There is the saying politics makes for strange bedfellows. There is another that Barbadians have short memories.

The political machinations being played out in the build up to general election day on 24 May 2018 has become all so predictable. The accusations and counters, the tit for tat bombshells being lobbed across the political divide is how the nature of local politics must be characterized. Regrettably occurring at a time all economic and social indicators point to a chronic state of decline.

It is all very déjà vu  isn’t it?

The political bombshell lobbed by the former Prime Minister Owen Arthur at Prime Minister in waiting Mia Mottley that she was complicit in a decision to waive fees on a transaction her father Elliot Mottley was party continues to choke the news channel. It is noteworthy Arthur was unable to confirm wrongdoing but went ahead James Comey style and released the information 9 days before the general election. Keen observers would not have been surprised that Arthur has emerged at this time after listening to Prime Minister Stuart et al leave the political gate open at the Carlisle Park meeting last weekend.

What is playing out was orchestrated between Arthur and the DLP.

It has become patently obvious Owen Arthur and members of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) have colluded to attack Mottley at a time when the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) and its leader are at the most vulnerable. It has not escaped the blogmaster that Arthur’s press conference was facilitated by Barbados Today (BT) headed by Kaymar Jordan.

Here is the BT facilitated Owen Arthur press conference for those who missed it.


The BU family et al is invited to watch the following Owen Arthur presentation in parliament dated August 2011 to appreciate how strange bed fellows are formed. To suggest Arthur took a shellacking by those accepting his every word in 2018 speaks for itself.





154 responses to “Wuh Mia Do Arthur Doah”

  1. David

    That is no ‘bombshell’

    You need something more politically sexy than that, to overcome the dirt the other side got!

  2. @Pacha

    If it was done to facilitate Maloney and that group to grease the campaign financing lines?

  3. @Mari “What most BLP supporters refused to realise is that the global economy to which Barbados is tied can be volitile and harsh and its impact on small island nations can be equally devastating and forgiving”. Are you referring to the same global economy that the remainder of Caribbean nations were faced with and with which they have shown growth and stability or did this global economy hit Barbados and Barbados alone? Wake up and smell the coffee my friend, just about every where else is showing growth. Blame the pilot not the plane.

  4. Fearplay please expand on growth and in what way !and how it is measured and applied to the long term sustainabilty of the country inclusive of its debt margin

  5. Fearplay please expand on growth and in what way !and how it is measured and applied to the long term sustainabilty of the country inclusive of its debt margin

  6. David

    Well judged!

    We missed that angle


  7. And more to come!! The Dems ain’t gaining no traction,he state of the economy and the overall performance of the government is too heavy a burden. Throw in Owen and people see it as disingenuous. Bajans ain’t stupid.

  8. You are so right, Enuff.

    The Dems are being judged on their record and their stewardship.

    I spoke with a lady in the supermarket last night and she said no one do not want to hear from OSA and he could shut to hell up.

  9. Elliot Mottley QC hosting a press conference to address the tax waiver claim.

  10. “Whuloss dat like Chris Decimals Bonds 007 or is that .007 buying a $5 million launch and “hiding it” at port St Charles

    Wunna hear how he nearly drown pun um when de elephsnt fall off de deck while sailing out of St Lucia?”

    lol, lol

  11. @enuff

    Your conclusion post press conference?

  12. David

    I will only repeat, another “bombshell” bombed.

  13. Is it a reflection of the state of Barbadian journalism that the editor of a newspaper should be having a public brawl with the leader of a political party during a general election campaign?
    Are the people the real victims of this shoot-out, not knowing if to trust the veracity news reports? Or is this just another symptom of the general decay of the nation, along with the objectionable platform ranting of Estwick, and Kerrie Symmonds vulgar talk about ‘horning’?
    Or is the undignified struggle within the Anglican church more a reflection of the way of life in a once proud nation?
    Has Barbados lost its moral moorings?

  14. So this political cabal, “political class”…all friends of each other, business partners, clients of each other…ALL spent their whole lives suing each other for defamation and still are, instead of making sure the country and economy and it’s majority citizens are safe, comfortable, their human rights not violated, they are not disenfranchised and they actually have control of their economy, money, contracts, pension fund o benefit them and their future and that of their children and grandchildren….none of the political cabal were ever interested in any of here they are…still suing each other for defamation.

    in saying that, Fruendel will now have his ass sued and so will barbadostoday.

  15. lol..ah guess that one blew up on the yardfowls much blowback are they going to take, there will be nothing left of any of them before election night.

  16. David
    Don’t leave out former PS Layne from the Finance ministry comments on the CIBC-Barcalys merger. Henderson Williams gotta answer to the Needhams Point documents though. $144,000 annual salary with a 20% gratuity and not a single development happening in Needhams Point.

  17. “instead of making sure the country and economy and it’s majority citizens are safe, comfortable, their human rights not violated, they are not disenfranchised and they actually have control of their LAND, economy, money, contracts, pension fund to benefit them and their future and that of their children and grandchildren”

  18. If Henderson Williams is still on the CoB Board he should have to resign forthwith. What say you Caswell.

  19. in saying that, Fruendel will now have his ass sued and so will barbadostoday….and so will

  20. birds of a feather…sued together.

  21. @enuff

    Did we not warn Kaymar to curb her enthusiasm? She needs to resist being manipulated by Arthur.

  22. PM Frenduel is playing this political chess game quite well. He didnt accuse Mottley, he asked a question to Arthur since he was the MOF, which forced him to come out to try to distance himself. Now we have all this hullabaloo.

  23. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    Hopefully Mr Mottley will sue both ARTHUR & STUART causing them to be paupers, just like was done to the speaker Maxwell, years ago.

    Stuart’s speach on the matter was revolting, and Arthur’s jumping in the fray to suppoprt Stuart ridiculous.


  24. What is Stuart and Arthur going to say now to convince Bajans that they are not both acting in consort to be nasty and vindictive towards the Mottley family.This is so embarrassing to the country that 2 former prime ministers have been found to be lying through their teeth in defence of the Freundel Stuart Administration of ‘truth and equity’.JA’s both will now be hauled before the justices and made to pay for inter alia misleading and misinforming the voting public in the hope of bringing about an unlikely outcome in any event.

  25. From the statements of the two characters OSA and Elliot Mottley( EM):
    OSA stated that EM requested a waiver of tax
    EM stated his accountant wrote the Inland Revenue for a waiver of penalties
    and interest
    It appears the request to OSA was verbal( not in black and white)
    What a mess ?

  26. I hope Froon and Arthur got deep pockets, real deep ones too!

    My advice to Froon is the same he gave Speaker Carrington. I suggest he gets a good lawyer!

    To OSA take Froon’s advice and get a good lawyer. Wunna gine get wunna house land and drawers taken. Your behinds and fronts are now exposed and I don’t like what I seeing. Shriveled up appendages that look like dead worms!

  27. Should I say a good LIar instead of a good Lawyer??

  28. Really Kevin? I see a woman, who is supposed to be a weak leader, consistently evaginating two Prime Ministers notwithstanding their over 20 years combined experience as PM. The beauty of her style is that she refuses to respond to either men; instead there are people to do that task with even greater effect. Boko haram debunked, Petro Caribe debunked and both tax waiver claims shredded, with one possibly leading to a law suit. At the same time, she and Keri are exposing the misdeeds of the DLP, with documents that can’t be disproved. Fruendel had one “good” quality in the public’s eye–a man of integrity. You can’t be caught so many times–Cahill, UWI fees, sending home workers and now this–and the public maintained that perception. Like Mottley keeps telling wunna, “Bajans know me” which should have been enough to encourage the Dems to adopt a different strategy. I am sure the lady knew all yuh plans frim since her first stint as Opposition leader.

  29. Loving it . now signatures on those letters need to be confirmed

  30. Under the Duties, Taxes Exemption Act cap 67B, OSA as Minister of Finance
    may waive or exempt a tax , including Income Tax on income of an individual.
    The facts to be determined is whether a request was made
    to waive the income tax .
    Of interest Blair Haynes is dead

  31. Did you even listen to the Mottley press conference? What was the waiver asked for? Was it approved by who?

  32. @ BU
    Read my comment @2.04pm
    OSA stated a waiver of tax was requested, EM denied he requested a waiver of tax
    EM, through his accountant Blair Haynes, requested a waiver of penalties and interest
    An understanding of income tax , penalties and interest on income tax will help

  33. “Loving it. Now signatures on those letters need to be confirmed…”


    You mean similarly to how BU was able to obtain the CAHILL documents and presented them for public perusal, which were confirmed as being signed by “Mr. Integrity,” Freundel Stuart……..

    ………thereby exposing him as being untruthful, when he denied any knowledge of the CAHILL deal, while insisting he never signed any documents pertaining to the project?

  34. We shall see boy this is going to become the battle dubbed ” under whose authority”

  35. @Hal Austin May 16, 2018 12:20 PM “Is it a reflection of the state of Barbadian journalism that the editor of a newspaper should be having a public brawl with the leader of the objectionable platform ranting…vulgar talk about ‘horning’?”

    Take is easy Hal, even the Bible that most honoured of books spends a whole lotta time talking about horning as for example

    Exodus 20:14 “14 “You shall not commit adultery.”

    I think, although Georgie Porgie can correct me, that that phrase “You shall not commit adultery.” is the very voice of God.

    If God can talk about horning, then so can we, his children.

  36. @Hal Austin May 16, 2018 12:20 PM “Or is the undignified struggle within the Anglican church more a reflection of the way of life in a once proud nation?”

    As you will recall there was also a struggle for the Bishopric of Barbados in the early 70’s, and the Archbishop of the Anglican province of the West Indies imposed young Drexel Gomez as bishop. So this struggle is nothing new.

    We Anglicans, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit will sort things out.

    Don’t worry.

    We good.

  37. @David May 16, 2018 12:51 PM “Did we not warn Kaymar to curb her enthusiasm? She needs to resist being manipulated by Arthur.”

    CORRECTION: ALL journalists need to resist being manipulated by ANYBODY.

    A journalist job is not to be anybody’s friend. A journalists job is to tell the truth. ALL of the time.

    Ideally a good journalist has NO friends.

  38. @Enuff May 16, 2018 2:28 PM “I see a woman, who is supposed to be a weak leader, consistently evaginating two Prime Ministers.”

    That is because women are more intelligent than men, but…

    “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily this is not difficult.”
    Charlotte Whitton, Canada Month, June 1963

    The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

    Plain and simple


  39. @Enuff May 16, 2018 2:28 PM “Fruendel had one “good” quality in the public’s eye–a man of integrity…and the public maintained that perception.”

    No I did not.

    No we did not.

    No they did not..

    I am always skeptical of middle aged and old men who have never married or at least lived in the house with a woman, especially if those men are “Christia”n men. I have always wondered what do they do when their doggies get hard.

    So “no” I don’t trust such men.

  40. @Chaucer

    You are aware one of the documents shared by Mottley was received from the PS advising that the minister of finance of the day approved the waiver of interest penalties?

  41. ” Under the Duties, Taxes Exemption Act cap 67B, OSA as Minister of Finance
    may waive or exempt a tax”

    Can I ask to waive or exempt a taxes and penalties I owe the BRA ?

    Can all Bajans do the same as Mottley E D ?

    I doan care who sue who. Do these laws rules and regulations apply to all Bajans ?

  42. @Hants

    EM did not apply for a waiver of tax, it was for penalties and interest on the tax owed under the Income Tax Act if memory serves.

  43. Simple Simon May 16, 2018 3:25 PM

    And there I was wondering why throughout a 50 yr working life why I had no friends.

  44. There is no need so far for neither Arthur nor Stuart to get any lawyer.

    Bajans assign to lawyers to much importance, that is why they can rob people so

    People get frightened once they hear lawyer, not we doh!

    This is a political case and the press conference today means little

    For the damage is already done

    In any event all parties will soon drop this case once the election is done

    And there will be a consolidation of the elite forces again, acting in their our interests and against us, the non-lackies

    Now that they are divided, we should strive to keep them that way.

  45. Stuart & Arthur gotta be embarrassed as hell.
    No them shameless.
    Time to lawyer up Froons.
    Maybe the two of them can get Mr “Lose Every Case” Gollop to represent them for a couple million dollars..

  46. @Hants May 16, 2018 3:52 PM “Can I ask to waive or exempt a taxes and penalties I owe the BRA ?”

    Yes Hants. You certainly can request a waiver of penalties and interest. You can request this for income tax, for property tax etc.

    Perhaps you will not be granted the waivers.

    But waivers are fairly routine administrative matters.

    Or you can take advantage of the occasional amnesty.

  47. You can also request a waiver from those tough guys and gals at the Canadian Revenue Authority. See below for more:

    Cancel or waive penalties or interest
    The Minister [In your case the Canadian Minister with responsibility for the Canadian Revenue Authority] may grant relief from penalty or interest when the following types of situations prevent a taxpayer from meeting their tax obligations:

    extraordinary circumstances;
    actions of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA);
    inability to pay or financial hardship;
    other circumstances
    The topics below provide more information in respect of the Minister’s discretion to provide relief from penalty or interest amounts.

  48. @ Simple Simon,

    I am asking about Barbados.

    What does the CRA have to do with this discussion?

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