The following was posted to the Unionists BEWARE! blog on the 8the December 2018.

Caswell Franklyn
A prison officer was caught stealing diesel from the prison. He is now suspended pending his own trial and now he is one of the persons accusing Browne of maliciously endeavouring him away from his duty. Another is a female prison officer who married a former inmate. Her case is pending for years. It is a dismissible offence for a prison officer to associate with former prisoners.

At present, I do not know what the prison authorities have holding over the heads of the other two but I am certain that they did not report this matter of their own free will.

Browne is charged for allegedly inciting prison officers away from their duty. But why is no one being charged for impregnating a Jamaican prisoner. I suppose that the woman, now safely back in Jamaica, would keep quiet while the blackmail money continues to flow.

Wade Gibbons
Wade Gibbons Caswell Franklyn I remember the prison officer ‘lady’ very well….covered that situation years ago when she got impregnated by an inmate, married him on his release from jail, all contrary to the Prison Act, and still kept her job. She is not a credible witness and if the others are cut from the same cloth Browne has nothing to worry about. Apart from being Judases, this must be their way of currying favour from the authorities to remain in the system. And then Bajans have to be subjected to people in suits sitting down around a table in parliament [remove yourself from that bogus gathering, CF] on some select committee talking cnut about corruption in Barbados. Lilliput is alive and well!

Although the blogmaster is pleased to read of Trevor Browne release from prison on $1,000.00 bail the circumstances surrounding his incarceration remains a concern. His matter was adjourned until 18 February. Something smells rotten in Denmark. This is a brief comment is to remind all parties- including the DPP and AG- that Barbados is a nation of laws!

Related blog:

Prison Officers Leave CTUSAB

104 responses to “Follow the Witnesses Trevor Browne!”

  1. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower




  2. “Something smells rotten in Denmark. …… Barbados is a nation of laws!”

    It stinks, and NO, Barbados is no longer a nation of laws, it is a nation of corruption, where dog eats dog, and the taxpayer is simply a milch cow to pay for the dog chow, Truly failed state status.


  3. It’s REPULSIVE …everywhere you turn it is the same topic..the nasty corruption…the nastier corrupt CURRENT and FORMER GOVERNMENT MINISTERS…..the even NASTIER thieving lawyers…that is all you hear on EVERYONE’S they black, white, locals or visitors…and this information has spread AROUND THE WORLD..

    The useless DPP and Commissioner of police whom NO ONE HAS ANY CONTROL OVER…and who do not do their jobs adequately to PROTECT THE MAJORITY POPULATION…

    ..and just imagine…the current AG accused of thefts of ESTATES from the elderly…who is in control of the police…CANNOT CONTROL THE POLICE…because the commissioner was appointed as a DLP yardfowl…under the previous corrupt government..

    …..these corrupt governments can only control ..THE YARDFOWLS THAT THEY APPOINT…

  4. @45……they obviously are quite OBLIVIOUS to how FAR and WIDE their corruption and stealing from the majority population has spread..NO ONE wants anything to do with any of them…no one…I was surprised that so many in different countries KNOW what they have done to the people on the island…AND ARE ALL TALKING ABOUT IT.

    They have NO SHAME..but a lot of NERVE to still be jumping out talking SHITE…when the people both on and off island are so VERY REPULSED by EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM…..

  5. WARU, The Barbados Establishment is beyond contempt. I have said before, and I say again, they need to have fear put into them, not just of incarceration, but fear for their very skins. I remain amazed that none of the dispossessed have taken the law into their own hands, since the law is irredeemably corrupt.

  6. @45…unfortunately the average Bajan does not have that FIRE…and OUTRAGE …that CAN BURN DOWN the thieving lawyers and corrupt government ministers….they were SOCIALIZED TO SUFFER IN SILENCE…and passed that OPPRESSIVE PRACTICE AND ACCEPTANCE ON TO EACH AND EVERY GENERATION FOR THE LAST 60 YEARS..

    ..from coast to coast it has to be explained to those who are amazed and WONDERING…AND ARE VERY, VERY CONCERNED AND ASKING why don’t the people RISE UP…against these dirty, stinking PIGS OF PARLIAMENT …and the SNAKES in the bar association…

    Macron just pissed off the FRENCH PEOPLE…and they nearly took his goddamn head off…

    see the difference…the scum in parliament feed the gullible bullshit and get clean away with their crimes against the people and country…but they will miscalculate..and soon..

  7. &Lexicon and 45govt

    Both of you will be gone if you continue to disrespect the blog when we attempt to discuss serious matters.

  8. I hope you are right WARU, it seems Little England has inherited the subservience of Old England. It will be down to the victims, the sheeple are as if drugged, and have no interest in their fate.

  9. David, I see even-handedness is not in your makeup. Look again and find the offender. Your bias is clear.

  10. “the sheeple are as if drugged, and have no interest in their fate.”

    Truer words have never been spoken..that is exactly the PROBLEM..the brainwashed, mentally enslaved population are WILLING participants in their OWN DEMISE.

    We have been trying to WAKE THEM UP…..but not enough of them have AWOKEN and not fast OR COMPLETELY enough.

  11. WARU you are spot on. I have been saying for years bajan are too passive and complacent when it comes to taking action. All they do is complain. They are satisfied with the statis quo even when it affects them negatively. SMH.

  12. WARU you are spot on. I have been saying for years bajans are too passive and complacent when it comes to taking action. All they do is complain. They are satisfied with the status quo even when it affects them negatively. SMH.

  13. They better move their asses Jean..their VERY EXISTENCE and WELLBEING and those of their current and future generations DEPENDS on it NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE….

    …they better START SHARING INFORMATION with each other…and see the SKUNKS in parliament for what they really are…ENEMIES OF BLACK PEOPLE..and TREAT THEM like the enemies of the people that they are…or there will be more REGRETS…

  14. The people are not willing to make the sacrifices that come with taking action. They do not have the heart for the real fight against the real enemies of the people.. They prefer to fight each other for leftover scratch grain.

  15. @ Donna
    The people are not willing to make the sacrifices that come with taking action.
    This is not a true statement Donna.
    People are ALWAYS willing and ready to make sacrifices when needed to make things right (righteous)
    THAT is the definition of ‘people’ / ‘Human beings’.

    The PROBLEM is that we are mostly not dealing with ‘people’ here … but with certified brass bowls.
    Brass bowls accept anything ..from anyone … be it – water, piss, jobby, garbage, kicks….ANYTHING.

    We are talking about BBBBs that accept water outages; going back to stand pipes; jobby running in their streets,;garbage all over the place; …and plenty other kicks and sticks in the form of taxes and more taxes….

    What ‘people’ what??!!
    We need to identify some REAL people (along with Caswell) …and THEN we can possibly see some action….

    Presumably that is the task that Piece has undertaken for himself….

  16. William Skinner Avatar

    We would do well to direct our anger where it really matters. Apparently the poor people who have always been sacrificed on the altar of the national good, must now carry the fight while others just enjoy the sweets.
    In 1937 it was the poor who ushered in a new period of workers rights thereby paving the way for adult suffrage and then independence.
    Th same people since then have exercised their right to change governments and suffered being deceived time and time again.
    Just the other day hundreds became jobless and are now being promised there will be joy in the morning .
    Why don’t we spend more time going after those who are raping this country in concert with the decadent duopoly.
    I have asked the question :What is it we want the people to do. Do we really think that a person who woke up without a job ,while every day he sees jobs being created for the privileged few, is going to just go and protest or picket the supermarkets that licking dem up with prices ?
    The people are doing what they have always being forced to do : survive.

  17. William..and the people SITTING DOING NOTHING…is helping get rid of the stinking duopoly so well..


    it IS the PEOPLE WHO will have to get RID of the CORRUPT, LYING, DECEITFUL BLP.

    EXACTLY who do you think Is going to ride INTO Barbados to SAVE them…the people THEY HAVE TO SAVE THEMSELVES…

    and stop all the god and jesus bullshit…cause neither of the two will turn up on the island AT ANY TIME to help or to save the majority black population….

  18. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    Somehow I felt (not thought) that we all would behave better in 2019.

    What a simpleton I am.

    We humans are still apex predators.

    We prey on everything from lettuce and mushrooms, to each other.

    Let me tell ya, we speak of a good God, but way too many of his children…


  19. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    Lemme go get my medicine, because i see it as my duty to outlive all of the current political/business class.

  20. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WARU
    The people are not sitting doing nothing. They are venting their feelings everyday and have been now doing so for about thirty or more years.
    The people have been betrayed all the time and this betrayal continues.
    Within the duopoly there is no enlightened leadership. And unfortunately those seeking to replace them are presenting similar approaches.
    Look around you: the poor people are trying all types of ventures to become financially independent but there is no breathing place.
    We don’t want to address in any serious matter: race ,politics, land reform ,economic enfranchisement or even the reform of the education system.
    How can a people be inspired if there is no progressive leadership?

  21. SSS, they breed if unchecked, you cannot outlast them, you have to emasculate them or terminate them with extreme prejudice. Fear is the key, and they have none.
    The Jews learned this lesson the hard way, and they made Eichmann and others learn it too. Sadly, there appears no other way, and the outcome of the last election just confirms it. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

  22. WS – venting their feelings? That’s worked out well hasn’t it?
    A little more may be needed after 30 years of nothing I reckon.

  23. William Skinner Avatar

    @ 45 govt
    At the end of the day it may take a prolonged,militant activism. In such a scenario violence and social dislocation, cannot be ruled out.
    A question: Is this the answer?

  24. Bushie

    Absolutely right!

    This ‘de people’ talk has always been overrated, far too delayed and highly ineffectual.

    The time has long past when the ‘voice of the people was that of god’.

    Let’s examine how Bajans have jumped from B to D to B to D and B again. Only rassssoul brassbowls operate so.

    Any sentient beings would know by now that there are no differences between Ds and Bs and would have already seized their power, by any means necessary. Even Barrow admitted that!

    Not only are you right about ‘the people’ but the elites can reasonably depend on the only response the people know – waiting for five years to pretend that they are important.

    But sometimes – the Haitian Revolution, the French Revolution, the Glorious Revolution (1688) were historically important and exceptional moments – deviations from the norm. Unfortunately, only moments in time!

  25. @Pacha

    Labour to Conservatives

    Democrats to Republicans

    Will not include the coalition efforts in Israel, Germany and else.

    What is your point?

  26. Under the formal slave system there was more activity for justice than under this new formation of the same old system..

  27. David

    Its global in character. Just like the slave system was global.

    Our point is that we need a genuine revolution everywhere!

    That current notions of freedom, justice, peace, equity, equality only serve to keep systems of domination in place.

  28. WS – yes, we need to be more French. Social cohesion has already been destroyed by innate corruption, and Barbados has been turned into a third world country by its own servants. What do you suggest to put a stop to their depredations?

  29. Thanks for the clarification. There is the view that people must become more activist by infiltrating existing systems to force the change we want to see.

  30. William Skinner Avatar

    @ 45govt
    I really see no progressive hope under BLPDLP.
    For a seismic shift the educational system has to be radically and urgently reformed. And this seems not to be of any concern to the ruling class.

  31. David

    No! That advice was always misguided.

    Does the history not prove this?

    Those like Obama and others who so argue only aim to maintain the status quo. They are pimping the ones following their call.

    It’s a trick!

    The whole shebang needs bringing down. with a divine ruthlessness!

  32. “For a seismic shift the educational system has to be radically and urgently reformed. And this seems not to be of any concern to the ruling class.”

    It is not in their best interest…miseducating the masses gains them multiple offshore accounts with stolen millions and stolen property….and nuff, nuff bribes and kickbacks..

    do you see them stealing from people like myself without being lassoed…drawn and quartered…

  33. Mr. Skinner that is the crux of the problem. In this day and age you have to be more than Surviving. Do not underestimate people who turn they angst into activism. Just because someone is unemployed doesn’t mean they can’t participate in meaningful actions that will benefit them.

  34. “Our point is that we need a genuine revolution everywhere!”

    and THE SOONER THE BETTER the BRITS have completed their nasty planning against Caribbean people and ARE READY TO IMPLEMENT.

    Do not look for any help FROM those TIEFING, SELLOUT SKUNKS IN PARLIAMENT.

  35. “Under the formal slave system there was more activity for justice than under this new formation of the same old system..”

    Black people got lazy, too comfortable…bought into the consumerISM and capitalISM scams…CREATED JUST FOR THEM…..worshipping ISM and SKISM… that Marley, Tosh etc WARNED THEM ABOUT…

    THEY CONTINUE TO LOOK. at their ABUSERS as their SAVIORS…but this time, that distraction and misdirection will kill them all.

  36. @ WARU
    The people are not sitting doing nothing. They are venting their feelings everyday and have been now doing so for about thirty or more years.”

    venting feelings peacefully while appointing and electing THIEVES AND CROOKS to the parliament over and over to the parliament …has NOT HELPED THEM IN THE LAST 30 YEARS has it..

    they most get out of that comfort zone of SHEEPLE STATUS…

  37. Thy better get RID of Mia and all heR lowlife ministers…as soon as possible,…they do not have another 30 years to moan, bitch and complain…without action.

  38. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Jean
    I have never said they should not protest. I simply asked why are we always looking to those who are downtrodden to be out there protesting for the others to reap the sweets.
    We are getting no help from those whom we have educated to the highest levels because they are defending the status quo.
    The trade unions seem to have lost their teeth.
    This whole idea of the people needs a full debate. We know who are downtrodden.
    Is the burden going to be put on them again?

  39. David

    We should also have stated that any attempt at real revolution is always associated with a counter-revolution.

    And the counter-revolution almost always wins.

    The Russian Revolution (circa 1917) too had to fight off a counter. A counter-revolution which was militarily supported by the then Great Britain and others. Iran is another example of a successful revolution against both foreign forces and internal counter-revolutionary actors. And they are others as well.

    In American, in France, in Britain and most other places it is the counter-revolutionary or reactionary forces who generally win. If not immediately, by other means.

  40. “Is the burden going to be put on them again?”

    they are the ones who are going to be repeatedly and consistently VICTIMIZED BY THEIR OWN BLACK GOVERNMENTS…without fail..

    who do you think ROSE UP IN REBELLION FOR THE SLAVES…they had to do it themselves..

    …time will be better spent mobilizing the vulnerable in Barbados…to send the government a message…that NO MORE of the evil shit that they PRACTICE against black people like themselves for self enrichment of the scum in government and in the bar association …will be tolerated…


  41. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 9 : 42 AM

    I think that unethical and immoral people will always be with us. It is incumbent on those, who are guided by a moral compass, to ensure that those,who share their values, are elected to the positions of power and influence.

    Basically ,there is nothing wrong with the system .The problem is with the persons who we select to manage the system. We should take responsibility for this and stop the bitching.

  42. @Vincent

    We operate today in a culture of cultural relativism. Do you agree?

  43. “Thanks for the clarification. There is the view that people must become more activist by infiltrating existing systems to force the change we want to see.”


    I mentioned recently the difference between change and disruption. Instead I should replace change with innovation. Many contributors are not looking for innovation and improvement to current systems they want disruption.

    Are you speaking about disruption or innovation?

    What does the average Barbadian want to see. My guess is innovation, not the disruption so many here pontificate about as the only solution.

    Disruption cannot be controlled or managed, and positive results are not guaranteed.

    @Vincent I agree.

  44. Mr. Skinner

    The world is little more than a concrete jungle as Brother Bob opined. Why would one expect anyone other than the downtrodden to bear the burden of a revolution that benefits them??????

    It is not common for a person of the “privileged” class or who has a ladder to the “privileged” class to see the long term benefits to himself of an equitable system. The few that do would still need the backing of the downtrodden masses to effect a revolution.

    Poor blind fools these ‘rulers’ are! I pity them. They think they have possessions but actually they are possessed. Never satisfied. Always seeking more. No rest for the wicked!

  45. Disruption WORKED OUT damn fine for those who were physically enslaved…it will work out even better for those who have been mentally enslaved and brainwashed for the past 60 years…IF THEY WILL JUST WAKE THE HELL UP.

  46. @ WS @9.49 – the ruling class are unconcerned simply because they ARE the ruling class. Turkeys never vote for Christmas, and with the First Past The Post system inherited from the UK, you will see these political sewer rats clamouring for a change when in opposition, only to fall silent when the system delivers them the ONLY thing they care about, POWER.
    They then assume the couldn’t care less attitude of their predecessors. (And award knighthoods to their scurrilous old fathers)

  47. Look not to the beneficiaries of corruption to stamp it out. Why would they? Again, laws are enforced by fear of consequences for transgressions. The bastards are not in fear. YET.

  48. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Donna
    Then we have to deal with the question of leadership. I take most of your points but what is coming through is that the post independence Caribbean leadership has failed.
    The system was destined to fail because its roots were in corruption and the exploitation of one race to the benefit of all others.

  49. Oh, come on William. Is that the reason that every African country has failed, while Singapore sets new records every year? Or the reason that an utterly shattered Germany has reached the heights it has in only 70 years?
    That is known as professional victimhood and leads nowhere. How long before you consider that card no longer playable?

  50. @WARU

    Ok so you are “WOKE” as the americans say.
    What is it that you see that is in need of disruption that I can’t.

    I posit that anything you say requires disrupting can be addressed more effectively and efficiently with innovation, a commitment to excellence and continual improvement. We simply need to empower the right people.

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