Submitted by Pachamama

With settled and incontestable scientific certainty we know that the original peoples of the universes were as Black as midnight – blue-black. Long before there was anything called a White race, Afrikans had peopled the entirety of Mother Earth. Even today, about 90% of all humanoids are still peoples of colour. Yet we have the internal contradiction of a people which did not create the year, the month, the week, the day, the hour, the minute, the second or anything else foundationally, mustering the audacity to assign a month to those who actually did, as if by right, by papal bull (er).

When they talk about Black history month they are essentially describing events emanating from Nicholas V’s issuance of such a papal bull (Romanus Pontifex) on January 8, 1455. It gave the Portuguese a monopoly to trade with Afrika and in our enslavement – just 570 years ago. It was a declaration of war on the Afrikan world. The Pope presumed that he was the owner of the earth, that some god somewhere had so given it. Some still, to this day, argue that that Bull is still the law of the land – all lands. And though we well know that Afrikan peoples have been here at the beginning of the time before time, the only history which really matters in White history month is the last five hundred and seventy (570) years. And that is so because White people say so and ignorant Black people believe it.

Only in White history does 570 years have any significance in the grand scheme of things – for to them everything around us was built just 6000 years ago. And that ignorance continues despite carbon dating, despite genetic sequencing, despite not making common sense, despite historical inconsistencies. More troubling, is the fixation on this twinkling of the eye, in astronomical terms, by much of Black academia, the Black church, Black elites and the general public.

Could it be possible that this artificiality was constructed to serve the purposes of those who would want to really rewrite history, as if to start anew? And who are those who have benefited from such monumental set of plagiaries? How could it be that the very peoples who invented all the sciences, developed the techno-complexes, settled the entire earth, conquered the seas, invented writing, hundreds of thousands of years previously could now be the slaves of Europeans who never even existed until recently, nor developed a script of their own and were not even writing, generally, until well into the second millennia of the common era.

Black academia serves White and Jewish interests, in presenting the truncated historical record which informs our every action. That the historiographies which have as their point of departure a slavery epoch deliberately leaves out truths which have the immense potential of awakening the sleeping Afrikan giant could only have been informed by sinister motives. We contend that if Afrikan peoples today knew the truth of our existence, it would be apparent that everything of significance Europeans have told us was a lie and that the Europeans, themselves, are in perpetual fear of genetic annihilation, then this White history month could have an entirely different meaning.

There is not one academician in the Caribbean and few elsewhere who would, for example, and with specificity draw on the mountains of literature written by Jewish scholars which clearly show that though we generally blame the Europeans for the Holocaust of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, from the beginning to ‘now’ slavery was a Jewish led enterprise. Those Jewish scholars provide incontrovertible proofs that Columbus was himself a Jew who converted to Christianity in order to receive the support of both the Spanish and Portuguese courts. Of course, it was the ‘Arabs’ who first traded the Slavic peoples, thus giving us this etymology.

We have been appealing for the local expert on the Jewish Synagogue, Karl Watson, to explain to us the forces which would have led to the erection of such a place of ‘worship’ in Barbados in 1654. While he is at it, he might want to tell us why the synagogue in Brazil, the oldest in the western hemisphere, was built as early as 1636, a few years earlier, and what the relationships between the two were. Also, why was Barbados so important to international Jewry for such a congregation to be so established, as the second oldest in the western hemisphere? If you are contending that the last 570 years of history is such a significant epoch, why can we never come to an accurate understanding of the underlying forces in the society at that time, in relation to world Jewry? We will leave questions about the significant (leading) Jewish role, especially Dutch Jewry, in the slave economy in North America to your colleague Skip Gates, a ‘prominent’ White historian in Black face operating up north.

During White history month we will not be hearing the likes of Dr. Ben, Van Sertima, James, Williams, Jan Carew, Diop, Obenga, Clarke, Smalls and thousands more as Afrikan Studies Departments continue to face cuts in budgets. We are certainly not going to hear anything of the majesty of Afrikan peoples – that history before time, before Europeans even existed. Instead we will be fed with general narratives which support European history and culture, in Black face, of course. We will be seeing ‘exceptional Negroes’ being paraded who could ‘shuck and jive’, Negroes who could run behind a ball, a man who could offer the other cheek – not down below we hope, even milquetoast presentations of both MLK and Malcolm X as a staple and to protect the ‘sensibilities’ of Europeans.

Let us deal with some of the social forces which have harmed the Afrikan interests in recent times.

The most sinister of these must be the ‘selection’ of Barack Obama for the presidency of the USA. Obama used that position to strategically relocate the ‘civil rights movement’ firmly into the camp of the LGBTQ political formations. It is pellucid to us that this Obama was appointed to do a job of the master pimp. And Obama did a massive devastation of Afrikans within the USA, and elsewhere, were by most metrics the vestiges of slavery continued to wreak havoc from coast to coast.

With the merging of these social formations the whole orientation of human rights discourses have been forever transformed by Obama. Black interests were made to take a back seat while the society is set sail down a cultural dead end with a social ‘experiment’ whose outcome is not uncertain. It is an experiment which could only come from the mind of the Devil or White people in Black face. Thus we’ve seen the Black church, led by people like Barber, Sharpton, and more, going all in, on the Obama legacy of mainstreaming bulling with all its emerging ‘specializations’.

Obama and his supporters even weaponized this hideous agenda. With this many were forced to break with him. It was when he decided (implemented) that Afrikan countries, in order to receive America aide, had to change their laws to permit bulling in all its manifestations. This was however consistent with his generalized attitude towards Afrikan people – our destruction. Certainly, he was a White man in Black face, no?

Even when we look at American military aggressions on Africa during the Obama presidency we see a level of militarism not inconsistent with the other form of cultural penetration as described above. When Obama came to office there were only four (4) American military bases on the Afrikan continent. On leaving office there had markedly increased to eighty-four (84), in just eight (8) years. Could he have been anything but a White man in Black face like Northam, the now embroiled governor of Virginia?

One good thing about Obama though. Were there not an Obama we could not have a Trump. For Trump may very well be a blessing in disguise. For what Donald Trump has done, is doing, has contributed more to the destruction of the American imperium than we could have hoped for in our wildest dreams. How ironic? For that is the subject of our next contribution.






    Socialists are responsible for the utter starvation and economic failure in Venezuela

    Regardless of what policies they are imposing there’s two undeniable facts:

    Chavez/Maduro is self-described and earnest socialists whom desire to somehow create a society of equality and worker-ownership of the means of production. The Problem is they do not believe in Equality they believe in being over everybody else.
    If not for these two men coming into power, Venezuela would not have massive food lines and general economic shortages. Whatever it is these two men did to try to get to a socialist society; it is these two socialists, who have created this situation with their Leftist/Socialist Ideas.

    This would not have happened if two socialists didn’t interfere with the function of Free Enterprise/Capitalism in Venezuela.

    Ordinary Venezuelans are both incredibly upset with the government, and have realized they’ve now been snookered by these socialists.

    Anyone in Venezuela who is able to leave and has a marketable skill has either left or is trying to get out. The young are fleeing Venezuela in droves; doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc., all escaping Venezuela.

    All of this happened ONLY because of socialists gaining power in Venezuela.

    It all has to do with socialist-bias against all profit-seeking activity in economics, with government use of price-controls to try to attack profit, redistribute income, and buy votes from the poor.

    But the result is a destroyed economic system.

    And the result has been humanitarian crisis, which the socialist government is standing in the way of getting people help.

    Socialism Has Created a Humanitarian Disaster in Venezuela

    According to the Venezuelan Pharmaceutical Federation …It quoted a resident doctor in one of the public hospitals saying that, due to the shortages, they cannot save the lives of all patients. “We are operating under war conditions,” she said.

    People are dying that wouldn’t be dead, if socialists were not running Venezuela.

    Venezuelans are now literally dying in the streets and the Venezuelan government cares more about food smuggling than protecting these people’s lives:


    This is a milk-line in Caracas, Venezuela, when the government announced that one store in the capital city of some 3 million people would begin selling milk:

    This is a line to buy food in Venezuela:


    Dogs, like their owners, suffer in Venezuela
    Food crisis in Venezuela not just hitting humans…!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_780/venezuela-economy-dogs-suffer-aug-16-2016-famproa-shelter.jpg

  2. are you fuckin insane

  3. We have been appealing for the local expert on the Jewish Synagogue, Karl Watson, to explain to us the forces which would have led to the erection of such a place of ‘worship’ in Barbados in 1654.


    This is a fascinating question because until 1655/6 Jews were not permitted to practice their religion openly in England.

    Jews were expelled from England in 1290 ….. Fact of History.

    Cromwell, a Puritan, allowed them back in 1655/6 …. Fact of History.

    The question is why did Cromwell let them back into England?

    There is a simple answer …. the Bible.

    The Puritans first and then the Quakers after 1648 sought to allow them back into England.

    Go and read the Bible and you will discover what it has to say about the Jews!!

    Ultimately it is the Bible, God’s Word, that directed Quakers to end slavery.

    How did the Bible become available to people in England?

    This is a good source.

  4. @Pacha

    Once you attack the Obama presidency the submission will be stacked by those who are comfortable with a Blackman as president or being an unrepentant supporter of the Democrats.

    Good luck getting Dr. Watson to respond.

  5. What a disgraceful display. This has become Barbados Unhinged.
    This misguided (to be charitable) blog is so busy sucking on the vile anal orifice Pacharectum that it is tacitly supporting, no PROMOTING treason, communism, terrorism and now rank antsemitism.
    Do you really suppose your readers share your love of this filth David? You should ask your asshole buddy Pachacommie to justify the scenes of blocking humanitarian aid to the starving people. Well we all knew that the hard Left will ALWAYS sacrifice their people for power, but that BU supports tyranny too is an unwelcome discovery.

    @ lawson – yes he IS fucking insane, and he is not alone.

  6. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “When they talk about Black history month they are essentially describing events emanating from Nicholas V’s issuance of such a papal bull (Romanus Pontifex) on January 8, 1455. It gave the Portuguese a monopoly to trade with Afrika and in our enslavement – just 570 years ago. It was a declaration of war on the Afrikan world. The Pope presumed that he was the owner of the earth, that some god somewhere had so given it. Some still, to this day, argue that that Bull is still the law of the land – all lands. And though we well know that Afrikan peoples have been here at the beginning of the time before time, the only history which really matters in White history month is the last five hundred and seventy (570) years. And that is so because White people say so and ignorant Black people believe it.”

    Because the black race are the easiest to mind wash and enslave…and KEEP ENSLAVED…using anything ..particularly lies….sweet sounding lies..

    ya can use the bible to enslave black people..

    ya can use politics to enslave black people..

    ya can use religion to enslave black people..

    ya can use skin color to enslave black people….as long as the skin color is not their own…

    as long as the lies sound sweet and real good…black people are mostly permanently enslaved by evil bullshit..

  7. Excellent post!

  8. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    I think not Mr Blogmaster….there must always be room for strongly held opinions when presented with persuasive, fact based reasoning…as there must also be room to question subjective biases when those opinions display the standard tropes of irrationality.

    The Obama presidency is not some sacroscant entity that cannot be legitimately ctiticized … he made mistakes obviously, so critique all we will … but rationally.

    I am bemused myself that here on BU there is a convergence of almost vicious dislike from very disparate sources re a perceived Obama thrust to extoll same-sex behaviours as some all important element of his tenure…this is the irrational!

    Hasn’t Democratic regimes since the 70s (60s really) been focused on the rights of the individual ? Why saddle the last president in that lineage as the protagonist of that ongoing effort ?

    How can the epiphany of sexual orientation rights in the guise of transgender/homosexual preeminence be assinged to Barack Obama? That’s the irrational.

    But otherwise interesting details…. I was quite unaware of that military base stat…that’s striking and surprising. Taken at face value it suggests a clear appreciation by the US of the economic warfare taking place on the African continent with China and lesser extent Russia… and that the US are fully engaged… interesting stat, that!

    Happy Black History month…and year to all….White History is forever there so acclaiming a bit of Black history is absolutely ALL GOOD!

  9. When they talk about Black history month they are essentially describing events emanating from Nicholas V’s issuance of such a papal bull (Romanus Pontifex) on January 8, 1455. It gave the Portuguese a monopoly to trade with Afrika and in our enslavement – just 570 years ago. It was a declaration of war on the Afrikan world. The Pope presumed that he was the owner of the earth, that some god somewhere had so given it. Some still, to this day, argue that that Bull is still the law of the land – all lands. And though we well know that Afrikan peoples have been here at the beginning of the time before time, the only history which really matters in White history month is the last five hundred and seventy (570) years. And that is so because White people say so and ignorant Black people believe it.


    Historical fact.

    Papal Bull or no Papal Bull of 1455, Africa and the Islamic World had been trading for centuries and would continue to trading for more centuries.

    The Islamic World had the monopoly on the slave trade.

    Millions of slaves had been extracted by then over the land route long before the Portuguese ever reached Africa by sea!!

    Males were castrated and suffered genital mutilation and females became concubines.

    In 1455, there was no “New World” for the Pope to divide!!!

    It wasn’t until after 1492 that Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue that the Pope decided to divide the world in two!!

    This article is one more contribution straight out of the Cuckoo’s nest!!!

    It is absolute historical rubbish!!

    The Pope tasked Portugal to find an alternative route to the Indies.

    The overland route was controlled by Islamic forces and the only way around them was by sea.

    The Papal Bull of 1455 was the result of efforts at world exploration by the Portuguese.

    Henry the Navigator, Bartholomew Dias, Vasco da Gamma are three names prominent from the period.

    What a complete waste of time this blog is …. amazing that even the Blog Master has no concept of history and needs to go back to school.

    I was learning about the age of discovery when I was 12 in second form HC!!

  10. @ John, how right you are, it makes one wonder who is running this commie propaganda blog.
    I wonder which one will admit that the original slavetraders were Arab muslims, who not only continue to practice it in their own barbarian countries, but wherever they go. I am not holding my breath.

  11. Bartholomew Dias reached the Cape of Good Hope in 1488.

    He called it the Cape of Storms.

    It was only after that it received its name, the Cape of Good Hope because of the Hope it created of finding a way to India and the East by sea.

    Vasco Da Gamma sailed around the Cape in 1498, ten years later and reached India.

    Ferdinand Magellan is another Portuguese name that comes out of the period.

    In 1522, he was the first European to circumnavigate the Globe … the Chinese were supposed to have done it in 1491.

  12. One that you frequent daily? What is motivating you?

  13. William Skinner Avatar

    The simple truth is that even O level history was pure rubbish. We have not been exposed to real Black thinkers. It is therefore asinine to accuse Pacahama of distorting history. What he has written here is accurate.
    Unfortunately, we have allowed a certain level of questionable deportment to entire our discourse and it is even more unfortunate ,that this article is already attracting useless responses.
    We should rid ourselves of the nonsense we were taught and try to expose our minds to real history.
    Pachamana has done that here and his efforts should be appreciated.

  14. With settled and incontestable scientific certainty we know that the original peoples of the universes were as Black as midnight – blue-black. Long before there was anything called a White race, Afrikans had peopled the entirety of Mother Earth. Even today, about 90% of all humanoids are still peoples of colour.


    If we accept this premise William Skinner, then by definition “We have only been ever exposed to real Black thinkers”.

  15. This simple history of Portugal might help!!

  16. With settled and incontestable scientific certainty we know that the original peoples of the universes were as Black as midnight – blue-black. Long before there was anything called a White race, Afrikans had peopled the entirety of Mother Earth. Even today, about 90% of all humanoids are still peoples of colour.


    So, we have only ever been exposed to “Black Thinkers”!!

  17. @ Pacha
    Boss, you are a thinker who is WAY beyond your time and class.

    The last time we had someone who comprehended on such a level as you seem to do, he ended up speaking in parables – least the abundance of brass bowl idiots actually UNDERSTOOD what he was talking about….
    …he still ended up on a cross – (which is where the ‘scholars’ here would put you too, if they had the opportunity….)

    Fortunately, Bushie was handed a whacker …and only had to bother about keeping the shiite bush in control, and pulverizing the lotta shiite that pervade the place for a time…… You can feel free to continue preaching to the dead.

    No point in Bushie whacking anymore … the Big Bosses have given up on the shiite field….
    It will be GRASS, plimplers and cow-itch (…for a time, and times, and half a time) – until the Bulldozers are sent in…

    Stop wasting your pearls do….

    An albino is a derivative caused by a genetic defect (melanin deficiency) incurred by on original.
    It is quite obvious which came first,
    …but it was long predicted that the days would come when the ‘first would be last. and the last- first’.
    ..besides, the ‘first’ have become a bunch of retarded brass bowls
    – whose only purpose in life is to be ‘albino-centric’ – just like the ‘last’.

    Fortunately, we were also promised that there would ALWAYS be a ‘remnant’ who would carry on the ROYAL traits……
    until the bulldozer comes…

  18. William,

    You should see the crap that CBC is touting as Black History. Makes me want to scream! ( Actually I did scream at the television.) And the US mainstream media offer up ball players and civil rights leaders as the only worthwhile contributors to black history.

    In this Pachanama is correct. They behave as though black history began with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. I have been frustrated by that for years. That is the genesis of our inferiority complex. There is black history before slavery. We need to educate ourselves beyond the white man’s narrative.

    The next thing he is correct about is that Trump is a blessing in disguise. As much as I loathe the vile creature I remember that an upset stomach is often cured by a good old vomit. The process is gut-wrenching but when you’re done oh the relief!

    This is a time when the world has to decide if it is going to survive or blow itself up!

    The current world system will blow it up. Only a move towards justice will be sustainable.

    Change or die!

  19. Bushie, not all of us are dead here on BU.



    “How ironic? For that is the subject of OUR contribution.”

    Notice he uses OUR & WE…meaning that Pachamama has a Team to write Articles for BU

    PachamaMA February 7, 2019 6:59 AM
    “Don’t get it twisted there is only one typology of racism.”
    “WE” sent you something else two days ago”

    February 7, 2019 7:45 AM
    Found it, next rotation.


    Booker Taliaferro Washington ( c. 1856 – November 14, 1915) was an American educator, author, orator, and advisor to presidents of the United States.

  21. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    I was not aware that history has a colour .
    But we live and learn. History is usually written from the perspective of those who consider themselves the victors or victims. This is true despite the colour of the historian.

    Cognitive bias is always an essential ingredient in the process of writing histories and stories.

  22. No John, the ten per cent took over the world.

  23. @ Donna
    Bob Marley was a prophet who spoke in ways that not even he understood. You are correct about Trump…
    Just ‘Check Out The Real Situation’ …as he outlined it some years ago…

    Check out the real situation:
    Nation war against nation.
    Where did it all begin?
    When will it end?
    Well, it seems like: total destruction the only solution,
    And there ain’t no use: no one can stop them now.
    Ain’t no use: nobody can stop them now.

    Give them an inch, they take a yard;
    Give them a yard, they take a mile (ooh);
    Once a man and twice a child
    And everything is just for a while.
    It seems like: total destruction the only solution,
    And there ain’t no use: no one can stop them now.
    There ain’t no use: no one can stop them now;
    Ain’t no use: no one can stop them now;
    There ain’t no use: no one can stop them now.

    We are now past the point where it can be reversed….

  24. David,

    His motives are to beat us down and keep us from getting too uppity.

    He MUST convince us that we are too stupid to break out of jail. Or to survive on the outside on the off chance that we did break out.

  25. Bushie,

    But I don’t think Bob ever actually gave up. We must die fighting for good. What else is there to do that is worth doing?

    Should we then eat, drink and be merry like the wuk up escape artists????

  26. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “There is black history before slavery. We need to educate ourselves beyond the white man’s narrative.”

    ..there is a SUPERIOR BLACK HISTORY…….thousands and thousands of years before the black slavery to enrich minority whites on earth….began.

    and that is what makes them afraid…the white spin only works on fools now….not even the white story is believed by sane, intelligent whites anymore…particular when they have to look at all they have stolen from Africa everyday, and realize they have to give it back…if not in this century…in another…

    Donna….whites are not even 10% of the earth’s population…they still lie a lot about their own presence…so I will take what they put out there with a pinch of salt…..they lie to survive..always have.

    …John cannot change history, he can only sit and watch it change all around him and can’t lift a finger to revert or reverse anything…it’s black they came from and it’s black to which they have to return…they themselves are saying they have only been around about 10,000 years when they started coming out of the wombs of African women as genetic mutations…it still happens in Africa today…and around the world, in black parents who carry the genes.

  27. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    An albino is a derivative caused by a genetic defect (melanin deficiency) incurred by on original.
    It is quite obvious which came first,”

    Bushman…ah only just saw ya post…ya took too damn long to come back, busy or not, no excuse…lol

  28. Waru I think of edison experimenting with much failure before he invented the lightbulb, so… you were god’s first attempt.. till he got the melanin balance right

  29. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog
    February 8, 2019 10:04 AM

    “There is black history before slavery.


    Do you mean Trans Atlantic slavery which exited from the 16th century or Trans Saharan slavery that existed from the 8th century and before.

  30. WARU

    We have educate ourselves beyond the White man narrative … Profound …

  31. I am not WARU but since I started it I shall answer you.


  32. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog
    February 8, 2019 10:04 AM

    John cannot change history


    All I can do is point out those who try to change it ….. which is all I am doing … and enjoying myself.

    It is kind of simple because historical facts are historical facts!!

    If it makes you uncomfortable … tough!!

  33. Then why does OUR SKIN LAST LONGER FOOL???!!!!

    Don’t get me started on your over fifty speckled and wrinkled leather look!

    Take a group of over seventy black people and a group of over seventy white people and put them before a mirror. The whites will run from their image and the blacks will admire theirs.

  34. Don’t try to deny it.! We can see you know.

  35. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    No John…the truth makes YOU uncomfortable…..but ya gotta live with it in the little time ya got left….ya gotta see all the changes until the earth rids itself of you..

    @Forty-Five…don’t worry …we are not going to start aborting yall…we will still allow you a presence on the earth…and into the future…….lol

  36. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Waru I think of edison experimenting with much failure before he invented the lightbulb,”

    Lawson my man…Edison could do nothing with the lightbulb until Latimer…I think his name was…a black man in the US…invented the filament for that light bulb…..ya can’t do shit without the black genius.

  37. Pachamama why do you not talk about the Slavery going on NOW in Africa?

    Why do you not talk about the Slavery going on NOW with HUMAN TRAFICATING across the world?

    Why do you not talk of Institutionalised Slavery in Muslim Countries?

    Why don’t you talk about the Importation of the Muslim Religion into Sub Sahara Africa with the Destruction of All African Artefacts from Antiquity e.g In Timbuktu?

    Why don’t you talk about the New Colonial Masters the Chinese taking over the Mineral Wealth [Natural Resources] in Africa?

    Why don’t you talk about the Effects of Tribalism on Zimbabwe?

    Why don’t you talk about after Obamas Visit to South Africa the Tribal Government ANC Decided to take all White Lands for Zero Compensation?

    Why don’t you talk about the Suffering Black people in Venezuela alongside the Coffee Coloured people?

  38. Every Nation Every Country Every Group of People in that Country and Every Person that is Alive today cannot be alive without having Experienced some Form of Oppression. But in Spite of the Crap that happens in our lives we try to Move Forward. We cannot change the Past, we can learn from it, we are living in the Present and we can Create our Future Destiny.






  39. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    “I was not aware that history has a colour …. History is usually written from the perspective of those who [WRITE IT]. This is true despite the colour of the historian.”

    Excuse the minor addendum @ Vincent but it still makes your statement accurate…or to coin a term of yesterday it’s still “pellucidly clear”.

    Yet as this author displays and so to all our historians the facts of past life will always be COLOURED by subjective biases.

    Today and really for more than 50 years there are many volumes of history written by persons of African descent (egs Van Sertima, John Clarke etc) but for eons that was not the case and the enquiry and knowledge offered up by authors of Caucasian descent was too often interpreted with grave discriminatory biases…. that sir is what makes the stories of yesteryear overly white-tinged and badly skewed.

    Alas as u suggested, to the victor the spoils and the biased narrative.

  40. LOL donna are you self medicating, you honestly think any 70 year old looks in a mirror and says ….looking good

  41. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ John at 10 :24 AM

    No . It is not that simple. There are no such thing as a historical fact. There are opinions about events,artifacts and myths. The dominant class enforce their beliefs physically or psychologically on the subservient class.

    In two blogs today , there were at least three interpretations on what the subscriber wrote.

  42. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Lawson at 10:39 AM

    Are you trying to prove Donna is right? Lol!!!

  43. @ Donna

    I concur.

  44. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Lawson…it depends on ya stock and heritage, I saw a 100 year old female the other day, all sexy and savvy looking and muh jaw dropped…literally…but she was of strong African stock…clean skin, not a blemish, not a crack or wrinkle in her face, outside of the normal aging, I was stunned….actually, she used to be a teacher and was in the NationNews when the GG visited her…looking all stately and classy in her dress..

    so maybe you can’t find a blonde, brunette or redhead who can say they look good at 70 in a mirror…but the black race is infested with such beauties.

  45. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Now..if ya want ya future generations to have such superior genes…ya done know what you and Forty-Five gotta do…lol

  46. “you honestly think any 70 year old looks in a mirror and says ….looking good”

    Off the top of my head Phylicia Rashad

  47. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog February 8, 2019 10:33 AM
    “Lawson my man…Edison could do nothing with the lightbulb until Latimer…I think his name was…a black man in the US…invented the filament for that light bulb…..ya can’t do shit without the black genius.”

    Yes, Lewis Latimer was a ‘man of col(o)ur’.

    So too was Elijah the real McCoy.
    So to was Garrett Morgan.

    Wasn’t one of the greatest inventors of all time a god-like man with a natural sun tan called Imhotep?

  48. I can understand your disbelief because it is outside of your experience.

    But not mine. I know several over seventy BLACK WOMEN who remark,’ De ole girl en looking bad at all! Still some drinks lef’ in de bottle. I actually knew an aunt of Malcolm Marshall’s that was beautiful at over eighty.

    How old is David Simmons? How old is Elombe Mottley? How old is Harold Hoyte? Unless they have changed a lot in recent times I would suggest they would not run from the mirror.

    My mother has lost some weight but her skin is still quite nice. Nothing to run away from.

    And at age fifty-five when I make the effort (nice clothes and hairstyle, no make-up) I still have to tell some younger men not to call me “BABY”.

  49. Hidden figures, man! Hidden figures! Why don’t they speak about them?????

    The hidden figures are crawling out of their dungeons!

  50. When Lawson sees the over seventy black women he estimates their age to be sixty. That should explain his problem. Their sixty is our seventy-five.

    Wuhlaus! Murdah!

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