The following exchange between Citizen Advocate Kammie Holder and Head of Technology Division. Stuart Gilbert is self explanatory- triggered by BU’s blog – 40 Million Port Scanners – True Cost Anyone?
The situation here is interesting because it was under Attorney General Dale Marshall’s watch there was much ambiguity about the cost of building the new Dodds prison. Again more ambiguity without imputing improper behaviour.
David, blogmaster
On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 8:46, Stuart Gilbert
I read the article on the link you sent and we all commented on it in the office here – $20m per unit is very very high!  To get even close to that number you would have to allow for a full service/maintenance schedule from external engineers (why would you not train local engineers to do it??) and full spares packs for 10 years.  Have the machines already been purchased then?

From: Mac Holder
Sent: 07 May 2019 13:37
To: Stuart Gilbert <>
Subject: Re: Your recent enquiry – Container Scanner – Ref E51415

Thanks for your response. The government of Barbados just announced they are buying two for US $20M. Thus there is much public outcry.

Kammie Holder


On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 5:47, Stuart Gilbert

<> wrote:

Dear Mr. Kammie Holder,

Re: Container Scanner – Our enquiry ref: E51415

With regard to your recent enquiry about the costs of container scanners it is not as straight forward as you might think – it will depend of the power of the scanner, what you are trying to scan for, whether it is a fixed or mobile installation and therefore whether ground works are required.

As a very rough price guide fixed truck/container scanners are around $1.8m (plus concrete shielding and groundworks) and mobile scanners are around $2.0m  by the time you have added in shipping, spares and training to the above it works out at roughly $3-4m per scanner.  Hope this helps

Yours sincerely


Stuart Gilbert

Head of Technology Division

Westminster Group Plc

Westminster House, Blacklocks Hill

Banbury, Oxon OX17 2BS

United Kingdom

M: +44 7943 804888   T: +44 1295 756300

114 responses to “More Questions about 40 Million Port Scanners”

  1. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Area of Greece =50,949 mi²

    Population of Greece = 10.7 MILLION

    Area of Barbados = 166 sq mi

    Population of Barbados = BARELY 290 THOUSAND

    president Mia’s first order of business was a white hoax broad daylight heist…..

    2nd order of business, port scammers..

  2. Silly man had Greece used as an example in explanation
    Silly man now realises that Barbados debt/size/economy is smaller than that of Greece
    Silly man now realizes that Barbados paying more for less
    What does silly man do?
    Silly man uses hashtag and emoticons
    🖐🏾 #RestucturnigTooComplicated4PickaNoiseCrew

    Scams within scam

    What if the new scam is to overpay the consultants and get the kickback in the UK or elsewhere
    Then you would need an army of consultants for your money laundering schemes
    Or perhaps a new technology that malfunctions and make money disappears

    🖐🏾 #I gine sleep…

  3. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    🖐🏾 #RestucturnigTooComplicated4PickaNoiseCrew”

    seems like restructuring is also TOO COMPLICATED for the Mottley crew..


  4. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ WARU

    The image about the white Hoax people is great but we can’t see the words when we zoom in

    Can you get the text?

  5. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog
  6. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    I got the text WARU. thanks

    @ Theophillus Gazerts

    You have zoomed in on the most important thing here

    “…The White Oaks letter was signed five days after Mia Mottley was sworn in as Prime Minister on May 25 last year, and two days before the government announced it was defaulting on its debts…”

    Many of the people AND ALL OF THE SHEEPLE, missed that point

    The appointment of her father as a knight of the British Empire was a year endeavor

    The appointment of the White Hoax People was at least a year AND THE $27 million fee could not have been negotiated in 5 days!!!

    Mugabe mottley feel Bajans foolish as does here Regime


  7. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    I going join the Tents dis year

    My Song is

    Please Put More Grease On…

  8. The fact that people have to use a blog to shield their identity and try to remain anonymous, while they speculate about what is going on in their government… that is a clear signal that something is seriously wrong.

    When you cannot question the actions of the government you voted for… you are in serious trouble.

  9. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    If the Mia government had an goodMintention…the VERY FIRST THINGS DONE..would be:


    implement freedom of information…FOIA…and all the other modern day up to date acts that can be found in CIVILIZED SOCIETIES….and not the dark ages barbarism that now obtains on the island….practiced by both corrupt governments.

    Dismantle the existing legislation, institutions AND structures that ALLOWS THE PRACTICE OF RACISM AND APARTHEID against the Black majority…..

    Tell the people that the Barbados government has for DECADES had information on the AFRICAN BLOODLINES OF BLACK BAJANS…and KEEPING IT SECRET maliciously…..that they have only ever used that information….TO SETUP THOSE THEY KNOW PRESENTS A THREAT TO THEM..and their criminal syndicate..

    Lock up ALL DLP THIEVES…

    But they did none of that did they…..they just armed themselves with white hoax and all the other fly by night crooked consultants and immediately started funneling and syphoning off money….part of the MASTER PLAN.

  10. Waru

    ######Tell the people that the Barbados government has for DECADES had information on the AFRICAN BLOODLINES OF BLACK BAJANS…and KEEPING IT SECRET maliciously…#####

    what does this mean? that black bajans dont know they are Africans?

  11. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    DLP Greene…it means exactly what it said, not what u are trying to turn it into…

    ….why don’t ya ask the corrupt DLP that ya like to pimp for….they also know about it…and HAVE HAD THE SAME ACCESS.

    …..and since ya are not even aware or AWAKE …just proves my point about being a useless yardfowl…only good for pimping and giving ya political masters information…..while..BASED IN EUROPE.

  12. Waru,

    no need to get your knickers in a twist. i just wanted to understand exactly what you meant and what information was being held back… oh well

  13. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Ask your political masters…they have all the info you need..ya always promoting their bullshit, ya should be able to ASK FOR AND GET THE INFO YOU NEED….no reason why they should not tell ya if they consider you important..and if you don’t know, which is obvious…means they been hiding it from u too…what a thing.

    I told you were to find it…and if they say it does not exist ….they are LYING..

  14. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    I told you WHERE TO FIND IT..I did not have to say a word.

  15. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Watch Dale Whistleblower BACK AWAY FROM his 40 million dollar PORTSCAMMERS LIE……..

    LALALA….. lie….wuhloss…..HEY, HEY, HEY GOODBYE…

    Can’t back away from the 740 million US dollar prison LIE he told though..,..that one has REAL TEETH..

  16. This matter could have been managed better. The AG is a senior and experiences minister. If the 40 million is the Budget allocation to support a security plan at the Port -Rh say so.

  17. @ David,

    The BLP ministers have to realise that Social Media and the internet allows anyone with a computer to do research and fact check.

  18. Sign of the times: RBPF can’t afford its own “Exit” signs, if only the Gov’t could save on Scanners.

  19. Tell a Black Bajan that he is an African is like telling Trump that he is smart … the popular insult in my day was to call someone a Black African…

  20. I did some research on the surname Small …because I was fond of this pretty little chick from St. Phillip whose surname was Small and tracked the Surname Small to one of the many Plantation in St. Phillip where they housed the Slaves…

  21. Fractured BLP Avatar

    David BU @ May 10, 2019 12:59 PM

    Seriously ?

    After being spurred on by you …..over the past 10 years .

    You really believe Dale Tieffing Marshall got time or reason to handle the TRUTH ??

    A leopard cannot change it’s spots !!!

  22. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “the popular insult in my day was to call someone a Black African…””

    Re-enforces how dumbed down African descendants helped themselves to become…filled with self-hate..dumber than rocks..

    What no one had yet realized is that there are people descended from old bloodlines of African royalty….who are yet to find out….all enslaved ancestors passed through the Caribbean on their way to here and there…ya can guarantee there are REAL ANCIENT ROYAL BLOODLINES in existence….not president Mia’s pretend royalty..

    …….that can be found throughout the Caribbean.

    One dude in US..found his Royal African bloodlines.


  23. There is a wicked deception onoing. We speak of $40 M and, naturally, most think it is BDS $.
    We are talking BDS $80M or US $40M
    US $
    US $
    All numbers seen recently are US $
    Do yourself a favor and convert to BDS $

    Do you know where else you can get 2 for 1… On BU…Two running blogs on the same topic. Instead of seeing over 170 comments, the last time I checked it was 96 and 74.. making it look as if Barbadians were not interested in scammers
    Break up the conversation and you make bloggers lose focus…. suppression of comments on hot topics

  24. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    A warning to the envious and covetous..pretending to be royalty…you do not infere with any ANCIENT bloodlines out of Benin or any part of West Africa….OR PAY THE PRICE.

    “He was identified as the distant cousin of a man named Houanlokonon Deka — a descendant of a royal line in Benin, a small nation that once housed West Africa’s biggest slave port. At the urging of a friend, he ran his DNA data through another database that looks for matches between African Americans and Africans who have taken such tests.

    Jay Speights, an interfaith leader who lives in Rockville, Md., made an accidental discovery last year: He is an African prince. (Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post)
    Within minutes of entering his information into the database, Speights said, the website lit up with a result. It said “royal DNA.”

    Four hundred years after the first enslaved Africans arrived in colonial Virginia, Speights is grappling with his newfound identity as the descendant of slaves and the African kings who put them in chains. His internal reckoning serves as a conduit for discussion in the United States over the impact of slavery and racism, and the struggle to find a path forward as a nation of former enslavers and the enslaved.”

  25. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    The OGazerts

    Am I understanding you right? Is the two faces, sympathising BLP hypocrite for a blog master suppressing comments? I said he deleting comments and he threatens to ban me. He must be a real, real shite to think that the SSS frighten for a shite ban or him. Trying to make someone believe that seniority means experience and that experience means you should know how to present yourself in disclosing information regarding Dale Marshall- a known deceiver and now an alleged land fraud lawyer. Check the blogmasters soft words for the party who now giving his ass a gentle squeeze. But the DLP, he had no such soft words. Dale Marshall thought that the 30 love thrashing the crooked DLP got meant that the people are all for the BLP. He would do well to know that the BLP won the election only because the people wanted to punish the wicked is ass DLP for what they were doing. Dale Marshall let the cat out of the bag that is the plot of this administration to get theirs by many hands make like work. At the moment those many hands are getting paid very well and the Rogue that is Mia Mottley says- I SHALL NOT BE MOVED.

  26. @SSS
    I made the assumption if that if you have two running blogs on the same topic, the conversation become disjointed as bloggers move between the two blogs. The comments are split between the two blogs (76/99) and the exchange of ideas is less than it should be.

    To an observer it might appear that we are not interested in the topic and so many may not comment.

    ——All of my comments have been posted————————-

  27. Two points
    1. Enuff on white oaks
    “ I assume the rates being referred to here is % of the debt? Belize, according to the FT, paid single digits for $525M versus $7B in Bdos.”

    I covered this already. As Belize paid US $1.2M, a payment around $16M would have been ‘defensible’. 27M is not comparable.

    On white oaks
    I was thinking that the blog lost focus and was about to make that comment when I realized the blogmaster closed it out. A bit harsh but needed.

    Prolonged exchanges with old and often repeated statements are boring

  28. The-O-Gas
    Uh huh, but that makes no sense. All yuh too simple. 🤣🤣 Wey yuh find the Belize fee tho?

  29. ?????
    “Wey yuh find the Belize”
    Let google be your friend

  30. Google didn’t tell you that Belize’s debt relief was $150m?🤣🤣🖐🏾

  31. Here is another case– Greece, that the FT was quick to mention, had a debt of $173B and paid about $30m+ plus other fees. In Puerto Rico, with a $123B, the fees paid within a year was $250M–$160M in legal fees alone. Ask Invesco and the FT journalist why were the fees in PR higher even though the debt was lower than Greece’s, after all they did cite Greece as the yardstick. #justasking🤐

  32. Wait, wait did I read $1.5Billion is projected to be paid at the end? Ain’t that more than Greece’s fees alluded to by the madame in her FT article? Or is it because the firm involved is not “unknown” and is American? #justasking🤣🤣

  33. Because you asked politely. I suspect that you may understand this better than I do.

  34. Post links
    We can read
    Just throwing numbers out there wAs for 1950 and is for Lorenzo types … 2019 now
    Custodian of information post abolished.
    Post links

  35. Need PR links.

    Because of relationship to USA this may be a different story altogether

    Post link

  36. The-O-Gas

    That IMF paper you posts lists a payment of $1.2M to expenses related to a Holders Committee?🤔

  37. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ Theophillus my fellow Salemite and picka noise partner.

    Did you notice it too,??

    You said and I quote

    “…Do you know where else you can get 2 for 1… On BU…Two running blogs on the same topic. Instead of seeing over 170 comments, the last time I checked it was 96 and 74.. making it look as if Barbadians were not interested in scammers

    Break up the conversation and you make bloggers lose focus…. suppression of comments on hot topics…”

    Man de Minister of Disinformation doing de dog!!!

    But in addition to brekking up de post so it does not look like it has 300 comments check out the tag.

    He got down “sanners” and not scanners as the tag word!!!

    Well de ole man know bout sinners cause Mugabe is a big time sinner but Sanners? What dat is Theophillus?

    By de way Theophillus you got real power.

    All you gots to do to summon dem two poochlickers is say alibaba and dem does come running to BU.

    The White Hoax article was closed after de ole man leak de info bout White Oaks approaching Mugabe and not the other was around.

    Remember that the investors are reading Barbados Underground now so dem get instructions to shut it down

    But you can know that Theophillus

    I myself only waiting for dem to tell de ole man somting ingrunt si I can “Set It Off Again” heheheheh

    Some more pixelated images in dem behind heheheh

    Dem doan like dat at all

  38. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    @Piece my Sweet Legion (and upon this rock I will build my case) and THe OGazerts

    During the DLP’s: money grabbing, tear down Barbados, ignore what was important, giving Mark Maloney all the contracts, Permitting Mark Maloney to construct an encroachment that was deemed dangerous and illegal, allowing the South Coast to remain in shit while finding excuses and committing poor rakey means towards solving it, letting Barbados stink with garbage under ignorant crooked is ass Dennis Low Lowe, taking insults from the Dolittle clown of a leader Freundel Stuart, letting that Dolittle the Clown Stuart put a crooks money in the Central Bank and letting him talk shite that his good friend is an outstanding son of the soil, letting that Dolittle clown of a Stuart condone without condemning the actions of Michael Carrington, and letting Sinckler propagate several lies to his failed economic policies while under allege claims that he was behind the importation of two big name cars for which the dealer in the matter mysteriously ended up dead, did the blog master ever stop comments to any of topics posted on these sons of nasty hands, dirty is ass conniving schemes? What regurgitation The OGazerts you found repetitive and boring that merited the comments be stopped. I have read worse, seen terrible exchanges, and no comments were turned off. What I have seen is that in a particular topic where things got seriously out of hand the blog master utters a warning and proceeding not to heed to that warning the comments section was closed. At the moment, I am highly suspicious of the actions of the blogmaster and his team, so not knowing what the truth is, I am forced to assume that he was directed so that he can be made aware that that particular topic reached an exhaustive stage the regime no longer was liking. That is my take. You two may be nice but me, I am not.

  39. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ my Dearest SSS

    I am speechless

    Without a doubt the “allegiance of the Honourable Blogmaster is showing to be the BLP.

    But equally so, we also notice that HE HATES ROGUE WORKS AND MUGABE AMIN MOTTLEY.

    so he finds himself conflicted.

    He in essence has his commitment to Mia but he is frightened as shy$e from Mugabe!

    And balancing that is really hard for him AND THE BU BORG

    Dont forget the rest of the BORG in your equation

    Managing a website like this is alot harder than it looks and he is doing his best

    Look sometimes I does cuss he too but…he really is doing a national service AGAINST ALL ODDS TOO

  40. MsEU MM
    Siddung and stop sounding like a fool. Instead of trying to question the blogmaster’s integrity, present sensible counter arguments to what he says. I noticed you never questioned TnAl ‘s firebombing claim, notwithstanding the accuracy with which the alleged bombs landed perfectly just short of “his” patio. But I forgot, I couldn’t make it wukkin in the EU.🤣🤣🤣

  41. “Because of relationship to USA this may be a different story altogether.”

    Wuh looka muh crosses!! Is this an admission that each case must be ajudged on its own characteristics/circumstances and not simply by way of looking at the savings or size of the debt, population or land mass? #iamnotasalemite

  42. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Puff Enuff

    You lucky I like you here. I do not know who got firebomb so I cannot comment about it. As to you wanted to present counter-arguments, do you not yet realise that I doan be interested in a lot of topics on here. I am dead focus on those elected to lead and what they do during that leadership. So sweety, you would only see comments from me about certain topics. As to the blogmaster, you need to understand that I can be the sweetest thing as well as a devil. I do not like two face hypocrites. I like people who call it as it is. The blog master appears to me to be two faced. That has presented a serious conflict of interest for me since I had all the respect in the world for what he was doing on this blog.

    My Sweet Piece the legend

    He can be committed to whatever political party he likes, but do not be a hypocrite in supporting his prefered party. They are not operating as transparent as they say they would, yet the blog masters comments about them is a meek Job

  43. Fractured BLP Avatar

    Wuhloss !

    Two (2) faced David BU blogmaster getting a good upper cut from SSS @ May 13, 2019 3:46 p.m !

    At least other persons are seeing the light about this ‘ warrior ‘ called David !

  44. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    @ The First of the Rented Mules that Will be Beaten Badly…(credit Theophillus Gazerts)

    First of all you have been upgraded from being called Nameless Ones # 1 (and #2)

    Now both of you are immortalized by Piece the Legend

    Now say thank you Piece

    Secondly, in addition to your staple of ***te from your poochlicking of Mugabe, you may expect some Sage bush, mixed with cuss cuss gr.ass, twice s week, IF YOU SHOW UP HERE MORE REGULARLY ok?

    You want more pixelation right? Heheheheh

    I hope that you like your new names He haw #1 and your side kick will be called He Haw #2.

  45. Must be doing something right Fractured?

  46. Fractured BLP Avatar

    Ok David BU

    If you read it that way !

  47. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    You are doing something right but time longer than twine Mr Blogmaster. For your sake, I hope you are doing something right.

  48. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Fractured BLP

    I do not like hypocrites. If he is a supporter of the BLP he can simply say he is. I said on here that I supported the DLP before they all became stink with lies and deceit. I also said I will never support them unless all of them that were in the last administration go South for the Winter and never come back. Everyone on here knows who you support, but this two face compromise hypocrite who talks about he produced the blog to serve a cause can sit back and pamper BLP WRONGS with diapers, only because he is getting a nice little ass squeezing from them. Yet, he is the cause that lacks assistance, he is the wrong that needs resistance, he is the viper not foreseen in the distance, and the supporter of so call good the BU can do because the BLP knows no wrongs can do no wrongs- never did. Pissy, Poor, and Pretensive is a good fit.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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