The Medicinal Cannabis Industry Bill, 2019 is presently being socialized with the public. Several countries in the region are advanced in the roll out of both use of medical and recreational cannabis. It is an important debate to have given the potential positive and negative impacts if not rolled out properly.

Here is the Bill:

Medicinal Cannabis Industry Bill, 2019

107 responses to “Medicinal Cannabis Industry Bill, 2019 for Discussion”

  1. Releasing soft drugs is a good plan.

    However, we must ensure that our far too many civil servants do not consume them. They are already lethargic without drugs.

    The other day I was in the BRA. You could see at a glance who is civil servant and who is not. The women and men with their slow movements were very easy to identify as civil servants.

    Maybe the government should get some sleeping sickness medication.

  2. Well let’s see if they can at least get this right in relation to the majority population, the history of marijuana since the 70s..and how the plant was maliciously demonized and USED to CRIMINALIZE and IMPRISON the majority and let’s hope given the history of corruption that continues to stain the parliament…..this don’t get turned into corruption and DISENFRANCHISEMENT……of said majority to the enrichment of a few…as is the NORM.

  3. These power hungry ———- who want to assert prison time for everything but only FOR BLACK PEOPLE..may want to REVISIT THIS IDIOCY…

    “A person who consumes medicinal cannabis without being authorised to
    use medicinal cannabis by a prescription or recommendation from medical
    practitioner is guilty of an offence and is liable on conviction on indictment to a
    fine of $100 000 or to imprisonment for a term of 10 years or to both.”

    Medical marijuana…CAN ALSO BE USED AS PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE….what if patients who do not have the means necessary for doctor’s visits and wish to use this as preventative…then what….people have been using this as preventative medice for hundreds of years….ya will put them in prison cause they surely will not be able to pay the fine… ya copying the St. Kitts act.

    Ah guess no one is thinking of the strain on the health services….when people who cannot afford to…get ill..

    Ah notice they must include and inject all manner of secrecy in this Act…but wait…the only secrecy should be about the handling of patient information…UNDER HIPAA rules..,EVERYTHING ELSE SHOULD BE TRANSPARENT.

  4. When we discuss this matter the discussion points must be efficient execution re: implementation and continual monitoring to respond to what is happening as it happens. What we need is a national discussion full of pragmatism now we are at the implementation stage.

    What is medicinal cannabis?
    Cannabis also contains cannabidiol (CBD) which scientists are investigating as a medical treatment.
    CBD-based treatments have shown some promising results for reducing seizures in children with severe epilepsies.
    Medical trials have largely focused on pharmacological preparations, but some parents of children with epilepsy have been buying oils containing CBD and THC.
    The mother of 12-year-old Billy Caldwell has reignited the debate about legalising the drug after saying it helps calm her son’s seizures caused by severe epilepsy.
    Charlotte Caldwell, from County Tyrone, had been to Canada to buy her son cannabis oil but it was confiscated upon her return to the UK.
    The Home Office then returned the drug to Ms Caldwell and her son, who had been admitted to hospital, under a special 20-day licence.

    Media captionCannabis oil row: Mother calls for drug to be legalised
    There is currently little scientific evidence on the safety and effectiveness of these oils as a treatment for epilepsy, although they do contain the same active ingredients.
    Meanwhile, Sativex, a cannabis-based spray, has been able to be legally prescribed since 2006.
    It is licensed to treat muscle stiffness and spasms in people with multiple sclerosis and although it is available throughout the UK, only in Wales can it be got for free on the NHS.
    Doctors could, in theory, prescribe it for other things outside of this licence, but at their own risk.
    Another licensed treatment is Nabilone.
    It contains an artificial version of THC and can be given to cancer patients to help relieve nausea during chemotherapy.

  5. Congratulations to the government for moving this matter forward. The last government went to sleep on the matter.

    What are the effects of cannabis?
    Regular recreational cannabis use increases the risk of developing a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia, according to the NHS.

    This risk is higher if it is used by teenagers and younger people as the drug interferes with development of the still-growing brain.

  6. Oh Lord, here we go again. Barbados off on another Tangent that will no doubt assist the local drug lords in helping line the corrupt political pockets at the expense of the lowly taxpayers. Another futile attempt by a FAILED NATION to bat above its weight.. I’m sorry to say that the local BAJAN POPULACE, although supposedly highly educated can be so DUMB.

  7. Dear Wily,

    I don’t agree with you here for once. Barbados must mobilize the last reserves to escape the downward spiral.

    These measures include the release of soft drugs, reduction of the age of adulthood to 15 years (i.e. no compulsory schooling at 16 and full-time work), liberalisation of adult entertainment, casinos and much more.

    Barbados can no longer afford to be a stronghold of hardened Taliban. Take a look around the other Caribbean islands and see what is going on there in tourism. Barbados is simply not attractive enough.

  8. David

    This RH guvment will again prove why the masses of Black people in Barbados will always be poor.

    Ganga, for which the Rastafarian community has paid the highest price in our not-
    so- fair land, will now be another instrument for the further enrichment of local corporate elite types and their globalist masters.

    When Black communities have no economic base supporting that social formation everything else will continue to collapse.

    Even the God of Rasta must be now subjected to neoliberalism, end-stage.

    Why should those who were the outcasts of society for decades not now be the sole beneficiaries of the radical social change they themselves have instigated.

  9. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I am wondering if the same hard ears people who won’t take the medicine prescribed for their hypertension, diabetes, etc. will take their prescribed marijuana?

    Wunna know that non-compliance is a big, big, problem in any health care system, right?

  10. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @WURA-War-on-U August 22, 2019 6:11 AM “Medical marijuana…CAN ALSO BE USED AS PREVENTATIVE MEDICINE….what if patients who do not have the means necessary for doctor’s visits and wish to use this as preventative…then what.”

    You do know don’t you that “patients who do not have the means necessary for doctor’s visits” can show up at any polyclinic and have the medical services delivered ‘free” at the point of delivery. I had a ‘flu coming on last week, didn’t have any money and I went to the night clinic at the Winston Scott Polyclinic and they treated me proper. One of the reasons we so pay so much in taxes is so that poor people, and old people, and old poor people like me can have “free” health care.

    Nobody in Barbados has to self-medicate with marijuana because they have no money.

  11. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @David August 22, 2019 6:15 AM “What are the effects of cannabis? Regular recreational cannabis use increases the risk of developing a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia.”

    I grew up next door to a schizophrenia patient. And schizophrenia is hell. Hell for the patient, hell for the family, hell for the community, especially the children in the community. We don’t want to do anything to increase the number of people with schizophrenia.

  12. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Tron August 22, 2019 7:00 AM “These measures include the release of soft drugs, reduction of the age of adulthood to 15 years (i.e. no compulsory schooling at 16 and full-time work), liberalisation of adult entertainment, casinos and much more. Barbados can no longer afford to be a stronghold of hardened Taliban. Take a look around the other Caribbean islands and see what is going on there in tourism. Barbados is simply not attractive enough.”

    @Tron August 22, 2019 7:00 AM “Reducing the age of adulthood, liberalisation of adult entertainment, and much more…Barbados is simply not attractive enough”

    I trust that you are not seeking to make Barbados a safe space for the Jeffrey Epstein’s of this world…and look where that got him…a dead dickey by age 66, while Bajans like me in their 70’s and 80’s are still enjoying life with truly adult partners, not with 15 year old children.

  13. @Tron

    Please explain CLEARLY to Wily how this latest chest thumping political vomit is going to be any different from past ” better than sliced bread” announcements which in short time FAIL MISERABLY. This is just the latest example of Barbados batting above, the results I fear however will be the same, FAILURE. Until Wily sees significant changes in how Barbados political system functions then most or all chest thumping announcements will FAIL.

    Wily fuĺly knows that Barbados is badly in need of increased economic endeavours, however with the basics of socialism strangling the state nothing will change. If Wily sees 10,000 civil servants given thier walking papers by year end, then there maybe hope of a turnaround.

  14. I support legalisation of marijuana for recreational use. It should be grown locally.

  15. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Tron August 22, 2019 5:11 AM “Releasing soft drugs is a good plan. However, we must ensure that our far too many civil servants do not consume them.”

    So how do you plan to enforce this non-use by civil servants?

    You planning to send a watchman into every house? And if so who will watch the watchman?

  16. “patients who do not have the means necessary for doctor’s visits” can show up at any polyclinic and have the medical services delivered ‘free” at the point of delivery. I had a ‘flu coming on last week, didn’t have any money and I went to the night clinic at the Winston Scott Polyclinic and they treated me proper. One of the reasons we so pay so much in taxes is so that poor people, and old people, and old poor people like me can have “free” health care.”

    I do tend to forget the polyclinics…..but they STILL have to ease up the on COPIED ST. KITTS ACT and restrictions since medical marijuana has never been known to give schizoid or any other mental ailments..

    ….as with any PRESCRIBED or homeopathic medicine…when ya treatment reaches…IT’S ZENITH…with the EXPECTED results either relief OR CURE….YA HAVE TO REDUCE YA DOSAGE…as in my case….contiuing to over dose is not recommended….and sane people once they feel better…discontinue or reduce usage..

  17. Am going to actually give the government the benefit of the doubt here although it sounds dumb to me, and i think they put this out there JUST to get feed back…that is ehy i eill not press too hard..

    ..but WHY are these cultivator licenses…NOT RENEWABLE..,after the 1 year and 3 year duration of those 2 licenses respectively…what stupid scam is this to make people’s lives harder…unless the conditions of said licenses are violated…why CANT THERE BE A CONTIUUM …to pass on FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION…..,ya continue to keep ya own people in poverty with ya SHORTSIGHTEDNESS and TUNNEL VISION…

    After one year and a cultivator has a flowing business… feed family..,raise children send them to school..expenses etc….AND CANNOT GET THE LICENSE RENEWED…cause ya said so right in this copied St. Kitts act..,WHAT THEN…..they go to prison…right..

    See why i have no respect for nor confidence in stupid governments…WHO REFUSE TO ENFRANCHISE their own people….generationally…but would enfranchise others without a second thought.

  18. There is no mention of the cannabis being used FOR RELIGIOUS REASONS…as the RASTA COMMUNITY is ENTITLED….and as even mentioned their rights to USE the herb in the St. Kitts ACT….so the bottomline is…initial draft FOR FEED BACK PURPOSES OR NOT…yall criminals who drafted this piece of CRAP…are still HELLBENT on using marijuana to CRIMINALIZE and IMPRISON ya own people…ya are a disgrace…


    All ya seeing is a fine for 15 times the amount…AND…..the repeated 10 years in prison….throughout the document…yall are no damn good..

    Pacha…ya a right..,they are evil and toxic….we are now at their can’t help themselves level…but it will choke them..

  19. @ Pachamama August 22, 2019 7:42 AM
    “This RH guvment will again prove why the masses of Black people in Barbados will always be poor.
    Ganga, for which the Rastafarian community has paid the highest price in our not-
    so- fair land, will now be another instrument for the further enrichment of local corporate elite types and their globalist masters.”

    Well said, Pacha!

    Just another sellout of the economically long disenfranchised black population.

    Where are the economic policies to facilitate some genuine affirmative action to bring about justice for the Rasta community who have suffered the bulk of oppression because of an innocent plant called Satan but is now the seen as the Virgin Mary to be the mother of the economic god to save Barbados?

    Why does Barbados have to import that forex-consuming plant called “medicinal marijuana” with its label of typical Bajan hypocrisy?

    Why shouldn’t this plant be used as Mother Nature (the handmaiden of God) intended, as a healing herb to be consumed in its organic state and not tampered with for the sake of creating additional opportunities to make more money by the already established ‘import-and-sell’ business sharks?

    Why should the Bajan taxpayers be saddled with another costly and inevitably corrupt Statutory body just to be turned into another featherbed for political lackeys and hangers-on?

    Why can’t the regulatory function of the mythical medicinal marijuana business be performed by an existing executing arm of the Ministry of Health or Agriculture say the BADMC?

    WTF did the likes of Marcus Garvey,Clement Payne and Wynter Crawford waste their time for only to be sold out by a modern-day cabal of black political jackasses calling themselves representatives of the people?

  20. These NASTY negros…should NEVER BE LEADERS ANYEHRE…

    they would SELL OUT ANYONE…let’s hope the WORLD SEES THIS….and understand that they TOO would be SOLD OUT by them…

  21. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha
    You are more than correct. Why all this haste with medical marijuana. Big legal fees for the lawyer class.

    The Duopoly Rules

  22. The more people ARRESTED..when they CANNOT GET LICENSE RENEWAL…the more money these SCUM make…this is not about treating the sick many of whom will be in dire straits…because they will NOT have access to real medicine and will be dosed with synthetic marijuana to KILL THEM…

    DEATH IS A BUSINESS…for crooks with NO CONSCIENCE.. it about ENFRANCHISING the black majority…this is about using and abusing their power to enrich the few AND THEMSELVES ONLY..they care nothing about enriching their own people, NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL…the curse of the sell out negro…still in full flight.

  23. Bajans got rid of the toxic DLP…30-0..a walk in the park..

    come 2023…ya get rid of this EVIL the same VEIN…and just as brutally..


    what an evil, psychopathic, demonic ass government..only interested in themselves and no one else..

    the PEOPLE…..know what they have to do..

    wuh only ignorant yardfowls will accept this level of criminal intent against themselves….by a corrupt governemtn … one else would..

  24. “The possibility of psychopathy has been associated with ORGANIZED CRIME, economic crime and war crimes. Terrorists are sometimes considered psychopathic, and comparisions may be drawn with traits of anitsocial violence, a selfish world view that preculdes the welfare of others, a lack of remorse or GUILT..and blame externalization”

    each above mentioned psycho behavior can be matched to ya criminals in parliament…get these vicious demons out of ya taxpayer funded parliament as soon as ya can…this toxic lot gotta go..they have taken their criminal acts against the people to a whole new level….because they believe that NO ONE CAN TOUCH THEM….

    the people HAVE TO SHOW THEM…..who is boss.

    imagine that… A WHOLE FAMILY OF CRIMINALS…

  25. and what is so disheartening…everyone is saying the same thing…they are NOT SURPRISED..

  26. @ WURA-WAR-on-U August 22, 2019 10:48 AM
    “ it about ENFRANCHISING the black majority…this is about using and abusing their power to enrich the few AND THEMSELVES ONLY..they care nothing about enriching their own people, NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL…the curse of the sell out negro…still in full flight.”

    Perfectly put!

    This is nothing more than the kind of legislative framework put in place by the former white planter class regulating the cultivation of sugar cane by black people or the selling of agricultural produce in Bridgetown.

    Not even an exemption for the growing of ganga (up to say 10 plants) for personal use to help the country by saving some of the fast dwindling foreign exchange.

    Where would the government polyclinics (through the Drug Service) get the money from to buy imported marijuana processed for medicinal use?

    Why must the Rasta community be so humiliated when its members should be allowed to grow and use their own products for medicinal, culinary and sacramental purposes?

    Just another load of visionless bullsh**t to keep certain sections of the black masses in perpetual economic penury and to continue as mere consumers and rose tree trimmers in the whole medicinal marijuana malarkey.

  27. “Not even an exemption for the growing of ganga (up to say 10 plants) for personal use to help the country by saving some of the fast dwindling foreign exchange.”

    Nothing for the Black majority…NOTHING…every word in that document iis DESIGNED…to lock up Black people…and make sure they NEVER benefit from the plant….and definitely NOT FINANCIALLY……nor MEDICALLY….

  28. @Tron, it seems you’re the only bajan beside me who’s aware of the disgusting attitude of the civil servants. I’ve never seen so many disgusting bastards in any one place. @Sir Simple, you can go to the polyclinics, a short while ago I acquired some health insurance through BARP; If I can’t jump on Jetblue, I’ll never seek help from those angry belligerent black women at those institutions.

  29. I knew there was a reason i can never remember the…although some try to be nice i heard..

  30. This government is going to be so deserving of what is coming their way…….SO VERY deserving..

  31. When people can’t differentiate between a medicinal marijuana industry and the decriminalisation/legalisation of weed.🤐

  32. all the other legislations i have SEEN…with the exception of the St. KItss legislation YALL COPIED..the most mindnumbing wicked parts…never DISCRIMINATES AGAINST PEOPLE SEEKING LICENSES AND PERMITS LIKE THAT….

    ….because even the ST. Kitts ACT …

    …INCLUDES USAGE.AS A RIGHT…for the Rastafarian community..

    the right for those with medical issues to GROW at least 4 plants if i remember correctly…. at a time…me thinks the Rastafarian community got to grow more…..

    but you deceitful two-legged ANIMALS…who believe black people are to live in perpetual POVERTY…..while yall and ya BRIBERS BENEFIT….ONLY …outdid yaselves….this time, everyone knows what ya did…because that is all ya know..

  33. See how STUID YALL ARE…ah have something to compare that piece of SHITE TO…

  34. A i said…what is headed yall way..ya DESERVE IN SPADES..

  35. Yall will soon be suing the WHOLE WORLD..but ah wonder where yall will get the MONEY from to pay…when the lawsuits against YOUR EVIL backsides…start piling

    remember…not everyone is like the vulnerable Bajans…some will come after you UNTIL they get you..

    but don’t mind me…a crazy and masochistic so not a fella need believe me..

  36. @ Enuff August 22, 2019 12:48 PM
    “When people can’t differentiate between a medicinal marijuana industry and the decriminalisation/legalisation of weed.”

    So why can’t you enlighten the blog and tell us what’s the difference?

    Isn’t this a case of “one law for the Medes and another for the Persians” being practised in Two Barbadoes?

    Why all of a sudden is marijuana so much of a godsend in ‘Christian’ Barbados?

    Isn’t she, Mary Jane the same ‘Herb” who- only two years ago- was the Devil’s daughter out to bring pain and destruction to the Bajan youth?

    Why is she now the darling of the politicians now that she has donned a white robe and carries a cross in the form of the Caduceus?

    Why can’t a poor old woman or man living in rural Barbados cultivate a couple of plants to brew into tea instead of being forced to go to some quack turned into some “weed” peddler certified by some corrupt government controlled institution?

    You guys can’t even get the ‘bush’ weed removed from the gutters to help control flooding when it rains for more than one hour far less ever to be in a well-organized position to regulate effectively the dispensing of a natural analgesic hiding behind the cloak of “medicinal marijuana”.


    the intent Miller…the INTENT is to continue chasing down every leaf and seed of marijuana and fill the prisons with black youth and vulnerable women with children and others who cannot find opportunities….because they have once again been sold out by black scum…

  38. @Miller

    If we want to move forward this and other matters have to be addressed. It would be refreshing if this and other matters can be discussed minus the noise. The world is moving forward on these matters.

  39. But your government is in BACKWARD motion…with such FLAWED legislation that in no way benefits the majority population for generations to come…i have seen other legislation and this is the most discriminating for the majority population i have seen to date…

    ……most people are not surprised, but i was willing to see what they did …and they could have just left things as they are…if the intent…and it clearly is…is to continue imprisoning Black people indefinitely for this plant.

    ya can appeal to a hardheaded backward government…but what do you think is going to happen…honestly…steupps

  40. Another half-baked piece of legislation which misses the big picture and totally disregards the local context.

    Miller and Pacha are on point.

    Rather than seize an opportunity to create a market, generate some jobs, earn some tax dollars, atone for some historical wrongs and ease the judicial/ prison systems, what do the miseducated idiots do?

    Create more mock laws, committees and cronies!

    Barbados is a failed state!

  41. I went to GAIA recently to receive some youngsters from Canada under the age of 18 and had to enter the sanctum sanctorum to sign off on their acceptance as bona fide relatives.The surprise I got was to hear that since Canada freed up the cannabis market,Border Protection Barbados have been exercising unusual scrutiny of arriving passengers from that source market.I wondered the implications of that move if true.It means that Bim must move fast to regularize this cannabis thing or suffer the consequences of the failure to amend the current law.

  42. I repeat myself, but we need the immediate liberalization of all soft drugs to make them more attractive to foreign tourists. Barbados is currently only suitable as a holiday destination for sclerotic people over 60, but not for families and young people.

  43. SirFuzzy (Former Sheep) Avatar
    SirFuzzy (Former Sheep)

    I don’t see this medical marijuana as being a panacea to our social or economic sickness or ills. I suggest we count the cost of this venture before we dive too deep into it. From an economic perspective does Barbados have the land space to make this a worthwhile industry? The current land space is competing with tourism developments and housing. Or maybe we intend to import everything into this country and grow next-skin to nothing bout hay? as we use the good lands to grow the MJ raw material.

    Are we prepared or are we preparing for the possible health care needs, or will the impacts be considered and dealt with(talked about) in a few years after the fact?

    Can we compete with Canada? Canada is years ahead of us; with probably billions more of dollars in domestic investment capital ready to go. They have invested in greenhouses etc. They have businesses listed on their stock market, valued at over 1 billion dollars etc. Can we really compete?

    Like in the sugar industry will we be relegated to be a raw material producer. with all the real value-added being done in the large overseas locations? Barbados is close to the USA, but Canada is even closer being its northern neighbor. Plane fare versus car ride to get your high? You go figure.

    I am not getting my hope to HIGH about MJ in any legal format. But it is what it is. Lets hope it, not just another pipe dream?

    Just saying.

  44. You should read Ganja in Jamaica by Professor Lambros Comitas

  45. @ David August 22, 2019 2:24 PM
    “If we want to move forward this and other matters have to be addressed. It would be refreshing if this and other matters can be discussed minus the noise. The world is moving forward on these matters.”

    But we are NOT ‘moving forward” with this piece of ‘steady state same old anti-black people continuing economic disenfranchisement’ legislation!

    This is NOT what the young people of a future Barbados or the enlightened fair-minded elders voted for in May 2018.

    If the BLP had the temerity to enact and effect such forward looking legislation like the Tenantries Freehold Act or the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act or the no-fault Divorce Laws why not also a much more politically enlightening and economically enfranchising piece of legislation regarding the cultivation, processing, distribution and consumption of marijuana in the same way the current legislators are talking about the renewable energy sector.

    This administration is following the same modus operandi as it is doing in its dealing with the laws governing Integrity in Public Office and the FOI.

    It has been given an unprecedented overwhelming mandate to change the legislative face of Barbados to promote the interests of young Bajans, residents and guests.

    Why should a young Canadian visitor- white, yellow, brown or black- be forced to extend his or her stay at a bullying institution called Dodds just because of some archaic law forced upon a colonial-minded country and still being enforced under its new incarnation called the ‘Medicinal Cannabis Directive from On High’?

    The people for the country’s future do not want any more dillydallying vacillating excuses in the conduct of the people’s business required for a 21st century world.

  46. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Noah Niles August 22, 2019 12:19 PM “@Sir Simple, you can go to the polyclinics, a short while ago I acquired some health insurance through BARP; If I can’t jump on Jetblue, I’ll never seek help from those angry belligerent black women at those institutions.

    Is this my friend whitehill? How ya keeping man?

    I have BARP health insurance too. I spent too much time in the past flying so I don’t care to jump on JetBlue to get treatment for the flu.

    Too besides you know don’t you that if i have the flu I should not be flying anywhere. What if i made some Americans sick? What if I made Donald Trump sick?

    With the flu, i stick close to home.

    The ladies, and the gentlemen at the Winston Scott Polyclinic were all super nice to me, male and female security guards, male and female nurses, male and female doctors, the pharmacist too.

    Wonderful people. Competent too.

  47. Oh no, Bajans will not tolerate Mia’s slave laws still on the statute books and continued destruction of another 3 generations of black people through their colonial minded evil that they still believe is en vogue and should be trotted out to continue the disenfranchisement of the black majority…everyone is talking about this crime against the people….dressed up as legislation.

  48. @Miller

    Will we be producing the medical stuff here or importing.

  49. “The people for the country’s future do not want any more dillydallying vacillating excuses in the conduct of the people’s business required for a 21st century world.”

    the goal now is for Bajans to free themselves from these demons who intend to keep them chained and shackled in their minds…get rid of this last set and send a message to the newbies that this will no longer be tolerate…not in this era…Black people have a RIGHT TO BE FREE…and if they insist on running a modern day slave society using prison as punishment for trying to survive…you keep them exposed for HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS…until something is done..

    i know an old lady suffering badly, can barely walk and you know why she is suffering and in pain and will probably die in horrible pain…because she is in her 80s and was socialized to believe that marijuaa to treat her symptoms is evil…people with her same ailments have gotten relieff from the medical form of the plant…but nothing her family tells her can change her mind because she believed the evil politicians and the evil churches, the evil system that ran that propaganda for the last 50 years…got SHACKLED into ther own mind and her suffering is ugly to watch..

    Miller…just watch this blow up on these greedy nobodies..

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