Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the attached video taped conversation on REPARATIONS between Dr. PEDRO  WELCH, the chairman of the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations, and DAVID  COMISSIONG in his role as host of the University of the West Indies REGION  TALK television programme.

1,349 responses to “Reparation Talk With Dr.Pedro Welch and David Comissiong”

  1. What a load of pathetic racist bullcrap. These professional victims are losers who need to get a proper job. What has either one of these parasites, especially the odious Commissiong ever actually contributed to anything?
    I well recall many years ago Martin Donawa referring to the “colour crutch” that so many still leant upon for explanation of their uselessness. These too are perfect examples.

  2. It is very unlikely that any British Government (BG) will pay reparations to the Caribbean. For example, in 2015, the BG said “no” to reparations. And the Labour leader, Mr Corbyn, only said that Britain should apologise for the slave trade: see

    In the light of Britain’s austerity measures – some members of the British public have questioned the amount of Britain’s foreign aid budget, e.g. “how come we have no money for public services but we have money for foreign aid?”

    Such members of the British public may also ask “how come we have no money for public services but we have money for reparation?”. I don’t think that a reply based on morals will suffice.

  3. Some time ago I chaired a meeting held at University College London and organised by the UWI Alumni association, with a distinguished panel, looking t the issue of reparations.
    Before the meeting I discussed the issue with a well-known Barbadian and he was of the view that any reparations paid should go to individuals. It was a silly idea then and it is now.
    For that meeting I also had actuarially calculated and based on the £20m compensation the slave owners got, the amount in current money of that £20m. It came to over £700bn. The meeting was streamed on the internet.
    Do you think Britain, France, Spain, and the Netherlands will together pay that amount in reparations?

  4. This reparation talk is just a manifestation of our high level mendicancy.
    And it is not a matter of the willingness or ability of the albino-centrics to pay up…
    Nor is there any question that the ‘victims’ are owed….

    What pisses Bushie off is the willingness by allegedly intelligent people, to put – or allow to be put – a monetary value on the shiite that TEN generations of our ancestors were forced to endure …’viet armis’.

    If we are willing to pimp off our ancestors legacy like this, …it is no surprise that we have been so actively pimping off our children and grand children’s future – by selling the family silver to the descendants of the VERY same albino-centric racists that raped our grand parents.

    What a generation of vipers and low life degenerates we must be …to assign our best brains to the ‘task’ of destroying any remnants of pride in our lineage. Sir Cave should be ashamed.

    Bushie does not want a shiite from the animals who savaged his ancestors …and who so gleefully go about seeking to do the same to his prodigy….. NOT A SHIITE…. !!!

    Ya mean dey rape yuh grandmother and you negotiating a ‘reasonable fee’ to make things right? That makes you worse than the damn rapists…Only Pacha’s special tool can equalise things….

    Bushie is TIRED with this ‘begging for reparations’ shiite now….
    What about the restoration of national PRIDE, self image and self reliance….?

  5. @ Hal Austin

    This video is very interesting and reminded me of what you wrote about the Chinese.

  6. When every everything is going wrong..

    … every everybody has got to sing this song..

  7. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    The only reparation descendants of slaves need is psychological in nature…

    ….. they need deprogramming, not money…….it’s much more valuable than money…

    ….. they need to stop hearing the blighted bitches in buckingham palace saying they still own them…the fraud and long con of that inbred gang of terrorists, the Windsors, claiming to be some supreme beings over the black race, must be washed out of black minds…it must be banned.

    …. they need to stop respecting and kowtowing to the racist, terrorist animals in the UK who still continue to benefit from the destruction of their ancestors and are hellbent on continuing to benefit from their, their children and future generations of black people’s brainwash and destruction.

    If reparations in money was appropriate….BUT IT IS NOT…..the money schould be paid directly and individually to descendants of the slave trade , it’s easy to identify such individuals through genetic testing, which is now very, very advanced and can pin down African lineage to region, tribes and villages in Africa…..

    …..the animals for enslavers were paid directly and individually for the loss of their property… people….not a penny should go to any black government, but as I said, reparations should never be in the form of money, not with the slave mentality and black slave societies still in existence…it should never even be considered…

    Black governments need to educate themselves and untangle themselves frrom the long con game of the white racist terrorists.

  8. Bush Tea some of the rationale to the ask- we have debated this many times- is for the developed world (former colonizer) to acknowledge the injustice meted out to Blacks and secondly recognize that the establishment was built on the back of slave labor and reallocating significant resources- our resources- would go along way to helping the former colonies establish some financial independence.

  9. angela Skeete Avatar

    David Comissiong chasing a pipe dream . while death and horror stares him in the face. Not far from his backyard the lives of Venezuelans are crushed and cut short due to the policies of a rogue govt a tyrannical govt which Comissiong insist needs to stay in power .
    What about those Venezuelans whose lives are being capsized and destroyed daily
    Dont these people have a Right to be treated in a humane Way
    David Commissiong are your eyes and ears closed to the plight of these people
    Dont you not see a similarity of a people who were enslaved and cast aside to the people of Venezuela where a govt has taken a horrendous approach to deny them their human rights
    How can you honestly be a FACE to stand up and speak about Reparations and humane rights for any people when the rights of a venezuelans are being trampled upon and you say nothing
    Would the Real David Comissiong please stand up

  10. angela Skeete Avatar

    Gawd mawning Bush yuh should first take yuh epsom salt before hitting the keys yuh see to be suffering from constipation of the brain i know yuh an ole fart and easy to fughet but wrong is wrong and justice states that a victim must be compensated for a wrong done
    The jews where wrong by Hilter and they pursue and and agitated those who did their ancestors wrong dead or alive and the jews were monetary compensated
    The Jews understood the law of right must take precedence over a wrong and did not forget or forgive . You might want to bury your head but looking back is necessary mechanism and a pathway to pushing forward
    AS the Jews would say NEVER FORGET a motto which they treasure and holds near and dear to their hearts

  11. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Black governments in the Caribbean are not mature enough to handle reparations in the form of money, they still see themselves as messengers and yardboys for buckingham palace, they are useless to their own people until the mentality changes, iwont hold my breath.

    Many African governments have reached a level of maturity where have after centuries they finally realized that the white racist terrorists of the western countries were merely stealing all of African people’s natural resources of gold, diamonds, rubies, silver, emeralds, platinum, uranium, etc,

    …..enriching themselves….sending Goodwill clothes, dangerous drugs, using African people as guinea pigs for testing and then labeling the African continent the most poverty stricken in the world and black people as thieves and criminals….all with a straight face.

    African governments are on to those white crimes and are now refusing countries such as the US crime of presenting Africa as poverty sticken, only good for stealing their resources and criminalizing their people…..the US is not happy about that decision, but they have to accept it…..

    African governments are showing strength….their business acumen has kicked in and is spreading throughout the continent as their populations grow….which they try to iron out the brutal problems caused by white lies and greed.

  12. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    …..*while they try to iron out the brutal problems caused by white lies and greed.

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Well stated…….we are in total agreement on this one.

  14. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    David July 16, 2017 at 8:08 AM #

    Acknowledge injustice….for what purpose?

    Financial independence………who in this world is financially independent?

    Time should be spent on this Caribbean territory of Pelaus seeing by what means they can commandeer the worlds essential services.

  15. For that meeting I also had actuarially calculated and based on the £20m compensation the slave owners got, the amount in current money of that £20m. It came to over £700bn

    So where has the 700 billion Great Britain Pounds gone?

    It must be somewhere we can see.

    I mean all that calculation and brain power expended must also produce the explanation of where it could have disappeared to so we can do something about it.

    I’ll show you where it has gone.

    It is real simple!!

    It went to the freed slaves and the Anglican Church in the form of education, learning to read and write, and the wholesale conversion to Christianity and religious instruction.

    There are “Parish Lands” all over Barbados and those lands were donated to the Church by the landowners for the benefit of the freed slaves.

    There are Churches and Church Schools all over Barbados donated by the former landowners.

    Read Historic Churches of Barbados.

    It is no accident that Bajans think so highly of education but the only problem is that education has been hijacked.

    The 700 billion Great Britain Pounds is in the form of wealth.

    The 20 million Great Britain Ponds were in the form of riches which over time were converted through education and training to wealth.

    The Anglican Church is possessed of assets which we ignore because Christianity is no longer cherished as a form a wealth.

    That’s part of the wealth.

    You will find GOB has sequestered a lot of that wealth and converted it back into riches which corruption has thrown to the wind.

    There is no cash in the Church!!!

    So we say the Church is as poor as a Church Mouse!!

    It is all about our perceptions.

    Our education as been over taken by the GOB.

    One only has to look at the mess to appreciate the complete rubbish that has resulted.

    The GOB has built schools all over the island and in a way reinvented the physical wheel but destroyed the cart that the wheel took to market.

    Instead of spending that cash on the economic engine that would give employment, the GOB has taxed and borrowed to the hilt and destroyed the economy as a result.

    The cart is no more!!

    We have lots of buildings but their use is questionable.

    It isn’t mendicancy that is the problem, it is the inability to critically think through the situation and prevent the mess that has resulted.

    All that education, training and religious instruction, the foundation of the wealth that existed, has been frittered away.

    That’s where the 700 billion Great Britain Pounds have gone!!

  16. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    John….ya know ya lying…that money went to living large, pretending to be superior, stealing more money, developing and treating gout, cancers and myriad diseases, dying, being buried and leaving descendants to carry on the con and scam of lying, stealing, cheating and practicing racism, while pretending to be righteous, respectable, filled with morals….al the while labeling other people criminals.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Even the damned, blighted white house built by slaves is getting a transformation….the truth has to be told.

    Try telling it before you are forced to leave this earth John.

  18. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Just to show the power of the Earth and Universe and their utter disdain for manmade bullshit…..

    .I just saw and proved on ND…a post, where no matter your year of birth or age, if you add your year of birth….and your age….you will get 2017.

    No matter if you were born in the year dot.

  19. Whenever there arises a need to balance budgets this issue of reparations follows soon thereafter.

    We wonder why these issues were not taken up at ‘independence’. What kind of independence could leave out a proper accounting?

    How independent are we when we still like copying the British. The Kinsington Oval mimics Lords Cricket Ground. Bajans prefer to be little englishmen.

    All the old world powers and some new, still behave in colonial ways and local academics never make these connections. Theirs is to pretend some new ethos exist.

    The French for example, are still stealing the resources of ‘former’ colonies in Africa. Mali, Chad etc. Control their currencies, invade, use their position to pressurize and more.

    This talk about reparations is that of beggars. Powerful people will never adequately compensate minions.

    The best that reparations will do is to avoid a humbug.

    Until Afrikan peoples can do to the colonials what they have done, are doing to us, there will be no real compensation, even if that could be adequately estimated.

  20. The penalty for Racist behaviour should be watching this boring video without breaks for toilet or refreshments.

    Bushie, good commentary on the subject but try not to encompass the good whiteys like me who has never and will never ill treat a person with African or any other blood, purely because of their bloodlines. I only rough you up when you chatting shiite and it is certainly not because shiite is brown.

    Had a brown driver cuss me once stating that I was white shite, so I referred him for medical testing if he had/ has produced white shite, since that would require a barium enema.

    Since the vast majority of Whites never perpetrated slavery clever people would be well advised not to alienate them but seek to enroll them in the fight.

  21. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger – you are a sad bitter moron allowing your miserable life to be poisoned by hatred of generations long dead. My guess is that you have been a failure all your life, and spend your worthless hours seeking excuses for your own irrelevance.

    Get a life FFS..

  22. This is the front page of the at today.

    It reads “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Paris to commemorate the victims of a mass arrest of Jews in Nazi-occupied France in 1942.

    More than 13,000 Jews were rounded up and detained at a cycling stadium, the Velodrome d’Hiver, before being deported to Nazi death camps.

    and it continued “I’m here to mourn the victims,” Mr Netanyahu told an audience in Paris, which included Jewish groups and Holocaust survivors.

    “Seventy-five years ago, a heavy darkness descended on this city… It seems the values of the French revolution – equality, fraternity, liberty – was crushed brutally under the boot of anti-Semitism.”

    I tend to have a perspective about the reparations and its format i.e. the handouts of DFIID and the European Delegation and programs like Caribbean Export and the rest of them while they are there to appease the new colonialists a la 2017 MUST, LEST WE FORGET, BE LEVERAGED EFFECTIVELY.

    Note that i did not say more effectively for such would present that we have achieved some part of effectiveness.

    Jews do not forget the Hitlerian Scourge yet, a few here would wish us niggers to forget the rapes and inhumanity wielded against us cause in he words “de Anglican Church give we all education” and that should suffice

    I for one will not ever be persuaded otherwise that unless wunna bleed for me, wunna is not to be trusted and while that does not mean that I going go an kill one or two of you as a means to get blooded, i understand that many of wunna ent really got no uses for de ole man, in de castle of my skin.

    I believe in equity so this Reparations thing in the format dat dese fellows talking bout is crap.

    And leh me tell wunna why.

    Leh we lef out whitey for a while and leh me show wunna de real faces of “We de Nigger” and why all this palaver is BS.

    De ole man is reliably told dat a former radical and Black Consciousness Champion, Dr, George Belle undertook an ambitious project while Dean of Soc Sci (de place which Decimal Bonds went and failed for 8 years)

    Dean Belle, in pursuing a serious practicum in ‘reparations’ got US$ 6 million dollars from the colonialists (in their incarnation as LIME) to implement a project with the Government of Barbados specifically its Ministry of Transportation and Works.

    That project for Electronic Vehicle Registration submitted in 2007, would have generated $60 million per annum for MTW of which 60% was to go to the GoB

    So here we have a nigger, whom i suggest is first among his equals, pursuing what is to be the true manifestation of Enfranchisement, constructing what de ole man’s working model of “True Self Actuated Reparations” and not this mamby pamby pup dat Come A Long and Pedro talking bout.

    Here is a brilliant scholar taking the “10 talents the Master gave him” and enfranchising Faculty and country.

    Showing the rest of the niggers what we should be doing instead of this thing that Pedro and Sing a Song indulging in “Verbal Public Masturbation”.

    But de niggers like Hilary, and Robinson, and Boyce de Whisperer and Gline and de retired nurse and Lashes sit down and decide dat “it are is too much a practicuum in Self Enfranchisement for we niggers”

    So these, we own black brothers sell we out like dem purported to have sold out the Right Excellent Bussa, so that existing ministers might benefit from the spoils of this war, spoils that they are not entitled to, i hasten to add.

    So leh we all continue to get tied up in these Waste Foop Reparation talks which will never happen, leh we jes move along in this perpetual Kadooment Line called Reparations with we 98% literate selves…

  23. Take note that although the UK government has declined the request for reparations so far, foreign aid to the region via Caribbean Development Bank to point to one example was made. Sir Hilary has pointed to the decision being as a result of the pressure directed by the reparations demand. The talk of reparations is a process and like any issue that involves Black people there will never be consensus not so with Whites who will oppose as one.

  24. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    45being a trumptard….generations long dead.

    …the generations are not dead, they were cloned, the slave trade, racism and terrorism practiced against blacks refined and still being practiced…

    ….only the shell, the dead carcasses of latter day racist terrorists had to be buried…the philosophy is alive and well

    you are the sad, bitter, racist terrorist who is angry and alarmed that the centuries old, now modern day scam has been exposed….there goes your pretence, lies and scams.

    remember the mantra we will always be a hundred steps ahead of those niggers

    guess that shit blew up…huuuhhhhh.

  25. Sir Hilary can continue to talk all the BS now that he has been elevated to the Stool on the Hill.

    De ole man is a noted plagiarist so i gine teif dis article regarding the Motive of Foreign Aid seen at

    “The motives of donor nations for providing foreign aid have evolved over time. For example, prior to World War I, U.S. government-sponsored foreign aid was almost non-existent. The United States did not financially intervene until World War II, when it began to provide aid abroad, largely through wartime aid and reconstruction efforts.

    This aid, which focused on “creating markets for the United States by reducing poverty and increasing production in developing countries,” also concentrated on “diminishing the threat of communism by helping countries prosper under capitalism”

    The fact remains that for every dollar they spend in these so called aid programs they derive $13 in return in goods and services that we the recipients ultimately pay for.

    He deludes himself as to the why the money was apportioned to the CDB but it is noteworthty that the CDB’s credit rating exceeds that of any of its constituent governments.

    In other words they are a good credit risk with a robust system of accountability.

    It has nothing to do with this imagined pressure.

    If the CDB starts effing up like the Caribbean Export, all the largesse of these countries will dry up barring those of China with its expansionary politics of being bankers to the world.

    Whu Hilary needs to do is to spend time INSIDE THE WALLS OF UWI among the faculties instead of sitting in the stool looking over bridgetown pun a day collaborating and designing meaningful projects instead of pie in the sky shite with dreamers.

  26. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …monetary reparations is a real bad idea, real bad.

    i would not acknowledge any aid given by any enslaver country….

    ….that is a good example of why black Caribbean governments should not be given or handle monetary reparations…..they can never account for most of the aid they have received in the last 40 years…particularly for agricultural projects….no reparations money should go into any of their thiefing hands.

    …had a cuss out with some whites on facebook recently, as usual, their excuse for the animals in buckingham palace, the racist terrorists liz the hag and phil the pedo and their ancestors stealing everything that does not belong to them on this earth is….wait for it….

    ….that they give to over 700 charities….so am like oh yeah, so you stole my goddamn, land, resources with ya broke ass selves and giving it back to me piece meal and in charity to make yaself look superior and good….you…a goddamn racist and terrorist and am suppose to acknowledge charity….riches that were stolen from me….all hell broke loose on facebook.

    ..that is what the fraud John is trying to shove down our throats this bright morning, the enslaving, thiefing pedophile church and their fraud charity…..

    …and there is 45trumptard beside himself because i aint falling for none of that….lol

  27. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Chuckle…..ah too like the bandy document you produce….quite true I may add.

    What I find interesting is your reasoning against reparations(note I am against it as well with different thinking) is based on a distrust of your fellow Pelaus.

    Your example, one of many cannot be disputed and makes one wonder how we will overcome it?

  28. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    ah been waiting for hours for some hardcore racist whites to come back at me for a variation of the above post, i made to facebook, they are probably still doing research, if they dont return, means they were

    black people have to learn their history to be able to destroy these racist scams…or they are doomed to be reenslaved, terrorized with racism and robbed for centuries going forward.

    the Caribbean is particularly vulnerable because of weak, not too bright leaders.

    MoneyB…at least you recognize the paradigm shift.

  29. Reparations should be a topic being discussed by the descendants of those nations that exploited generations of militarily weaker peoples. It SHOULD be a reflection of their remorse and acceptance that a great wrong had been done, which gave them an ill-gotten head start in life as compared to the descendants of the VICTIMS of the said exploitation.

    It would be an altogether DIFFERENT story if, in search of forgiveness and repentance, the leaders of the white countries initiated the concept of reparations…..

    …we could actually be forgiving….even if not forgetful….

    But for brass-bowl, black, mendicant, lackies to be initiating arrangements to ‘sell out’ the generations of unspeakable sacrifices by Bushie’s grand parents …in exchange for ANY amount of dollars …is the clearest possible testimony that we have reached the point of no hope of salvation for the black brass bowls of Barbados.

    That this is even contemplated ….. and there be expectation that we could EVER walk with our heads held high again ….can only be the thinking of female rabbits of the angela ilk….

    What the hell….

    All that is left seems to be trash… that has been hopelessly contaminated with albino-centric blasphemy. Is there even 10 worth saving….?

    Had the white people of this world not been as ‘decent’ as they appear to be, they would have indeed acceded to Sir Cave ….. handed over a few billion of the shiite dollars (that they run off their illegal presses wily nilly anyway) …. and consigned our disgusting, black, asses to the dustbins of history…

    How low is it possible for a brass bowl to go….
    THAT..seems to be the question.

  30. 健身氣功【大舞】(正向,背向)

    Divide and Rule is the Colonialist Modus Operandi.
    UK & US Governments control internet narrative about reparations with their propaganda. Devil and evil is strong but God and good are stronger.

    Deflection tactics about China to defend accusations against them is their inbred dishonesty.
    Asian culture like Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong is good for body and mind.

  31. @Bush Tea

    Are you being accurate in your understanding of government’s position on reparation?

  32. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Hal Austin is on the CL Financial/Duprey blog plagarizing all of 45trumptard`s comment to me…

    … could you believe that, a self proclaimed journalist plagarizing comments on a blog and not even using quotations because he is so incensed and angry at me….

    well i told him off..cause he was looking for something to be angry about…ha…

  33. @ David
    There is no iteration of the concept, that can be initiated by the descendants of the victims of the notorious Barbados Slave Code, that would be palatable to a bushman – no matter what size whacker he carries….

    ANY kind of monetary recompense that may be contemplated by our black brass bowls to be adequate …will only serve to make Bushie vex as shiite…. The very thought…..!!

    There is NO WAY that any boy can exploit Bushie’s helpless family like that ….. and that any shiite talk about money can be considered…. NONE!!!
    We owe them that much…

    Believe it or not…. should such talk originate from those who worship and revere their money ..(as is the wont of the albino-centri), then the Bushman COULD be persuaded that a genuine attempt is being made at sackcloth and ashes…. conceivably….

    …but what manner of ‘people’ can read of the atrocities their parents endured ….. and be now persuaded to say “Gimme twenty pieces of silver and let’s call it ‘even stephens’….”???

    Only low life, balls-less, bare-faced, brass…..

  34. @ WW&C
    If you mean comments by “45govt” July 16, 2017 at 11:34 AM

    Ask Hal if he has finally adopted a nom de plume with which to operate on BU.
    Perhaps he has finally come to christian understanding that using his real slave name only serves to embarrass himself and his family when he comes here on BU and gets himself exposed as the pretty-much-average-joe that he really is….

    Perhaps the tipping point came when he let slip that he and his wife gave away $1000 to a silly scam.. that not even angela or Alvin has so far fallen for…(Not so sure about Dompey though..)

    ha ha ha
    Now he needs to come up with a new handle…..

  35. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Bushman….you mean Hal would be so dumb not to know that 45 is what trumptards use as their salute to trump…..a racist salute.

    ….he probably forgot to change back the handle because they were both posted around the same time, dumb,, hahha, lol.

  36. @ WW&C

  37. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    still trying to wrap it around my head..after spending the better part of a year colluding with Carl Moore to unmask every BU blogger, Hal would have the nerve to be posting incognito in the last week or so…

    he obviously did not notice my post about how KARMA rocks…lol

  38. An African friend once told me that ‘if in the morning you divide all of the money in the world equally then in the evening we will still have multi-millionaires and paupers’.

    We are a majority Black country with over 50 years of independence and yet the majority of our citizens continue to suffer, whilst a small minority shares the fatted calf – regardless of who is in power.

    As fattening this calf with reparation money would do nothing for the masses, reparations would have to be in the form of training, scholarship and business creation. But with over half-a-century of UWI graduates, I am not convinced that this training and education would benefit our citizens in any way.

    Who gets the money?
    Let us assume that ‘they’ decided to give us reparations, who should benefit? Should we use the one drop rule as well as other DNA characteristics as an inclusionary (one drop of black)/exclusionary (one drop of white) measure? ( I am certain that the resident proud Pelau would object to being excluded.)
    “They” would only agree to reparations out of sheer wickedness, because they know we would neber get past the who should benefit stage,Let me keep =it brief.

    This talk of reparations is the worst form of mendicancy there is. We need to put on our man pants and stop going around cap in hand.

  39. MB makes a salient point.

    In the US many of the civil right advances have been made because white men and women stood with blacks against injustices.

  40. Hal would never be an anonymice.

  41. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Money Brain July 16, 2017 at 11:29 AM #

    Since the vast majority of Whites never perpetrated slavery clever people would be well advised not to alienate them but seek to enroll them in the fight.

    An interesting point coupled with the fact that child labour and under paid labour to support the industrial West was going full steam at the time…….all for the profit of a few westerners,easterners and some African kings.

    Why do we get tie up with melanin content as opposed to finding out those who benefitted…..the real culprits.

  42. We will refrain from reminding about the more than 500k whites who died in the US Civil War.
    It never makes sense to alienate genuine potential allies.

  43. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    King Jaja of Opobo – Black History Pages
    King Jaja of Opobo. Born in Igboland and sold as a slave to a Bonny trader at the age of twelve, he was named Jubo Jubogha by his first master. … From the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, Bonny, like the other city-states, gained its wealth from the profits of the slave trade.

  44. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Slave Trade, ‘Legitimate’ – Patrick Manning
    slave~trade treaty with the British; King Ghezo of Danhomé, who considered … of the trading state of Opobo; Samuel Ajayi Crowther, the Yoruba slave trained.

  45. “black people have to learn their history to be able to destroy these racist scams…or they are doomed to be reenslaved, terrorized with racism and robbed for centuries going forward.

    the Caribbean is particularly vulnerable because of weak, not too bright leaders.”

    This is the racist, perennial victim bullshit that the REAL racists like Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger have rotting their parasitic, pathetic souls. The Caribbean doesn’t suffer so much from weak leaders, as corrupt ones, and this moron is a perfect example of the moronic populace with their hands out for freenesses who those corrupt politicians depend on for knee-jerk whining.
    You are a sad destroyed creature, unaware of history, still dreaming of a free ride in life. Forget it – get a job you whingeing parasite.

  46. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    By 1471 Portuguese ships had reconnoitered the West African coast south as far as the Niger Delta, although they did not know that it was the delta, and in 1481 emissaries from the king of Portugal visited the court of the oba of Benin. For a time, Portugal and Benin maintained close relations. Portuguese soldiers aided Benin in its wars; Portuguese even came to be spoken at the oba’s court. Gwatto, the port of Benin, became the depot to handle the peppers, ivory, and increasing numbers of slaves offered by the oba in exchange for coral beads; textile imports from India; European-manufactured articles, including tools and weapons; and manillas (brass and bronze bracelets that were used as currency and also were melted down for objets d’art). Portugal also may have been the first European power to import cowrie shells, which were the currency of the far interior.

  47. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …a certain quality of whites have always stood with blacks and always will, they are not as large in their numbers as racists are, but they exist.

    …the smartest move would be to isolate the practitioners of racism and hatred….not unlike what the world did to pressure the Boers of south africa to break the back of official apartheid, though the race hatred still exists…it is nothing compared to what happened before…

    Vincent…we know who benefited, they are the ones who need to be isolated instead of regaled, worshipped and respected…

    ya cannot have it both ways or they will just retool, repackage and implement racism more forcefully, it has worked for centuries, enriched them for centuries.. they will see no need to stop unless forced to…

    even the penny ante, small time crooks and parasites like Cow et al use racism as a self enriching tool against the majority black population in tiny Barbados, if they found their asses isolated, given their small numbers, they would stop the nasty practice immediately….they depend on the majority population for their very survival.

  48. @Moneybrain

    How does fighting for reparations alienate “potential allies”?

  49. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    the Caribbean doesn’t suffer so much from weak leaders, as corrupt ones,

    45trumptard…..corrupt leaders ARE weak leaders….your trumptard mentality is on display.

    ya little rant cant change facts…yall racist terrorists who have been parasites to the earth and it`s people…..gotta go…your time is UP.

  50. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    the question to ask MoneyB is…potential allies to what, more debt, more aid, more charity, pretense, lies and fraud….what is the upside, what is the agenda..

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