Submitted as a comment to another blog by Caleb Pilgrim – Blogmaster

@ Blogmaster:

Back to Trump, in the days preceding The South Carolina primary this coming Saturday, February 29th, and Super Tuesday, next Tuesday, March 3, 2020. …

Sometime ago, Dr. G.P in an overly zealous and passionate defense of POTUS, exclaimed “Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!”. G.P was apparently seduced by and so enamored of the officious showman, erstwhile host of “The Apprentice” and “Celebrity Apprentice”.

We are now approaching a significant milestone in the Presidential elections. Former VP Biden (a/k/a “Sleepy Joe”); – Blogmaster described his performance thus far as being like “warmed over soup”; Trumpf’s campaign spies must also have noticed something “sleepy” about Joe – expects to win. He (Biden) describes it as “a firewall”, Super Tuesday. But, like all other candidates he is still far from the winning tape. Also, Biden lacks money, compared to Sanders, and billionaires Bloomberg and Steyer.

Moreover, as I have often noted, there are certain rumblings going on in the bowels of American body politic. The body politic is in ferment, if not disarray. Like your stomach, sometimes, after a heavy meal?

How else do we, objectively, explain the Obama two term Presidency in a still predominantly racist society? The backlash of the rather strange Trump Presidency? The phenomenon of angry white men”; (blacks apparently have nothing to be angry about)? The rise of the Me-too movement and its profound repercussions, e.g Cosby, Weinstein and many others rich and once powerful? Legalization of same sex marriages, in itself, a quiet revolution in values, and the so far relatively successful Presidential candidacy of the first openly gay, same sex married, South Bend Mayor, Pete Buttigieg? Legalization of recreational marijuana in almost a dozen states including all west coast states, Colorado, and some East coast states; legalization of medical marijuana in more than 30 states, etc, etc?

But, first, why should all this matter to the BU reader? Some nativist, insular, navel gazers dismiss such inquiries as irrelevant because they “vote in Barbados”. This is myopic, however. These navel gazers simply ignore the fact that there may well be several hundred thousand Barbadians and persons of Barbadian extraction (there are no realistic figures) presently living in North America). Are we simply to ignore the legitimate concerns and the welfare of such Bajans on the ground that “I don’t vote in America. I votes in Barbados”? “Fluck them”!

Secondly, for better or worse, in mere geopolitical terms, the American Empire still remains, for the time being at least, the world’s richest economy and the world’s most powerful military. We never live in a vacuum.

In the circumstances, it behooves us to think a little, even a little outside the box. In this vein, there has recently been talk of Former NY Governor Bloomberg offering former candidate Andrew Yang the VP slot should he become the Democratic nominee.

The gist of my argument here is that barring a successful repeat performance by the Democrats’ 2016 “superdelegates” (if Senator Bernie Sanders, does not win by a clear majority on the Convention’s first ballot), Sanders, a self-proclaimed “democratic socialist”, favoring a Scandinavian type democratic “socialism”, can not only win the Party’s Nomination this coming November. He can also win the Presidency in November.

Even if the “superdelegates”, or “supercrooks”, depending, can somehow derail and thwart Sanders, they will never be able to unify a highly fractured Democratic Party, far less form a National Unity Government. If they are seen as having robbed Sanders yet again, many of his supporters will predictably defect and may well guarantee Trump another term in office. The Democrats might even suffer a trifecta, losing the House, the Senate and the Presidency.

Despite Trump’s predictable name calling, Sanders can nevertheless defeat Trump. Trump has already called him a “Communist”. Strange that he (Sanders), a so/called “communist”, should be supported by millionaire businessmen like Tom and Jerry, Jeff Weaver, and on several issues by billionaire Tom Steyer, et al. These, after all, are hard headed businessmen, not Communists. With such support, the “Communist” smear rings hollow. It is simply reminiscent of Trump’s Attorney, Roy Cohn, Whittaker Chambers and Senator Joe McCarthy. Red baiting might appeal to some voters well over 60 years and who lived through the Cold War. However, beyond frightening the uninformed, it does not really resonate with the changing electorate. Sanders could go on to win the US Presidency.

Also, surprise, surprise, Sanders’ “democratic socialism” is no different from the democratic socialism in Norway, (don’t forget that Trump prefers new U.S immigrants “from Norway”). Call it “democratic socialism”, “Scandinavian democracy”, (Sweden, Denmark, Finland), whatever. The problem here is to educate the electorate, admittedly a sometimes formidable task.

But, should Senator Sanders choose a younger, former Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate, Stacey Abrams, a black, female, Yale trained lawyer and former Minority Leader in the Georgia Senate, with very substantial political, business, industry and community experience, a Sanders-Abrams ticket could win, absent interference by the “super-delegates”.

A Sanders-Abrams ticket wins the black vote throughout most of the United States. (As an aside, a female Black Vice Presidential candidate will also be a first. It would add more energy and excitement to Sanders’ already highly motivated supporters; it would also break the mould and position Abrams to run for the Presidency the next time around, the first black female since Shirley Chisholm of Barbadian lineage). Relatively few black voters, except perhaps for some black recidivist legatees of the Confederacy, a specie of mentally defective Clarence Thomas, “Blacks for Trump”; “Woke”; will decline to support such a ticket.

Abrams is also almost certain to demolish Pence in the Vice Presidential Debates.

As to immigration, Sanders’ promise of a moratorium on all deportations within the first 100 days of his Administration, guarantees support among the Latino and immigrant communities in the USA. Hence, his very substantial support among Latinos in the recent Nevada caucus.

Further, Sanders’ promise of a minimum wage of $15 resonates with the poor and the working class. Hence, his support among blue collar workers and trade unions.

Time and space do not allow for a detailed discussion of ever increasing and extreme inequality in the U.S; or examination of proposals such as “Medicare for all”; student loan forgiveness and free college tuition; climate change – “a Chinese hoax” per Trump; (but just ask Dr. Leonard Nurse his opinion on climate change, as a more capable expert witness); the economic and social impact of the corona pandemic on the much vaunted Trump economic “successes”. ….

Notwithstanding predictably ritual denials, we should also not underestimate the role and impact of the U.S Intelligence Community (IC) or some disaffected agents in re-paying Trump’s generosity in dissing the 17 Intelligence Agencies, throughout his Presidency. Revenge, they say, is a dish best served cold.

Also, this will be the first election in which tens of billions ($$$$$) will have been spent by the candidates. On the Democratic side, we can expect that Bloomberg himself may spend a few billions if per chance he is the nominee. Steyer himself may also contribute a few billion. Jeff Bezos of Amazon, an avid Trump fan, should also be most comfortable in putting in a few billion to anyone opposing Trump. George Soros should also be good for a few billion. How easy it is to spend Other People’s’ Money (“OPM”)?

To the Trump Choir, I therefore say – even though it is still early, “come over to Damascus”! We would never want you to be the Patron Saint of Lost Causes.

Finally, don’t forget that you first heard it (this murky analysis and prediction), here on BU. Uh gone!

335 responses to “Feel the Bern”

  1. Looks like cricket in India has been Trumped!!

    Trump attracted over 100,000 to a rally in India at the world’s largest cricket stadium!!

    Trump has a worldwide standing that makes him dwarf his opponents at home who so far seem to be in disarray.

    Barring something crazy happening, he will win the popular vote and probably in a landslide.

    Bernie may have trouble even getting the Democrat nomination and may be forced into a third party run.

    There is another Bernie in the wings,

  2. Moreover, as I have often noted, there are certain rumblings going on in the bowels of American body politic. The body politic is in ferment, if not disarray. Like your stomach, sometimes, after a heavy meal?
    How else do we, objectively, explain the Obama two term Presidency in a still predominantly racist society?


    A bowel movement expelled Obama!!

    Guess that is a reasonable way of thinking about it!!

  3. “Jeff Bezos of Amazon, an avid Trump fan, ”

    I am under the impression that the Amazon’s owner has filed a case against the award of the cloud contract to Microsoft. One of points in the suit is Trump’s animus towards the owner of Amazon. Sanders is a fraud. Do some research and you see the point I am making. There is a You Tube video on his machinations and how he became a millionaire after being elected to the Senate.

  4. @Dr. Lucas

    What you meant to say is that Sanders in a Democrat.

  5. Obama served two full terms, he wasn’t impeached and he wasn’t expelled and he has been living rent free in Trump’s head for a few years so much so that he had to mention his name in his last SOU speech.

  6. @ David February 28, 2020 7:45 AM

    No not that he is a Democrat.. Do some research for yourself and you will see. When I came across the material I was shocked. One thing I will say for Trump is that he admits he is no saint: he even admitted when pressed that now and then he might tell a lie here or there.. So one is not taken aback by what he does.

  7. Why not post the source fueling your concerns? If you do not expect to feel the bern.

  8. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    “Socialism is a scare word they’ve hurled at every advance the people have made. Socialism is what they called public power, social security, deposit insurance, and independent labor organizations. Socialism is their name for anything that helps all people.”
    —Harry Truman, 1952

  9. The basis of the suit is that Bernie is an independent, not a Democrat!!


    Senator Sanders now talks of “Democratic Socialism” but he was once full of praise for violent Socialist Regimes including Castro’s Cuba, MADuro’s Venezuela, the Soviet Union, and Nicaraguan Sandinista’s.

    His praise of Castro’s literacy program is VERY revealing and so typical of the useful idiot/fellow traveller delusion of the far Left. Why? Because their ideological blinders prevent them from noticing, what Communists are teaching people to read and what they are punishing them for reading. Communist regimes like Castro’s monopolize the media, censor or ban the Internet and social media, and jail people who write things critical of the regime. They shut down private newspapers and imprison or kill dissident journalists. But morons like Bernie Sanders claim, “But they are teaching people to read. Isn’t that wonderful!?” This attitude BETRAYS THE DEEP TOTALITARIAN STREAK INHERENT IN STATE-WORSHIPING LUNACY.




  11. @robert lucas February 28, 2020 7:53 AM “he even admitted when pressed that now and then he might tell a lie here or there.”

    ‘morning robert: i have a bridge in Brooklyn that I want to sell ya.

  12. The problem Bernie and the Democrats have is that Bernie is also a communist and I feel that is not an ideology that will fly among the majority of voters.

    If I am right in my assessment, Bernie the communist running as a Democrat will lose perhaps 70% to 30%.

    Unless something weird happens Trump will keep his approximate 50% and get gains from those who were unwilling to vote for him last time but now are plus those the economic upturn has helped.

    Bernie is quite willing to risk it, he has spent his life following his beliefs and won’t be shunted aside at this stage of his life, it is his and others’ last shot.

    The Democrat leadership and mega donors however, have to guage if the loss will be bad enough from which the party cannot recover.

    I think they reached their decision already and that is why Bloomberg and Steyer have thrown in their hats and why Schwartz is making noise.

    All may be billionaires but neither one is a Trump!!

    There is no fire in the belly!!

    People always assume $$ is the key to American elections.

    While it is important, Trump has shown there is an X factor that is not $$.

  13. They even played this at the Rally in India!!

    Bernie has a snowcone’s chance in hell against Trump at the moment.

    Things may change, it is politics.

  14. “Unless something weird happens Trump will keep his approximate 50% and get gains from those who were unwilling to vote for him last time but now are plus those the economic upturn has helped”

    Who has this economic upturn helped?
    Fed tried to raise interest rates, economy started stalling. Trump threatened Powell and he gave in. They won’t even admit they are in QE 4.
    The banks have been using the low interest rates to encourage corporations CEOs to borrow to money by the billions. The visionless CEOs use the money for stock buybacks to boost share prices and increase their bonuses, this in turn increases bank share prices, thus making Jamie Dimon and friends richer.

    Problem is there is only so much stock buybacks you can do. If these corporations don’t produce any innovative products soon (something with the impact of the iphone), its over. No amount of grandstanding and tariffs by Trump will stop it.

  15. @Hal, is BoJo’s 4 months window for the EU to agree to the framework of a deal a bluff or his first move of a hard Brexit?

  16. The Dems will Burn the Bern as they did in 2016. Maybe they will assist him with a “heart attack.”

  17. People tell me that the news is not Dem propaganda from pressTITUTES but these pressTITUTES are already going after the Bern.

  18. @ Bajan in New York

    It is Boris playing tough. The real danger is not Boris, who does not like details, but the organ grinder Dominic Cummings, am unelected right-wing Northerner with a grudge against people from London and the South East.
    If they play hard ball with the EU, the EU rightly will not budge and they will have to fall back on WTO terms. (If they do that, then the US will eat him alive in negotiations. The big prize is the national health service, which the Americans want to milk.
    We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the UK as a great economy to one like Canada, in about four to five years.

  19. Piece the Legend Avatar

    Bernie Sanders will win!

    Trump’s mouth WIIL ensure this!

    But one is to fear the Trumpet because he WILL NOT go quietly into the night.

  20. “ To one like Canada”

    Oh no say it isn’t so; the horror! The horror! What an unmitigated disaster;Imagine those Brits having to exist on seal blubber, prairie oysters and fiddle heads washed down with some Screech

  21. I reckon Bernie’s position on Castro and Cuba is untenable in Florida.

    If he is presented as the Democratic candidate the Party gets the communist label.

    If he loses against Trump it may be curtains not only for him but also the party depending on how many communists voters exist in America!!

    Scratch the majority in Congress.

    That’s the gamble the leadership and mega donors of the Democrats have to take!!

    My bet is Bernie is toast … but who can say.

  22. I watching Tulsi Gabbard.

  23. @ Sargant

    Canada is the 11th largest economy in the world, smaller than Brazil’s, the UK is the 5th.

  24. Why isn’t the CoronaVirus affecting the Democrat primaries?

  25. The blue wall states Hilary lost to Trump WI, MI, PA, she also lost badly to Bernie. If his support remains in those states Bernie has a good chance. Florida isn’t important anymore

  26. What is interesting about Florida is how New Americans (they have been there in large numbers since 1959), can blackmail a great nation’s foreign policy and even the language of politicians. They should be ignored and told if they pose a threat to US security will be deported back to Cuba.

  27. @Hal Austin February 28, 2020 3:27 PM “if they pose a threat to US security will be deported back to Cuba.”

    So how do you propose that Americans born in the United States after January 1, 1959? Those people are now 61, have spent ALL of their lives working and paying taxes in America

  28. How do you propose to deport

  29. Hal Austin
    February 28, 2020 3:27 PM

    What is interesting about Florida is how New Americans (they have been there in large numbers since 1959), can blackmail a great nation’s foreign policy and even the language of politicians. They should be ignored and told if they pose a threat to US security will be deported back to Cuba.


    Marco Rubio is one!!

    … and of course Gloria Estefan!!

  30. Redguard

    Problem is there is only so much stock buybacks you can do. If these corporations don’t produce any innovative products soon (something with the impact of the iphone), its over. No amount of grandstanding and tariffs by Trump will stop it.


    Guess Apple will buy back its stock at the low value, invest in itself and shore up the stock value until the market adjusts itself!!

    Comes down to confidence and belief.

  31. NorthernObserver Avatar

    even worse, imagine Canada adopts UK building standards and ends up with a Grenfell. Who, the 21st Century, permits combustible insulants on an exterior multi-story facade in a Grenfell type configuration. A nation with the 5th largest economy? And what about other standard fire mitigation and separation requirements. Imagine if this had happened in Barbados?
    One blogger, would have been on here, where are the regulators? where are the legislators? who approved the use of such products/designs? who permitted occupancy? was there a plumbing inspection? Barbados is a failed state.
    Sometimes it is comforting to be in the Intermediate Division. Still playing and enjoying, but without any expectations.

  32. John
    February 28, 2020 5:20 PM

    Problem is there is only so much stock buybacks you can do. If these corporations don’t produce any innovative products soon (something with the impact of the iphone), its over. No amount of grandstanding and tariffs by Trump will stop it.

    Guess Apple will buy back its stock at the low value, invest in itself and shore up the stock value until the market adjusts itself!!

    Comes down to confidence and belief.


    That’s the difference between wealth and riches!!

  33. There is an inquiry and a criminal investigation ongoing about Grenfell. So hold your criticism until we have the evidence.


    Bernie Sanders has always had a soft spot for Fidel Castro and the communist dictatorship the latter created. But instead of keeping it to himself and off the air, he went all out to praise Cuba’s brutal regime for its phony “literacy” and “free” health care on 60 Minutes. Now Florida’s Democrats are panicking.

    According to the Miami Herald:

    During that interview, a clip of which aired on CBS Sunday night, Sanders counted healthcare and education among the reasons that the Cuban people didn’t rise up and overthrow Castro after his 1959 revolution.

    “You know, when Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program,” Sanders told Cooper. “Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?”

    “There are a lot of dissidents imprisoned in Cuba,” Cooper said to Sanders.

    That’s a big — real big — exploding cigar.

    The only reason people didn’t overthrow Castro was their great love of all his “free” health care? No, he tortured, killed, and imprisoned them first. Crap like that is likely to cost the Democrats Florida.

    According to the Herald, here’s what went down:

    Video clips of Sanders’ remarks on 60 Minutes were quickly shared on social media. Some Miami-based Democrats said Sanders’ response is politically damaging in South Florida, home to more than 1 million Cuban-Americans.

    “Democrats, nominating this man will absolutely re-elect Donald Trump and end our Constitutional republic,” tweeted Miami-based Democratic strategist and pollster Fernand Amandi.

    “You can practically hear Miami crack off Florida and go spinning into the ocean,” Miami-based author Roben Farzad tweeted.

    It’s toxic, absolutely toxic, to be spewing false stories about the glories of Castro’s regime, which, at last count, has driven approximately 20% of the population of the island to flee for their lives from it, often in leaky rafts.

    That’s because quite a few of the locals — those very important Latino-vote locals that Democrats covet — know firsth and about life in a socialist hellhole. For Bernie to praise this particular failed system to those who have fled it, instead of just claim that his socialism will be a really good socialism, is the height of stupidity, a mistake so bad that the Democrats recognize that it could take them all down with him.

    According to Sundance at Conservative Treehouse:

    Well, Bernie can write-off Florida; literally, write it off. This is such a mega-mistake, it’s impossible to overestimate. Bernie Sanders doesn’t even need to bother campaigning in Florida… and I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t lose the Democrat primary to Bloomberg… that’s how big an effen’ deal this is.

    The Latino, Cuba, Argentina and Venezuelan community in/around Miami-Dade is the central voting block for democrats; proud and loud. However, there is one issue, one central issue so encompassing they will walk away. The murderous bloodthirsty Cuban dictator Fidel Castro is hated with the blazing sun of a thousand supernovas…. This is a non-optional outlook. Get on the wrong side of that position and there is NO recovery.

    He’s done. Bernie Sanders looking for the not-so-bad side of Fidel Castro, or the current Castro regime, is a non-starter for Miami-Dade Latinos. Period. There is no national electoral issue equivalent for this position. It is intensely personal, and you can’t throw a rock without finding a family with a first-hand victim account from Castro’s brutality.

  35. How will an inquiry change the fact the building utilized combustible materials in the construction that resulted in deaths?

  36. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Just remember, when one asks multiple questions of that nature…it is criticism until the evidence is known.

  37. A falling share value does not mean the company is not making or will not make profits.

    Buying back its own shares allows the company to keep the dividends associated with those shares.

    It also gives the company the ability to offer stock options to top employees as incentives to performance.

  38. @John

    You should try to stick to discussing water.

  39. @ Silly Woman February 28, 2020 9:56 AM

    What would I do with a bridge even if I had the funds to buy one ? Impose a toll? You really come up with some wild ideas.

  40. @ John: “A bowel movement expelled Obama”.

    This tells me more about you than it does about President Obama and his Administration. You and the “Right” have typically abused President Obama, calling him every name except “a child of God”.

    However, as you know, Paul Krugman, Nobel laureate, considered Obama one of the best Presidents in U.S History. Others, similarly.

    Respectfully, you, on the other hand, simply lack the basic knowledge of politics, law, economics and policy to intelligently criticize President Obama and his tenure in office.

    Also, following your curious logic, Trump, an intellectual “dwarf” (to use your phrase; you say he “dwarfs” his opponents), could only have been born “bigly” afflicted with incurable dysentery, empty diatribe and diarrhea.

    Your contributions have lacked any serious, specific analysis, relevant proofs and argumentation. Try to elevate the discussion above cheap and foolishly ignorant nonsense.

  41. See below, Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton Administration and Professor at M.I.T. …

  42. @ Robert L:

    As relates to Sanders being “a fraud”? In the back of the mind, could the syllogism be?

    A politician is ——- (e.g a whore, a thief, a liar, a fraud, etc. etc. Fill in the blank).
    “X” (e.g Trump, Sanders) is a politician.
    Therefore, “X” is ———-(e.g a whore, a thief, a liar, a fraud, etc. etc. Fill in the blank).

    Following Piece The Legend’s approach, having dismissed Sanders as a “fraud”, for our edification, can you name a politician or 2 who, in your opinion, do not fit the bill (i.e a whore, a thief, a liar, a fraud, etc, etc)?

    Without being too jaundiced, the proposition may be as relevant to “first” world countries as it is to any “failed state” or “failed society”?

  43. John
    February 28, 2020 10:08 PM

    A falling share value does not mean the company is not making or will not make profits.
    Buying back its own shares allows the company to keep the dividends associated with those shares.
    It also gives the company the ability to offer stock options to top employees as incentives to performance.


    A falling share value means that some of the investors in the company at the time believe the company in the future will not make a profit to justify the high value of their shares.

    As share value falls, anyone, including the company can buy the shares in the sell off from some investors.

    That’s always the best time to buy as the share is procured on the cheap.

    What often or usually happens is the share value rebounds to the benefit of the purchaser.

    Apple is cash rich, just repatriated hundreds of billions of dollars in the form of investments in the economy.

    Investing in itself simply shows confidence.

    It knows what its plans are, it knows what new products it has in the pipeline so the only risk is if the product falls flat when it is introduced..

  44. cpilgrimeaqaolcom
    February 29, 2020 5:41 AM ….
    Sanders can beat Trump in the Electoral College …


    Anything is possible.

    The leadership and megadonors of the Democrats expect Bernie to be beaten by Trump in a landslide.

    Their problem will be the Democrat party will be labeled as a communist party.

    It comes down to the same process that is going on in the Stock Market with falling share values.

    The difference is the “owners” of the party don’t want to invest in Bernie because they figure they know he is toast and they will be stuck with a dud of a party.

  45. cpilgrimeaqaolcom
    February 29, 2020 5:28 AM


    Problem is that Trump is not a politician!!!

    But approaching $50 million has been spent investigating him and has turned up zero.

    The impeachment has failed.

    So logic dictates he has to be the cleanest individual who has become president!!!

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