Submitted by Heather Cole

Based on the 2018 Manifesto of the Barbados Labour Party, it was my expectation that a new Barbados would be created that was a place of economic equity and justice for all, a place where poverty could be eradicated and most of all it would become a beacon for democracy.

For me, being guided by a vision of what it would take to create that new Barbados there would have to be participatory democracy, in addition to a movement away from all the colonial institutions, oppressive laws and the present system of education. I foresaw that after the government earned its laurels by resolving the problems that currently plagued this island it could make the move to become a Republic as its next step. I therefore did not anticipate that this Administration would ignore all of its problems and set a wheel in motion to create a Republic. This is the proverbial putting “new wine in old skins.” Mark 2:22 says “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

The action to become a Republic should have nothing to do with the length of time the island has been loitering on the steps of the Colonial Office or removing the Queen of head of state, if nothing else on the island will change.  It is a rite of passage that is to be earned by any Administration that runs the island as a sign that the people have a high degree of confidence in their government and are satisfied with their stewardship, having resolved the island’s problems.

I am not opposed to Barbados ever becoming a Republic.  At this time I oppose it because:

1. Government has not yet resolved the problems they set out to accomplish in 2018 and other problems have arisen since 2018 that have not been dealt with such has rising prices of food, lack of water, crime, high unemployment, the management of its resources, the age-old problem of the pilferage from the public purse, the awarding of contracts and privileges to the same persons over and over again. One can also add to this the marginalization of the trade union movement in Barbados, high taxation and excessive debt.  Instead of bringing solutions to the island’s problems, the government is in constant crisis mode; not confidence. They should fix the problems of Barbados first.

2. The current administration has not passed the Freedom of Information Act, the Transparency Legislation Act and the Integrity Bill. These should have been part of the prerequisites which the government could have used to gain the public’s confidence to agree to a change in status for the country. Nothing was given so nothing should be received. 

3. Becoming a republic is not a one man show or the sole undertaking of any Administration. The present Administration, the opposition parties and the people must participate in the process as Barbados is a democracy. If the Electorate is eligible to vote an Administration into office for a temporary period of 5 years should this not speak volumes that they must vote on something that will affect Barbadians for generations to come? Is government set on denying the civil rights of all Barbadians?

4. On one hand, government is dusting off and amending or creating the Constitution based on a document written in 2005. Not only has the world has changed leaps and bounds since then but another generation that was not born or at the age of maturity has no knowledge of this document. On the other hand it is refusing the recommendation from the same 2005 document that was written by one of the most conservative lawyers in Barbados. He stated that there must be a referendum first.

4. The Constitution is the embodiment of the norms and values that become laws in any society. The present Constitution has many laws that must be removed and despite what Sir Henry wrote or did not write in 2005, how in good conscience can anyone ask for input into a Constitution without providing the terms of reference or the framework? In addition there is no guarantee that anyone’s input will become part of the final document as there is no transparency.

For me to be supportive of any substantive constitutional changes, it must be by referendum which clearly outlines the type of Republican status that is being proposed as well as the composition of the Republic which must include the below:

  1. The power of recall by which Ministers and an Administration can be removed by the people.
  2. The people’s right to vote for amendments to the Constitution by propositions from the people.
  3. Prosecutorial powers for the Auditor General
  4. An elected President and not a holder of that office for life and no holders of office for life. Term elections of 5 years and a 2 term limit for the presidency or such similar position.
  5. Elected local government officials.

Your word is your bond and we are all cognizant of the fact that the government already broke a promise to the electorate that was in its 2018 manifesto.  This was the promise of having a referendum to make recreational marijuana legal.  The government reneged on its promised and imposed a fine for small amounts, but the herb is still illegal and still comes with prison sentences. A pattern seems to have developed where the government treats its own people who voted them into power like second class citizens. Next it was the moving the goal post in the Severance Pay Act to the detriment of the poor people when they should have been the ones to receive the $330Million of the tax payer money as their severance.

By now one must be aware of the turmoil that is unfolding in Haiti. There is no end in sight in that country which is plagued with poverty, corruption and now violent unrest. The people are sick and tired of all the corruption; they would love to have a referendum. One has been scheduled but based on their present Constitution; there can be no referendum to change the Constitution. Hopefully Barbados will not become another such victim.

It is time to call this what it is, an assault on democracy. The purpose of democracy is to use the ballot to preserve and extend the rights of the people not to forfeit them.  For if the people cannot exercise their civil right that will affect all Barbadians now, how can one expect the document created without their agreement will guarantee that the rights of future Barbadians be preserved?

With violence and crime now pervasive in the land, is this a sign that the lawlessness and disrespect for our laws and people are now abiding in Parliament?  If this is the case, surely it is a sign that the government has lost it way and now is not the time to change to a republic, but the time for the next General Election. 

133 responses to “Another Heather Cole Column – An Assault on Democracy”

  1. Positive Propaganda

    This thread seems to summarise the naysayers on BU

    Reading between the lines..
    Barbados / Bajans / Blacks will never ever ever be ready for self rule

    It’s like Rhodesia and Zimbabwe all over again

    ever ever
    ever ever ever
    ever ever ever ever
    ever ever ever ever ever
    ever ever ever ever ever ever

  2. Blood Donation

    A referendum will be the best way to divide the nation

    a non-issue to allow DLP to put their foot in the door

    5 years ago UK became a psyops troll war over Brexit

    On the down low the GB Crown will weigh in with their spin to colt the game overtly and covertly to put in a puppet leader after a civil war

  3. An excellent post. Thought provoking.

    An attempt to map out what changes would be valuable/desirable on our way to bring a republic.

    Some of the items mentioned in (1) will be with us regardless of what we all ourselves, but we must do better than just changing what the island should be called.

    It should be simple for a supporter/ government official to map out what will be different/better as a republic. I am hoping we get more than the addition of two words ‘Republic of’ and the phrase ‘God damn the queen’.

    With this new vehicle, I don’t want to wait a few years to discover ‘different VIN same engine’. We know what can be changed.

  4. bring a republic= being a republic

    will be with us regardless of what we all= will be with us regardless of what we call

  5. Easy Squeeze Make No Riot

    Babylon Throne

    The last African King was Ras Tafari Makonnen

    500 years of Babylonian Rule needs an intervention in this dispensation like the book of revelation

    Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Elect of God

    Wicked Babylon / Ketch Vampire

  6. Most would not be opposed to Barbados becoming a republic based on the historical linkage to Britain which most see as we the servants and they be the masters holding on to what is rightfully ours
    However the article speaks to what is a necessary path which govt must first pursue to getting our house in order
    I have said that Mottley goals and ambitions lays on a foundation of self interest so much so that her synergy is fueled by the ghost of Errol Barrow ambition and her goals steeped in a competition to be one an equal to whatever Errol Barrow accomplished and which is steeped in the pages of historical writings
    Hence Barrow Independence
    Hers Repubiicanism
    You go girl

  7. Is TheO = AC = Hal Austin as per similar psychometric parameters results in tissues of issues

    Bajan Referendum Talking Shop
    Herbalists say leave Barbados in Babylon and go back to Mama Africa. Repatriation is a must

    Rastaman Chant
    I heard the voice of the Rastaman say
    Babylon your throne gone down gone down
    Babylon your throne gone down

  8. Some good points on the process but I disagree that it is an assault on democracy. I think it is more of a rushed process, poorly handled, an opportunity missed to educate and bring the public along properly.

    As Northern Observer remarked on another blog, we should not proceed without a clear understanding of what type of republic we are creating.

    Cuhdear Bajan also opined that we could delay the final step due to unforeseen circumstances and give ourselves time to do it right.

    This must include provision for MEANINGFUL participation from Barbadians. I have not seen that yet.

    But… we must NOT delay the INITIATION of the process.

    It is OBSCENE, that OUR REPRESENTATIVES still swear allegiance to the heirs of our oppressors.

    OBSCENE and for me, HUMILIATING!

    No wonder some of us are so confused and don’t even know who we are.

    P.S. Did the queen earn her right to be our queen?

  9. @ david there is a comment in moderation for you to do a pick up sooner rather than later

    The Herb Smokin’ Referendum needs to be conducted first as Bajan need Head Food to liberate their minds

    currently they are only stage 2

    (Leary) The emotional-locomotion circuit
    (Wilson)The anal territorial circuit

    The emotional-territorial circuit is imprinted in the toddler stage. It is concerned with domination and submission, territoriality, etc.

    The imprint on this circuit will trigger one of two states:

    Dominant, aggressive behavior. This imprint creates an ‘alpha’ social attitude. Equivalent to the ‘top dog’ position in the model of Fritz Perls, to ‘I’m OK’ in the ‘life positions’ model of Transactional analysis, and to master morality in the model of Friedrich Nietzsche.[21]
    Submissive, co-operative behavior. Equivalent to the ‘bottom dog’ position in the model of Fritz Perls, to ‘I’m not OK’ in the life positions model and to Nietzschean ‘slave morality’.
    This circuit is activated by depressant drugs such as alcohol, barbiturates, and benzodiazepines.[citation needed] This circuit appeared first in territorial vertebrate animals and is preserved across all mammals. It corresponds to the mammalian brain of triune brain theory. Robert Anton Wilson equated this circuit with the anal stage in the Freudian theory of psycho-sexual development.

    The first and second circuits both imprint in a binary fashion: trust/suspicion and dominance/submission.[22] Thus there are four possible ways of imprinting the first two circuits:

    Trusting 1st circuit and dominant 2nd circuit. I’m OK; you’re OK. Friendly strength in the Interpersonal Circumplex. Fire in the four elements model.[23] Choleric in the four humors model.[23]
    Trusting 1st circuit and submissive 2nd circuit. I’m not OK; you’re OK. Friendly weakness. Water in the four elements model. Phlegmatic humor.
    Suspicious 1st circuit and dominant 2nd circuit. I’m OK; you’re not OK. Unfriendly strength. Air in the four elements model. Sanguine humor.
    Suspicious 1st circuit and submissive 2nd circuit. I’m not OK; you’re not OK. Unfriendly weakness. Earth in the four elements model. Melancholic humor.

  10. “Prosecutorial powers for the Auditor General.”

    @ Heather Cole


    The Auditor General performs a role as mandated by Section 113 (2) of the Constitution and the Public Finance Management Act, which requires his Office to conduct annual audits of the Supreme Court, the Senate, the House of Assembly and all government departments.

    His reports are submitted to Parliament in accordance with Section 77 (1) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2019. Financial improprieties could be referred to RBPF’s Financial Crimes Unit for investigation. Results then referred to the DPP.

    Perhaps you should give a bit more thought to your suggestion.

  11. “P.S. Did the queen earn her right to be our queen?”

    She was born into the role and Barbados is her birthright to rule in dominion

    Blacks are not as worldly as their white masters

    that’s just the way things are

  12. Artax,

    Who is responsible for referring them to the Financial Crimes Unit?

    Have any improprieties EVER been referred?

    P.S. I am being lazy but you are much better than I am at fact finding, afer all.

  13. ” new Barbados would be created that was a place of economic equity and justice for all, a place where poverty could be eradicated and most of all it would become a beacon for democracy.”

    In other words Barbados should kick the ball into touch

    as Heather’s dreams won’t manifest in this lifetime

  14. “Is TheO = AC = Hal Austin as per similar psychometric parameters results in tissues of issues”

    I don’t see the similarities. The answer is “No”. Let’s stay on topic

  15. FYI

    A referendumb does not solve any issues

    it only determines if there is a consensus

    and it seems there is a consensus already

    the only initial change required will be to take the Lizard Queen’s name off the Books of Law

  16. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Heather Cole
    One can understand the author’s complete let down by the current administration because she wrote several lengthy articles here on BU before the last elections exposing corruption in the previous administration. Like most sincere citizens, she has suffered the price for putting faith in the Duopoly. It seldom if ever keeps its word.
    The article is a brutal exposure of the current failings of the Mottley administration. However she has failed miserably in her efforts to tie becoming a republic to the failings of the administration. She seems to believe that all wrongs must be made right before we remove the queen as head of state .
    If Barrow had waited for the majority of wealth to be removed from the white minority to the Black majority we would have still been ruled by England. If he had waited for perfect housing, public transportation and health services , Ms. Cole would still be singing God save the Queen.
    Why should the country be put on hold because the current administration has failed to implement several of its most important promises? That is an argument that cannot seriously hold water. Let us be realistic, the nefarious Public Order Act came eight years after we got independence ! In other words it is almost certain that the Freedom of Information Act and Integrity legislation will come after or perhaps even before, we become a Republic if the Prime Minister keeps her word on becoming a republic.
    This administration will not risk going to the polls before it at least passes integrity administration.
    Ms. Cole needs to be told that removing a foreigner whose country enslaved our people, from being our Head of State is another ststep to true nationhood. It will not stop corruption, it will not bring water to rural areas but it still is way more important than all the failures of the government that she exposed.
    The people have dealt with Grantley Adams; Errol Barrow, Erskine Sandiford; Bernard St. John; Owen Arthur and Fruendel Stuart. When they are ready they will deal with Mia Mottley. We once believed that Barrow could not be dealt with, then we thought that Arthur could note be dealt with and now some believe that Mottley cannot be dealt with. However they too will be proven wrong, when the people are ready it could be anytime from now to a hundred years, but they will deal with Mottley and whoever comes after her , when they are ready.
    After reading this article I am now convinced more than ever that the current vagabond carrying the flag of her racist , decadent empire must be removed from being our head of state. Ms. Cole has failed to clearly reason why Barbados should not move to republic status.
    But most of all she has failed to show how becoming a republic “will affect Barbados for generations to come”. Some white Barbadians left and went to Australia and elsewhere because they could not bear to see the union jack come down. Almost sixty years later, the Broken Trident is still flying and there has ben no dictator; we continue to have free and essentially fair elections and our children sing our national anthem and it touches the heart every time I hear primary school children singing it. Its time they have a Head of State who reflects their self image and that Ms. Cole is what removing the white English woman means. Its not about your obvious disappointment in the Duopoly !

  17. @William

    Agree with a lot of what you wrote in your comment. We are in danger of overthinking the republic thing. From following the debate it will be a ceremonial switch from Queen to local figure head.

    There is a reason why the switch is labelled a wedge issue. We can discuss and debate to death we will always have significant number lining up on both sides of the issue. Even if we accept this move is legacy building for Mottley and the BLP. Let us also accept the hypocrisy in earning our label of being a sovereign nation with the Queen of England as our head of state.

    With the switch to republic just maybe some in our next generation of people will be inspired when they learn of the switch to a republic to make Barbados a better place because this hypocrisy was removed from the equation.

  18. The Duopoly is now a Monopoly

    but how would a Triopoly or Oligopoly fare in a population reaching 300,000

    should there be a Monopsony or a buyers Monopoly

    thus the duopoly argument is deemed another redundant logical point and is rejected and struck out on BU

  19. How is a post excellent with so much misinformation? Or does “context” trump truth?🤣🤣🤣

  20. Please outline the misinformation. I was unable to spot it.

  21. @William
    A clever response to Heather’s column.

    Is this a good summary of your response
    “Regardless of any benefits or lack of benefits, we need to remove the queen as head of state.”

    It is doubtful if there is a large number of citizens who support keeping the queen as head of state. I was hoping that the discussion would evolve beyond removal or retention of the queen.

    Here is a statement that tells me nothing…
    “In other words it is almost certain that the Freedom of Information Act and Integrity legislation will come after or perhaps even before, we become a Republic if the Prime Minister keeps her word on becoming a republic.”
    You covered “before or after”, but seem to omit the possibility of this never happening.

  22. William Skinner,

    Well said!

  23. Jah Jah Kingdom Come
    I’m a British Subject, I’m not proud of it while I carry a burden of shame

    How long shall the wicked Reign

    Still in Chains
    Take a Long Shot
    What a weepin’ and wailin’
    To speed up the process Barbados could make a ruling that Elisa will be the last Head of State from Royal Fambily and when she kicks the bucket like Long Shot dung in Caymanas park Babylonian rule will be revoked

    (.. as the proceedings are painful and slow)
    (.. she is now 96 and is imminently due to go down deh to the bad place where bad people go for their misdeeds like slavery racism and robbery with aggravation)

    Barbados has had a number of English and British Kings and Queens from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II (circa 19)

    The symmetry of the dreadful situation is 20 generations of Kings and Queens over 500 years ties in to 20 generation of slaves over 200 years (as slaves were bred from 14 when they first bled)

    Elizabeth I Tudor 1558–1603
    Sovereigns of Great Britain and the United Kingdom
    James I (VI of Scotland)2 Stuart 1603–25

    Charles I Stuart 1625–49

    Commonwealth (1653–59)

     Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector4 1653–58

     Richard Cromwell, Lord Protector4 1658–59

    Charles II Stuart 1660–85

    James II Stuart 1685–88

    William III and Mary II5 Orange/Stuart 1689–1702

    Anne Stuart 1702–14

    George I Hanover 1714–27

    George II Hanover 1727–60

    George III3 Hanover 1760–1820

    George IV6 Hanover 1820–30

    William IV Hanover 1830–37

    Victoria Hanover 1837–1901

    Edward VII Saxe-Coburg-Gotha 1901–10

    George V7 Windsor 1910–36

    Edward VIII8 Windsor 1936

    George VI Windsor 1936–52

    Elizabeth II Windsor 1952–

  24. One of the times i Can agree with WS

    There Will always be things that need fixing as a country . That stück Out to me the most and why was it put as the first Reason

    I dont Think becoming or not becoming a republic Will effect me personally
    But it is about time that link to England is broken.. How when or by whom is unimportant to me – just do it

    Next on the list should be making BIM. Financially Independent

  25. @ 555 dubstreet June 24, 2021 6:48 AM

    What is your take on the same administration’s proposal to take the decriminalization of your favourite ‘mind-expansion’ herb to a referendum?

    Why not go the same route as the republic thingie which is the ‘most practical and least cost’ route given the pending abdication/replacement of Queen Lizzie?

    After all, isn’t the same Republic status a fillip to the psyche of the young generation the same way the current criminalization of the young for using marijuana a stumbling block to their development and self-actualization?

  26. The moral of this fairy tale story unfolding is

    you should never trust a snake

    I know all the Duplicitous smarmy DLP snakes and their ilk

    (like Hal/AC/The0/Grenville)

    will use the lack of implementation of independence as a beating stick against BLP next time election comes

    (regardless that they were the ones whining that Barbados ain’t ready)

    People should have faith in God’s protection

    and do the deed

  27. @Kiki

    You add value to the blog by focussiyon the issues being discussed.

  28. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ TheOGazert
    “Here is a statement that tells me nothing…
    “In other words it is almost certain that the Freedom of Information Act and Integrity legislation will come after or perhaps even before, we become a Republic if the Prime Minister keeps her word on becoming a republic.”
    You covered “before or after”, but seem to omit the possibility of this never happening.“

    Fair comment but an attempt was made to bring the Integrity Legislation some months ago. I expect it will be brought back and passed before the next elections. One can argue that COVID could have slowed down the legislative agenda. The same goes for the Freedom of Information Act. I don’t think Mottley will end this term without passing at the very least Integrity legislation.
    But, it’s the Duopoly and one never knows.
    @ Donna
    Thank you.

  29. @ Donna June 24, 2021 6:10 AM

    It doesn’t have anything to do with ‘fact finding.’ It’s about the Auditor General’s role.

    If you read the reports you’ll see AudG conducts compliance, financial and value-for-money audits simply to verify if the financial transaction were completed in accordance to government’s laws and financial regulations, the accuracy of information reported in the financial statements and if there was efficiency and effectiveness in the use of government’s resources.

    As I mentioned previously, upon the conclusion of the audit, he compiles the results and prepares a report, which must be submitted to Parliament.

    Obviously, reports of financial improprieties have to be investigated. This is currently not the AudG’s role.

    Unfortunately, after the reports are submitted to Parliament and the PAC conducts its investigations (whenever the Opposition Leader is able to form a quorum), similarly to what is now occurring with the Transport Board….. they are usually disregarded and the issues highlighted therein ‘die a sudden death.’

  30. “What is your take on the same administration’s proposal to take the decriminalization of your favourite ‘mind-expansion’ herb to a referendum?

    Why not go the same route as the republic thingie which is the ‘most practical and least cost’ route given the pending abdication/replacement of Queen Lizzie?

    After all, isn’t the same Republic status a fillip to the psyche of the young generation the same way the current criminalization of the young for using marijuana a stumbling block to their development and self-actualization?”

    I think the issue is a red herring non-issue as youths and big youths have been partaking from the beginning of time and don’t care what the law police and Government have to say. If someone feels like a doob they have a doob. A referendum will only give power to the squares to tell others whether they can puff in a legal style.

    You cannot criminalise a plant that God gave, that’s silly.

    The singers and players of instruments, poets, artists, hippies, new age practitioners, prophets all endorse it and advertise it.

    But, hold on I will go upstairs to contact my father on the bubbling telephone chalice to communicate what he has to say on the matter morally, physically, psychologically, medically and spiritually spliffically meditatively and will revert back to you when I come back downstairs again.

    meanwhile here is a reggae number for you to check out while waiting on the dog and bone…

    Herb Vendor, Give Thanks

  31. @Artax

    You have touched on an issue covered many times in this space. The fact is working committees of parliament do not work!

  32. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    I do not know which BLP Manifesto in 2018 Heather read. But I saw none of those weighty unimplementable promises nor expectations in that manifesto. In any case manifestoes can have a lists of delusionary social targets but facts and events modify them. We can all dream but reality hits us eventually. Barbados has to survive in the Real World. So lay back and watch how we navigate this uncharted sea .

  33. Miller,

    My Father up above told me to tell you..

    Bajans are not Lions
    They are pussies
    big scaredy cats
    sitting on the doormat
    and should smoke copious amounts of herb
    religiously regularly
    at least
    4 times daily
    as the remedy
    for the agony
    in their body
    and should switch off their computers
    to log off
    & tune in
    turn on &
    drop out
    And, start exercising forthwith
    to do some stress bending
    and eliminate their body fat
    before they get a heart attack
    all day

    Food for Thought

  34. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “the nefarious Public Order Act came eight years after we got independence !”

    they will all be effectively dealt with, as those who came before, for their hypocrisy and fraudulence…there is nowhere to hide and no escaping a reckoning.

  35. @Vincent

    What would have prevented successive governments from transitioning to a republic? We know Arthur created a secret committee to prepare for it. Stuart was not against it.

    Are we back to the debate that a manifesto is not a social contract? Why bother with manifestos!

  36. @ David June 24, 2021 7:07 AM
    With the switch to republic just maybe some in our next generation of people will be inspired when they learn of the switch to a republic to make Barbados a better place because this hypocrisy was removed from the equation. (Unquote).

    Do you think, dear Blog-master, that going the full republic route that is, fully self-governing, would weaken the case against GB for reparations?

    There would be no more apron strings to tug on especially in the area of Britain’s sharply-reducing foreign aid budget.

    After all, the Brits can always argue why not let us all forget about the colonial’ past by burying the reparations hatchet?

    Britain (no longer ‘Great’) can always claim to have bequeathed Barbados (as a form of non-financial ‘restitution’) with solidly-built political and social institutions on which the republic project can be erected.

  37. @Miller

    You are entering the hypothetical. We know from the mouthings it will be ceremonial.

  38. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    “Do you think, dear Blog-master, that going the full republic route that is, fully self-governing, would weaken the case against GB for reparations?”

    you must have missed the post where they are now latching on to the African Union to see if they get any reparations in their hands since the 50 billion dollar extortion plot did not work….you have to BE A SOVEREIGN NATION to get reparations….slave societies don’t qualify…besides…NOT A DIME..for those THIEVES..

  39. The problem is not a Duopoly or Democracy being EPIC FAILS in Barbados

    those are just symptoms of the underlying root cause that is causing blockages and disease in the system

    the real problem is Bajans are afraid of change and everything must change

  40. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David Bu at 9:3 AM

    Any Political Scientist worth his salt would tell you that Barbados is in effect a republic.. And so is the UK . Most commenters are asking for a change in the title and person who is the titular Head of State. But a change in the designated Head of State nor his/her title will change by one jot or iota how we are currently manage our affairs. That change has to come from the bosoms of our citizens and our elected Governments.
    Eradication of poverty, if we can agree on a definition, is a delusion. Poverty is subjective. And so are Social justice and equity. Lofty goals. Excellent targets to aim for. Implementable? Jokes.
    Do not resurrect that overworked ,misunderstood red herring of a manifesto being a Social Contract. The shelf llife expired two generations ago.

  41. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Africa as a SOVEREIGN CONTINENT ..has a much better case, it was THEIR PEOPLE KIDNAPPED AND ENSLAVED and not any slimy colonial agents for politicians….who believe they own people..

  42. @ Artax June 24, 2021 6:00 AM

    If you have confidence in the Director of Public Prosecutions, I DON’T!

  43. @Vincent

    Some will say symbols and actions matter? If we are presently behave like a republic then what is the issue? What is the hullabaloo? Are we intellectualizing the matter?

  44. @William Skinner June 24, 2021 6:50 AM
    Yes William, the 2 headed beast lives on one body! There is only one way to fight it now and that is to beat it at its own game. Don’t hold your breath waiting for those pieces of legislation. A cosmetic change will be meaningless to the people of Barbados. Why can’t the change be done in the right way by referendum?

  45. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU
    There used to be a Bajan saying that “Empty vessels keep the most noise”. Do the republics of Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana behave any differently from the ceremonial monarchies of Jamaica and Barbados? Are we not all managing our affairs as best we can? OSA like EWB were brilliant and pragmatic politicians . They never sacrificed substance for form. In a word it is a matter of getting our priorities right.

  46. @Vincent

    Is there an opportunity for Barbados to create its model? There was a time Barbados was held up as a model for small island development states.

  47. NorthernObserver Avatar

    @VC 10.48am
    While I am in agreement with much of the thrust of your points, I am less concerned with the opinions of a political scientist than a constitutional scholar. And question your assertion Barbados is essentially a Republic today.
    In several republics the judiciary, and other significant actors, are elected. Given the current head of state is largely titular, will this also be true of their replacement? Will the “President” (replacement) be appointed as per the GG or elected? What is the power split between the new Head of State and the Prime Minister and Cabinet. What happens to the Senate?
    Being a constitutional ignoramus, I suspect there are many other significant changes I cannot foresee.

  48. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU
    Barbados created its Model at Austins Bay in Christ Church in 1651AD/ BCE. It was the Model that The USA used to spring board its declaration of Independence. It is in the preamble of our written constitution. Perhaps we are still the model for SIDs despite slippages within recent memory. The task is for us, the citizens to engage in continuous improvement. AND to hold the feet of our elected representatives to the fire. Tall order. BUT we have to do it for ourselves and the generations that come after us.

  49. @Vincent

    Agree with you to a degree, the ongoing conversations about republic matters is part of the process we must never disengage.

  50. @ Vincent Codrington June 24, 2021 9:48 AM
    With the amount of money that was made in tourism since the late 70’s, do you think that anyone in Barbados should be poor? Should some of the earnings of Tourism which is governments largest revenue earner not be tied to poverty eradication? I have not even been able to find a mandate online for the Ministry of Tourism. What I found only speaks of International Transport. How can the tourism ministry not have a mandate?

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