Caswell Franklyn, General Secretary of Unity Workers Union

My fondest wish is that these columns do not only provide an opportunity for me to vent but that they impart useful information to the public. To this end, I would like to share my experiences that could be beneficial to others.

So far two of my friends have trusted me to take care of their affairs after they have departed this world. In both cases they asked if I would consider being the executor of their estates. I felt humbled and honoured that they would consider me for such a sacred role and I accepted.

Unfortunately, in both cases, I have encountered banks doing their best to milk the estates by implementing unnecessary procedures and imposing fees for their work.

Just last month I turned up at a bank, accompanied by my friend’s elderly widow, with Letters Testamentary to close his bank account and hand the proceeds over to her. Letters Testamentary is a document issued by the High Court that authorises the executor of a will to take control of the estate of a deceased person.

I instructed the bank to close the account and pay the proceeds over to the widow. Having passed that way before, I was not surprised that the bank refused. Instead, they claimed that the bank’s procedure required me to open an estate account from which I would be able to make payments, since they did not disburse cash in these circumstances.

I insisted that the Letters Testamentary authorised me to operate that account and demanded legal tender. The bank manager refused to budge, which forced me to complain to the bank’s legal and compliance department. Thankfully, the legal officer resolved the matter almost immediately and I was able to obtain cash, without paying the bank any fees.

The fees were small but as far as I was concerned, the bank had no right to them. I was offended that the bank would try to extort money from the accounts of deceased persons. It is a crying shame that banks would institute unnecessary procedures to rob the dead but they are not alone.

In many instances, deceased persons leave very small estates but legal fees to obtain Letters of Administration would wipe out the greater portion of the estate. But rather than advise their clients to utilise the free procedure available to them, lawyers advise their clients to go through the courts where they can relieve the estate of the few remaining dollars.

When a deceased person leaves an estate valued less than $15,000, there is no need for a lawyer. Subsection 5. (1) of the Public Trustee Act states:

Any person who in the opinion of the Public Trustee would be entitled to apply to the High Court for an order for the administration by the High Court of an estate, the gross capital value whereof is proved to the satisfaction of the Public Trustee to be less than fifteen thousand dollars, may apply to the Public Trustee to administer the estate, and where any such application is made and it appears to the Public Trustee that the persons beneficially entitled are persons of small means, the Public Trustee shall administer the estate, unless he sees good reason for refusing to do so.

Mind you, even when a lawyer applies for Letters of Administration of these small estates, the courts seem to be complicit with the lawyers in relieving poor people of their meagre inheritance. Subsection 5. (6) states:

Where proceedings have been instituted for the administration of an estate and by reason of the small value of the estate it appears to the High Court that the estate can be more economically administered by the Public Trustee than by the High Court or that for any other reason it is expedient that the estate should be administered by the Public Trustee instead of the High Court, the High Court may order that the estate shall be administered by the Public Trustee, and thereupon (subject to any directions by the High Court) this section shall apply as if the administration of the estate had been undertaken by the Public Trustee in pursuance of this section.

The Public Trustee is the person who holds the post of Solicitor General.

145 responses to “The Caswell Franklyn Column – Robbing the Dead”

  1. @Caswell Franklyn April 23, 2017 at 9:16 AM “I pointed out to her what the law required in the circumstances and she snapped back:
    “I did law too”.”

    Ah yes. But did she understand law?

  2. David April 23, 2017 at 9:43 AM “Caswell has put his case using his name. Those of you that have issues with banks you are encouraged to be specific and be prepared to support your claims when called upon.”

    Once CIBC the predesessor of First Caribbean credited $20,000 to my account.

    I knew that it was not mine ( I never have that kind of money lol!!) so I let it sit there.

    Sometime later my sister noticed that her account was $20,000 short.

    Shortly thereafter the money was moved from my account to my sister’s.

    My sister and I do not share any names nor addresses in common.

    At no point during the process was i consulted, since hey!!! I had not complained.

    I still don’t know what the hell went on.

    Maybe “Expose Robbery” who plays golf with bankers can enlighten us. I don’t play golf either, and the bankers don’t play on the pasture up by me.

  3. @Hal Austin April 23, 2017 at 9:36 AM “We need good bank regulation and supervision.”

    We need some integrity…but alas that cannot be legislated…if parents don’t get in in their children’s heads by about age 5 alas…

  4. Artax April 23, 2017 at 11:03 AM ” took care of her mother until she eventually died at 92 years. The son claimed he did not have any money to help bury his mother, so the daughter had to make the necessary arrangements. Two weeks after the funeral, the daughter saw a notice in the paper saying the son is the executor of their mother’s will. The son visited the house tell his sister their mother left the house for him, he wanted her to vacate the premises or pay rent and his lawyer wanted to see her. On her visit to the lawyer, she was told the house belonged to his client, WITHOUT SHOWING or GIVING her a COPY of the will.”

    Well there are always parents who have a favourite child, who as we say are “foolish behind that child”

    I may be wrong but I believe that at some point a will becomes a public document, and that the daughter, and her lawyer has a right to see it. Maybe if she can’t afford a lawyer she can go to the Registry to ask some questions. But she should refuse to budge or pay any money until she sees an official copy of her mother’s will.

    But it may well be that “mummy juck she”

  5. A friend of mine spent years looking after an elderly aunt in law (the fortunate woman never held a job in her life and never had any children, first her parents and then a sweet husband looked after her all the days of her life) she lived the sweet life. When she died he found out that she gave all of the property which she had inherited from his uncle/her husband to a lawyer/pastor.

    So yes sometimes your elderly relativs will juk ya. The will was all legal and above board, and no the old lady never had any kind of dementia.

    A lesson: If an elder accepts your ongoing help you must insist that your name goes on some piece of paper. A bank account, a title deed, a marriage certificate, something. Otherwise you may be played for a fool.

    If they can’t or wont do this let them find another caregiver.

  6. Just because you are old it does not mean that you have integrity.

  7. @Pedantic

    Never let anybody squat in or on your property.

    if the house is yours and you are overseas, when you come to the funeral, before the body is buried, go to the hard ware store and buy a few good quality locks, then pay a carpenter or a locksmith a couple of hundred dollars to change ever lock on the property which you have inherited.

    This will give you some breathing space until you decide how to go forward.

    If it is a piece of land I am sure that you know that you can use Google Earth from anywhere in the world to see whether construction is going on on your property without your permission. If that is happening act against the squatter right away.

  8. When my old man died I discovered that the land tax bill for a couple of acres which he left near the west coast were mysteriously going to a former politician/current lawyer who lived near to the property. My old man had never had any kind of dealings with that lawyer.

    I went to land tax and made then change the address to in care of me as I was the executor.

    I ain’t accusing the lawyer/politician of neffen, but to me it looked real, real funny.

    We know that there is a saying that God can’t sleep, because his children are so wicked.

    True saying.

  9. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Simple…the banksters move money around in various…I saw 4,000 mysteriously appeared, then disappeared from my account after I had been out of the island a couple years, I asked no questions as it was not mine…same CIBC…ya have to monitor your accounts daily, that goes for any bank or credit card accounts, anywhere in the world..

  10. Thank you Simple, I hope someone is informed by your comments and any others that are presented from Caswell and others on that type matter.

    Fortunately for me I was at school long and regularly too, even during weeks of the summer vacations … not to complete ‘summer school’ as the Americans would say! But camping.

    In sum, the head is hard but not that hard…so no I wouldn’t get myself in that type of pickle jar. LOL.

    Bottom line, situations like I have described have taken place in Bim and beyond and squatters, though illegal trespassers, can be painfully expensive to evict.

    So yes padlocks – and if bold enough and suitably licensed – a display of your loaded Glock to the freeloaders could be useful.

  11. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    I have always wondered about these amounts appearing in ones accounts and whether they were being used to stash monies over a weekend like in my case of a 1/4M?

  12. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Not on topic, but it gives the lie to the Barbados Labour Party and their supporters.


    Bermuda is now officially the most expensive place in the World to live and do business.. Why this article caught my eye today, we all remember that Sagicor relocated its HQ. to Bermuda saying it was too difficult to Business in Barbados and Bermuda is the better place. However what we find now is the fact that Bermuda is the most expensive place on Planet Earth.

    The Barbados Labour Party keep trying to fool all and sundry that Barbados is the most difficult place for citizens to live.

  13. @ David
    The problem with Donville is that he cloaks all of his interventions in political speak when there is no need.
    There is no ‘problem’ with Donville per se…
    The FACT is that he is a simple-minded, bull-shitter, who (as the cut callers correctly said) solely ‘plays to the crowd’….

    Unfortunately, he went to HC, and as a result is presumed to be intelligent….incorrectly so.

    Grenville is basically right about the need for the implementation of a quality management system as a matter of national policy…. and clearly was the one speaking most intelligently.

    He also needs to appoint a spokesperson for SB…. just like Moses needed Aaron.

  14. Sagicor redomiciled to Bermuda because it has a more stable sovereign risk rating than Barbados. As you know our rating is junk.


  15. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    As a followu p to my above comment, no where on the index for the most expensive place to live in the does Barbados’ name feature.

    Only two Caribbean countries names appear, No.1 Bermuda and No. 7 Bahamas.

  16. OK Carson keep rolling the pitch expect David to come out swinging like a blind man

  17. Caswell@12.53p
    I share your view 100%.Waste of time.Was there any mention of the containers of rejected chicken wings?

  18. David, the wonderful thing about political spokespeople is their propensity to simply offer inane talking points around factoids and basically display significant ignorance …that is they pay absolutely no attention to the underlying factoid highlighted.

    Like the ‘our Inaugural crowd was the biggest ever’ type of ignorance.

    As you noted the credit rating in Bermuda is still investment grade. B’dos is junk status. That goes directly to Sagicor’s bottom line cost of doing business and itself is likely worth that higher COL tag.

    Of course, the Bdos $ buys $0.50 of US goods for every Sagicor employee… The Bermudan $ gets them 100% more in comparison.

    But for all that the reason that Bermuda is an expensive place is because very well paid people live and frequent the island…the average salary/wage is surely exponentially higher than ours in Bim.

    And top that off with the fact that just like us Bermuda imports a helluva lot more than they export in food and other products… so basically we have the same disadvantages as they do as a small island BUT they completely outpace us on all the positive metrics.

    Thus the post could easily be described in the jargon of that other discredited political voice as ‘alternative facts’ : something that is uselessly misleading (often false), self serving and proves nothing!

    At least in this case the item was accurate, however. Very exciting!

  19. DVIDavid,
    As you know, Sagicor was listed in London and tried operating from there. Why move from Barbados to Bermuda, admittedly one of the world’ leading insurance market, that I the question?
    I still think we need an official inquiry in to the demutualisation of the Mutual. Is any political party committed this?
    We want to know what happened to its legacy funds, to its with profits funds, to is dormant policies? We want an independent actuarial assessment of its investment performances, up until demutualisation, and since?
    Stop politicising and legalising financial services and deal with them on their on terms.

  20. @Cadogan The MoveHub index was compiled from info supplied by Numbeo. Barbados was not included due to insufficient data but is estimated at 87.79 well within the top 10 most expensive places to live on Earth. Difference is we paid shiite too.

    Nothing to brag about here

  21. @Hal

    You will need to educate us here. Sagicor has long ago transitions from a mutual society to a stock company. It is a legal entity of a different characteristic. What recourse do we have in Barbados to investigate/inquire?

  22. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Mind you, even when a lawyer applies for Letters of Administration of these small estates, the courts seem to be complicit with the lawyers in relieving poor people of their meagre inheritance.

    It would appear that the article was too long for the Sunday and the above words were edited out. The point that I was making is that even the courts of justice conspire with lawyers to rob poor people.

  23. David,
    You must read your contributions. I know Sagicor is a legal entity, but that does not erase history. I have been calling for this for a very long time in BU, this year alone about three or four times. An official inquiry will not be for the purpose of bringing any legal charges or proving criminality. It will be for lessons to be learnt, thereby improving legislation and public debate..
    We will know what not to do next time – and there will be a next time – and improve our financial regulation.
    We allowed Hilary to sideline the debate about race, colour and board representation.

  24. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @David. Carson is the consummate political animal. You are right about Sagicor and their relocation, re- credit ratings. Cost of living around the word is a whole different kettle of fish.

  25. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    While on the subject of robbing the dead and the living…CLICO and Leroy Parris, when eill the victims in Barbados see their money..

    Added 23 April 2017

    “NASSAU – CLICO policyholders in The Bahamas are scheduled to receive long overdue payments starting tomorrow.

    CLICO clients to be repaid
    EDITORIAL: Justice must be known…
    Clico, Baico payout coming

    In a release issued last week, the government sought to assure qualified policyholders that they will receive three tranches of payments this year in April, July and November – this is after a promise to deliver monies in January of this year, fell through.

    The Perry Christie administration had initially planned to finance the second phase of CLICO (Bahamas) pay-outs through a US$45 million bond issue, with the monies raised designed to compensate former Executive Flexible Premium Annuity (EFPA) holders and those who had surrendered their pension policies.

    The payments will total $5 000 per policyholder and be enough to pay out 70 per cent or 1 595 claims from surrendered policyholders.”

  26. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    Sagicor head office relocating to Bermuda is nothing more that setting up a PO BOX addresss or a store front with hired hands.

  27. NorthernObserver Avatar

    My experience in the executor arena is beware.
    Banks, in everything they do, will always try to “cover their ass” but get “you to pay for it”.
    Lawyers will do what is expedient, not necessarily in the Heirs best interest.
    And if one agrees to be an executor, please ask the person to have a will. It make executing their wishes that much easier and clean cut.

  28. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Do not purchase life insurance in Barbados, it’s a waste of money, do not invest your pensions in insurance companies….waste of money.

    Shop around for home and car insurance, investigate the histories of the insurance companies, their reputations and honesty re paying out compensation on valid claims, before you give them your business….

    ……there are many insurance companies on the island competing to relieve you of your money every month, do not make it easy for them, it’s free money they collect and they all believe themselves entitled to take your money and dont pay you any.

  29. Caswell Franklyn April 23, 2017 at 4:56 PM #
    Mind you, even when a lawyer applies for Letters of Administration of these small estates, the courts seem to be complicit with the lawyers in relieving poor people of their meagre inheritance.
    It would appear that the article was too long for the Sunday and the above words were edited out. The point that I was making is that even the courts of justice conspire with lawyers to rob poor people.

    When the fix is in it really doesn’t matter who you are!!

  30. A lawyer told me write a holographic will, lodge it in the registry and forget it!!

    I did so and gave the beneficiaries a copy!!

    I read routinely of non-cupative wills from the 17th and 18th century where the testator tells a witness his/her last wishes and they give evidence after the death.

    Looks like they are still used today but only for personal property, a death bed will.

    The guy who wrote his uncle’s will and made himself the executor and left the bulk to himself also named the old family lawyer as executor as well back in 1982.

    The old family lawyer took one look at the will when it was submitted for probate, realized it was rubbish and promptly renounced.

    The nephew did not realise he was disposing of land for which his uncle had no title and personal property which was compromised and committed to others for whom the old lawyer also acted.

    Plus, the old man would have been placed in a position of conflict with his clients to whom the personal property in the will was committed.

    The old family lawyer had provided a will more than two decades earlier so knew the score.

    Had the nephew taken the time to ask the old lawyer if he would stand, a whole lotta sh!t would have been avoided … but he didn’t so courts and lawyers in Barbados spent 30 odd years trying to juggle things so he never had to give an account.

    But the problem is the nephew died as will we all one day.

    Three lawyers and a sibling are named as executors so at least one has to step up to the plate and deal with the mess.

    One lawyer has renounced and run for the hills and a second is making noises like he will too!!

    The second lawyer wants to advise the sibling as executor, kind of like hiding behind a civilian executor as he hides his transgressions.

    A human shield!!

    Only in Barbados could something as crazy as this happen!!

    Normally, you only get scenarios like this one in the movies, pure make believe, never in real life!!

  31. Sagicor moved from Barbados to escape the kind of scrutiny that the CLICO scandal would normally have raised in a sane society….

    The only REAL difference between CLICO and Sagicor is that politicians openly targeted the former for raids …via the semi-literate idiot in charge.
    Sagicor has continued in the same lethargic, mediocre vein that was used during the first hundred years when it enjoyed the privileges of the Mutual.

    Their poor management of their Sugar lands; their lack of impact against corporate raiders such as Massy, Emera, Lime etc has been pathetic. Sagicor has been just a TAKER…. giving very little back in return to Barbados.

    Their lack of impact in influencing our shiite governments inefficiencies has been criminal.

    Having benefited from the inert brass bowlery of Bajans for a century….Sagicor has now run off as soon as the going got a little rough.

    Hal’s questions REALLY needs to be answered… and those answers documented.

    But Cave Hill will not do it …for fear that certain traitors who have influence up there are exposed for their roles in the demutualisation scam.

  32. @Carson C. Cadogan April 23, 2017 at 3:06 PM

    Bermuda GDP per capita was more than 85,000 USD per PERSON in 2013. It Barbados it takes a whole VILLAGE to generate such amount.

    Do your decimals, before you compare rich Bermuda and poor Barbados.

  33. Here is a theory.

    God don’t like ugly!!

    By the 1980’s and 90’s, the Post Independence Members of Parliament (PIMPS) realized Sagicor was turning land into profits which they shared with their policyholders …. remember, “the profits belong to the policyholders” the essence of being Mutual.

    Greed and over inflated egos caused them to find a way to compete.

    No longer was getting a cut for giving permissions to develop providing the funds to finance their lifestyles.

    Selling permissions to develop created too much profits for others.

    We want more Grynner, we want more!

    Corruption on a scale unknown in Barbados ensued.

    Take a look at the Robinson family at Constant in St. George in yesterday’s paper to understand the scam.

    Funnily enough, the same nephew who rewrote his uncle’s will and who the law should have asked to give an account of that estate a year after issuing letters testamentary in 1982 is one other such example of the failed court system and the corruption that took over Barbados in the quest for riches.

    CLICO became the politicians vehicle to untold riches.

    Except CLICO had its own agenda!!!

    The result is large tracts of land which remain idle growing bush and cow itch …. why would a bunch of foreigners care?

    They got the cash!!

    The Mutual realized it could never compete against such deep corruption and realized it really had to get outside of Barbados if it wanted to continue to make profits.

    Demutualisation was the vehicle.

    That way it’s shares could be used to raise capital for further investments to create profits and it did not have to rely on purchasing land from middle men who were really front men for politicians.

    Now, like Goddard’s it has a wider presence in the world, kind of like not putting your eggs in one basket which is held by politicians.

    I am not saying Mutual/Sagicor is a bunch of angels, just that it out thought the PIMPS, like Goddards had long before.

    They are beyond the reach of the politicians!!

    If you want to compare land management, go look at Todds and Henley, Small Ridge (anyone remember SBG, Simmons, Bannister and Greaves) etc. etc. and compare those lands with say Windsor, Buttals, Buckley, Orange Hill and you will see the difference in management.

    … CLICO owned vs Sagicor owned.

    CLICO must have realized that PIMPS have insatiable appetites and it would only be a matter of time before it too was consumed so it converted its investments to cash in a Ponzi scheme in Florida.

    Any good hooker gets insurance!!

    Tens of thousands of policyholders in the Caribbean were nailed because they got greedy too.

    CLICO was supposed to get cheap land via the politicians so it could only make profits, profits which it promised to convert to returns on the policyholders investment.

    Everybody was supposed to benefit … but PIMPS and their hookers came first.

    Remember CSME …. that rationalized the “investment” of CLICO in Barbados.

    You no longer hear anything anymore!!

    CLICO sucked up all the cash it could and put it overseas in a Florida land scam which went south!

    No more need of CSME!!

    CSME achieved its objective.

    Everybody suffers.

    … but Mutual/Sagicor is still alive and avoided, at least so far, the taint of corruption!!

    It lives to fight another day!!

    The politicians are left to continue with their scams on the people who have been sucked dry!!

    … and the Courts and Government will keep the greedy tens of thousands who lost their cash in suspense waiting for them to die.

    Effectively they will have robbed the dead on a scale which boggles the mind …. the subject of this blog!!

    In so doing they devalue the country and leave the final steps, credit rating collapses and devaluation of the currency to unfold.

    … and still they actually keep telling the people we can still borrow money, we are ok!!

    Mutual/Sagicor is alive!!

    Whatever happened to NLICO?!!

    Has it emerged from Court yet??

    Why would anyone with the ability to invest put their resources into Barbados?

    To watch them dissipated in the hands of a corrupt and lawless country and have no recourse in the courts?

    To repay the CLICO folks those resources will be tapped.

    God don’t like ugly!!

    Time “gentlemen” is being called.

  34. Tron April 24, 2017 at 12:45 AM #

    “Bermuda GDP per capita was more than 85,000 USD per PERSON in 2013. It Barbados it takes a whole VILLAGE to generate such amount. Do your DECIMALS, before you compare rich Bermuda and poor Barbados.”

    @ Tron

    Wait……. Tron?

    So……. Carson C. Cadogan is really Sinckler????

    Or not fully understanding decimals is uh DLP t’ing?

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “The politicians are left to continue with their scams on the people who have been sucked dry!!”

    “Why would anyone with the ability to invest put their resources into Barbados?

    To watch them dissipated in the hands of a corrupt and lawless country and have no recourse in the courts?”

    And the corruption between DBLP government ministers and insurance executives on the island is far from over.

    I have it on very good authority that the former owner of CGI Towers Peter Harris, who now rents some office space in the same CGI Towers from Scotia Bank…..who got at least 20 million from the sale of CGI Towers, is telling certain people that he can get them jobs when, he should really say if, the Mia Mottley led government is elected………….by the poor unfortunate electorate whose eyes need to be opened to how they are misused and abused by politicians and government ministers to accommodate such fraudsters and conmen to compromise the population’s futures and that of their children and grandchildren. …and the functioning of the government elected by the people.

    20 million dollars, even more or less, after partners are paid out, debts are paid and personal injury claimants are still NOT PAID…….can buy a lot of government corruption in the form of election campaign financing….remember CLICO and Leroy Parris and David Thompson and Owen Arthur… the culprits can be allowed to commit crimes against the people, against the country without any consequences. ….in that case bajans will never see CGI Insurance properly regulated on the island.

    I keep saying there is something very wrong with that relationship Mia Mottley and Jerome Walcott has with Peter Harris.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    It would be wonderful if neither Mia Mottley nor Fruendel Stuart DBLP are elected…are these politicians and new political parties who went begging Bizzy for money so stupid that they cannot see when they take campaign financing money for elections from criminals….THEY ARE OWNED BY THESE CRIMINALS……and owe them….and because these same hand to mouth ministers and politicians have very little money themselves, it’s the taxpayer’s money, contracts, NIS pension fund and everything owned by the people, they then have to pick up and give away to those they owe, who paid for them to bribe voters.

    ……..they obviously think so little of themselves and their ability to be elected by the people that they must introduce corruption and the criminal element.

  37. @John April 24, 2017 at 7:47 AM “CLICO sucked up all the cash it could and put it overseas in a Florida land scam which went south!”

    What happened? The bigger sharks ate the smaller sharks?

  38. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger……..ya can get some good swamp land filled with alligators, sold to you by giant sharks and alligators of the 2 legged variey for a song…, Duprey probably got soaked for a couple billion worth of songs for Everglade land…….and collapsed CL Financial and it’s subsidiaries. …with CLICO being one.

    …… dont forget the local crooks, CEO and lawyers were also dipping their hands to leave multimillion dollar estates when they croak, building mansions and buying 10 and 15 houses, land and whatever else their greedy minds could conjure.

  39. Sharks and sprats!!

    The PIMPS are completely incompetent when it comes to creation of business activity so it stands to reason when they go outside for partners in crime they will find bigger badder asses than themselves!!

    The nature of the associations are such that due diligence is not an option.

    Everything has to be secret.

    If they would only concentrate on the jobs they were elected to do and put their delusions of grandeur aside we would live in a much happier island!!

  40. Bushie likes this new incarnation of John….
    …but then again it always starts out so sweet… 🙂
    …then there is all downhill…

    But John, at what stage would you think that a specially favoured son like Sagicor, OWES it to the dysfunctional family, to bring his newly acquired CLOUT to bear in STRAIGHTENING out the lotta shiite in the family?

    When you showered your firstborn with blessings – some think to the disadvantage of his siblings, Did you not expect …nay REQUIRE, …that when he comes into his glory, that he will BRING his siblings along with him?

    Are you therefore defending this specially favoured son choosing to run off to live with another family …because his family (which nurtured him) is now too contaminated for his continued success?
    …..Has he no RESPONSIBILITIES….?

    Come on John, why would you and Bushie always be at each others throats …?
    Let us agree on this one nuh??!!….

  41. Unlike Bushie we do not hold such notions of the role Sagicor, past or present, played.

    Indeed, it may be a rightness that such an organization is properly sent on a quest in some far-flung desert.

    What Bushie is underestimating is that this ‘favoured son’, like all the rest, can only exist in an social economy like Barbados.

    Dodridge Miller and his troupe of idiots have failed everywhere else. These idiots have not a clue how to run a global public corporation.

    Theirs, when assessed by the best metric, is worse than a common breed dog in global financial affairs.

    This current form was speciously decided upon merely to disenfranchise ordinary policyholders.

    Bushie! Does karma not demand a certain outcome.

    Otherwise, we see no circumstances where profiteering from slavery and centuries of denial of justice could avoid the damnation of Pachamama.

  42. The reincarnation of The Mutual as Sagicor is alive.

    CLICO is dead!!

    The lawyers and experts are busy picking the carcass.

    You look at the lands of Barbados Farms and see they are being worked.

    Most of the yams that are available in the supermarkets are grown by Sagicor …. well, Barbados Farms Ltd. which is owned by Sagicor

    They could have belonged to Sir COW if you recall the sale of the company!!

    It wasn’t long ago that Sagicor threatened to get out of sugar.

    The simple fact is that sugar as it has done for years (perhaps from the beginning) does not turn a profit.

    The evidence is before your eyes if you would look … the land is being worked!!

    So, if sugar does not make a profit it must follow Sagicor is subsidizing the industry and by extension Barbados!!!

    Likewise, it must have made economic sense over the generations to lose money but I won’t go into the historical facts at this point, they may upset you.

    You would be surprised to learn how, by whom and why Barbados was subsidized over the centuries.

    Sometimes it makes economic sense to lose money!!!

    You now need to go and figure out the current economic reason!!

    As time progresses the economic reasons change so don’t take too long as the economics may have changed by the time you figure it out.

    On the other hand, look at CLICO’s lands … pure bush, cow itch and miamosi waiting for permissions for development in an island that has allocated all of its water resources.

    Go and look for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    … and then think!!

  43. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    John April 24, 2017 at 5:19 PM #

    On point as usual…..facts are facts and cannot be disputed.

  44. Bajan Confucius say …..

    You can hide and buy land but you can’t hide and work it!!

  45. John
    Are you saying that Sir John Chandler Todd’s estate is not really owned by Clico?If so tell us who owns it.What about Wakefield,Pool,Lemon Arbor?

  46. What John is saying is that after over a century of exploiting Barbadians, the most that we can expect from Sagicor is that they are able to ‘stay alive’, and grow a few sweet potatoes and yams…. What an inditement…!!

    Imagine that little ‘pissy’ organisations like Emera …that started in the 1990s have come and taken over utilities from Canada to the Caribbean – making millions in the process and kicking (literally) Bajans to the curb while bringing semi-literate Canadians to run things at BL&P.

    Sandals, a “Johnny-come-lately” family business recently scammed our retarded government out of 40 years of taxes – in addition to a sweetheart deal that guarantees them easy money as well of control over Bajans as serfs in their hotels.

    Massy came from Trickidad and became the new Massa ’bout here while Republic Bank controls our money….

    …and our ‘big dog’ Sagicor has managed to ‘stay alive’ and actually grow some yams….

    Ohhh Shirt!!!
    ….no wonder Vincent is impressed….
    The man is daft….

    @ Pacha
    We are saying the same thing.
    Sagicor does not have the QUALITY management to play the kind of role that Bushie speaks of, BUT none-the-less, they OWN the responsibility.

    It speaks VOLUMES of the current lot that they choose instead to run away to a safe harbour, while burying the talent that they have been given locally…barely producing yams and sweet potatoes in an era where REAL managers are conquering the world.

    Their best hope for success slipped when Herbert left and ended up at Goddards. The pack of parasites that entrenched themselves there, feasting on the fat while contributing NOTHING are of the same vein as our current political shiite hounds.

  47. Bushie

    Chuckle….as usual…comprehension…..neither I or John indicated being impressed,simply stated the facts.

    Not surprised with your comment as you still lack the maturity to be be impressed with your ancestors be they house or yard slaves.

  48. Gabriel April 24, 2017 at 8:19 PM #
    Are you saying that Sir John Chandler Todd’s estate is not really owned by Clico?If so tell us who owns it.What about Wakefield,Pool,Lemon Arbor?

    Not been worked so somebody mussee hiding … assuming Bajan Confucius right!!

    Wonder who it could be!!

    Try the forensic report!!

    … and if Sagicor keeping its agricultural lands here running at a loss, it got to be profitable somewhere else …

    For sure, out of reach of the lawless clowns here and in a proper law abiding jurisdiction .

    So regardless of the perceived abilities of its management sounds like it is doing something right!!!!

    On this last point it doesn’t take much common sense to figure out some people ain’t got too much up top and can’t see the forest for the trees!!!!

  49. …. or Quakers!!

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