Senator Caswell Franklyn of the People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PPDD) shared the following email (email addresses were redacted from the email) with the blogmaster. The contents of the email is not new and there is no need for the blogmaster to be prolix except to say-  trivializing the process of law making exposes AND compromises the governance system.

We must do better.

– David Blogmaster



I am forwarding this email that I just received a few moments ago.  It is informing us that there will be a meeting of the Senate on Wednesday, August 14th but it did not tell us what we would be debating.  How much later must we wait for the Order Paper (agenda).  Invariably, we will find out on Wednesday.


Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Parliament of Barbados <>
Date: 12 August 2019 at 10:22:01 am GMT-4
To: “Adams, Rawdon”, “Boyce, Kevin” , “Cheltenham, Dr. Sir Richard”, “Cummins, Lisa”, “Drakes, Crystal”, “Franklyn, Caswell”, “Grant, Rudy” , “Greenidge, Rudolph” , “Haynes, Dr. Crystal”, “Henry, June”, “Holder, Lynette”  “Maynard, Dr. Christopher” , “McConney, Kay” “Moe, Lucille”, “Moore, Toni”, “Nurse, Lindell”  “Parris, Patricia”  “Rogers, John”, “Sands, Damien” “Springer, Romel” , “Taitt, Monique” , “Walcott, Mr. Jerome”, “Wiggins, Alphea”, “Beverly, Gibbons” , “Eastmond, Pedro” , “Jones, Nigel”
Subject: 28th Sitting of the Honourable the Senate – Wednesday, August 14th, 2019

Dear Honourable Senators,

You are hereby informed of the 28th Sitting of the Honourable the Senate being held on Wednesday, August 14th, 2019 in the Senate Chambers, Parliament Buildings at 11:00 a.m.

The Order Paper and any additional information will be sent at a later date.


Parliament of Barbados
Parliament Buildings
Trafalgar Street
Tel:  (246) 427-2019
(246) 427-1461 (Direct)
Fax: (246) 436-1310


326 responses to “Senator Caswell Franklyn of the Opposition People’s Party for Democracy and Development Exposes a Big Problem”

  1. Once I bought my son a tot train. It had all the bells and whistle of a real train and it even gave off steam. If you heard it from upstairs then you would think that a train was passing, but in the basement you knew it was a toy train

  2. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    As de ole man has said elsewhere Senator Caswell Franklyn

    What you are failing to understand is the mindset of your bajan audience.

    Marches, dissenting social media campaigns AND BULLHORNS!!


    What are your party’s colours?
    Can you amass 50 people, 100 people or 1000 people? Tomorrow?

    Your party has to be see EVEN NOW!

    Numbers mean currency and once people see that you have numbers YOUR FACTION GROWS!

    2.Social Media

    Do you have Facebook retargeting pixels?

    Do your own research and background reading AND TELL YOUR IT GUY WHAT YOU WANT!

    if he cant provide you with what you need fire his ass!


    And since you submitted this email, IT SHOULD ALSO have links for every whuloss email like this!


    You have to create the PPDD PARTY IMAGE.

    De ole man going help you make Mugabe Mottley a one term government!!!

    You need to be seen as the party which DOES NOT FEAR MUGABE.

    A Force of Three!

    Atherley, Ms Drakes AND YOU!

    And 3 BULLHORNS!!

    On Wednesday when Senate meeting, YOU NEED TO BE IN THE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE WITH A BULL HORN, IN FRONT OF NATIONAL TV talking loud bout this!

    Look at the evidence here of what will work!

    1,500 views Caswell!

    Listen to me well

    You need to get a few licenses to preach UNDER THE NAME OF SOME SYMPATHETIC CHURCH Senator Franklyn and “preach” pun a day.

    And if you dont get a license USE THE BULL HORN ANYWAY!!

    Mugabe Mottley Will not make a martyr out of you Caswell.

    If the police close you down THAT IS NOT THE NEWS SHE WANTS!!

    So you are going to be allowed to talk

    Your impromptu Bullhorn Meetings will create the following you need!

    And which you know you lack! That was de old man’s first point above, how many people can you really to a crowd?

    Fe ole man showing you how to mek dem numbers!

    De ole man has been “visited” by HE WHO RULES ALL THINGS and i will show you the victory HE showed me for you.

    Listen to me AND WIN!! Ignore me and you will lose

  3. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Senator Franklyn

    You have to create the PPDD IMAGE

    It has to bee seen as the party of real change Caswell NOT LIP SERVICE.

    All like now THE PPDD SHOULD BE CREATING ITS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT and revising the fucked up integrity Legislation shy$e that Mugabe got floating bout.

    You need an IT savvy political manager who will craft a message for the PPDD

    One that gives you currency in every household Caswell.

    Not the bunting pun a pole shy$e either YOU NEED SWAY.

    Otherwise it would have been for nothing.

    Meet me outside!

  4. The astute politician expects hurdles to be in place and if necessary be capable of extemporaneous speeches to counter said.

    As an aside how is it that a minister in Trinidad and Tobago can be arrested and charged by the police for stealing the people’s monies and not one Barbadian politician has ever been arrested for any misdeeds ? Are the Barbadian politicians so squeaky-clean ? How is it that the police in Trinidad can launch an investigation into corruption by persons holding high office and the Barbadian Commissioner of Police. sits and does nothing about investigating the alleged misdeeds of Donville Inniss and company ? As usual, Barbadians are observing radio silence (as though a war is going on) about this matter occurring next door, in the hope it will just go away: an inconvenient truth.

  5. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    Why does Kelsi Marshall have 1,500 views and you 400?

    And I am the first to say she will always have my vote as a nubian princess.

    But what is it that she is doing that gets the interest?

    Here is a hint

    That is your 1,630 votes/views

    And here is your 2,752 votes/views Caswell

    De ole man has shown you why you eclipse her.

    It is the packaging and the message

    And this is what de ole man WILL not only do for you individually, Caswell, BUT FOR YOUR WHOLE PARTY.

    Catch me outside!

  6. @Dr. Lucas

    You must ask where is Trinidad located on the corruption index and the extent to which the level of corruption now forces the establishment to respond in the way we are witnessing.

    Is it possible for Barbados to learn from the Trinidad experience and implement triggers to create a similar response sooner rather than later.

    So many questions to be asked and answered.

    Do not forget the role of the fourth estate.

  7. @ David BU

    What is the big problem Caswell Franklyn exposed?

    Let’s face facts. This type of thing was exposed by both the DLP and BLP. It has been happening in Parliament for years. I heard Mascoll and David Thompson complain about it. Read the DLP’s 2008 manifesto.

    During the DLP’S 10 year rule I heard Owen Arthur and Mia Mottley complain about it too.

    I cannot remember any uproar on BU. But in a rush to give Franklyn hero status, you are saying he exposed a big problem.

  8. @Robert Goren

    The Senator deserves hero status for his selfless contribution to public life . Many others have raised the matter it is true. The blogmaster is reasonably confident the Senator will give a little more than lip service to the issue .

  9. Time for the nearly 300,000 strong Barbados population to PUT THEIR FOOT DOWN on Mia and the gang of thieves in the business community…,they CANNOT be allowed to get away with this massive theft of public funds…

    Everyone needs to BRAND THEM…and make them worldwide famous…or yall will have NO PENSIONS LEFT BY 2023….because they are set to rip off the pension fund again.

  10. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Senator Caswell Franklyn

    Everybody going come here and cuss Mugabe as is our style of democracy but not a fellow going put you pun de spot.

    I gine put you pun de spot

    2 questions.

    What are you explicitly recommending should be done about this? Other that you highlighting this matter.

    Some will say you are complaining so…

    What will your party do WHEN ELECTED about these laws that were passed in this way?

    Are you saying that you will rescind them?

    Which laws will you rescind?

    AND WHY?

    That is more that 2 right?

    So you want to BR thd next government in power right?

    Let’s see how you respond to these questions Senator!

  11. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    You must expect Boring Goerring the BLP poochlicker to do his job.

    He has been sent to say “this has been going on for gine immemorial why is Caswell Franklyn bitching about it?

    Why doesn’t he not just shut up and not rock the boat, like others have done before him?”

    Remember that term Mugabe poochlicker and recognize that if you start encouraging people like Senator Franklyn with these blogs GOERRING AND HIS GROUP SOON GOING TARGET YOU.

    He is one oc my fans watch the adulation that follows!


  12. So no one FOUND IT STRANGE…that the LEADERS…Mia, Owen, Fruendel, etc…complained about the vat and taxes not being collected….WHILE DOING NOTHING TO COLLECT IT……as they are paid with their uppity selves to do…

    ….AS THEY ARE PAID A SALARY TO PROTECT PUBLIC FUNDS…instead of aiding and abetting its theft…

    So how come no one found that strange …AND CALLED THEM OUT ON IT…instead of playing the role of loyal yardfowls…..and losing a billion dollars that could now be of help to the country, but is sitting instead in the bank accounts of thieves..

    Now Mia is running hither and yon…trying to make up those thefts…by trying to bullshit Bajans abroad to blindly put their hardearned money in her questionable hands….THEY BETTER DON’T….

    She should not be getting a dime from anyone…NOT EVEN IN LOANS…they will all tief it anyway…and the people will suffer anyway….so what’s’the point…let all of this play out without this government getting a dime in their hands to create more corruption.

  13. Public servants can NEVER be paid consistently IF GOVERNMENT CONSISTENTLY…allows business people TO STEAL PUBLIC FUNDS BY THE BILLIONS…..i always knew nurses and police are not paid as they should be….it would prevent the thieves from getting their share of public money…

  14. @ David August 13, 2019 1:33 AM

    You are assuming that corruption is so rife in Trinidad that the only recourse is the one taken. Implicit in your statement Barbados appears to be less corrupt. Barbados is equally as corrupt but the corruption is swept under the carpet. The ranking giving by Transparency International is a joke where Barbados is concerned. Barbados refuses to acknowledge the pervasive nature of its corruption: A well known journalist cautioned about the affect on Barbados’ reputation of airing such claims.

    “Is it possible for Barbados to learn from the Trinidad experience and implement triggers to create a similar response sooner rather than later”.

    The response to the above is never unless. blood is shed. Corruption is endemic to Barbados, even the Attorney General had to admit so when he said that several businesses had reported that bribery was an every day occurrence in Barbados. The hypocrisy is rife here and until that trait is removed the status quo remains in place.

  15. “A well known journalist cautioned about the affect on Barbados’ reputation of airing such claims.”

    That idiot journalist should be drawn and quartered…hope he/she is among those feeling it the most now …goddamn retarded yardfowl….they should be asked if it has gitten better by perpetrating that wicked cover up of such a large theft……the shitehound..

    Ignorant, miseducated people always eagerly participate in their own demise.

  16. David
    August 13, 2019 1:33 AM

    @Dr. Lucas
    You must ask where is Trinidad located on the corruption index and the extent to which the level of corruption now forces the establishment to respond in the way we are witnessing.


    Barbados is run from Trinidad!!

  17. Looks like communication between govt and the so called opposition has risen to a boiling point so much so that the strain and pressure of the divide has given cause for Caswell to run to BU and launch a public fight
    It would be interesting to see how it all ends
    One can expect cat piss and pepper as the lines become drawn as to how much should the opposition know especially when Caswell tells all that he knows in a public forum

  18. @ John

    Are you Quaker John? There are so many Johns on BU.

  19. So far Bush Tea mouth has been shut in to all politic matters
    Hope Bush Tea take note of Caswell new found friends all politicians after saying No to BUP
    But i wonder where Bush Tea is doah

  20. A sitting of the Honourable Senate….and Mr Jerome Walcott (a real doctors) and a number of Drs, no doubt some of them bogus doctors.
    Social rules in Barbados are so archaic they make you laugh. On the other hand, in the UK it has gone so far the other way (especially on the BBC) that young people do not know how to address people politely.

  21. David
    There are 5 bills before the Senate. Two were read for the first time, laid and published in the Gazette since June, one since the middle of July and the other two published 5 August and laid in the Senate 7 August. The Order Paper shouldn’t surprise the Senator, the 5 bills are on it. By the way the Senator received the notice of a meeting at 10:22am yesterday, when did he receive the Order Paper? It is already on the parliament website. The government is wukkin, week after week after week and both houses are busy. Maybe the system of appointing senators need to change from selection to election, with a full-time salary rather than a paltry stipend.

  22. “Barbados is run from Trinidad!!”

    Trinidad just locked up a corrupt government minister and her husband…so what is Barbados doing about its corrput government ministers and corrupt former government ministers..

    “Maybe the system of appointing senators need to change from selection to election, with a full-time salary rather than a paltry stipend.”

    so you are saying a full salary would help Caswell keep his mouth shut about the THEFT BY BOTH GOVERNMENTS AND THEIR CROOKED BRIBERS…of 1 billion dollars of the PEOPLE’S MONEY….

    so yall scum think that the taxpayer paid salaries ya get is hush money when ya TIEF FROM THE PEOPLE with ya stinking business friends…is that what yall low class, no class thieves think.

    yall think ya got away right…ok..

  23. Enuff

    We see you inartfully tried to change the subject from governance to salaries or the absence thereof!


    We believe that Caswell is airing frustration over his own absence of power, especially when he sees such being wielded by some who are far less competent, in his estimation.

    Maybe the Senator only serves as window-dressing as has become clear to him, a court jester, giving a certain respectability to an undeserving dictatorship. These are heavy burdens to carry, week in week out.

    Poor Caswell!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Enuff is a skunk…it has never been more evident…

    the people got ripped off by both governents…a whole billion dollars…led by all of them AND THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY..and the biggest thing on this shitehound’s mind is…maybe Caswell should get a full salary instead of a stipend…which of course can easily be done by simply tweaking a few parliamentary procedures….a clear attempt of bribery on BU…ya savage.

    But don’t worry…we will work equally hard to make sure the world knows the thieves ya are…how much ya have STOLEN FROM YA OWN PEOPLE…and make sure should yall manage to get people who don’t know what dangerous, corrupt thieves ya are, to loan yall any money……TO BE SURE TO MONITOR EVERY DOLLAR YALL TOUCH…as they are doing to yall now…

    ya think i did not know…huh

  25. Sir Benwood Dick Avatar
    Sir Benwood Dick

    Jamaica run Trinidad and Trinidad run Barbados. Soon, Guyana will run all.

    Ho ho ho and a bottle of rum. Pirates of The Caribbean fuh true.

    From the ‘settlers’ arriving at Speightstown, to the real Amerindian settlers, to the Ekky Beckies, to the Africans dragged here, very little has changed in two centuries.

    Forbeses Burnhams would be proud that Guyana eventually ruled all. He will regret not being there to be king and all that it entails.

  26. AND…ya think we don’t know that yall STILL got crooked Fortress and tiefing Bizzy in place to make ANOTHER RUN at the vulnerable pensioner’s money…..trying to TIEF 1 billion dollars from the Pension Fund too..

  27. @ Piece the Legend

    You’re an idiot.

    I am a BLP poochlicker because I don’t necessarily agree with what you write, because I don’t buy into your Mugabe nonsense and the conspiracy theories?

    Which means if I agree with everything you say, call Mottley, Mugabe, and believe in your conspiracy theories, then I’d be a Piece the Legend poochlicker.

  28. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    That this topic has brought Hee Hee, one of the 2 Rented Donkeys that is beaten spitefully as one doth beat a Rented donkey IS ENOUGH TO CONFIRM THAT SENATOR CASWELL FRANKLYN IS YELLING THE TRUTH.

    Caswell Franklyn or anyone who is idjot enough to go to the current government of Barbados ‘ website to download a bill IS LIKENED TO A MAN GOING TO BUSH HILL, AND ASKING ALL THE WHORES WITH AIDS TO HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX!

    He would be dipping his doggie into the infected files of Mugabe Mottley and Charles Me Love You Long Time Jong.


  29. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    And there is Goerring the Boring my adoring fan.

    De ole man is not the subject matter Goerring WHAT YOU WERE PAID TO SAY TO THE HONOURABLE BLOGMASTER about the observations of the Senator a d the Honourable Blogmaster posting them here, is!

    Keep focused

  30. Hal Austin
    August 13, 2019 5:13 AM

    @ John
    Are you Quaker John? There are so many Johns on BU.


    How does one become a Quaker?

    Been studying them for years now!!

  31. Caswell boy, it is too late to take the high road in these temporal matters!!

    Reverend Joe is a fake LOO which makes you a fake whatever!!

    He has infected you with his fakeness!!

    Take spiritual orders!!

  32. Can some of us try to stay true to the topic instead of wobbling all over the place like somebody learning to rise a bicycle?

    On a related note it is refreshing to hear PPDD being quoted in the news in the lead story no less!

    The strategy of the third parties must be to grow awareness of their brand using ALL the channels and when there is traction transition to aggressive people engagement.

  33. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Robert Lucas

    You bold yeah. Bajan politicians are masters at victimization and intimidation. I hope you got you own business and do not have to depend on government for no employment. But, but, but, you telling the truth and politicians in Barbados do not like the truth. Bajans are conditioned, programmed even, to accept the wrong and evil that politicians do. And, because of this, politicians have no fear whatsoever because everything is nicely protected under the system they develop. They control the police, the judiciary, the treasury, and a large percentage of the population through bribes, help me outs and handouts, and a lil job to keep their asses loyal. How in tarnation you expect a set up like that to bring any politician to bending knees. We, the idiots, rid ourselves of the crooked DLP and forgot that we kicked out the crooked BLP for doing shite that was enriching them left, right and centre, too. All that time, none in the BLP was corrupt. But, but, but, when we kick out the DLP, the BLP was shouting out how corrupt the DLP was, just like the DLP was shouting out how corrupt the BLP was too. Seems like we conveniently forgot the BLP wickedness and in desperation to rid ourselves of the DLP deceitful shites, we put back in the to other deceivers BECAUSE a female Prime Minister promise all sorts of things including dealing with the corruption but the moment she got the power turn it into: where there is evidence they will be an investigation. So Rogue Works wants evidence, and all the corruption talk done wid. All the stuff she had on the DLP that made her and her team talk about corruption vanish upon assuming office. Power made she sing a different tune. Ya think it was difficult for she to write off all those who owed taxes? Not at all!Think on this goodly Doc. She father owed a lot of taxes but that was not bad enough for her not to knight she father. I would think that anyone who gine get a knighthood should got a relatively clean record coupled by conduct that is not questionable. He not paying the taxes means that he is questionable because he avoided payments for years under some nice little arrangement. That alone disqualified him for any knighthood. But, but, but, not in Rogue Works eyes. You see Doc Lucas, wrong doing is overlooked by the few good things esteem sons of the soil does. Carrington did wrong and was esteem. Thompson did wrong and was esteem, Parris did wrong and is esteem. Elliot Mottley did wrong and was elevated with knighthood and still esteem. We do wrong and we asses hauled before a judge for lockup and payback. You feeling me here Doc like wuh my sweetpiece wud say? These people wicked and bajans dumb is shite. Dumb I tell ya. Check the loyal lap dogs on here defending these wicked brutes. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb, i tell ya.

  34. William Skinner Avatar

    I remember when the DLP gave the BLP a thrashing and the BEEs only had 3 seats , it was said that the government may have to create its own opposition. Atherley is a B; Caswell is a B. We now have Atherley and Caswell in an opposition that come via the BLP.
    Old people say: pick sense from that!
    Ah enjoying how all yuh getting fool lef rite and centuh.

    The Duopoly Rules

  35. All of this makes it VERY CLEAR…that NO ONE should join political parties…the constitution does not even make provisions for memberships in any of these VIPER’S NESTS… it is not compulsory or even a necessity…

    ….once the electorate selects and votes for whom they want to MANAGE THE COUNTRY AS EMPLOYEES OF THE PEOPLE….PAID A MONTHLY SALARY BY THE PEOPLE…and they don’t perform THEIR JOBS..which ya are PAYING THEM TO DO…get rid of their arrogant, uppity asses…..

    these demons TURNED THE WHOLE THING AROUND…in the minds of people who are not EQUIPPED with the mental strength to KNOW BETTER…and all they have been doing since the 1940s is STEALING FROM THE POPULATION….by the billions of dollars…..these 2 useless governments…because THEY KNOW…the population is not mentally able to stop them in their tracks..


  36. “Bajan politicians are masters at victimization and intimidation. ”

    oh yeah…we know that, they victimize you until ya end up in ya graves…they have been doing it for DECADES….they have PERFECTED THAT SKILL and turned it into an ARTFORM…instead of using that skill to manage the island efficiently and competently to benefit their own people….but they have not had to deal one and one with people like myself is why they think they can still get away with doing that shite……in 2019…

    ah got stung by a huge centipede the other day, did not see it and stepped on it…well that was not getting away…i kept that mofucka for HOURS…….just torturing it…only thing i hit it too hard the first time so could not keep it alive for the full 12 hours…of my special treatment…

    so imagine any of those skunks in parliament doing to me or any family member of mine… what they have done to their own BLACK Bajan brothers and sisters since the 1940s, the brutality, the viciousness, the mind games, the disenfranchisement, the marginalization, the LIES, the THEFTS…for nearly 70 YEARS….


    they can only do such evil to the vulnerable, unaware and helpless.

  37. @David

    After “Enuff’s” (Gov’t Explainer, Apologist and Insider) comments @5.47 am you might as well shelve this discussion. Like a weary schoolmaster he has explained that Caswell has not done his homework and shouldn’t complain if he can’t complete the assignment. I expect that Enuff’s colleagues will take Caswell to the woodhouse to complete the punishment when the meeting of that august body reconvenes on Aug.14.

    BTW I don’t know if this is a regular occurrence but what would it take for someone to attach the Order Paper to the email?
    Did you see how “Enuff” slipped in the “Mission Critical” issue of salaried Senators? Someone must have complained but don’t say you haven’t been warned.

    Barbados: “Just beyond your imagination”

  38. @Sargeant

    Let us see how the Senator responds here or in the august chamber.

  39. Enuff is lucky she is not a centipede with hundreds of legs…i would happily sit patiently FOR HOURS…and pull of every leg…ONE by ONE…..while she is still alive..

    they think they can continue this shite for another 70 years…oh really, well good luck….

  40. Sir William

    Some may argue that you too were fooled several times in the past as well.

    Is that not so?

    Maybe the only difference is that a lesson was learnt.

  41. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Mr Blogmaster

    Have you blocked imgur from posting links on here. Not like you gine answer in any event.

  42. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    My SweePieceThe Legend

    Can please go on Imgur and check out the poster I posted there. Mr Blogmaster aint gine feature it as an article. Perhaps you can post it here from your end seeing like a block is placed next to SSS forbidden me from posting the link on here. Thanks, hon if you can and if you cannot, still thanks. XX

  43. in our parliamentary system, what is the point of a senate which it can only delay bills and other initiatives coming from the House?

  44. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    By now you know me.


    The objective of this sensjtizatjon is readership, first by the thousands of people who already come here daily, BUT, MORE IMPORTANTLY, BY THE SHEEPLE TOO who number in the tens of thousands.

    You said and I quote

    “…The strategy of the third parties must be to grow awareness of their brand using ALL the channels and when there is traction transition to aggressive people engagement…”

    That IN PART, is the strategy, I wont give you the other parts and you understand why…

    You use the word “aggressive” THAT WORD IS WRONG because of its connotation

    You would be better served by saying proactive which does not convey any aggression against the citizens

  45. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Pacha

    Agreed . We learn as we go.

  46. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Would you please send my email to SSS as she has periodically requested?

    Grateful if you would advise when it is done, thank you

  47. in our parliamentary system, what is the point of a senate which it can only delay bills and other initiatives coming from the House?(Quote)

    Ideally, the second chamber provides checks and balances on the lower house. But in Barbados and other small islands it is just a show. It lacks the expertise and the governing party s allowed to appoint too many senators. I doubt very much if the president consults members of her Cabinet.

  48. This comment is false.

  49. This was done a few weeks ago at your request. Will forward again.

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