Submitted by Observing

The recent saga at Grantley Adam Memorial Secondary School has raised much passion and opinions. However, I put a different spin on it today. Everyone’s wrong.

Vendors are allowed to sell at the discretion of the management of the school. If management says not today, not here, not now, then that’s what it is. A process must be followed for order to obtain. The vendors who still sold or came onto property despite being told not to were wrong.

The Principal is the chief cook and bottle washer at the school. He would have been aware of prior arrangements with vendors (i.e. precedent). He sits with the Board to make decisions (i.e should advocate for the good of his students and teachers). He was the one who communicated any decisions to vendors. Yet, he diminished his post to a security guard sitting at a gate running children away. Leaders solve problems. The Principal is wrong.

The Chairman / Board
A Board’s job is to ensure the Minister’s policies are carried out. The Minister via the government is “vendor friendly” and all about “entrepreneurship”. Also, any manager must take into consideration the conditions of the situation he/she manages. Clearly this chairman does not (uh wonder why). Any Board that is comfortable seeing their school dragged through the mud in the press, seeing children agitate and advocate, seeing average women losing money and up to now says nothing….They have have to be wrong.

The Ministry
In an eloquent written press release the Ministry sided with the school. The rule of law must obtain. But, while the rule of law obtains the problem remains. If the Ministry wants to duck behind the law and dodge the REAL issues in this saga, it is clear that they are rightly wrong.

The media
Papers must sell! And so we plaster photos of children on a fence, a Principal with an umbrella and a vendor in tears. BUT, wait a minute. Has the media reported on the connection between the chairman and the canteen concessionaire? Have they outlined the prior arrangements with vendors which sets a precedent? Have they researched or focused on the genuine concerns of the student or look at the impact on the school? Nope. Why bother about these things….papers must sell! The media is wrong.

And lastly the canteen.
Competition drives quality and price effectiveness. The students determined they wanted nothing to do with the canteen. By surreptitiously cutting out the competition without adjustment to operations or communicating with the clients (students), a revolt was all but ensured. I wonder who stands to benefit when the canteen profits. A canteen that’s comfortable being boycotted by students, watching them choose to be hungry, and insisting that the vendors MUST go HAS to be wrong.

When everyone is wrong…when communication goes wrong…when decision making starts wrong…when the motive is wrong……..The children suffer.

Everyone is wrong.

133 responses to “Grantley Adam Memorial Secondary School Saga – Every One is Wrong”

  1. Failed state?

  2. I also agree with the minister that the law ought be followed in this case … however, the students still have the right to buy what they wish from the vendors outside the school property and bring it into the school … the government has no authority whatsoever to tell a student what he or she ought or ought not put into his or her mouth… that right is reserved for the student’s parents or guardians…

  3. Agree Lexicon….. but students are not allowed off school premises so unless the vendor enters on the school premises to sell, no transactions take place.

    If the canteen concessionaire is so over-priced, let the students continue to boycott & the concessionaire will eventually pull-out. Then the vendors can bid for the canteen concession!!

    But don’t tell us it is fair to not pay rent, tax, NIS, insurance, health certificate, etc…. then show up outside the gate and under-sell the canteen operator who has these overheads. If they want vendors, then remove all these obligations placed on the canteen operator….. ie: level the playing field.

  4. Ks

    So how do the students get school? Wouldn’t it make sense for the students to buy what they need before entering the school property … since the vendors aren’t allowed the school property? And you aren’t in a good position to say whether or not the vendors have the correct requirements for selling to the students …unless you enforce such requirements…

  5. This Grantly Adams story is stale news like the food being sold at unconscionable prices at the school canteen
    Mia in her usual salvo as in “Mia cares” told the vendors get lost” nobody want to hear wunna story” and the media comply with Mia wishes as modern bounty hunters in presenting one side of the govt story

  6. It is stale news for those with their heads stuck firmly you know where. This matter is is still riding the airwaves the press/media this morning and continue to attract the attention of citizens concerned with governance in a Barbados. Simple questions still have to be answered. We love to cherry pick the issues that fit our jaundice prism, guess what- they are all connected.

  7. Ks

    Stated above that the vendors do have the requirements to selling to the student … but the canteen does … so my thought… if he or she is privy to such information … why haven’t the appropriate authority been notify?

  8. Quite true, David. They were all looking at it from one perspective. That never ends well because nothing is ever that simple. Solutions are only ever found by seeing the whole picture and trying to find the best fit for all concerned. And yes, this nonsense is connected to all the other nonsense.

  9. There is need for law and order in every society if it is to progress for the good of all.Political cherry picking and complaining at attempts to bring about change for better health and social cohesion in Barbados will get us no where in the long run.The QEH is overflowing with Bajans whose unhealthy eating habits are gobbling up too large a portion of the treasury.Unhealthy people cannot give a good day’s work.The country suffers from lack of productivity.It has to start with the little people.I am of the ‘hands upward stretch,hands outward stretch,squat,stand,finger nails examination,a healthy body equals a healthy mind,manners make man’ vintage.

  10. The food at the canteen would have to be EATEN in order for it to nourish. If it tastes bad the students (the dreaded teenagers after all) will not eat it. One cannot force this change it has to be ENCOURAGED.

    Vendors should not sell to the children during school hours because the Principal is responsible for the children’s well being during school hours and stands in loco parentis in these matters.

    Again I say that the whole picture and the best available fit is the ONLY way to go.

  11. Wunnah always saying that Bajans are the smartest/brightest people in the world and smart/bright people start off as smart/bright children and the smart/bright children voted with their feet or mouth in this case and chose the vendors in opposition to the canteen. But wait isn’t a picture worth a thousand words? I saw a photo of some teachers who also voted to purchase from the vendors instead of the canteen which serves to confirm that in addition to high prices the canteen must dispense some excretable fare.

    Looka where there is smoke yuh know that a fire burning somewhere and I read about, politics, commercial/monetary ties and all kind of shenanigans are playing a role is this contretemps but isn’t it time that we have some respite from schools in the headlines? Is this the new Alexandra?

  12. It is stale news for those with their heads stuck firmly you know where(Quote)

    Why do we expect ordinary contributors to be restrained in their language when the chairman uses the above?

  13. David u should be the last person to mention goverance as u sit behind. your computer and see how this govt lack of transparency and integrity stinks the whole country up and says nothing

  14. Puny minds attack people.

  15. You comment is noted BUFFOON.

  16. And around and around we go and where we stop nobody knows!

  17. @Donna
    We meet again!

    “And yes, this nonsense is connected to all the other nonsense.”

    You are absolutely correct

    Even if it is stale it outlines a few things
    1. Hypocrisy in government policy
    2. Complete operational / communication failure at an educational institution
    3. Piss poor management by a Board/Principal
    4. Conflict of interest by the Chairman
    5. Students again being used as pawns in a political game

    None of the above will ever be stale.

    The fact that these students are not the most academically inclined or well off also speaks to a measure of elitism and social hypocrisy.

    Just observing

  18. At the end of the day parents must be the ones responsible for their childrens’ eating habits. Rolling out a healthy eating program is not as easy as it sounds. With development comes changing cultural norms . All of these things must have dots connected otherwise massive confusion will continue.
    The Adventists dealt with this nonsense fifty or more years ago by promoting healthy eating habits as a way of life.
    Everything in this country is done on an ad hoc basis.
    Suddenly we tell children that Wednesdays is water day; Tuesday’s fruit day etc. PPR( political public relations ).
    The canteen must fall in line with directives and the operators must be carefully chosen and made to follow the correct program and prices should be monitored.
    Menus should be approved by the ministry of health and prices monitored by the fair trading commission. Students should have some say in all negotiations. The pattern should be consistent throughout the country. We need standards for all to follow.
    The school plant must be properly secured and access must have rules not anybody and everybody on the premises.
    Whether we like it or not- the days of vending on school properties seem to becoming to an end.
    Once more the poor who try to get by are going to pay the price for the changing norms and the price of development.
    Already the issue is a political football and the powers that be will patch it up with a political solution as everything else is done about here.

  19. Observing,

    Nice to see you.

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    To the author nicely framed piece. The only wrong left was that you must be wrong for pointing out all those wrongs! 🙂

    And David Mr Blogmaster clearly the only thing stale here is the canteen shenanigans…. why do we keep repeating this same BS continually. Steeupse.

    At days end what will we likely find on this stale menu: Canteen operator is a buddy of an official on the Board or Ministry big-wig and has to jump through hops to get the concession; said operators is thus trying to max profits and forgets that great service and fare are the keys to success; the outside vendors were given some previous nod to operate and bruggadung the status was changed just so or with no proper lead in and most importantly the School Head is either caught between powerful forces or is just being a total piss-poor administrator in fixing a problem that has bedeviled schools since before Mia was at school.

    This is absurd in this day and age…totally absurd…this crap was in the headlines in the 70s.., then it was there when I became more closely associated with concessionaires in the 80s and 90s, and now the same crap continues still today…I believe you say it often Mr Blogmaster: We Like it so!

  21. @Dee Word

    The fact we are unable to crack this nut is symptomatic of the failing governance model we continue to battle. It has to be fixed NOW!

  22. Gabriel

    I think you are missing the point… yes there is must to be gained from eating healthy, but it is wrong for government to dictate to the students what they can and not eat.

  23. Secondary school canteens serving tasty food at reasonable prices used to be very profitable.

    As with everything in Barbados there is likely to be a political issue causing the problem.

  24. Gabriel

    If the government is so concerned about the health of the citizens … why doesn’t it ban cigarette … which are purposed to have a thousand different chemicals
    …which are directly linked to bowel cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer …

  25. Hants

    Secondary school canteen serve tasty food …you talking about 6 decades ago …?

  26. @ de pedantic Dribbler,

    I had family who were concessionaires in the 2000s. They did very well.

  27. @ Donna,

    If you are who I think you are you could find this interesting.

  28. Everything is wrong, Listen to these students, they are subliminally protesting the confiscation of their free will and rights to have choices… Why should it be controlled? Why?
    There can be a collaboration of inclusion for all, Canteens can be outfitted to include variety of food choices. MULTIPLE VENDORS …… SIMPLE.

  29. Nineofnine

    There is no need for me to watch this vedio because I already know that this behaviour by our government affronts the principle of self-determination … undermine everything democracy stands to represent…

  30. The only news or issue that should be newsworthy
    Is the Raw Red meat that was place on the govt table and has dripped onto the public domain for probing eyes to gazed upon
    Such being the case govt must be held to account as to why ministers names that have been attached to a scandal sheet has not been held accountable
    George Payne and Hinckson name tops the list

  31. “We need standards for all to follow”

    Standards aren’t just to be followed. Simply following standards will eventually lead to mediocrity. Standards are your baseline, and help define quality. The job is not to simply follow standards but to exceed them; that way you stay ahead of the game, are able to set higher standards and continually drive improvements.

    Lack of standards first leads to incompetence and mediocrity, then to inequality and disenfranchisement and finally to chaos. Once chaos ensues a dictator type steps in and argues that they and only they can fix the problem…………..I’m still talking about the school situation but doesn’t this sound like the country on a whole

  32. There are those who belief that the threat of incarceration isn’t an effective deterrent for those who think that they can undermine the public trust and confidence without consequences to be had … but just start locking them up for lengthy periods of time, and see how quickly they get their act together … people only do wrong if there think that they can get away with it …

  33. First they took the drums from school sports …. I am glad the children protested ..they subconsciously know on this path Barbados has nothing to offer them in the future.

  34. Redguard

    Listen! Any attempt to think outside the box on BU is viewed as a detraction or digression from the topic before deliberation, so how does one achieve a higher standard … when one is told categorically and unambiguously … to stay within periphery of the topic before deliberation?

  35. @SuckaBubby

    Th demonstration by the students at Grantley Adams is not the problem, students have demonstrated overs for one thing or the other. Of concern is how this issue represents a strand in the fault line of the governance system which is clearly under stress.

  36. now now Lexicon, David gives you a lot of rope from what I have seen.
    You have the unique ability to somehow inject yourself into every topic. A little less of that and you wouldn’t take his attempts to get things back on track personally

  37. David November 20, 2018 1:35 PM

    If government is a continuum and this situation is representative of governance in distress then it stands to represent that previous actions by previous governments and its institutions cause it to be so.The children protesting is a sign there hasn’t been a proper succession plan in place to be able to foresee and deal with problems that arise that should be relatively simple to solve.Children arguing by a fence for food is absolute nonsense.It should be the parents by that fence protesting.The fact that children have to be protesting is the problem and a sign of bigger problems to come.

  38. Redguard

    You are quite wrong because I have little or no interest in economics or tourtism … and I have never written on any of these topics here on BU … I only write about what I know and most of what I know is based on what I have read or what I’ve experienced …

  39. @SuckBubby

    Yes and no. What is playing out at Grantley Adams will never occur at HC or St. Michaels. There is a bit of the social mismatch occurring. Do you recall the cellphone issue and the politics that served to cement some of the problems we are reaping today? We need to understand that some matters transcend politics.

  40. David November 20, 2018 2:08 PM

    The fact that HC or St. Michael’s hasn’t come into the picture means you might be looking at it from a classism perspective.Fair enough.All I can say is that hasn’t happened , as yet,and could possibly happen because of the lack of succession planning practiced in our system.The cell phone thing is the same issue.Two political sides just throwing volleys over to the other side.No time or interest to set a succession plan in place but just one up-manship.The children at Grantley Adams are literally and figuratively set square in the middle , who just want to “eat a food”.Thats what the system should be planning, so all can “eat a food.” Its only a matter of time before children at HC and St Michaels decide they must eat a food too , albeit of a different menu.

  41. @SuckaBubby

    Note that at HC there is the rule also that children cannot leave the compound without permission during school hours. This is a matter being fanned for narrow interest with the children mere pawns. Of course this is the stuff the political surrogates love to stoke which as usual contradicts the national interest.

  42. Could anyone gauge what the reaction would be if a Barbados Gov’t decided to change the names of the older Sec schools to reflect the country’s social and political “heroes”. HC would become “Sir Grantley Adams High”; Combermere would be “Errol Barrow High”; CP would be “Charles Duncan O’neale High” Alleyne would be “Erma Bourne High” etc.

    That would make the fight over Nelson small potatoes…….

  43. Suckababy

    Children arguing by a fence is absolute nonesense … it should be the parents by the fence”

    You may have forgotten that we are now living in the year 2018 where children believe that they have a voice … so why can’t children advocate for issues that they know and understand better than their parents…? Plus, in the year 2018… parents do not have the time to stand by a fence and shout over nonesense …when they have put food on the table … we aren’t living in the 1970 or 80s any longer… This issue should have been discussed at the parents teachers meeting …

  44. Sergeant

    You got anything better to do than to fantasize over nonesense? Utopian society is a metaphysical concept constructed deep within the dark domain of the human mind…

  45. Lexiclown

    Why don’t you go back to writing “Tales from District A” instead of trying to be a philosopher on BU espousing esoteric concepts that you don’t understand.

  46. Hants,

    Thank you.

  47. Sergeant

    We really don’t want to go down that road because If am not what you say I am … then you are probably not who you think you are … esoteric concepts … don’t make mah laught …what is so difficult about Aristotle’s metaphysics … perhaps if you had told me about the String Theory … or Quantum Mechanics … I would have said that you were probably on to something … but there is anything esoteric about Aristotle’s metaphysics …

  48. Don’t ALL secondary schools have the rule that you cannot leave the school compound at lunch time?

    As for tasty canteen food at good prices – it can still be done. It is done at my son’s school. Children are given are also given the option of baked or fried food and there are always vegetables. Everybody is happy.

  49. Sergeant

    Actually, Aristotle metaphysics is exoteric rather than esoteric … because most in the world of academia have come across this concept …so there isn’t anything esoteric about it …

  50. Donna

    I konw back in the 1980s … I used to leaved St. Leonard’s Boys Secondary and walked through Westbury Cemetery closed to where Rihanna used to lived with my classmate George Mounter … and we would help these two old ladies who would pay us … and then we would walk back through Westbury and to St. Leonard’s before the bell rung at 1:00pm…

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