The truth is that like Haiti, Iran, China, Russia and other countries America or the Western christian capitalists, the Atlanticist forces you represent have an ideological problem with anybody challenging corporate capitalism moreso at a time when they themselves recognize it can go no further.

    The dearth of your understanding of Cuba would require a much more sophisticated approach to correct than that of an arrogant or truant eleven plus school boy.

  2. Recently we’ve had unending protests in the United States and Grenville didn’t have a word to say. So too all the major Western capitals and not one word from Grenville.

    We’ve had America’s shameful admission that it is tucking its tail and running from Afghanistan after 20 years, and not a word from Grenville.

    Grenville’s could have only been motivated to demonstrate his absence of awareness about all the critical forces at play by his christian capitalist zeal to further dominate the people of Cuba.

    Like his father, Grenville has always been the staunchest conservator of elitism which Cuba tried to uproot, and rightly.


    “The US Congress is unlikely to end the trade embargo, unless Cuba compensates the US investors. Cuba’s ill-advised actions started the US trade embargo. An opposite action may end it.

    Cuba should consider compensating the US property owners. ”

    Oh Grenville, please, you are better than this. Should Barbados compensate the Drax boy to take possession of Drax Hall.

    Haiti recently completed compensation payments to France for becoming a republic. It set them back by over a century.

    If a regional Caribbean leader encouraged the down trodden Barbadian black masses to agitate towards a revolution, Grenville would be the first person to protest. Grenville you need to look closer at home before offering your analysis on Cuba. Our problems are infinitely worse than Cuba’s.

  4. Oh dear! He could not escape the attack dog two articles in a row.

    When it comes to swallowing the white man’s shite, Grenville Phillip’s II licks the platter clean.

    No wonder he wanted to keep racist Nelson and the slave queen.

    Likes Donald Trump too!

    Probably thinks Columbus discovered the “New World” too.

    Maybe he too thinks that the slaves were migrant labour who lived in perfect harmony with the slave master while making them no money in the sugar cane fields.

    When you are in agreement with John the Vile you are in crazy territory!

    P.S. No response as yet from the hoteliers. They are probably ignoring you because they know the shite you write in other areas is now so well known that it has damaged your engineering credibility among Barbadians.

    So… you could be telling the truth about the greedy CAPITALISTS this time….. but people think you are crazy.

  5. @Pacha

    The silence by world media about what has transpired in Afghanistan is bewildering.

  6. “The Cuban authorities should remember that the Libyan government’s violent response to protestors, opened the door for US President Obama to intervene in Libya.”

    Libyan War was Cameron’s Baby

    When UK begged USA for support. USA said they would lend their Bombs Planes Drones WMDs for one week free of charge.

    Libya used mercenaries from Africa, which is the New MO for New World Order Wars by Warmongers Whoremongers

    Let us Prey and Pray and watch pseudo Christianity Die

    Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

  7. 555

    Grenville has such a twisted since of reality that he would not know that it was precisely because Libya was highly successful economically and culturally that the Western powers destroyed it.

    That the Great Maurimar Ghadaffi sic started to erect a gold based financial system for all Africa was a second reason why he had to be brutally murdered in broad daylight. That son of a bitch Grenville never shedded a single tear but like his masters Obama, the French president, the British prime minister, Merkel and the rest murdered a head of state. Grenville sees these crimes as unavoidable. That is way this writer has arrived at the unalterable conclusion that it is a rightness to murder people who think like Grenville the same way his ilk have murdered people thinking like this writer does.

  8. DonnaJuly 21, 2021 3:13 AM

    No wonder he wanted to keep racist Nelson


    Trade was the key to the economies of the islands of the lesser Antilles.

    Nelson’s contribution to history is the effect he had on Trade.

    He had no interest in slavery or sugar on a 166 sq mile speck, his focus was on the extent of the High Seas and the various specks survived because of his contribution.

    Only a bunch of dummies and historical illiterates would waste time and resources moving Nelson for the monkey reasons given.

  9. David

    The American turned off the lights at some military bases and left in the middle of the night without informing their local allies. Acts being called facetiously as the great escape.

    David, Afghanistan has been the burial ground for several empires. The Russians, Alexander The Barbarian, the Persians etc and now the Americans. Maybe this imperial decline with defeat in Afghanistan is apocryphal. And like all dying empires they like America cannot help losing hot wars and hybrid warfare. Indeed, America has not won a war for over 100 years.

    When we add the recent defeats in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Ukraine and elsewhere Grenville a n d his christian capitalist friends in t h e West are seeking a victory in Cuba to buoy their PR lies.

    These warfarisms must come to the likes of Grenville’s doorsteps.

  10. “Grenville has such a twisted since of reality that he would not know that it was precisely because Libya was highly successful economically and culturally that the Western powers destroyed it.”

    Gaddafi was the richest man in the world and wanted an African Union which is the white devils biggest nightmare

    The Trail of the Octopus tells the tale of 2 CIA agents who were about to blow the whistle on USA drugs for guns Iran Contra but PA103 got blown up and was an inside job

  11. @Pacha

    Agree with you. The reasons offered by the US for occupying the region has not been satisfied and the blackballed Taliban is reporting to be surging once again . Who can whole this so-called super power accountable?

  12. There is no accountability for them but the imperial death now certain.

  13. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Grenville
    You could have at least thanked the Cuban government for the medical staff it dispatched to us and others during COVID; affording poor Barbadians and others the opportunity to study medicine; and the free cataract examinations and surgeries given to poor Bajans.
    Then do a little analysis of where we are as a nation since independence and where Cubans are since the revolution. When Castro addressed the big organizations, there was standing room only. When we addressed them , only the janitors were present. Go figure my brother and then “bounce back” to us with a more enlightened view of Cuba.
    Anyway we are what we eat. The garbage in; garbage out !

  14. Spot the Freudian slips

    “Grenville has such a twisted since of reality”

    I concur it has been a very long while since Grenville had a grasp of reality

    “Who can whole this so-called super power accountable?”

    the whole of we as in everyone can hold them to account

    what is hidden from the wise and foolish shall be revealed to babes and sucklings

  15. How Afghanistan get insert in here?

    Marco Rubio sure makes a compelling case for the non existence of a US embargo on Cuba.

    The embargo is a Cuban instituted embargo on its citizens.

    Naturally, the citizens are giving trouble.

    Its about Libertad!!

  16. The blogmaster determines what gets discussed not you.

  17. “How Afghanistan get insert in here?”

    911 on 11th September 2001 was another inside job by the same usual suspects the monies from CIA Iran Contra Covert Black Ops Drugs for Guns was Invested in $240,000,000,000 worth of 10 year bonds held in Black Eagle Trust in Bank of New York and were due for Settlement but were failed trades due to lack of paperwork but cleared for settlement by SEC under Emergency Law I and I and I was at Pan Am for Lockerbie and Bank of New for 911

  18. John de Johnny

    An embargo is a mean of war in military science.

    A 70 years embargo borders on genocide.

    An embargo which denied old people and children the means to survive is not just against international law but doubly criminal during a pandemic and for 70 years. Only Satan himself is so capable.

    Only a cunt would erect an asshole like Rubio as some centre of rightness.

    We need not care about the wandering of the Rubios of this world but remove the vicious systems enabling them.

  19. When you discuss what drives US geopolitical interest it does not matter if you discuss Cuba, Afghanistan or any other country.

  20. DavidJuly 21, 2021 4:20 AM


    The silence by world media about what has transpired in Afghanistan is bewildering.


    Not at all!!!

    Biden did it.

    The media isn’t going to stir up a fuss over him.

  21. You should stay in your lane.

    Former President Donald Trump had said he would have withdrawn all troops by May 1 under a deal reached with the Taliban. Biden has said that timeline was too hasty.

  22. John de Johnny
    You will require far more brain cells to conjure that all the presidents largely have had the same frame of reference, mass muderers

  23. Not when I’m overtaking, got to change lanes!!

    China is the issue.

  24. Just for Dirty Johnny,



    No. Grenville is NOT better than this. This is who he is. Been trying to tell yuh!

  25. .. and China and Biden are in bed.

  26. Fox will look at it but not the drive by media.

  27. John is the kind of cunt you should never drink with

    True Rastaman

    So Jay say
    Rasta don’t work for no CIA
    Jah sent us here to show the way, oh yeah
    Rasta don’t work for no politician
    True Rastaman is a good and upright man
    So he will live, yes he’ll live for evermore
    Through Jah mercy, he’ll endure

    So Jah say
    According to your work, you will get pay
    So try to live in an upright way
    Tell the people what Jah say, yeah


    True Rastaman don’t his trust in gun
    He puts his trust in the older, older one
    He’ll never give his strength unto the beast
    So you better leave him, leave him in peace

    So Jah say
    According to your work, you will get pay
    So try to live in an upright way
    Tell the people what Jah say, yeah
    Tell them to watch and pray
    Don’t let them go astray
    Tell them what Jah say

  28. It never ceases to amaze me that somebody can repeatedly show who they are and people simply refuse to accept it.

    It is like a woman so desperate for a husband that she refuses to see the pile of garbage she is dealing with.

    Piece long ago dubbed Mia “Mugabe”, and yet he would not exchange her for Grenville.

    Now we see why.

  29. PoorPeacefulandPolite Avatar

    Inviting foreign investment to your country is tantamount to inviting its occupation . . . and where did the profits of US businesses operating in Cuba end up?

  30. Media MIA on Cuba too

  31. Troll People like John and alt-right white boys in their bedrooms who are ignored have to poke others for a reaction to engage contact and enjoy being cunted out

    Without force,
    I am simply suggesting

    Tune in
    The time is now
    Integrate your tools,
    Into your being.

    Practice meditation
    without music, incense, and oils
    Practice opening your heart
    without cacao or chocolate treats
    Practice multidimensional sight
    without plants
    Practice yoga
    without a mat
    Practice ceremony
    without feathers, guitars & drums
    Practice clearing
    without sage
    Practice enhancing, amplifying & protecting
    without crystals
    without any aids

    …Just you and the expanded You.

    Practice conversing
    without convincing
    Practice being
    without doing
    Practice feeling
    without analyzing
    Practice experiencing
    without criticism
    Practice listening
    without projecting
    Practice thinking
    without a story
    Practice speaking
    without parroting
    Practice seeing
    without lights
    Practice dancing
    without a DJ

    Practice getting there
    without GPS
    Practice creating
    without a laptop
    Practice connecting
    without a phone

    Practice Love
    without conditions”

  32. @PoorPeacfulandPolite

    Why is the country in the position it has to invite hegemonists of different persuasions? We make our bed we have to get in it.

  33. Mrs. Robinson

    Too deep and convoluted for me.

    I like things straightforward.

  34. Why are Cubans risking their lives on the dangerous seas to leave Cuba
    It is the politics of the Miami Cubans that pressured America to put in place embargos
    Obama as President try to loosen them
    Trump reinforce them
    Not many Cubans are against the Embargo but most say they are fighting for a Free Cuba ruled by ironfisted dictator

  35. “Why are Cubans risking their lives on the dangerous seas to leave Cuba”

    An anecdotal for US lovers to masticate on is when Cuban refugees were coming on boats men in white coats injected them and they subsequently died with various random conditions and diseases such as furry tongues which later turned out to be AIDS

  36. “Too deep and convoluted for me.

    I like things straightforward.”

    I wan’t speaking to you

    I was speaking to everyone else

    about you

    (the qigong and poetry was for myself to view instead of reading OP crap)

  37. The American govt doing what is being asked of them by the American Cubans
    In their minds means sanctions
    Those left behind mostly black are the ones suffering
    Reason why Obama tried to lift the sanctions
    However pressure was placed on Trump to reverse the Obama policy
    Loyalty to the Cubans by the Republican is helping to keep the Cubans suffering amongst the population which have many blacks

  38. “Recently we’ve had unending protests in the United States and Grenville didn’t have a word to say. So too all the major Western capitals and not one word from Grenville.”

    Slaves don’t defend pro-African blackness…they are dependent on empire to tell them what to think, do and say, they do not support blackness in any form, do you see Mia with her South African model of social apartheid and racism condemning the slaughter of South Africans who are the owners of that country……but she would send a bunch of toxic racist indians and others around them to further poison the social environment.

    that’s who they are..

  39. Tomorrow the Revolution continues with Cubans heading to key west to stage another Protest
    All eyes would be on them waiting watching to see how much risk of life and limb they will be willing to take to Free Cuba
    Most of these Revolutions are cosmetically designed posted on symbolic gestures
    Outside of the bay of pigs what have American Cubans done to Free Cuba
    The Miami Cubans live a life of luxury don’t see anyone them designing a plan to over throw any Cuban dictator

  40. Waru

    We’ve even had an armed insurrection within the seat of the most brutal dictatorial power on earth ever, all the time masquerading as a democracy, and the colonial slave Grenville was strikingly silent. The same normal way all the biblical lies of empire are normalized. But demonizing Cuba is always in vogue for such criminal slaves.

  41. Indeed, the insurrection in Washington was the most significant event in Washington and the world of empires for centuries. It miniaturizes protests in Havana .

  42. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Their slave mindedness will be the end of them, watch their idols shift positions and shun them…..there is too much at stake to be directly tied to mental Slaves.

  43. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Dangerous Caribbean governments gave CXC immunity to disenfranchise the regions children, that immunity can easily be REVOKED,but instead the treacherous governments are allowing our young people to be dragged through their corrupt judicial system fighting the criminal CXC.

    and we can’t hear human rights lawyers, but the kids can tell us that CXC is saying they are not responsible for the education welfare of the regions children, it’s the governments responsible they said, while sucking tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money annually….to give substandard services.

  44. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Pacha…that’s what Grenville should be concerned with…the Cuban people will take care of their own HUMAN RIGHTS..

    …don’t see not one of them who love to be in other countries business advocating for human rights in Barbados or the end of the violation of same…and they can’t see themselves and the hypocrisy.

  45. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “The legal team also filed a constitutional motion, the basis of which is that CXC’s immunity from legal action is in breach of the students’ and Barbadians’ constitutional right to protection of the law, as it precludes access to the court for resolution of disputes not just for students, but for anyone in Barbados who might have an issue against CXC.

    “An example of that is that if you walked on to CXC’s compound and fell into an open, unsecured well, you can’t sue them for damages for your injuries. So you have no protection against CXC’s breaches of duty toward you,” lead attorney for the students and concerned parents, Liesel Weekes, told the DAILY NATION. (BA).”

    read it again, how could regional governments, most of them lawyers, BE SO STUPID to give an institution paid by taxpyers immunity over the people PAYING THEM, when it should be the other way around…in violation of their human rights….that’s a clear case of corruption…..ass backward.

  46. Here is an example of how US media frames news about Cuba.

  47. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    This is called forward movement, original ideas…a conduit to educate descendants about their African heritage,,,instead of the same old tired extremist colonial diatribe spewed by slaves….which colonists STOPPED using themselves YEARS ago, as they have moved on….leavng the slaveminded stuck in a time warp of their own making, cause not one of you can blame UK for ya own stupidity…too much useful information out there…and everyone has access…

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