Grenville Phillips, Candidate for St. George North and Leader of Solutions Barbados

From my visits to almost every community in St George North, I have found one consistent desperate need. The employed want work for the unemployed, and the unemployed want work. All other issues were secondary.

All five candidates in this by-election (BLP, DLP, Solutions Barbados, UPP, and PdP) have a responsibility to propose workable solutions to the unemployment problems in St George North. The plans must not depend on new government funding, because the Government will claim that they have no money.

If a candidate does not have a workable plan, then they need to devise one. The plan should be fully operational in the 30 months remaining in the current election cycle.


If a candidate does not have a workable plan, then they should stop pretending that they do. It is unconscionable to give desperately hurting people false hope and empty promises.

The people of St George North do not only need a Member of Parliament (MP) in this by-election. There are so many MP’s in the House of Assembly, that the Prime Minister does not know what to do with them. The people of St George North need someone to manage workable employment generating projects.

Our plan is designed to make St George North the most prosperous constituency in Barbados. Both the plan, and my capacity to implement it, are contained in Solutions Barbados’ manifesto (attached). Please contact us if you have not received your copy.

All constituencies in Barbados are hurting. St George North voters have a responsibility to give them hope, and not let them down. They can do this by voting for the best plan for themselves, not their party.

If people are prospering, then families, businesses, churches, and community organisations automatically benefit.

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer and Solutions Barbados Candidate for St George North. He can be reached at

Two and one half minute) audio recording of “What do the Residents of St George North Want?

580 responses to “What do the Residents of St George North Want?”

  1. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Well said.

    In spite of MIA AMOR MOTTLEY threatening the people of SGN by making it clear that all things must come thru her Or nothing doing.

    If they dont vote for HER candidate TONI MOORE nothing will happen in SGN EVER.

    MIA CARES!!!!!

  2. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Grenville, there are some good ideas here, but you need not be elected to parliament to implement them. Just do it. Don’t wait.

    I have professional fundraising expertise (over the past three years I’ve helped raise about $7 million for Barbados based organizations) and I will help you pro bono if you start putting your plans into action rather than talking about them.

    I do counsel you to work with and through existing nonprofits though, because international donor agencies will not fund an organization unless it has been in operation for at least three years.

  3. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Show MIA AMOR MOTTLEY things can be done in SGN , with or without her help for poor BLACK PEOPLE

  4. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    The biggest problem in SGN.

    “”I have 30 years of experience in the construction industry. We plan to set-up a non-profit construction company, to participate in the government’s 1,000 affordable houses initiative.

    We will train all unemployed St George North residents, who want to learn to safely construct a house. Training will take two weeks, at no cost to St George North residents. We will then employ them in the non-profit company, to apprentice with senior artisans. If the government’s 1,000 houses initiative does not happen, then we will build affordable houses for any client in Barbados.””


    The BLP in power but Barbados suffering from a 50% UNEMPLOYMENT rate and the Govt. has no answer to that.

    Here is the solution Barbados.

  5. Hi PTL:

    I appreciate the offer of assistance. Please note the following.

    One – None of our plans require third-party funding or government assistance. You may have heard the PM’s message to the DLP’s candidate on any of their projects. Anticipating this risk, our plans are designed to avoid it.

    Two – I have been doing many of these activities, pro bono, during the past decade, and long before considering politics in 2015.

    Three – I assume that the one you are suggesting that I start is the first – employing persons to build houses. While I train many persons, pro bono, to build houses. I cannot commit to starting a no-profit construction company before being elected. I cannot ethically be a contractor and consulting engineer at the same time. I am prepared to give up my consulting career if the people of St George North employ me to represent their interests. But it is too much to ask before then.

  6. What stopped Solutions from starting these projects post election defeatvin 2018? What are the results of the bring your idea and come to Combermere fair hosted by GPII?🤭

  7. This question is asked, implicitly, to convey a perceived notion that the people of Saint George North cannot avoid loitering on the good graces of a politician.

    A politician, any politician, who cannot demonstrably show how he/she represents a departure from the past. And if he does, how would a solitary seat in the House transform the entrenched system of duopoly.

    The truth is that the people of SGN do not need anybody to represent them. We have long known how to build community. And the construction of a viable community must be anchored by economy, not international welfarism.

    And once they build their community in this way they can then buy any number of stinking politicians they want. So that when orders are given, by the people, they must be obeyed.

    This is what transformation must mean, not well worded statements, manifestos. We’ve just had the blp jettison a glossy manifesto after just 2 years having grossly underestimated the gravity of the situation the country faced, even when repeated warned by some here.

    These misdirections by political pimps can only happen when we continue to look for some politician/saviour to do for us that which we have an inborn sovereignty to do for ourselves.

  8. Clarke should be locked up for taking tax payers nothing and doing nuttin
    Now Mia gets rid of him and puts another do nothing representative called Moore(lol) who did nothing to represent Union members in two years while she draw a salary from money placed in govt revenue from tax payers
    The long and short govt has no intentions of helping the people ofSGN
    When election over govt would stop the cleaning
    What a bunch of jokers teking SGN people fuh

  9. Reifer got govt running scared
    Govt needs a foot in them neck
    26 years nuttin done
    Reifer shows up in two weeks govt listening
    Reifer yuh the boss
    Keep hitting govt fuh six

  10. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    If Mr Reifer can mount a social media campaign with at least a dozen of these short videos he stands a chance of making an impact. Elections are not won in the rum shops any more, they are won on WhatsApp.

  11. @Peter

    And Insta.

  12. David, PLT

    This is a mere distraction. There must be a million times this and much worse must have happened.

    Mere titillation for the unserious.

  13. @Pacha

    Media has to work for a candidate like Reifer.

  14. Ok David
    And if Reifer wins, what’s next.
    More of the same?

    Is Reifer the dlp candidate?

  15. If he wins the DLP will feel it has been given a vote of confidence by a concerned electorate given the overwhelming numbers on the government side. To your first question, yes.

  16. LMFAO! The DLP was in power for 10 of the last 12years and refused to finish the same pavilion. So is Floyd admitting that the DLP also failed? He is right tho, people ain’t fools. Reminds me of a primary school NIFCA piece. 🤣🤣🤣

  17. David

    Floyd Reifer is well known by us. He is a decent fellow.

    But, he would now have to explain how come the dlp did not finish the “big work” in their 10 years in powah.

    More of the same.

  18. Enuff

    Yuh beat muh to the draw. LOL

  19. The point is he is in the here and now, it is being fixed with him in the picture. He gets to claim the credit.

    It is a talking pint he can use with justification.


  20. “Mere titillation for the unserious.”

    Thank you!

  21. Floyd has momentum on his side
    He does not have to answer about past govt flaws
    He was not a govt minister during those periods
    Now as candidate Floyd he has every right to point out what Clarke refused to do to help the people of SGN
    In any event his voice has been a voice of influence in so much that it has made govt running for cover
    Bulldozers never seen or heard before breking down bush to build park in SGN
    Wuh loss govt has no shame already stealing Floyd idea
    Tek that so many sixes off the bat of Floyd in SGN got govt sweating and revisiting their strategy to beat Floyd

  22. Not minding Enuff tek shame out govt face she tries to interject a non point
    Lest Enuff forgot Floyd on came on the political scence two weeks ago
    In his absence of not being a past govt minister he has no credible information to say with justification as to why past govt projects were not implemented outside what he might have read or heard in the media
    What Enuff and Lorenzo needs to be doing is going to SGN and see the welcome and respect the people have for Floyd
    A big piece of the moral puzzle missing from Moore candidacy

  23. David

    Floyd is unlikely to win given recent political history.

    However, if he did win, and we know Floyd, the dlp will have a bigger problem of party leadership.

    Would the parliamentary leader, Floyd, be party boss or the newly elected party president.

    That will be a real big problem for the dlp.

    Maybe the party president hopes that he loses.

  24. @Pacha

    How is such a scenario an issue? Reifer is a political light weight in the party, selected to satisfy situational expediency.

  25. David
    Any campaign based on painting Gline Clarke as not getting anything done in SGN seems desperate. The evidence there for all to see. The man musse got more capital works to show in SGN than DLP did during 2008-2018.🤣🤣🤣

  26. David

    You may see him in that light at your peril.

    We known the man. And should you make him the only sprat in the pond, next morning you’ll come back and find a shark on your hand, be warned.

    BTW, what kind of vetting are these parties doing. No psychometrics?

  27. Enuff True
    Any campaign focused on the outgoing minister is a waste time
    Be that as it may he was the minister for 26 years and his flaws or missteps would be highlighted
    However it still a little too early to press both knees in Moore’s neck
    Saving the best for last
    What a whopping awaits her in like manner she did the govt workers

  28. David
    BTW, who is not a political lightweight in the dlp?

  29. Govt tail is showing it has gotten so long that it is dragging on the ground
    These imbeciles tek people for fools
    It took Floyd words to get them doing something
    In meantime govt response has given Floyd more exposure showing that he has influence and is not a political light weight

  30. Wha bout your tail, dah aint showing too?

  31. Pachaman

    What about my tail u want to know
    It is obviuos it is not as exposed as govt if not you would not be asking that question
    In any case my tail not as long as govt
    Example Floyd being able to grab hold of govt long tail and twisting and turning the tail so hard until gov surrendered to his call for help in SGN

  32. mARI

    there is a lot of “big works” in st george that was started by clarke and put on hold by the DLP. that pavilion is on. and guess what the blp would be fool to have the election going and dont restart some of them (especialy in the time when they trying to keep people employed).

    Now floyd had one thing right – after elections the “big work” would stop – only if he win – so he can stop fooling people that he can get the “big works” finished.

    Now when all the big work talk is over Moore going cut the ribbons on both the park and pavillion and the unfinished sidewalk/road at st hellens and in 2.5 years when the next general call and miss moore get to talk about the “big work” that were completed under her, Reifer will still be hitting all his “big works” sixes but he score still going to be a big fat 0

  33. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    When the the BLP loses the seat the WHITE BAJANS will make absolutely clear that NOTHING happens in SGN.

  34. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Dont try to fool the people of SGN, the person from your BLP didnt do a pang for SGN for the 26 years that he was there only for himself.

  35. Caswell once again calls out Mia for wielding her power in areas of the election where she has no right or authority to do so
    Areas which are reserved and for the Boundaries and Electoral Commission to make decisions
    Mia Mottley keeps proving that her appetite for Power is insatiable and did not stop on May 2018
    Barbados we have a problem

  36. I would not call Floyd Reifer a lightweight anything. He shows up in positions one where we would not even have had him in the running. Check out his cricketing record and you’ll see what I mean. He usually gives it a good shot too. The man sure knows how to win over people.

    The DLP needs a thorough cleansing. Maybe it can start with him.

    I wish him good luck.

  37. In revealing the Nomination Day and election dates last Friday, Mottley said candidates contesting the by-election would have the opportunity to impress during three debates which will be aired live on the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

    However, the outspoken Franklyn told Barbados TODAY that Mottley did not have those powers.

    Section 41C of the Constitution of Barbados states: “The registration of voters and the conduct of elections in every constituency or any matters that appear to the Commission to be incidental to or consequential upon either, shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the Commission.

  38. Michael Campbell Avatar
    Michael Campbell

    Dont try to fool the people of SGN, the person from your BLP didnt do a pang for SGN for the 26 years that he was there only for himself.

    Carson C. Cadogan, you may be on to something here. Barrow was the representative for St. John for 29 years, from 1958 to 1987. Then David Thompson for 23 years, from 1987 to 2010. Mara Thompson from 2010 to 2018, that is 8 years.

    That means the DLP represent St. John for 50 years with two prime ministers and a prime minister’s wife, and a survey say it was the poorest parish in Barbados.

    Poor roads, poor bus service, poor housing, poor infrastructural development, poor people and the poorest parish because of poor representation.

    After 50 years the only thing the DLP could brag bout in St. John is a policlinic.

    The people vote out piss poor Mara for somebody new.

    The people in SGN might do the same.

  39. Campbell the election talking points were selected by the blp who instead of highlighting Moores strength as reason they pick her as a candidate
    Preferred to use Clarke 26 year record
    That strategy has so far backfired as Floyd was smart enough to show all of Barbados the deplorable state Clarke left in SGN
    Using past govt failures are not going to work against Floyd
    He is a newbie and unlike Clarke never had a seat in Parliament to make decisions on behalf of the people

  40. Michael Campbell Avatar
    Michael Campbell

    Mariposa, if you believe so, then using a past representative shouldn’t work because Reifer ain’t running against Clarke, he running against Moore who is another newbie that never had a seat in parliament, according to you.

    You see, the slate clean, because Clarke done and the both of them starting at zero.

    You can’t assume what Moore would do based on what Clarke did not do. She running on her own behalf, not on Clarke’s.

    That means Reifer got to talk bout his plans for the constituency and Moore about hers.

    But I understand your strategy is to make this by election about Reifer and Clarke, when it is really about Reifer and Moore.

  41. wuhloss…AGAIN…the lawyers and leaders of parliament, DON’T seem to KNOW, or pretending to not know THE ELECTION LAWS….maybe the fowl slaves can explicate.

    Pacha….fyah in ya wyah…a replay of the lack of knowledge of the laws surrounding the hiring of TWO DEPUTY COPS..

    “Questions are being raised regarding Prime Minister Mia Mottley’s recent announcement that there will be a series of live political debates ahead of next month’s by-election in St George North.

    Opposition Senator Caswell Franklyn, Opposition Leader Joseph Atherley and political scientist Cynthia Barrow-Giles, have all suggested that it is the role of the Electoral and Boundaries Commission to arrange such an event.

    In revealing the Nomination Day and election dates last Friday, Mottley said candidates contesting the by-election would have the opportunity to impress during three debates which will be aired live on the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

    However, the outspoken Franklyn told Barbados TODAY that Mottley did not have those powers.”

  42. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    I have seen servants(BARBADOSLABOURPARTY) on Horses, and PRINCES(THEPEOPLE) walking as servants upon the Earth.

  43. Campbell but the govt/ blp has decided to use a strategy of defense based on Clarkes record which has nothing to do with Moore’s record as a Senator
    I am therefore forced to conclude that the party use of Clarke record was an attempt to bolster Moore candidacy going forward which in my humble opinion has backfired

  44. Mia needs to know her place. She keeps overstepping her boundaries.
    This is indeed worth watching. So far she is meeting adequate opposition from all quarters We obviously cannot fall asleep on this job

    Also, I think these election shenanigans are a distraction. We have more urgent business to take care of in this country. Now we have a pension to pay Clarke and another MP salary.

    I guess there is no shortage of funds.

  45. Michael Campbell Avatar
    Michael Campbell

    Mariposa, you keep talking about Moore’s record as a senator. What does that mean? What are the records of the other senators in comparison with hers??

    I think you mixing up yourself thinking that a senator and a MP do the same thing.

    Wait, Carson, you did ever get that matter sort out when you and Steve Blackett was canvassing in Bank Hall, and you asked Ikie’s mother what she wanted and she said to pay the light bill? Remember you all took the light bill and the next few days the Light and Power went to disconnect the old lady’s light?

    Remember that was in the papers?

  46. Donna

    If Clarke did resign in his own and do nothing would we still have to pay is pension and another mp salary?

    People should really listen carefully to wha mm said about the debates

  47. Wouldn’t

  48. She said debate time will be made available by CBC.

  49. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    MIA AMOR MOTTLEY says that EVERTHING got to come thru her, I guess she think that she is a GORILLAPHANT!!!!!

    I am sure you remember when she first met TRUMP, He YESTERDAY HE MET THE President OF Barbados and he is a REALLY NICE GUY.

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