One of the enduring problems Barbados has experienced in the last 40 years is the inability of stakeholders to efficiently manage the Public Service Vehicle (PSV) sector. The result of which has seen the rise in a sub culture of an alarming proportion that threatens to destabilise the orderly society Barbados is known.   There is the negative ‘underground‘ music culture where the word RAW best describes the music. There is a calibre of person employed by the sector whose deportment is best described as RAW. One has to wonder how an industry that was started by the Black entrepreneur converting the ‘lorry’ has been allowed to morph to the ‘monster’ it is today.

For years the blogmaster offered the opinion that the owner of the PSV vehicle needed to be brought to heel to institute discipline to the sector. However, if one takes the time to understand the issues causing the chaos in the PSV industry- and wrecking havoc on society- it is no different to what led to the demise of CLICO. There has been a catastrophic failure in the governance framework effecting the sector.

An employee of XYZ company has a responsibility to perform to the best of their ability based on the job description. XYZ company’s obligation is to provide the training and support necessary for the employee to get the job done. In the simple scenario, if either party’s expectation is not met the contract is cancelled if remediation effort by the employer to address the ‘grievance/gap’ is unsuccessful.

For four decades we have witnessed the same refrain coming from local Authorities –  the minibus driver and conductor are the scum of the earth and must be brought to heel. In XYZ company if the employee does not comply with the conditions of employment it is grounds for discipline- dismissal if the violation is egregious. Why is it not so simple to create the culture of discipline/excellence in the PSV sector?

There is a level of malfeasance and corruption that afflicts the PSV sector known to industry participants. These stakeholders may be defined as the political directorate including the minister, insurance companies, police force, magistrates, MTW officials including the chief licensing officer and a few others. This blog points to the corrective action that can bring order to the sector by weeding out the bad apples through implementing an efficient oversight framework.

The Barbados Transport Authority – this is where the buck should stop – needs to act on the many recommendations shared with government through the years. Many can be found by using the Search Box at the top of BU’s Home Page. In company XYZ the employee is expected to perform to a declared standard, if the employee fails, there is action to be taken. The blogmaster is mindful of a prevailing culture in Barbados and note that the members of the Barbados Transport Authority serve at the pleasure of the minister.




93 responses to “PSVs on Forty Year Rampage”


    The same people that make the law own these PSVs Judges, Lawyers, POLITICIANS, The operators know who they work for. And they know that when they do crap that they will get away with it.

  2. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    From what i have read here we are trully wasting time; Barbados is beyond repair? We cant fire bad lawyer; policemen; politician psv operator or owners etc. it seems the only ones we can fire are civil servants? I hope MAM realises the severity of the situation.

    Now if we cant fire the bad disgusting useless corrupt etc, how can we fix or replace anyone or bad apple in the bunch?

  3. @ sirfuzzy 10.18 pm

    Ok then!!!
    Ass = grass

  4. @Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right who wrote ” He would have earned that place in the news yet, for some reason now he is being migrated out.”

    David should ignore my recommendation.

  5. ” Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley has raised a red flag on a private car dealership which she said seemed to be everywhere a group of Sanitation Service Authority (SSA) personnel went to purchase garbage trucks in Europe.”

  6. David you have made mention of the Transport Authority, PSV owners, PSV employees, Minister,Insurance companies,Police, magistrates,MTW officials including the Chief Licensing Officer. Have you forgotten the most important people in the equation ? The traveling public who on the whole appear to condone the actions and antics of these PSV operators.
    And this was evident long before the woeful demise of the Transport Board’s running stock,and the outbreak of chinks in the bus stand. Commuters who are dependent on the private PSV’s need to stand up and be counted,so to speak.
    Rosa Parks did not just grin and bear it and resigned herself to the belief that noting could be done.

  7. @Colonel Buggy

    You are correct. However, you know from experience Bajans are a passive people. Far from standing up to protest the chaos in the sector, they will defend it because, ‘we have to get to work or de men gotta mek a dollar’.

  8. This cancer which has plagued the transport system in Barbados and undermined the social fabric for over years is a creature of the Tom Adams administration which illadvisedly destroyed efficiently run services like Roocklyn Elite and Progressive among others to be replaced by a service system run by a pack of greedy speculators with access to capital.

  9. Here the latest
    Mottley blames some private sector representative from govt buying the refurbished garbage Trucks
    Saying that this private sector person was showing up at every location where govts officials were
    Duh Mottley does govt have cash on hand to even buy a toffee paper
    Wuh duh you Mottley gave the last and finall blow to barbados creditworthiness bringing it a default margin
    Now who in the Hell going give barbados govt credit to buy garbage trucks
    Woman pretty soon your nose is going to be the size and width and breadth of barbados

  10. The prime minister has an obligation to name the company involved; it suggests to my mind that this company is somehow getting an inside track on government business. That is a serious security matter. I have said before that it should be a serious breach of security for senior civil servants to disclose government business to the private sector without authority, and for senior police, coastguard officers and civil servants to attend social gatherings at embassies or the home of diplomats.
    The prime minister should not b surprised that permanent secretaries and others routinely disclose government business to the private sector. I know of at least one example. The ball is now in the prime minister’s court.

  11. Mariposa

    I just saw your post now.But I earlier on was saying the same thing.

    But guess what? there are people on this site just eager to run with whatever crap Mia say because – well you know – All of the last govt people corrupt – so anything that could hint at their hand in something whether so or not they will run with.

    Mia know this and she playing them like a guitar lol.

    Real sweet strings.

    This one I must agree with you on.

  12. Listen any one who knows about security breeches and manipulation of the system would be Mia Mottley
    Her mantra of many hands makes light work would mean nothing if after hiring all these consultants and advisers there are security breeches
    Furthermore for the last ten years Mia has demonstrated the art of Security breeches when she would be actively involved by presenting govt papers on campagain platforms and therefore would be eyes ears and hands not allowing breeches in her govt
    The real story lies with govt default and having no money to purchase the trucks
    Any business would first look at govt creditworthiness and as it is now barbados creditworthiness is zero so hence no trucks
    So the bull story about some bogey man private sector representative lurking in the darkshadows is another smoke and mirror cover up to fool the people

  13. rather reactionary and impetuous by MAM. she did not have a clear handle on the situation and should have waited to have a full understanding of the entire matter. why travel so far and have nothing to show for it.? why not do let the parties conclude their meetings, let them submit their findings and recommendations and then decide what to do bearing in mind the information she has? why not wait to see what role this private car company was playing?

    i am surprised at the decision making process here, if what we read is the sum total. MAM and the BLP must learn that every decision ought not to be played out in public and if you want to play it out in public have a full handle of all the facts.

  14. No Transparency. Just a lot of bull shit PR stunts
    Really name the car representative and why would Mia make a conclusion about not buying the trucks just based on some so called representative presence
    One would think that if govt is dealing with a reputable company their would have not to worry about govt business getting into the hands of another customer
    In the months ahead Mia lies told on the campagain trail is going to bite her in the arse as they come back to haunt her

  15. @ac

    Guess she needs a LEC.

  16. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Help me someone i an drowning! Its up to my nose and climbing. Its an overflow of information or mis-information. This is overwhelming me.

    Tell m,e how does a private sector “peeping Tom” that may or may not be following the govt officials around affect the one-to-one discussions that they will have with prospective dealership/service providers of the used garbage trucks?

    May i suggest if they want these used truck; go on Ebay and bid in secret. Get them delivered to Bdos in hurry/asap.

    This new chapter doesn’t pass the “smell/sniff” test IMHO; In the soap opera we call “Poste veinti cuatro de Mayo, 2018”

    So uou gine tell me that if you going to look at purchasing new buses and you see the same “peepimg tomy” man you gine squash a purchase of buses to. So does this new “modus operandi” extend to purchases for QEH, or Police dept; etc? I want to know.

    Sorry! MAM you flunked this one; so “wheel and come again”.

  17. Guess what maybe she needs tonl hire a maintenance crew who hand push a wheel barrow around and at every event can hand her the relevant lie to read so she can get her information in order
    And to think Mia would take such a cock and bull story and expect people to belive it
    So. F ing ridiculous

    Btw David why are u not doing the job as unbaised possible to hold this govt feet to the fire as You did with past govt
    Enough of your distractions

  18. @ David

    she needs to stop campaigning and govern.

  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Colonel Buggy August 20, 2018 11:51 PM
    “Have you forgotten the most important people in the equation ? The traveling public who on the whole appear to condone the actions and antics of these PSV operators.”

    Welcome back, CB!

    You have been missing in action for far too long, Colonel!
    Meanwhile, the other “MIA” has taken over the reins of the seemingly ungovernable army of occupation.

    You observation is right on target and has hit the bullseye for accuracy.

    But what can we expect from a most undisciplined lot in whom billions of tax dollars have been invested in tertiary education to replace the 7th Standard-educated hardworking managers?

    And this streak of national indiscipline- despite the vast investment in this so-called human capital- is no more starkly manifested than in the public transportation sector and in the disposal and management of the country’s waste, both solid and liquid.

    We would not wish to concur entirely with Hal Austin preaching from his ’ivory’ Tower Hamlets-type flat in London that Barbados is a “failed state” but we must concede that for sometime now (and certainly during the past 20 years) it has been on the ‘broken-down’ road which leads to that destination of abject failure.

  20. A new Government was elected but in Barbados there is FAMILY and FRIENDS connections to BLP-DLP-Civil service and the private sector.

    Money makes the car dealers fly to potential business advantage. MIA hit de groun runnin. They hit de air flyin.

  21. Some of the elite bloggers on BU talk about making Barbados more like Singapore.

    Here is a Singaporean solution.

    Ban music on all PSV’s.

  22. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Simple Simon August 20, 2018 6:08 PM

    These mandatory course? does the participant need to pass a final exam or something or does he/she pass by merely attending.

    You can carry a horse/cow to water but you cannot mek em drink. What will be the value of these courses if the drivers etc show up and ten proceed to display the ame behaviour as before? perhaps money down the drai in those examples?

  23. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    Hants August 21, 2018 9:56 AM

    I thought hat music was banned already. The better example of the Singaporean way is the “enforcement” of the regulations?

  24. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ T.Inniss August 21, 2018 7:07 AM
    I just saw your post now.But I earlier on was saying the same thing.
    But guess what? there are people on this site just eager to run with whatever crap Mia say because – well you know – All of the last govt people corrupt – so anything that could hint at their hand in something whether so or not they will run with.”

    It’s Mia fault (IMF)!
    You- in a black and white piano concert with the multi-coloured politically tainted yardfowl now posing as the Mariposa- are right in taking the Mickey out of poor MAM who is now forced to run from the bus buying pillar to the second-hand garbage truck purchasing post.

    She should never have tried to fulfill that promise of a comfort made to the Bajan taxpaying fools to justify the imposition of the NSRL in 2016.

    The poor girl should have realized that if your previous DLP administration comprised of deceitful jokers and competent liars could not arrange for the purchase of refurbished garbage trucks since April 2016 how on earth could she expect to conclude a similar transaction in less than 3 months with no NSRL to boot.

    It serves her right, that Bajan Joan of Arc! In concert with the mantra of her version of glasnost and perestroika she should have exposed the identities of those car-dealing financial peddling peeping-toms looking to get their cut of the kickbacks hiding behind the wheel of corruption.
    Blackmout Lowedown might just be still the one steering that wheel behind the scenes with Stinkliar hiding in the boot as the stepney.

    T.I., the tired idiot, you need to stop shouting:
    Wolf! Wolf!

  25. William Skinner Avatar

    For the past twenty five years , we have been hearing about sensitive documents dropping off the truck. Both sides have been engaged in political skulduggery. Now suddenly, we expect to wake up and find everybody has been washed in the blood of the lamb.
    So maybe, the “car dealership” people got the information from a document that fell off a truck. So in the “new ” interest of transparency, the public has a right to know , who in the private sector, that was marching up and down , a few months ago, now undermining, the duly elected government of our country, and has sabotaged the health of this country by making it difficult for us to buy much needed garbage trucks. Expose them !!!!

  26. @William

    Now that you have delivered your usual refrain, does it prevent others from living in hope?

  27. @Wi;lia,

    We have a right to know. Name names or shut up.

  28. @MIA
    Receipts it did not happen. Fake news.

  29. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David


    Now that you have delivered your usual refrain, does it prevent others from living in hope? ”

    Take it easy David. Esperar es humano.

  30. Names or pictures please !would clear this muddle of deception Mia is creating

  31. Oops..should be

    Receipts OR it did not happen.

  32. A wild goose chase at taxpayers expense
    I still would like to know who on this gods green earth would expose themselves or merchandise to a govt who defaulted on govt debt

  33. Anderson Worrell Avatar
    Anderson Worrell

    Apropos, BU Family member Negroman has a thought on March 18, 2009 at 11:50 AM:

    Here it is: “We do not want any rat catcher/mango seller Pakistanis & Indians in Barbados.Neither do we want the Indo-Guyanese human germs.
    “Barbados is for Black Barbadians only.The rest of other ethnic groups could go and disappear.”

    Excellent. Just excellent.

  34. She dont need to name names, all Mia got to do is have people arrested. Easy so, then everyone will know.

  35. And many of the dummies still don’t get it, if a delegation went to Europe, it means everyone in the delegation was there to witness the presence of those not invited.

    Mia would have to be dumber than Fruendel and Dumbville combined to perpetrate such a lie, and that is not easy to pull off…she knows well enough that this information can be fact checked in time.

  36. Now tell what would be lying Mia grounds for arresting a person on a foreign company property

  37. “Indo-Guyanese human germs.”

    This group will very soon rule Barbados using their petro-dollars.

  38. @sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) August 21, 2018 9:58 AM “does the participant need to pass a final exam or something or does he/she pass by merely attending.”

    A Simple Response: Yes. Must past exam.

    @sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) August 21, 2018 9:58 AM “What will be the value of these courses if the drivers etc show up and ten proceed to display the ame behaviour as before?”

    A Simple Response: The police/courts will deal with those who continue to break the law. But it should be a smaller number than before. And if the unlawful behaviour continues the operator will lose his licence.

    @sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) August 21, 2018 9:58 AM “perhaps money down the drai in those examples?”

    I believe that education and training works. Didn’t the grandfathers and great uncles of these same men go to London and make its transportation system one that is celebrated and emulated.




    It WORKS.

  39. @Mariposa August 21, 2018 2:03 PM “Now tell what would be lying Mia grounds for arresting a person on a foreign company property.”

    Silly woman. You know very well that Barbados cannot arrest anybody on foreign soil.

  40. More like stupid clown, they still can be hauled in fir pulling that stunt, as they enter Barbados pull them in for questioning and arrest them under national security act….. that should have been done this time….Mia has that power though.

  41. Simple Simon
    You know very well that Barbados cannot arrest anybody on foreign soil.

    But Simple woman, you must know that it is only ENFORCEMENT that works to create discipline.
    Education and training merely prepares the wicket for enforcement.

  42. The van stand flood way today 22nd August, 2018. What will be done to resolve this?

  43. @ Colonel Buggy
    Where have you been these long months? I thought you had moved back to Hingland and kicked the bucket yuh. I was even asking around the countryside if anyone had heard anything about you. Nice to know you are still with us. How is the Captain? Have you heard from him lately?

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