It never fails to amuse the blogmaster when following international news- as his his wont[- to wonder how two buffoons were able to attain the heights of political office in their respective lands. Perhaps somethings are not meant to be understood and should be dismissed as the improbable made possible.

306 responses to “Trump Then Boris”

  1. A political bull in a China shop

  2. Following Trump and Boris and particularly their supporters reminds the blogmaster of this script:

  3. Brit’s like to think they are not racist individuals such as in 2015 when Cameron told Jamaica when they asked for reparations

    but US and UK are still racist nations same as they ever were hence the Trumps and the Johnsons

    Boris Johnson LEADS THE CHARGE….



  5. Johnson lost 4 or 5 parliamentary votes last week and lost his majority when 21 rebels lost their whip

  6. Looks like millennials in the UK and in America have a lot in common!!

  7. … they are not too bright!!

  8. The Princeton edition!!

  9. There’s hope!!

  10. Did these Whitehouse Officals go to Columbia U?

  11. Were these White House officials elected … like you know who … or did White Privilege get them the job”

  12. They were recruited by the man in the WH.

  13. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, you have a way with your word-smithing that truly defines provocative…as is your wont 🙃!

    When you say “…how two buffoons were able to attain the heights of political office in their respective lands. Perhaps somethings are not meant to be understood and should be dismissed as the improbable made possible” I consider that speech intended to provoke equally provocative replies…so before that onslaught ….you know well enough that buffons can ONLY get elected if 1: the electorate have a majority of buffons or buffon fans, (very understandable) or 2: what was once considered fringe politics is now fully mainstream (your improbable made possible)!

    Buffonish behaviour does not a buffoon make!

    … It is one thing to bamboozle the public and win an electon against a candidate with too much baggage/dislike along with secretative help from myriad unexpected sources…but it’s absolutely a different matter to then: wage a war bordering on autocratic suppression against the media and mis-direct, mis-quote and deliberately mis-speak to your nation AND yet have almost your entire party elected officials kow-tow to your mis-behaviour without serious criticism!

    That’s the awesome craft of a dangerous meglomaniac …NOT a clown/ridiculously amusing person who should not be taken seriously.

    At least we see that Johnson’s party colleagues are meeting him head-on…and yet he has decimated his party (rebels) attempting to reassert his will. Buffon…not really…dangerous narcissist…fah sure.

    Not to say all these fellas and gals at the top of the political heap don’t have freaking big egos and trend towards narcissism (they have too) but both these guys are riding a wave of right-wing populism that should make us all sit up and pay attention…they will leave the scene soon enough but does anyone REALLY expect to force this “buffoonery” back under some obscure circus tent!

    Trouble fah years in we backsides…

  14. I wonder how the author of the article arrived at his conclusions? As I have said before one should not allow sentiment to cloud one’s judgement when dealing with persons one disagree with or dislike. Stalin wasn’t thought highly of by Lenin and whether or not one admires Stalin, one must admit he dragged the USSR ( Russia) into the twentieth century and was instrumental in the defeat of Hitler. Similarly Hitler was considered to be a joker just like Pol Pot.
    As for Trump’s waging a war against newspapers, the neutral observer would conclude that the converse is true. The media have been using stories about Trump whether true or false to raise their readership numbers. All Trump is doing is retaliating in kind;

  15. Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN Avatar
    Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN

    Telethon – Cash only? hummm!Haynes Darlington (M.Pharm.D)

  16. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster, to be real your 10:55AM has been said in myriad different ways starting about 6 months into this Presidency …thats not to diminish its gravity RATHER to highlight the blooger’s 11:20AM retort…which is absolutely unbelievable!

    Were any of the men and women WH advisors who made momentous decisions (good and bad) to invite or prevent Presidential decisions during WWII, or 9-11 or Hurrican Katrina or the Cuban Missisle crisis or ANY of the myriad serous matters over these many years elected! BS.

    We need to get serious and dismiss the partisan BS. This man was called a moron by a former major company CEO who became Sec-of-State; he was told bluntly by a four star general who happened to be his SecDef that his whimsical policy plans which did not consider experts’ advice was detrimental to US interests and yet he refused to listen…the 4star man resigned; another four star general called Kelly also resigned after a turbulent period managing the WH. He said REMARKABLY that his tenure at WH was marked “by what the president did not do when [he] was at his side”.

    We know of the op-ed by and as yet unidentified official who talked about resistance and …

    This would have been SERIOUS SERIOUS matters of national security in any other era…impeachment grounds even…yet here we are playing political partisanship!

    Look…there was another similiar piece in the New Yorker (Trump’s Wacky, Angry, and Extreme August)…and then there are articles from David Fahrenthold on POTUS business interest and how foreign nationals/govt have spent $millions at the man’s properties…something called influencing or seeking favors or some such long forgotten things NOT to be done!

    The basic mantra as quoted in the link you provided is that “Trump has gotten more insane”…but has the Republican party attempted to check his waywardness!

    In the New Yorker piece the author noted:

    “Trump not only makes us believe it now but, as we approach the three-year mark of his upset victory, in 2016, his project has succeeded in such a confounding way that it seems as though Americans will now believe anything—and nothing at all. […] Trump called himself the “Chosen One” for his confrontation with China, grinned and flashed a thumbs-up during a photo op with the family of mass-shooting victims, […] and called the chairman of the Federal Reserve an “enemy” of the United States.”

    “The Trumpian extremes on display in the third August of his Presidency revived a debate about whether he is descending into even less Presidential behavior, shedding the remaining constraints imposed upon him by his office and the efforts of his ever-changing staff. […] This, at least, is my conclusion after reviewing his Twitter feed from the past month, along with his public statements, remarks to the press, speeches, and rallies. […]”

    “…then I looked at August, 2017 […] He was provocative and insulting and fact-challenged, of course, but to a much lesser extent than he is today. […] the Trump Twitter archive records [287] Trump tweets and retweets in August, 2017, compared to [680] in August, 2019 […].”

    “Two years ago, Trump used his feed to criticize, belittle, or humiliate specific targets [14] times in the month of August. […] In August of this year, the number shot up: the President made or shared [52] direct insults on his Twitter feed,”

    Sooooo…when people say this man is becoming unhinged and they fear impulsive acts that could imperil the world lets get freaking REAL and stop the stupid political BS. This man is DANGEROUS!

  17. GEORGIE PORGIE with paper trophies Avatar
    GEORGIE PORGIE with paper trophies


    8 Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

    9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.

    10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.

    11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.

  18. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @David the blogmaster” to wonder how two buffoons were able to attain the heights of political office in their respective lands.”

    maybe because so many of the ordinary people are idiotic, selfish and entitled?

  19. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I am so tired of the angry, impotent, old men.

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Mr Blogmaster u opened this up to allow folks to vent their pent up international news angst surely 😂!

    …so …“the neutral observer would conclude that …” President Obama badly mispoke when he said u could retain ur doc under his ACA health plan or that Pres Bush 44 was less than realistic when he said of his Katrina FEMA director to the effect that he had done a great job.

    Both men got shredded to pieces in the press after those remarks…they both ate humble pie and back-peddled mightily!

    So can say a neutral observer… that level of political mispeak- press castigation
    (increasing readers/viewer) – and then owning one’s errors. does happen!

    A “neutral observer” finds it incredulous that a POTUS directs his staff to bluntly misstate the size of an inauguration crowd and then repeats and augments the claim trying to prove a falsehood after his press shredding!

    A neutral observer cringes that the man in charge use old weather map data to make an erroneous projection, gets shredded by the press but then amplifies the error and ‘falsifies’ a map to try to prove his error!

    So yes the converse is true: this man publicly disputes the truth as no other occupant of the WH has done …

    What does neutral mean again…oh, that the car is not in gear.. or in other words ‘nothing is engaged’ for rational movement…just a lot of idling!

    But then again the art of driving a stick shift – or in this case working the gears in the brian properly – is not as common these days.

    I gone.

  21. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Bush 43 of course!

  22. The joke of last week, Trump debating with the technocrats Hurricane Dorian would have impacted Alabama. He must be Mottley according to Spot on!

  23. Robert Lucas August 31 2019 2.47 PM

    @de pedantic Dribbler August 31, 2019 11:16 AM
    “Doc Lucas…I cited two as you said…I also MADE a very distinct broader point”
    “but yet you so facilely condemn us to the humanities subjects WITHOUT even a passing nod to the RAMPANT and INSIDIOUS professional, racially tinged overwhelming pressure that daunted and then doomed many Blacks who had the inclinations to pursue those areas.”
    Your post is an example of the lack of critical thinking . You talked about the about blacks in science but when it is pointed out that the numbers are miniscule you go off at tangent and cite the Insidious .pressure faced by blacks (in what I take to mean the major western countries). What about the black scientists in black countries, do they face the same insidious pressure and racism that result in a paucity of contributions to the advancement of the human race? How then can one explain the dearth in numbers and contributions of black scientists in black countries ? According to your post, even in their own black countries they suffer pressures and racism( a logical conclusion for one to arrive at).This is a clear example of your inability to reason in a logical manner. Your post also supports what I have been saying, blacks are always seeking to delve into the distant past to blame others for their present plight. It is this “that one is a victim” of past injustices that keeps one perpetually wallowing in self-pity.

  24. Amber Rudd just resigned. Over to you Boris.

    Amber Rudd resigns from cabinet

  25. ‘Boris is a truly intelligent and sensible man and if the Lunatic Left lead by Corbyn would leave him to get on with his job the UK would start to thrive.’

  26. The Captain stood on the burning deck
    Whence all but he had fled

    The explosion that will tear the Conservatives apart wii consume Boris

  27. How will he deliver on his promise given the crisis he finds himself. Even if there is an election what is the alternative with a wishy washy Corbyn waiting in the wings?

    Duopoly rules!

  28. Since 11pm, 29 March 2019 the UK has paid the EU £ 4,334,992,744.88. This could have paid for 48 NEW HOSPITALS, 188,477 NURSES, 164, 509 POLICEMEN, or even the repair of 81,792,315 POTHOLES. A SINGLE PILE OF WHAT WE HAVE PAID IN £ 20 NOTES WOULD BE 15.22 MILES TALL… TIME FOR BREXIT…




  29. Jeff Taylor
    Published on 7 Sep 2019

    Well, what a surprise – NOT! It turns out that Tory and opposition party MPs got assurances from EU leaders that they would get this surrender bill Article 50 extension.


    The Times says that it understands that those MPs talked to the EU Council before they went ahead with their plan, to make sure that they would get what they put into that surrender bill. And The Times says that one of these MPs said that it was not a case that they thought they’d get the extension, that MP said they knew they would get it.

    The group of MPs also claim that the bill is 95% legally watertight and that they are geared up to take the Prime Minister to court to enforce the law. So, a group of nameless elected politicians, went and negotiated the change to an international treaty with the heads of 27 foreign powers without the sanction of either the UK head of state, the Queen, nor with the permission of the UK head of Government, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.

    They then returned and engaged in framing a law based on those negotiations. Then, with the help of a compliant Speaker, John Bercow and a very helpful House of Lords, they pushed through a law based on those, what I would call ‘unlawful’, negotiations. I say ‘unlawful’ because as far as I can tell as a laymen, according to a parliamentary paper on the royal war prerogative, engaging in foreign affairs is the exclusive realm of the executive, that is, the government.

    And I’ll further back this up by pointing to the furore that was unleashed when Nigel Farage, the leader of the Brexit Party, said he would put together a team and toddle off and negotiate a trade deal with the USA. The International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, slapped him down in a Tweet saying: “only the UK Govt speaks for our country internationally,” And Remainers demanded that Farage kept his nose out of it, of course.

    But it seems that UK Remainer politicians do speak for the UK internationally, while agreeing with the EU27 on exactly how to derail Brexit. That surely cannot be right. And if any of this crowd is a Right Honourable member of the Privy Council, that title should be stripped from them for a start. And that surrender bill about to be signed off with Royal Assent should be stopped until a proper inquiry is held into the actions of those involved.

    The people need to know if any other agreements were made as a part of these discussions. Were political bungs, the order of the day for example? Surely Royal Assent should be withheld until the minutes of any meetings these people held with foreign powers are published for all to see?

    Many people say that Boris Johnson has no legitimacy because no-one voted for him – you know that old one – well I know for a fact that I did not vote for any of those MPs that traipsed off to Brussels or got on the phone to negotiate away my rights and my vote.

    Haven’t the British people got the right to know what exactly was agreed and what assurances were given by each side in order to get their deal done? The Remain side keep talking about transparency and openness and demanding reports and papers be released etc. Well, I say release this one then – with names.

  30. Freedom Crier
    You’re funny as hell. How much the UK got back?🤣🤣🤣

  31. We should ditch the white colonizers and build a united socialist Caribbean people’s bloc

  32. Enuff September 7, 2019 7:09 PM

    One thing Freedom Crier Does Not Do is Jests…I showed what the UK gave the EU in FIVE MONTHS… Now you Show what they Got Back…Then we’ll see who is the BU Clown!

  33. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Freedom Crier “Remainer MP’s colluded with Brussels”

    How can remainer MP’s be sad to have colluded with Brussels, when the U.K is till part of the European Union?

    You really need to take off your right wing blinkers

  34. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @ Freedom Crier

    Dominic Cummins, special adviser to Boris Johnson “after university, Cummings moved to post-Soviet Russia from 1994 to 1997…from 2015 to 2016 he was the campaign director of Vote Leave, an organisation opposed to continued British membership of the European Union that took an active part in the 2016 referendum campaign on that issue. In July 2019, new Prime Minister Boris Johnson appointed him the role of special adviser to the government.”

    You better ask how much influence your communist Russian friends had over the young (23 to 26 years old) Dominic, and how much influence they continue to have over Dominic Cummins the special adviser to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

  35. Sargeant
    September 7, 2019 5:59 PM

    The Captain stood on the burning deck
    Whence all but he had fled


    The boy stood on the burning deck
    Whence all but he had fled
    The flame that lit the battle’s wreck
    Shone round him o’er the dead

    Battle of the Nile, August 1st 1798 …. Nelson’s destruction of the French Fleet at Aboukir Bay

    The boy referred to in the poem was the son of Admiral Breuyes aboard his flagship, L’Orient

    The poem celebrates courage and devotion to duty!!

  36. oops!!

    … the night Nelson saved Africa from French invasion!!!!

  37. You got to keep your eye on Nelson, not the Boy or the Captain!!

    Problem is … Who is Nelson?

  38. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    OK @ Doc Lucas u want to tarry back to the last blog… So let me address ur substantive broadside and it’s related support.

    You said: Your post is an example of the lack of critical thinking . […] What about the black scientists in black countries, do they face the same insidious pressure and racism that result in a paucity of contributions to the advancement of the human race? ”

    I asserted to u the simple point that Black folks in the resource rich Western world face obstacles of racism and more in their quest to reach the pinnacles of their fields and you seem to refute that.

    You then go off and ask about Black scientists in Black majority countries …

    Amazing. Critical thinking I say!

    There is absolutely no lack of critical awareness on my part re Black scientists on the African continent or other locales of majority Black rule.

    Surely Black scientists in their locales have progressed and made momenteous strides … have they conquered space or made global life changing discoveries …no and not too much … but they have been major scientific processes/discoveries/patents made by Blacks. Of course neither regionally or on the continent are resources expensed to ‘explore’ and experiment BIGLY as in the Western world!

    I presume u need a chapter and verse of scientific successes in ‘Black majority’ countries …not from me here sir!

    Let me twist your provocative query around… *How do we explain the dearth of Black contributions in science from descendants of the same peoples who created the amazing wonders of the ancient world!

    I do not claim that racism has retarded our ability to think …that’s nonsensical … I do believe we are no less capable of ‘high scientific’ achievement as our white peers thus racial profiling and discrimination serves to diminish opportunities not blunt the intelligence.

    And this has nothing to do with any distant past BLAMING … life is as we make it and many Black folks have opted to build successes where the obstacles can be more readily handled/overcome.

    No victimhood either …. there are lots of successes but the more people like yourself throw up these amazing narratives then the more the “present plight” of this our upside down Trumpian style world!

  39. Far-right groups are threatening to riot over Brexit amid warnings that some of Boris Johnson’s language is “calling to” nationalists.

    The Metropolitan Police said it was “ready to share resources across the country” if disorder breaks out at protests planned for Saturday.

    A demonstration called by the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) is expected to draw the largest numbers in Westminster, as Brexiteers take to the streets in Manchester, Birmingham and other cities.

  40. @ de pedantic Dribbler September 7, 2019 11:11 PM

    You have again proven that you are incapable of critical reasoning. I used the term “neutral observer” knowing that you would snap at the bait and you haven’t disappointed me. You could not resist the urge to give a rambling account on what you understood by a” neutral observer.”

  41. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    🤣 Glad that I obliged.

    Really didn’t know there were that many variances of what is a neutral observer…but knowing your tendency to ‘bait’ and create the unbelievable I tried desperately for a variant of neutral that could fit your shifting of what’s right…I thought that ‘gear box’ analogy was quite apropos actually and not rambling in the least…or to extend tha analogy more to that man himself:..aargh😂!

  42. To those who continue to blindly support Boris the nutjob, how should the resignation of Amber Rudd be interpreted?

  43. There is the bit of information that Jo Johnson also resigned. For those ignorant about it, he is the brother of Boris, his own blood!

  44. Trump and his Israeli pals seem to view Orwell’s 1984 as a practical “guide to good governance”.

    How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare

    by Whitney Webb

    President Trump — who received political donations from and has been advised by Thiel following his election — asked tech companies to “detect mass shooters before they strike,” a service already perfected by Thiel’s company Palantir, which has developed “pre-crime software” already in use throughout the country. Palantir is also a contractor for the U.S. intelligence community and also has a branch based in Israel.

    Perhaps most disturbing of all, whatever technological solution is adopted by the Trump administration, it is set to use a controversial database first developed as part of a secretive U.S. government program that involved notorious Iran-Contra figures like Oliver North as a means of tracking and flagging potential American dissidents for increased surveillance and detention in the event of a vaguely defined “national emergency.”

    As this report will reveal, this database — often referred to as “Main Core” — was created with the involvement of Israeli intelligence and Israel remained involved years after it was developed, and potentially to the present. It was also used by at least one former CIA official on President Reagan’s National Security Council to blackmail members of Congress, Congressional staffers and journalists, among others.

    Given recent reports on the Trump administration’s plan to create a new government agency to use “advanced technology” to identify “neurobehavioral signs” of “someone headed toward a violent explosive act” using data collected by consumer electronic devices, the picture painted by the technology currently being promoted and implemented under the guise of “keeping Americans safe” is deeply Orwellian. In fact, it points directly to the genesis of a far-reaching surveillance state far more extensive than anything yet seen in American history and it is being jointly developed by individuals connected to both American and Israeli intelligence.


    Though Israeli intelligence’s interest in tech companies goes back several years, there is a well-documented history of Israeli intelligence using bugged software to surveil and gain “backdoor” access to government databases around the world, particularly in the United States.

    As was mentioned in Part III of MintPress’ Epstein series, a sinister yet cunning plan was executed to place a backdoor for Israeli intelligence into the Prosecutor’s Management Information System (PROMIS) software, which was then being used by the U.S. Department of Justice and was the envy of government agencies, particularly intelligence agencies, around the world. This bugged version of PROMIS — born out of the collusion between Earl Brian, Ronald Reagan’s then-envoy to Iran, and Rafi Eitan, then-director of the now-defunct Israeli intelligence agency Lekem — was seeded around the world by Brian’s company Hadron as well as by Mossad-linked media mogul Robert Maxwell, father of Jeffrey Epstein’s long-time girlfriend and alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell.

    After this first PROMIS “backdoor” was discovered, Israel would again gain access to sensitive U.S. government communications, as well as civilian communications, thanks to the collusion between Israeli intelligence and Israeli telecom and tech companies, especially Amdocs and Comverse Infosys (now Verint), that were operating throughout the United States. Today, Unit 8200-linked start-ups appear to have taken up the torch.

  45. Blogmaster,

    Somebody needs to buy Boris a black Sharpie. I hear that’s all one needs to alter reality. Or does that only work for uneducated rural Americans and a few delusional but otherwise intelligent Barbadians?

  46. New definition of truth – whatever comes out of Trump’s mouth even if it changes from moment to moment.

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