Submitted by Heather Cole

I do not have to close my eyes to remember Christmas Carols on the radio. However, I have a passion to hear live music being played by a band and next to the Black Fingers Band of my childhood years, my next favourite was the Royal Barbados Police Band. Christmas mornings in Queens Park would have been boring without them. To me they were the highlight, the icing on the Christmas cake.

Christmas in Barbados is an event. The preparations start sometimes before Independence Day which is on November 30th. December 1st started a mad scramble in Barbados because no matter what was to be done, it was to be done for Christmas.

Little as I was, like everyone else I had something to do in preparation for the big day. I help scrubbed the floors, we brought sand from the beach in little skillets which were as much as I could carry, and we would sprinkle it in the yard. We cleaned the furniture; wash all the porcelain dishes and glasses that we never used. They just had to be cleaned for Christmas.

Soda bottles or sweet drink bottles were washed and put in cases. We bought whole cases of these drinks, wine, ham and lots of fruits. Getting many presents were not really the big thing in my family, we were content to get that new outfit to go to Queens Park to be on parade just like everyone else.

So imagine waking up on Christmas morning and it is cold outside, the sand on the ground made it look like snow or sort of, and there is the fragrant smell of the lady-in-the night coming in from the bush by the front window and added to it all, the smell of baked ham and freshly baked bread, cake and pudding. The house is spotlessly clean, new curtains are hanging; everything looks polished and brand-new inside. Outside, the poinsettia is reigning in its glory, its red flowers putting everything else in the shade.

We woke up early to go to church, which started at 5 a.m. I can remember it used to be as if I had just closed my eyes and I would hear my mother calling me to get up. When we walked through the woods I was more asleep that awake in the crisp morning air. Sunrise would greet us in church and it was only when you got outside that you could really see what the other people were wearing. After church my cousins took us to catch the first bus to Bridgetown and from there, we walked to Queens Park.

Everyone went to the park to show off their new clothes on Christmas morning. It was the thing to do. Like everyone else, we would stroll up and down the pathways; seeing what everyone else was wearing. We bought glazed candied apples or fresh apples if we did not want the candied ones.

To top it all, was the music the band played. It set the atmosphere for that pleasant day. Rather in my mind, it was as though the music cast a spell. William Shakespeare wrote that “all the world is a stage, and all the men and women mere players: they have their exits and entrances…” he failed to mention an orchestra that directed the activities on the stage.

If he was alive in my early years and saw what I had seen through my eyes, I am sure that he would have agreed with me for I saw the orchestra Shakespeare did not see. The Royal Barbados Police Band seemed to me to be performing a symphony that heralded the part of each player that came onto the stage that was the park.

There was music for everybody. They played marches, carols, traditional songs and other popular songs. All throughout the performances of this great event, the music played. At curtain call when the music stopped, all the actors, dressed in their finest clothes bowed and disappeared.

All my Christmases were not filled with music and excitement. There is a time that stands out in my mind when my mother did not have enough to fill our lives with excitement. That year Christmas was bare of all the preparations and clearing the cobwebs in my mind, we must have wondered why she was not bringing home any packages; she did not bring home any port wine, no falernum, no ham or flour to bake sweat breads. She did not even talk about what we would wear on Christmas morning.

Through it all, I remained hopeful but by Christmas morning I was sad. That day all she prepared was a simple meal, it was all that she could afford. It was a good thing that my uncle came by as he usually did at Christmas to bring ham, sweet bread and drinks and it made us happy. However, the memory of those goodies was fleeting, lasting no longer than a snow-cone.

What I will forever remember apart from our bleak meal is the story my mother told us on that Christmas Day. It was a story that an old man had told her of the Christmas Day that he had nothing to offer to his family. Zander is what we called him, but I believe that his real name was Alexander Yarde. He was a small farmer who worked a quarter acre of land behind our house. The year in reference must have been a difficult one. I do not recall if my mother told us the circumstances but when Christmas Day arrived, Zander did not have one red cent to buy anything for his wife and family. All he had were canes in the field. He made a swing with rope and a piece of wood and hoisted it from a tree. They sucked their bellies full of sugar cane juice that day and took turns on the swing all day long. There was such laughter and happiness that it turned out to be one of the most memorable days that they had ever experienced as a family.

From that, I knew that our plight was not new; it was not desolation it was not the end of the world and like my mummy said there will be good times and bad times; ours just happened to be on that Christmas Day.

Joseph on the first Christmas Day had nothing to offer to his wife or his first-born son. If you are fortunate enough to have more than you need this Christmas, please share with those who have lost their jobs, with the single mothers and their children. Remember the shut ins, those with children far away, the homeless, the desolate, the lonely and those in need of care. Put a sparkle in a child’s eyes as my uncle did long ago when I thought that all was lost. Have a Merry Christmas!

312 responses to “Memories of Christmas”

  1. ought to read theIMF article of 2003 it gives a clear insight as to when the economic wheels started to fall off the wagon
    Alsi the necessary recommendations for govt to heed
    This nonsense about past govt cause for barbados economic decline is balderdash

  2. David
    We see Freedom Crier posted a picture of a very beautiful lady. Who would she be? Yuh can’t let Bushie see her.

    That is where the europeans got to inspire fashion during and after the middle ages

  3. @Pacha

    Bushie has his hands full.


    As a child I never went to the park on Christmas morning. Not even once. There was no bus, and even if there was a bus there was no bus fare. How can parents have bus fare when in the pre-contraceptive day my parents 7 minor children? So we did not go to the park. But we survived. All of us. Right into old age. Even though going to the park is nice. it is not necessary.

    As for buses. Poor public transportation has been Barbados’ major public policy failing in the post-1937 period.

    The policy makers, both major parties, and the minor parties too have all acted as though public transportation is not important. They have all acted as though “all families can have a little car at the door”

    There is NOT A SINGLE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD where allfamilies have a car at the door.

    And even if they did, the gridlock would likely be so bad that that is exactly where the little car would remain.

    At the door.

  5. @The Truth Shall Set You Free December 25, 20189:17 AM “…often talk about your BORING MEMORIES of WINNING a BARBADOS SCHOLARSHIP.”

    It wasn’t a Barbados scholarship. It was a Barbados Exhibition. The Barbados Scholarships went to the brightest boys and girls. The Barbados Exhibitions went to those who came 2nd.

  6. @Mariposa December 25, 2018 9:25 AM “…a govt who cared for the 10 percent while HOPING the crumbs falling off their table would be scattered amongst the 99percent [poor}.”

    Dear Mariposa: 10 +99=109, not 100.

    Just trying to be helpful.

  7. Gazzerts I was done with but in response to Artax you stated that in a nut shell everyone knows of Mariposa,s politics yet earlier,you asked ne of how she was making looking to score political points,which is it gazzerts?I told you you are rambling and should retire hurt .You spoke of lost memory but your memory seems convenient.Here you are encouraging Mariposa talking shite everyday and then claiming you are not a Dem.As they say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is a duck,pick sense from that.
    you also stated you are not talking about competence but rather incompetence,well let,s examine that on the one hand we had a Government who got 23 downgrades,had health advisories ,did not purchase one bus or garbage truck in 10 years and 90 days,oversaw the terrible road conditions,laid off between 3000 to 5000 people most without a cent,some like the Beautify workers pleading everyday for their monies and I can go on.This Government comes in decides based on conditions found,defaults on loan payments to give it fiscal space ,gets an agreement with the IMF,restores the free University tuition,gives government workers a 5% increase,cleaned up the Btown sewerage Plant ,remove the sewerage off the streets,start repaving roads like the sradium road and I can go on in 7 months.Tell me Gazzerts which one is comprtent and incompetent but you are right there is no comparisons.I know which most Bajans would prefer except the bellyaching Dems still angry after the 30 to 0.However the Dems should in my view direct their anger at the former Government.

  8. What goes up must come down. I do not speak of the Dow. Right now I am still posing Alvin Kallicharran style after the long hop I dispatched to the boundary. I would post the Dennis Lillee /Alvin Kallicharran video that’s online to revive Xmas memories of Boxing Day test matches but you are no Dennis Lillee, are you?


    P.S. Brilliant strategy by the Dump though. He sure has sewer rat survival instincts. First promise ISIS a Xmas present and THEN relieve the pressure to visit the dangerous war zone. Why would they shoot him out of the sky BEFORE he withdraws the troops? Mike Pence is a false Trumpette. They could not depend on him to follow through.

    Cadet Bone Spurs probably was still dumping in his pants all the way though. Lucky he was wearing his diapers!

  9. @lawson December 26, 2018 8:23 AM “…my little christmas gift to you women who say they cant find a man. go to the casino on christmas eve , you have never seen such a lonely hearts club.If you dont mind a man a little rough around the edges,with relatively poor hygene with the brains of a small dog.”


    No thanks.

  10. The problem is never that you cannot find a man. It is that you cannot find a worthy man.

  11. Too many brass bowls!

  12. What puts you off. ….the rough around the edges part lol

  13. @Donna

    Bone spurs? What “Bone Spurs”? “Bone Spurs” was just Fred Trump calling in a Doctor’s favour but it is better that a “hang nail”.

    Today’s NYT

  14. @David December 26, 2018 10:48 AM “Time is a dwindling commodity.”

    No David. Time is not a dwindling commodity.

    Time has no beginning.

    Therefore time has no end.

    Time is infinite.

    For most of us however time is ’bout 70+ years, or a bit less since we can’t seem to leave the alcohol, cigarettes, high fat and high sugar foods alone.

  15. What goes up must come down. I do not speak of the Dow. Right now I am still posing Alvin Kallicharran style after the long hop I dispatched to the boundary.


    If you had played cricket you would know that it is often the long hop that takes the wicket … but you would only know that if you had set up a batsman!!

    Sometimes a full toss will do the trick too!!

    But the most satisfying ball to bowl however is the slower ball.

    It is often the best batsmen who fall for a slight of hand although it will work wonders on any!!

    If you can’t read the DOW chart you can’t read the chart.

    Understanding long term and short term trends often helps you make a killing!!

  16. @Hants December 26, 2018 2:13 PM “Did Santa visit wunna?”


    But auntie mia “gave” me a raise of $6.84 per week on my NIS pension.

  17. Looks like the DOW gained more than 1,000 points today … largest single day gain in history …. as in ever!!

  18. Trump effect.

    Maybe he should shut down Government more regularly!!

  19. I have always thought of the 70 years not so much in terms of physical death but in testosteroneless life.Some meet that condition earlier but to a heterosexual man it devalues life owing the loss of that mysterious connectivity between the two B’s….brain and balls.

  20. Not so mysterious…it’s called a spine ..a lot of people seem to lose theirs with age…..gray power get on board

  21. Gabriel

    No need to worry because the doctor can prescribe Viagra or a testosterone shot these days …

    it is funny how you’re
    on the topic of testosterone because a lot of people do not even know the difference between stallion and a gelding … one has balls and the other does not … and you are quite right about the connectivity between the brain and the balls … I saw it as a kid when the resident vet castated the stallions for the mounted branch … and you would be amaze to see how the level of aggression subsized with the removal of the testes/ balls …

  22. re SimpleSimon December 26, 2018 4:04 PM

    @The Truth Shall Set You Free December 25, 20189:17 AM “…often talk about your BORING MEMORIES of WINNING a BARBADOS SCHOLARSHIP.”

    It wasn’t a Barbados scholarship. It was a Barbados Exhibition. The Barbados Scholarships went to the brightest boys and girls. The Barbados Exhibitions went to those who came 2nd.







  24. The government gine mek nuff pon BU shame over the next 12 months.

  25. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Theophillus

    De ole man sees you are holding the fort very nicely against those ammmm fellers dat de ole man will not mention their names again.

    It is going to be extremely hard for them to deal with the influx of people like you who WILL INCREASE and never talk about DLP performance NOT ONLY BECAUSE THE DLP IS NOT IN POWER but because of the increasing awareness that both parties are the same.

    And this is what has them very vexed.

    The increasing discerning audience WHO DO NOT GENUFLECT TO THEM during meetings

    You have to excuse the second one her remonstrations.

    She has “skin in the game” and thinks herself quite the strategist

    She HAS TO COME HERE TO BU, it is her job and people like you are to be squashed.

    But why Theophillus why you?

    She does not concern herself with Mariposa nor T Inniss since their allegiances are known.

    But people like you, and William Skinner and Richard Goren.

    You are feared NOT BECAUSE YOU COMMENT ABOUT DE OLE MAN’S STOOPID CARTOONS, but because of the timbre of your submissions.

    Note carefully that they DO NOT ENGAGE WITH DR. GP

    He calls her Mugabe Mao Muttley but NOT ONE OF THEM ENGSGES WITH HIM, NEVERRRRR!

    And why is that?



    So he is given wide birth.

    Why are they attracted to you though?

    Because of the increasing frequency of your remarks

    You dont say much Theophillus Gazerts but when you and Northern Observer speak about the financial idiocy ALL DE EFFERS COME RUNNING.

    AND now you have added an increasing commentary of disdain for the Mugabe regime.

    You have become a target.

    DO HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY CHRISTMAS MUGABE STYLE, it is the last of its type.

  26. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here thank you kindly

  27. Lawson
    December 26, 2018 6:25 PM

    Not so mysterious…it’s called a spine ..a lot of people seem to lose theirs with age…..gray power get on board


    What people often get with age is wisdom.

    Sometimes spine isn’t necessary … just the ability to out think your opponent!!

    If you got wisdom as you aged you will know when spine is needed and operate with minimal effort!!

  28. John

    What people often get with age is wisdom … true … but they also get decrepitude…

  29. I think Trump is now firmly in the driver’s seat and people realise it.

    Nancy and Chuck, have been completely out thought.

    They are his rabbits now!!

    When he gets back from Iraq, he will be even more firmly in control and respected!!

    The DOW I believe will continue climbing.

    My bet is the Democrats won’t have much choice other than working together with the Republicans!!

    I don’t think the Democrats are going to pursue the myriad investigations they may have planned.

    Public opinion!!

    People have never seen anything like Trump and are intrigued!!

  30. A man who views the world at 50 as he did at 20, has wasted 30 years of his life. Muhammad Ali

    And let that be a warning to some here … because we have a few on this very blog …

  31. The govt already made it self shame when making promises which govt did not keep
    All which has turned out to be Lies

  32. John

    I sorry I have to say this, but I hope Trump go to sleep tonight and wake up a corpse tomorrow morning … I am sick of the both of you and I am not trying to be disrespectful, but if I am … I beg your pardon …

  33. Lexicon
    December 26, 2018 8:48 PM

    What people often get with age is wisdom … true … but they also get decrepitude…


    Pelosi is 78 and Schumer 68!!

  34. Trump didn’t tweet, market rose! cause and effect? Probably

    Mnuchin didn’t send out any statements about bank liquidity from Cabo San Lucas Mexico where he is holidaying, (his statement mystified the Banks they didn’t know that there was concern about their liquidity) but he may have been confused about the Mexican Banks liquidity since they were going to pay for the wall.

    Did I say the wheels were coming off?

  35. Trump is 70 and twice as smart as the two of them combined

    It isn’t a fair fight!!

  36. John – Still on course to be the worse December since 1931. lol

  37. John

    Keep on believing that …good night …

  38. @Georgie Porgie December 26, 2018 8:31 PM “SIMPLE SIMON. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME OR WHAT I WON


    You know how many times I have looked at the scholarship/exhibition boards at Harrison College? Lolll

    If I told you the honours which my family has achieved you would think that I was showing off.

    And tobesides I don’t like to show off.

    Tomorrow self I will ask my lawyer to go after you for the child money for the illegitimate children which I have had by you and which you have never supported.

  39. You know very well that it was only a li’l exhibition. i don’t know why anybody should believe otherwise.

  40. @Simple Simon

    You understand the context of the time statement? It was made in the context of the shelf-life of a human being. Keep up Simple!


    RE Tomorrow self I will ask my lawyer to go after you for the child money for the illegitimate children which I have had by you and which you have never supported.


    RE You know how many times I have looked at the scholarship/exhibition boards at Harrison College?


  42. Lexicon
    December 26, 2018 9:08 PM

    Keep on believing that …good night …


    Observable fact … no belief necessary!!

  43. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Lexion…. Don’t be a Jenny ass with ur nonsensical remark re “I sorry I have to say this, but I hope Trump go to sleep tonight and wake up a corpse tomorrow morning … I am sick of the both …”

    That’s despicable and ridiculous … How would that benefit you or people in general to wish death to anyone.

    The man is a political phenomenon and the other pols have to up their game to beat him …

    Do u play life by tucking ur tail between ur legs and whining about death to ur opponents…


  44. Enuff

    The Dow in December 1931 was more than 100 times as bad as it is in December 2018!!!

    Trump wasn’t even born back then!!

    See for yourself ….. if you are able to move the cursor on the attached chart!!

  45. de pedantic Dribbler
    December 26, 2018 10:05 PM

    @Lexion…. Don’t be a Jenny ass with ur nonsensical remark re “I sorry I have to say this, but I hope Trump go to sleep tonight and wake up a corpse tomorrow morning … I am sick of the both …”
    That’s despicable and ridiculous … How would that benefit you or people in general to wish death to anyone.
    The man is a political phenomenon and the other pols have to up their game to beat him …
    Do u play life by tucking ur tail between ur legs and whining about death to ur opponents…


    It isn’t possible for a corpse to wake up ……… or is it?

  46. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Theo Gazerts

    De ole man sees you are holding the fort very nicely against those ammmm fellers dat de ole man will not mention their names again.

    It is going to be extremely hard for them to deal with the influx of people like you who WILL INCREASE and never talk about DLP performance NOT ONLY BECAUSE THE DLP IS NOT IN POWER but because of the increasing awareness that both parties are the same.

    And this is what has them very vexed.

    The increasing discerning audience WHO DO NOT GENUFLECT TO THEM during meetings

    You have to excuse the second one her remonstrations.

    She has “skin in the game” and thinks herself quite the strategist

    She HAS TO COME HERE TO BU, it is her job and people like you are to be squashed.

    But why Theophillus why you?

    She does not concern herself with Mariposa nor T Inniss since their allegiances are known.

    But people like you, and William Skinner and Richard Goren.

    You are feared NOT BECAUSE YOU COMMENT ABOUT DE OLE MAN’S STOOPID CARTOONS, but because of the timbre of your submissions.

    Note carefully that they DO NOT ENGAGE WITH DR. GP

    He calls her Mugabe Mao Muttley but NOT ONE OF THEM ENGSGES WITH HIM, NEVERRRRR!

    And why is that?



    So he is given wide birth.

    Why are they attracted to you though?

    Because of the increasing frequency of your remarks

    You dont say much Theophillus Gazerts but when you and Northern Observer speak about the financial idiocy ALL DE EFFERS COME RUNNING.

    AND now you have added an increasing commentary of disdain for the Mugabe regime.

    You have become a target.

    DO HAVE YOURSELF A MERRY CHRISTMAS MUGABE STYLE, it is the last of its type.

  47. Of course tt is and when it happens it is called a duppy. if you go to any cemetery right about now you will see what I mean.

    You can give us the results of your excursion tomorrow.

  48. Lexicon ON December 26, 2018 AT 9:01 PM SAID

    I hope Trump go to sleep tonight and wake up a corpse tomorrow morning …




  49. SimpleSimon
    December 26, 2018 10:22 PM

    Of course tt is and when it happens it is called a duppy. if you go to any cemetery right about now you will see what I mean.
    You can give us the results of your excursion tomorrow.


    Most people in Barbados live inside a cemetery!!

    I do!!

  50. The Hilton Hotel is built in the middle of a graveyard.

    Sandals in Maxwell Coast Road is built in a cemetery.

    Villages at Coverly too!!

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