Here is complaint received about yet another lawyer from an ordinary Barbados. From the supporting documentation this matter has been outstanding for close to a decade- if we start counting from 2011- when a letter to the Disciplinary Committee was lodged. Note this matter was highlighted on a BU in April, 2015.

See documents repeated via the File Complaints Against Lawyers —–> HERE initiative.

116 responses to “Open Complaint Letter to Attorney General Dale Marshall and Chief Justice Marson Gibson About Attorney-at-law Peta-Gay Lee-Brace”

  1. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    They ARE scoundrels and charlatans, they are corrupt, dirty, dishonest criminals and thieves…there are no in betweens with this nasty lot, they deserve every bit of exposure coming their way, every last one of them from that criminal syndicate that is the bar association..

    Thanks to all of them slithering back and forth between the judiciary and parliament with their repulsive, treacherous, TREASONOUS criminal behavior is why Barbados is in its sorry, degraded state..

    Let all and sundry across the earth know who these vile demons are..make them famous, feature at least one or two a week, it will take a little time to show them to the public because there are so many of these vile beasts…time to stop them stealing money from the vulnerable..under false pretences..shut then down..

  2. @WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog
    I concur one- hundred percent with your post. What a sleazy bunch of pan-handlers.

  3. Complaints about lawyers in Barbados are not new. Why doesn’t the government launch an inquiry in to the legal profession? Any competent, civilised government would do that as a matter of course. Would a future UPP or Solutions or DLP government launch any such inquiry?

  4. I have been for sometime wondering about the aegis of the Bar-Association(BA). It appears that what we have here are two legal systems operating in tandem. There is one legal system for the rabble and another for the chosen. What right is there in a democracy for a two-fraction legal system? Say what you may about Tony Blair in the UK, he put an end to the influence the lodge fraternities had. As he said at the time ,one couldn’t have two forms of government in a democracy. All judges and senior policemen had to declare their membership in a lodge; failure to do so meant automatic removal from the bench or the force. The BA seems to be a de facto judge and jury for members of the rogue gallery. Why should one have to report lawyers to the BA? The report should be made directly to the police.

  5. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    R.Lucas…….it is time to shut them all down, they have had a long run……WAY TOO LONG.

    Ha, Ha please…… just like us you have been on here for YEARS …seeing the same posts that we see WHICH SAYS REPEATEDLY:

    It is the lawyers/government ministers who are the most corrupt…the dirtiest, most dishonest, most criminal …they are the ones with over 120,000 offshore accounts….all stolen properties, stolen estates, stolen pension money, stolen taxpayers money….everything STOLEN FROM THE PEOPLE…,….they and THEIR BRIBERS….DID THAT..

    Let’s see what kinda inquiry you want them to WASTE AND TIEF TAXPAYERS MONEY PRETENDING TO HOLD.

    SB is too WEAK

    Lynette was also involved, she is smart enuff to RESIGN…


    the only thing left is to expose it on the world stage let the international community HAVE INPUT..

    They all deserve no less.

  6. Pat Cheltenham needs exposing also.

    Right now as the attorney for Massy in a personal injury matter he is fleecing Massy by delaying payment to the injured party – who suffered loss through the actions of Massy.

    That is some of chicanery practiced in Barbados by some of these legal luminaries.

    Fortunately for Massy, they have hired an attorney to review the goings on by Pat Cheltenham in this matter .

    The Trinis not playing !!!!!

  7. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “The report should be made directly to the police.”

    They use the police to keep their criminal syndicate intact, protect their racist bribers…keep their criminal activities alive and well, keep the people afraid, helpless and unable to fight back…that is what these criminals use the police for…

    Plus…they have damaging information on the high ranking officers…police rank and file… who do their nasty bidding, ask Simmons, Dottin, Cheltenham….president Mia..

    I was not there, but someone was asking because they said they WERE and they saw…,when the Goddards yacht and Herbert got busted with the cocaine that mysteriously turned to marijuana..,..although there was, they said, some marijuana on board….lthey wanted to know why president Mia found herself down at the port on hearing the news…now remember, it was a crime scene..only police were there…and who saw swear she was there..,that should tell you everything you need to know.

  8. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Fortunately for Massy, they have hired an attorney to review the goings on by Pat Cheltenham in this matter .”

    He should be disbarred and locked up.. and so should his brother..

    …even Peter Harris’ brother exposed him on Nakeddepature for the evil demon he is… when they had their falling out, that is what he does, that is what they all do, make it their business to take personal injury cases from unaware, vulnerable, trusting clients, then work for the insurance company against the same client, the cases can never finish, the client never hears about a settlement amount, get no money or get very little, if the judge and the insurance company doctor are also taking bribes to spoil the case, which happens more often than not.. and the lawyers tief everything…..15 years later the case is still clogged up in the supreme court…that is what he used to do for CGI Insurance before they fell out and they exposed him…

  9. @Fractured BLP

    You more than anybody are aware the standards the blogmaster sets. If you have information to support your comment send it you know where.

  10. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “even Peter Harris’ brother exposed him on Nakeddepature for the evil demon he is”

    Peter Harris’ brother Thomas….now those 2 will really have a long true story to tell about the corrrupt lawyers and government ministers in Barbados….which could lock up all of them…they had the supreme court like a whore house, trading the dirtiest of the female lawyers ..,Faye darling was that you??……to sabotage personal injury was pure filth, no wonder the supreme court is so toxic and always needs industrial cleaning.

  11. Classism within the legal fraternity encourages the notion that elite lawyers can literally get away with murder.

    And if murder can be gotten away with all other matters can be as well.

    In the final analysis, nothing less than a military intervention within the legal profession will resolve these widespread crimes of all types.

    Of course, a short term solution would be a sharp razor blade. disempowerment of all lawyers, judges, the like.

    If anybody could find us one honest lawyer in Barbados, practicing for more than 5 years, the prize should be payment of all the living expenses of the finder, for life.

    What are the differences between this bunch of criminals and the mafia, or the drug dealers?

    Reminds us of the Greek walking around with a lamp trying to find one honest person.

  12. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Barbados has NEVER HAD REAL LEADERS…so get rid of the scum from the criminal syndicate that is the bar association..and let’s try finding some real leaders, from scratch, who are aware that corruption DESTROYS COUNTRIES.. what ya got now are all shit…

    the electorate needs to start vetting new people..and let them know UPFRONT that there will be no 3peat of corruption on the island going forward..

  13. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    The video is about Dubai…who don’t have water, mining, agriculture or any of the riches found in African countries, what they don’t have is …CORRUPTION…so therefore they have good leadership….that is ALL THEY NEED…

    …they will BEHEAD you in Dubai for being a corrupt. government minister or lawyer……that i know…

    click on…watch on hear the dude.

  14. @ Robert Lucas,

    Tony Blair did not put an end to the influence of the lodge in the UK. He is not that bright.

  15. I could find you an honest lawyer. But she likes to keep a low profile. She and the crooked ones are always at loggerheads. They try to blame her for all their delays. Their clients call her cussing. She pulls the relevant documents she prepared and faxes them to the other attorney’s client.

  16. Donna

    We may be needed your assistance soon. Right now we’re trying real hard to avoid that eventuality.

  17. Like

    David April 22, 2019 7:44 AM

    @Fractured BLP

    You more than anybody are aware the standards the blogmaster sets. If you have information to support your comment send it you know where.


    The relevant parties have all details already.

  18. I’d have to get her permission. She doesn’t want to become any more of a target.

  19. It is easy to post an airy fairy comment, much harder to take the next step and support it with docs.

  20. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Another nasty, toxic pit of vipers….the lodge…

    …every dirty practice against the black population they copied from their colonizers..

    … as people are now opining, your wicked, criminal corrupt black leaders have taken over the roles of colonizer….and threatening the people with hanging and treason charges to protect and keep their vile, repulsive criminality intact..

  21. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    I think we have had this debate about producing documents in personal injury cases before, sometimes it depends on where the case is, how far in the process before you can post documents to the blog which will not compromise the process.

    And then there are the honest lawyers who have to be careful they are not victimized and made an example of by the criminal syndicate bar association..

    I know of one case where it is thisclose…if the right things are not done…to expose them..but that too it has to be the right time…

  22. @Hal Austin
    At least he tried to do some thing about it. I read about his efforts in either the “Daily Telegraph” or the “Guardian” in the local library at the time. He seemed to be well on the way of attaining his objective at that time.

  23. @ Robert Lucas,

    It is incorrect and historically wrong.

  24. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    So is it true, the lowlife minority criminals and the demon lawyers and ministers…are trying to buy information about the people on the Blog.

    How bout if i call an FBI hotline and give them ALL THE INFORMATION THEY NEED on everyone of you thieves and criminals so they can check out what yall hiding in the US and Argentina….not to mention to 120, 000 off shore accounts which we know are not all empty……how bout that..

  25. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog


    How bout if i call an FBI hotline and give them ALL THE INFORMATION THEY NEED on everyone of you thieves and criminals so they can check out what yall hiding in the US, UK and Argentina…..can’t forget the UK…yall know damn well what yall did in UK. seems it’s only the UK don’t know yet…lol

  26. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Keep going after the bloggers bitches…don’t stop..

  27. Hi Hal:

    The only political party that has an effective anti-corruption policy is Solutions Barbados. It is still relevant and can easily capture every corrupt politician and lawyer without the need for an inquiry.

    Lawyers prefer expensive and time-delaying inquiries, that absolve the guilty in exchange for their testimony. If you want justice, an inquiry is not the way to go.

    Many professional associations have disciplinary committees to address ethical complaints – not criminal. Criminal complaints should be referred to the police, because professional association cannot adjudicate criminal complaints.

    The Bar Association should not be allowed to investigate criminal complaints. Rather, they, like all other professional associations must discipline a member who has been convicted of an offence.

    The question is: Why don’t people, who believe that their lawyers have committed a crime, not go straight to the police rather than complain to the Bar Association? Who advised them to go to report a criminal complaint to the Bar Association?

    Once a court conviction has been secured, then the Bar Associations, and any other professional association has no discretion but act, and act quickly.

  28. @ Grenville,

    You and I know to go to straight to the police in Barbados will be like climbing a mountain. First, a police interview under caution will not get very far. Lawyers will tie them up. Then to take a lawyer before a judge is like asking lawyers to mark their own homework. An inquiry will expose institutional flaws, a criminal complaint will deal with an individual. The problem is bigger than that.

  29. Hi Hal:

    Your answer reveals why people decide to go to the Bar rather than the police. They are being badly advised. Clearly more public education is required.

  30. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    These victims end up at the bar association because the lazy police look them in their faces and tell them it is a civil matter and they need to take it to court, instead of arresting the tiefing lawyers for fraud, theft, embezzlement and money laundering..

    It happens because the police and DPP do not do their jobs..

  31. Someone on these blogs a few weeks ago said that when they complained to the police about a crooked lawyer, they were told to go to the BBA.

  32. Lawyers in Barbados are use to sending a so-called letter to a ‘somebody’ who in their view have offended. The usual response is that ‘somebody’ will meekly retreat from a position or apologize. The blogmaster has received many letters over the years.

  33. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    One guy in a land matter went to complain to the criminal syndicate bar years ago because the lawyer was messing with the matter and it seems trying to steal the land…so what happened when he got to the bar, he found out that the tiefing lawyer was the bar association president at the time….that is what victims of the bar and the supreme court are confronted with, the crimes against them are being perpetrated by those at the has always been that way, so if those at the top control the law and the police…what recourse is there for the people, i will tell you…none..

    .that whole nasty pit of vipers should be disbanded, the filth in the lodge is ruling and controlling the criminality on the island…all their accounts need to be FROZEN…start in the bar association , parliament and the judiciary…there should be a huge criminal investigation into these repulsive thieves…

    UK needs to get off its ass..check out what they have gotten up to in UK and act..cause if the victims can find the information…so could UK…..can’t leave the US to do everything when UK is responsible for unleashing their BLACK DEMONS on the victims/people.. of Barbados…not even i thought these thieves could be so damn BRAZEN…

    Time for UK to set an example, a good one this time, seeing that they never have….do some damn good for black people for once in their 900 year old history of doing shite to black people.

    yes, i am blaming UK for most of this, because they set the stage…they set up their victims, gave these demons shite titles that made them believe they are higher up and better off than their people and that they were invincible and untouchable when it comes to committing crimes against their people and left the to be victimized by their own, by criminals groomed by UK…….for decades post independence.

  34. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    The point mentioned by WARU @ 9.01 PM bears repeating AND A LEGAL CLARIFICATION IS SOUGHT.

    When your get $250,000 stolen from you for 5 years while your lawyer Carry Way a Ton of money remains a lawyer, and a speaker churning his client account, what recourse do you have?

    The police always tell you that it is a civil matter.

    I am not a lawyer but I was always of the opinion that there was a difference between civil law and criminal law so I copied this text from the internet

    “…Civil law and criminal law are two broad and separate entities of law with separate sets of laws and punishments.

    According to William Geldart, Introduction to English Law 146 (D.C.M. Yardley ed., 9th ed. 1984),

    "The difference between civil law and criminal law turns on the difference between two different objects which law seeks to pursue - redress or punishment. The object of civil law is the redress of wrongs by compelling compensation or restitution: the wrongdoer is not punished; he only suffers so much harm as is necessary to make good the wrong he has done. The person who has suffered gets a definite benefit from the law, or at least he avoids a loss. On the other hand, in the case of crimes, the main object of the law is to punish the wrongdoer; to give him and others a strong inducement not to commit same or similar crimes, to reform him if possible and perhaps to satisfy the public sense that wrongdoing ought to meet with retribution.”

    Examples of criminal law include cases of burglary, assault, battery and cases of murder. Examples where civil law applies include cases of negligence or malpractice…”

    Which brings me to again ask the question about why sometimes some people can turn up at your house with several police to

    (A) pursue the interest of say a dishonest lawyer and tell the wife of a husband who has alzheimer’s and whom he claims to represent to leave the marital home, when no such order exists

    (B) demand that party A pays party B who they have accompanied to the premises, because B says so.

    And the list continues to confuse the average person so I am wondering if a lawyer might weigh in on this matter.

    It seems ludicrous that an entire property can be stolen by a big up bajan, and tenants dislocated from the property, yet when contacted the police dont come BUT, WHEN A WHITE WOMAN AND HER GOONS, walk into a boutique and put garbage on the counter of a black proprietress, they dont budge when the report is made.

    Just asking…

  35. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    What is really galling is that they intimidate their victims, harass their victims, torment their victims, then look them in their faces and boast…”YOU CAN’T DO NOTHING…”

    Like Dale Whistleblower, intimidates the elderly lady with one leg now deceased, steals her property and looks her in her face and told her he is coming for the other property she owned…he told her that right in the supreme court, that is how brazen these wicked thieves are…they hound people to death for what is rightfully theirs.

    And these vile bitches think those intimidation tactics will work on everyone and forever…oh really…well let’s get cracking….forever just arrived..

  36. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    You said and I quote

    “…Lawyers in Barbados are use to sending a so-called letter to a ‘somebody’ who in their view have offended.

    The usual response is that ‘somebody’ will meekly retreat from a position or apologize.

    The blogmaster has received many letters over the years…”

    The first issue here is that Barbados Underground is the last place in Barbados where any person can pursue any matter that they feel that they have been aggrieved.

    And as long as (1) their matter meets your threshold and (2) they have the evidence to substantiate this, if the matter is of value to the public good, YOU ALWAYS PUBLISH.

    Contentious issues by their very nature have parties for and against.

    Depending on who feels offended, euphemism for their standing in society, they go to great lengths to protect their public image

    As would most of us who give a flying badword.

    Every one of those letters came from that place of “safeguarding image” and you, in publishing an article, would have weighed carefully what you were posting, before posting.

    And the most contentious would have been vetted by your lawyers.

    Finally, BECAUSE YOU DID ***, All these Computer Misuse Acts and Defamatory Matters are null and void, because theirs are only notices AND NOT SERVICES heheheh

    So you dont even have to respond if you dont want to and if you do you can and do rely on Doe vs. Cahill

  37. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Your assistance please with an item here thank you Honourable Blogmaster

  38. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    I am tempted to create a blog about Defamation and the Internet Blogger and Standards.

    But, because there are people and sheeple here who dont give one RH about things like this, I won’t waste your time.

    Some 4 years ago de ole man’s system was hacked by some people’s dem (my alibi? Heheheheh)

    In fact the account *** was compromised by these parties unknown.

    Communication about such was made to several persons and agencies, INCLUDING THE HONOURABLE BLOGMASTER (thankfully the Blogmaster will confirm same, if and when required)

    What simultaneously happened was that, all accounts, including the ones used to create the Biopics, (the Honourable Blogmaster knows said account, why after all…) that was also compromised.

    So I have no access to the old gmail account and whoever does, in addition to having broken the Computer Misuse Act of 2005, will have access to that account where they continue to masquerade as someone they are not.

    Fortunately all this is documented so for those of my many fans (heheheheh i know the dufus here wont understand that sarcasm) you will be pleased to know, we have this under control.

    Defamation and Anonymous Blogging and Compromised Accounts certainly speaks to malice does it not?

    So even if one bypassed the first hurdle in your Banana Republic how can you bypass the VPNs, the multiple uses like The ManyPussy profile and the transposed “key” error heheheh which is interspersed in some submissions?

    Wunna still wid me? Not the sheeple, I lost you ages ago.

    Doe vs. Cahill

  39. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    A second item is here Blogmaster thank you

  40. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Now, normally i would find what these black demons who BELONG TO THE UK CROWN, did in UK amusing….. as related to us via the UK designed constitution……but i take no pleasure, given the seriousness of the situation and the overall impact.

    Now let’s see if UK will try to at least get some admiration from me after they find what they find….. too early for respect, yall gotta earn that shit from me, given ya propensity.

  41. Dear All:

    I just spoke with the Police who confirmed the following.

    If anyone believed that a lawyer has taken their money, then they should make a statement of the facts to the Fraud Department. Once they are satisfied that it is a criminal matter, then they will act by charging the lawyer accordingly.
    There are breaches of contract and ethical matters which do not cross the boundary into criminal matters. Therefore, contracts should state what lawyers are contracted to do and when they are contracted to do them – including handing over people’s money.
    If money is not handed over in a reasonable amount of time, then that automatically becomes a criminal matter. Therefore, persons are encouraged to make their statements.

    The public needs to be educated, not to throw up their hands in despair, but to follow the correct procedures.

    It is possible that aggrieved person made complaints to police constables, who may have given them unproductive advice. The correct agency is the Fraud Department, under the Financial Investigation Unit, tel: 430-7195 or 430-7196.

  42. Thanks Grenville.

  43. A neighbour of mine tried that route. That was years ago. The Fraud Squad took his statement. Nothing else was done. Later he tried to revive it. Another Fraud Squad Officer came by, more or less threw her hands in the air. Years later – no follow up. Ten thousand dollars just gone. My neighbour, a pensioner, has written it off.

  44. A neighbour of mine tried that route. That was years ago. The Fraud Squad took his statement. Nothing else was done. Later he tried to revive it. Another Fraud Squad Officer came by, more or less threw her hands in the air. Years later – no follow up. Ten thousand dollars just gone. My neighbour, a pensioner, has written it off.

    For those who don’t know this department in the Royal Baygon Barbados Police Force is one of the most tainted with plenty of their Detectives past and present involved in Corrupt acts including taking bribes, fraud and planting evidence.

    This is no idle accusation.

    Mark White Inspector wrote several bounce checks to a businesswoman and was not prosecuted. Heather Pinder who was moved from the Fraud Squad Department was his sidekick and pitbull doing his dirty work. She is in one of the pictures on BU blog accompanying a lawyer to Court charged with stealing client money. Her face is not shown as she is backing the camera. Heather Pinder is also related to Nigel Bounty Pinder notorious Drug Lord in St Philip and has carried out a lot of dirty jobs on his behalf.

    The Fraud Squad is full of a lot of corrupt Detectives so many people will be mislead as they act as part of a criminal syndicate looking out and protecting each other.

    Wish it wasn’t so but this is the Real Barbados that most of the Public don’t know.

  45. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    What Grenville obviously don’t know is how many THOUSANDS OF BAJANS AND NON BAJANS WHO WENT THAT SAME ROUTE TO NOWHERE….steupppsss….come on Grenville, catch up, we are here to help.

    on another note, when people are trying, just watch out for ulterior motives, always watch your backs for the REPEAT..but they are trying.

    .. no matter how repulsive the Belgians will be seen as for centuries to come, but they are trying…AND …..they still have to account for and ADDRESS the many mutilations of everyone particularly black children that demon criminal killer Leopold and the millions and millions of murders he committed against black people.

    And if such a racist country as Belgium can try, small islands like Barbados that still relish in maintaining slave societies at the expense of black people, just because their black leaders are dumb and corrupt like that., can do much better….

    when yall..president Enuff…are coming to attack me, just remember, it is not even 6 months yet that i been to racist, apartheid Apes Hill…ah can repost photos if yall like..

    “Belgium Apologizes for Kidnapping Mixed-Race African Babies
    By Associated Press – April 7, 201905436

    BRUSSELS (AP) — The Belgian government has apologized for the country’s role in kidnapping thousands of mixed-race babies from their African mothers during colonial times.

    Thousands of children in what are now the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi were taken away and raised in Belgian institutions.

    Democratic Republic of Congo

    Prime Minister Charles Michel said in a statement Thursday that “on behalf of the federal government, I present our apologies to the mixed-race children born from Belgian colonization and their families for the injustice and suffering they were subjected to.”

    He expressed “compassion for the African mothers, whose children were torn away from them,” and concern for the emotional stresses the children went through.

    Michel said he hoped the government recognition would be a step toward a collective national reckoning of Belgium’s colonial past and in fighting racism today.”

  46. Barbados 2019

    We have found much of what you say to be true.

    But at the same time it’s frightening, for the country, to see that others known there truisms, the wider implications.

    In these circumstances, we should expect Charles Herbert to walk.

  47. David

    What Grenville is saying, or the official he spoke to, is administrative BS.

    It is the BS we’ve heard for years.

    It does not deal with the dominant cultural norms within the criminal BPF.

    That very culture would allow the Grenvilles of Barbados to evade written law

  48. Dear All,

    For days we have been talking about the failure of the legal system and, also, of the wider criminal justice system; some have also included judges, alleging both incompetence and corruption.
    Since the foundation of a liberal democracy is the rule of law, can we now say that Barbados is a failed state?

    Hal Austin

  49. In these circumstances, we should expect Charles Herbert to walk.

    Never in doubt, there will be many Adjournments/Delays with files missing or a problem with Discovery presented by the Royal Baygon Barbados Police as neither him or the other white Goddard’s Executive will never come to trail before a Jury in the High Court.

    Much money and favours have and will continue to pass hands to keep these two individuals out of Dodds Prisons which is only for poor black men and women.

    Not many people seemed to have noticed that the cocaine on the Yacht even though they may have been a smaller amount of marijuana onboard switched to being ALL Marijuana with a much smaller street value for bail conditions.

    Some of the cocaine on the Yacht has already been back on the streets enriching trusted Drug Lords and corrupt Police involved.

    The only Justice in Barbados is INJUSTICE.

  50. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    At this point it is the UK to make that determination that their experiment SSS Barbados has failed……and make it very public, but we shall see.

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