The greatest show on earth continues in the USA with a US Judge ordering today [16 May 2019] the release of Flynn’s conversation with the Russians. We know several Trump aides have been implicated, indicted and imprisoned coming out of the Mueller investigation. What will the redacted parts of the Mueller report expose? If the judge’s order is executed we will have a short wait to find out.

158 responses to “The Full Mueller Report”

  1. donna,
    As I said, I do know the type. You acknowledge our presence but only to make mock sport at us and display your “superiority” and to wipe your dirty dollars in our faces. I do believe you about your history with black people. I have explained why that would have been the case. I am sure you did play with black boys and ALWAYS designated yourself as their natural leader. And having sex with black girls proves nothing. So did the slave masters.

    U don’t know excrement!!! U have not explained anything to do with me, NOTHING at all! I am a natural leader regardless of race!!!! I never said I had sex with black girls, so U have proved U dont have a clue about me!!!!

    Trump has been dragged through the mud by this witch hunt and the main MuleR Report could not indict. After 2 yrs of co-operation it is time to turn tables and use Exec Privilege or any other legal basis to counter attack. The Soft Coup conspirators are going to Prison!!! That is the difference in a nutshell!!!!

  2. No we were not wrong about the collusion and obstruction.. I have read the report. Have you?


  3. Donna, the Deep State, the Dems and their media depts have FAILED miserably–amost disgusting pack of PROSTITUTES.

  4. Donna, the MuleR Report was a FRAUD from the outset. Obviously, a bipartisan Grand Jury should have been convened.I have adequately explained why this entire procedure is purely political BUNK! I know many hate Trump and I certainly dont have any reason to believe that he is not corrupt BUT where in DC=District of Corruption are there quality politicians—never seen one!!!! Excellent place to test a Neutron bomb!!!!

    Build de Wall around DC!!!!!

  5. @David
    Appeals can be held up in Court and that is part of the strategy, a year from now who cares? People would have moved on to other things, maybe the debate will be about another war in the Middle East.
    Allow me to digress, Trump has been fulminating about China and tariffs, how China has been taking advantage of the US etc. yet the House Republican leader just blocked a bipartisan attempt to limit Chinese companies from contracting with US transit systems because……there is a Chinese plant in his district.

    And guess what? It donates to his campaign

    Hypocrisy just scores another victory

  6. Careful, Mr Money Brain,

    You sounding like you are on the edge of insanity.

    See I pegged you right. You did think you were superior and the natural leader of the likkle black boys you were left with when the HC white boys would not let a red leg lead them. And I goaded you into pointing out that you did not have sex with the black girls who were quite aggressive in their intentions. That wouldn’t do, would it?

    Seems to me the easiest way Trump could put the investigation to bed would be to LET MUELLER TESTIFY AND CONFIRM THAT HIS REPORT TOTALLY EXONERATED HIM.

    You say Mueller is a fraud who conducted a fraudulent investigation. And yet you claim that he wrote a report that totally exonerated Trump. And Trump is preventing him from testifying for the world to hear how Trump has been totally exonerated?????

    If that makes sense to you then you are beyond any help. And if it doesn’t and you are still saying it then that is even worse.

    Either way I would say I DO KNOW EXCREMENT. It is in your dirty money brain and it stinks.

  7. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    ……“the mere fact U require some definition proves you have little sense of Fed Justice…” 🤣🤣 ……
    Absolutely classic @MB…in the tomes of psychological manipulation (attempted) your line of riposte is first class!

    However, I will not be out-Trumped with these bogus “too smart” ploys…oh Lordie, no sir!…so do tell me again why TRUTH is not an ABSOLUTE perjury defense.

    Incidentally, I get it that the psychological play book which your team uses from the Machiavelli era dictates that “one who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived” …got it!

    Your boy also lives (and others too) by this credo popularized from “ThevPrince”: Occasionally [Very often] words must serve to veil the facts. But let this happen in such a way that no one become aware of it; or, if it should be noticed, excuses must be at hand to be produced immediately.”

    …but senor, your trumpian continuous repetition of LIES and words of deception will never deceive me or veil my facts: The folks who are quite good FRIENDS on a first name basis and previously attended family social events together etc etc over a quarter century are Barr and Mueller NOT..let’s repeat NOT Comey and Mueller.

    Ah well maybe that adds more twisty pretzel baking to your awesomely fantastical deep state jargon…Barr and Mueller deep stating from opposiite sides to achieve some wondrous deep state “matter” : if we win we win and if we lose we still win…or something so, right!

    Looka, just answer @Donna’s query and leff me out 🤣… YOUR vinyl record is stuck…Lord Nelson is belting out ad nauseum “Yuh hear lie, Dat is lie”… so please dont follow Donna’s advice to Do That To Me One More Time 🤣🤣

  8. DPD,

    Well, the Money Brain said he “devastated” me and I did not feel a thing. Since he professed his great love for black people I thought it only fair that I give him another chance to disprove the theory about the inadequacy of the average white man’s equipment.

    But alas, it seems I am just another rejected, aggressive black woman who has had her intentions unfulfilled by the fantabulously rich, natural born leader that is Money Brain.


  9. Donna wrote,
    See I pegged you right. You did think you were superior and the natural leader of the likkle black boys you were left with when the HC white boys would not let a red leg lead them. And I goaded you into pointing out that you did not have sex with the black girls who were quite aggressive in their intentions. That wouldn’t do, would it?

    It did do for me, I am not one to slut around, maybe U are such. Keep your low standards to yourself. Just watching them beg was gratifying!
    I lead period!

    Donna, IF you understood US law U would know that MuleR can NOT exonerate anyone, that is not his role. He conducts the investigations and then forwards his report to the Atty General with his conclusions. Trump can spin it like most politicians.
    The MuleR Report and investigation was purely POLITICAL from Day1. How he was appointed by RoDentstein (who wanted to wear a wire to trap Trump, and who appointed MuleR after he was rejected by Trump for FBI Director), friend of Comey who is himself conflicted and should be (and is being, bound for prison) investigated. The fact he wrote a 200page section on Obstruction which he knows is a pure political piece of crap to fool those of limited ability that it is possible to indict a President on such grounds when it is nigh impossible. Especially after RoDentstein had written a recommendation to fire Comey. they are all conflicted!!!!

    Donna, you want to argue on very shaky ground but the Soft Coup Actors will be seeing prison time but not Trump!!!! Watch the list of Reports to come!!!

    Donna wrote,
    But alas, it seems I am just another rejected, aggressive black woman who has had her intentions unfulfilled by the fantabulously rich, natural born leader that is Money Brain.

    Correct Donna rejected as you should be, but you are 100% correct in your last 9 words. I have never had equipment problems in any respect BUT I am not surprised that you would focus on such as against love, being a lil Racist that U are. It has obviously never occurred to U that size is only relevant to sluts, as intelligent females know that there is always somebody out there that is bigger ( are they supposed to spend their lives searching for the 15 incher?)and since they are not 1 dimensional like U profess to be, they know that there are a plethora of variables in assessing a male human partner. Blame me for being capable of assessing which females are sluts and which are not, have had to rebuff many a female who is a gold digger or a “searcher”.

  10. Dribs,
    Perjury traps have nothing to do with TRUTH! It is all about the Feds nailing the target eg you had an interview with them 6 mths ago and now in another proceeding you make one inconsequential error like in Papa case March instead of April. 11 days in jail for that only nothing to do with Russian Collusion whatsoever!!!!!!
    Dribs, it is NOT about my boy, it is about nasty lil Soft Coup conspirators, DemonicRATS and the Deep State disrupting the political system to maintain or gain Control—mainly of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It is about exposing what really went on with Shill and the Gangstas.

    Dribs, the long list of Investigating of the so called investigators, senior FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA will help you understand the vinyl recording that is required for diamond encrusted skulls.

  11. Freedom Crier Avatar


  12. Money Brain May 22, 2019 12:50 PM

    Donna wrote,
    See I pegged you right. You did think you were superior and the natural leader of the likkle black boys you were left with when the HC white boys would not let a red leg lead them. And I goaded you into pointing out that you did not have sex with the black girls who were quite aggressive in their intentions. That wouldn’t do, would it?

    It did do for me, I am not one to slut around, maybe U are such. Keep your low standards to yourself. Just watching them beg was gratifying!
    I lead period!


    Hercule Poirot wukking den!

    You lead, PERIOD!

    Just watching them beg was gratifying!

    You are so easy to goad into revealing yourself.

    But to serious stuff. I am well aware that Mueller could not exonerate anyone according to the law. Neither could he indict a sitting President according to Justice Department policy (not the Constitution). And this we KNOW that lapdog Barr would never go against.

    So….. no criminal charges could be brought except some suggest under seal for later prosecution. So then what was the purpose of the investigation if no criminal charges could be brought? Who could take action against the President?

    The answer – CONGRESS.


    On the Obstruction of Justice, Mueller very deliberately laid out very damaging evidence against the President and KNOWING THAT HE COULD NOT EXONERATE ANYBODY DELIBERATELY STATED THAT HE COULDN’T. Message to Congress – I cannot indict the President or even recommend indictment. You deal with it.

    Now we must bear in mind that “HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANOURS” is different form CRIMES in the usual sense and do not require for the Justice Department to give an opinion. That is totally up to Congress. WILLIAM BARR HAS NO SAY.

    You need to stop conflating the issues. The Justice Department did its work and now it is preventing Congress from doing its work.

    Under Justice Department rules Barr can speak to CRIMINAL CHARGES. It is not his right to speak on HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANOURS.

    THIS IS NOT A “DO OVER! This is Congress trying to use evidence gathered and presented by the Justice Department as a road map for their own investigation where the charges and standards are TOTALLY UP TO THEM.

    Boom in yuh tail!

    And for good measure here’s the question for YOU to answer…….

    What was the purpose of the investigation if no charges could be brought against the President???????

    PS: The difference between sex and love is actually one of my pet topics. Just last week I came across a funny but serious ‘Love is” quiz I devised and used in my class. I also held sessions where we listened to and examined the crudeness of their music and I introduced them to true love songs When my son heard me playing Rihanna this morning he was incredulous. I had to tell him I have one of her albums before the Good Girl went ‘Bad”. And you are quite correct that the measure of a man resides in his head and not his pants. I was just pulling your “rose bud”. I can guarantee you that you would never have had the chance to reject me as I am not impressed by money and bragging about money but by character. Your arrogance would have disqualified you. And your low grade racism.

    Here’s my favourite love song.

  13. Looney Tunes,

    Trump season will come. It will be a little later this year due to CLIMATE CHANGE. But come it will regardless
    of STUPID LOONEY TOONS AND TUNES because there is a real world not controlled by cartoon characters like Donald the Duck Man Drumph and his empty caricatures of human beings.

  14. Freedom Crier Avatar


    These are all mild insults compared to the smears that gush from the mouths and pens of the Left. They routinely call Trump and his supporters ‘racists,’ ‘white nationalists,’ ‘bigots,’ the ‘KKK,’ and ‘Nazis.’ This kind of invective only underlines a fact: The radical socialist Left has no argument. After all, Socialism goes against reason, logic, human nature, and nature itself. History has proven its failure time and time again.

    There’s a reason the left uses words such has ‘racist’ or ‘Nazi’ without any evidence whatsoever. Those words are meant to dehumanize opponents. Once people are stripped of humanity, they become ‘monsters’ and it then becomes acceptable to use violence against them.

    Being against Socialism, Globalism, and Open Borders are positions now seen as ‘racist’ by many on the left. Trump supporters are the new heretics. It’s why we see vicious attacks against people wearing MAGA hats.

    It’s why we see bike locks used to crack skulls during protests. It’s why we now see milkshakes being thrown. Tossing them at people you disagree with has become the new trend among the left. While not dangerously violent, getting hit by one is definitely messy and humiliating.

    As the next presidential election approaches, I expect the divide to widen and the name-calling to intensify. Sticks and stones may break bones and words can sometimes lead toward using sticks and stones. I’d rather stick with rational debate.

    WAKE UP MADonna

  15. Freedom Crier Avatar


    The Democrats are like a beehive that has lost their queen — only, in this case, the queen is not Nancy Pelosi, but Barack Obama. He alone was able to hold this fractious cuckoo’s nest together. And one wonders if he could do it now.

    Nevertheless, Pelosi, accusing Trump of a “cover-up” when she emerged from the Democratic caucus Wednesday morning.


    Was it Machiavelli who said: When they accuse you of something, they’re the ones who are doing it? No, it wasn’t, not exactly anyway. But no question the brilliant Florentine saw that happening on a daily basis, as we do.

    At this moment, since we know there was no Russia collusion, the big “cover-up” is the provenance of the Mueller investigation itself. And some of that, at least, is about to be revealed, as the Democrats are no doubt aware.

    Trump called this investigation a “witch hunt,” but that appears to have been an understatement. It was a “treasonous coup plot” — unprecedented in American history — with many of the secret conspirators beginning to be known to those interested (Stefan Halper, Joseph Mifsud, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec). Doubtless, additional names are to come, adding to the more public ones already fired or conveniently laid off by the FBI and DOJ. (Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, James Baker, James Comey, etc. As of August 2018, 25 were fired or “resigned.”

    Beyond mere spying (to coin a phrase), this is beginning to appear to be a case of entrapment of an American presidential candidate, rendering the word “unprecedented” rather apt and far from hyperbole.

    Meanwhile, the inspector general report on the FISA scandal is about to come out, followed by various investigations supervised by William Barr.

    No wonder the beehive is going crazy and Nancy was forced to channel Nixon with the “cover-up” card. It was an obvious ploy and a sop to the growing impeachment-crazy juvenile socialist wing of her party she knows to be self-destructive but can do little about.

    In so doing, however, Pelosi shot herself in the foot as well as her party’s, not to mention that she put any infrastructure deal on hold. (What did she expect to happen?) An impeachment investigation will only reveal more of this treasonous plot, informing the public as never before — and already the vast majority believe the Steele dossier was a fraud (i. e. Clinton campaign instigated disinformation).

    Not even the mainstream media will be able to help because impeachment hearings will be live on television with both sides able to ask questions. And Mueller won’t help either because he is unlikely to want to open himself up to myriad questions about why he never looked into the predicate for his own investigation.

    Of course, this won’t stop many of the Democrats. Trump Derangement Syndrome is a disease akin to paranoid schizophrenia for them. The bees will be buzzing and stinging everywhere. Time for some serious insect repellent..

  16. Freedom Crier Avatar


  17. Donna, the Congress can waste their time trying to Impeach but they can not demand that close WH associates testify. The purpose of the division of powers is designed to protect the President from the precise strategy of wasting time being hounded by Congress over nonsense. Impeach all they want the Senate will not play ball!!!

    The Dems have nothing to contribute and don’t care to solve the countries problems, their focus is on bringing in as many ILLEGALS as they can since they are running out of grave stones to create fake voters. They love fake news creation—very despicable bunch that will be slapped silly very soon in more than one way.

    $35mn===wasted. 2800++subpoenas, 500+ witnesses, 18 Deep State investigators, thousands hours of Soft Coup actors time wasted and all because Crooked Shill and Sicko Will ran their Gangstas and all senior Dems new and took loot $$$$$$$$$$$$ that this must now protect themselves from the fallout. Watching them scramble to report on each other and for the circular firing squad is fun fuh days.

    When Dems point at U there are 3 fingers pointing back at them!!!!!

    Watch the long list of investigators being investigated, the DEm Soft Coup actors have little protection.

    You no nothing about me but the low levels of character displayed and confirmed by U is incredible.

    I am by no means materialistic, dont boast about $$$$$ besides when I feel like slapping some BU clown like U.

    Donna, the purpose of this investigation was to cover up the Soft Coup and disrupt the Presidency. The Dems have CONNED U proper but I know what prostitutes they are, along with their stinking Presstitutes like NY Slimes, Wash COMpost et al.

  18. Freedom Crier Avatar

    ROTFLMBO… They’re so scared they’re tripping over each other & rolling around like clowns at a circus! They’re desperate to get Trump out of office ANY WAY POSSIBLE because the crimes they expected Hillary to cover up are starting to come into the spotlight now that the Mueller Investigation failed & we have a REAL Attorney General…

    Keep your eyes open… Things are going to reach a NEW level of insanity… We’re talking some of the most powerful people in America facing prison time & the downfall of one of the two parties…

    Invest in popcorn stock, because this is going to be much better than Game of Thrones… LOL

  19. What colourful language! You have a name for everybody. Sounds kinda looney!

    Mr. Dirty Money Brain,

    You will need something else with which to slap me because I have never been impressed by money. As my mother would say you couldn’t impress me if you were made of gold with diamond studs. When somebody challenges you all you resort to is the fact that you have made more money than we have. That you think, is the measure of our capabilities. Thing is though that I have never pursued money because it was never that important to me. The greatest talent I had I gave away for free. Best times of my life! I have some new plans for the community which will also be free.

    Now, unless you are an insider there is no way you can know that anything you say is true. So we will soon see who has conned whom.

    PS. There is one thing you are right about. I am a clown but only when I wish to be. I don’t know what character you think I displayed but you are probably the only one here who does not know that I was yanking your chain for a reason.

    But because i’m still in the mood for fun…’s my favourite karaoke song. I usually get rave reviews.

  20. Asked to explain his resisting arrest by the police, he responded: “Of course I am going to resist arrest because I haven’t done anything wrong.”

    Thus spoke a white British national when asked why he resisted the black Barbadian police.

    Perhaps they should have put him in a choke hold because we do know that “I haven’t done anything wrong” is not accepted by the white American as any excuse for a black man resisting arrest.

  21. Trump so wants to be rid of Mueller probe and the examination of his finances that he will attack Iran in a wag the dog moment. We know this will happen because he is being egged on by Bolton, Pompeo and Mulvaney. Bolton, one of the architects of “Axis of Evil” gets to have his imprint on US foreign policy once again. There are other interests that want to see Iran subjugated (Israel and Saudi Arabia both countries for different reasons) with son-in-law Jared being the link between the two.

    However, Iran is no Iraq and war may generate in the lexicon of the day “limited nuclear strike”, we have been brain washed to believe that there could be “limited” nuclear anything.

    Those who chose to ignore the lessons of history often stumble into the same quagmire, Gulf of Arabia will be the updated version of Gulf of Tonkin.

  22. With a presidential election on the horizon one sure proven way to increase popularity is to go to war.

  23. Freedom Crier Avatar


    Because one of the questions we would have hoped to see answered in the report is, what, exactly, was the charge against President Trump; what, exactly, is he supposed to have done? It is astonishing that the word used for his alleged activity has been, from start to finish, “collusion.”

    “Collusion” is a characterization of a charge, not a description of one.

    If, for instance, Vladimir Putin had come ashore in a dinghy on a remote patch of the Maine coastline and had handed Trump a briefcase with $1 billion in it that would be the charge. Poets could characterize that as “collusion” between Trump and Putin, but the charge would be that Trump had accepted from Putin — a foreigner — a contributed of $1 billion to Trump’s campaign.

    We can narrow things down because we know what did not happen and thus could not have been collusion with the Russians or anybody else.

    Mueller cleared President Trump of all charges, but that still leaves his report a disappointment because we still don’t know what charges it is that Trump was cleared of!

    Look at it this way. Our quadrennial elections for president are the most important ritual of the U.S. of A. People in the intelligence community — Brennan, Comey, Clapper — knew that there was “unprecedented interference” by the Russians in the 2016 election. How do we know this? They’ve told us so!

    Well, who was in charge of seeing that that did not happen? The CIA, the FBI, and the director of National Intelligence, who coordinates all our intelligence.
    But they have not told us what the Russians did or what they — Brennan, Comey, Clapper — did about it and what they directed their organizations to do about it.

    The point of intelligence is to inform the president so he can direct the affairs of the country. A matter this grave would have been reported upward to President Obama. What did he know, and when did he know it? And why didn’t he do anything? You know what the extent of Obamas actions to stop the Meddling was. He told Putin to cut it out! If all he said was that, was it a Big Thing?

    Hillary spent more than a Billion and a half $$$$$$$$$$$$ Trump spent half of that. The amount of money that calculated that the Russians spent was about a hundred thousand and the money divided between both parties. Likewise, IN England, the Cry went up…RUSSIA MEDDLING IN ENGLAND and they found that the Russians spent 24 Pounds.

    After Hillary lost the election, the Democrats, examining their souls in light of 150 years of machine politics, wondered what trick Trump used to fool the public. Not being able to find one, they made one up — with the support of the Intelligence Community, which turned on the country.

    Trump offered himself as a citizen, at great personal risk, to lead the country. He made the case to the public on critical issues that had been ignored or on which the country was being sold out by its permanent leadership and about which the public was gravely concerned.

    Trump picked up the trampled flag and hollered, “Follow me.”

  24. NorthernObserver Avatar

    and use Abortion to fire up the evangelically inspired, while creating a new government company to buy all the farm produce China will not.

  25. Donna,
    Financial failures always blame the successful not themselves, hence why they never learned to be successful.

    Donna, it is commendable that you help the community. So do I.

    I am not materialistic, U have attempted and failed to cast me as such. However U exposed your deviant thoughts regarding sexual activity. Maddona like!

    Your very Racist thoughts come through when writing on the British chap who was WRONGLY accused and likely set up by a money hungry bunch of Bajans quite happy to RISK the tourist industry in their process. The UK is our major market and now this victim may have the media clout to disadvantage all Bajans. This woman should be arrested for false accusation and badgering the gent for $$$$$. Absolutely no personal pride or standards.

    Contrary to what U believe there are a multitude of cases in Bim where white people are hounded purely because they are white. My own nephew was victimised because a fella came out from a side road on to HWY7 and hit him in his front door. Police annoyed him over a period of years over this. Same thing happened to me on Dayrells Rd and it cost me over $1,000 in damages but since it involved a 15 yr old fella and live away the PD had no opportunity to hound me!

  26. When an election is coming what the Pres should do is expose the Soft Coup and rely on the lurch Left by Dems. Additionally should Sleepy Creepy Joe win the nomination just focus on his involvement for $$$ in Ukraine (there is an incriminating video with Joe telling of the corruption) and China, his very advanced age with low energy (probably would die in office) and his track record of non performance as VP. FAIL!

  27. Sarge, Trump has been open and badgered relentlessly it is time to piss all over the Dems, Soft Coup conspirators are forming their own circular firing squad.
    I do agree that Bolton is dangerous the fact is that the Iranian Theocrats deserve a wicked beating and their “Guard” too. I would not want to see the people hurt. Jam their radar and deliver some serious surgical blows to those that deserve a pounding. NO ground war though too expensive and time consuming.

  28. @Sargeant and Hants

    What is up with Trudeau and the indigenous people?

  29. Freedom Crier Avatar


    President Donald Trump walked out of a planned meeting with Democratic leaders on infrastructure today, saying that, though he wants a deal to fund refurbishment and replacement of roads, tunnels, bridges and airports, he’s not going to do it until they finish their investigations of him.

    “You can’t do it under these circumstances,” he said he told them. “So get these phony investigations over with.”

    “It’s sad,” the president told reporters afterwards, standing at a podium with a placard declaring that the Mueller probe found ‘NO collusion’ and ‘NO obstruction,’ “This meeting was set up a number of days ago. All of a sudden I hear last night they’ll have a meeting, right before this meeting, to talk about ‘The I-word,’” he said, referring to impeachment.

    Allegations that the president or his campaign colluded with Russians in 2016 were investigated and dismissed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. However Democrats are increasingly pushing impeachment over the question of whether the president obstructed the investigation. Attorney General Barr dismissed the question of obstruction, saying that no underlying crime existing to try to hide.

    Despite this, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused Trump hours before the meeting of presiding over a ‘cover-up.’

    “I don’t do cover-ups,” Trump told reporters.

    “What [the Democrats have] done is abuse. This is investigation number four on the same thing, probably five, and it really started pretty much from the time we came down the escalator in Trump Tower,” he said.

    “There is a danger here,” he claimed. “If someday a Democrat becomes president and you have a Republican House, they can impeach him or her for any reason. Any reason. We can’t allow that to happen.”

    “When [Democrats] get everything done, I’m all set to work with them. Let’s get infrastructure, let’s get drug prices down. In the meantime we’re doing excellent work without them,” Trump said.

  30. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to apologize for famous chief’s conviction.

    You may not know David, but historically and even now the indigenous Canadians have been treated very, very scruffy by the invading terrorists who came from East of the Atlantic.

  31. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    National Center for Truth and Reconciliation. University of Manitoba
    Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Report

  32. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Dear moneybrain:

    In the whole history of Barbados from 1625/27 to 2019 has ANY black woman ever been hounded for sex by ANY white man?

    Or do you believe that no white man in the Americas from Argentina to Canada has ever hounded a black woman for sex, or has ever taken sex from a black woman without her consent.

    How many, if any of those men have ever been punished?

  33. @David

    Not only Justin, there is a long history

  34. Freedom Crier Avatar


    She claimed he was being unreasonable, but Pelosi is the one being unreasonable. Democrats routinely use the Alinsky tactic of accusing adversaries of shameful conduct that they themselves are conducting.

    Despite Trump’s complete exoneration by Mueller, Pelosi is continuing to spew lies. She wants Trump harassed and perpetually investigated. She said, ‘we believe the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up.” She said that without providing any evidence, of course.

    The goal of the Democrats and some Rino Republicans in Congress is thwarting, annoying, and impeding the president at every turn. The endgame goal is, as usual, his impeachment.

    We now understand the gravity of the situation.

    In Nancy Pelosi’s universe, she controls a black hole of hatred. They’re out to destroy a lawfully elected president.

    She has the help of the lying corporate media. Their hatred of Trump is all consuming and collapsing in on itself. Not even the light of reason can escape.

  35. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Money, this is a cool lark for you I know so it’s easy for you to contradict yourself daily by diavowing a lie one day and repeating and reasserting it the next day (your comment about Mueller and FBI post, glaring example)…Your repeated use of pejorative spellings for words or names related to the Democrats is another example of your fun and games !

    What is amazing and frightening of course is whereas that behaviour for years was relegated to the fringe of the political divide it is now front and center …thus people like you can jettison common sense, reason and rational discourse for puerile, at times asinine.

    But let’s deal with reason: TWO federal judges has already dismissed his stonewalling of congress’ legitimate power to investigate the presidency…and let’s be bluntly objective …just as POTUS can pardon whomever he wants for whatever whim he fancies, Congress can request investigatory details from the President for any valid reason they offer… Just as no one can overturn a Presidential pardon so can’t the President determine that an investigation is harassment or a do-over …it doesn’t work that way.

    So says SCOTUS… the court basically saying back with Nixon’s perfidy on withholding tapes of his conversations with aides that there must be a “balancing of the competing interests and legitimate needs of the executive and judicial branches”. The court has long stated that “the Constitution … addresses the investigative power, [and … that such power is essential to the legislative function as to be implied from the general vesting of legislative powers in Congress”.

    And then just the other day Obama was forced to give up docs re “Fast n Furious’ after he also claimed executive privelge. When the federal judge rejected that claim it was noted in that judgement that “under the unique and limited circumstances of this case, … the qualified privilege must yield, given the executive’s acknowledgment of the legitimacy of the investigation, and the fact that the Department itself has already publicly revealed the sum and substance of the very material it is now seeking to withhold.”

    Key words unique and limited circumstances of THIS case… but be that as it may, when coupled with the overall UNIQUENESS of investigating a presidency and seeing already those two dismissals of POTUS stonewalling I am doubtful he can run out the clock on this (as was the Obama situation).

    Reasonable people can accept that there will be and inherently must be tension between an opposition Congress and President thus it must also be accepted that NO president can determine that everything is fake and that he can stonewall all claims for data…

    How can he allow those hours of questioning by Mueller’s team and now invoke privilege to deny McGann before Congress…was that not already adjudicated with ‘…the fact that the Department itself has already publicly revealed the sum and substance of the very material it is now seeking to withhold”

    When does one stop larking and see this nonsense for the danger that it is…it is madness in this climate that folks should be debating that initiating a war is good political posturing to gain popularity but realitically that’s a real concern with the impulsive BS from this man.

    Amazing how we sell our sensibilities for ideological pieces of silver!

  36. Dribs,
    Federal Judges who are DemonicRATS that will be overturned by SCOTUS. These political whores know where to Judge shop , usually 9th District but anyone in NY, DC or Cal is likely to render what the Dems want. Only a damn fool does not comprehend that the Dems who swallow a nail would pass a screw. Surely U dont have confidence in what they do after the whole FISA disaster, MuleR appointment and the low quality corrupt bastards appointed to investigate like Weissman and Strzok. U real easy to CON / BRAINWASH.

    Like POTUS pardoned Chelsea Manning ie Obama OR POTUS who pardoned Mark Rich ie Sicko Willie.

    Trump must play hardball now this BS has gone on far too long!

    Dribs, U are far too naive.

  37. Please Impeach Trump that will guarantee his victory in 2020.

    Pelosi knows that risk but is playing an internal game of appeasement for now.

  38. Sir Simpleton,
    I speak for myself on such matters.

    History is irrelevant as those people are DEAD!

    So because your 3 G grandad murdered my 3G grandmther that means you should be in prison???????????????????

    Slavery, rape of slaves is all sordid and obviously wrong but they are all DEAD!

    Had an uncle married to a brown lady and he had a child in Tdad from an Indian lady too, he died in 1959 so I did not know him.. No rape just mutual attraction.

  39. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Brain, you can make all the wild, nonsensical claims your heart and soul desires but fortunately that will never make them true.

    I actually thought you were a rational man but these continued facts-free screeds indicate you are just another ideological drone…the fact that you MINDLESSLY conflate simple facts and then call me or Donna or others naive is just shockingly, incrediblely ridiculous!

    …you say you dislike but yet you embrace the man’s ridiculous acts …back when you attended school in Bim folks called that two-faced slimy conniving or more bajasnesque, a man-whore or chink 🤣!… Anyhow carry on smartly thou Trumpian fibulator…

    BTW so YOU know the difference Pres Obama COMMUTED Manning’ s prison sentence he DID NOT pardon him/her. Steeeupse!

    The lad spent seven years in jail and was NEVER ABSOLVED of any crimes committed..she still has a criminal record…And therein was the principal reason for the sentence computation: the lad who commited the crimes became a lass who was suicidal in her new female persona!

    Your mindless nonsense of that commutation can be compared to this man PARDONING soldiers who commit violent war crimes … according to their PEERS in a military tribunal…this man basically tells others as Donna so accurately noted recently to do as they please because he will always support any of their worst acts! Thats WHAT a pardon does…commutation as you know simply takes time off your time in jail…you REMAIN GUILTY!

    You can continue larking Brain-less as its obvious your head space is as corrupted as that of your favorite leader

  40. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Moneybrain: You can claim that a woman whom you have never met “should be arrested for false accusation and badgering the gent”

    Who said that this happened? The accused? The woman says something different.

    He say/She say.

    Why do you choose to believe, he?

    I would like to know who handled the CCTV footage?

  41. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    You chose to believe the man. I choose to believe the woman. Because historically and in the present I understand male misbehaviour.

    Bill Cosby said he didn’t do it either.

    Dozens, or hundreds, or thousands or thousands of Catholic priests said that they did not do it either.

    Some of these MEN, a lot of them white like you were LYING.

    I choose to believe the lady.

  42. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Incidentally, the Chief Justice who voted to uphold Presidential rights on the ACA based according to his thrust on purposeful legislative grounds would be thrashing that entire ethos and legal foundation to uphold any claim by a President to dismiss the constitutional RIGHT of congress to investigate his office.

    I do not see how SCOTUS can override these recent judgements if the matter ever gets there….and why would they even get involved with what is a political squabble between these two branches of govt…they can simply refuse the case!

    Ah well!

  43. Freedom Crier Avatar

    The Dems love career politicians in the White House and Congress who are easily bought and easily swayed to push whatever liberal agenda they come up with!! They buy the largest majority of the votes of the needy they must have to win with other peoples’ money, and then want that investment to pay off!! They are all about the money only to meet their power goals!!

  44. Freedom Crier Avatar

    The REAL Cover-up and Collusion

    VIDEO: Money Trail from Foreign Oligarchs to Hunter Biden Bank Accounts Exposed
    Best-selling author Peter Schweizer explains the foreign influence peddling scandal engulfing Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign in a new video series produced by the nonpartisan Government Accountability Institute (GAI).

    Schweizer, who is the president of GAI, explains in the video the key findings from his 2018 bestselling book Secret Empires regarding the financial deals Hunter Biden’s private equity firm secured in Ukraine and China while his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, was negotiating U.S. foreign policy with those countries.

    “New documents shed light on just how much money [foreign] oligarchs were sending to the Biden family while he was vice president,” Schweizer states in the video. “We have a glimpse of this not because the Biden family has disclosed it, but because documents that came out in a court case offer access to financial records involving Hunter Biden.”

    “By looking at just this one account, we know what was flowing into the account and what was flowing out while Joe Biden was vice president,” he continued.

    “Flowing in over an eighteen month period was $3.1 million from the Ukrainians. There was $142,000 that showed up from a Kazakh oligarch, and then there was a mysterious $1.2 million from a limited liability company that nobody seems to know where it exists [and] that funneled the money to a small Swiss bank that has been implicated in international money laundering,” Schweizer said.

    “Flowing out of the account is hundreds of thousands of dollars into the personal banking accounts of Hunter Biden himself. $142,000 to a luxury auto dealership. Another $182,000 to a luxury watch company. This is all just from one account,” he stated.

    The video is the first episode of a new series called The Drill Down with Peter Schweizer, which premiered Wednesday on Real Clear Investigations and can be viewed at

  45. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    ..And to pick up further on the legal thread…when SCOTUS finally upholds the current judgements against the President and he REFUSES still to submit the docs or personnel demanded then and only then should there be impeachment articles drawn up.

    Because at that point it would be clear that this man is a lawless individual who has every intent to continually flout the laws of the land….in fact it would be incredulous if any of the Republican group who voted to impeach Clinton for his perjury and obstinance towards Congress’ power could vote otherwise that for impeachment!

    And not even some bogus war on Iran could change that as Democrats would loudly protest re the War Powers Act…

  46. Trump has again said that the former Sec. of State rex Tillerson is as “dumb as a rock”. When someone calls you an effing moron as Tillerson said of Trump I suppose you are entitled to speak in negative terms about them. Tillerson’s latest sin? He said Trump was unprepared for his Summit with Putin and Tillerson should know, Putin awarded Tillerson one of Russia’s highest civilian medals for his work with Exxon vis a vis business with Russia. To show how prepared Trump has been in high level negotiations after his song and dance with Kim he left SE Asia twice without so much of a bowl of noodle soup and Kim is once again threatening his neighbours with destruction.

    Trump also said that his Administration will have only the best people, so if you hire someone who turns out to be as dumb as a rock what does that make the person that gave him the job? Dumb as a pile of rocks? So many of the “best people” have gone through the revolving door that is the WH office that they could make rock quarry.

  47. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE US and by extension the world as we know it!

    The headline blared: Trump Gives Attorney General Sweeping Power in Review of 2016 Campaign Inquiry

    An Attorney General who has questioned the validity and integrity of the leaders and agents of all the various agencies when he bluntly stated that he believed they ‘spied’ on the presidential campaign!

    A man who also would have you believe that despite all the proven connections to Russian interference that there was little valid reason to examine anything done by the campaign of the current president and that he was justified to feel aggrieved by the investigation is now keen “to know more about what foreign assets the C.I.A. had in Russia in 2016 and what those informants were telling the agency about how President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia sought to meddle in the 2016 election.”


    When does the CIA need to inform on exactly who or what their informants are?

    Is the WH fully now a satellite of Moscow… This will not end well!

  48. The Money Brain said,

    Financial failures always blame the successful not themselves, hence why they never learned to be successful.

    Donna, it is commendable that you help the community. So do I.

    I am not materialistic, U have attempted and failed to cast me as such. However U exposed your deviant thoughts regarding sexual activity. Maddona like!

    Your very Racist thoughts come through when writing on the British chap who was WRONGLY accused and likely set up by a money hungry bunch of Bajans quite happy to RISK the tourist industry in their process. The UK is our major market and now this victim may have the media clout to disadvantage all Bajans. This woman should be arrested for false accusation and badgering the gent for $$$$$. Absolutely no personal pride or standards.

    Silly boy, I was playing the aggressive black woman for a reason. And it sure was fun. Blockhead, I am not blaming ANYONE for not being rich. I am saying that I am not rich because I never made it my priority. I could have come here claiming to be rich and you would have been none the wiser. The fact that you know that I am not should tell you that I do not base my worth on such. My worth comes not from”helping the community” as a side job but from making it a lifestyle.

    As such, I welcomed into my home two nights ago A NEW SON, not bone of my bone nor flesh of my flesh but a friend of my son’s who shall henceforth be known as my son. This young man is going to be an asset to this country despite the abusive efforts of his parents to sabotage his future.

    And so I will leave you now to prepare breakfast for my enlarged family. My cupboard and fridge are full and I am not feeling financially unsuccessful this morning but happy to have enough to share. This is MY DEFINITION OF SUCCESS.

    No time to play with you anymore. The young man needs a mother’s love.

    I am blessed!

    PS. Actually I found the account of the lady to be suspicious and therefore did not comment on the matter before the talk of the video was introduced. I then proceeded to comment that to me it had always smell of Jussie Smollet stink. I had no beef with the man and still do not. My beef is with people like you who would find it excusable that a white man who claims to have done nothing wrong should RESIST ARREST but would not afford a black man the same.

    You go make your money. I’ll go make a young man whole. I wouldn’t exchange lives with you for all the tea in China.

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