Submitted by Heather Cole

Based on the 2018 Manifesto of the Barbados Labour Party, it was my expectation that a new Barbados would be created that was a place of economic equity and justice for all, a place where poverty could be eradicated and most of all it would become a beacon for democracy.

For me, being guided by a vision of what it would take to create that new Barbados there would have to be participatory democracy, in addition to a movement away from all the colonial institutions, oppressive laws and the present system of education. I foresaw that after the government earned its laurels by resolving the problems that currently plagued this island it could make the move to become a Republic as its next step. I therefore did not anticipate that this Administration would ignore all of its problems and set a wheel in motion to create a Republic. This is the proverbial putting “new wine in old skins.” Mark 2:22 says “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

The action to become a Republic should have nothing to do with the length of time the island has been loitering on the steps of the Colonial Office or removing the Queen of head of state, if nothing else on the island will change.  It is a rite of passage that is to be earned by any Administration that runs the island as a sign that the people have a high degree of confidence in their government and are satisfied with their stewardship, having resolved the island’s problems.

I am not opposed to Barbados ever becoming a Republic.  At this time I oppose it because:

1. Government has not yet resolved the problems they set out to accomplish in 2018 and other problems have arisen since 2018 that have not been dealt with such has rising prices of food, lack of water, crime, high unemployment, the management of its resources, the age-old problem of the pilferage from the public purse, the awarding of contracts and privileges to the same persons over and over again. One can also add to this the marginalization of the trade union movement in Barbados, high taxation and excessive debt.  Instead of bringing solutions to the island’s problems, the government is in constant crisis mode; not confidence. They should fix the problems of Barbados first.

2. The current administration has not passed the Freedom of Information Act, the Transparency Legislation Act and the Integrity Bill. These should have been part of the prerequisites which the government could have used to gain the public’s confidence to agree to a change in status for the country. Nothing was given so nothing should be received. 

3. Becoming a republic is not a one man show or the sole undertaking of any Administration. The present Administration, the opposition parties and the people must participate in the process as Barbados is a democracy. If the Electorate is eligible to vote an Administration into office for a temporary period of 5 years should this not speak volumes that they must vote on something that will affect Barbadians for generations to come? Is government set on denying the civil rights of all Barbadians?

4. On one hand, government is dusting off and amending or creating the Constitution based on a document written in 2005. Not only has the world has changed leaps and bounds since then but another generation that was not born or at the age of maturity has no knowledge of this document. On the other hand it is refusing the recommendation from the same 2005 document that was written by one of the most conservative lawyers in Barbados. He stated that there must be a referendum first.

4. The Constitution is the embodiment of the norms and values that become laws in any society. The present Constitution has many laws that must be removed and despite what Sir Henry wrote or did not write in 2005, how in good conscience can anyone ask for input into a Constitution without providing the terms of reference or the framework? In addition there is no guarantee that anyone’s input will become part of the final document as there is no transparency.

For me to be supportive of any substantive constitutional changes, it must be by referendum which clearly outlines the type of Republican status that is being proposed as well as the composition of the Republic which must include the below:

  1. The power of recall by which Ministers and an Administration can be removed by the people.
  2. The people’s right to vote for amendments to the Constitution by propositions from the people.
  3. Prosecutorial powers for the Auditor General
  4. An elected President and not a holder of that office for life and no holders of office for life. Term elections of 5 years and a 2 term limit for the presidency or such similar position.
  5. Elected local government officials.

Your word is your bond and we are all cognizant of the fact that the government already broke a promise to the electorate that was in its 2018 manifesto.  This was the promise of having a referendum to make recreational marijuana legal.  The government reneged on its promised and imposed a fine for small amounts, but the herb is still illegal and still comes with prison sentences. A pattern seems to have developed where the government treats its own people who voted them into power like second class citizens. Next it was the moving the goal post in the Severance Pay Act to the detriment of the poor people when they should have been the ones to receive the $330Million of the tax payer money as their severance.

By now one must be aware of the turmoil that is unfolding in Haiti. There is no end in sight in that country which is plagued with poverty, corruption and now violent unrest. The people are sick and tired of all the corruption; they would love to have a referendum. One has been scheduled but based on their present Constitution; there can be no referendum to change the Constitution. Hopefully Barbados will not become another such victim.

It is time to call this what it is, an assault on democracy. The purpose of democracy is to use the ballot to preserve and extend the rights of the people not to forfeit them.  For if the people cannot exercise their civil right that will affect all Barbadians now, how can one expect the document created without their agreement will guarantee that the rights of future Barbadians be preserved?

With violence and crime now pervasive in the land, is this a sign that the lawlessness and disrespect for our laws and people are now abiding in Parliament?  If this is the case, surely it is a sign that the government has lost it way and now is not the time to change to a republic, but the time for the next General Election. 

133 responses to “Another Heather Cole Column – An Assault on Democracy”

  1. “Eradication of poverty, if we can agree on a definition, is a delusion. Poverty is subjective. And so are Social justice and equity. Lofty goals. Excellent targets to aim for. Implementable? Jokes.”

    A sense of purpose
    Operation Radication
    Eradication of Poverty
    Elimination of Crime
    and other stuff like
    Achievment of
    Social Justice
    Equal Rights
    Human rights
    Truth and Rights
    are Life Long Journey’s
    more than Destinations
    and will always be work in progress
    as mission goals for the good guys
    but Barbajans are world champions at lip service
    so every talking parrot will say the same thing
    singing the same lyrics like an idiot

  2. @ Vincent, can you shed some light on the below?

    “The task is for us, the citizens to engage in continuous improvement. AND to hold the feet of our elected representatives to the fire. Tall order. BUT we have to do it for ourselves and the generations that come after us.”

    How can the people agree to a republic and not hold the feet of the elected officials to fire and insist that the government do it the right way, with the people as part of the process?

  3. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU
    The option to continue the tiresome debate is always there. The Electorate is suffering battle fatigue. At the rate we are going voter turnout will drop to 40 % with party hardcore the only citizens going to the polls. But some like it so.Form and no substance. Bare optics.

    @ NorthernObserver
    Politics is what political scientists study. The study of constitutions and their construction is an important part of their work.

  4. @ Heather June 24, 2021 10:07 AM

    You not having confidence in the DPP is your personal opinion and totally irrelevant to the issue.

  5. Remove Ya!

    Removing the Queen as Head of State is a binary question
    which is either
    stay or leave
    yay or nay
    but Bajans are coming out with fuzzy logic and whataboutery

    which is what GB predicted when the announcement was made in 2020 the year of #BlackLivesMatter rebirth

    “Of course, some have talked for years of slipping the royal anchor and establishing their own heads of state. But other political objectives often get in the way.
    Certainly this is not the first time that politicians in Barbados have declared their intention to become a republic.”

    Barbados independence 50: What changed after the British left?

  6. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Heather
    What is the right way? Yours? How do I know your way is the right way? You have an opinion and I do not agree with you. And your having an opposite opinion is OK with me.

  7. Artax,

    Precisely my point! They die a natural death, hence Heather wants it taken out of current hands.

  8. and around and around they go, with no solutions for anything, carbon copy of the clowns of parliament who have vomited the same lying narrative, same old promises, same old suggestions since the 70s and still have nothing new to add and don’t even have the intelligence to think of something different….the usual signature cockup..

    failed and going nowhere, with nothing to teach this or any successive generations..

  9. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Heather
    I think you need to understand our Social , Political and Economic structures before attempting to make recommendations for changing them. They ,like Topsy, did not grow overnight. Plenty of thinig and planning and the satisfaction of all sectors of our society were factored in. There is no linear connection between, GoB revenues, Tourism earnings and poverty. What is the size of the population that are below the poverty line? Where are they geographically located?

  10. “you must have missed the post where they are now latching on to the African Union to see if they get any reparations in their hands since the 50 billion dollar extortion plot did not work….you have to BE A SOVEREIGN NATION to get reparations….slave societies don’t qualify…besides…NOT A DIME..for those THIEVES..”

    Mia went on ITV in July 2020 to chat about legacy of slavery and must have also sounded out the removal of Queen Elisa to get a feel if there would be tacit approval without objection from Jolly old Brit pirates.

    Her call for reparations and repatriation and business links with AU are in line with U
    and seems to be saying the same thing singing from the same hymn sheet

    her views and your views are not anything radical as the Prophet Marcus Mosiah Garvey spoke about it in 1919
    he is deemed to be the Moses of the Rastafari Movement and Selassie is Christ incarnate

    There is a big difference between talking about something and living it as a way of life and achieving it in this life you won’t always get what you want but you might sometimes get what you need when you ask the universe for holy fire to enter your vessel

  11. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Your observation of academic scope, has ignored that a Republic of Barbados could/could not have constitutional implications vastly different from the current.
    It is interesting to read your comments on ‘ holding feet to the fire’. Any suggestions?

  12. The reality being nothing much will.change expect for the queen receiving her head
    The unfortunate being her head would be handed to her on a golden platter
    Meanwhile society as we know it would continue the same and the one percent would continue its. Glorious flight being Chief Cook and white washers of our economy

  13. “The reality being nothing much will.change”

    if that is indeed the case why are Bajans cacking their pants with 20 weeks to go for lift off.

    Barbados has been trapped in an abusive relationship with physical mental and emotional violence and torture subordinated to melanin lite people who are catching melanoma on the rise as they can’t take a ‘lil sunshine

    I don’t expect a response as Hal never gave one when he was posting under his real name and not his BU street name

  14. Well, if we were to poll the contributors here, it is clear that most are in favor of becoming a republic with the sole purpose of removing the queen as head of state.

    Those who have the same desire but wants more (whatever that is) are in a minority.

  15. Green list for Bim?

  16. @Vincent

    The debate gets tiresome but it is an important part of the democratic process.

  17. A Quick glance showed HC to be fighting a one womans battle

    Is this a little peek if a referendum ?

  18. I don’t like this doom and gloom about republicanism. Our honourable government has implemented many points of its election manifesto. What more do you want?

    We have had 55 years of dilly-dallying, social goodies and hot air. It’s time our government finally put its money where its mouth is. The new republic will bring peace, freedom, justice and security to all businessmen,tourists and foreign investors.

  19. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU
    55 years of debating form is not part of the democratic process. It is a distraction. A waste of time since it changes nothing of substance.

  20. @Vincent

    The debate on going republic is not 55 years old.

    On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 7:24 PM Barbados Underground wrote:


  21. Bajans loves holidays and all kinds of festivals reason why they waiting for lift off
    I was one who couldn’t wait to see Nelson removed
    He gone and all that is left is an empty space where he stood
    I am certain most glad Nelson is no longer standing vanguard in Bridgetown
    But one would have thought that right after Nelson removal a Barbadian a person of the soil male or female would have replaced Nelson
    Meanwhile people got about their business as usual

  22. “The debate on going republic is not 55 years old.”

    You could be over 55 or under 55
    but should work on the conscious guide guide line dub line your whole life
    Just like Marcus Garvey and Lee Scratch Perrry

  23. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    William SkinnerJune 24, 2021 6:50 AM

    “However she has failed miserably in her efforts to tie becoming a republic to the failings of the administration. She seems to believe that all wrongs must be made right before we remove the queen as head of state .
    If Barrow had waited for the majority of wealth to be removed from the white minority to the Black majority we would have still been ruled by England. If he had waited for perfect housing, public transportation and health services , Ms. Cole would still be singing God save the Queen.
    Why should the country be put on hold because the current administration has failed to implement several of its most important promises? That is an argument that cannot seriously hold water. ”

    DavidJune 24, 2021 7:07 AM

    Agree with a lot of what you wrote in your comment. We are in danger of overthinking the republic thing. From following the debate it will be a ceremonial switch from Queen to local figure head.”

    I agree with DavidBU and William’s comments. To impose “conditionalities” on becoming a republic is just absurd and could be misinterpreted as a half hearted (or half-assed) attempt to remain a constitutional monarchy.
    We are making this an “issue” just like we made moving Nelson statute an “issue” when it was just a painful, lingering joke. It is as if there is some negative outcome if we become a republic and we want to totally reject the UK (as the “mother country”). To make it more absurd, the UK had taken steps to shed it empire decades ago and replace it with a loose voluntary association of former colonies (including republics) called the Commonwealth. So there is ZERO resistance from the UK.
    There are republics that are still struggling to deal with the same issues Heather wants to use as conditinalitiies. I think it is a little “unfair” to ask a 3 year old administration to do what previous administrations fail to do since independence . If there is any “positives” it only took them 2 years to move a statue that became an issue for (at least) 53 years. My advice to the Mottley administration is to treat the republic issue just like they did with Nelson statue. Just do it!

  24. “But one would have thought that right after Nelson removal a Barbadian a person of the soil male or female would have replaced Nelson”

    300,000 gene pool who are descendants of slaves and owners possibly means peoples fambily trees are intertwined like incest

  25. ” It is as if there is some negative outcome if we become a republic and we want to totally reject the UK (as the “mother country”). To make it more absurd, the UK had taken steps to shed it empire decades ago and replace it with a loose voluntary association of former colonies (including republics) called the Commonwealth. “

    Barbados the Movie

    The History of Barbados is very much like America and New World Colonies
    It is the History of Atlantic Slave Trade

    A New Name should be chosen for the new future

  26. Barmy Army’s 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 destination BARBADOS 🇧🇧 this summer???

    UK travel list update: Which countries are now on the green list?
    24 June 2021, 19:40 | Updated: 24 June 2021, 23:34

    The government has updated the UK travel list, adding destinations including Ibiza, Majorca and Malta to the green list but leaving off many major locations.

    16 new destinations have been added to the green list, permitting British tourists to travel to major holiday locations for the first time since Portugal was moved to the amber list at the beginning of June.

    Boris Johnson has not ruled out a summer holiday aboard himself this summer, in comments that will be welcomed by the struggling travel industry.
    But, in a blow to holidaymakers, Portugal, France and Greece are still on the amber list, requiring travellers to quarantine on return to the UK.
    So what are the rules on foreign travel restrictions? Which countries have been added to the green list? Can I travel if double jabbed? And can I travel to amber list countries?

    Which countries have been added to the green list?
    New destinations have been added to the green list by the government, including multiple Caribbean islands, Malta and the Balearic Islands – including Majorca and Ibiza.

    The full list of countries on the travel green list is:
    • Anguila (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Antigua and Barbuda (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Australia
    • Balearic Islands (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Barbados (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Bermuda (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • British Antartic Territory (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • British Indian Ocean Territory (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • British Virgin Islands(from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Brunei
    • Cayman Islands (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Dominica (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Falkland Islands
    • Faroe Islands
    • Gibraltar
    • Grenada (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Iceland
    • Israel and Jerusalem
    • Maderia (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Malta (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • Montserrat (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • New Zealand
    • Pitcairn Islands (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    • South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
    • Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
    • Singapore
    • Turks and Caicos Islands (from 4.00 am on Wednesday 30 June)
    However, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Brunei and the Faroe Islands have all severely restricted entry criteria, which has effectively ruled out holidays abroad for Brits there.

    All of the new additions to the green list, aside from Malta will also join the “green watchlist”.

    This means they could soon be moved back to the amber list, forcing holidaymakers to quarantine on return to the UK.
    Read more: Merkel’s call for Brit travellers to quarantine in EU is ‘unjustified’ – minister

    Boris Johnson”not ruling out” trip abroad this summer

    What are the travel rules for green list countries?

    The rules on foreign travel, introduced on 17 May, were meant to be clear, using a new “traffic light” system that designates countries as green, amber or red.
    In green destinations, arrivals will have to take a pre-departure test and another PCR test on or before day two of their return to the UK. No quarantine or additional tests will be needed unless a positive result comes back.
    In amber countries, arrivals must quarantine for 10 days, take a pre-departure test and a PCR test on day two and day eight after their return, with the option of a “test to release” on day five to end self-isolation early.

    For red destinations, travel to these countries will be restricted along the same lines as the government’s current “red list”, meaning returning travellers must stay for 10 days in a quarantine hotel, as well as take a pre-departure test and a further PCR test on day two and day eight after returning.

    Can fully vaccinated people avoid quarantine?
    Alongside announcing the changes to green list, Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has confirmed plans for fully vaccinated travellers to be able to avoid quarantine when returning from an amber list country.

    Mr Shapps tweeted: “Thanks to our successful vaccination programme, our intention is that later in the summer.

    UK residents who are fully vaccinated will not have to isolate when travelling from amber list countries.”
    In a major change to the traffic light system, the Department for Transport added: “At the same time, we intend to remove the guidance that people should not travel to amber countries.”

    A spokesperson said: “We expect this to occur in phases, starting with UK residents. They will still be required to take a pre-departure test and a test on Day 2, and any positive results will be sequenced to continue to manage the risk of importing variants.”

    Thanks to BDS Supreme Leader:
    Mia Amor Mottley 🇧🇧

  27. @John A

    No comment about Barbados getting back on the UK green list? It was a huge concern of yours on another blog.

  28. Look can’t wait to give the queen back her head but having to wait for orders from the queen to put Barbados on the green list
    Don’t wunna feel foolish
    To top it all off wunna all rejoicing

  29. @Angela Cox, They want to have their cake and eat it too.

  30. Where de bloody hell is Peter Morgan ????

  31. Where de bloody hell is Peter Morgan ????

  32. @David

    The UK Gov’t faced protests from scores of people in the travel industry and that’s why the list was revised to include more countries

    if we keep the queen or not would the same requiremets to be on the green come into play


  34. i dont see the republics of TNT or Guyana on the green list. They gave the queen here head and they still have to wait to get on her green list

  35. BRITISH virgin islands had to wait on the queen to get on the green list!

    What the hell being or not been a republic got to do with get on the green list?

  36. Was ( the undercover dem) really concerned about getting on the green list?
    Was he only using it to hit of government vaccination policy?

    Now there was also a big outcry about the THOUSANDS of vaccines that had expired – but not one peep after the inital bruhaha!

  37. A look back at Angela Cox’s position on the republic when Freundel suggested it shows…. drum roll….

    On second thought, go read it for yourselves. I cannot promise any surprises though.

    Oh dear, dear me!

  38. @angela coxJune 24, 2021 5:08 PM

    You wonder which statue will grace the Heroes’ Square? Of course we need a monument dedicated to our Supreme Leader. Our grand businessmen should donate bronze for a statue that will be at least 10 metres high. So that the masses will remember May 2018 forever.

  39. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    The slaves, the slaves, the slaves will never learn, but in a slave system/society, slaves are a necessary component.

  40. DonnaJune 24, 2021 11:21 PM

    A look back at Angela Cox’s position on the republic when Freundel suggested it shows…. drum roll


    So what are u going to prove
    On this ongoing topic did I say I was against Barbados becoming a Republic
    The article points out areas where I am in agreement

  41. Rebranding Barbados
    According to accounts by descendants of the aboriginal Arawak tribes on other local islands, the original name for Barbados was Ichirouganaim

  42. I propose the new name for Barbados should or/ could be:


    Although the old legacy colonial name of Barbados can still be used as a valid historical name to save the cost and effort of rebranding Companies and Public Services etc

  43. Really, Angela Cox? Really?

  44. Oh Canada!

  45. I give up on the becoming a republic conversation and this include with/without a referendum.

    It is clear that some were hoping for major changes with the transition; a reset; a chance to right some things.
    Some were less ‘ambitious’ and just wanted a few things like more transparency and sunshine laws being placed on the table. It is true, that these things would delay the transition.

    A delay was a ‘No no’ for those who just wanted to say good riddance to the queen as head of state.

    Not a no-brainer or rocket science, just a difference of desires or opinions.

  46. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Corruption destroys Black lives.

    Issued on: 23/06/2021 – 01:47
    Mauritania’s former president, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, was on Tuesday jailed after a judge in charge of a corruption probe ordered his incarceration, his party and prosecutors said.
    A prosecutor speaking on condition of anonymity and the spokesman of the former president’s party Djibril Ould Bilal confirmed his detention without citing the reason.

    Aziz has twice gone before a magistrate investigating the case since the charges, including money laundering, were brought in March.
    The move comes days after the former leader refused to continue reporting to police after being put under house arrest.

    Aziz ruled the conservative West African state from 2008 to mid-2019, when he was succeeded by his former right-hand man and ex-defence minister, Mohamed Ould Cheikh El.
    The 64-year-old former general who came to power in a coup already had to report to police three times a week and to seek approval before leaving the capital”

  47. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    the nastiness of black face governments to people who look liike them….isn’t that the same taxpayer funded institution that convicted Donville and ICBL used as his ATM for alleged bribery and later, money laundering to US.

    most or all will die out before they get that money..

    “It’s another big payout for six forcibly retired former Barbados Investment and Development Corporation (BIDC) employees and the estate of a deceased colleague, as a High Court ordered the state entity to pay them almost a million dollars in damages yesterday.

    The judgment could also see the end of a six-year legal battle unless Government decides to appeal.

    However, the decision has come too late for former employee Maharley Babb, who succumbed to cancer in March 2019.

    “One of my clients died without being able to have the dignity of being able to deal with the palliative care in her most trying times, without being able to know that I can go to a doctor to alleviate the suffering because she had no income. None at all. And that was the decision that was made by the then board,” attorney Gregory Nicholls, who represented the seven, told the Saturday Sun yesterday.”

  48. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    social activism is essential to rein in corrupt governments who believe themselves above the law…

  49. @ Waru,
    I read that link this morning. It was very positive.

    I also read of another murder last night; and read that ISIS are making huge inroads in Africa, particularly, in those African nations with corrupt leaders.

    It makes one wonders if our Caribbean region is ripe for a group such as ISIS to grow. Black led governments are in crisis and we the citizens are suffering immensely.

    Whilst in neighbouring Haiti……… it’s fire in a Babylon!

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