Griffiths, who leaves the island on Friday to go to Britain for medical treatment, said he was still awaiting correspondence from the Bar Association in relation to a complaint he had lodged against Carrington [BU’s emphasis]Nation Newspaper 15/04/2015

BU agrees with New York columnist David Brooks who promotes the view the public must be able to distinguish between resume and eulogy truth. The true character of a human being is identified by eulogy virtues. We allow public figures to peddle untruths because it fits the ‘script’ – only when they demit office the eulogy virtues are espoused.

The recent revelation Speaker of the House of Assembly Michael Carrington – of our third oldest parliament in the Commonwealth –  had to be ordered by the High Court of Barbados to pay a former client almost quarter of a million dollars remains a bitter pill to swallow for many law abiding Barbadians.  His explanation that the filing of a civil suit is a hazard of the legal profession gives deep insight to the poorakey thought which abound in the highest court in the land. The mental anguish Speaker Carrington has caused 78 year old John Griffiths is unforgivable. How has he been able to explain this ‘hazard’ of the legal profession to his children, or even sleep at night?

One entity which is being given a pass is the Tariq Khan led Bar Association (BA). Enough has not been discussed about why the BA did not respond to Griffiths complaint against Michael Carrington . Enough has not been demanded of the BA to explain its role in the Carrington Griffiths affair.  A more efficient intervention by the BA would have served to relieve much of the anguish Griffiths has had to experience. President Khan of the BA has been in the media spouting his resume truths but many of us know there is the eulogy truth waiting to be told.

BU post documents to confirm the tedium and frustration members of the public must endure to file and support a complaint against a lawyer in Barbados with the Barbados Bar Association.  The documents show how Tariq Khan’s Inn Chambers colleague has been able to avoid the scrutiny of the BA for an inordinately long time (wasn’t Tariq Khan an Inn Chambers associate of the recent past?). Surely Mr. Tariq Khan and his committee of volunteers are aware of the pass Peta Gay Lee Brace has so far received from the BA?

See documents attached:

31 responses to “Complaint Against Lawyer Peta-Gay Lee-Brace Ignored by Tariq Khan Led Barbados Bar Association”

  1. The Barbados Today editorial makes for an interesting read:

  2. The Bar Association, Lawyers and Members of Parliament need to create a law/system/rule that ensures that a CLIENT’S MONEY is not held in a client account for longer than one month without an unequivocally justifiable reason.

  3. @Hants

    We need to be focused more on the governance issue of the Bar. Complaints from the public must be processed efficiently; enough of the BS about the committees are made up of volunteers. Tariq Khan needs to stop the diplomatic speak and poppycock and to deliver, something past presidents have failed to do.

    Lobby to have it fixed or withhold your damn service.

  4. Another thieving lawyer each day its a new name same old game of stealing their clients money and the same tired excuses from the Bar Association. There is need for a seismic shift in the culture and behavior of lawyers. Few of them can be trusted and the public sees most of them as common criminals who escape jail by hiding behind the wigs and the legal mumbo jumbo with which only them are au fait.

  5. @ Hants April 22, 2015 at 8:34 AM #
    “The Bar Association, Lawyers and Members of Parliament need to create a law/system/rule that ensures that a CLIENT’S MONEY is not held in a client account for longer than one month without an unequivocally justifiable reason.”

    And a law/system/rule that CLIENT’S MONEY goes into a separate CLIENTS’ ACCOUNT and STAYS THERE UNTOUCHED FOR THE DURATION! – however long – even 14 years! Breach of this should be automatic disbarment. It is easy to prove one way or the other with bank statements.

    Will it ever happen? Not a fu**ing chance.

  6. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ My Two Cents April 22, 2015 at 8:47 AM
    “Few of them can be trusted and the public sees most of them as common criminals who escape jail by hiding behind the wigs and the legal mumbo jumbo with which only them are au fait.”

    And who is the biggest peddler of the “legal mumbo jumbo”? Who is the biggest protector of those who rob clients and commit fraud against policyholders?

    Man why don’t you take your two cents worth and get a lawyer to sort out your commonsense you have sold to an idiot? You can use Speaker Carrington as your first choice.

    “Things that will destroy man: Politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without CHARACTER; business without morality; science without humanity; worship without sacrifice.” – Mohandas Gandhi

  7. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    The Bar association continues to flirt with half truths and polished public relations gimmicks intended to protect themselves and to guarantee a continuation of their exploitation of the masses. This man can is mere rabbit. He tries his best to make a nasty law system look good. What an idiot. Even in his non response to wheel chair bound Griffith’s letter of complaint, he has shown clearly why no one trust the law fraternity. He knows he is part of the inner circle of the consortium of lies, cover up and crookery. He had no choice but to ignore the Carrington matter. Jackass of the highest order. but ”a practicing idiot to the fool of none..”

  8. Who heard the caller to the talk show today who has attended court 74 times and still the matter is unresolved. The main reason the plaintiff’s lawyer preferring excuse after excuse. Murray Chandler is the defendant. Read it and weep.


  9. @ David, and then we have Parris and his lackey taking the court to court because they can’t get a matter resolved within 30 days!

  10. John Hanson 1781-1782, I SERVE 1788-1792 BARBADOES, Avatar
    John Hanson 1781-1782, I SERVE 1788-1792 BARBADOES,

    Complaint Against Lawyer Peta-Gay Lee-Brace Ignored by Tariq Khan Led Barbados Bar Association @


  11. In the meantime, the current clients and potential clients have some work to do to prevent themselves becoming victims of the Bar Association and their lawyer members who are criminals.

    Do not give your attorney any of your original documents, only copies, if you do, in his/her small island pettiness and arrogance he/she believes they now have power over you and will make your life miserable while ignoring your case or concerns, because they think it’s now their case and they are the boss of you.

    One example is Mia Mottley, someone gave her their file with original documents regarding beach property and two months later, she did no work on the file, the client asked her back for the file, she told the client they would have to pay her $6,000 to retrieve the file, that’s a scam she and her father have been running on property owners who are their clients for years. You can believe that most lawyers in Barbados run this scam.

    Thoroughly investigate your attorney, even if you have to ask 5,000 people because you are unable to hire a private investigator. Do not just hire an attorney without a thorough background check.

    If you are a personal injury claimant, do not give your lawyer any of your original medical reports, police reports, etc nothing original, only copies. Investigate all doctors particularly the doctor the insurance company is trying to trick you into being examined by, most times it’s outside of the doctors medical expertise and they are being paid by the insurance company to write a bogus report to fool you and the judge. They do not have any respect for the court system. BAMP needs to have some guidelines where their doctors are not allowed to testify and tell lies, they must have some type of ethics guidelines to follow under BAMP regulations.

    Investigate the insurance company involved thoroughly, the defendant insurance company like CGI/Peter Harris does whatever it takes to make you lose your case. One claimant just had to seek advice from the police because what CGI was doing crossed the line into the criminal. Despite David Simmons not being on the bench anymore, Peter Harris still believes within himself that he paid for and owns the Supreme Court. Claimants have to be aware and do their own due diligence.

    Do not trust your lawyer, they will lie and lead you down the primrose path and sell you out to the insurance company to pad their bank accounts with money that belongs to the client and get angry when the client puts up a fight. These lawyers in Barbados are playing with their lives. People will not put up with these nasty games that impact their lives forever.

  12. While people want to fool themselves that the various blogs have no power they will do well to notice what is happening in Barbados and how these social sites are driving the conversations in and about the community.

    I AM the sort of person who will post under my real name. And certainly, after all that has been taken away from me. I have nothing else to loose.

    What this system is doing is making criminals out of law biding citizens.

    Whereas it used to be easy for our police to catch a criminal who turns his T-Shirt inside-out to rob the RBC bank only for that thief to be found wearing the same T-Shirt on Montgomery pasture the same evening) criminals, who are better educated, like the young lady who filled the syringe and was injecting her taxi-driver victims, these are a little harder to detect.

    People in the fancy houses in the terraces are commenting on killings in our ghettoes and housing areas ONLY BECAUSE it is the topical thing to do.

    There is a part of Barbados that really does not care if fellows die in Haynesville of Rotten Town.

    So “soft crime”, like taking money from a client and failing to do what one is paid to do, aided and abetted by the very agencies that are supposed to be regulating and safeguarding the customer, things like these DO NOT GET spoken of, AND NEVER make their way to the tables of the Barbadian socialites, especially when it is being done to a poor man from Bush Hall.

    Let me give you an example of a grievous “soft crime” which has been plaguing this poor man from Bush Hall.

    The attached email is the 3rd email for this month and the 15th request over the last 6 years!!

    Now people would say, and would be right, that a poor man cant get his matter heard in a timely manner, but persons who are not lepers can get a hearing immediately, but I am not a socialite, I am just a man seeking what is mine.

    I continue to be grateful for your support.

    I pray that the outlet this site provides poor Bajans WILL NEVER BE SILENCED by any political party for if that day comes this Barbados is lost.

  13. I had forgotten to attached the link to my email Request to the Barbados Registrar below

    The point I would wish to make is that, while no gun is being discharged in my face like the fellows in the hood, you could as well say that I am being killed in an acceptable way, one where (respectable) Barbadians are quietly witnessing the prolonged quartering and drawing of a fellow Bajan.

    I am only one of many but we sit quietly and say nothing while it is happening.

  14. The emails date from 2011, four years ago!!

    Who was the president then and was anything done since then to address the complaint?

    Does a Blind Copy (BCC) of an email to the Bar Association even constitute a complaint to that august association?

    If not what exactly was it expected to do?

    Meanwhile I can only look on in amusement at the machinations of Vernon Smith ….. apparently not joined by his sidekick Hal Gollop …. in threatening to sue the CJ.

  15. @John

    Surely you are aware Gollop is reported to have paid his Bar fees so why would he join with the venerable Vernon Smith?

  16. @ David

    You can complain about this egregious matter/s until hell freezes over, there will never be justice in this/these matters!

    What more could be expected when the hen house is being guarded by foxes!

  17. @Pacha

    Maybe so but some of us resist the luxury of being so cynical then life becomes meaningless.

  18. DW
    The question is what more can you do?You seem to have covered all the bases yet is there no one to protect John Public from this wickedness?Today Weekes,tomorrow whom?There has got to be a way forward for sufferers of government bureaucracy and inertia.

  19. @Gabriel

    The only way is what a functioning democracy affords, agitation and advocacy by civil society.

  20. David

    “The latest development in the CLICO saga follows last Tuesday’s hearing before Chief Justice Sir Marston Gibson who declared that neither Smith nor Hal Gollop, QC, could represent their client in the chamber hearing since the two senior lawyers had not paid their membership fees to the Barbados Bar Association. – See more at:

    Straight from the horse’s mouth!! …. sorry the Nation’s mouth ….. cant go and insult a horse so.

    You saying that as of April 17 2015, Hal Gollop deserted his ole buddy and ran and paid his fees?

    This dynamic duo have been together through thick and thin …. The Alexandria Affair and now CLICO/Leroy Parris.

    Hard to believe Robin would desert Batman!!

  21. Once again I refer to Sparrow’s ‘Solomon’.For all its reported crime and allegations of corruption,Trinidadians do not sit and take crap from any politician or Governmental official who strays from the straight and narrow.They have always been people who take to the street at the first sign of apparent wrongdoing.Maybe its to do with the multicultural aspect of the society in which each ethnic group or each social class see threats to their way of life and act before its too late.Further, politicians and officialdom have respect for dissent within the bounds of propriety. Barbados seem a more homogeneous society or a society cowed by fear of the unknown,said to be man’s greatest enemy.

  22. @ Gabriel abd David the Blogmaster.

    You are both correct with regard to your comments on

    (a) the seeming uselessness arising from our pervasive, corrupt ecosystem and
    (b) barring giving up on life, completely, and becoming part of the dross and letting yourself spiral down into the all present anarchy, we HAVE TO DO something and be part of the solution.

    Look gents, I have come to the realization that David Weekes WILL NEVER BE popular in my country.

    Already, a few of them will be discussing how to exact punishment for my boldness to come here and speak out about this travesty, notwithstanding that I am protecting what is mine!!

    That does not worry me really, they are all there to do what they do.

    I am reminded that they held on to a much more worthy fellow, 2015 years ago, and crucified him, and I am not worthy to tie that fellow’s sandals.

    We are either part of the solution or part of the problem

    What I have resolved to do though is to agitate until the last breath leaves this frail body

  23. @John

    Smith clarified he has been sending his membership payment every year LESS Vat because it is his position the Bar is tax (Vat) exempt. The fact the Bar and the Court refused to confront the issue until now make them complicit and JAs.

  24. Smith is wrong the law orders everybody to pay VAT. Who the hell Smith think he is next thing you know the boys on the block will say they are not paying VAT on marijuana wrappers and the soiled underwear they expose. The wild lunatic fringe ZR men will say they are not paying VAT on gas because its a public good even as they stop their black smoking belching death traps in the middle of the road to ensure no vehicle can pass. Where will it end if we allow lawyers not to pay VAT.

  25. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    @ MTC
    I think you have the wrong end of the stick.
    Of course everyone has to pay VAT. The point is that some people / organisations have to charge it and others don’t.
    You have to pay VAT on gas because the company that sells it is required to charge it.
    Charities do not have to charge VAT.
    Smith says the Bar is a charity and therefore should not charge VAT.
    What I don’t understand is why Smith is so fired up about this.
    He has to be VAT registered. If he pays the Bar VAT on his membership, he just offsets the cost against the VAT he charges his clients so effectively, he pays nothing.
    What is his problem?

  26. @St.Georges Dragon

    Have you ever had reason to stand on principle?

  27. Look, they want locking up, the checks are returned because they refuse to pay vat, ergo the bar fees are not paid, ergo, disbar their asses, these lousy criminals have done enough damage on the island from the 70’s, this is 2015…that accrues to decades of criminality by lawyers sanctioned by the bar association….no more.

    By the way, MIchael Carrington cannot conjure up enough lies to justify stealing from, withholding the man’s money, a disabled, wheelchair bound elder. Being disabled is very expensive. Michael Carrington’s only disability is the amount of lies he tells. What he did to Mr. Griffith he would have done to any of his constituents, even worse, his constituents should punish his ass and send a message, they have the power to do come election time. Punish him or suffer the consequences of being continually lied to….your choice. Besides, it’s looks like the DLP is already in election mode….so early.

  28. Is it foreseeable that a client or clients could take the law into their own hands if the legal profession in Barbados continue a go slow or no answer policy to the client’s complaints?

  29. Fractured BLP Avatar

    I see Attorney at Law, Mark Goodridge, according to the Saturday Sun of 9 May 2015, was able to take the top prize in a CIBC First Caribbean competition.

  30. […] counting from 2011- when a letter to the Disciplinary Committee was lodged. Note this matter was highlighted on a BU in April, […]

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