Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the attached video taped conversation on REPARATIONS between Dr. PEDRO  WELCH, the chairman of the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations, and DAVID  COMISSIONG in his role as host of the University of the West Indies REGION  TALK television programme.

1,349 responses to “Reparation Talk With Dr.Pedro Welch and David Comissiong”

  1. Thanks Kiki
    Bushie was going to let him continue to wallow in his lame ignorance for a while… before posting a video made by a more enlightened white man – one with a conscience and with a GENUINE interest in REAL history…

  2. 555,
    Lynchings continued after Slavery
    Last recorded lynching was in 1981.
    White People collected lynching postcards because they felt good about their sickness.

    I certainly agree that the above is vile, putrid, wild animal behaviour to which I should never be associated.

    There are evil, wicked whites just consider the Football Hooligans as an obvious example OR those that put the cladding on the recent towering inferno in London.

  3. Lynchings continued after Slavery
    Last recorded lynching was in 1981.

    Which part of Barbados did these lynchings take place?

    The other day I went looking all over Barbados for the slave breeding operations that were claimed on this blog to be still in operation.

    Well actually I didn’t go outside the parish as I knew it was total rubbish …. besides …. slavery was over more than a hundred years (century) ago.

    It was you who made the claim if remember correctly … but of course I could be mistaken as I was able to quickly dismissed the possibility through some simple critical thinking!!

    You see what I mean … a complete lack of critical thinking … Rush Limbaugh is right!!!!!

    If anyone wants to invoke family photo albums, they better say where their imaginings took place because for sure I never heard of any such imaginings in my family oral history!!!

    Quite the opposite!!

  4. Now if you turn to African slave practices from the days of the Arab slave trade.

    In the Sudan, today, there are actual videos of women and children captured in slave raids and eyewitness accounts of the murder of the men.

    The stories of castration for males and life of a concubine for women from way back …. totally believable.

    Genetic warfare … both today and yesterday … you could debate whether castration and genital mutilation was more civilized than murder … but that is one debate you would have with some one else .. not me.

    Boko Harum …. this behavior is consistent with behavior described in days of yore.

    So you know there is a very strong element of truth to the cruel and extreme practices Africans meted out to one another in the past as they built up the slave trade first with Arabs and then with both Arabs and Europeans.

    Selling one to another … standard practice.

    Raiding … standard practice.

    I can repeat again with no fear of contradiction that my African Ancestors probably breathed a sigh of relief when the found out their were in the consignment destined for Barbados and not the one destined for the Arab markets.

    Unless yours were completely dumb and incapable of critical thinking I will bet that they did too!!

    You can correct me if you think I am wrong!!

  5. @ Money B
    I certainly agree that the above is vile, putrid, wild animal behaviour to which I should never be associated.
    Well said Money B.

    That is all anyone here ever asked…. It says that you are human.
    But you were always ‘different’….
    If you could ever get over your (instinctive) love of money, you could pass as a bushman yuh… 🙂

    That someone could fail to conclude as you did … and that John can continue with the lotta convoluted shiite that he continues to deposit here on BU (for example…that historical facts can be dismissed ‘because he could not find some shiite in some parish’) …or that he is unaware ‘that lynchings occurred in Barbados’…. when his father grew up in the USA …where historians actually are intelligent… and where it is all documented in detail…..

    The USA – who got their Slave Code from Barbados….

    Man Money B … see if you can explain to this Johnny about the difference between being a HUMAN BEING …and being a cold, heartless, unrepentant animal….. capable of the kind of behaviours in which his ancestors excelled…..
    Obviously it is only for lack of ABILITY and OPPORTUNITY… that John has not already lynched Kiki’s donkey …..

    …and of course there is the big-ass whacker…so he can’t touch Bushie…
    ha ha ha

  6. Ok, so I take it these lynchings never happened in Barbados, a complete figment of people’s imaginations!!

    A waste of time!!

  7. ….. so BT, in the absence of proof of atrocities I don’t have anything to dissociate myself from with respect to any of my a Quaker ancestors some of whom owned slaves, some who did not!!

    I consider that in helping to make Barbados a retreat from religious persecution in England they provided a sanctuary for some of my African ancestors and a bastion of hope.

    But I have to admit I am heartily ashamed of some of my African ancestors and their roles in the enslavement of their own peoples … my peoples, … some my own ancestors.

    I cannot comprehend how supposed humans could perpetrate the atrocities they did on their own kith and kin,

    How do you feel about your African ancestors … are you proud of them all or are you, like me, thankful that atleast some of them escaped the hell of Africa to the sanctuary of Barbados and avoided the genetic warfare practiced against them?

    One thing is sure … we can’t choose family.

  8. Which part of Barbados did these lynchings take place?

    Who said Barbados you Asshole?

    You said Barbados you wanker.

    Barbados was a Slave Port
    Slaves were carried beyond Barbados depending on whims of Traders

    White Trash are not Critical thinkers you racist moron.

    You are old and senile.

    When you argue against reparations you are proving you are racist
    When you support Trump trash you are proving you are racist

    Racists can shut up about Reparations

  9. There can be no justifications or excuses for Atlantic Slave Trade,

    except Racism of White Supremacy.

  10. Roots of Contemporary Music

    Easy Squeeze (Make No Riot)

    (Sons and Daughters of) Slaves started sing the Blues..

    First Time I Met The Blues


    When the Levee Breaks

    Beast Of Burden

  11. Racism of Whites Slavery continued with segregation and Jim Crow denial of black peoples rights in all forms of human interaction

    I could never understand how pasty whites could be prejudiced against likes of spiritual black beings (who were prophets and messengers of God) such as Billie Holliday, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Nina Simone and many more

    I’ve seen my light come shining
    form the west down to east
    any day now any way now
    I shall be released

  12. Money B said :
    “I certainly agree that the above is vile, putrid, wild animal behaviour to which I should never be associated.

    There are evil, wicked whites just consider the Football Hooligans as an obvious example OR those that put the cladding on the recent towering inferno in London.”

    That was (and still is) the mindset that brainwashed whites

    Whole communities joined in to watch and be part of lynchings.

    The ring leaders who inflicted wicked brutality built up their reputations as community leaders.

    Reparations is about remedying past wrongs and putting the prejudiced mindset to rest.

    African slaves were in United States of America from it’s conception
    many European Immigrants came much later and still followed the racist mindset and pecking order of races.

    Oh, Lord, don’t let ’em shoot us!
    Oh, Lord, don’t let ’em stab us!
    Oh, Lord, don’t let ’em tar and feather us!
    Oh, Lord, no more swastikas!
    Oh, Lord, no more Ku Klux Klan!
    Name me someonee who’s ridiculous, Dannie.
    Governor Faubus!
    Why is he so sick and ridiculous?
    He won’t permit integrated schools.
    Then he”s a fool!
    Boo Nazi Fascist supremists!
    Boo Ku klux klan with your evil plan
    Name me a handful that’s ridiculous, Dannie Richmond.
    Bilbo, Thomas, Faubus, Russel, Rockefeller, Byrd, Eisenhower
    Why are they so sick and ridiculous?
    Two, fours, six, eight: they brainwash and teach you hate.

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    In reading the responses of John and MB,we have proof positive of the troll’s agenda ably aided and abetted by the schizoid BT of holding the progeny of the european tribes responsible for all of mankinds iniquity.

    Now this an interesting posit,which again has no base in historical facts as has been shown time and time again by John.

    Again we see the American barbarism being used to invade this post on reparations.

    My posit is that the majority of Americans of any pigment have the same thinking as shown by the trolls who wish to exterminate all melanin poor individuals off the face of the earth and forevermore kill any child that has the mutant gene which caused the pigment loss in the first place around 12000 years ago.

    One can only feel sorry for individuals who hate themselves so much and wish to eradicate their european ancestry by killing all of those tribes but at the same time is not interested in all the killings in Chicago since 1981,the present day atrocities in Somalia,Congo or that little matter of genocide in Rwanda.

    No,no,no,no……they will never allow facts to intrude on their self imposed state of victim hood……I have known others like that who end up stark staring bonkers when they no longer have that crutch to hold on to.

  14. Dancing Shiva
    Doors of Perception
    Mo’ Lyrics and Musical Words Sounds and Power to open up backward one dimensional amoeboid minds

    Africa, Tabu

    Drumbeat, It Began In Africa, Black People What Y’All Gonna Do

  15. Vincent Haynes is a whinging pom
    a miserable old fart
    wearing a permanent screw


    Ding! It’s about Time for some James Brown

    >Messing With the Blues

    >Like It Is, Like It Was (The Blues, Continued)

  16. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Not a word from the trolls or the schizoid on this…..will keep reminding them….

    World turns blind eye to Libya slave trade: photographer – Reuters
    May 17, 2017 – LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Libya has become a modern-day slave market, with migrants caught in a complex trafficking web largely ignored by the outside world, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer said on Wednesday. Narciso Contreras, who spoke to migrants turned Libyan …

  17. @ Vincent
    You are using your known slave name….
    Stop embarrassing yourself and your family nuh!!!

    If you believe that there were no lynchings in Barbados, then you probably ARE as stupid as you come across on this thread….. Did you attend Sir Cave’s play on Bussa…..?
    Do you think that ‘historians’ like John, Hoyos and the others of their ilk would carefully document such family history….?
    What makes you believe John over Sir Cave?
    Hilary’s grave error was to stop educating Bajans about their history …and to instead accept the white trojan horse called Cave Hill….

    Bushie is no damn historian …. the bushman did not have the heart to suffer through the sadistic debauchery of the sick ‘Johns’ of Barbados….. If he did, Bushie may well be welding a mach9 now….instead of a whacker….

    It is not difficult to see why John delves into such study … it is clearly his substitute for sex…. in the absence of the ability to actually LIVE those vile experience in 2017… he gets his ‘offs’ by pushing his nonsense down the throats of gullible brass bowls like you – Vincent…..

    …but not stinking Bushie….
    Like Caswell, Bushie does not do poles or polls…

  18. Vincent

    World Richest Man (Gadaffi) warned UK’s Dodgy PM (Cameron) that their illegal War in Libya for regime change would cause real bad terrorism in the area

    UK are responsible 1nce again for more bad shit in world today, who da thunk it
    damn them Yuropeans

    Downpressor International, Cold Blood

  19. BT

    Do you realise your cousin could be Boko Harum …. or have been even Idi Amin Dada?!!

    It gives me the creeps to think we could share these specimens of the human race as family!!

    … but, I survive in the knowledge that God has put me on this earth to do his will, He as given me the tools, no more or no less than I need so I get on with the work I believe he has set me to do.

    I think the examples of the past humble us because they make us realise we just cannot choose our family!!

  20. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Chuckle…..boyo,your belief in Sir Cavs twistory says it all,especially when you bring in Bussa to validate it….lol

    … have flashes of lucidity which I will give you credit for but other than that your brain is truly frazzled with the bunkum you have ingested orally and mentally.

    The bit I like best is for you the biggest gullible brassbowl to dare refer to others as such…..LOLOLOL

    John researches and brings facts,some of which are open to interpretation but instead of doing your own research in order to discuss/debate/counter the facts you only want to play the man…….you are truly beyond being a brassbowl.

    Rereading your post and thinking on your other posts about the political class…..I must say that you really have a nerve to point fingers at them when you are no different…….chuckle…..yup…..take a good look at yourself in the mirror.

    Note the reason for the above is for those who read these blogs to better understand the person you are……not for for your edification… you are truly beyond the pale……a Sarah Palin….lol.

  21. John “… but, I survive in the knowledge that God has put me on this earth to do his will, He as given me the tools, no more or no less than I need so I get on with the work I believe he has set me to do.”

    You are not making any righteous stand for God only pushing your own racist agenda

    God created all Muslims Hindus Buddhists Christians

    Christian Slavers and Colonialists did not even believe the Bible themselves when they preached about God but spread racial and religious war and terror

    The West African slaves stolen by Colonialists were muslims
    (another reason why they were treated bad)


    Fighting Radics

  22. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    One wonders why the trolls do not colonise another part of Africa or join their relatives who conquered and subjugated the original tribes of that area.

    The American Colonization Society (ACS) was formed in 1817 to send free African-Americans to Africa as an alternative to emancipation in the United States. In 1822, the society established on the west coast of Africa a colony that in 1847 became the independent nation of Liberia.
    Colonization – The African-American Mosaic Exhibition | Exhibitions …

  23. Something that was reinforced to the BU household many years ago while attending a Bobby Morris lecture is that one has to be careful when researching and regurgitating history, it is always reflected through the eyes f those scribbling it, most of the time if not all by the White man who brings a filter as we all do.

  24. John
    Of course God created you and gave you a mission…
    Who do you think created Satan and gave HIMhis mission…?
    it is a beautiful plan.

    Diamonds are not possible without heat and pressure…so you DO have a role to play…
    …a ‘bad guy’ role….

    …and from whence do you think Bushie’s whacker came….?

    Somebody gotta cut the bad boy’s asses….

    ha ha ha

  25. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    That statement of Morris’ is known by all true researchers of history and is especially known by local twistorians with an agenda to full fill,irrespective of melanin content.

    All researchers know to check and recheck and in the end show your sources for your conclusion which allows others to look for more sources and do their own interpretations.

    Presently the greatest number of books/papers/docs available to western society are by authors of the progeny of european tribes and should always be looked at with a pinch of salt.

  26. @ David
    Excellent intervention.
    History is just that…. somebody’s story of his perspective of events.

    For example, Bushie’s recall of Vincent’s school career could only place him in the “stupid person category” of his above video.
    Historically therefore, it makes no sense (based on HIS own evidence presented) trying to have a rational discourse with him….

    Anyone who would take a wannabe white Bajan’s word on the history of slavery in Barbados – a long series of atrocities perpetrated by his grand parents on the fore parents of his (overwhelming) neighbours, friends, workmates and associates – has to be SUPER naive.

    Wuh David – even Bushie would be tempted to ‘moderate the truth’ to avoid repercussions from Blacks with low levels of self-restraint….. far less John – who (unlike Money B) seems to have inherited the genes that drove his ancestors’ wickedness.

    So any ‘lynchings’ that may have occurred in Barbados would (in John’s world) have been unfortunate incidents where Blacks were picking breadfruit, slipped from the trees, and got caught in the safety ropes that were kindly supplied by the caring white slave owners…

    Obviously the ‘story’ as seen by the unfortunate swinger’s wife or young son would have been equally biased in the other direction….

    Bushie is simply ‘whacking out’ the TRUTH…..

  27. @Vincent

    Keep searching for the manuscripts scribed by the slaves.

  28. There is no impartial slavery reparations discussions or acknowledgment of all crimes on UK and US internet sites as UK and US Governments are bent for their cause covering up their breaches in human rights laws.

    Do you, do you remember those days of slavery?
    It wasn’t black man alone, who died thru bravery.
    ‘Though some a dem threw dem self over board,
    because dis ya slaveship overload.


    It wasn’t black man alone,
    That really really suffer as slaves.
    But we suffer the hardest way until today.


    Some a dem commit suicide,
    And thru disease we caught some a dem died.
    De whole world a cry, dem a cry, dem a cry, dem a cry.


    Do you, do you remember those days of slavery?
    Thru crooked rocks, dangerous ocean,
    In ya dis ya civilisation.


    Me said-a do you, do you really remember,
    When it was the day of slavery?
    Chiney man, Indian, white man died thru bravery.
    But as black man we suffer as slave,
    The hardest way until today.
    But a-so dey say, but a-so, but a-so dey say.

  29. The great Pelau has disappeared and his white part is here

  30. David

    Chuckle…..its called oral history……revered by some untill it conflicts with their agenda.

    When the Griots tell you of Washington Pitt Franklin the wannabe emperor of Bim back in the ’50s it was acceptable untill it was decided that Bim needed an invented Black victim hero as opposed to a real one like London Bourne…….and the gullible idiots of Bim(not all) lapped it up.

    Sir Cav is very Trumpesque and should run for the PM position of Bim.

  31. @Vincent

    What oral history have you, and John for that matter, been referencing on this blog?

  32. Agreed, that history is written by the dominant.

  33. David

    Do not bring in John… Oral history has nothing to do with this post other than to answer your question which in turn question the credibility of one of the foremost proponents of reparations who is also the author of the Bussa myth.

    All of my postings were based on research done by others and were placed on here for discussion.

    Note I said discussion i.e. agreements or disagreements based on researched material.

  34. England started Slavery in 1540
    4,000,000 Africans were taken by England and called Slaves

    Total population of England in 1540 was 2,700,000

    “Numbers is hardly real and they never have feelings
    But you push too hard, even numbers got limits
    Why did one straw break the camel’s back? Here’s the secret:
    The million other straws underneath it – it’s all mathematics”

    Mos Def ( Yasiin Bey ) (Black on Both Sides)

  35. Bajans home and abroad forget and disown their kunte kinte African roots

    and also are disenfranchised with their other brothers and sisters carried away to other lands

    point is… a total memory of all past knowledge needs to be regained for fulfilment of purpose

    the knowledge is there
    there are no excuses
    you got to open up your synapses
    the pathways to your brain

    (God spoke on the telephone chalice)

  36. Hants simplistic rant!

    If Black Bajans were atheists there would be no white Bajans in Barbados.

    Fortunately the “christian churches” have inculcated the “fear of God”, forgiveness and the

    acceptance of a “moral” christian code.

    I here watching Toronto Caribbean Carnival parade on CP24. Have to focus.

  37. My aunt passed on knowledge to me of my Bajan heritage and genealogy by word of mouth — that is to say —— orally!!

    I got it also from my mother, her sister and also her uncles, her brothers —– orally.

    I got stories passed on to her and her siblings by her grandmother about her grand father and parents — orally.

    I got family history going back to the 1770’s orally …. for free.

    I then checked it against the records in the Archives because I like facts and will avoid speaking about something I can’t prove or atleast quote facts to support.

    I wish I had listened more closely but it is too late now.

    That’s why it is so easy for me to expose people who do not know what they are talking about!!

    I have the facts …. and the story that ties the facts together!!

    I am lucky, many people I meet now starting to look at their genealogy have it tough because they never took the time to sit and listen to their family stories.

  38. Sharing is caring. lol

  39. Big Youth – Ten Against One

    Sheltering under Christianity
    And using all means of insanity
    To achieve vanity
    Robbing and stealing in the name of the Lord
    And playing the game in the same name

    Singing natty ten against one
    Sing natty tell you ten against one
    ‘Cause I tell you it will be ten against one

    One man I don’t like is a hypocrite
    The other one I don’t like is a hooligan
    Heathen gone back biting
    Throwing at him bombing and fighting –
    It wasn’t Rasta
    The bombing and fighting – it wasn’t Rasta
    War inna jungle – it wasn’t Rasta
    The bombing in Rema – it wasn’t Rasta
    Cussing in Garden – it wasn’t Rasta
    The fire in a Jonestown – it wasn’t Rasta
    Ask ‘im Babylon – then I tell ’em,
    Why you trimming out the dreadlock?
    So mi tell yuh what to
    Ask ‘im Bablylon
    Is why yuh trimming out the dreadlock?
    Long-time rob him of his language
    No one going rob him of his culture
    True me say the table going turn
    And watch it and the fire going burn

    This time it will be ten against one
    ‘Cause I tell ya it will be ten against one

    Going on the other side
    And then a how you come over, hill so high
    And then you can’t go over
    Still so round, and then you can’t go around

    Sing natty sing them songs of victory
    Watch it natty sing them songs of love
    Tell me natty sing them songs of glory, woooaah

    Then and a sing it and a shout natty set them free Far I
    Sing natty natty set them free Far I
    Natty want to set them free Far I
    Then ‘im walk and ‘im talk and never want natty go there
    Go there go there sing natty go there go there
    (Got to) keep on keeping on
    Sing natty natty keep on getting it on
    Say keep on shouting it on
    Tell you natty hang on (repeat) in there
    I say it natty dread nah let go
    Show you say him hang on (repeat) in
    And ah sing them songs of freedom
    Natty natty sing them songs of love
    Show it natty hang on (repeat) in there..

  40. I never man return from the dead

    I never seen a man say he’s from heaven or hell

    a man can’t do more than his time

    they’re just gone gone down the drain

    when we remember them

    there’s sometimes tear drops like rain

    but they’re just gone gone down the drain

    the father says you must help each and every one

    and you will live to be a better man

    don’t you go go down the drain

    John “My aunt passed on knowledge to me of my Bajan heritage and genealogy by word of mouth — that is to say —— orally!! …
    I have the facts …. and the story that ties the facts together!!”

    You have the ego of an infant child thinking reparations case is all about you

  41. Apologies to you John….

    Bushie was unaware that it was your Auntie who passed on your historical knowledge…
    Shiite man!!!
    That changes EVERYTHING……

    Why did you not say this UP FRONT…?
    …then Bushie would never have loaded the bigger size nylon string in the whacker…

    Peace be unto you Johnny muh Boy…. and to your auntie….

    ….but a pox on Vincent’s red donkey 🙂

  42. Oral history is a big thing.

    For those who still have a chance to connect with your past through your living parents and grand parents ……

    ….. just do it, ignore these idiots!!

    It nullifies the efforts of any paid historian trying to create a new narrative.

    Prevents brainwashing by idiots.

    Once you confidently know of your past from your family … not many can shift your perspective on life … plus, it drives those trying to do the shifting bananas.

  43. Music is a form of oral history telling

    from soul to reggae
    reggae got soul

  44. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Chuckle……likle buoy…..go pun de garsun an play wid yuh fauk ,wacker an listen to BBE de same way as Bob an get convert tuh anglicanism pun ‘e dead bed.

    De big buoys talkin…..doh leh muh ha gie yuh a nex nudder wappax.

    You are a right wanker……in non Bim vernacular.

  45. Sometimes stories get twisted and exaggerated

    eg. Jesus did not really walk on water (unless he had a surf board)

    Palestinians in Bethlehem and Jews in Galilee used to spin some good yarns

    I Would Know Him

    Yusuf Islam formerly Cat Stevens

  46. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    An interesting narrative on the role religion played in my homeland.

    Christianity in the Caribbean: Essays on Church History
    Armando Lampe – 2001 – ‎History
    Christianity. and. Slavery. in. the. Dutch. Caribbean. The. Slave. Society. The inhumane trade The Dutch invaded Curasao in 1634′ and the dramatic history of …

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