
I must ask, what has stopped the formation of a “Corruption Unit” within the relevant investigative body?

I note the appointment of several other gurus in the area of communication, finance etc etc, yet Corruption is being ducked, such that persons as yourself can offer up ‘takes time’ (delay).

And whenever the time comes, with no person or unit “in charge”, there will be no person to answer directly for the progress made/not made.

With tag lines like “The mission is too great. It is about the future of Barbadian generations not about you…..or any of us.”, the most overused line, particularly concluding line. by speech writers.

This isn’t solely about a few elected persons, the rot has spread far and wide. So let’s wait for a thorough review of Integrity Legislation (another delay), and hope full engagement takes it through to a few weeks prior to the next election?


The comment above by BU commenter NorthernObserver collides with a loud thought that has been tumbling in the mind of the blogmaster in recent weeks. Real haste characterizes- compared to the former government for sure- how the Mia Mottley government has effected some decisions since winning the government in May 2018. Why have we not seen the same haste to pursue alleged wrongdoing read corruption?

The blogmaster listened intently to Prime Minister Mia Mottley delivering at a mass political meeting during the recent political campaign to launch party manifesto – BLP Manifesto Launch and IMF Buzz – when she  hinted that wrongdoing behind the CLICO fiasco will be vigorously pursued. As each day passes the idea that this government will honour its campaign promise fades to compare with similar promises made by former governments.

There are about four or five ministers in here [Parliament] who really have to ask themselves some questions. When people ask, ‘how can you drive a jeep belonging to a company that provides services to your ministry and gets work from your ministry and believe that is okay?’”

Mottley assured the House, a BLP government under her stewardship would adopt a no-nonsense approach to corruption, which would involve the passage of anti-corruption legislation

– Caribbean360

There are many other examples of Mia Mottley hinting at corrupt behaviour by members of the former government if you allow Google to be your friend!

We are waiting Prime Minister.

We watching yuh!

176 responses to “Mia Mottley’s Government and Corruption Déjà Vu”

  1. @45Govt,

    Well said.

  2. I should have mentioned that that post by David was addressed solely to me as it appeared in my email.

  3. See Lawson…now I gotta take care of my brand new white boyfriend …Forty-Five…that is how I share the love..now if ya want some of my love…ya better change that attitude…

  4. ya given up on the canadian putz good idea he is going to be unemployed shortly.

  5. What were the criteria used to select children for the first and second grade schools in Barbados between the two world wars?

  6. Final warning.

  7. Lawson…won’t ya be shocked out of ya mind if he is reelected…I have not seen what else they gotta offer in his place……give us a preview..

  8. Transparency Watch

    Still awaiting the outcome or if any new agreements were made between govt and Innotech
    Govt water tanks exploding and not a word from social media about this concerning turn of events as the people in drought stricken areas are fearful if not receiving water from there taps

  9. Do you know what caused the explosion of the water tanks?

  10. @David

    I saw this statement from BWA on Barbados Today

    +++“A full assessment of the damage is being carried out as there is evidence of vandalism to both tanks. In the process, there was also approximately nine hundred and fifty gallons of water lost per tank. The Authority notes that both of these tanks were next to two Innotech tanks which were not damaged. The Authority will be engaging the services of the Royal Barbados Police Force to investigate the matter. The BWA is determined to have these tanks replaced by close of business tomorrow Wednesday, so that our valued customers who rely on them will not be without access to the water for a prolonged period,” the statement said.+++

    The DLP claimed that was responsible for part of the sewage woes, now this Administration is using the same excuse; these “vandals” must be “free lancing” and aren’t about to cease their anti-social behavior.

    I hope that the message from the Authority has been received loud and clear as the local Inspector Clouseau is on the case.

    BTW what “explosion”?

  11. Not sad at all.

  12. The DLP claimed that “vandalism” was responsible…….

  13. David,

    I will respect your wishes but when you are not here to pull them up I will deal with them myself. The posts are there to show who throws the first stone and what kind of stones are thrown. Even after you spoke there is Lawson in essence calling me a whore. This is not the first time they have done so. They are as crude and as disrespectful as they can be and claim some privilege that comes from somewhere deep within them. They accuse WARU and me of teaming up yet I can bet my last dollar that if I address one of them the other will appear with such terms as “BLACK ASS” and “wutless.”

    Who the hell do those two think they are???

    This is a typical of a certain group in society. They do not judge themselves by the same measure by which they judge others. They think they are somehow special and exempt from accountability. That, as we know, is a symptom of what ails Barbados and the world.

    It is quite possible that they are so steeped in their ways that they do not even recognise it themselves. That is quite common among persons of their kind.

    The world will never be a better place until this is addressed.

    P.S. I am never happier than when I am fighting for a just cause. Even psychologists recommend it as a happiness inducer. Look it up!

    That is when I am MOST HAPPY and I often wonder what I’m going to do in heaven.

  14. We are here to teach them, point out certain areas that need remedial work..

    They may not know this but some of us actually know what theri problems are, where it originated from and know what can be done to relieve them of that mental misery….cause at the end of the day, it is a mental misery that they need to free themselves from…

    all in good time…

    am sure they can tell us how much they learned just by being on the blog…although Lawson might BAULK…at having to CONFESS.. ..lol

  15. My Dear PM:

    Has it yet occurred to you that if the government CORRUPTION IS CLEANED UP…instead of COVERED UP…

    If the supreme court is FIXED…instead of waiting for everyone to FORGET so that the same old, despicable, decrepit lawyers, judges and government ministers…can continue their bribery corruption…..

    If JUSTICE IS SERVED …for pensioners and taxpayers…instead of the AG and YOU LYING AND PRETENDING YALL CANNOT. do anything about it…now that you have been elected…trying to BAMBOOZLE the electorate..


    BTW…what do YOU plan to do about Leslie Haynes in his nest at the NIS Pension and Peter Harris/CGI Insurance and all the personal injury cases they both got chock a bloc and backlogged…..IN THE SUPREME COURT that has RENDERED THE TRANSPORT BOARD WITH NO EQUITY….because they are both waiting for ALL the personal injury claimants to DIE OUT…so compensation will NOT be paid…

    ….yall keep GIVING ME ALL TYPES OF AMMUNITION..to blog with..then ya got the goddamn NERVE TO COMPLAIN..

    I keep sending messages…maybe it is time someone actually LISTENS..

  16. WARU,

    Quite true! It is a burden they carry and if it is lifted they would be amazed at how sweet it is and freeing. i was raised from the age of six weeks to six years by a white English woman and her family who treated me better than my own mother did. I was a princess for six years. I was totally comfortable in the all white neighbourhood and school. I have no bad memories. Not one moment of unpleasantness. My nickname was Blackie but in effect I was Princess Blackie and so I embraced it. Without those six years of love and stability as a foundation I might not have made it through with my sanity. If I hated all white people I would dishonour her memory.

    What I cannot stand is racists. It is not racist to call out racism. That is a trick of the white man. They want to deny us our experience and convince us that the fault lies with us. “Reverse racism!” they cry. History and everyday experience tells us otherwise. But yet they cling to their delusion that as in courts of old their words still carry more weight than a black man. And a few enslaved black minds still allow them to get away with it.


  17. “Reverse racism!”

    no such thing and they know it, but they also know that the weak, enslaved mind of both groups…would buy that dumb shit…eat it up and kill each other with it.

  18. WAIT…..white people took you and kept you for six years and called you Blackie….and nobody else sees this as kinda odd.

  19. My mother was in nursing school. in England. She was living in. My fatjher was at school in Barbados. . A doctor named Wilson found her a lady to take care of me. She ended up fighting my mother for custody when she wanted to move to another part of England for better pay.. My address was 35 Laburnum Grove, Colchester, Essex.

    My mother then decided to return to Barbados.

    What is so strange about that story???????

  20. It was the children at school who called me Blackie. Didn’t stop them from playing with me.

  21. David BU

    In one tyrannical move , today , the Mia Mottley administration ABOLISHED the post of Chief Personnel Officer .

    Have a read of Memorandum from the Head of the Civil Service ( Dr. Louis Woodroffe) dated January 9th , 2019

    REF . NO . HCS 0002/2 Vol. IV

    Thereby , creating the path for the retrenchment of THOUSANDS of APPOINTED public officers.

    Barbadians were WARNED !

    I guess – most – wanted to see how a DESPOT……..governs !

    Barbados deserves better !

  22. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Fractured BLP

    Do you think that the average uninformed disinterested Bajan either knows or cares about this situation about the Abolition of the post of Chief Personnel Officer?

    Do you think that it will dawn on them that the Mugabe Regime is tightening the screws?

    Consolidating power??

    Putting its SS stormtroopers into key positions WHILE THE SHEEPLE SLEEP


  23. David BU

    Do you know what is meant by “freezing” the post of Chief Personnel Officer?

  24. @Artax

    Not in the context of the public service.

  25. David

    Is there any further light you can shed on this matter of the post of Chief Personnel Officer.

    Why does the BLP always like to tinker with the Civil Service and its regulations ?

    Caswell this is right up your street – can you tell us if true – what is behind this move and what are the implications.

    The danger of this 30 – 0 is showing up everyday.

    Meanwhile 2 ministers in a ministry historically run by one minister and yet we can’t hear a peep out of Hinkson or Marshall on this spiraling crime problem in Barbados.

  26. We need to hear from the government, more from the head of the civil service.

  27. Let me say again: The DLP was incompetent, but the BLP has an agenda. It will end in tears.
    Barbados is a failed state.

  28. What is the role of CPO?

  29. David
    Isn’t freezing–neither deleting the post nor appointing anyone? How many were “frozen” previously?

  30. @enuff

    The issue for many it seems is why freeze the post, has a public statement been issued to explain the rationale. It appears the post has been largely ineffective if one consider the several issues over the years. Why not make it redundant. There is a fog and this will fuel wild speculation.

  31. Gail Atkins was the last CPO and she’s listed as a PS. Wait and see what is the plan before jumping to conclusions. I await the raison d’etre.🤔

  32. The CPO is responsible for drafting legislation coming out of policy position by government?

  33. “What is the role of CPO?”


    Am I correct in assuming you’re asking the above question to suggest the post of CPO is insignificant?

    If I’m correct, then, could you “shed some light” on the reasons why the post has suddenly become insignificant?

    As it relates to: “The post of Chief Personnel Officer will be frozen in due course,” as indicated in the correspondence, has this arrogant BLP administration issued any statement to explain the rationale behind their intension to freeze the post “in due course?”

    However, I prefer to have an explanation of the term “FROZEN,” used in this particular context, before forming any premature, unsubstantiated conclusions.

  34. David
    Fog only because that fits a narrative..”Mugabe”, “end in tears” etc, etc. Ask them what is the alternative plan, impact etc that supports their position? #butiamayardfowl

  35. Artax
    How I would know?🤣🤣

  36. Enuff

    You is a man dat duz know nuff t’ings.

  37. Artax
    Through listening, researching/reading not via insider info.

  38. @enuff

    The inquiry about the rationale for freezing the CPO’s position is a justified and sincere one. Misinterpreted the CPO as Chief parliamentary office. Apologies!

  39. Can a Bank sell its mortgages to a third party?

  40. David

    This matter needs to be fully ventilated by this govt as to why this position is being frozen.

    Every thing seems to be doing in a dead of night type of way.

    Selma Husbands was just snuck into the Civil Service through the back door it seems.

    I wonder if the CPO objected for any reason to Selma’s appointment and now this is the end result. Pure speculation on my part but the whole thing just seems strange to me.

    The last Chief Personnel Officer – Gail Atkins last public issue was I think,the matter of Akanni Mcdowell and him being reverted – kicking and screaming – back to his substantive position.

    In a time where there is no official Opposition party and a sizeable number of elected Opposition MPs – this GOVT MUST BE MORE TRANSPARENT IN ITS ACTION.


    But this is the government who has been given top marks for Communicating with the Public. ha ha


  41. “Tanks” for nothing, donated tanks a bust. The “vandalism” echoed by the BWA is just another excuse (lie) foisted on a gullible public eager to believe that someone is trying to make the Gov’t look bad. Well the BWA is doing the job all by its lonesome, instead of investigating why the tanks became so many water balloons they fall back on the old standby “vandalism”.

    Meet the new BWA executive same as the old


  42. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I haven’t personally seen any, but if you look at the second photo [Pot House…great name for Hants Cannabis operation] in a prior BT article…https://barbadostoday.bb/2019/01/08/busted-tanks/
    It would certainly appear the busted tank has been been busted by external forces vs a collapse of the tank materials. And neither of these tanks is anywhere near 1000 gallons in size. I would be careful dismissing any type of human induced failure just yet.

  43. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Can a Bank sell its mortgages to a third party”
    yes. It is done all the time.
    Credit Card companies also sell their A/R, as do telecommunication firms etc etc.

  44. Pretty soon the entire country would impolde in similar manner as the useless water tanks donated by corporate Barbados
    Just a reminder that this govt gave corporate barbados a huge tax cut as a method of helping resturcture barbados economy
    The action of donating to help in time of crisis speaks volume and a flawed sign of their real character towards goodwill to barbados and barbadians in the coming years

  45. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Just a reminder that this govt gave corporate barbados a huge tax cut”
    why you like to spread LIES?
    They have NOT given one shit yet, just talk, brought on by pressure from an external body, the OECD. And the deal with the OECD, was apparently negotiated under the last administration. (your boys and girls), to get the OECD grey-listing off our a**.
    Based on filings from public firms, the tax rate paid in Barbados in 2018 was just a shade under 30%, up from 25%.
    Or do you consider abolishing the NSRL a ‘huge tax cut’?

  46. We are hoping this government steps up to do what the previous one failed miserably to do.

  47. This govt needs to admit that using past govt as a whipping poster child not to.pay Innotech has blew up in their face
    Now with the failure of the water ballons which were donated by corporate barbados as a gift to the water stricken areas
    This failure shows a govt that does not have a prepared and sustainable plan at hand to help barbadians in time of crisis
    Needless to say that Innotech was the only choice best and reliable to service the water stricken areas reason why past govt used them
    It would be interesting to know if this govt was able to renegotiate the agreement between past govt and Innotech which they said was unfair to the people of barbados
    However given the turn of events in the past days with the explosion of the water balloons Innotech can sit calmly and see what options govt have on hand to quickly replaced the expolded water tanks
    Needless to say Nothing
    This govt dependence on smoke and mirror policies is slowly blowing up in their faces

  48. NO
    Are you saying that Mia loud promise to corporate barbados would be one as many given resulting in Nothing
    Well again it will show a govt not true to any thing principle ..ethical or moral
    But a govt whose failure would be remebered as those built on a system of immoral bankruptcy

  49. NorthernObserver Avatar

    All I told you is that YOU LIED.
    “this govt gave corporate barbados a huge tax cut”
    GAVE is past tense, you didn’t say “promised to give” or “has said they will give”, you wrote GAVE. The truth is, they haven’t given anything yet.
    This is what one corporate annual report noted…”Subsequent to the year end (2018), the Government of Barbados announced a change in the tax rates from 30% to a sliding scale of 5.5% to 1% effective from fiscal year commencing 1 January 2019.”

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