Submitted by Alden Blackman

Sir, this is the second time in the past 15 years the BLP is the Government of Barbados and you as a Minister and MP for St. James Central. Yet with the knowledge of and repeated promises, you have failed to obtain a correction to the dangerous situation of an “illegal encroachment” by an Ex-pat White land owner who commissioned the building up/out a garden-cum-an illegal private botched road in a watercourse between Chapel Gap and Clarke’s Road in St.James.  Said road “encroachment” as you have seen and know, obstructs and redirect flood flow from the original course to the Black low working class residential area of Clarke’s Road.

Sir, although the officials of MTW/Drainage Unit, led then, by CTO Frank Thornhill, DCTO Philip Tudor, and other government officials know the encroachment is illegal, and posed a risk, yet, they showed indifference to this dangerous situation by not having it corrected.

Again highlighting what seems to be a lack of representation and or possibly indifference.

126 responses to “Open Letter to Mr. Kerrie Symmonds – The Lack of Representation by MP for St.James Central”

  1. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with 2 items here in suspense thank you

  2. The docility of Bajans can be spotted in every area. It is an affliction which has become chronic to finding solutions. There is a long battle to be waged through the winter.

  3. Mr Alden Blackman ought to just intervene on his own with a few properly placed sticks of explosives.
    or get a few villagers to put a number of bull pistle lashes in the perpetrator.

  4. George Porgie

    Shame on you Sir … is this the same man who runs around this blog rebuking sinners? Peace and love is what Jesus advocated and not war and violence …get behind me you worker of iniquity …

  5. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    And that is precisely the point.


    The issue is not that Alden Blackman is WRONG but that BAJANS, first of all, know nothing about Alden Blackman.

    His is an issue that is UNDER A BUSHEL, hidden from sight.

    And, even if one were to get it visible out there, what do people perceive as THEIR STRENGTH & THEIR POWER to make things happen.

    Alden Blackman represents the “poor black man” and that alone should elicit some sort of solidarity among others of his grouping.

    Who constitute the majority of bajans

    This is why that 3 Party Movement needs your support.

    It ent a one man ting, this education of the masses as to our need to join forces and to see this as “you beat up all us WHEN YOU BEAT UP ALDEN”

    And, SINCE 2018, we see that we have THE POWER to stop THIS.

    After a while people will get ghd message with the little successes.

    I would coalesce a message around Alden Blackman that a Third Party would make a true Movement

    But I is jes an ole man who does dream of a better Barbados

    Like you do

  6. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here

  7. David

    The old man has progressively moved from echolalia to palilalia … the true sign of his cognitive insufficiency …

  8. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    Would it not be a wonderful gesture if Mr “hear no evil, see no evil” the right honourable MR. KERRIE SYMMONDS steps out from the shadows and comes to the assistance of Alden Blackman and his community.

    Mr Symmonds stop letting down your constituents and prove to them that black lives matter.

  9. BU is always willing to support an underdog, with a coherent message or cause.

  10. re Lexicon February 14, 2019 1:08 PM

    George Porgie

    Shame on you Sir … is this the same man who runs around this blog rebuking sinners? Peace and love is what Jesus advocated and not war and violence …get behind me you worker of iniquity …





  11. ” Letter: Black working class residents of a Barbados village living in fear”

    The black working class residents of a village in the Caribbean island of Barbados pray daily that rain doesn’t fall because the insensitive action of the Barbados government that has allowed a wealthy foreign white landowner named Pat Brayshaw of Palm Paradise Guest House and Apartment in Chapel Gap, Paynes Bay, St James, Barbados to build an illegal private road along and across a clearly defined watercourse.

  12. @GP
    You are much more man than I am.
    I had the same thought for years, but never expressed it in such a direct manner.

  13. After enduring 15 plus years, living in an illegal flood zone, created by an ex-pat white, the Black-man was warned, that being unduly confrontational about this matter dose not help to advance his cause, it makes it harder for M P Symmonds to get people to work towards resolving the cause. my question, how hard was it when the people from MTW paved the illegal private road?

  14. What this case tell us is that the system of government where representation of people should be at the center is failing us. Especially those at the bottom.

  15. Sorry Mr. Symmonds, I forgot the MP was DLP MP Hudson as Representative who in 4 years achieved the paving of an illegal private road for an ex-pat White, from the people at MTW.

  16. The Opposition parties should not be excused. They need to be advocates of the people as well.

  17. In Thursday’s Nation the Minister is quoted as saying the Airport expansion is to provide the capacity to service aircraft like the A380, does he know that production on that aircraft has stopped or does he expect the existing carriers to acquire Barbados routes?

  18. I am not out of order here to say ,Mr. Blackman voted for Kerrie symmonds, although, he did nothing to show he try to help the Black-man, in his quest to obtain a remedy to the dangerous situation from MTW/Drainage Unit, when his party was the Government 2003-2008.

  19. That is what I was thinking too, A few sticks would do the trick. No way i was going to let my baby wash away like Carew. When justice fails the people can be excused for taking the law into their own hands. I like the Trinis “Ent afraid to mek a jail” under the right circumstances. Just think I would get to tell my side during the trial and expose the whole damn thing!

  20. Donna

    Judging from November 29, 2016 flooding, it can happen, on that day the ex-pat white, and guess were high up on her balcony having fun watching the flood passing down Clarke’s Road.

  21. In Thursday’s Nation the Minister is quoted as saying the Airport expansion is to provide the capacity to service aircraft like the A380, does he know that production on that aircraft has stopped or does he expect the existing carriers to acquire Barbados routes?

    Heh. Was thinking the same thing.

    Maybe Barbados can punch above its weight and lobby Airbus?

  22. Just a thought…
    When you look at the excessive and abusive penalties imposed for ‘stealing’ petty items or a loaf of bread, then one becomes aware that a strong message is being sent to those who are being wronged by the system and harbor thoughts of correcting these wrongs by themselves.

    I was of the opinion that you would be unable to find a jury in Barbados to convict Mr Blackman, when I came across the following.

    We are playing checkers and our politicians are playing chess. They are ‘moves’ ahead of us.
    Abandon juries and have judges or magistrates like “Graveney” manning the courtroom sounds like the introduction of hell to Barbados.

    Perhaps the learned Dean could giove us a short discourse on magistrate/judges/jury system.,

  23. TheOGazerts

    After the first flood out,Mr. Blackman, and I played with thoughts of getting a bob cat and removing the boulders, or filling in the part of the watercourse on his side, above the private road, thereby, forcing MTW / Drainage Unit CTO to restore the whole course ,but, other thoughts told us wait , CTO Frank Thornhill has an authority in the prevention of flood Act, to remedy the dangerous situation, what a long wait. The system did not wronged Mr. Blackman. CTO Frank Thornhill and his deputy Philip Tudor dishonesty, and lacking representation from the MP for St. James Central.

  24. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    The State would not be “financially embarrassed” if government ministers would stop TIEFING taxpayers and pensioners money and ignoring the plight of those who cry out for justice from being abused by a bunch of bribetaking government officials and the criminal whites who bribe them.

    .,….30 million a year to Bitt Inc to train laid off workers…really….that is clear in ya face tiefing and funneling money to their own pockets…the tiefing done start so there is no money left over to start let alone complete projects…

    So take that airhead Symmonds forever dependent on tourism cause yall dont have the intelligence to do better.

  25. In late 2003 the British Ex-pat white perpetrator, encroached in the watercourse to the boundary mark, drop boulders 5 feet at the highest, back filled and retrieved land. Blackman complained to Drainage unit the officer neglected his duty of reporting to Drainage Unit for months.

  26. TheoGazerts Cousin Avatar
    TheoGazerts Cousin

    I sent this letter to my cousin TheOGazerts 234 who spent some time at the the FBI with Lexicon.
    Here is his reply,

    My Dear Theo,
    I will itemize the parts of the letter that drew our attention

    To. alden blackman”
    ****** The use of lowercase for the name is to convey utmost disrespect.
    “Your letter has been received and its tone has been noted with its content”.
    ****** Since he is replying we know that the letter has been received. The comment on the ‘tone’ indicates that tthe minister believes the letter is not that of a supplicant. In other words, “Get on your damn knees when communicating with me”
    “As usual, you rush to condemn rather than enquire about progress”
    ******* This issue is about 15 years old and yet Mr. Blackman is seen as rushing to get a quick response. Subtle notice that this issue will not be resolved in Mr Blackman’s timeline.
    “I have to come understand this is your preferred style and will never change”
    **** *** People talking about you and their minds are already made up about you. You have to change or you will continue to meet the same results.
    “A number of issues are being discussed and investigated with respect to your challenges not the least of which is the cost of a solution, because this is not a small matter”
    ***** In your mind, all you need is a bobcat to change the course of the stream, but it is more than that.
    The water cannot go back to its original course on that woman’s property and you don’t want it flooding your property.

    [NB: My FBI team could not decide if “your challenges not the least of which is the cost” means “Mr Blackman cannot put together the cost to GET the solution that he wants. Government or Mr Blackman’s? Was this a mild solicitation?”
    “I am willing to arrange a meeting to discuss the same with you”
    ******* Bring along watchman and the change in your piggy bank and let’s get down to business as we discuss “the challenges not the least of which is the cost of a solution”
    “for which I am not to blame, you can be a little less confrontational”
    *** I am not to blame and you need to suck-up if you want my help.
    “being unduly confrontational about this matter does not help your cause. Frankly, it actually makes it harder for me to get people to work towards resolving your case”
    *** suck-up to me if you want my help. Without you sucking-up, I will not put people on the job.

    Mr. Blackman has been warned that he needs to approach this 15-year-old matter with less enthusiasm.
    In addition, he needs to approach the minister on bent knees and plant his lips on the minister’s butt.
    There may be some costs that Mr. Blackman has yet to considered, but the Minister is willing to meet and update him on the challenges and costs.
    We would urge Mr. Blackman to meet but to keep his money in his pocket as he has more years in the wilderness.
    We do not believer that the letter is threatening, but warnings are spread throughout.

  27. @ Watchman,

    If you and Mr. Blackman want to get the problem solved you need to get PRIME MINISTER MIA AMOR MOTTLEY involved.

    Get someone you trust to to help draft a letter that would appeal to her sense of fairness.

    ALL ROADS and watercourses lead to the PRIME MINISTER.

    You and the residents of Clarkes road are in danger as evidenced by previous flooding.

  28. @Hants

    MP Symmonds is useless you are saying?

  29. TheOgazerts,

    Ah…..the late lamented Charles Leacock. Not bout heah!

  30. Did I wish a happy Good Morning to all of Barbados?
    A great morning to all of the folks.
    Wishing that today is one of the best days of your lives.


    More of the same. ” Kiss white butt yuh, n word! Is money we lookin’ fuh!”

  32. People who live in glass houses should be wary of stones, thus when the Minister writes about methods of communication I reflected on his outburst of 300 lbs of blubber while on the campaign trail and his more recent gratuitous insult to the former PM again while on the campaign trail. I welcome this new found decorum, long may it last.

  33. @ David,

    Mr. Symmonds is NOT useless. lol lol lol

  34. @ Sargeant,

    Mr. Symmonds was trying to suggest a weight loss program to the ladies.

    I hope said ladies have long memories.

  35. The man has NO BEHAVIOUR. But we know “good behaviour” is a tool to keep the masses in check. It is supposed to make us ashamed that we ever stood up for our rights. I have found that :”good behaviour” gets you NOWHERE in Barbados.

  36. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Mr Blackman cannot put together the cost to GET the solution that he wants. Government or Mr Blackman’s? Was this a mild solicitation?”

    The briber woman from whereever she came from paid her bribe to drown the residents, she is the one to pay to remove the obstruction….but she might be too white for the airhead Symmonds to approach and tell her to pay to remove what she paid to put there, the slaveminded minister might think it will offend her or disrespect her cause government officials are dependant on her bribes.

    The nasty minds of the taxpayer funded lower class house negros polluting the parliament,

  37. @TheOGrazerts Cousin

    Last year, before election Mr Symmonds got lost, trying to find Mr. Blackman house. He called Mr. Blackman land line asking him which gap he live in.On arrival, he had a man with him that is, or was into construction, he did all the talking about how remedial work can be done to the watercourse. Can this be a mild solicitation, or one of his comfort promises. the watercourse need to be restored.

  38. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Theophillus Gazerts

    You and your FBI cousin going get banned for this anti Mugabe sentiment

    Your citizenship going get withdrawn so you are not welcome the The Witches Coven Gathering of 2020.

    @ Mr Blackman and Watchman.

    You said and I quote

    “…Judging from November 29, 2016 flooding, it can happen, on that day the ex-pat white, and guests were high up on her balcony having fun watching the flood passing down Clarke’s Road…”

    It would have been perfect to have taken pictures and videos of these guests and de white woman enjoying your plight.

    De ole man has found that pictures and video AND EMAIL AND SCREEN SHOT FOOTAGE has a way to emote public sentiment and court systems in one’s favour.


    Keep up the agitation.

    Dem doan like social media

    Print a pdf of every one of the regional media that has carried your matter

    In fact send links to each of the articles you got posted and de grandson will do a lil story for you

    Post them here on this blog on separate lines.

    He will do Something dat dem ent going like too much heheheheh and which Minister Oblong Head going say is in a tone dat is not respectful enough

  39. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here thank you

  40. re @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here thank you

    This is by far the most popular…and frequent post on BU

  41. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Donna,

    I just read your link with the jet ski man. To be honest with you i’m not surprised; however I refuse to say anything more substantial for fear of being misinterpreted.

  42. The need to repeat that back in 2002 the greed of a British Ex-pat white woman who bought a parcel of land from a Black Barbadian and then realized the land ended in the center of a watercourse, with or without knowing the law pertaining to watercourses in Barbados, she commissioned a Black contractor to prepare the spot, the contractor removed the watercourse edges, to get to the site. After the house was nearing completion, said contractor returned, and placed boulders in the watercourse, elevated and backfill to the boundary mark, that process, encroached about 4-5 feet into the natural watercourse, he leaved the site, and did not replaced the edge on the other side.The Black Arthur/contractor knew the law pertaining to watercourses, and what he did was wrong. Of all the officers, Mr. Blackman pleaded to from 2003, at MTW/Drainage Unit, CTO Thornhill, and Deputy CTO Tudor are more despicable than the perpetrator. The CTO, and DCTO told Mr. Blackman the encroachment is illegal, yet it remained

  43. PIECE
    The watchman have a fall-back coming wait until the rainy season

  44. Talking Loud,

    I have a very decent friend who works with some of these tourists. Her vocabulary is rather more extensive than the average person and so she puts them in their place without resorting to obscenities. She actually ends up making THEM look uncivilized and shamefaced. But the jet ski operator, I would hazard a guess, does not possess her ability and so he reacted in a way that they could film and use to promote their agenda.

    And speaking of civilized societies – they lied. Scotland is having a hell of a time with violent crime.

  45. @ Watchman

    De grandson sen dis one to de ole man

    Hope you can use it in your messages to the media

    Send them to whoever you like.

    I have found that the egos of these men WHILE THEY ARE BELIGERENT SO & SOs dont like to be laughed at

    It is actually a strategy to weaken the “IMAGE” of many of these people who think they are all of that

  46. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Ignorant, backward joke leader back with the same slaveminded nastiness to drag his people down, not lift or build them up, he is useless to the current and future generations of young people…..and that one brain cell, brain dead jackass…airhead Symmonds is what Mis unleashed on Bajans again…insultingly….who then has to pay his salary.

    Then she acts like she is doing black bajans this big, huge favor …while knowing that the worse is yet to come to the public’s attention…looka, go haul do….nuisances, useless ass black people infecting the already possessed, cursed and blighted parliament.

  47. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    ….and that one brain cell, brain dead jackass…airhead Symmonds is what MIA unleashed on Bajans again…insultingly….who then has to pay his salary.

    Symmonds needs a good humilation at the polls next election, not one vote, not one seat ….if the Mia government makes it that things stand all the people are seeing, because that is what she is showing…is that Mia and her gang of incompetents are doing what both governments have always done post independence….sell out black people….their own people.

  48. Mr. Symmonds the BLP MP for St. James Central was asked to help represent Mr. Blackman in obtaining a remedy from MTW /Drainage Unit and failed. When the said Black Arthur/ contractor returned, this time working for BWA, laying pipes, he did a second wrong to Blackman. Arthur placed the pipes in the dig-out part of Blackman’s land in the watercourse, he knew it would happened, because of what he did in 2003. Mr. Symmonds was asked again in 2006 to help find a solution to the dangerous situation and he failed, although his BLP was the Government.

  49. @Watchman
    I am wondering if it happens only in Barbados. Spotty memories

    We have some who can remember only what happens after May 24, 2018. It is almost as if they were on a continuous high during 2005 to 2018 and ncannot remember anything.
    Then we have those who are now in a daze after May 24, 2018, can remember every event from 2005 to 2018, but had memory loss between 2000 to 2005. nI suspect that Mr. Symmonds is in this latter category and does not have a clear recall of events in 2002 and 2003.

    I got this from my cousin TheOGazerts 234. I now suspect that he uses google and may not be in the FBI..
    “Selective memory is the phenomenon by which a person deliberately chooses to remember what he or she wants to remember and chooses to forget the rest. Selective memory does not apply across the board, the way not paying attention does. It is directed at specific events or specific aspects of an event”

    Stay strong brother.

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