The following letter was shared by a trusted source – David, blogmaster

Dear Editor,

The Sandals Barbados fiasco: Throwing out the baby with the bathwater, otherwise known in the Caribbean as snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

My name is James Bristol. I am a lawyer from Grenada and I negotiated the incentive agreements with the government of Barbados on behalf of Sandals.

I have read the recent statements both from the Prime Minister and Sandals and would like to clarify certain matters.

May I state from the outset that I have no political axe to grind and no political affiliations in Barbados.

I met the former Minister of Finance for the first time during the negotiations of the incentives and have not met him since.

I know the Prime Minister both as a colleague and as a friend.

The Sandals Barbados incentives are based on those which I negotiated for Sandals in respect of the Sandals Grenada hotel. The Barbados incentives are more generous than those in respect of Grenada.

The present Prime Minister of Grenada publicly expressed his initial concern over the generous incentives granted to Sandals in Grenada by the previous administration.

However, on attaining office and seeing the financial benefits of the Sandals investment in Grenada, the Prime Minister, not only endorsed the incentives granted, but added to them by including a tax stabilization clause to ensure that the incentives, and therefore the financial viability of the investment by Sandals, was not threatened or whittled away by future legislation.

The Sandals Grenada incentives took effect during a period of financial austerity under the IMF. The IMF program was successfully completed notwithstanding the Sandals incentives which incentives were fully implemented and respected by the Government at all times.

A large part of Grenada’s economic recovery has been attributed to Sandals and I am aware that the Grenada Government is doing all that is within its power to facilitate a Beaches Resort here.

Grenada’s enhancement extends to one of the most sophisticated call centres in the region with over 100 employees and increasing. All from Sandals!

As it is well known, Grenada‘s performance has been applauded by the IMF and Grenada is recording one of the highest rates of growth in the Caribbean.

Indeed, the Sandals incentive model has been adopted by the Government of Grenada for other hotel investments.

If Grenada can survive an IMF program while these incentives are in place and come out with flying colours despite the incentives, why is Barbados finding it difficult to honour an agreement reached in good faith between itself and Sandals?

The Barbados agreement was given effect by Statutory Instruments laid before Parliament under the applicable legislation. I drafted those statutory instruments in conjunction with the government’s legal department.
Far from insisting on additional incentives, Sandals is simply seeking to have certain incentives, not within the Statutory Instruments but within the Incentives Agreement, embodied in some form which would give a level of comfort to its bankers and itself to the extent that the financial basis for the investment remains stable so as to guarantee the ability to repay the loans in respect of the proposed Beaches project.

The Barbados incentives agreement contains a clause which mandates the Government to pass all laws and take all steps which are necessary to give effect to the agreement.

So, the Government is mandated to find avenues to give effect to its obligations under the agreement.

Much has been said over the years about Barbados giving Sandals too much by way of these incentives. Indeed, the same has been said in Grenada and Antigua.

The truth is that none of these countries has given away anything because without the incentives Sandals would not have invested. If Sandals did not come the Government would not have a development nor the benefit of the taxes. Therefore, if Sandals does come and pays reduced taxes, the Government has lost nothing. On the other hand, by Sandals coming, the Government has gained everything by way of the investment and its associated benefits. Sandals is the entity taking the risk by investing its money and being unable to dig up its hotels and take them away if things turn sour.

The way I see the incentives agreement is akin to an invitation to a friend to come to one’s home. The invitation allows them through the door and once inside the benefits of that friendship accrue.

The initial investment which Sandals proposed was the construction of two hotels: Beaches and Sandals.

But an added benefit arose as the Sandals Casuarina hotel has morphed into two hotels, Sandals Barbados and Royal Barbados, at about the same level of investment which was envisaged for the two original hotels, the total invested thus far being over US$300 million.

With the Beaches project the total investment is about US$750 million. Barbados now stands to benefit from 3 hotels as opposed to 2.

The corresponding employment and other benefits have been well documented by others with greater knowledge than me in this regard.

No one can argue that Sandals has delivered over and above what it agreed to do. Has the Government fully delivered on what it contracted to do?

The simple question I would pose to the Government and people of Barbados is this: would it benefit your country if there were no Sandals hotels? Think of the benefits of Sandals building the five star Beaches as opposed to the negative impact on your country and economy if the project is cancelled?
The answers are obvious: any investment of the type made by Sandals is a benefit.

Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Mia please call Keith. Keith, please explain to Mia.

James Bristol
Henry, Henry & Bristol
P. O. Box 386
4 & 6 Lucas Street
St. George’s

194 responses to “Sandals Barbados Backstory”

  1. My records show a Problem with the clear title search of the true owners of that land in St . Peter ,Barbados own Archives records online, Love to see the Books show back up to see if this can be built, We know the Crime Ministers is not the owners, for they were a Poor Family until they started teeffffing from Beatrice Henry and Violet Beckles,

  2. @Simple Simon

    Was soliciting your view, that is all.

  3. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    That’s ok David. I am cool with you.

    The young are looking for opportunities to WORK. Contrary to what some on this blog say, our young people are not brass bowls, they are not RH’s, they are not cvunts, they are not sheeple.

    Professor Jeff opined that less than 1% of them are “bad boys”. The others, and I know plenty of them, because remember I have been taking the ZR vans almost daily for more than 20 years, hold to traditional Bajan values. They are eager to “better” themselves. They want skills training, trades training, education and work; and we the “old people” must do our part to give them a hand up. And that means paying our taxes, whether we are an old lady in a village, or a big shot capitalist. Our young people want opportunities, not handouts.

    And even though people who sit in air conditioned cars like to curse the ZR men. I see everyday that the “accursed” ZR men are one of the hardest working sectors in barbados.

    Oh that the people at the top of the pile, and those in the middle worked as hard, and as efficiently. The ZR men can teach the fatsos a lot. Lolll!!!

  4. @ Simple Simon

    You better be careful that the person with an a MSc. in Sociology from UWI doesn’t turn up and take your job

    This is not impossible but the probability of this is near zero. LOL

    And you think the Dullard is an old man because I does add my piece in de rum shop?

  5. a very interesting situation. should a government, elected to rule for 5 years, make a 40 year decision? guaranteed returns tend to pay very little. us treasury bills, real estate. the more risky the investment the higher the return must be to offset. i am torn. if sandals was not all inclusive and would spread the wealth, then maybe, but if all the revenue collected by sandals is not taxable and it is the only revenue barbados is going to get then who will pay for the police, immigration, roads etc that the same visitors use and therefore benefit from. SS there is another group of very hard working progressives, who have in a few short years mushroomed an industry, the coconut vendors. interesting that both thrive due to a lack of oversight. our western thinking means that “im with the government, im here to help” kills every industry it touches.

  6. We have Paradise Beach rotting on our prime coastline because of Butch going back to Arthur. Will we see the same to another piece of prime coastline in the North?

  7. No ! i do not read the news as today news lacks basic truth and is geared to protect political affiliations groups and individuals
    I deal with reality and reality says that a country with 275thousand an ageing population low wages and high uemployment does not have the luxury of playing political hard ball so dangerously close to the livelihoods of the people
    If this govt has a way forward to deliver the goods via productivity that is sustainable to economic progress then and only then would i stand side by side with govt on whatever plans they seem necessary to secure our economy
    Until then i stand steadfast in my beliefs that this govt has nothing to produce and rolling up sleeves to fight sandals is an exercise in futilty placed on a political table of gamemanship

  8. Let me tell u something David and all others who think that i am associated with George Street
    I have never visited George Street knows no one who visit george street
    As for tablecloths maybe u can buy a few to send to Prsent govt for their next koolaid serving

  9. @ Mariposa

    You admitted your association with the DLP to BU on more than one occasion.

    We all know you have over ten year’s experience drinking and serving DLP koolaid.

    During the past 10 years, you tried marketing and selling it on BU, but was unsuccessful. You tried forcing it down our throats and was beaten quite severely 30-0 as a result.

    And although it’s obvious you’re still hurting physically and mentally from the whipping, you’re still trying to get us to buy your koolaid.

  10. Robert Goern as David tells do not make this about mariposa but you are a friggin liar. My only association is with a philosphy grounded on a BARROW principle and there is nothing wrong with having a philosophical connection with any one and that is as far as my attachment to any political party entails
    Never have i financially sent support attended any of their meetings and met any of their ministers
    Just setting the record straight

  11. Maybe we will see another piece of land rot
    However when Butch and Arthur collide
    The Country econmics was in good standing and Arthur had the luxury of telling Butch take it or leave it
    Not so now !Mottley hands are empty so empty that she had barbados knocking like beggars on the IMF doorstep
    This time around Butch has the ace and can tell Mia take it or lump it.
    The question bodes well to ask of Mia how much does barbados has to lose .
    And To Butch do u need Barbados to survive.

  12. David, if there is money to be made the private sector will make it happen. we have the only sandals grand in the world because sandals gets to charge more money for a room here than anywhere else they operate. again i am not sure how to play this one. we want the brand and the investment, but maybe not at any cost. maybe one of the many blp consultants can work out the likely sandals return and see if they really need 40 years to get a good return and how likely they are to walk before we give something we can never get back. in terms of taxation do we tax the industries making the most money and maybe discourage them or tax them because they are the only ones making money and therefore the ones that can afford it. having “helped” manufacturing and agriculture into bankruptcy, what other industry can pay? i think every country in the world expects to adjust taxation every year in some sort of budget, will the next 40 start with “except sandals”?

  13. @BA

    There is some politics being played. Mia is governing at a difficult time. Barbadians will have to suck some salt if we are to give ourselves a chance to get over the hump. Along the way she needs some wins. To get Butch to back off that onerous requirement will be such win. If Butch wants to develop Beaches he will have to throw Mia a bone.

  14. Stop talking poop
    Mia all but set barbadians households to suck salt for a long time
    Negro get it out of your head Butch walked away once and he can do so again
    The long and short meaning that a political win at this time of economic hardship on the people would not go very far in comforting hunger bellies
    Meanwhile Butch set up shop in another small island who is looking for some jobs to help the poor man survive
    Remeber Hyatt did not sit around waiting till barbados overcome their political battles .
    Hyatt look to another small island country and the rest is history while barbados is still trying to figure up from down

  15. sandals will do what is right for sandals. maybe they don’t need a guaranteed 40 years of no taxes to make it work. i guess it will be a judgement call. we don’t want them not to invest, but we don’t want them to be the only winners either. and i am all for less taxes for everyone, but this seems like a butch deal only and i’m not sure if that is right or necessary. it doesnt help them if we can’t afford police or school teachers, and no-one wants to come to barbados. hopefully a sensible deal will be struck.

  16. It is ok to let butch off from paying taxes in Barbados but it is total wrong to give established businesses and some individuals a break in forgiving 20yrs old taxes owed

  17. Look dont mek me laugh Corporate Barbados just got a whopping tax reduction and soon to come big vat refunds
    One can bet that these hotel moguls will be having large refunds due to the many taxes which were placed on their business
    It is not as if the other moguls in the hotel industry does not enjoy the benefits of concessions in other forms when taxes are deducted due to”financial lost” to their business

  18. *20+ years

  19. The blogmaster must admit that we will always blame Butch for the state of Paradise Beach. He held that property for so long, he fought a court battle to hold it and them what? He needs to show some good faith here. Like you stated, he has some skin in the game as far has corporate responsible to the market he operates.

  20. Do you understand Barbados took a decision to coverge domestic and international tax rates by defaulting to the international rate to fen off the OECD wolves? The issue is much bigger than your argument. You should continue with this narrative 4 years from now.

  21. “If sandals was not all inclusive and would spread the wealth, then maybe, but if all the revenue collected by sandals is not taxable and it is the only revenue barbados is going to get then who will pay for the police, immigration, roads etc that the same visitors use and therefore benefit from.”


    You made an interesting point…….

    ……… and this was the gist of Antigua’s PM Gaston Browne’s argument with the concessions granted to Sandals Antigua.

    “(PM Browne) also noted that Sandals also enjoy exemptions from withholding taxes, from corporation taxes so that whatever they gross in the form of profit is net, government gets nothing.”

    “Invariably those profits do not stay in this economy for further expansion of the business; almost invariably it is repatriated to expansion in other countries… generally speaking these profits are repatriated to support the expansion of Sandals in other counties.”

    “They have their parent company, Sandals International; a company that apparently does all of the bookings. What they do is that they will cream off the top of all the bookings $10 million … $20 million and then they will remit probably about $50 million for the two properties here. They will report the $50 million revenue from which they will deduct the expenses and then would have an overall profit of maybe about $7 million or $9 million. But you have to understand that the moneys that they creamed off the top that is going straight to profit,” Browne explained.”

  22. I agree with Goren. On several occasions I read contributions in which ac/Angela Cox/Angela Skeete/Coxable/Mariposa made comments that could be reasonably interpreted as associating the consortium with the DLP. She used to end some of contributions with the slogan “DEMS now, DEMS again.”

    If her “only association is with a philosphy grounded on a BARROW principle,” I’m sure she’ll agree the former Freundel Stuart led DLP administration was far removed from “Barrow’s principle,” yet, she was a fervent supporter of Stuart, Sinckler, et al.

    However, it’s her prerogative to support whichever political party she chooses to support.

    But what puzzles me is the fact that, if any contributor criticizes the DLP, she is quick to label them as “BLP operatives or yard-fowls” and feels justified doing so.

    Yet, when she is called a “DLP operative” for similarly criticizing the BLP, she takes offence.

    It begs the question: does the criteria used to label a critic CHANGES according to a specific political party he/she criticizes?

    So, if I criticize the DLP, then I must be a BLP stool pigeon………

    ……………however, if Mariposa CRITICIZES the BLP, while DEFENDING the DLP, she is NOT a “DLP yard-fowl,” she’s being patriotic.

    Hmmmmmmm…………….boggles the mind.

  23. The gist of my argument goes beyond political gamemsnship
    As the lawyer was quick to point out that Sandals was a pivitol part in helping Grenada economy move
    We in barbados practice the kind of arrogrance that defies logic
    An argument bent on a belief that having nothing to bring to table should be enough to guarantee that your way is the only way that is correct
    An agrument that has brought barbados economy in a stagnated place of fright
    Browne is a classical example of one living in a fools Paradise having illusions of grandeur

  24. Dear Mr Bristol, sorry but you nor Chris Sinckler aint getting no finders fee, NOT BOUT HERE. No wonder many see the Caribbean as Banana Republics for we sell our backsides for a few.

    The average hotel worker in Grenada works for around EC$1200 while bus fare expensive and KFC snack box cost EC$18.

    Short man Mitchell pooch to close to his brain to remember why he lost the election over talk about corruption.

    So Mr Bristol no hard feeling but Auntie Mia aint selling Barbados nor Bajans short for the mercenary Butch.

    Sandals Resort pays $12 million to settle bribery probe – The FCPA Blog…/
    Jan 30, 2013 – Corruption in the government led to the U.K. imposing direct rule in 2009. … Jamaican businessman Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart operates Sandals.

  25. “As the lawyer was quick to point out that Sandals was a pivitol part in helping Grenada economy move…..”

    Any reasonable, rational thinking individual would dismiss Bristol’s comments as “speculative nonsense.” He made a broad, generalized statement, without presenting any statistics, reports from Grenada’s finance ministry or even an analysis from the IMF to substantiate his claims. It’s only HIS opinion.

    It is impossible for ONE or TWO ALL INCLUSIVE resorts that enjoy generous tax concessions, to play any pivotal role in a country’s economic growth. Obviously, you would accept “the lawyer’s” argument, because you don’t think rationally and it falls directly in line with your narrow, political agenda. it provides fuel for your political rhetoric.

    You keep “hitting” at Browne, but Butch had to “tow Browne’s line” in Antigua.

  26. Well David tell the poor go explain to the poor man who is seeking economic relief that giving the wealthy businessman big tax relief correlates to them having a full belly
    On one hand Sandals already providing jobs in a form of economic relief for bajan households is told No
    Then on the other hand govt gives fiscal space on a “hope” of enticing investors
    Oh well will be waiting to see how this Houdini works out
    Cause i know from past evidence that local corporations have never gave any thing of worth to create necessary growth by way of expansion
    And outside investors not going to leave a place where things are cheaper to set up business in barbados unless they are handed a truck load of concessions even when the incentive of lower taxes are included. Not going to happen

  27. @ Mariposa,

    You are right. FDI will not come to Barbados unless the deal is very attractive. First, the world is facing another recession; second, there is a lack of quality skills, a degree in law that is useless outside CARICOM is not good; overall, the level of education is low compared to middle and high earning economies; and the per capita high crime rate.
    They got the bull by the horn. If they create a reasonable society, it will be attractive to people (including tourists) and FDI will follow (not just people buying hotels. Remember the hotel corridor from Hastings to Black Rock? Whatever happened to that?)

  28. Butch had to tow Brownes line

    Please explain
    Are u serious

  29. NO!!!!

    I won’t explain.

    You need to do some reading (I’m serious), rather than coming to the forum with “version” of the truth and things you “fabricated” just to be “politically controversial.”


  30. ***** with YOUR version of the truth……

  31. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Two comments caught my eye
    “Grenada’s enhancement extends to one of the most sophisticated call centres in the region with over 100 employees and increasing.”
    “Indeed, the Sandals incentive model has been adopted by the Government of Grenada for other hotel investments.”

    What are the enhancements being offered to Barbados?

    I question the latter comment, for that is one quick way to a zero tax base.

  32. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Mariposa…another middle aged black ass woman just like Mia who cannot accept that massa day done…always backing those who seek to marginalize and disenfranchise black people..

    …..Mia does it for her own self enrichment and that of her clan…..and the criminal enterprise element…

    ..Mariposa does it because that is all she knows..

    ….wake the hell up and stop sucking up to wannabe slave masters…who are common class thieves in disguise…

  33. Followed that whole drama
    Browne made himself look like a royal in the eyes of international investors
    The worst of it all he used his political platform to launch attacks against Sandals during an election cycle
    Then the long and short had to renege on promises made about sandals concession many of which were meritless and baseless and Sandals threatening to sue the daylights out of him
    This fool almost cost Grenada millions of dollars in ecnonomic revenue and jobs fighting windmills

  34. A decision by Grenada government to give holders of government securities a few years ago had a significant positive impact on that market. The challenge for any government is to come up with the best policies in the best interest of everyone.Hopefully we will get it right.

  35. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Mariposa March 26, 2019 12:27 AM “On one hand Sandals already providing jobs in a form of economic relief for bajan households is told No.”

    Why don’t you stop telling lies. Sandals has not been told “no” by the current administration.

    The DLP should take you off this blog because your lies caused them to lose votes last election.

  36. Listen not following no slave masters
    At present time Barbados and other small islands followed a model that served few
    The question remains are what have these small island govt deliver by way of education to their people that can help build their economy
    Take China for example their education system was position for years for a global economy
    In the meanwhile small island nations relied on tourism and borrowing
    Therfore if the slave mentality still exits in small nations it was in part due to poor goverance and leadership who made certain that the people were not a major part of building an economy

  37. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    But ya got the “we can’t” mentality where ya feel if thieving business people are forced to back off…that black people…the majority population cannot survive without them…the weakness of the slave mind..

    Brown had to legislate to prevent Sandals from continuing to RAPE ANTIGUA…and withhold money from the government that he collected and was supposed to pay into the government…but you can’t see that unless it happens to Barbados..

    …..Stewart has a bad track record with his high level greed and stupidity..and he actually believes….the US12 million dollar fine notwithstanding….that he will continue to get away with it in the Caribbean…….and if decimal Sinkler was not so damn desperate…and clueless…Barbados would not now be saddled with that goddamn idiot….nothing you say can change that..

  38. Hush do Simple

    What lies am i telling did not Mia get up in Parliament and said that the meetings were shelved
    Govt was not willing to give Sandals a continuance of an assurance on a previous agreement that would help secure a loan for Sandals
    Well until there is another comment that says otherwise the answer Mia gave Sandals was No

  39. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    And Stewart is idiot enough to try to use the island itself as collateral to get loans to continue his Sandals shite…something that should never be allowed to happen particularly since the island is all hocked out… more ways than one….ask Mia.

  40. It’s amazing how two individuals can receive the same information and interpret it differently, or spin it to in an attempt to achieve their narrow political purposes and agendas.

    However, it’s clear you did NOT “follow that whole drama.” You’re “piecing together” bits of information and making up things as you “go along.”

    You are also purposely misinterpreting the facts because of your COMMITTMENT to DEFENDING the DLP’s decision to give Sandals 40 years of tax concessions and push the false narrative that Mottley rescinded those concessions and said “NO” to the granting of further concessions, when you know this is not true.

    Your comments re:

    “Browne made himself look like a royal in the eyes of international investors. The worst of it all he used his political platform to launch attacks against Sandals during an election cycle. Then the long and short had to renege on promises made about sandals concession many of which were meritless and baseless and Sandals threatening to sue the daylights out of him……”

    ……. proves my point. You are clueless about the situation.

  41. “The question remains are what have these small island govt deliver by way of education to their people that can help build their economy….”

    You don’t have an original thought.

    This is another example of “piecing together” information and making up things as you “go along.”

  42. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ David,
    My apologies for placing this message under this post.

    I have continually stressed that China and a host of foreign nations are fishing/trawling illegally within our fishing Territories.

    Could somebody please explain to me the state of our fishing industry and what iniatives have Caricom adopted to rid the region of this scourge called illegal fishing.

    Check the video below to see what is occuring today off the coast of Sierra Leonne.

  43. You are doing the same

  44. So where in these small islands nations is there evidence that the people Empowerment made significant change in building their economy
    Presently we have a govt begging at the IMF doorsteps for money to repay barbados debt

  45. Just because i do not see your view i am clueless
    However what i am not cluesless (of) that Browne after all the huffing and puffing about Sandals came to an understanding that he could not whip Sandals into submission

  46. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Both governments ended up at IMF door begging …only because they themselves stole so damn much from the island…with the help of their business friends and fellow crooks….ask them how much they all stole and in the last 30 years and how raping the island over decades…enriched them all with offshore accounts…and how it has stretched back to nearly 80 years..

    just ask all the crook lawyers and crook ministers, their friends and family…the ones who are still alive of course….see what lies they come up with…can’t hide the evidence though..

  47. Au contraire, Butch/Sandals’ largesse from Caribbean governments is nearing an end. Like I have long promoted, Caricom member states need to adopt a collective approach to negotiating these arrangements. It appears that something is stirring in Caricom. If Sandals is so good, take it beyond the Caribbean!

  48. “First, the world is facing another recession; second, there is a lack of quality skills, a degree in law that is useless outside CARICOM is not good; overall, the level of education is low compared to middle and high earning economies; and the per capita high crime rate.:

    How do we as a people let this man insult us daily? I know people with UWI law degrees who are doing very well in the UK.

  49. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “If Sandals is so good, take it beyond the Caribbean!”.

    he is not that big an idiot…he knows he will go to jail..

  50. “However what i am not cluesless (of) that Browne after all the huffing and puffing about Sandals came to an understanding that he could not whip Sandals into submission…”

    Yes, you are CLUELESS, if you weren’t you would not have made the above comment.

    Rather than presenting any “thread of evidence” to support you claims, all you bring is what you perceive in your mind to be true or what suits your political agenda at the time.

    Do you actually know the definition of “submission?”

    (1). As at December 31, 2016, Sandals COLLECTED and WITH-HELD Antigua and Barbuda sales tax (ABST) totaling EC$101,424,448.54 (US$37.5 million). Included in that amount was the proceeds from a 12.5% guest tax, paid by guest, but also with-held by Sandals.

    Butch Stewart threatened to close Sandals.

    Browne responded by initiating the signing of an agreement called the, “Deed of Release and Settlement of Claim,” between the government of Antigua and Sandals Resorts International 2000 Inc., (which was incorporated in Panama), Andrew H. Holm Ltd. and Wraybury Limited, which are companies incorporated in the Bahamas… and Dickenson Bay Management Ltd. (incorporated in Antigua), all companies jointly and individually known as “Sandals”…………..

    …………..whereby the government agreed to accept the payment of EC$1 in full satisfaction of unpaid Antigua and Barbuda sales tax (ABST) totaling EC$101,424,448.54 (US$37.5 million) up to December 31, 2016.

    However, Sandals subsequently AGREED to pay ABST at the FULL statutory rate as from January 1, 2017 and waived from that date any right that they may have had to a DISCOUNTED RATE of ABST under any PRIOR arrangement or agreement with the previous government.

    (2). Not being able to fully “get his own way,” in an act of vindictiveness, Butch Steward closed his hotel “in July 2017 “for maintenance purposes” without forewarning to the government or the employees of Sandals and left guests who booked their vacations without a destination and with no meaningful explanation.”

    How did Browne responded?

    By introducing and passing the “Investment Authority Amendment Bill” by Parliament, which was designed to PREVENT any similar ARBITRARY and UNILATERAL ACTION by hotel operators in the future.

    The bill authorizes the minister responsible to SUSPEND any CONCESSIONS granted to a hotel under the Investment Authority Act or any other enactment if a proprietor FAILS to comply with the provision of the new section.

    According to Browne, “The reason this is in here is because the Sandals management had the audacity of telling my cabinet that they don’t have to talk to us because it is their property… When we see these threats we have an obligation to mitigate against them and that is why we are here today, to MITIGATE against those THREATS.”

    So, my friend, Butch Stewart cannot ARBITRARILY or THREATEN to close any Sandals in Antigua, without “paying the price.”

    My question to you is….. “who beat who” into submission?”

    Under the circumstances, I believe Gaston Browne “wupped” Butch’ s ass into submission.

    Unless you can prove otherwise.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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