The following was posted as a comment by Northern Observer to the Congratulations to Ambassador David Comissiong blog. It is a comment that resonates with the blogmaster for the commonsense perspective it shares about the huge challenge facing the country given the diminishing forex reserves and inadequate foreign inflows – David, blogmaster   

“Mia unilateral decision to default on debt”

This is a horse you need to dismount. When a doctor tells you somebody has stage 4 cancer, and their life expectancy is 4 weeks, do you expect them to live for a year? Or you display anger towards the doctor, because you felt he didn’t consult with others? You haven’t heard it from 5 doctors, and they told you some weeks before the ‘patient was doing better’. So wha happen?

The continued decline in the Barbadian Sovereign Credit rating, told all of us in the financial world that a death was imminent. Junk status, is a polite term for saying, default is not official but imminent. The lower the junk rating, the more imminent the default. If you hold debt instruments, do not expect a full and timely settlement.

While I am all for transparency, I am unsure what you wanted the GoB to ‘discuss with the people’? Skinning local bond holders (which may still happen), does not solve the Fx problem of repaying monies in Fx, when your Fx reserves are perilously low. Rather than an official default you can try negotiating with each party, it takes time and can create animosity (and legal recourse) if one debtor feels treatment has been unequal. Default places all of them into the same basket. And buys time, and lowers expectations.
Default is a result of 13 consecutive years of accumulating Debt, and when the servicing costs exceed your ability to meet them.

So what would you like the GoB to discuss? That they will sell the Hilton and BNTCL for rock bottom prices and use the funds to pay down foreign loans. That the GoB will actively seek buyers for the BWA and any other asset of value, which can be used to bolster the Fx account. For what? Foreign lenders are not lending us money, whether we meet current loan terms or not. Foreign lenders have no collateral claims.

Defaulting was not a choice. The only choice was whether it happened now or at a later date. This way we get to keep (at least for now) the few meaningful public assets we have left. I can never ‘support a default’, but for the people of Barbados this was the “best” decision.

The challenge is, you choose not to accept, the Barbados public financial condition was as bad as it is, because you felt all the less-than-positive comments were coming from people you labelled as ‘the enemy’. They were B supporters. Many were, not B as in BLP, but B as in Barbados. They saw the bandages, they heard the prescriptions, and each time the bandage got changed, the wound was worse than before.

152 responses to “Hobson’s Choice | Debt Default or …”

  1. @Mariposa “I also submit that the tea leaves would reveal the digusting and more so deceitful practices that were cooked up between Commissiong and Mottley to sabotage the national interest .”

    I see you’re practicing tea leaf politics! Show us your proof, not the tea leaves bare shite. Put your money where your mouth is as they say!

  2. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Sir, while I am not privy to all the relevant facts, there was much discussion, as you put in, looking outside the box.
    The stinger was the polling date delay, which left any administration, former or new, with little time before some serious decisions were required.
    The concept of the ‘Sandiford Solution’ is today more difficult, as few of the private entities are still Barbadian first and only.

    The stigma of default is not what it once was. The key is how it is managed going forward.

  3. @NO

    Is there agreement then had the DLP achieved the impossible the immediate and only plan to shore the CBB reserves would have been the proceeds from the sale of Hilton and BNTCL?

  4. Nort. Observer

    The stigma of a default is and what it has always been. Do try pulling the wool over people’s eyes to cover Mia
    Any economist worth his weight in gold would not ascribe to such nonsense
    That is why countries as well as people abd businesses are graded by credit agencies
    Furthermore the stigma means getting credit is very hard and if so at very high interest or very strignet measures which can be detrimental to paying off debt in short term

  5. If the Hilton and the BNTCl were moneymakers the govt would not have opt to sell them

  6. Racehorse

    The tea leaves revealed that Commisiong push hard fir his supper and was rewarded
    The tea leaves also revealed that Commisiong right after the election handed Mia an olive branch which would remove a court obstacle between him and past govt

  7. Why do you argue nonsense? Go and check the financials. It is the reason the government identified these two entities for sale, they are profitable.

  8. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “The challenge for the government is satisfying high expectation as reflected in the 30-0 result.”
    This is unfortunate. Was the 30-0 result one of high expectations, or a complete rejection of a former administration? From a purely financial perspective, one could not have wished the Barbadian situation, even on an enemy. My interpretation is the new administration is an expression of hope, with hopeful expectations.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I have no inside view as to all the financial dealings. Were there other deals?
    You broke the ‘Pharliciple’ story, and we still have not a clue exactly what transpired there.

  10. There is a lot to be revealed. So far gatekeepers holding info close.

  11. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “If the Hilton and the BNTCl were moneymakers the govt would not have opt to sell them”
    What the hell did they put in that Koolaid you drank?
    Of course they not only made money but have valuable assets. Ones which SOL were trying to make ‘more valuable’ by tactics which the FTC have questioned.
    The proposed price at the Hilton was well below any valuation. Why? The GoB was desperate, and the potential buyers knew it. The islands credit rating scared a few, but flippers, were interested. Buy it today, clean it up financially and otherwise, and flip/sell it for a profit. The only ‘MUST have’ is Forex, they do not want any $Bds, or $TT etc And if Frustrated were still around, he would probably advise the ability to rebate certain key participants.

  12. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    The more this DLP person speaks the more obvious it is what lies, lies and more lies informed their every press statement!

    I personally have no problem listening or reading SOME political sycophants but this person is absolutely absurd and ludicrous with their verbiage.

  13. Agreed, the time for partisan nonsense is long gone.

  14. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “That is why countries as well as people abd businesses are graded by credit agencies
    Furthermore the stigma means getting credit is very hard and if so at very high interest or very strignet measures”

    It would have been “nice” if you displayed this blinding glimpse of insight 3 years ago? The leader of the group you support at every turn, ‘rubbished’ the ratings. He admitted then, the rating was below any level which would permit foreign loans. And yet, they didn’t change? What was your favourite term? Social economy.

    While I am a larger than your average male, I would have great difficulty covering MAM’s ass. No wool pulling. Yes one is now on Probation. A bitter pill for the proud Barbadian psyche. But what the ass did you think was going to happen? Deficits year after year, Debt spiraling upward, revenue constantly failing to meet projections while expenses exceeded them. You think we have some rich relative who is going to bail out this wayward, hard-eared child called Buhbaydus.

  15. Norther. Speaking of rich relatives check the banks and see how much money bajans got hoarded making the banks rich and themselves poor
    Some of that money if wisely invested in the country can help bubadus

  16. Also a bitter pill for Mottley when she realize that her unilateral decision to repeal the NSRl was notna good one
    The intent of the NSRL was to stop the out flow of fx in light of the fact that bajans favourite treat is taking trips to america and buying at bargain prices to save money
    Well of course with the repeal bajans will take advantage which means fx will be going out to door
    Mia is a political animal that is all. Seems to have no real sense of diplomacy or balance when it is necessary to shut off the political valve to lessen the noises from her supporters
    The one advantage of keeping fx from leaving the country was undermine because of her lack of vision a vision which would have underscore the country interest

  17. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Tell me, what is there to ‘wisely invest’ in? GEL now it split 4-1, One Media, Sagicor, Massey in T&T? surely not bonds from a junk rated Sovereign? That would be patriotic, but unwise.
    Allowing the interest rate to float was another bad choice. Imagine the people were choosing to take Bank accts at 0.25%, or less; rather than GoB paper at many times higher. That is CONFIDENCE for you. Ya tink de peeple stupid? And then they raised the deposit level by Commercial Banks at the CB, so indirectly they were getting at some of those savings.
    What you will learn in time, is the objection was not to the DLP party, rather the FEW who ran the party like a mini dictatorship. No way a Donville O or Estwick, with any level of control, would have allowed what transpired to occur.

  18. So true Northern, even the top brass of the party has soundly been rejecting the leadership of the party. On Sunday Simon Alleyne dubbed the 31st Minister was asked why he did not openly reject the idiotic DLP platform message.

  19. Sir you are talikg about present . Barbados had times of plenty where they would have been opportunities to increase the value of their money
    But No. bajans became spoiled and solely dependant on govt
    Btw dont talk about nothing to invest you can take the cue from the older generation who mostly did not have any university economic back ground but knew how to be entrepreneurs starting with small beginnings as the local shopkeeper the baker the tailor the needlworker and some even midwives those were the kind who laid a foundation for others to follow but an era of selfishness took over the minds of a new generation which has brought barbados looking outward instead of inward
    How is it that foreign interest have invested in barbados
    Yet you tell me that barbadians cannot.. when there was at a time when the economic foundation of the country was stable and ripe for investment

  20. TheOGazerts #2 - The Heir Avatar
    TheOGazerts #2 – The Heir

    I do have a sense of gratitude, but it has been made bitter by leaving (i think) the MOE with an application for an OAS scholarship in my hand.

    Almost 40 years and I’m still pissed. Not even GOB money but OAS money.

  21. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    @ Mariposa at 5:28 PM

    The Barbados Economic and Financial systems that, currently, are fit for purpose and character,divide the functions of savings,lending and investment. The depositors at the commercial banks are not hoarding they are saving. The banks’ job is to lend these funds out to profitable businesses at a higher rate of interests so that the savers and the banks can make a profit. There is a level of investment that does not meet the appetite of small savers. Corporations prefer large sums of money.There is a high element of risks and speculation in investing.

    Investment wisdom is much more scarce than common sense.

  22. Big investors first started out small most of them pool their money together as a starting point.
    Banks would encourage people to invest their money in funds that would give a sizeable return on their moneywith agreed terms and conditions
    Your point that banks only accommodate big investors is not true
    Banks are in the business of making money and if a small investor can present to the bank an investment profile that can penetrate the market with a decent return of a viable profit margin the bank would lend the small investor the money .

  23. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    Mariposa at 7:02 PM

    Your assertions are not borne out by the facts nor practice. That is the main reason that special purpose financing vehicles were established for small businesses and with little success. The taxpayers had to pay the bill for these excursions into entrepreneurship.

  24. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    dPD at 1:14 PM

    Are you one of those consultants that want to borrow my watch to tell me the time? No way. I have been in this business for too long. Wheel and come again.

  25. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    Bernard Codrington July 9, 2018 7:22 PM

    dPD at 1:14 PM

    Are you one of those consultants that want to borrow my watch to tell me the time?


    in fact all he is is a SPERMALOGOS OR SEED PICKER


  26. Bernard Codrington Avatar
    Bernard Codrington

    TheoGazerts # 2 – the Heir

    Your story has at least twenty precedents in the last 60 years. When you harbour the bitterness the perpetrators get the upper hand. Release the bitterness. You are victimizing yourself. Think Barbados. Think self-actualization. The past are for lessons.

  27. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I never told you cannot….you somehow interpreted that.
    Barbadians have been an industrious and financially aware people for generations. If some politicians come along and decide to give away more than the island’s finances can afford, that is neither your, nor my, fault?
    I must speak of today, because I cannot change the past, only learn from it.
    The financial challenges Barbados faces today, were not created today? They come from a bevy of past indiscretions.
    Don’t mind the so-called honeymoon period, Barbados must reduce expenditures. And re-examine its revenue generation methods. I don’t care what was said on any pre-election platform or how any person interpreted it.

  28. Bernard those are the facts and practices undescore by the terms and agreements of the financial institution of which i have been as a borrower
    Also there are principles involved value of the stock(investment) purpose and performance and demand
    You see because a person have an inititave or a plan that in their mind belives can be of value does not always mean that when presented to the bank the bank would agree and give the person a loan
    As i said there are principles involved some banks can be stringent or some might be relaxed or litle more forthcoming to be in agreement to what the investor has brought to the table

  29. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Ping Pong

    Stay away from Dr. Clyde Mascoll. He is a man that brought a no confidence motion against a government and then joined the cabinet of that same government.
    He is nothing more than a sophisticated opportunist. He has no credibility.

  30. William Skinner
    It is not I that appointed Dr Mascoll an ambassador and economic advisor to the Minister of Finance. However if the opportunity ever arises I will pass on your warning to her for whom it really matters.

  31. Fractured BLP Avatar

    Well Barbadians are yet to be told if the PM & Minister of Finance met the IMF team that is on island from July 2 – 12 , 2018 .

    Now that Haitians are protesting high fuel ⛽️ costs and that PM Mottley has given Haitians unfettered entrance to Barbados 🇧🇧 – can Barbadians expect similar discontent to ensue now that high fuel ⛽️ costs are experienced here as well ?

    Why are the number of Barbadians who bought into the mantra before May 24 , 2018 :

    Mia cares ❤️ !

    Now openly stating that

    Mia ONLY cares …..about her

    • 30 member bloated Cabinet !

    • Family members – David Commisiong & Ian Estwick !

    • Friends – Mr. Persaud & Mr. Jong !

    Oh how we weep for Barbados 🇧🇧

    Barbados deserves better !

    It’s Mia Fault


  32. Fractured,
    Is there a reciprocal arrangement with Haiti for Barbadians to re-locate with minimum official interference? By the way, has she moved in to Ilaro Court yet? Has Stuart moved out? Our dynamic newspapers, the best in the world, do not report these matters. No pictures of removal vans.

  33. I could see it now, Breaking News……BIG, BIG Headlines, sensational story…..

    “Freundel Stuart finally moves out of Illaro Court……and Mia Mottley moves in.”

    Photos of the “removal vans” on the front and center pages of “our dynamic newspapers.”

    Barbadians excited by this important news item…..and the Advocate, Nation, Barbados Today, Loop News subscriptions increased by 125%.

    CBC and GIS could dedicate 15 minutes of air time reporting on Mottley moving into Illaro Court with videos of the men taking items from the removal vans into mansion.


    The cold weather has affected this man’s brain or he has too much idle time on his hands.

  34. Enrico,

    What point are you making? By the way, it is summer and the temperature is record-breaking. The question remains: has the prime minister moved in to the official prime ministerial residence after six weeks, or is the previous occupant still there?

  35. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    In the midst of all the hullabaloo and long talk about Bees , Dees and the economy, here is today’s Nation newspaper:

    Cheffette Restaurants Limited
    Application for Work Permit Notice
    Having received no suitable applications for the advertised position of Maintenance Manager
    it is our intention to apply for a work permit for a non-national to fill this position……

    Our wonderful private sector.

  36. Defaulting on payment of any debt is not the wisest thing anyone should do. The debt still has to be paid with added conditionalities. The decision to default on payment of our international debt was an insane one regardless of the economic or financial positions the country is in. The so -called economic experts could debate the pros and cons of the decision to default, it was a foolish decision. Reading the comments from these so-called economists it appears the loans have been written off and there will be no severe repercussions from that nonsensical decision.It was a bad decision from a bad government with a bad leader who is bungling from one bad decision to another bad decision. Hiring a non-national who status is unknown and being paid by Barbadian taxpayers.Hiring her cousin who will paid in excess of twelve thousand dollars monthly under suspicious circumstances. I hope ordinary Barbadians are observing the
    actions of a “Mia Mottley”

  37. Mr. Austin

    The point I’m trying to make is that you’re silly.

    Mr. Skinner

    Sandy Lane Hotel, Hilton and PWC are famous for advertising jobs and later claiming they did not receive any suitable applications.

    We allow these things to happen without one word of protest.

  38. Should we blame the private sector or the government through the agencies responsible for administering.

  39. We should blame the relevant government agencies.

    The system should be more transparent. I’m sure that people object to the granting of work permits.

    These objections should be published by GIS and reasons given why they were rejected and why the work permit was issued.

  40. Well the private sector being the private sector not giving a dam about Barbados national interest only themselves
    But isnt it the same process and procedure that Mottley use when hiring a non national at taxpayers expense without even a thread of accountability and transparency
    Did Mia even bother to look among the locals to find some one with similar experience?
    If the Head is bad so will be the tail

  41. Mariposa

    I understand your concern and I agree that Mottley should have looked among the locals to find someone with similar experience.

    But aren’t you being a bit hypocritical?

    I recall you supporting Michael Lashley’s decision to hire a Trinidadian consultant at the Transport Board at $22,000 per month, with a vehicle and accomodation, when the Bajan mechanics at UCAL were more than qualified and capable of repairing the buses?

    Mariposa, you also need to sit and gather credible facts before posting.

  42. AMM Erinco

    Don’t try to distract just a friendly reminder
    The people voted for change not more of the same
    Mottley feet would be held to the fire until she implement the change people asked for
    Her decision to hire a non national with out accountabilty after her numeours criticizism of past govt similiar policies smack of hypocrisy not whether or not i had agreed to what past govt did
    She was given the mandate to change any wrongs which past govt did and so far she has failed to lead by example

  43. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ David: “Should we blame the private sector or the government through the agencies responsible for administering.”

    1st question:

    How did the 25 million campaign get financed ?

    2nd question:

    How can the decadent political parties bite de han’ dat feed dem?

    Old saying: After all is said and done: a lot more gets said than done………

  44. Yeap more and more everyday the tea leaves would expose this counterfeit govt

  45. Mariposa

    You are only proving what William Skinner, Artax, Ping Pong and TheoGazerts have been saying all the time and that is there are no philosophical or ideological differences between the DEMS and the BEES.

    When your party is on power who will support their every action and when the BEES are in power you will oppose their every action, even if is similar to what your party did.

    Yardfowls are very silly people and your posts clearly shows you’re silly.

    You are opposing the government, but you are yet to bring anything of substance to justify your criticisms. All you are bringing to the table are a lot of rambling generalized statements that makes it appear you know what you’re on about, but it lacks substance.

    Just my take.

  46. Enrico Rosse

    That is not a new discovery. The substantive question remains: has the prime minister moved in to the official prime ministerial residence yet, or is the prior occupant still there? If the previous prime minister is still occupying Ilaro Court, who foots the bill for the past six weeks, including security? If the current prime minister has not yet moved in, is there a cost to the taxpayer, including security and any entertainment at her present address?

  47. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Mariposa July 10, 2018 8:54 AM
    “Yeap more and more everyday the tea leaves would expose this counterfeit govt…”

    So the current “govt” is “counterfeit”?

    So how would you describe the people who ‘genuinely’ elected them? As a bunch of frauds handling fake goods including the ‘real’ people of St. John?

    By referring to the government as “counterfeit” you are only maligning and disparaging the people of Barbados; the same people on whose behalf you are now persecuting MAM.

    No wonder the same people, having received a DLP invoice covering the cost of their patience and silence, have repaid you 30 times over.

  48. @William

    Counter noted.

    It is a cycle not dissimilar to the lock the political duopoly has on the country. Do you recall Bizzy Williams on a Sunday talk show admitting that the only way for the private sector to win contracts is to support the party in power. Whether true or not it is the way both sides read political parties and private sector play the game.

  49. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Hal Austin July 10, 2018 9:14 AM

    Hal, why don’t you go onto the Willesden or Hackney Green and expose your monkey tail so as to get some good melanin and Vitamin D to parts where the Sun does not normally shine to bring back memories of the British summer of 1976?

    Can you now see the truth in the statement that what goes around comes around?

    Are you a taxpayer in Barbados? It is the taxpayers of Barbados who foot the bill for the upkeep of Lady Carter’s imitation palace; not you.

    Ilaro court has been vacated and the former PM, who was never a long-stay but only a ‘peripatetic’ visitor, has already returned to his bagatelle of an adobe in the republic of St. Farlip.

    Maybe MAM is awaiting the exorcism of the ghosts of both Lady Carter and King Fumble along with the cleansing of his lingering stench of arrant incompetence and arrogance.

    E W B never lived at the Court in his second reincarnation as PM after the taxpayers had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars making it fit for a ‘real Bajan’ queen of St. John.

    Now what’s your beef?

  50. Ammm mmm just reading thevtea leaves
    So far the leaves have been correct
    How do u explain “no more taxation”but higher taxes
    How do you explain “putting money in peoples pocket ” when govt has taken out
    How do you explain “looking up past ministers up” when a word of indictment has not been issued
    How do u expalain hiring non nationals at taxpayers expense without transparency
    How do u explain issuing a govt default without looking for another alternative
    How do you explain hiring family members who throws govt olive branches
    How do you explain releasing hazardous waste on the wetlands after crticizing past govt for doing so
    And the list gets longer day by day
    Gives enough reason to say this govt is counterfeit born out of lies and deceit

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