Caswell Franklyn, General Secretary of Unity Workers Union

My fondest wish is that these columns do not only provide an opportunity for me to vent but that they impart useful information to the public. To this end, I would like to share my experiences that could be beneficial to others.

So far two of my friends have trusted me to take care of their affairs after they have departed this world. In both cases they asked if I would consider being the executor of their estates. I felt humbled and honoured that they would consider me for such a sacred role and I accepted.

Unfortunately, in both cases, I have encountered banks doing their best to milk the estates by implementing unnecessary procedures and imposing fees for their work.

Just last month I turned up at a bank, accompanied by my friend’s elderly widow, with Letters Testamentary to close his bank account and hand the proceeds over to her. Letters Testamentary is a document issued by the High Court that authorises the executor of a will to take control of the estate of a deceased person.

I instructed the bank to close the account and pay the proceeds over to the widow. Having passed that way before, I was not surprised that the bank refused. Instead, they claimed that the bank’s procedure required me to open an estate account from which I would be able to make payments, since they did not disburse cash in these circumstances.

I insisted that the Letters Testamentary authorised me to operate that account and demanded legal tender. The bank manager refused to budge, which forced me to complain to the bank’s legal and compliance department. Thankfully, the legal officer resolved the matter almost immediately and I was able to obtain cash, without paying the bank any fees.

The fees were small but as far as I was concerned, the bank had no right to them. I was offended that the bank would try to extort money from the accounts of deceased persons. It is a crying shame that banks would institute unnecessary procedures to rob the dead but they are not alone.

In many instances, deceased persons leave very small estates but legal fees to obtain Letters of Administration would wipe out the greater portion of the estate. But rather than advise their clients to utilise the free procedure available to them, lawyers advise their clients to go through the courts where they can relieve the estate of the few remaining dollars.

When a deceased person leaves an estate valued less than $15,000, there is no need for a lawyer. Subsection 5. (1) of the Public Trustee Act states:

Any person who in the opinion of the Public Trustee would be entitled to apply to the High Court for an order for the administration by the High Court of an estate, the gross capital value whereof is proved to the satisfaction of the Public Trustee to be less than fifteen thousand dollars, may apply to the Public Trustee to administer the estate, and where any such application is made and it appears to the Public Trustee that the persons beneficially entitled are persons of small means, the Public Trustee shall administer the estate, unless he sees good reason for refusing to do so.

Mind you, even when a lawyer applies for Letters of Administration of these small estates, the courts seem to be complicit with the lawyers in relieving poor people of their meagre inheritance. Subsection 5. (6) states:

Where proceedings have been instituted for the administration of an estate and by reason of the small value of the estate it appears to the High Court that the estate can be more economically administered by the Public Trustee than by the High Court or that for any other reason it is expedient that the estate should be administered by the Public Trustee instead of the High Court, the High Court may order that the estate shall be administered by the Public Trustee, and thereupon (subject to any directions by the High Court) this section shall apply as if the administration of the estate had been undertaken by the Public Trustee in pursuance of this section.

The Public Trustee is the person who holds the post of Solicitor General.

145 responses to “The Caswell Franklyn Column – Robbing the Dead”

  1. So much damn bad laws and mal-administration. To stand up to the ignorance and the courts gets you labeled a troublemaker. SMH

  2. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    The lawyers in Barbados, most of them, are unethical and despicable, their no class, low class reputations precede them and nothing is too disgusting for them to do re deceiving, stealing from, selling out and disrespecting their clients, all without apology.

    The banks on the island are also particularly disgusting, they apparently train their employees to believe that at some point in time, the money you deposit to your accounts belong solely to the banks, and not to you their customers, more than one person has had to threaten to call the police when some stupid banking officer wanted to restrict withdrawl of account holder’s money…not to mention that all the banks on the island are infested with thieves who take money directly from client’s accounts, the bank discreteĺy returned the money to the account once a complaint was made. happened to me twice.

  3. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Barbados is being rolled into a backward motion re the court system, it will only get worse.

    It’s best to avoid as much as you can, lawyers, the court system and the banking system, they have become traps.

  4. While there are thieving lawyers like Carrington,there are also some who are steadfastly honest and work pro bono under the radar.
    Caswell might recall one big bank whose trustee divisional head was a big crook and was fired by the bank forthwith his client made the complaint.He like Maloney’s brother was using his position to line his pockets with deceased people’s monies,jewelry and other items deposited in their private safes and safety deposit boxes in the bank.That man was a big up in the church reading lesson and bowing to the altar and so forth.Lo and behold,guess what profession he is in nowadays…….

  5. @ Gabriel
    there are also some who are steadfastly honest and work pro bono under the radar.
    Name one…..

    Almost by definition all lawyers are questionable
    …and in Barbados VERY few of them can provide transparent answers…
    VERY FEW….if any.

    In any case, after stealing 200 grand from Peter, …what is the big deal of doing a $500 ‘pro bono favour for Paul?

  6. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Gabriel April 23, 2017 at 6:23 AM #

    Chuckle… it the same one as our fellow alumnus the ex politico……the newly minted one…..

  7. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Caswell what could the chap below have done?

    I know of a case where a chap’s aunt died without will or children(he is the only relative) and was told by a lawyer that to transfer title to him would be some percentage of the value of the property(property was in the heights&terraces area)….I cannot recall the amount….the poor fellow said that he would have to sell the property to pay the lawyer as he did not have that sort of money and all he wanted todo was to live in it with proper title.

  8. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    Looks like the mother Country is setting the pace.

    We are re-entering the world of the Victorian novel, in which suitable marriages, contested wills and misplaced legacies drive the plot, while the poor – the people without lawyers – press their faces against the window of this vigorous, scheming world and merely invite our sympathy.”
    Property feeds the roots of inequality in Britain. Inheritance will entrench it | Ian Jack
    The homes passed on from this fortunate generation to the next will determine who is rich and who is poor in years to come

  9. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    Re: Your query at 7:45

    He could have just gone and live in the house. The tax bill would continue to come out in the aunt’s name and he would continue to pay it as usual. I know of two instances where the owner of the properties died in the 1970s and the properties remain in their names.

    My grandmother died in 1995 at age 95 and her property is still in her grandmother’s name. Her grandmother died before my mother was born 85 years ago.

    You only need to change the title of the land if you are using that land a collateral for a mortgage or something like that.

  10. @Gabriel April 23, 2017 at 6:23 AM “Caswell might recall one big bank whose trustee divisional head was a big crook and was fired by the bank…Lo and behold,guess what profession he is in nowadays…”

    Don’t tell me he is a priest/pastor/religious minister?

    Oh Lord.

  11. @Vincent Haynes April 23, 2017 at 7:45 AM “Caswell what could the chap below have done? I know of a case where a chap’s aunt died without will or children(he is the only relative) and was told by a lawyer that to transfer title to him would be some percentage of the value of the property(property was in the heights&terraces area)….I cannot recall the amount….the poor fellow said that he would have to sell the property to pay the lawyer as he did not have that sort of money and all he wanted todo was to live in it with proper title.”

    I am not a lawyer.

    But working class Bajans have used a thing called “seed to seed”

    I which the estate is NOT administered.

    Since posession is 9/10th of the law, your friend could just have moved into auntie’s house and lived there until he died. Pay the taxes, pay the utilities. And if he had just one child or widow after he died they could do the same.

    Why do you think that so many estates are never administered?

    People are afraid of the legal and government fees.

  12. A problem only arises if he wants to sell the property or borrow money against it. But he would be better off when he needs to do repairs to save the workmen’s wages and once he has saved buy or “trust” the materials from a buildings materials store.

    Because in truth our legal system was created by rich people for the benefit of other rich people why are poor people getting caught up in such a system?

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Simple Simon

    Thanks both….will pass it on.

  14. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    I could not disclose the name of the bank in my article since it would not have gotten past the editor. In any event, I had the displeasure of dealing with CIBC FirstCaribbean at Oistins.

    My first interaction with the young lady at customer service was not at all unpleasant. She was professional but stuck to the bank’s procedures. When it was evident that she could not help me, I asked to see the manager. I then had the displeasure of being ushered into the office of this obnoxious woman who was at best dismissive and condescending. I tried to put my case but she basically ignored me while continuing to type away at a keyboard.

    I pointed out to her what the law required in the circumstances and she snapped back:

    “I did law too”.

    I realised that I was outclassed since I have never done law so I took my leave and decided to seek assistance elsewhere.

    I don’t know what I had ever done to this woman to be treated so discourteously. I don’t recall ever having an encounter with her but I suppose she was trying to meet some quota of fees and I was getting in the way of her achieving that goal.

    I now see why they are called WorstCaribbean.

  15. Expose Robbery Avatar

    @ Caswell

    I like the name Worst Caribbean Bank. Did major business when was Barclays. However moved my accounts sometime after merger met a lot of dishonest managers who plays golf.

    They bragged openly among other golfers in their cliche how they fleece and get away with Fraud in the bank.

    When I heard the shenigans I quietly moved my business and personal accounts to another Bank.

  16. We need good bank regulation and supervision.

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    One of thrpe same banks so infested with thieves, it’s a shame, it’s as though it only attracts employees who are uppity AND thieving..

    RBC is another bank that turns ya right off,, dont talk about Scotia, stay away from the whole system as best ya can.

  18. Caswell has put his case using his name. Those of you that have issues with banks you are encouraged to be specific and be prepared to support your claims when called upon.

  19. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    In the cases of money missing from accounts, the times money disappeared from my accounts, upon complaining or calling in fraud squad, over 20 years ago, the money was returned, the banks, not only in Barbados can ill afford the publicity so accounts are reimbursed/credited, ya will hardly find any cases where the customer did not get back their money..

  20. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Hal Austin

    You said: “We need good bank regulation and supervision”.

    Sorry to disappoint you but that is not available in Barbados.

    Sent from my iPad


  21. Caswell when she said she knows law, you should have said then you must be familiar with the word corpse.
    What pisses me off about banks up here is that they send appraisers if you are buying a home, you pay them there fee.. but have no right to the report. Since the work they get comes from the banks they always undercut the house value so instead of you having to put up 25% of the mortgage you end up putting in 30 or 35% making the banks loan more secure… pretty sleazy.

  22. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Hal loves to ask the impossible and thinks he will get a different answer each time…the island has to really hit rock bottom, I mean really hit rock bottom with reality staring at the broken spirits of the dishonest business institutions, before they will change the wholesale dishonesty from government on down, the lack of regulatory practices because governments refuse to enforce and actually stop those who are paid to from enforcing regulations, the dont carish attitudes to the plight of those who are unable to fight back the wickedness from these institutions….that time is not too far off.

  23. I rest my case. I am sure there are people out there who think we have the best system in the world.

  24. banking used to be as easy as 123 pay 1% on deposits charge 3% on loans and be on the golf course by 2

  25. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lawson….the falling twooney has them all scrambling, so keep an eye on your pockets when ya sleeping…ya gotta sleep with one eye open, ya might wake up and ya house has no roof.. lol

    Smart countries are kicking them out…they are a criminal consortium, that few countries are willing to ban..

    “Bolivia declares independence from the IMF, the World Bank and the Rothschild banking group. Bolivia has followed in the footsteps of Russia and Hungary and decided to restrict the ability of Rothschild controlled banking groups to conduct business in their country.”

    “Hungary have become the first European country to officially ban all Rothschild banks from operating in the country.

    In 2013, Hungary began the process of kicking out the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and agreed to repay the IMF bailout in full in order to rid the country of the New World Order banking cartel.”

  26. There are executors and then there are executors!!!

    I remember in the 1970’s an old lady made who she thought was an upstanding man her executor.

    Except that he was totally incompetent and existed on his image and his talk.

    One of the beneficiaries with her head on realized and went so far as to accuse the executor of theft.

    This was after going to him every week to get her interests in the estate resolved.

    She could recognize BS a mile away, even if it had no smell!!

    The accusation worked … his image was too important to him!!

    An example of the widow in the Bible!!

    In another instance I know of, monies were left to several women who had helped the deceased in her life and her old age.

    The lawyer firm dealing with it would not do its job … there were other assets which it coveted.

    Worst thing it could have done when a group of women are involved, there is always one or one who has a daughter who will not take sh!t and organize a response even if others are too timid to do anything.

    Then they work as one and a group of women with one goal and right on their side is a deadly combination!!

    It was simple and came down to the same issue, the image of the firm and the lawyer.

    All went down to James Street in a group to the lawyer firm and very politely asked the receptionist … another lady … with whom one of the beneficiaries and the deceased had worked … to see the lawyer dealing with the matter.

    He meekly wrote the various cheques and signed them … one woman I know kept a photocopy for posterity!!

    Only women know how to unlock log jams by simple means and understand how to move the wheels within wheels!!

    There is a third example I know of …. one guy I know rewrote the will of his uncle but did not know what he was doing and just observed the niceties …. One of the imitation lawyers like what we have seen on BU who knows a little …. perhaps himself even one of the legal eagles … but in his mind definitely a legal eagle.

    He created himself executor in the new will.

    This was from 1982.

    The courts, lawyers and others actually assisted him in the cover up but in so doing created a paper trail a mile long and a monster which threatens to eat them all!!

    He died last December and it becomes a question of seeing which lawyer will keep the balls in the air and avoid losing theirs!!

    One of the problems with an estate for such executors, they don’t get off the hook till they have done their job.

    It will resolve too … I hope!!

    I am told it used to be a simple matter for executors to get cash to pay funeral expenses of the deceased but even that is a chore … too many charlatans have created the necessity where banks have to be ultra careful.

    I have shown three examples of three such charlatans and the Barbados of today creates them daily.

    So Caswell, be thankful for the care the Banks are showing.

    Once you are not in the business of trying to juggle, your balls are safe!!

  27. @Caswell, good piece.

    Maybe you or Jeff have touched on this subject before but a piece from either of you giving some of the basic steps that citizens can use to facilitate a smooth transition with property and personal affairs at the time of death may yet be timely.

    As I read your article it struck me that your elder friend – unless there were reasons preventing such – could also have ensured that his wife’s name was on that bank account with ability to withdraw funds.

    That would have forestalled those letters testamentary!

    Similarly, just living (legally) in a house without title works wonderfully every time.

    What would have been really interesting is if a squatter had moved into that Aunt’s house and lived there unmolested for a year or two …let’s say surreptitiously writing checks to pay the tax bill over time…then let’s say the nephew finally decides to come back to Bim to take over his aunt’s house.

    What a legal conniption and cost he would then encounter to evict that home robbing squatter.

    Lawyers are like the fairer sex…can’t do without them! LOL.

  28. Lawson,

    It is much more blatantly dishonest than that. When you take out mortgage, you also take out a mortgage indemnity guarantee cover, , say for 75 per cent of the purchasing value of the property.
    But if there is foreclosure of the loan, of the loan, the bank will auction off the home at a 25 per cent reserve price, rather than the market value.
    The sale will usually be made a cartel who will then go on to sell at the market price. I suspect they then distribute the ‘profits’ or gains, leaving the borrower at a real lost.
    It is criminal but they get away with it.

  29. @ WW&C

    Barbadians are unique in their ability to complain about a service and rather than seek alternatives, they would find all types of excuses to maintain subscribing to that service.

    The only time I use the banks is to buy foreign exchange or change cheques.

    I believe a credit union is the better alternative to banks.

  30. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Stay away from the system, from lawyers, from the court system, lower the interactions with banks…always have someone who can co-sign for your money re banks….if possible, leave whatever you have for relatives while you are alive, co-own on properties….the system is a scam meant to rob you…and it works.

  31. LOL WW the loony can fall all it wants I bought US dollars when we were at par so my trips to the island are secured for a few more years. The falling loony has got our manufacturing is up and going it helps our exports lets us compete
    Buying a house in Toronto right now is like playing the hot potato game. Ottawa is the place to be beautiful cheap…150000 somalians cant be wrong

  32. Credit unions are good I have a commercial property with one and I am being charged the residential rate much less than a banks commercial rate with no crazy appraisal fee

  33. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Art…exactly, there is no need to engage banks but for the basics.

    …..there is no need for bajans or anyone else to fall into that trap of the ststem, it’s only minors younger than 18 who cannot contact, everyone older than 18 can contract so there is absolutely no reason for Wills… long as ya old enough to sign a contract…ya can co-own.

    If you have no relatives the bank account will be eschewed to the state, what’s the point, get rid of the money while ya alive, get rid of the properties while ya alive and make better arrangements. …stop giving life to the scam and feeding the beasts of the system.

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Helps your exports you say Lawson, did your illiterate president, not Justin, not say just last week that yall taking advantage of US and he will stop those Canadian exports, he said he dont even want yall milk, yall too unfair and the trading is one sided and he will make yall pay and be fair to the US….soon…lol

    So if I were you, I would hold off on the boast about manufacturing, exports and find another trading partner.

  35. @ Caswell

    I don’t know if the following scenario is within the context of your article.

    But I know of a situation where a mother had a son and daughter. Since she was working at the time, she asked her daughter to take care of her step-father when he became sick, until he eventually died.

    After a few years, the daughter told her mother it was time to move on, and the mother begged her to stay, which she did. The daughter also took care of her mother until she eventually died at 92 years. The son claimed he did not have any money to help bury his mother, so the daughter had to make the necessary arrangements.

    Two weeks after the funeral, the daughter saw a notice in the paper saying the son is the executor of their mother’s will. The son visited the house tell his sister their mother left the house for him, he wanted her to vacate the premises or pay rent and his lawyer wanted to see her.

    On her visit to the lawyer, she was told the house belonged to his client, WITHOUT SHOWING or GIVING her a COPY of the will.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Glad for the info on Ottawa though, could do a lot worse than Ottawa, could be forced to live in, everyone is waiting for the housing bubble to burst so they can afford a 2 or 3 bedroom condo, it’s ridiculous, I remember when housing agents had gotten that greedy in the US, of course it did not last…and now with the illiterate threatening to stop Canadian exports, hopefully the housing bubble bursts real soon.

    Will check out the credit union.

  37. You really dont know what is going on do you, you have been fawning of the french dolt and cant see this has nothing to do with exports at all. Trudeau pissed him off on the run up to president with his obama bromance. Trump is going to make him squirm just for fun.

  38. Artax I think both children inherit equally unless there is a will, I would be surprised if the daughter could not submit burial expenses, before assets are divided

  39. @Artax

    Is your mortage with a credit union? You are aware that credit unions in Barbados are constrained in the amount they can lend?

  40. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lol….it’s worth watching every minute of it though…right up until the blow back, which is inevitable.

  41. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Under the law, all children inherit equally, unless there is a living spouse, then they divvy up accordingly.

  42. CUP Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZ Avatar
    CUP Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZ

    The Banks are filled and supported by Lawyers Crooks, Liars and Scumbags , just ask top crooks Sir Richard Cheltenham and Sir C O Willians FIRST CARIBBEAN AND CIBC, wE HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS TELLING THE PUBLIC TO REMOVE YOUR CASH, MANY DONT LISTEN, BEFORE THAT WE WARN YOU ABOUT CLICO AND MANY HELD ON TO THE BOTTOM,


  43. CUP.Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI Avatar
    CUP.Violet Beckles Plantation Deeds from 1926-2017 land tax bills and no Deeds,BLPand DLP Massive land Fruad and PONZI

    Best case of robbing the dead is Beatrice Henry and Violet Beckles and check what the PMs of Barbados have done while alive and what was taken away from the people when they have died,

  44. Hal Austin April 23, 2017 at 10:39 AM #
    It is much more blatantly dishonest than that. When you take out mortgage, you also take out a mortgage indemnity guarantee cover, , say for 75 per cent of the purchasing value of the property.
    But if there is foreclosure of the loan, of the loan, the bank will auction off the home at a 25 per cent reserve price, rather than the market value.
    The sale will usually be made a cartel who will then go on to sell at the market price. I suspect they then distribute the ‘profits’ or gains, leaving the borrower at a real lost.
    It is criminal but they get away with it.

    Another trick is the old Land Tax scam.

    The purported executor won’t pay the land tax so after a while the land is put up for auction.

    ….. you know how it goes!!

    The system is corrupt but no one understands the difference between wealth and riches so it won’t be changing anytime soon!!

    It won’t be long before the real value of Barbados has been destroyed by people who don’t have a clue what it is!!

    They will be left with an awful lot of paper!!

    There has been a devaluation going on for the past 50 odd years the last stages of which we now watch as the ratings plummet and the talk of a physical devaluation becomes rampant.

    These are the last steps down!!

  45. Caswell are you following Minister on the talk show today? He just categorically denied that there is political interference with permanent secretaries by government.

  46. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I have too much respect for myself to suffer through any programme featuring Donville Inniss. When I got in the car, I heard his voice and I promptly turned it off.

    Sent from my iPad

  47. @Caswell

    The problem with Donville is that he cloaks all of his interventions in political speak when there is no need.

  48. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Did you hear the condescending way Innis treated Grenville over the ISO issue.

    He seems to have taken control of the program with Price letting him.

  49. The man (Grenville) is an engineer of repute and president of BAPE. Imagine if this is the approach in public what happens down in his Fontabelle offices.

  50. Vincent Haynes Avatar


    Grenville,sorry to say this because it should not mater…..lacks charisma,a strong voice and the ability to cower his opponent…..2 out of those 3 things are essential tools for a politician.

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