I emailed Minister Abrahams the following, I am hoping that he receives many hundreds:

Minister Wilfred Abrahams,

You have failed to protect the vulnerable girls at GIS by removing all the staff who are implicated in the systematic torture of children by routinely incarcerating them naked in a bare concrete cell for days and weeks on end.

This treatment was contrary to the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. It was also in breach of Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I understand that you have ordered that such torture not be repeated, but you have left the torturers in charge of the institution and you have left vulnerable girls in their charge. Furthermore, you have publicly stated that you have confidence in the staff who inflicted these inhuman and degrading assaults on vulnerable children.

Your catastrophic error of judgement has made me deeply ashamed of my Government.

You have left me no choice but to insist on your immediate resignation from your position as Minister of Home Affairs, Information and Public Affairs.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Thompson

416 responses to “Pressure Mounts on Minister Wilfred Abrahams to Resign”

  1. You cannot copyrightor patent anything in Barbados, forget it..IT WILL BE STOLEN…..look to outside the island, anywhere else is much safer, you will be more protected..so your family can benefit.

  2. No problem, David. I have nothing more to contribute to the topic at present. The ball has been set to rolling on juvenile issues. All we can do now is monitor its progress periodically.

    But not too periodically. We should demand regular progress reports. We must stay on it!

    I too shall speak my truth and sow discord when necessary – but only when necessary. Sometimes it is more fruitful to look for and emphasise points of agreement from which a consensus can be reached and a coalition can be built.

    Extremist stances are the greatest threat to human existence at present. Polarisation hinders progress.

    Only reason can move the needle.

    Reform tends to stick whereas revolution is unstable.

  3. Donna,

    War in UUU is a rough diamond that needed a little polishing and had to stop banging on about slave laws and concentrate on human rights laws

    “You know who said it and you knoe who sang it!”
    Saint Selassie 1963 United Nations (his 1936 speech in league of nations was a corker)


    ..take a basic law course and you will be shocked at what you may learn.


    there are no active slave laws

    serving the will of your masters is just a mindset that lingers on

  6. USA:
    Most will agree that USA is a flawed society. It is obvious that at times, we do not keep the promises that were made; that we are a society in conflict with some trying to maintain the status quo and turn back the hands of time; but what cannot be ignored is that there are millions of good people fighting for equality and justice.

    Two major differences between the US and Barbados is the racial makeup of the country and the color of its political leadership. In my opinion, these are two positives, but somehow they have not afforded any advantages to the black part of the society. In fact, one can argue that, so far, it has worked to their detriment.

    When we examine the contact of black citizens with its own government, every point of contact seem to be one of failure.
    A leadership that was initially designed to served and protect a minority has functioned and survived unchanged for 60 years post independence.

    If with ten cycles of elections, we can see no significant changes for the vast majority of the population,
    we see 1400 lawyers and yet deficient laws remain on the book;
    we see our young children being punished with laws that are over 100 years old;
    we see governments that can move with haste to change some laws and slower than a turtle with laws that benefit the majority;
    we see the poor imprisoned for years without a trial;
    we see justice is delayed for some
    we see land thefts from the elderly and poor
    we see hundreds of millions of dollars being transferred in one direction

    Name any aspect of our law and it is deficient in some way. We can talk of a constitution, but it as if our leader are following a secret and different script. Perhaps we need to look for the the blueprint followed by our leaders in one of the vaults of those secret societies

    One is a flawed society, in a battle with itself and fighting to change the status . The other is a society determined to maintain the status quo; don’t let its black face fool you.

  7. Authorities at Her Majesty’s Prison Dodds may investigate the circumstances surrounding an inmate who fell seriously ill three days into remand and later died, they said on Friday.

    But where are the noisemakers on this story

  8. Let’s put aside the argument that “every place/country has something wrong wit it.” Let us focus on what is wrong with our society and try to fix that wrong.
    Knowing that there are water issues in Flint does not put water in the pipes of St Lucy
    Knowing that there are racist and cruel laws in the US does not keep a child off a cold we floor in Barbados.
    Let us try to fix our country instead of looking for the worst of other countries to compare ourselves with.
    Talk about a race to the bottom.

  9. We also need a honest discourse on BU. Below is a section from BT where a minister stated what would have drawn a label of. “overseas Bajan:” and an insinuation of being unpatriotic. The truth will always out.

    “Yet Symmonds acknowledged that as a “member of the public”, he was “concerned” about some of the penalties.

    He declared: “As a member of the public, I can say, that there have been cases where I have seen certain people, who do not come from around here, being given penalties that I consider to be a slap on the wrist, and equally, I am concerned that they were not made an example of, by way of far more severe treatment.

    “On the other side of the coin, I have been at times concerned with treatment being accorded to fellow Barbadians, but these are matters for the courts and it would be improper for me to involve myself in that.”

  10. William Skinner Avatar

    @ TheOGazerts
    “Let’s put aside the argument that “every place/country has something wrong wit it.” Let us focus on what is wrong with our society and try to fix that wrong.”
    Thank you.

  11. “Two major differences between the US and Barbados is the racial makeup of the country and the color of its political leadership. In my opinion, these are two positives, but somehow they have not afforded any advantages to the black part of the society. In fact, one can argue that, so far, it has worked to their detriment.

    When we examine the contact of black citizens with its own government, every point of contact seem to be one of failure.
    A leadership that was initially designed to served and protect a minority has functioned and survived unchanged for 60 years post independence.”

    which translates to 2 NEGATIVES when you have ACTIVE slave laws and slave codes ON STATUTE BOOKS and use them against the people willynilly to benefit racists and themselves…

  12. Yes,thank you Theo…we will say a woman got kidnapped and raped and have to hear idiots come out telling us about…so what, it happens everywhere…and don’t care how abhorrent the crimes against Black people on the island that’s all you hear…

    …that is a low intellect response..

  13. march worm moon ’tis a full moon tonight here’s a couple of full moon meditations for uuu


  14. All they seem to do when caught in violations of human rights is run out with these big billboards with FAKE HOUSING SOLUTIONS for the majority poulation who NEVER GET A TITLE DEED TO GO with these houses….or have to pay rent, and no passing on the houses to current or future generations…they got another housing scam going…

    this from another platform in another country…most of them are all the same, sellout and useless….vote begging black face nuisances.

    “Charley Daley
    · 1:18:23
    It’s a leadership problem we the people must find better leaders leaders incapable of selling out leaders capable of bringing the people’s vision to reality we have many we must find them.”

  15. The argument cannot be put aside when you people keep making it seem as though this is some sort of Bajan Condition, worse here than anywhere else and we who live here and are happy to do so are idiots!

    The argument cannot be put aside when you people present yourselves as lucky or resourceful people who have ESCAPED HELL and gone to heaven and pity us who have stayed.

    You people are bloody tone deaf! Who can listen to you when you insult us all day, every day????

    We who live here are very aware that we have racial inequity and politicians who are comfortable with the status quo.

    We are not idiots, just people who accept that life is a battle. Life EVERYWHERE is a battle!

    Full bloody stop!

    To recognise that is the first step in finding happiness WHEREVER YOU ARE!

    One can fight for justice and be happy at the same time!

    If one waits for perfection in order to be happy then one will live a miserable life!

    I find plenty to be happy about in Barbados!

    What is to be gained by making myself miserable all day, every day because everything is not as I desire?

    Would our enslaved ancestors not look at Barbados and see progress????

    The struggle continues!

    You people may have the last word.

    You shall not steal the joy I woke up with this morning.

  16. For those with short memory syndrome…we will probably have to keep reminding everyone by posting over and over…

    “The saga intensified with the announcement that the laws used to incarcerate and allegedly torture children are from the 1890s, but still used in 2021. The minister responsible promised to halt the practice of housing children naked in cells for weeks on end with inadequate meals, but to see any effectiveness, the antiquated slave laws must be vanquished from statute books.” Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved.

  17. What kind of country is Barbados to claim it is legal to torture children

  18. I have a feeling our ancestors are weeping profusely and rolling in their graves at the amount of disrespect put towards Africa and the disconnection from there from the descendants and how they are being treated today. They did not die in the revolution(s) for their descendants to go through conditions similar to what they were fighting against. They did not perish to have their name disrespected every day and be met with amosity because of the ignorance spread by propaganda about where they are from, they did not die so that the only known BURIAL GROUND in this country to be neglected and made a tourist attraction (and I hope no one touches that sacred ground) , that the only reminents of their culture are mocked on , looked at as negative and removed from the identity of their descendants. They are here,
    and always watching. What is going on is a disrespect to the ancestors in itself and I hope they continue to expose the neo plantation and brainwashing of the population as this year progresses.

  19. The whole world has moved on and anyone who engages in or condones child abuse is the worst kind of criminal that has to be arrested jailed and put in confinement to protect them from attacks from all other prisoners and criminals such as murderers and rapists. Barbados could argue rape slavery and human bondage is legal using same logic.

  20. Cosmo…check the itme yours was posted and then mine on the first blog….these think this is some joke where they can play games and then forget 2 seconds later what is really happening…and brush it off and post shite about “our ancestors would see this as an upgrade.”…disrespecting and insulting what our ancestors faced….and US BY EXTENSION.

    March 27, 2021 4:34 PM

    William…there are those who don’t know the difference between a struggle and a FULL BLOWN WAR…..meant to keep the majority Black population under subjugation, oppression and suppression….and i might add…for another 60 YEARS….

    .they have learned NOTHING after 400 YEARS….their ancestors must be in tears…

  21. @WARU
    These beings really had everything planned out slow clap. Is there any way to get rid of the fluoride in the water?
    Something I also noticed that depending on the parish. The water has a different taste, it is most likley the amount of fluoride they pump into each one to distribute. Akaline water is the way to go and it tastes less bitter to me than regular water.

    Also fluoride is in toothpaste as well ( Colgate and imported brands in the supermarket) and using it for an extended period of time it will make you numb because your body is absorbing the floride in the toothpaste into your body. As a result, the individual will become more prone to beLIEve the lies that are paraded as truth pushed to daily. There will be the emotion of disconnect from self due to flouride blocking/ calcifing the pineal gland. (Along with consuming fluoride water in excess) Many individuals do not notice this because they never tried non fluoride toothpaste before or held off of it for a while to see how their body reacts. In order to control someone , the key is tampering with what they consume to block the pineal gland because that organ is in control of many things including the state of awareness of an individual. They know this and that is why (other than “NCDs” ) the population is docile, it is all by design.

  22. “These beings really had everything planned out slow clap. Is there any way to get rid of the fluoride in the water?
    Something I also noticed that depending on the parish. The water has a different taste, it is most likley the amount of fluoride they pump into each one to distribute. Akaline water is the way to go and it tastes less bitter to me than regular water.”

    as long as the government is complicit in these crimes against the people the only remedy is to have all of them handcuffed and get an outside independent body to deal with ridding the water supply of any contaminants.

    “Something I also noticed that depending on the parish. The water has a different taste.”

    the parish that has not gotten water for years or only periodically more than likely get a double dose..

  23. “… the population is docile, it is all by design…”

    it must be the most backward country in the world

  24. Cosmo…this right here is a big part of the problem, these small time parasites on the island believe they are entitlled to live off black lives indefinitely…

    “While politicians and lawyers involved in these activities proudly wallow in self-reverence. Dr. Don Marshall, Director of a University of the West Indies think tank, the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies brought it all into focus, as he editorialized with emphasis in Barbadostoday newspaper that since achieving independence in 1966, both governments have consistently up to this day failed Black businesses. He further implored current lawmakers to strive to break the cycle and asserted that people have always suffered at the hands of minorities who use the centuries-old classless colonial tactic of inhibiting Black progress to their advantage.” Copyright ⓒ 2021. All Rights Reserved.

  25. No…the whole world has NOT moved on! Do you watch the news? Statements such as this only prove my point. You people make Barbados out to be the worst country in the world. However, Barbados will finally move on. The people have decided and so it shall be.

    Well, I am much better off and happier than my slave ancestors were. If that ain’t progress then I don’t know what is!

    Now it’s off to eat some pudding and souse! By choice, not because I can only get massa’s leftover pig parts!

    Here watching Al Sharpton moan and groan about America.

    What the hell is he moaning about??? He does not live in Barbados!

    Maybe he remembers the story of the black 17 year old boy who was sent to Rikers Prison on suspicion of STEALING A BACKPACK. Stayed there for a couple of years on remand because his family could not afford bail. Finally he was released and the charges dropped OBVIOUSLY BECAUSE HE WAS INNOCENT.

    Boy committed suicide soon after his release! I guess Rikers was torture!

  26. I can enjoy my pudding and souse and keep my eye on the Home Affairs minister at the same time.

    No more naked girls on the cement floor! No more children in isolation! No more locking up children for wandering! Faith Marshall-Harris on the advisory board.

    We will hold the minister to his word.

  27. And they plan to maintain that control in collusion with dangerous sellout government ministers come what may….but there are those EQUALLY DETERMINED that they will leave the island IN HANDCUFFS…

  28. “( Colgate and imported brands in the supermarket)”

    i stopped using flouride years now and stopped drinking the water unless it’s distilled or boiled over 30 years ago…

    i always knew something was very wrong and when tests came back showing that my body rejected the water but it still managed to do damage, that was it for me…

  29. i stopped using flouride/colgate years now….a very dangerous brand..

  30. “Well, I am much better off and happier than my slave ancestors were. If that ain’t progress then I don’t know what is!”

    do you have a British accent or a slow Bajan drawl, how long did it take you to type up those words

    ‘What emerged from the articles of the Barbadian Code was, in conclusion, a system of regulation of slavery designed to control the entire workforce, built on the conviction that primitives and barbarian Africans were naturally destined to be slaves because of their inferiority from a cultural and racial point of view.’

    ‘That is why the idea of the slave (and the African slave in particular) as an inferior human being resisted even after slavery was abolished. From this point of view, the slave legislation has certainly achieved one of the objectives it aimed to pursue: the perpetuation of the economic and cultural patterns that lie behind the slave system.’


    USA and Barbados are both fucked up bigly with their racism and slavery legacy still

  31. @WARU
    Exactly. The cognitive dissonance is staggering because I did not write that information gifted to me giving an answer to the madness that happens in this country my ancestors were forcefully taken to against their will for my health. Those that have the eyes to see and conciousness to innerstand gets the message. This was uterly disgraceful. Never let the word “ansestor” come of of their mouth because they really don’t know what they are referring to.

  32. A lot of people don’t realize that US was heavily colonized and had to FIGHT A WAR to gain a semblance of freedom, but the old demonic stain of racism still haunts the country to this day….just as it does Barbados…but the difference is, the black leaders in the parliament are the chief instigators of these crimes against Africans…while the US has a totally different war to contend with..

  33. Cosmo…the miseducation system has a lot to do with it…..among other mindnumbing things that upon reflection while growing up the answers were right there but we could not recognize it because of lack of information there was no way to connect the dots….but now info is available…many are still in denial.

  34. @WARU
    Anything that is given to us from the system has one intent to make as docile , traumatized and back in the slave energy. We can see that many have people sucummed it without their knowledge.

    This country’s tricks are getting old, if I can accurately pinpoint and predict their next move , that means that they need to shake up the formula because I said a few days ago to summarize:
    Exposed a crime they commit (GIS situation)
    More information about their crimes are leaked without them realizing or thinking they would get caught (slave laws being used in modern day)
    Distractions (recent news of violence and headline stories as a way to divert the situation)
    Punishment (if the population does not “forget” the crime. ie. Tomorrows shut down)
    Here it is ladies and gentlemen , “because the sheep exposed our crime of torturing children and we are getting sweaty because our sacrifices to keep the population asleep is no longer working.” Let us punish them with the old lockdown trick. Maybe they would shut up about this crime we committed now we placed them in a situation similar to slavery as an attempt to reactivate trauma DNA and “tame” them. Wonderful.

    Nothing is a coincidence people , study the script , identify the trick and keep exposing the crimes and fighting back against the neo colonial system..

  35. @WARU

    That is very true and I can go into detail about the miseducation system and how its main task is to not only feed us lies and propaganda as well as keep our minds enslaved , accepting breadcrumbs , unable to think for themselves or self expression to come up with original ideas that are not rooted in the future or thinking ahead or based in colonial ideology.

    There are many ideas for me to write on this blog because sharing and exposing this knowledge will be crucial. That is if @David would allow me to. I only joined here recently to give my my two cents however there are occourances I want people that look like me to know (in detail) due to observation for many years of this system.

  36. @cosmo.x and waru

    There is no flouride added to the Barbados water.

    I’ve drank flouridated water when I lived elsewhere and nobody was in control of me then or now.

    During my childhood I almost daily drank unprocessed well water in Barbados. I didn’t do me any harm nor any good. I’ve also drank processed and unprocessed water in different Caribbean islands and other places and every single place the water has a different taste.

    When I visit Florida the water taste swampy to me.

    On my first visit to the USA, to the Virginia/DC area in the early 70’s I couldn’t bear to drink the water, it just tasted “funny” to me.

    So of course water tastes different in different parishes as all of Barbados’ water does not come from the same source.

  37. @cosmo.x March 27, 2021 6:18 PM “Punishment (if the population does not “forget” the crime. ie. Tomorrows shut down”

    Why don’t you stop telling lies. Tomorrow’s stay at home advice/not lockdown, because nobody is obliged to lock their doors nor windows or stay INSIDE of their homes. People are free to be in their yards and gardens etc. has nothing to do with any punishment, any slavery, any DNA. It is strictly a public health measure. And don’t come to me with that nonsense about Covid19 not being real. One of my relatives is seriously ill and in isolation right now.

    Covid19 is real. Stay at home as much as you can. When you go out stay 6 feet away from others. When in public or in the presence of those who do not live in your household, wear your masks, Washing your hands regularly with soap and water or use hand sanitiser if no soap and water is available

  38. “keep our minds enslaved , accepting breadcrumbs , unable to think for themselves or self expression to come up with original ideas that are not rooted in the future or thinking ahead or based in colonial ideology.”

    i always wondered why the population seemed UNABLE TO THINK AHEAD FOR THE FUTURE…like others who would think 100-200 years ahead to pass on wealth etc, but then later learned that the same governments would collude with lawyers and minorities to TIEF any wealth the population accumulated just as their money disappear from the treasury and pension fund by the billions…..so there was nothing to pass on anyway and the population has no way to FIGHT THAT…until everything got exposed, but they are still picking up people’s properties and disadvantaging their beneficiaries…..a very nasty bunch who believe they are entitled…

    and thinking constructively or creatively is A MAJOR PROBLEM FOR MANY…there is a barrier there..

    “There is no flouride added to the Barbados water.”

    you have no clue what is added to the water….

    so you go from country to country drinking their water….and i can’t in any country without getting deathly sick, all has to be boiled or distilled to enter my stomach

    …..you have no clue what the hell ya drinking….and that explains so much..

  39. Sometimes, when you reach you grab the truth
    The war on uuu hotdog lady gave a false statement to throw us off the scent
    as the slave laws are done already
    but the slave mind is in your psyche
    and you need to set your minds free

  40. Cuddear…hope ya didn’t go to Detroit and drank any of their water…..

  41. Ok, my fellow bajan bloggers this is a defining moment for you
    a. you can either take orders for the rest of your life and make no impact on the world, or
    b. stand up!

    there is also a third option for the undecided
    c. you can nervously tag along to see what happens

  42. Many people just do not have the eyes to see and in life if you stand for something dofferent that the main narrative, it will fall on deaf ears or be challenged. That is just how life is, until something is exposed and then alas it is too late and then the wheels start turning, what if… what the “crazy person” was saying all along was right. I have no interest in defending what I say because I just share what I have to say and go, it is up for whoever reads it interpret it however they wish. I just say based on what I observe and draw my conclusion and share it. Let how people protray themselves let me know enough. I have no time to go back and forth and waste my energy because at the end of the day, it shows a persons level of consciousness based on how they react the truth.

    @WARU It is honestly sad seeing that many people cannot express creativity and come up with new concepts so they resort to stealing peoples ideas and putting it as their own. Truly a shame.

    An issue I have is how Visual art is not taken seriously here. Especially when it comes to truly innovative concepts or ideas that pushes boundaries of self expression that is not limited to a box (because thinking far ahead and expressing ones creativity is not encouraged in the school system at a young age and that limited thinking is further reinforced by the topics chosen in CXC and CAPE for Visual art that does very little to challenge artists creative expression). (Someone correct me if this has improved in recent years)
    On top of that, if the pursuit of becoming an artist is stated by let’s say an adolecent it will be shot down because “art doesn’t make money”. It is not about the money , it is about showing a talent to the world and beyond. I also think its because art is often perceived as something only a select few can do and if a child is not creative , it would be pointed out and he/she would think they aren not and cannot do that and develop a negative outlook towards it. (ie. “I can’t draw”, “I’m jealous you can do That” etc.) That drop of not believing in themselves will carry into adulthood and then they would conform into a box because they are lead to believe they cannot do x y z because a person told them that. Art shows the evolution of a people and today’s art in Barbados should reflect that to a high degree due to being tech savvy in the recent years and many young people being interested in graphic design , video game design etc and I think it should be pushed more and can be used as a way to encourage children as they grow to believe in themselves and persue other careers other than what is usually pushed in society once the institutions are avalible for that , if they were , it would also reduce brain drain.

  43. Can some of you reread the nonsense being posted to get the last word?

    So childish.

  44. @WARU “so you go from country to country drinking their water….and i can’t in any country without getting deathly sick, all has to be boiled or distilled to enter my stomach.

    Yup. But not Detroit though. I am blessed with really good health. In my family we typically go up to 85 or so, or 90+ a few of us past 100.

    So I am several thousand miles away from home, I will be away for several weeks. I am thirsty. What shall I drink? I don’t drink sodas, Haven’t done so in decades. I don’t particularly like alcohol. I can’t hold my thirst for several weeks. What to do?

  45. “Can some of you reread the nonsense being posted to get the last word?
    So childish.”

    spoken like a boring adult
    people’s thoughts are shooting off at random tangents like lucid dreams down rabbit holes

    but the issue of torture and abuse in Government institutions and excuses of laws raise issues of cults patterns of abuse dysfunctional society corrupt Government with roots in slavery still manifesting today
    on deeper levels physical abuse and torture is used to inflict psychological mind control and enact abusive perversions
    some people have messed up and damaged brains and other have brains for brains

  46. Wake up on a positive note..
    To the World
    Hi World, you are wonderful
    Considering the alternative, R=rather be here than elsewhere

  47. I love this man…
    And the lyrics

  48. I may have entered another phase of my life
    These days when i get up,my mind is clean and pure
    No thoughts of Barbados, USA or anywhere
    No thought of news or politics
    Will snuggle a little closer to the wife as she sleeps and will listen to some music

  49. “@WARU It is honestly sad seeing that many people cannot express creativity and come up with new concepts so they resort to stealing peoples ideas and putting it as their own. Truly a shame.”

    DBLP noncreative governments are famous for stealing ideas from the population and then bullying them into accepting nothing in return….common class thieves posing as leaders.

    ” I also think its because art is often perceived as something only a select few can do and if a child is not creative , it would be pointed out and he/she would think they aren not and cannot do that and develop a negative outlook towards it.”

    they kill self-confidence in the young so they don’t display extraordinary abilities and benefit from it…i know a group of youngsters disgusted by what the government does to people on the island….especially what CXC did to them and the other kids around the region in 2020, small island trash ruining children’s future.

    “it would also reduce brain drain.”

    unless the corrupt governments and minorities are PURGED OUT OF BLACK LIVES…there will always be a brain drain…they have to be removed permanently, there is always a way.

    there is no other relief but to get these go nowhere, greedy mentalities out of people’s lives. they are not the solution they are the major problem…though some are so comfortable in their modern day slave orbit they believe it’s an improvement..

  50. Sometimes the best lessons come with very simple instructions
    I remember checking out a pretty woman when I realize a next man’s eyes was checking out the woman at my side.
    On some things, I am a fast learner…

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