Mia Mottley, Leader of the Opposition Barbados Labour Party

The following is the Barbados Labour Party’s draft Integrity Commission Bill. We invite you, the members of the public, to comment on this Bill as we intend – after taking into account your suggestions – to have this enacted  as a priority if we are granted the privilege of being elected in the forthcoming general elections. Please note that all  comments and queries will be held in the strictest confidence. If you need clarification of any point, please leave an email and we will get back to you.

Thank you.

Read full draft of the document uploaded to BU database – HERE.

219 responses to “Barbados Labour Party PROMISES to ENACT Integrity Legislation from DAY 1 If Elected”

  1. I don’t know what bill GP read, but the document I read clearly speaks to gifts received by public officials. It states that the functions of the Commission include “to receive and keep on record all declarations, statements of registrable interests and reports of gifts forwarded by persons in public life”. The reports referred to above are those public officials must submit to IC of any gift over $1,000. Regarding members of the Commission, how do persons appointed by the Governor General after consultation with the PM and Opposition leader equates to political appointees? The reason for consultation is in fact to guard againt “political appointees”. Am I to conclude that someone vying for the position of Prime Minister, or a whole political party, has difficulties interpreting bills or understanding the difference between political appointees and appointments made through consultation?🤔 #whowillbeAG?🤔 Moreover, a party consisting of 30 candidates hand picked by its political leader should refrain from the term “political appointees”. #cuebushtea

  2. PM advice Dale Marshall to take his information and concerns to the DPP since he has knowledge of individuals involved in corruption
    We await Dale Marshall response , However one can rightfully say Fake Dale is a long winded barking mutt with only sound and no teets and has no proof of evidence upon delivery like his leader who has been challenged more than two years ago to produced legal and verifiable documentation.
    Also while he goes about spreading innuendo and gossip he needs to advice his leader that she not being able to produced documentation that would have afforded her the right to be a certified member of the legal bar sends a stench of corruption which can be her undoing as she seeks to become barbados next PM

  3. “Stuart however refused to take any questions from the DAILY NATION after the meeting, particularly on the sudden announcement of St John Mara Thompson’s decision not to contest the next general elections.”


    Why do you think Stuart and his other inept DLP ministers choose to speak only to the DLP faithful?

    Because they know their political rhetoric would be unchallenged and accepted by gullible the party faithful and yard-fowls that would readily accept any shiite as gospel.

    Angela Cox/Skeete, I’m sure you’ll agree that the DLP being indebted to the state owned agency, CBC, in the amount of $109.609, under circumstances where the minister responsible for CBC and president of the DLP is Freundel Stuart, could be considered as REAL NEWS and DESCRIBED as CORRUPTION.

  4. Likewise, the DLP has been spreading rumors about Mottley on social media and if they believe she is illegally practicing law in Barbados, rather than post the information to “Naked Departure,” the DEMS could take it to the DPP as well.

    And the DLP has an Attorney General and enough lawyers within its ranks to file a criminal suit against Mottley.

    Here we have the DLP, its operatives, yard-fowls, Maureen and Mary that are more obsessed with Mia Mottley than trying to defend the DLP’s abysmal record as the ruling administration.

    I must remind the resident yard-fowl that it’s now FIVE (5) days past the George Pilgrim November 15, 2017 deadline he gave AG Adriel Brathwaite to report on Mottley’s status as a lawyer.

  5. What spill what beans what??!!
    If this JA kept abreast of current news he would KNOW of the corruption…

    The corruption starts with Stuart HIMSELF – and the CAHILL debacle alone serves to demonstrate that fact…..added to his condoning of the thieving Speaker of the house in robbing an old man in a wheelchair….
    …and his failure to address ANY of the shiite around him.

    But angela is also right about the BLP.

    @ enuff
    If Mia cannot get the PAC to even question two shiite ministers about a CLEAR illegal act with respect to Housing funds….
    Why the donkey would Bushie even bother to read any shiite draft integrity document coming from her?
    …and don’t talk about Simmons…. His association with CGI is now stuff of legendary lowness…

    ONLY a NATIONAL cleansing and repentance – best described as ‘sackcloths and ashes’, has ANY HOPE whatsoever, …. of turning things around in Brassbados.

  6. @ Artax
    Answer this question.
    Why does Mia not just bring her damn LAW DEGREE and show the public?

    Shiite man!!!
    Enuff of this RH.
    Why does she have to make every shiite so difficult…?

    …and if she KNOWS that she don’t have the damn degree, then RESIGN and go away.
    That will IMPROVE BLP chances in any coming elections by 10% anyway.

  7. Where is Stuart on the integrity index if we apply the measure that he promised to lead an initiative to address election irregularities?

  8. @ Bushie

    Only Mia Mottley can answer that question.

    I also wrote in a previous contribution that if Mottley knows she is not qualified to practice law, she should resign as Opposition Leader and allow someone else to lead the BLP into the next general elections.

  9. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    That corrupt CGI Insurance connection that all the politicians and ministers helped nourish and brought to full grown strength will destroy them all…

    They all like pimping for minorities too damn much…a very ugly and demeaning trait that they allowed to remain embedded in their house negro slave minds.

  10. Thank you Artax

    It seems so very SIMPLE….
    …and yet here we are spending valuable time and resources on what is really a very STRAIGHTFORWARD issue….

    When will we get to the REALLY complex matters – such as addressing the root of our unprecedented decline….

  11. There is something peculiar about the Barbadian collective psychology. Here is a nation, down on its knees economically, and which will be badly damaged for decades, a nation that for 50 years its brightest and best have failed to manage it in to the new century, and all people can talk about in this forum is about the professional qualifications of a political leader.
    Not about their ideas for government, not about their plans to redistribute wealth, but if they have a silly third-world qualification that is of little intellectual or professional use in any other part of the big, wide world, and in practice is of use only to protect a select band of professional workers.
    What does this at about us as a nation? Plse grow up.

  12. @ Hal Austin

    Rather than focus on the social & economic issues plaguing Barbados, we have allowed ourselves to become preoccupied and distracted by the DLP’s political narrative.

    The DLP and its operatives have successfully set their agenda by referring to Mottley and the LEC issue, in response to pertinent questions about the party’s 9 year tenure in office, dilapidated state of the roads, failed economic policies and the overall abysmal record of this inept DLP administration.

    I was RELIABLY informed that the Transport Board is paying the SALARIES and ACCOMMODATION for a number of TRINIDADIANS that are employed to repair buses at the Mangrove, St. Philip depot, while the Board remains INDEBTED to UCAL and STRUGGLES to MAINTAIN 80 units in operation per day.

    Additionally, Minister of Transport Michael Lashley defended the Transport Board paying a TRINIDADIAN consultant $22,000 per month by saying “a document submitted by Price Waterhouse Coopers found that initiatives of the consultant had saved the Transport Board millions of dollars.”

    And this “document” is yet to be made available for public perusal.

    These are the types of issues we should be discussing………….. how this DLP administration is spending “tax payers’ money” as though the government coffers belong to them.

    I also find it disturbing that the DLP owing CBC $109,609 appears not to be an unimportant issue to contributors to this forum and by extension, Barbadians.

  13. All countries have social and economic problems. However when one observe the disruption such problems have cause to many countries barbados problems have not reach such a level of total disruption given the far abd wide economic problems encountered
    Our school system is still up and running and many social programs are still available to the citizens

  14. It is now obvious that the assorted cronies and apologists for the BLPDLP, are looking for somewhere to hide. They have failed in their efforts to silence independent voices on BU, who refused to fall for the garbage they have been pedalling for the past three years in BU. This opportunistic attempt to enforce a BLPDLP brand has now fallen flat on its face.
    Every time a BLP joker claims that something is wrong with the DLP, independent thinkers can bring a similar failing of the BLP and vice versa. The pot calling the kettle black is now evident.Their contributions will become weaker and weaker as the independent voices calling for real change continue to assail them every time they put their sorry pens to paper.
    The country is now confronted by lethargy with at least 35 percent of the voting population determined to stand home rather than vote again for the BLPDLP miscreants. Well known supporters of both the BLPDLP have lost all hope in the leadership of the indolent Stuart and the vacuous Mottley.
    Call in programs on both CBC and VOB have seen a dramatic fall off in listenership because of the nonsense offered by the die hard contributors of the fading BLPDLP. Hundreds of citizens are now exploring home schooling because of an education system destroyed by the archaic policies of the BLPDLP. Young Barbadians are looking as far away as Asian countries after university because they simply cannot find work. The bubbling Sir Hilary Beckles has all but admitted that his management of UWI has failed the test of time.
    It is now time to thank the BLPDLP for all the good they have done but like any race horse that can no longer earn its oats; it is time to just hang out on the pasture until corned beef time.
    Barbados simply cannot afford to feed the BLPDLP and their collective fatted calf opportunists any more.

  15. But Skinner

    You of all people knows that there is no history of a duopoly admitting failure, apologizing to their publics and submitting themselves to popular judgement. LOL

    It will be left to us to pronounce these orgasms dead on arrival – DOA

    No country should be based on the notion that even when it is clear to thinking people that the system can go no further there is no means other than collective and sustained public actions or total collapse which constitute certain remedies.

    For reform has had its window.

    The ‘political-managerial’ elites have been ignoring calls for structural transformation from before ‘independence’.

    We have not even been able to do a land reform. In fact, under Arthur there was a massive consolidation of land ownership for Cow Williams. He was said to own 20% of Bajan land.

  16. Well Well @ Cut N Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well @ Cut N Paste At Your Service

    …the yardfowl brigade keep weighing down the treasury…get rid of the yardfowls….ya might not have crocus bags anymore, but find some large container, get a large boat…take them all out to sea and light it…

    they are dumb so it`s easy for politicians to get them all in one space.

    yardfowls are nuisances, no one will miss them..

  17. Yes……. and each country’s government is responsible for developing socio-economic policies to ensure public goods and services are adequately provided.

    Unfortunately, while we want to “tout” Barbados as the #1 developing island in this region, these problems have reached a level of third world countries.

    The Ministry of Health officials have been talking about NCD, while the School Meals Service is serving children, hot-dogs, corned beef, luncheon meat and pasta.

    The Transport Board continues to be poorly managed and the unavailability of buses to adequately service routes has become endemic. Michael Lashley claims the Board is “cash strapped,” but could find money to pay Trinidadian mechanics and employ lackeys from his constituency. Ask Michael Lashley how many people from his constituency have been employed at TB since the retrenchment of employees in March 2014.

    Dr. David Estwick has been a successful loud mouthed politicians, but has been an abysmal failure as Minister of Agriculture. Under his watch, the industry has declined significantly, there is a lack of innovation or any attempt to embrace new technologies.

    People depending on sickness, maternity and invalidity benefits from the NIS have to wait as long as 4 months before receiving a cheque. I have a friend who retired from work medically unfit over two years ago and has received only three benefit cheques so far.

    And what about the stupid, inhumane policy of unemployed people having to register with the NIS in Culloden Farm and then have to trek to Warrens to register with the Unemployment Bureau.

    When last has the Urban or Rural Development Commissions performed their respective mandated functions?

    They can’t get Customs to merge with the BRA……….. or BRA to improve its efficiency.

    Stephen Lashley continues to make sport at sports, while education and behavior of school children have deteriorated under Ronald Jones’ watch………… he seems to be more interested in renaming schools after DLP stalwarts and lackeys.

    Denis Kellman has allowed over 1,500 NHC houses to remain unoccupied and rotting………. And he wants us to believe he has done an excellent job as Minister of Housing, when to date his only real achievement is cronyism…… employing his cousin’s wife as Human Resources Manager of NHC, under circumstances where a qualified individual was acting in the position for over two years.

    Denis Lowe oversaw the retrenchment of NCC employees other than those from his constituency that were recently employed (ask Hal Gollop). He retrenched employees from the Drainage Unit, and after heavy rain fall, Barbados is flooded because, in many cases, the drains are not cleaned. The highways and roads are badly in need of debushing…………

    It’s difficult to imagine that all this debushing and drainage work was outsourced to Mark Maloney’s “Adopt-A-KM Community Highway Programme.”

  18. @Pacha

    The challenge we face is that people like William expect citizens to embrace so-called third parties by definition and not for the message being offered. A look at the third parties on offer continue to fall short as far as leading a different conversation in the country, one that inspires a belief in a disillusioned citizenry ironically ripe for change.

  19. Wilfred Abrahams is on the afternoon talk show to demystify the draft integrity legislation deposited in the public domain by the BLP.

  20. Artax if u want to be so specific and factual. Why dont you make reference to the AG reports of past govt financial budgets and the inclination to forego or pursue financial waste attributed to these sectors

  21. Abrahams when asked by a caller about introducing FOIA there was a lotta dry talk but noting concrete.

  22. David

    The callers point on the lack of joe public on committees ties in with the point I raised above on 50.1….a classic example of the political class looking after themselves by virtue of appointees to be made by the GG after consultation with the PM and the LOTO.

  23. Looks like Abrahams took a rap on the knuckles from Faith Marshall-Harris.

  24. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    At least they got a fire lit under all of them…ha, ha, ha

    It’s not going to be as easy or the slam dunk they thought it would be to deceive the electorate again, to win an election….lol

  25. @ David,

    Solutions Barbados has the potential to a be governing party of Barbados.

    Grenville Phillips III has the potential to be Prime Minister.

    Can they convert potential into reality ?

  26. @ Hants
    Grenville only has to win two or three seats in a close race… for the PM-ship.
    To achieve this, he will need the DLP to put on a stronger show…
    Perhaps this is why enuff is in such a fluff…

    NEVER underestimate enuff….
    …except of course WRT his misguided confidence in CSME…

  27. @ David
    Wilfred Abrahams is a lawyer.
    ALL lawyers are bull shitters…. He is an up-and-coming BS star.

    ALL they EVER think about; talk about; or manage to accomplish; is a lotta shiite talk about MORE and MORE Laws.

    They NEVER follow the laws that they enact

    They ALWAYS build loopholes into the laws to give themselves ‘get-out-of-jail-free’ privileges

    They Always arrange to include HUGE legal fees in every shiite.

    Tell Bushie…..
    What the hell is wrong with the PAC? …that cannot be fixed for $100.00?
    Why can’t they just PROCLAIM the existing DLP integrity legislation? …$200.00?
    Why can’t they just abolish the Shiite Senate and let us have a PEOPLES’ SENATE with powers of recall of the elected politicians? …saving $$$$$$$?
    Why not bring in a prosecutor from the Scotland Yard, Mounties or FBI when corruption is suspected? . ..and let us get some REAL action?

    This whole scam by the BLP is a lotta shiite, and it only goes to show why they DARE NOT expose any more of their ‘intended policies’ before the election..

    The Emperor has no damn clothes…..

  28. Bushie
    You attacking me? Wuh I ain’t write the bill or nuh analysis of the “bill”, I merely point out that neither GP nor Solutions appear capable of interpreting legislation. But you just love to pick fire rage, so carry on star.🤣🤣

  29. @Bushie

    Grenville aint winning one seat or getting back one deposit; but in any event I don’t give two RH if he does. No impact on me. When I said, in response to BIM, that any party attempting to base an election campaign on IL should be laughed at, you came for me–as usual.


    Sounds good but how do you propose to allow the public to participate in the selection of members to the ICthrough a process that is fair, equitable and transparent? Elections? By the way, the Chairman of the FTC is appointed by the Minister, yet we have an outstanding chair in Jeff Cumberbatch.

  30. Bushie
    You know what..’Once bitten twice shy’ mean.In 2013,Owen had a good platform,a good message and de earth was at the esplanade on the night before the election,still the man lost by a combination of vote buying/selling and the old woman that got put off the bus by Rum or by Coke.Mia thinks Owen declare his plans too early and that cut the party behind.It ain’t going to happen again.

  31. Enuff @4.54 PM

    Good question and good point……one can only do the best one can and hope that it turns the way imagined…….seldom happens….I agree.

  32. LOL @ enuff

    Bushie is NOT attacking you boss… on the contrary, just pointing out that you are the real strategic brains behind the BLP.

    In fact, if you were to reconsider your CSME position and drop the BLP, Bushie would get together with you and we can form a forth party … we can call it ‘Bajan Bush Enuff” (BBE)

    We can get Jeff to write new laws, Caswell to interpret them, and Pacha (with his sharp instrument) to enforce them….. matter fixed.

    …can you imagine the impact on national productivity and corruption… after about five heads rolled down Government Hill…?

    ha ha ha

  33. @ Gabriel
    Are you saying that Owen did not suffer the effects of a palace coup in the last election then?
    …just asking… 🙂

  34. William Skinner my attempt is not to sway any independent,i am stating facts .I do not know what foolishness you talking about parties hiding or maybe you mean ………………….your ex party the DLP because I do not see the BLp hiding I see them in the varios constituencies getting feedback from voters.I think I see your strategy pull both parties together as one and allow your DLP to sneek back in.This will not work the20 downgrades,the poor bus service poor roads ,poor garbage collections are nothing to do with the BLP but extremely poor management by the DLp and they have to take sole responsibility for this whenever Elections are called.The BLP had nothing to do with this and in my opinion should form the next Government as they cannot do any worse.As for Fractured where was Mr Arthur last night you would not stop telling lies,it is time for you to grow up.

  35. @ Lorenzo

    I am ex NDP not BLPDLP. Thanks .I never said parties hiding. I said BLPDLP apologists and cronies hiding from BU.Who the cap fit let them wear it.
    My position remains and is very clear: I am supporting ALL third parties and independents. I will continue, as promised, to expose the vulgarization of our politics by the nefarious BLPDLP and their cohorts.
    I rest my case.

  36. @Bushie
    Stories exist of unfair solicitation tantamount to scoring an own goal but In any event it was of none effect in the two contiguous constituencies.Recall the suspense when the result was 14 to 15.No palace coup involved but a prodigal box that was lost and then found……heavier.Afterwards Peter swore and so did Paul that they ‘saw money pass’ but then power of office went to their individual heads and they took back their words and decided that the people voted and the people will be punished with taxes and no concessions unless yuh white and yuh name cow,mclooney,tempras,tiffin or jerkporkum.

  37. LOL @ Gabriel
    Nobody tells a story like you do Boss…

  38. David

    It pains me to tell you this ……using yourJA badge of honour !!

    You are the biggest Jackass Ass (JA) of a blog owner.

    Now imagine a few days ago on your blog you posted a picture of a house – allegedly belonging to Chris Sinckler.

    Now last night His Majesty King 👑 Freundel Jerome Stuart called on you JA to take the media to the house you advertised as Chris Sinckler’s own at Rollins Hill , St. George !

    Up to now you can’t buss a peg !!

    Imagine you on this blog promoting INTEGRITY ???

    A big JA like you !!

  39. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DXOA43ysP6I


    You missed Owen last night at Alexandra School ???

    Well listened to the video clip above !!

    MAM is still a :

    • Despot !

    • Still cannot be TRUSTED !

    • Still a theft of BLP party funds !

    • Still leads a party under her leadership that has lost it’s SOUL !!!

    • Still OSA csnnot trust her around his female family members !!!

    So for a repeat of yesterday’s epic presentation.,,.,,listen to Brother OSA again !!!!

    The campaign ain’t start yet .,.,,,,Lorenzo !!!!!

  40. Fractured BLP wrote “His Majesty King Freundel Jerome Stuart”

    Royal Rumble wrote ” OSA father of first world Barbados and Prime Minister for life ”

    OSA was defeated and your ” King ” will be dethroned.

    I remain a ” legacy supporter ” of the Barrow DLP “.

  41. Dr. Simple Simon Phd Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon Phd

    Listening to Arthur again he sounds just like my bitter ex-husband.


  42. @ David,

    Fractured BLP November 20, 2017 at 9:33 PM wrote” You are the biggest Jackass Ass (JA) of a blog owner. ”

    If I was the blog owner ……

  43. Dr. Simple Simon Phd Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon Phd

    As for condoms in prison. I believe that Mia was right, and the BLP which opposed condoms in prison was and is wrong, because even though sex while maole on male sex, and sex while in prison is still an offense, fighting the spread of HIV is more important than upholding so-called morality when sex in prison is likely is occurring even in the absence of condoms.

  44. Dr. Simple Simon Phd Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon Phd

    @Hants November 20, 2017 at 10:14 PM “I remain a ” legacy supporter ” of the Barrow DLP.”

    Why are you supporting a duppy?

    Barrow is dead, dead, dead.

    He int coming back.

  45. Dr. Simple Simon Phd Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon Phd

    And talking about freedom of expression. I did not know that political parties were hotbeds of freedom of expression, and that party members were free to disagree publicly with the party leader, and that party leaders were cool with this freedom.

  46. Dr. Simple Simon Phd Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon Phd

    And we have to be careful that we do not mistake our own homophobia for Biblical Christian morality.

  47. And we have to be careful that we do not mistake our own homophobia for Biblical Christian morality.
    What morality?
    Bushie takes it as big people spreading shiite…….

  48. Dr. Simple Simon Phd Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon Phd

    Condoms in prison is a public health issue. It is not a moral or religious issue.

    After holding a first consultation on HIV in prisons in 1987, The World Health Organization (WHO) responded to growing evidence of HIV infection in prisons worldwide by issuing guidelines on HIV infection and AIDS in prisons in 1993.

    In Canada, distribution of condoms in all institutions operated by the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is part of a “Management of Infectious Disease” policy that identifies as its objective “To contribute to public health and a safe and healthy environment through a
    comprehensive infectious diseases program.” In implementing this policy the CSC
    states that it will be “guided by public health principles in managing infectious
    diseases in the penitentiary environment.

    Many countries issue condoms in prison as a comprehensive public health program, including, testing, counselling etc.

    Most of the European Union
    South Africa
    Some U.S. States/territories including: California, Mississippi, Vermont

  49. Dr. Simple Simon Phd Avatar
    Dr. Simple Simon Phd

    @Bush Tea November 20, 2017 at 10:34 PM “Bushie takes it as big people spreading shiite.”

    I take it that you understand that most sexually transmitted diseases are spread through semen.

  50. Following your logic here, Bushie take it that you would support the issue of personal armour vests for next year’s visitors to kadooment …. since people getting shoot on Spring Gardens…?
    Shiite – perhaps everyone should have to wear bullet-proof clothing in public – judging from the number of gunshot deaths we are seeing…

    Perhaps most of those people should not be in prison in the first damn place.
    Some should DEFINITELY have been separated from their heads long ago…. and MANY should NEVER have even seen the insides of prison.
    Idiots CREATE a stupid situation – then go and complicate it with shiite…

    What WHO what?!?
    Those jokers just push the standard albino-centric agenda with their convoluted shiite…
    If we start WRONG (with a flawed life philosophy), there is only one way it can end…

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