One of the enduring problems Barbados has experienced in the last 40 years is the inability of stakeholders to efficiently manage the Public Service Vehicle (PSV) sector. The result of which has seen the rise in a sub culture of an alarming proportion that threatens to destabilise the orderly society Barbados is known.   There is the negative ‘underground‘ music culture where the word RAW best describes the music. There is a calibre of person employed by the sector whose deportment is best described as RAW. One has to wonder how an industry that was started by the Black entrepreneur converting the ‘lorry’ has been allowed to morph to the ‘monster’ it is today.

For years the blogmaster offered the opinion that the owner of the PSV vehicle needed to be brought to heel to institute discipline to the sector. However, if one takes the time to understand the issues causing the chaos in the PSV industry- and wrecking havoc on society- it is no different to what led to the demise of CLICO. There has been a catastrophic failure in the governance framework effecting the sector.

An employee of XYZ company has a responsibility to perform to the best of their ability based on the job description. XYZ company’s obligation is to provide the training and support necessary for the employee to get the job done. In the simple scenario, if either party’s expectation is not met the contract is cancelled if remediation effort by the employer to address the ‘grievance/gap’ is unsuccessful.

For four decades we have witnessed the same refrain coming from local Authorities –  the minibus driver and conductor are the scum of the earth and must be brought to heel. In XYZ company if the employee does not comply with the conditions of employment it is grounds for discipline- dismissal if the violation is egregious. Why is it not so simple to create the culture of discipline/excellence in the PSV sector?

There is a level of malfeasance and corruption that afflicts the PSV sector known to industry participants. These stakeholders may be defined as the political directorate including the minister, insurance companies, police force, magistrates, MTW officials including the chief licensing officer and a few others. This blog points to the corrective action that can bring order to the sector by weeding out the bad apples through implementing an efficient oversight framework.

The Barbados Transport Authority – this is where the buck should stop – needs to act on the many recommendations shared with government through the years. Many can be found by using the Search Box at the top of BU’s Home Page. In company XYZ the employee is expected to perform to a declared standard, if the employee fails, there is action to be taken. The blogmaster is mindful of a prevailing culture in Barbados and note that the members of the Barbados Transport Authority serve at the pleasure of the minister.




93 responses to “PSVs on Forty Year Rampage”

  1. Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN Avatar
    Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN

    David, I used to shoot Canadian geese at Inch Marlow with Bradshaw when he was building the resort.Haynes Darlington. 

  2. William Skinner Avatar

    You see David, as your eyes become wider opened , you would understand that the deterioration of our country , did not have its genesis in 2008 ! It is amazing that you have such convenient ways of seeing issues. Here it is again ;one more failure of the collective mismanagement of the country by our brothers and sisters on George and Roebuck streets. Funny thing ; many of the mini buses are not owned by the drivers and conductors. Once more, a business as you claimed started by black entrepreneurs is now in the hands of another minority. It is going to be a very fascinating experience to witness as you “evolve” on issues affecting our country. There is hope.

  3. @William



  4. “….that threatens to destabilise the orderly society Barbados is known (for”

    WAS David, WAS..

  5. David, could you explain your rotating sidebar “lawyers in the news”? Are they in the news because they are NOT crooked? No, silly me, I can see one I know of, and an ex-PM, and any number of what one of your ridiculous commenters referred to as “African Bajan” ones. What is Mr Tariq Khan (good old Bajan name there!) in the news for? Let me guess……or perhaps I had better not.

  6. Beyond the degradation of WE culture from “inside” of the busses is the absolute unnecessary LOUD NOISE from the modified and/or completely disconnected mufflers and belching smoke from these death trap conveyances. Why? The daily neverending din and cacophony is maddeningly offensive to Bajans and tourists alike. Forget that modifying mufflers and the constant reckless speeding increases the overhead of gas alone is completely out of the grasp of these financial geniuses, these Yellow Terrorists take money out of the hands of rental property owners whose foreign exchange paying guests complain nonstop about the noise on the south and west coast roads. It is a problem that is easily fixed, doesn’t disenfranchise the small man, nor stop “the hustle” of those seeking 2 dollars in exchange for endangering the lives of those who depend on them for daily transportation. Lashley encouraged their rebel nature; perhaps Duguid can DO GOOD by simply enforcing the law.

  7. Society hammers away at the PSV drivers and conductors while vaguely casting a blow at the drug and amunition bandits that are flooding the street with illicit contraband
    Why only a few weeks not so long ago a white bandit and his accomplice was caught with thousands of dollars in marijuana on a yacht heading into barbados
    One would have thought that a follow up on such illegalities would have lead BU to write a scathing article with a headline addressing possible avenues or leadways for these massive drug haul and drugs to enter the country

  8. @ac

    Good point. We have to always ensure there is justice in how we act as a society.

  9. @45govt

    Khan was inserted in the sidebar because at the time he was president of the BA. It was meant to pressure him to act especially on the Disciplinary Committee matters and the lack of transparency how the Compensation Fund was being used. This be fair to him we should remove his mug.

  10. Hold the owners responsible, and you’ll see a change. Both in music, and drugs!

  11. @racehrse

    How will we effectively hold owners responsible if for example some owners are able to circumvent the legal system because of corrupt policemen?

  12. I had a very small part, insignificant really, in this PSV debate. I was invited by the association to a meeting with authorities at an office near the port.
    A lot of the meting was taken up with talk about having the ZR staff wearing uniforms. I have a view of Barbadians and uniforms: there is the joke about giving a Bajan a uniform and no pay and he would be happy.
    In the course of the meeting, the matter of the high cost of insurance was raised. I I suggested two solutions: first, they could collectively offer their custom to a single insurer t a negotiated price, thereby forcing the others to compete; or, my reference, that the owners should self-insure, re-insuring fore third party; for accidents and mechanical faults they could either have a contract with a local garage (my preference) or start their own garage.
    This older man, who apparently was a returnee from the UK, screamed when I made my proposals: Man you can’t do that. He did not say why not.
    I spent the rest of the meeting re-newing an old school days friendship with one of the civil servants at the meeting. To this day I am disappointed that the PSV operators and taxi owners have not joined together to offer their insurance business as a group. It is so obvious.
    Yet we talk about motor insurers ripping off people. We miss obvious business opportunities.

  13. Law and order has broken down in the country. The ZR culture is ruining this country along with the destructive illegal drugs. When you add lawless ZR drivers, illegal drugs and corrupt politicians you can guess that it is a recipe for disaster. Our country is decaying just like ancient Rome. Moral decay right from within.

    Sometime ago I was travelling on ZR going to Silver Sands. The music was loud and vulgar a white lady I assumed she was a tourist told the driver to turn the music down or she would call the plolice. The driver stopped the van and then lambasted the woman. He said,”you can’t tell me what to play in my RH van.

    The ZRs have taken over the route in Silver Sands which a few years ago had a very reliable Transport Board service. There is also the problem of drivers drinking alcoholic beverages, These drivers are a law unto themselves. Some refuse to wear the prescribe uniform. What sense does it make to have laws when those in authority refuse to enforce them.

  14. Anne,

    It is the ZR business model. The owners instruct their operators to bring in a minimum amount of money every day, say Bds$3000. Any earnings over that amount is theirs, which explains the dangerous and reckless way in which the vans drive and trey to get custom..
    If the owners were prosecuted along with their staff for breaking the law you would almost get an instant resolution of the problem. Imagine lawyers, police officer and the Swan Street mafia standing in the dock with their drivers and conductors?
    Out lawyer-dominated parliament would never sort out these problems, they have a direct interest in keeping business as it is. Get rid of the lawyer-politicians and the problem will be on it way of being solved.

  15. Some of the owners are policemen

  16. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    David August 20, 2018 11:54 AM


    How will we effectively hold owners responsible if for example some owners are able to circumvent the legal system because of corrupt policemen?

    Then expect more of the same. Laws and regulations are just black ink on white paper. We need fair just and impartial enforcement. But if we had that some will not prosper. The playing filed would be level, but a level playing field often exposes the unprepared or unskilled or unprofessional. The answer “unlevel” the playing field and fed he monster we call corruption in the process..

  17. Hal I have to agree with you as you have said before…Barbados is a failed state.

  18. @sirFuzzy

    We meet again.

    Then we have to find ways to disrupt. It is why whistleblowing is encouraged. It s why the awareness of civic responsibility must be taught to our people. Can you add? Surely throwing hands in the air spouting BS about a failed state is no t the answer. The involvement of human beings in any system will see corrupt behaviour.

  19. All the state has to do is cancel all the PSV license and get a state operated system and you will see the change comming………..Unlike your caribbean neighbours who had the same problems for years they just did away with the PSV and began operating a state system and wowsers all was changed in a whiff.

  20. Many of the buses are owned by politicians.

  21. Tank ‘n’ Noot Avatar
    Tank ‘n’ Noot

    “William Skinner” gives everybody in the world a tell on August 20, 2018 at 8:03 a.m.

    Here’s the tell:

    “You see David … It is amazing that you have such convenient ways of seeing issues … “.

    Let the world never forget: “it is amazing the thinking of the human scums.”

    What Negroman what? Love me some goats and plants.

  22. @ David I thought you had given ” life sentences ” to the Lawyers in the news. lol

    How about commuting the sentence of those who commited their malfeasance more than 15 years ago ?

  23. Is this your recommendation Hants?

  24. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)


    Tell if u think this is workable or allowed to work in Barbados; without the chorus of nay sayers that crop up to stall any prognoses that maybe had?

    A) Change legislation to permit what i am proposing. I don’t want any legal loopholes to stop what i am proposing

    b) Set-up an expedited traffic court system that will afford the accused all the legal redress but in a speedy manner. No more than
    28 working days between offence and court appearance.

    c) Court operating hours will be 10 am to 2pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 1pm on Saturdays. Nigh time hours will be considered based on the backlog if one occurs.

    These times are to especially allow PSV drivers/conductors time in the off peak to attend their court appointment. If you don’t show up u will be automatically fined/charged one hour of court time unless u provide an acceptable excuse(with valid proof) or u may choose to reschedule the court date. To reschedule a court date is $125.00 per event. No more than 2 postponement per charge/offence.

    d) These offences will be by ticket only. The police officer will be required to provide photographic evidence where practical. For example illegal parking etc. The offender can plead guilty to the offence and pay the fine or contest the offence. Police officers will be provided with such equipment.

    e) if you choose to contest the offence if found guilty after a trial etc will have to pay the court for this time; The cost for the trail will $250.00 per hour. This is to recoup the cost of ruling a court trail. an stop ppl wasting the court time on legal frivolous matters

    f) If you are found innocent “more power to u”

    g) No guilt offender will be sent to prison for these “ticket” offences. Where a vehicle is involved in frequent offences a cool down period will ensue. The vehicle will be impounded at an increasing(days) manner. If the vehicle is involved in the first ten offences in a calendar year no impounding will occur.

    11-20 offences will equate to 1 week of impounding – the impounding will occur within 21 days of the triggering offense
    21 -30 offences will equate to 2 weeks of impoinding
    31 -40 offences will equate to 3 weeks of impounding etc

    The offences counter is reset at the beginning of each calendar year.

    Just a few things if implemented may help with our traffic and PSV law breakers ?

  25. @SirFuzzy

    Like the suggestions, would add the opportunity to pay the fine online within 24 hours for on the spot ticketing of an offense.

  26. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    David August 20, 2018 2:07 PM

    We certainly dont want any cash payments at the point of contact. lol

    Actually we should accept payment at post office and sure pay and online.

    But we must maintain this quick turn around between offence and court date.

    Cus time is money. even if Govt. agencies are involved.

  27. Will post to Facebook and tag Dale Marshall and William Duguid.

  28. sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore) Avatar
    sirfuzzy (i was a sheep some years ago; not a sheep anymore)

    maybe a portion of the fines can go to support pension plans of the protective services; like Fire Polie BDF etc. So the police fire and dbf can provide better pension for those members that maybe injured in a bad way doing their duty?

  29. @ David


    How will we effectively hold owners responsible if for example some owners are able to circumvent the legal system because of corrupt policemen?

    When Barbados Underground Whistleblower was exposing corruption in Barbados especially in the Police Force which is rampant he was told he had an Agenda and a Conspiracy theory.

    Barbados is a failed Island 100 percent.

  30. @ David,

    only one of the lawyers committed crimes more than 15 years ago and I would make a plea to remove him from the list but
    I am not a lawyer. lol

  31. PSV culture is just a MIRROW of the country’s MANAGEMENT(government), state owned or private. We all know the PROBLEM, RULES AND REGULATIONS ARE NOT BEING ENFORCED.

    Wily has always used a saying about Barbados, Country has a rule for everything, enforcement of nothing. The result being caious leading to ultimate SOVERGIEN FAILURE. You reap what you sow.

    PSV issue is but one of hundreds that need to be addressed if Barbados, as a country, has any hope of hauling it’s ASS out of the septic pool of a FAILED STATE.

  32. Corruption and Rouge Barbados Police Avatar
    Corruption and Rouge Barbados Police

    Recently there have been a number of serious crimes and other illegal activities purportedly being committed and in some cases being proven to have been carried out against the public, by members of the Barbados police force, whose mandate is to serve and protect the people.

    The fact that ranks have been caught trafficking marijuana and cocaine, charged for rape, and arraigned for murder clearly shows that we have a disorderly police force.

    Police corruption is a form of misconduct in which law enforcement officers have violated their oath and code of conduct and abused their power for personal monetary gain or any other type of personal benefit gained illegally as a result of the officer’s position or authority. This type of corruption may involve one or a group of officers.

    It is a betrayal of public trust, departmental policies and human rights. It involves soliciting or accepting bribes in exchange for not reporting a crime, the selling of drugs, the theft of money from drug dealers, assaults, fabricated arrests, issuing false reports and falsifying evidence in order to secure convictions of civilians and suspects, stolen goods which officers have access to through their investigations.

    It has been known for years that corruption is endemic in the Barbados police force from the highest to the lowest level.

    Due to the lack of data, it is not possible to measure the level of corruption in the police force, thus the true scale is anybody’s guess. Despite this limitation, the public believe that police corruption is a widespread problem.

    The prevalence of police corruption in Barbados has somehow become the norm rather than the exception and may even be institutionalized.

    There is a code of silence among police officers that prevents many corrupt acts from coming to light – it discourages officers from reporting the misconduct of other officers. Due to the existing culture, many officers are willing to tolerate corrupt behaviour rather than expose their colleagues.

    One of the reasons put forth for police corruption is that many policemen are underpaid and desperately in need of extra money to survive, and also because they have easy access to money – such as that seized from the sale of illegal drugs – or the means to get it without too much scrutiny, such as when there are massive drug busts.

    It is without a doubt that corruption has damaged the image of the Barbados police force, eroded its morale and undermined the public trust and confidence in law enforcement. The actions of too many of the ranks have caused crime and organized gangs to flourish in society.

    It is common knowledge that a properly functional, effective and disciplined police force is needed more than ever to curb crime in the country. The prospects for a sustainable reduction of crime in the future will depend on whether the issue of corruption by Barbados rogue cops is effectively addressed.

  33. When you look at this practically this is what one cant help but laugh at. The bulk of the offences occur on basically 2 routes. Oistins to Bridgetown and Speightstown to Bridgetown. The breaches in the law happen
    mainly between 7am to 6 pm, with the bulk in peak hours. The vehicles are bright yellow and 30 ft long so they can be seen fairly easily not to mention heard. The offenders will probably make the same breaches of the law several times on the same day along the same route. Having said all of this finding them and charging them is not difficult for all of the above reasons. So one can only conclude our system fails from this point on, in terms of getting them in front the courts quickly and lacing the repeat offenders with massive fines. Only a few basic things need to be done such as charges laid and fines paid within seven working days in a traffic court that would clearly be self financing. Government has large strips of land so set up an impound area preferably close to the traffic court, where vehicles can be removed from the road until fines and storage fees at the pound are paid. Its not rocket science why are we still discussing it 40 years later? The only answer that I can conclude is that it must benefits some to leave it as it is, or we just don’t see it as a priority.

  34. The part you left out is our moribund court system which is about to collapse under the weight of the backlog.

    This is not regular BU John.

  35. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    De ole man remembers well that the “Lawyers in the News” carousel “evolved”.

    I happened over time, about a month? as a result of a blog on this BU site.

    I recall that people were speaking (not too kindly) on the matter of lawyers and it was suggested that a corner would be dedicated to the lawyers that “were in the news”.

    Such was for any issues whether contentious or non-contentious issues.

    But AS LONG AS THEY WERE “IN THE NEWS” that was the qualifier.

    He would have earned that place in the news yet, for some reason now he is being migrated out.

    I guess that we can remove skin botsie Alair since images of his behind must have gone from the memory of the judge he skinned it at.

    Next thing the blogger 45Govt will ask that one removes all reference and remarks of the stellarly insignificant performance of the then Head of the Bar Association and while we are at it we can remove references to Stinkliar WITH THE EFFLUXION OF TIME

    “And there arose a king that knew not Joseph…”

    it was the contention that

  36. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Some years ago a feller gave the Transport Authority a blueprint which would have

    (a) permitted for the remote tracking of ZRs
    (b) permitted the electronic collection of busfares
    (c) permitted for the real time scheduling and
    (d) an overall harmonization of public and private sector transport i.e. ZRs, ZMs and TB buses.

    Enter two clowns who knew nothing of said solutions and armed with Minister John Boyce we remain where we are.

    Granted that the technology WOULD NOT KNOW WHEN A FELLOW IS DRINKING AN ALLEYNE ARTHUR but it would tell when he is speeding or OFF ROUTE and similar erratic behaviour.

    But there is no money to be had from supporting order when you can call a polce officer and for a fee get your case for speeding, carrying excess passengers, being off route, and the more serious infractions, to disappear

  37. Solution to the PSV problem.Owner driver only.
    Solution to the Court backlog.All graduating lawyers to be assigned as temporary magistrates/ prosecutors/public counsellors as part of their taxpayers funded law studies.Send back the chief to Amurka where he has citizenship and is sworn to protect americas biggest RH JA .He can’t swear allegiance to QE2 and Trump too.Its treasonous according to Verla.
    Solution to corruption.Lock them up.No more talking.Lock them up.When a pipe burses fix it.Lowe said it.
    Solution to balance of payments.Tax luxury items out of existence.No more mauby taste champagne pockets.
    Solution to treasury challenges.All proceeds of corruption including overpayments and overcharges to be repaid to the privy purse.
    Remembering what Eric Williams said ithe 50’s.Pay your taxes,shut up and have respect …..for Mia and Santia two strongazz courageous women.#blimmuhwegineshowwunnah.

  38. Champagne taste mauby pocket

  39. Dear David:

    Do you ever take public transportation? I have taken ZR vans, yellow buses, Transport Board blue buses, aeroplanes, in Barbados and public buses, trains, streetcars and taxis in the U.K, Canada, the U.S., Mexico and much of Central and South America in order to get to work from February 1999 to Friday last.

    If you have questions ask me.

    I’ve been there.

    I’ve done that.

    I will continue to do that for the rest of my life.

    If you have questions, ask me.

    I am a real, real commuter, not an arm chair specialist.

  40. David that is why we must have an independent traffic court with its own magistrates who deal only with this court. What ever the cost is to set it up I would bet money it would be self financing once the charges can be laid in 7 working days. Base all charges on money and you will be surprised to see what will happen. Those who fail face the impound yard.

  41. @David August 20, 2018 11:54 AM “How will we effectively hold owners responsible if for example some owners are able to circumvent the legal system because of corrupt policemen?”

    If there are corrupt policemen, how about firing them?

    Is that too hard?

  42. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Corruption and Rouge Police Force

    Your article should be a BU blog topic even though it has been said many times already in various forms and fashions.

    But the tree of democracy needs refresh so too do the issues of RBPF law breaking .

    Take a look at this site

    The Italian Anti-Corruption Authority, a national administrative watchdog, has officially launched a national whistleblowing forum using Tor onion services.

    This has been seen as a big move by many. It is geared toward encouraging whistleblowers to expose corruption cases, which are on the rise in Italy among other illegal activities.

    At the end of the day WE THE PEOPLE have to emply every tool that is necessary to ensure that we are safe ELSE THE CRIMINALS WILL RULE

    I know that the Luminary Mr Jeff Cumberbatch has recently been speaking about FOIA and Freedom of Speech Issues and Defamation etc but, at the end of the day, if we remain docile we will see mor and more of the Chairman Mia Mao zo Jong’s moves to abrogate citizen rights.

    And these we must prevent.

  43. “Next thing the blogger 45Govt will ask that one removes all reference and remarks of the stellarly insignificant performance of the then Head of the Bar Association…”

    Not me PUDRYR – I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him. And there is another lawyer there with a load of racehorses (I wonder who paid for them) who has a big curve on him. Also wasn’t the late DT a crook too?

    Shakespeare was spot on – “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”

  44. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please

  45. I think that we have got things @ss backwards. Here we are talking about involving lawyers, magistrates, the court system, police etc.

    How about involving EDUCATION FIRST.

    We pay to pay teachers to spend 1 to five years to train lawyers, doctors, journalists, teachers, mechanics, bakers, butchers perhaps even candle stick makers.

    But WE as a COMMUNITY of people do not wish to spend a cent to train those people who take US and our parents, and children to work and to school every day.

    Any DECENT public transportation system spends MONEY training and RETRAINING, and RETRAINING the operators.

    We put a bus in a young man’s hands, give him ZERO (he may have got his driver’s license years ago, and may not even have a personal vehicle) training and then we are surprised at what we get?

    BOTH government and the private sector, needs to SPEND MONEY in order for us to have BETTER PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.

    We CAN DO it, but will we?

  46. I am sure that we understand that the Prime Minister’s driver is not a Harvard graduate. Very likely he went to school with the ZR and yellow bus drivers.

    Cabinet ministers, foreign diplomats, judges and the police force recruit from the same group.

    The only difference between those guys and our ZR and yellow bus drivers is ONGOING TRAINING, and of course a fixed decent wage.

  47. Those jobs require some academic qualifications. The PSV driver needs the requisite vehicle license.

  48. No David a vehicle licence is NOT enough. Do you really wnt my 16 year old little johnnie driving a PSV the day after he gets his driver’s license?

    The guys need to be taught safe driving techniques.

    How to do minor repairs.

    The laws under which they work

    How to check their vehicle every morning for oil, gas, radiator fluid, tyre pressure etc.

    Customer service.

    Personal hygiene, including the importance of hand washing etc.

    Basic bookkeeping.

    Perhaps at minimum a 40 hour course conducted by the polytichnic.

    No course. No license to operate a PSV.

    Every 3 yeas or so a 3 hour refresher.

    No refresher. No PSV license.

  49. You need to reread the comment which was a reply to the comment above it.

  50. Do the education and training up front. Save a whole lot of police and court time and money.

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