Submitted by Pachamama

We write as the New York Times has finally found damning evidence that Donald Trump is not the billionaire, successful businessman, he has always presented himself to be – some of us were long aware of this. He may be nearer to being a tax cheat. On the other side of the electoral ledger, Trump has fortuitously found Amy Barrett to buttress his position when (not if) the elections are thrown into the Supreme Court.

Currently, a range of polls have Joe Biden leading almost everywhere. Nationally, he leads Trump by between eight (8) and ten (10) points. In the six (6) to eight (8) battleground states, Biden has leads greater than the margins of error in about five (5) to six (6) of them. Trump leads in one (1) or two (2) and there are a few where there are statistical ties. There is some significant enlargement of the electoral map (battleground states) as states like Texas and Georgia beckon as if ‘fool’s gold’ for Democrats. These are where every election is won or lost.

Presidential elections in America, in recent times – yes, but throughout their history, have been bedevilled by all manner of fraud – on all sides, at different times, but particularly by Republicans, currently, so as to compensate for being the less populace of the two major parties, which it has become. Exit polling, the gold standard for elections, as the highly reliable measure for predicting outcomes and detecting fraud have often failed to avoid the opposite results within the American context. Unlike pre-election polling, no guesswork is required for exit polling which is globally deployed.

In the 2000 presidential elections George Bush, number two (2), was able to defeat Al Gore when the Supreme Court, which Trump has now stacked with loyalists, intervened and threw the elections to Bush. Of course, the Florida Republican Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, had already prepared the ground by removing tens of thousands of Afrikan-American voters from the rolls in strategic areas – they could not vote. If you were Black, with a criminal record, and your name was Brown all the Browns in your immediate areas were therewith removed from the voter rolls. This remains a central Republican voter suppression tactic.

This preparation of the battleground, as if for war, has been, all this time, going on behind the scenes by well-paid soldiers who know that their boss, Trump, never wants to be seen as a ‘loser’. Trump as the out-and-out fraudster and well aware of all the historic electoral shenanigans will be hard to be persuaded by what he sees as meaningless traditions. It should not be doubted that new systems of election rigging are being hatched as an ongoing project.

Trump should be believed when he contends that the only way he could lose is if the elections were unfair. We must see his attempts to manipulate the postal system; his inordinate control over Republican governors, like Ron DeSantis in Florida, a battleground state; and in the absence of a possible clear defeat, the reliability of a Supreme Court to appoint him, an easy ask. We concede though, that the court may not be as dependable as he would like it to be.

The 2004 elections were stolen based on electronic manipulation by George Bush or people acting on his behalf – essentially Karl Rove, who Bush called the ‘architect’. Rove and his fellow architects, again in Florida, were able to program voter machines so that votes for John Kerry were recognized, by the machines, as votes for Bush.

In Ohio, Ken Blackwell, a Black republican and former mayor of Cincinnati, oversaw the same kinds of built-in irregularities in certain counties as he certified numbers of electors inconsistent with actual registered voters. Bush’s approval ratings days before the election was 48%, with political momentum going against him. Normally when an incumbent president is below 50% he/she tends to lose. But Bush ‘won’ 51-48% in Ohio as the voting machines supplied by republican outfits included Diebold Election Systems, Inc. (DESI), Election Systems & Software (ESS) and Sequoia Voting Systems did the job intended. These are the companies which conspired with Karl Rove to steal two elections in a row and were the suppliers of 80% of all voting machines within the USA.

Notwithstanding the underlying election fraud by Bush, CNN had called the 2004 election for Kerry. But soon after and based on one of sixteen statistical impossibilities, a few thousand additional votes produced a five (5) point swing for Bush. This was also inconsistent with the exit polling results in the decisive states of Florida and Ohio. CNN then reversed itself and began calling the elections for Bush instead of Kerry. This action wiped out Kerry’s three (3) percentage points lead which he had gained up to 01:36 am and had Bush now leading by 2 percentage points in Florida. Only in America!

Pennsylvania also played a similar role in these fraudulent 2004 elections.

Enter Mitt Romney, and the 2012 elections, with Barack Obama seeking a second term. Romney comes along with the serial election fraudster Karl Rove. Maybe it was John McCain, given the man which he was said to be, who declined to participate in an election fraud against Obama in 2008. Donald Trump could never be depended upon to behave in such ways. History may indeed show that McCain created a break in the historic fraudulence of Karl Rove during the 2008 presidential elections – Obama v McCain.

Readers may recall Karl Rove, appearing on Fox News as commentator, in the 2012 elections, delaying a concession long after all indications were that Obama was being projected to be the winner of Ohio and thus would have garnered the 270 electoral votes to be the next president. Rove knew something only few others would have known.

It was Willian Skinner who alerted us about a report in the press concerning a motley group of hackers who were claiming to have discovered the planned electronic theft of Karl Rove and his associates and succeeded in blocking them, putting Rove’s agents into an electronic trap. As a result we are left to presume that Rove’s actions coupled with Romney’s long delayed concession was their way of giving the hidden and fraudulent hands more time to manifest this massive election fraud once more.

As we approach the first question and answer session on Tuesday (these could hardly pass for debates) Trump will see them as an opportunity to destroy Biden using his belligerent, uncouth, style. Biden’s handlers will be happy if they can get him out of there with at least a credible draw. There will be hardly any machinations, hopes, about winning given the damaged goods with which they have been handed. However, for Trump, less so than for Biden, the real game is taking place elsewhere and conducted by the forces of darkness from whence the whole panoply of American electoral fraud will be in a heightened state of readiness.

We have estimated that even if Joe Biden were to win the popular vote, win the Electoral College by a significant margin, win the exit polling, have all major media projecting him as the winner, by some chance have the Supreme Court declare him as winner, these will not be enough to convince Donald Trump that he is indeed anything less than the winner. Biden will then have to get Trump to concede and exit the White House, still. A dependence of the military brass is ill-advised. These may prove more difficult than winning the election as Trump has already prepared a case indicting the Democrats for engaging in massive election fraud. And as irrational as that maybe, we’ve seen this play reenacted for four years, Trump winning more often than not.

Biden the dependable nationalist, like Al Gore and John Kerry before him, may even find a way to capture defeat from the jaws of victory in order to preserve the republic and avoid a decent into civil unrest, even if the Supreme Court acted in his favour and against an adamant Donald Trump.

Of course, there will be demonstrations in the street regardless of final outcome..

There can be no daylight between the high-handed nomination of Amy Barrett and the election fraud being perpetrated by Donald J. Trump and those acting on his behalf. As this looming crisis to empire takes us on a slow march to a near unavoidable disaster it maybe high time for American policymakers to rethink all the structures on which this experiment was constructed. Certainly, an ‘exceptional nation’ should not have produced a Donald Trump, let alone have him elevated to the seat of power. A power position which then transforms a fraudster into a neo-fascist with the perceived power to say who, in the case of Venezuela, is to be that country’s president. The power of the presidency may be the one thing keeping Trump out of jail, Should he lose all bets are off. And Trump knows this too well.

Strengthened by the fraudulence of empire he can now do to America what the United States has for two hundred and fifty (250) years done to the rest of the world. One man, Donald J. Trump, has in a mere four (4) years done more damage to the United States of America than all the armies ever seen and not even a thousand Joe Bidens could recover it.

1,186 responses to “How Donald Trump is Stealing the 2020 Presidential Elections”

  1. Pacha, fair piece. Especially that he had done more to harm the US than a dozen armies could. But that is expected, many suspect that he is working for Putin and the tax returns have raised more queries on that.

    However, to cut a long story short, Trump can win. For one reason only. That many are just as racist and hateful as he is. There is absolutely no other reason.

    Many will vote for him despite the overwhelming evidence against him. Because they do not like brown and black people. Full stop, nada, that is it, nothing more to say. No rationalising of it, no other details, nothing.

  2. Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad,

    Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar


    God and We are One.

    I know this by the Grace of the True Guru.

    I know this by the Grace of the True Guru.

    God and We are One.

  3. 555dubstreetSeptember 29, 2020 5:37 AM That is very soothing. Thank you.

  4. Crusoe
    It is called the master key meditation to unlock the universe if you practice it continually for a 40 days Sadhana your dreams will manifest into reality, but is a powerful mediation and you should be careful about what you say afterwards as your words and thoughts will vibrate through the whole cosmos.

  5. @ Pachamama

    Re: He may be nearer to being a tax cheat.

    The “jury” is still out on that. However, anybody who knows anything about tax accounting knows that you can carry forward losses which can significantly reduce or eliminate the payment of taxes in one or more succeeding years. Instead of parroting the left-wing NYT we should await the result of the IRS audit.

    RE: On the other side of the electoral ledger, Trump has fortuitously found Amy Barrett to buttress his position when (not if) the elections are thrown into the Supreme Court.

    You say, “fortuitously”? The word “fortuitous” means “by chance”. So here is your argument, reducto ad absurdum: Trump found Barrett by chance. The elections are going to be thrown into the Supreme Court (no chance here; you are absolutely sure!). Trump is planning to use Barrett (so he’s strategic, then!) to buttress his position (i.e. his loss of the election). Do you see the absurdity you have occasioned by using the word “fortuitous” here?

    Can Trump strategize or not? Make up your mind! On the other hand, if you are prophesying, do say so.

    What I hear on the REAL prophetic circuit is that Roe vs. Wade is to be challenged (among other things). BTW, I take all prophets and prophecy with a healthy dose of skepticism as Scripture advocates. But take a look at Barrett’s background, come back and tell us what you find and then tell us if you see anything “fortuitous” about her selection.

    Despite what many want to believe there are people in America ( some love to call them “religious extremists”) who KNOW that America has indulged in things that God absolutely hates – e.g. abortion, homosexuality, pedophilia, to name a few – and is paying the price. That rebellion is the real underlying cause of America’s decline. Those who understand this want that changed. That is the big picture. The methodology?

    || Righteousness makes a nation great, but sin diminishes any people. Proverbs 14:34 International Standard Version ||

    Yes, there is racism in America; yes there is corruption, etc. But these are SYMPTOMS, not CAUSES. Like it or not, the cause is in the rebellious, sinful heart of man. Ditto Barbados.

    Stop wasting time on Trump and focus on the real (spiritual) life and death issues (pun intended here). In the limit, he is no better or worse than the rest of us. A dynamic, strategic God can use less than savoury people or even the Devil, if he needs to get a job done, as he has done in the past!


    Instructional video:

  7. @ 555dubstreet September 29, 2020 6:20 AM

    Can we assume that you are paying this blog for these “promos” you insert any and every where, rather than dealing directly with issues on the table?

    Can the blogmaster say whether this facility is available to all and sundry?

  8. ironside you seem to be god fearing like many barbadians , So why did god decide to call RBG home at this time and help trump .? I have decided that it is for all the lies the dems have been telling for the last four years , their arrogance, their hubris bill mahers we have to cancel god statement even deity’s have their limits lol.
    Tonight will tell

  9. @Ironside

    All of us have our style of communicating.

    All of us have our opinions.

    Show tolerance.

    Scroll on by.


  11. Another opinion.


  13. I have decided that it is for all the lies the dems have been telling for the last four years , their arrogance, their hubris bill mahers we have to cancel god statement even deity’s have their limits
    LIES??? You must live in an alternate Universe, LIES??? Who is the king liar that made fact checking into a lucrative profession?
    How can you tell if Trump is lying? His mouth is open

  14. @Sargeant

    Do you mean alternative facts?





  18. David you remember rachel maddow and the last bs exposé on taxes found out he paid more . a newspaper controlled by a mexican of lebanese descent I will wait till the IRS is finished their audit. Wasnt that a surprise they said he really was under audit, and hasnt done anything illegal but is a bad person for having accountants. Wasnt this the same crap as just before 2016. Are you not at all interested in why the mayor of moscows wife would send hunter biden 3 million bucks ? What hypocracy

  19. But just from a business point of view how do you end up with losses …Oh yeah you pay people,to keep them working you buy things that keep people working , investing in stocks that keeps people working you have a great lifestyle that keeps people working etc etc . Check out buffett he has a lower tax rate than his secretary what does that mean in the grand scheme nothing.

  20. Anything is possible in an election.

    Joe Biden could win, we’ll see.

    The debate later today will be interesting to watch.

    But, many people figure Biden is toast, just look at the Trump rallies, the best form of polls!!

    This form of polling sure worked well in 2016.

  21. The question is not if Trump paid $750 or not that is irrelevant and just typical USA sensationalism. The question should be was his return legal and did he in fact make use of all the legal allowances under the US tax system that ended with him actually only having to pay $750? Only time will tell what the outcome is based on the IRS reviewing his claims and deductions. If they start throwing out deductions then the value of each deduction thrown out will then be taxable.

  22. … and the tax thing, just one more thing that will make Trump stronger!!

    As Trump said ago, “I can’t help it if I am smart”!!

    If the loopholes he used are so egregious then the lawmakers are the ones who need to be hauled over the coals.

    My bet is there is no tactic he used that is any different from what Biden, or any other person in the US used to legally avoid paying taxes.

    The attempts to get Trump are backfiring now.

    Here is CNN getting a surprise fake news live protest outside the Supreme Court on Saturday.

  23. John ASeptember 29, 2020 8:43 AM

    The question is not if Trump paid $750 or not that is irrelevant and just typical USA sensationalism. The question should be was his return legal and did he in fact make use of all the legal allowances under the US tax system that ended with him actually only having to pay $750? Only time will tell what the outcome is based on the IRS reviewing his claims and deductions. If they start throwing out deductions then the value of each deduction thrown out will then be taxable.


    He has been under audit for years.

    What the press is saying is that the IRS is either corrupt or does not know what it is doing.

  24. … but they know better than the IRS

  25. uae and bahrain sign peace deal nothing
    economy best ever before pandemic nothing
    prison reform nothing
    over 50 prisoners released nothing
    got rid of jv team isis nothing
    etc etc etc
    but we got his taxes.. bombshell…..pathetic

  26. @ John

    The Press are like stray dogs in a yard, throw them a bone and they will fight over it. The IRS are the only people authorised to state whether his tax return is fraudulent and to the best of my knowledge they have not said that at this stage.

  27. @ John A

    Go to the back of the class. You are too rational for BU. We want more hysteria and panic. You are too bright for the blog. By the way, a few months ago we heard a lot about fiscal space; since then we have had a Queen’s Speech, was there anything in that speech to support more fiscal space?
    Is voodoo still our unofficial religion? What about China’s New Silk Road? Are we going to change the names of our districts to Chinese? Our head of state will be Xi Jing, not Elizabeth 11.

  28. Why the ass you can’t post a comment without being disparaging to others? You can disagree with other commenters who have a right to their opinions.

  29. Better be careful Hal or you might get a duppy in the mail lol

  30. King Liar and King Con!

    This morning I give thanks that people like Lawson. Money Brain and co. have left Barbados and pray that John the Racist will join them.

    But my bet is that a survey of our Bajan whites would find most of them standing firmly behind the poisonous Agent Orange.

    And finally I ask why are so-called Christians so obsessed with sex???? It is creepy! Methinks many of them protest too much!

    FYI the full spectrum of “sins” is and always has been practised worldwide.

    This Bible nonsense is really tiresome.

  31. Going back outside to talk to my plants!

  32. I don’t care about Trump’s taxes. Wealthy people know all the loopholes.

    I’m just grateful that his own businesses supported so many people. Trump supplied thousands of jobs with his enterprises.

  33. @ Hal

    From the back of the class you get to see the whole class. Lol

    I am no Trump supporter, but he like anyone else has a right to make use of the system available under US tax law. Now we can question how a man with his self claimed wealth could only pay $750 in tax. Nothing wrong with asking that question at all. The problem is the question must not be directed to Trump but to the head of the IRS. In other words the old saying below holds true today.

    The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is a good accountant!

    Basically it means that he may or may not have cheated the IRS but only the IRS can make that call not CNN or CBS.

  34. God dith smite RBG so trump will win it is written. It cant get any clearer than that . You know the reason people leave barbados is your over populated, which kinda means the boys cant keep it in their pants. So it might not just be christians getting it on.

  35. @Lawson

    Is horlicks sold wherever you reside?


  36. @ John A

    I agree with you.

    Even here when taxpayers make use of every legal allowance afforded to them by the BRA, in an effort to pay less taxes, they’re accused of fraud.

    And similarly, the BRA is the only agency in Barbados authorized to verify whether or not tax returns were fraudulently prepared.

    Quaker John, PLEASE. This isn’t a situation where Trump is ‘smarter than the average bear,’ as you’re attempting to make us believe…….because it’s highly unlikely ‘Agent Orange’ actually completes and files his tax returns (himself).

    Obviously, he would have a team of ‘bookkeepers’ that would manipulate the system in his interest.

  37. David as you well know horlicks is best for invalids . Barbados need is greater

  38. @ John A

    I am not digressing, but watch the @PLT idea for remote working in Barbados, which this clueless government has jumped on with alacrity.
    I raised the question of the tax official in these people’s home countries, and @PLT, in his usual confidence, said he had spoken to talk officials (presumably local ones) and they said there was nothing to worry about.
    The IRS and the UK’s HMRC are going to come down on these people like a ton of bricks; and, as to be expected, locals, including the chairman of BU, will call it racism.
    The IRS follows all Americans all over the world no matter what their new status is; talk to Boris Johnson about why he had to abandon his US citizenship.
    Those workers will have to declare everything about their earnings, including any they make locally, and pay taxes on them. I am not sure if local tax officials will be charging these workers any income tax, or if they will get a free ride. It4 is going to be interesting.

  39. Donna, you are very wrong regarding white people in Bim, a tremendous number hate Trump! Donna the problem is not that the people you mention are racists it is that people like you cant ague without bringing race into the communication. Check Biden as super RACIST:
    Joe has a terrible history of being racist:

    1 close friend of Byrd mister KKK said Byrd was a mentor

    2 1977 said 2 party system good for negroes

    3 1977 “my kids are going to grow up in the jungle, racial jungle”.

    4 1992 pushed Crime Bill of 1994, talked about “predators on our city streets, ramped up sentences aimed at black people

    5 2006—“U have to have a slight Indian accent to go to 711”

    6 2006 “my state was a slave state”

    7 in 2007 “Obama, first mainstream Afro Am who is articulate, bright, clean and nice looking guy” . “They going to put you all back in chains”—REALLY?

    8 in 2019 “poor kids can be just as bright as white kids”.

    9 in 2020 “if U have a problem figuring out whether U are for me or Trump, then U aint black!”

    10 Aug 6th, 2020 Biden stated,”unlike the Afro American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things”—-Really?

    How can Afro Americans vote for this Cracker?

  40. Biden is not only demented he is already bought and paid for by CHINA!

  41. “What the press is saying is that the IRS is either corrupt or does not know what it is doing.”

    @ John

    It could also indicate Trump is not the smart businessman you’re attempting to make him out to be.

  42. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    David, I am applying for your post of associate editor for the blog…. to offer an edit of your. 😂👍🏿

    @Ironside when you say “The “jury” is still out on that” re “He may be nearer to being a tax cheat” which ‘jury’s are you talking about?

    The sycophants like Lawson n John who can discern complex issues and distill them here with aplomb but look at POTUS misdeeds and affirm them all as perfect!

    As noted above the matter is NOT about LAWFUL tax avoidance but illegal tax FRAUD.

    Also as noted above the IRS officers either are incompetent or being bamboozled with legal bullies that they cant bring a case against a tax payer whose work they have reviewed for years…

    Orrrr they are looking in the wrong places.

    I am no tax accountant either but 1) it is illegal to be paid as a company executive and then also receive additionsl consultancy fees from your company for the same duties which you are ALREADY being paid to do.

    That’s how Ms Ivanka Trump Kushner was compensated.

    2)It is generally illegal to value an asset at $2X for commercial loan use purposes and at $X for tax assessment purposes … we all try to get away with it but that t ti pe of tax avoidance will incur penalties or at minimum reassessment and increased payment due.

    But all said and done it’s the narrative from the Lawsons and John’s that tell the story of this election: they really dont care that this man is a cheat, nor that his significant leveraged position and being beholden to foreign income from Russia, Turkey et al places him as a very dangerous security breach for his nation.

    They bluntly refuse to see the grave danger of this unprecedented, untenable absurdity … this man should be removed from the WH forthwith he is totally unfit to be there.

    Replace him with Pence as a matter of proper process or whatever but this criminal enterprise cannot continue…

    That regular guys and gals will take to the streets with heavy armaments to support this man after Nov 3 is remarkable and shows just how showmanship, lies and ideological pandering causes nations to fall into anarchy.

  43. Why do wunna believe that Barry O did not want to back Joe–he knows that Joe is a JoKe!

    Biden has been wrong on numerous significant decisions:

    A Biden opposed killing Bin Laden

    B Biden was against the 2007 Iraq troop surge that was successful!

    C Biden supported the pullout from Iraq which led to ISIS dominating.

    D Supported the lies of you can keep your Doctor.

    E Voted for the Iraq war.

    F Joe led against Black kids integration in schools.

    G Biden worked with 2 segregationists!

    H He said “China not a real threat”.

    Joe has always been below mediocre but his family have done very well by selling influence. Biden has been accused of plagiarism on several occasions and proved guilty. Just a brief history of why this guy should never ever be Pres. Today the gent is Demented and is being abused by the Dems putting him up for the job. Furthermore, it is a slap in the face for voters who are expected to vote for him and therefore are really voting for the VP. Additionally he is now controlled by Marxists clowns like Bernie, OcRaZio CorteX who seriously believe that spending $93Trillion on the environment makes sense. We are ALL going to DIE! in 11 yrs!

  44. Former White House stenographer Mike McCormick has issued some concerning statements about the Democrat presidential hopeful’s “mental acuity.”
    McCormick went on record saying he sees significant changes in Biden over the past four years.

    Furthermore, he worked closely with Biden so his words and observations may hold some weight. It’s likely his words could also help Donald Trump’s campaign.

    Via Fox News (citing a Washington Free Beacon interview):

    Joe Biden’s former White House stenographer said the vice president’s public speaking ability has deteriorated significantly since leaving office to the point where he’s ‘not the same Joe Biden.’

    ‘It is a complete difference from what he was in 2017. He’s lost a step and he doesn’t seem to have the same mental acuity as he did four years ago.’

  45. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    .@David…..of your 9:11 post . should have been the note.

    Alas that was posted before I had a chance to clean it up and edit for overall brevity as well … so excuses there.

  46. “How can Afro Americans vote for this Cracker?”

    I’m guessing ‘the same way’ they voted for the “Cracker” Trump.

    But, wasn’t it the Afro American votes that assisted Biden in becoming VP?

  47. DPD, you dont care that Biden is demented, RACIST, SOLD OUT to China, involved in quid pro quo in Ukraine, received $3.5mn from the former corruptAss Mayor of Moscow wife, is a proven plagiarist and liar. Trump has his faults but he has conducted more of his promises than most Presidents. Anyway, Trump is proposing $500bn to advance Black Americans why would Dem’s ever do that when they think they control the votes of most black Americans already and the results show that to be true. No large group of people should place their support in such a one sided way for so long, just not good for that group.

  48. @ Hal
    @ Artax

    All I am saying to people is don’t get caught up in the US press search for ratings. They stopped being a source of unbiased news years ago.

    As for properties having 2 values one for tax purposes the other for the company books, that too is a none issue. Check any company in Barbados and 99% will have a different land tax value than book value on their property and no they are not breaking the law. The booked value would include purchase and improvements less depreciation. The land tax value based it seems on a man driving up and saying ” I feel dis worth 1 million cause de man down the street asking 1 million for his.” Again this is another issue of the press blowing out of context what they dont understand.

    Dont forget tonight is the first presidential debate and it will be free entertainment for many.

  49. Dribbler thats a lot of 10 and eleven letter words there, better smoke some weed and chill. You dont want to over tax than peanut of yours. I know these are fearful times for you, ya lost Cummings ,you lost RBG, you lost Lewis take heart Big Donald is gonna make it all better in his next four years.

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