The six month old Mottley government cannot be accused of NOT making decisions. In the relatively short time since winning the government several initiatives have been promised with few started. There are private sector projects coming online- a few that have been in the pipeline before the Mottley government took up residence in Government House.

The most recent announcement by the government issued amidst the noise of the Christmas season is the plan to litter the coastline between Hastings and Paradise Beach with about twelve hotels with four receiving upgrades. What piqued the interest of the blogmaster was that areas in St. Lucy, Christ Church and St. Phillip will be identified for tourism related projects. The blogmaster suspects deals have already been cut in smoke-filled back rooms and what is left is the PR piece.

The question Barbadians must ask- are we happy continuing to pump millions in the tourism model? The way business is done in this sector requires generous concessions to be offered AND analysts agree there is significant foreign exchange leakage associated with the segment. The blogmaster is not suggesting we should neglect a sector all admit that is paying the bills. What we want to see is a different kind of investment to grow a more resilient economy.

During the Arthur administration BU posted concerns about the extent the coastline was being carved up to serve tourism development. One expects flyovers will enter the discussion at some point. Our opposition then and still relevant is that Barbados will lose its shine as a SID if we continue to morph into a concrete jungle. We are already seeing unusual changes with our coastline to suggest decisions taken are not in harmony with the environment. We struggle with implementing a waste management and efficient water system. Is it conceivable that we should be looking to ease our hand from the tourism investment mouth?

Regional governments and by extension the citizenry have demonstrated in the last twenty years a lack of innovation and creativity in the problem solving business.


You requested to have this matter posted. Expecting you to lead the discussion!





466 responses to “Carving a Hotel Corridor”

  1. You already noted the airlift can be adjusted somewhat quickly. I can never object to a plan.

  2. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Airlift can catch up to visitor demand quickly, but that is the only thing it responds to. Airlift pays no attention to accommodation availability because accommodation availability does not buy jet fuel. The only thing that buys jet fuel is visitor bums in aircraft seats. We need visitor demand first, which means we need events and attractions that visitors want to spend money on.

  3. It is a chicken and egg game? Somewhere along the logic chain, somebody has to take a risk.
    If life were as logical and predictable as we sometimes think, we would all be rich.

    I’ll still tell you, as crazy as it might sound, if you could get health care coverage at a reasonable cost, and well reviewed facilities, if would open the flood gates. Plus the locals would benefit too. The young set don’t care, but the older group does, and we currently have the wealthiest retiring generation NA has ever seen. Have you ever seen a tourism ad stating ‘great healthcare and its yours for $x/day’. That is a public investment we could all buy into?

  4. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    The only rational place to take the risk first is with visitor demand, because airlift capacity and accommodation investment flow from that source.

    Medical tourism does not sound crazy at all because it is already a ‘thing’ in many places around the world. It would be a very good fit with the Ross University School of Medicine which starts operations here in a few days. That idea is the sort of innovation we need.

  5. “Millions of direct foreign investment and thousands of jobs for poor black people lost because of pure spite.”

    How do you know the Barbadian Hyatt investors and the St. Lucian Hyatt investors are the same?

    These types of hotels operate similarly to a franchise, where investors build hotels and operate them according to the specifications of the brand. For example, an arrangement similar to KFC.

    You should find out what arrangements were made before mouthing off about sabotage.

  6. This place is filled with petty,idle individuals who seem to get an orgasm trying to- one up each other.

    Artax @ 7:46 p.m.

    The only reason I will return to your post is to let the record show that you are an unrepentant,nasty lying BLP stool pigeon.

    First of all I would suggest that you check the words ‘bollards’ before you go trying to correct someone who obviously tries their utmost to be as accurate as is possible.

    For ease of reference I will give you the dictionary definition:

    Bollard – short thick post used to prevent the passage of motor vehicles.

    These short thick concrete posts were placed by an ex-pat outside his house on the Sandy Lane main road – on the edge of the public pavement, to prevent local residents from parking their cars there on the pavement and going to the beach through the track nearby.

    You Artax with your lying yardfowl self jumped into a discussion and a side remark I made about the BLP and the beach controversy – to tell me that I meant to say ‘boulders’ and not ‘bollards’ – Joker that you are.

    When it was pointed out that bollards was the correct word and it was in fact the word used in the newspaper article – you tried to shift the conversation to some food vendor named Sandra – and boulders they placed to block her and then to say that I tried to change my remarks to say I was talking about the house across from Sandra’s food van blah,blah blah.

    Even worse – now you have the temerity to boldly come here and say ‘you take pleasure in exposing what I write’.ha,ha ha ha – well,well,well.

    You obviously are a person who has serious ‘confidence’ issues – and you think of yourself (like a few others) more highly than you ought.

    Look gimme de female bloggers here on this site – because for the most part – at least they stick to their script – and don’t engage in dis ‘I know more than you’ crap as is your wont.

    Imagine a man spending a whole day almost every day trying to correct Mariposa’s contributions or strenuously trying unconvincingly – I may add – to pretend that you are not a BLP agent and you are so well versed in everything. Steupse.

  7. Donks Gripe

    You are spot on.

    Barbados and Barbadians would all like now – once the Hyatt had gotten off the ground as planned – been enjoying employment and some much needed foreign exchange injection.

    But when yuh want to become first female prime minister in a hurry – you don’t care if you have to burn down the house to get there.

  8. Barbados’ leaders need to take a very, very, LONG, HARD LOOK AT THEMSELVES….and STOP COLLUDING with minority white, indians and middle eastern business people to STEAL FROM the taxpayers and pensioners of the country….enabling others to THIEF from their own people …it is SHAMEFUL, CRIMINAL and deserving of VERY, VERY LONG PRISON SENTENCES.

    Every minister, senator, PS etc who commit these crimes against their own people whether it is in the Barbados Water Authority or the hotel sector should go to prison….selling out in exchange for bribes is a crime and the perpetrators in government and in the private sector should be punished severely for their crimes….WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.

    How the hell as a water authority with employees do you contract out renting and cleaning water tanks for years, paying out taxpayer’s money and never owning the tanks…,people ARE getting bribes outta that….all the crooks are benefitting and the people aren’t.

    .. And Mia is telling us they can’t find some handcuffs somewhere to put on these damn thieves.., ALL OF THEM….the DPP and police never seem to be doing their jobs adequately…, tell them about locking up some innocent person to TO PROTECT A CROOK and they all break their necks to comply…but complain to the police about the real crooks and no one lifts a finger.

    “Speaking to Barbados TODAY this morning following the replacement of one such community tank at Horse Hill, St Joseph, Worrell contended that there was no need for the contract with Innotech as the BWA never lacked the expertise nor the manpower to do the job. Worrell claimed that BWA staff had to sanitize the tanks while the contract with Innotech was still in place.

    “The staff and workers of the Barbados Water Authority were equipped and are equipped to do this exact job. For some reason the previous board determined that it had to be contracted out at a ridiculous rate, the net result of which is that we would have spent $28,000 per tank over five years and in the end we still did (sic) own the tank. There were times when the tanks were not being sanitized by the contractor and the BWA did it,” said Worrell”

  9. I am not clear, but has the Mottley government earmarked the locations of the proposed hotels in the corridor? And, while we are at it, does the bogus language of the Grantley Adams Airport being run by a concessionaire mean. Does it mean that the management of the airport will be in the hands of the concessionaire? Does it mean the airport will be sold, freehold or leasehold? Has the government already entered in to discussions with an interested party?
    We must get beyond the Mr Jong fog and discuss the details of these proposals. Afterall, after six months, Barbados is once again punching above its weight, not only in the region, but in the big, wide world.
    By the way, give the logic of this self-deception, if Barbados is punching above its weight and I am prime minister of Barbados and leader of the party that returned the nation to its glory within six months, then it follows I am punching above my weight. Plse Mr Jong, is this Chinese logic?

  10. The young people and OTHERS with the most important SKILLS are trying very hard…this is who government is supposed to FACILITATE to DRIVE and PROTECT the people and the economy for JOB CREATION locally..

    ..,..government is not supposed to be protecting MINORITY CROOKS as they have been doing since post independence.., ya supposed to protect and uplift ya bright minds, ya entrepreneurs, ya inventors and creatives.., they are the ones who DRIVE ECONOMIES and countries…not ya garden variety business thieves whose only goal is to rip off taxpayers and pensioners for millions.

    I remember when a woman started such a project and sold seedlings at the then Super Centre, I remember the ridicule and other crap she had to put up with from ignorant bajans until they saw the whites and other minorities buying up these herbs and seedlings….education is sorely needed before some bajans starve to death from their OWN IGNORANCE….that includes the ignorant leaders who still believe they can eat paper money…, and that paper is the be all and end all of life.

    “A high-tech farming project is set to kick-off early next year that could slash demand for imported vegetables by over 80 per cent.

    The Government project to be set up in the new year, comes as a private firm owned by young farmers uses technology in an agricultural project that is intend to eventually feed the entire country while withstanding the threat of natural disasters, said Agriculture Minister Indar Weir.

    Operating out of a 40-foot shipping container at Hastings, Christ Church, the directors of Ino Grow have developed a hydroponic farm, which currently produces lettuce, herbs and other leafy greens.

    The company is producing non-genetically modified organisms (non-GMO) and herbicide-free crops, which can be grown every day of the year.

    After a tour of the small facility, an excited minister for food security revealed the project had won the support of Government. Weir has invited Ino Gro directors Warren Kellman and Rishi Pajwani to be part of a similar programme, to be rolled out by Government at the beginning of the New Year.”

  11. @ T. Inniss

    Was it Mottley who filed an injunction against the construction of the Hyatt without the appropriate EIA being done or was it David Comissiong?

    Was it not the Court which agreed with him and ruled in his favour?

    Was it the decision of the COURT that prevented the construction of the Hyatt or was it Mia Mottley?

  12. Is it Maloney who has agreed to do the EIA and stated it was not asked for by the authorities? The public waits for the details about the project. A read of Afra Raymond’s recent blog identifies that a significant amount of the cost to construct and management support for these kinds of projects remains offshore.

  13. Barbados loss St.Lucia benefits
    Applause please
    Now we have the intellectual idiots agreeing with Mottley utterances in regards to building Hotels on contaminated soil
    Barbadians must think investors are foolish
    Those amongst the flock who are so quick to drink the koolaid does it at a risk of compromising the heart and soul of barbados

  14. Your are right Maripoka, the Hyatt announcement means that it prevent similar happening in Barbados OR that it will get final approval.

  15. @Mariposa,

    Is the dynamic Mottley government planning to grant planning permission for a hotel on the old dry dock? Are we going to have a hotel in Broad Street again? What about Tudor Street/Baxters Road?

  16. Hyatt Barbados is dead in the water as far as the officials of the Hyatt are concerned
    Dont even think about it
    Instead of relying on Mottley or local newspaper stories about the Hyatt and barbados
    I recommend the reliable source for such information be found on the Hyatt website
    A big corporation like Hyatt does not have time to sit around and be shuffled back and forth by small island politics and puppeteers while there cost and expense increased because of “waiting” time

  17. If Hyatt dies it will be because the authorities did not grant approval. At leat Maloney was able to get a Mercedes Sport vehicle out of the deal.

  18. At leat Maloney was able to get a Mercedes Sport vehicle out of the deal.
    Perhaps that was the only serious objective in the first place.
    These days are funny nights.

  19. That is Maloney through and through, that is literally all that he knows, take that ability to con government ministers to get what he wants as he was trained by the other 3 parasites Bizzy, Cow and Bjerkham to do…. and he will become nonfunctional, his true nature.

    Ask Skerritt about Maloney now he has gotten the full treatment….because the fools in Barbados parliament have been always too close to the situation and too greedy to see themselves and the thieves they surround themselves with.

  20. Hyatt dearh is due and in part because of intellectual holes living in barbados and political scum bags whose only interest is self the likes of Commissiong

  21. LOL
    Here is the biggest joke of all…
    The IMF

    Everyone thought that they would bring a refreshing TRANSPARENCY to the muddy political environment in Barbados by insisting on a long term PLAN, on world class, OPEN bidding for ALL contracts; the publication of all public documents related to contracts; and by insisting on strong actions against all defaulters.

    No such luck…

    We managed to somehow acquire a local, ‘BLP-sounding’, “IMF” representative who has managed to:

    continue (accelerate?) the wild borrowings
    continue the political allocation of contracts and appointments (just to the OTHER set of JA morons)
    continue to spend money wildly…. WITHOUT A COHERENT PLAN
    while he skins his ‘teet’ and tell us that we are on the ‘right track’…

    The claim that we are on the right track because we have stopped paying our debts and accumulated some foreign exchange savings is hilarious …. and Bajans actually buy the shiite…

    So you stop paying all your bills, fire the maid and gardener and put the little money you manage to keep in the bank…
    so that you can brag about your savings account…?!!??
    THAT is progress…?

    Only in Brass Bowl Land….


  22. T. Inniss

    Why you doan leff me….nuh?

    Other contributors such as Bush Tea, PUDRYR, WARU, Enuff, de Pedantic dribbler…… all call you out as “a DLP stool pigeon,” but you don’t become angry with them…….

    …….. yet…. and as I previously mentioned, whenever the name “Arax” appears on BU you see RED.

    We were having such a wonderful “discussion” about this article, until you entered….not to ADD anything of SIGNIFICANCE to the “conversation,” but to “tell” David some childish nonsense about who he calls or does not call “partisans and yard-fowls.”

    Re: “First of all I would suggest that you check the words ‘bollards’ before you go trying to correct someone who obviously tries their utmost to be as accurate as is possible. For ease of reference I will give you the dictionary definition: Bollard – short thick post used to prevent the passage of motor vehicles.”

    This was my response to you: October 29, 2018 2:44 PM: “Bollards” are steel rebar encased in concrete structures, usually round or cylindrically shaped that are meant to be permanently placed on side-walks, pathways or drive ways, and used for purposes such as security or to guide traffic to particular area.”

    If you were to travel north GOING to Speightstown, approaching Sandy Lane…. on the left hand side….there are a number of Villas and private homes…….. on the right hand side there is a bridge and an “open area” in front the trees, where people going to the beach, working at the hotel or on construction sites in the area, “traditionally” parked their cars and where Sandra sells food. And this was where the boulders were placed, preventing parking and Sandra from plying her trade. It was only after protests the boulders were removed.

    The only bollards that were placed on the side walk are the ones in front the LAST villa, before you reach Sandy Lane Hotel, which created a pathway for pedestrian traffic. AND THESE BOLLARDS ARE STILL THERE. The sidewalks on the left are TOO CLOSE to the road to FACILITATE parking of any sort, even without the bollards….. so it is a BLATANT UNTRUTH to mention cars USED to PARK there.

    And I will post a photograph of the area to EXPOSE you’re a liar.

    Re: “Even worse – now you have the temerity to boldly come here and say ‘you take pleasure in exposing what I write’.ha,ha ha ha – well,well,well.”

    This is exactly what I wrote: “I will try my hardest to speak to DLP stool pigeons who are dishonest, hypocritical liars…..and continue taking PLEASURE in EXPOSING you as such.”

    Please INDICATE to me WHERE in my above comment there is any STATEMENT or PHRASE that even comes close to…… or be JUSTIFIABLY INTERPRETED as: ‘(I) take pleasure in exposing what you write?’

    I’m sure any reasonable person will agree that there are SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES between “exposing what you write”….. and EXPOSING you as a “dishonest, hypocritical liar.”

    Fortunately for me, in this instance, you did a great job EXPOSING YOURSELF.

  23. Re: “You obviously are a person who has serious ‘confidence’ issues – and you think of yourself (like a few others) more highly than you ought.”

    My friend, any time a big man could come to a forum and tell de blogmaster:

    “Have you ever noticed that persons who are critical of this government’s behavior and their policies – or persons who point out the blatant hypocrisy and lies of Mia Mottley – are labelled by the blog owner in the worst way as only being partisan – and in cases like Mariposa – frequently the ‘Y’ word is used – yardfowl.”

    “But have you noticed that enuff, prodi – girl, lorenzo, watchman, fearplay, john2, Artax, and all the lot of them are never described as partisans – notice the soothing way he tries to reason with them. Ha,ha – thank God as the oldsters say – MY pot don’t stir at he’ – else de dog dead.”

    Interpret the above in “Bajan vernacular:”

    “Yuh see he David, he real unfair………when people like me and Mariposa criticize Mia Mottley and de guv’munt…….he duz call we DLP yardfowls……. but he doan call enuff, Prodigal, Lorenzo, watchman, fearplay, john2, Artax and dem so, partisans or yard-fowls…. he duz talk wid dem real good. But I en kay nuttun ‘bout he….. as de old people duz say, ‘my pot doan stir at he, else de dog ded.’..”

    YOU SEE HOW IGRUNT YOU IS???? A supposedly mature writing this childish nonsense? You is a man or boy?

    And, fortunately for me again, you exposed yourself as the one who has “ serious confidence issues.”

    Re: “………or strenuously trying unconvincingly – I may add – to pretend that you are not a BLP agent….”

    So???? I ent got nuh problem with you expressing your opinion. BUT……. yuh know dat a lot uh people will agree dat you are “strenuously trying unconvincingly – I may add – to pretend that you are not a DLP agent….”

    Ask anybody if yuh doubt me.

    Re: “……..and you are so well versed in everything….”

    According to your mate, I’m an appallingly ignorant, retarded liar……. so that’s another lie.

    What you need to do is mind yuh bidness, when it comes to Mariposa/ac/Angela Cox/Angela skeete/Coxable and me….it is a known fact in this forum that we attack each other…..but we don’t take it as PERSONALLY and SERIOUSLY as you want to.

    It’s clear your “serious confidence issues” are raising their heads. At least Mariposa is confident and is much more woman that the man you’ll ever be.

  24. Hyatt / Barbados a brand name that would have given. Barbados more exposure in the international world
    Expanding our tourism image as one of serious competitors
    Also giving barbados economy many chances to expand its economic portfolio
    But No !we had these political rabble rousers know (it) all gutter swipers prefering barbados to be look upon as a nation of intellectual clowns with the brains the size of a mustard seed
    Glad for ST. Lucia having the vision and sense to understand the international power of Hyatt and its worthwhile exposure for the country internationally as well as locally
    Barbadians are there own worst enemy and those from the outside looking in can see that type pervasive suicidial mentality coming from within the corridors of barbados
    Hooray to the koolaid drinkers .You have made St. Lucia day

  25. But wait a minute we have a debt laden Hilton situated close to the leaking Sewer plant where it all seems proper and correct to have the tourist swimming in the poop which govt allows to be flushed in the ocean

  26. Mariposa ..ya ain’t listening at all…while the Hyatt brand is well known, it is no use allowing thieves to rob the country to build it, ya still don’t get it, the wrong people are involved, nothing good can come of it with the WRONG PEOPLE INVOLVED….same crooks as the 4 seasons scam are involved, would you really put your money is a scam like that to be BURNT in ya pockets going down the road..

    Ya think when people hear that it is the same very crooks who ripped off the NIS Pension Fund with the 4 seasons scam, ripped off Simon Cowell, ripped off Andrew Lloyd Webber and a host of other millionaires and billionaires, ya really think they will be interested in investmenting …they will more than likely put a LIEN on a new Hyatt building to recoup the millions they lost in the 4 seasons scam…that is what I would do….s.ooooo…how will ya like that one…

  27. Bushie

    Right again ………………….

    Unlike others you were always skeptical, at best, about the Atlanticist leading this mindless thrust into a cultural abyss, but no a boy would listen, far less Mottley.

    Accam’s razor has always been and will ever be that neither Greenidge nor his masters in the IMF and elsewhere know not what they doeth.

    Even worse, they may pretend to know but are intent on driven this planet to perdition.

    Also, part of the Bajan national psyche has long been a childlike obeisance to White people, their systems and their agents operating in our midst.

    Should we continue to disobey the collective intelligence of our Ancestors cultural death cannot be avoided.

  28. ya really think they will be interested in INVESTING???

  29. Somebody needs to explain to barbados the difference between self preservation and suicidal tendencies

  30. Somebody needs to explain to barbados the difference between self preservation and suicidal tendencies

  31. Hyatt is not a fly by night operation
    Hyatt rules and regulation are guided by ethical standard
    Maybe a reason why Hyatt closed the door on barbados
    As for thieves out of this issue guess who is the biggest Winner Commissiong
    He managed to help closed Hyatt door and in the long run Commissiong has been rewarded his twenty pieces of silver

  32. one with INTELLIGENCE wants to be involved with CROOKS WHO ROB vulnerable people…..example…bizzy, cow, maloney, bjerkham, tempro….etc

    … millionaires and billionaires who get robbed do not take it sitting down, they ARE NOT LIKE BLACK PEOPLE WHO ALLOW ANY AND EVERY CRIMINAL TO ROB THEM AS LONG AS THEY ARE WHITE….let me rephrase …..

    …they are not like black people who allow any and every criminal to ROB them…as long as those CRIMINALS ARE NOT BLACK…

    Ya don’t run out, hug and help the first crooks that jump out to smile in ya face…build a hotel..ya will get robbed..

  33. Re Hyatt
    Barbados loss- St. Lucia gain

    Re Ross
    Dominica loss- Barbados gain

    Islands poaching from each other to “grow” the economy

  34. Where is it written that Hyatt has closed its doors in Barbados? Do you understand the difference between a developer and hotel management company?

  35. Is there a Sandals in St lucia and one in Barbados?
    Which one was built first?

  36. Sandals has been in St. Lucia exploiting that island for decades.

  37. How can any one speak of St. Lucia poaching business away from Barbados
    That is telling a bold faced lie
    What this govt did to Dominica under the guise of accessing economic interest for
    barbados is unadulterated poaching
    First of all there was no Hyatt brand name in barbados
    St. Lucia might have taken advantage of barbados short sightedness and lack of having the vision for economic fortunes

  38. Now if we INSTILL CONFIDENCE IN OUR CHILDREN FROM SMALL…this is what we will get.

  39. Don’t worry Mariposa….we will let you know when ya finally wearing SHACKLES and CHAINS because we already know that moment will escape you….we already know ya won’t feel a thing.

  40. If the whole island is corrupt then there is no hope for Barbados
    So where do we go from here
    The laws put in effect would mean nothing

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ T.Inniss December 20, 2018 3:39 AM
    “Donks Gripe
    You are spot on.
    Barbados and Barbadians would all like now – once the Hyatt had gotten off the ground as planned – been enjoying employment and some much needed foreign exchange injection.
    But when yuh want to become first female prime minister in a hurry – you don’t care if you have to burn down the house to get there.”

    So what are you and the griping Donks trying to tell naïve Bajans? That the construction and fitting of the Hyatt hotel was being financed by way of FDI secured during the rule of the previous administration and MAM and her cousin Comissiong put paid to this foreign money lifeline?

    Where was Maloney the wannabe Bajan Butch Stewart going to get all that foreign money from to build such a big able Miami beach-looking hotel in Lilliputian Bridgetown?

    Now that the spanners have been thrown in the Hyatt Hotel works (aka scam exposed) can the Bajan taxpayers expect to recoup the taxes and duties evaded on the importation of a Mercedes Benz for a ghost Director of Sales walking the corridors for an imaginary Hotel California situated on a haunted strip called Bay Street?

    Tell us T. Inniss, what should the Mottley administration do to collect the taxes and duties on the luxury vehicle? Trade it in as Baloney’s contribution to the Ross University deal while people are still awaiting receipt of the 2017 tax refunds and reverse tax credits as promised months ago?

  42. ” As of September 30, 2016, Hyatt is a global hospitality company with 13 brands and more than 600 properties in more than 50 countries. ”

    Doan have to read an spell fuh wunna.

  43. “Where was Maloney the wannabe Bajan Butch Stewart going to get all that foreign money from to build such a big able Miami beach-looking hotel in Lilliputian Bridgetown?”

    They would have pulled the SAME SCAM they pulled with 4 Seasons…half way through the build would go crying to the jackasses of parliament that they cannot pay their vendors or finish the build and how it would affect the tourism product if the building is not finished and how they would get less tourists if the building is not finished and how Barbados would lose out on foreign exchange if they don’t finish the build and just as that freaking IDIOT..Thompson did…the current asses in parliament would PICK UP HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF PENSIONER’S MONEY AND GIVE THE THIEVES TO COMPLETE HYATT….for the minister’s CUT.

    They are just waiting for the right opening and opportunity now, but Mia was the 4 Seasons attorney for the crooks back then…so let’s see..

  44. ” Hyatt Centric, a new sub-brand that Hyatt launched in 2015, is one of the company’s fastest-growing hotel marques; it’s focused on “millennial minded guests in the upper-upscale lifestyle segment,” according to Hyatt.

    The new project is being designed by SB Architects, who have designed a host of hotels in the Caribbean, with interior design helmed by DAS Concepts.”

  45. BTW…..does Mia’s transparency include telling us whatever happened to the 60 million US dollars the 4 seasons crooks in the form of Bjerkham CLAIMED they PAID Sinckler and the gang for the 4 seasons property……3 YEARS AGO….money that the Auditor General COULD NOT FIND ANYWHERE…and that money apparently still cannot be accounted for…along with the 60 million dollar US NIS loan to use as collateral for the same scam.

    I noticed we are still not hearing anything about that 120 million US dollars that is unaccounted for….and that is just some of the money unaccounted for…ah think the people should have HEARD about all of that during all of that BACK PATTING SESSION in parliament …why does it seem that these new ministers think that the people HAVE NO RIGHT TO HEAR ABOUT ALL THOSE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS THAT HAVE BEEN STOLEN FROM THEM BY DLP crooks, BLP crooks, minority business crooks….

    what’s up with that…

  46. Mia is well aware of how vulnerable she is especially when the CROOKS get desperate and want millions and millions of dollars of the people’s money for their scams and to keep their illicit business enterprises afloat…but she don’t need to worry as PM…any one of them slithering out playing bullies like Innotech and DEMANDING TAXPAYERS and PENSIONERS money, just give them to the blogs…..because if she don’t, she will regret it.

  47. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ Hants at 11:44 AM

    You should know by now that you have to read and spell for me.
    Does Hyatt own the real estate or do they rent their brand name and management skills for a percentage of the total revenue?

  48. NorthernObserver Avatar

    i wasn’t referring to medical tourism….as you appreciated that is not crazy.
    Imagine where your BC Health Card works in Barbados via a reciprocal agreement, more like the tax deal JMG cut in ’82.
    Travel health insurance, apart from being very expensive, rarely covers any pre-existing conditions. If you want a decided competitive advantage for the 55+ set, this is it.

  49. NorthernObserver Avatar

    they do both. But add in access to their reservation system and the latter category you mentioned is +/-95%.

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