Jeff Cumberbatch - Columnist, Barbados Advocate
Jeff Cumberbatch – Columnist, Barbados Advocate

“A successful president need not have a degree in constitutional law. But he should understand the Constitution’s grant of executive power.” “He should share Hamilton’s vision of an energetic president leading the executive branch in a unified direction, rather than viewing the government as the enemy. He should realize that the Constitution channels the president toward protecting the nation from foreign threats, while cooperating with Congress on matters at home.” –James Yoo, University of California (Berkeley)

I feel almost a sense of compulsion to apologize to readers of the Barbados Advocate for returning for a second week to a commentary on the any matter associated with the ne’er-do-well Trump presidency in the US. This is even more keenly felt when locally there is much fodder for a columnist; last week’s launching of what claims hopefully to be a third political way; an unseemly public disagreement between Board and Governor at the Central Bank; and an overdue determination from the Prime Minister as to the viability of the controversial Bridgetown Hyatt project However, today’s effort is concerned only tangentially with what is swiftly morphing into a U S kakistocracy and pertains rather to the ongoing battle between the Trump administration and the courts for the constitutional governance of the republic.

A few columns back, I had tentatively advanced the thesis that President Trump, having been abandoned by some of the leading lights of the Republican party under whose banner he ostensibly campaigned, might have adopted an attitude of “I-can–and-will-do-it-myself” and thereby assume the role of a latter-day monarch. While I am not prepared to argue whether or not this has become an actuality, his attitude towards judicial rulings that have been adverse to him leads one to conclude that he is behaving less than merely a disgruntled litigant and more like one who regards the prudential application of the law as an officious gadfly to his overweening ambitions.

To bring the point closer home, if this were a game of cricket in the road and the bat and ball were his, he would have long ago taken both up and gone home in a huff after disagreeing vehemently with the umpire’s verdict that he was clearly out.

Readers will be reminded that both the “so-called judge”, as Robart J. was so irreverently termed, and the three judge federal appeals panel have rejected President Trump’s attempt to prohibit entry into the US of nationals from seven largely Muslim nations. These rulings have driven a ZR through a major plank of the president’s efforts to “make America great again”, the appeals court ruling stating that the Trump administration had shown no evidence that anyone from the embargoed nations had committed or were likely to commit terrorist acts in the US. Mr Trump’s bold openly voiced discriminatory threat to ban Muslims as a whole could scarcely have helped his cause since such a sentiment clearly betrays an intention to discriminate on grounds of religious affiliation, a patently unconstitutional act, and relegates to an afterthought the consideration of national security.

The matter now moves to the Supreme Court for consideration. However, an initial hurdle for the governing administration is whether the case will be taken at all by that body. In a brilliant and well researched article, Controlling Inherent Presidential Power: Providing a Framework for Judicial Review”, published in the Southern California Law Review, Professor Edward Chemerinsky of the De Paul University College of Law argues that “most suits to have a President’s act declared unconstitutional never reach the Supreme Court…” He references in support a number of instances among dozens where this has occurred, including disputes as to the authority of the President to impose wage price guidelines on government contractors and as to his authority to impose a 10% surcharge on most articles imported into the United States.

Even if the Supreme Court should decide to try the matter, however, the current jurisprudence is woefully unsettled. The author notes no fewer than four approaches to the question of whether the opening words of Article II of the Constitution to the effect that “the Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America’ are to be construed as vesting the President with powers not enumerated in the Article.

There are those, doubtless including Mr Trump himself, who hold fast to the interpretation that the President’s powers are untrammelled and that he is permitted to exercise authority not specifically granted by the Constitution, while others are, contrastingly, of the considered opinion that such plenary authority would be inconsistent with a Constitutional ethos of a government with restricted authority.

According to Professor Chemerinsky’s analysis, the approaches used by the lower Courts range from a clear denial of any inherent judicial power at all and that he must act pursuant to constitutional or statutory authority only, to the existence of a broad and substantial inherent authority, especially, interestingly enough in the current context, in the field of foreign affairs.

In accordance with the first perception, there is no room in US governance for a “presidential prerogative” equivalent to the “royal prerogative” claimed by British monarchs of yore and still claimed by some to extend to the local Governor General, itself an office created by Constitutional provision and thus inherently of limited authority. On this approach, if there is no condign constitutional provision authorizing the president’s action, then it is unconstitutional.

As for the broad authority in international relations approach that the lawyers for the President will doubtless be hewing towards in their arguments, this limits the narrow approach to internal matters only. In one 1936 decision, the judge wrote:

“ The two classes of powers (domestic and foreign are different, both in respect of their origin and their nature. The broad statement that the federal government can exercise no powers except those specifically enumerated in the Constitution…is categorically true only in respect of our internal affairs…”

This approach reminds us “we are here dealing not with an authority vested in the President by an exertion of legislative power, but with such an authority plus the very delicate plenary and exclusive power of the President as the sole organ of the federal government in the field of international relations…”

Nonetheless, as if presaging the current dispute, after these dicta acknowledge that this power does not require as a basis for its exercise an act of Congress, it concludes ominously for the Trump administration:

“…but which, of course, like every other government power, must be exercised in subordination to the applicable provisions of the Constitution….”

The right to due process before any abrogation of an existing right is one such entrenched therein.

To be continued….

368 responses to “The Jeff Cumberbatch Column – The Rule of Law and Presidential Authority”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Pacha…the earth and it’s people are in a very bad place right now, because of mankinds dirty actions through the centuries.

    And keeping dirty secrets for minorities will not help the majority’s cause either, they love to snitch on each other but keep secrets for everyone else, that is their business.

    Another icon passes through this life to day, loved his music, famous for “We’re in this Love Together”

    “Legendary jazz singer Al Jarreau died on Sunday. He was 76.

    A message on the seven-time Grammy winner’s website announced his passing, but did not list a cause of death.”

  2. Having an in-depth understanding of the machinery of the law, and being able to advance Inventive ideas capable of tranforming our system of jurisprudence more efficiently aren’t one and the same. One can have a theoretical understanding of military strategy, but until boots hit the ground to put the strategy/ theory in practice, such strategy/theory is to no avail.

  3. “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

    I just finished reading the US constitution and these words were not found therein. However, I find that they are inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. They are apparently from a poem written in the 1880’s called the New Colossus.

    Just saying.

  4. The West called Mandela a terrorist too.

    This happens over and over again

    When he decided to become their lackey and sell-out the South Africans, then he was accorded all kinds of accolades.

    To us he became a traitor and deserved a traitor’s death.

    We do not accept instructions as to how we should think from neither Whitehall nor Washington. Only slaves do.

  5. Pach

    West probably arrived at the conclusion that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist because he was the first person in the youth wing of African National Congress to introduced violence in the apartheid struggle.

  6. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Bajans…most people do not know how to read the Constitution and it’s preambles….I will not help anyone else with understanding the constitution after this, the information is there, you have to read to find it…that’s why I asked Dompey how long it took him to read the constitution in its original format…

    “I. The Constitution does not Justify Ignoring the Benefits of Immigration for Immigrants.

    The Preamble to the Constitution states that the document’s purpose is to “form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Some opponents of immigration claim that the inclusion of the phrase “ourselves and our posterity” suggests that the Constitution was only meant to benefit present US citizens and their descendants, thereby justifying the US government in ignoring the rights and welfare of potential migrants in making decisions on immigration policy. However, the term “posterity,” as used in the Preamble, is probably metaphorical rather than literal – denoting future residents of the United States in general rather than merely just those who were citizens in 1787 and their descendants. In the 18th century, as today, the word “posterity” was often used to denote “future generations” in general rather than merely the biological descendants of a particular group of people. In 1787, and for almost a century thereafter, the US had a virtual open borders policy, and the Framers of the Constitution had no intention of changing that. They knew that millions of immigrants would be among the “posterity” referred to in the Preamble.

    Even if we assume that the “posterity” referred to in the Preamble really does refer only to those who were citizens in 1787 and their descendants, it does not follow that that the Constitution justifies ignoring the effects of immigration restrictions on would-be immigrants. As the Founding Fathers well knew, there are moral limits on what governments are allowed to do in pursuit of the interests of their citizens. For example, the United States has no right to invade Mexico and enslave its people – even if doing so would enhance “the general welfare” of Americans. Similarly, there are moral constraints on the extent to which the US government is justified in forcibly consigning would-be immigrants to lives of poverty and oppression in Third World countries. Neither the Preamble nor any other part of the Constitution states that the US government is entitled to ignore moral constraints on the means it uses to achieve the goals of the Constitution.

    A closely related restrictionist argument is the claim that aliens are not entitled to the various constitutional rights enumerated in the Constitution. In reality, most of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are extended to all persons who enter areas governed by the United States, whether citizens or not. As James Madison put it at the Virginia ratifying convention for the Constitution, “[I]t does not follow, because aliens are not parties to the Constitution, as citizens are parties to it, that whilst they actually conform to it, they have no right to its protection.” In the few cases where the Constitution really does protect only citizens, the term “citizens” is explicitly used, as in the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV, Section 2. Such explicit references to citizens would be unnecessary if there was an implicit understanding that all constitutional rights are limited to citizens alone.”

  7. Pach

    Mendela, used to destroy the infrastructure of South Africa by blowing up trains etc.

  8. DT’s latest tweet.

    Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump 16m16 minutes ago

    Just leaving Florida. Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the FAKE NEWS media refuses to mention. Very dishonest!

  9. Well Well

    The Reality is: the American Constitution means what the Nine Individuals on the Supreme Court said it mean…bottom-line. How can you honestly justify imprisoning American citizens of Japanese descent during World War 2, and disregarding the German and Italian Americans who were also fighting allies? Was FDR executive order racially motivated?

  10. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    A closely related restrictionist argument is the claim that aliens are not entitled to the various constitutional rights enumerated in the Constitution. In reality, most of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are extended to all persons who enter areas governed by the United States, whether citizens or not.

    You are right, WW&C, the position is identical here in Barbados!

  11. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    If I volunteer information on the constitution fine…..but dont try to test me on a topic in which i excel….it took me one year to read and understand the constitution in its original format the first time…the original format is the old english language with…ye, thy, thee, thence…..when settlers first started to organize….etc, etc….old english is very difficult to decipher and I read at that time many years ago 250…400 words a minute….while digesting information and it still took me one year….you can never find what you are looking for in one day in that document…it takes judges days to find information, if there is no set precedent…

    …..unless you know how to read the constitution ya cant say this information does not exist, that is how I know……Dompey lied……the Constitution provides for huddled masses…ya just have no know how to read it.

    The constitution was not created to protect citizens only…they imbedded their own clauses and articles to protect citizens.

  12. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Jeff…I believe most countries have that policy..but there are still processes and protocols to observe.

  13. Jeff

    We are cognizant of the rights allotted to alients who reside in American territories, but that doesn’t not go without saying that the right to vote, the right to bear Arms, the right to server on a jury etc, does not apply to alients.

  14. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    That’s all in trump’s mind…lol

  15. Dompey February 12, 2017 at 6:42 PM #
    Well Well
    The Reality is: the American Constitution means what the Nine Individuals on the Supreme Court said it mean…bottom-line. How can you honestly justify imprisoning American citizens of Japanese descent during World War 2, and disregarding the German and Italian Americans who were also fighting allies? Was FDR executive order racially motivated?

    Germany and Italy did not attack America, Japan did, and it did so in a way that could only rile up America and create intense hatred and distrust.

    Once America declared war on Japan, Germany then declared war on America and Italy followed suit.

    Germany did not have to declare war on America but when Hitler did it is said Churchill was over the moon!!

    He knew winning was only a matter of time.

    As an aside, a lesson in history, FDR was a democrat!!!

    Until he came to power and instituted the New Deal, Blacks in America were Republicans, the party of Abraham Lincoln, the party that freed them from slavery.

    The Democrats were the enemy … the party that fought to keep slavery, that founded the KKK and then revived it in the early 1900’s.

    It was also the party that resisted giving women the vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The New Deal enticed Blacks away from the Republican Party and they got into bed with those they considered the devil.

    … and the Democrats instituted internment …. the Republicans stopped it!!

    … at least so says Dinesh D’Souza!!

  16. Jeff

    And jobs such as a law enforcement office, working in the post office, or pratt and Whitney which makes military aircraft, and handling sensitive equipment in the military, are all restricted to alients. So it is not as simple as you think Jeff!

  17. Piece,
    I do know of the people you think I do not know. I told you I was born in Wellington Street, I grew up in Jemmott’s Lane, and for a short time, when still a child, we lived atop a Baker shop in Halls Road, at the corner of Halls Road and Belmont Road. My first job in the Government Service was as “Enquiry Officer” at the General Hospital. I know of the difficulty of poor people. Don’t try to make me what I am not. The Law is there for the use of citizens.
    the words are on the Statue of Liberty. You are correct they are not in the Constitution. A French Sculptor who designed and had built, the Statue, had these words printed on the statue.These words and the intent have served their purpose, when Europeans flocked to migrate to the U.S., and now Trump seeks to isolate the country from the rest of the world. But when they were reciting the words of Manifest Destiny, there were no restrictions placed on the same Europeans.
    David, I think I figured out the time difference. Are you (and the blog) located in England? This would account for the four hour difference between the time the contribution was posted by you and the time in Barbados. No wonder your posts follow a distinct pattern, in language and political direction. I now understand certain things.

  18. ….. incidentally, the Internment camps came into force as a result of an Executive Order of the then President … FDR … a Democrat

    Number 9066!!

    He rescinded the order in 1944 and the last internment camp was closed in 1945.

    Japanese Americans fought in the US army, 442nd regiment.

    The 442nd Regiment was the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in the history of American warfare.

  19. John

    Southern democrats lets get that straight John because slavery was their bread and butter, on the other hand, nothern democrats fought against the institution of slavery because their bread and butter was in industry.

  20. Dopey,
    Why do you need a visa to go on a cruise that leaves Puerto Rico; a U.S. dependency. Do Trumps rulings (Executive Orders) apply here? You bet your as they do.

  21. “In December 1944 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Ex parte Mitsuye Endo that it was beyond the power of the War Relocation Authority “to detain citizens against whom no charges of disloyalty or subversiveness have been made for a period longer than that necessary to separate the loyal from the disloyal.” ”

  22. John,
    Blacks fought in the Second World War, with valour and honour; they fought in the Air Force with distinction, but they were still segregated, and subjected to discrimination even after the wAR. TRUMP IS JUST FOLLOWING, OR CONTINUING THE PATTERN. THE ATTEMPTS TO UNRAVEL ALL THAT OBAMA HAS DONE OR ACHIEVES IS JUST TO TRY TO ERASE A LEGACY OF ACHIEVEMENT THAT A BLACK MAN HAS ESTABLISHED. A LOT TO DO WITH THE VEHEMENCE OF THE TEA PARTY. Tough titty, Obama achieved what Trump can never achieve. He does not have the class, the education, or the smarts to do it.

  23. Looks like internment camps were legal but could only be used for as long as it was possible to make “a determination as to loyalty” ….. in today’s parlance … “extreme vetting”!!

    If you want to go to the USA and become a citizen it does not take a genius to comprehend that you have to be loyal to the country.

    You can’t expect to waltz in and disrupt its citizens in their pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!!

  24. John

    You know as well as I do that Abraham Lincoln true intent was to save the Union rather than to freed slaves. This is well documented in the history books of America John!

  25. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dompey…for the millionth time…maybe you will understand it this way…you went to the US as an were processed, received greencard in 5 years, citizenship in another 3…or vice versam ah cant remember….the constitution provided for your processing….as with everyone else in the world who enters the did not enter the US as US citizen, many enter as greencard holders..

    …..the constitution provides for all huddled masses to enter from as far back as the 1700s, in those years it was with just IDs if ya had any to enter, these days it’s visa…..entry is still a given right under the constitution…then they are processed.

    Ya better hope the civil liberties and others stay on trump or you will find him trying to add amendments to the preambles and revoke citizenships fir certain countries…he already targeted greencard holders, lots of them are still trying to return to the USA…

    …..under ideal circumstances. ..contrived or otherwise, citizenships can be revoked..lthe constitution is all that’s standing in the way right now.

    Too many of yall have to be spoonfed information…yall are not babies…it’s disgraceful. .

  26. Well Well,
    Founding Fathers my ass. They were a bunch of well to do and rich revolutionaries; read terrorists, an “out-lorded bunch”, in Bajan parlance.

  27. Alvin Cummins February 12, 2017 at 7:22 PM #
    Blacks fought in the Second World War, with valour and honour; they fought in the Air Force with distinction, but they were still segregated, and subjected to discrimination even after the wAR.

    Agree, Americans regardless of colour fought in the second world war ….. but segregation arises through the Democratic party … Obama’s Party!!!

  28. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar


    And jobs such as a law enforcement office, working in the post office, or pratt and Whitney which makes military aircraft, and handling sensitive equipment in the military, are all restricted to alients. So it is not as simple as you think Jeff!”

    @ Dompey, as is the case here too, so what is your point?

  29. Check Dinesh D’Souza!!

    … or do some reading

  30. Well Well

    Would never happen! I suggest you read the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution Well Well. Two grounds for revocation: treason and falsification of citizenship application Well Well. Do you know Abrahsm Lincoln revoked General Lee citizenship for teason and reinstated after the war.

  31. Well Well,
    I agree with you. Even though people like John and Dompey, have hundreds of examples; like children born of immigrants, who are naturalized (citizens), but whose parents were born overseas, they can be sent back to the county of their birth for infractions of the law. Even though they may have no connection with the previous country. Dopey et al just refuse to open their eyes and see the country for what it is.

  32. They were a bunch of well to do and rich revolutionaries; read terrorists, an “out-lorded bunch”, in Bajan parlance

    Do some reading!!

  33. Well Well

    It takes a two-thirds majority in Congress at every state legislature amend the Constitution

  34. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Alvin…we know that…they made it up as they went along…but they needed the huddled masses to populate the union…there were two few of them for money to circulate efficiently, they were building a new country on someone else’s lands.. ….they needed free labor, more people meant jobs, industry, greed………etc.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And you think it has never been done before…right Dompey….and it will never be done again.

  36. Alvin Cummins

    Give one example where a naturalized American citizen had his or her citizenship revoked and was deported to Barbados? It only apply to green card holder Alvin.

  37. John,
    Bull turd. Segregation and discrimination are within the psyche of the whites of the U.S, regardless of their political affiliation. Trump is a Republican. How many BLACKS have ANY positions in the present Administration?. When a Political Party, can elect a person like Jeff Sessions, as Attorney General, with no dissenting voices, and attempts to silence a person like Senator Warren, when she tried to draw attention to Sessions, past attempts to suppress Blacks and their intention to vote, what language should be used to censure that party/

  38. Alvin and Well Well, I suggest ,yall read the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

  39. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dompey…why dont you make up your mind….a president revoked a general’s citizenship and somehow you believe your citizenship is safe….

    …..these are man made laws that can be revoked and reinstated at will, do you know how many people have been deported and years later reproceesed back into the US…if ya did you would stop believing ya so special.

  40. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    And with illiterate trump….all things illegal are possible, he may not get away with it, but what’s to stop him from trying.

  41. Dopey,
    If you have not seen the Barbadian produced movie “Sweet Bottom”, you should try and see it. Check the jails and see what has happened here. There was a gruesome murder some few years ago; I think the perpetrator was sentenced some months ago. He was one of those who was sent back from the U.S. Check the jails in Jamaica and Trinidad, AND OTHER CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES TO SEE THE EFFECTS OF THIS LEGISLATION. CHECK THE COMPLAINTS MADE BY CARIBBEAN GOVERNMENTS TO THE U.S. AGAINST THIS LEGISLATION. Check for yourself. And it was done before Obama became President.

  42. Well Well

    I just gave you the two grounds upon which your citizenship can be revoked: teason and falsification of your citizenship application. General Lee citizenship was revoked because he committed teason against the United States government.

  43. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Reasons for stripping citizenships can be real….with mentally ill leaders, they can also be manufactured. …but they are possible.

    Every country has a right to take back citizenship…even from born citizens.

    Ya remember Conrad Black is probably still begging back Canada for his born citizenship after he gave it up to get a UK pimp title…moved to the US…served time in prison for some crime, got stripped of his pimp title by UK, deported by US back to Canada and had to settle for a temporary entry document from Canada…he was born in Canada….ok

  44. Alvin Cummins

    It is very rare for a naturalized American citizen to be denaturalized and deported to Barbados, and I yet to read about it. A lot of the guys who are deported back to Barbados are green card holders and many of them have criminal records- which made it impossible for them to obtain their citizenship anyway.


    You are not dealing in reality.

    More than 60% of the states of the United States of America voted to toss Obama’s policies … remember, Clinton’s platform was she would continue with the policies

    She and the policies of Obama were tossed!!!!

    Donald Trump is the legacy of Obama!!!!

    Wake up and stop dealing in fantasy!!

    The election is over, the majority won!!!

  46. Segregation and discrimination are within the psyche of the whites of the U.S, regardless of their political affiliation.

    Who are the whites?

    The whites were created … according to D’Souza … to shift blame from the Democratic Party, the party of Obama and Clinton away from themselves!!

    Like how Hitler used the Jews as his scapegoat the Democratic Party used the “White Man” and “The South” to shift blame.

    It does make sense … and it works because people can be easily manipulated and led up the garden path.

    Most people are gullible!!

  47. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    The illiterate had a rethink and wants a fight…lol…what they refuse to process in their heads is they cannot violate the constitution, they will have to bite the bullet and change the constitution, if they want to do illegal things….it will be interesting….impeahment will be swift.

    Donald Trump’s policy adviser says ‘all options’ are open for travel ban

    ‘The judiciary is not supreme’ senior policy adviser insists in whirlwind of TV appearances

    Rachel Roberts 2 hours ago1 comment

    Steohen Miller did the rounds of US news network shows to say Mr Trump is not willing to bow down to the judiciary on his controversial travel ban ABC

    Donald Trump’s senior policy adviser Stephen Miller appeared on four major US news shows in the space of a few hours to confirm the President will continue to fight the courts over his controversial travel ban.

    “We are considering and pursuing all options,” said Mr Miller, who played a key role in the initial drafting of the ban.

    Speaking to Fox News he said those options include seeking an emergency stay at the Supreme Court to suspend the block on the ban, continuing the appeal with the panel, having an emergency hearing or going to the trial court at district level as well as drafting a fresh order.

    The ban caused chaos and howls of protest when Mr Trump signed his executive order temporarily barring access to the US from citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, but has been halted by the courts following several legal challenges.

    One possibility the Court of Appeal suggested is that the order be redrafted so that it does not risk violating the US constitution, which forbids discrimination on the grounds of religion.

    Mr Miller, who previously worked for Tea Party founder Michele Bachman and then for Mr Trump’s new Attorney General Jeff Sessions, said the President is not willing to bow down to the courts over his “extreme vetting” policy.

    “The point I want to make to your listeners is that we have equal branches of Government in his country,’ Mr Miller told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

    “The judiciary is not supreme.

    “A district judge in Seattle cannot force the president of the United States to change their laws and our Constitution because of their own personal views,” he said in a reference to Judge James Robart, who suspended the ban after it was challenged in the state of Washington.

    Donald Trump says his travel ban was written ‘perfectly’
    Mr Trump appealed this ruling, but the San Francisco based 9th Circuit Court of Appeals did not block Mr Robart’s ruling and the ban remains on hold.

    The President called this a “political decision” and told judges he would “see (them) in court”, suggesting he was prepared to take the case to the Supreme Court – although it is thought likely by legal experts that he would lose.”

  48. @ David

    Skippa, Is Bushie the only person who noticed that Jeff has at last agreed to bring life to BUP …and to make his valuable talents available to the country of Brassbados?
    Shiite man, this is the best news to hit this forsaken place since Dompey left these shores.

    In response to the below plea from the bushman…..
    “WE NEED you here boss…”

    Jeff responded @ 4:44 PM…
    @ Bush Tea,
    And I am a seriously considering answering the call!

    Surely you recognise that, coming from a man who thinks deeply BEFORE he speaks, this tells us that Jeff is not only going to BUP, but to draw Caswell and a few other reluctant, but TALENTED people along with him….

    David boy!!!!
    …there may be hope yet….. 🙂

  49. Well Well & Consequences Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences

    Dompey…..if you read this you will see General Lee’s citizenship was only restored 100 years after he died, he was a beast and a slave owner anyway….read and see why he lost citizenship.

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